[arvados-workbench2] created: 2.5.0

git repository hosting git at public.arvados.org
Thu Dec 22 19:06:20 UTC 2022

        at  17baa47df78483c60d1352482a271f22e1a31299 (tag)
   tagging  bdd9fd7a53ea02db15e23acb03f995ee42b0c594 (commit)
  replaces  2.4.0
 tagged by  Peter Amstutz
        on  Thu Dec 22 14:05:38 2022 -0500

Release notes at https://arvados.org/release-notes/2.5.0/

Daniel KutyƂa (61):
      18834: Fixed uploading file to a subdirectory, added tests
      18834: Fixed failing tests
      18834: Re-enabled check
      18834: Unit tests added
      18834: fixed double path separator
      Merge branch '18834-uploading-a-file-into-a-subdirectory-of-a-collection-does-not-work' into main
      18692: Initial frozen project implementation with tests
      19052: fixed wrong owner being displayed added test
      Merge branch '19052-fix-for-wrong-owner-on-search-list' into main
      18692: added lock iton to the breadcrumbs
      18203: added support for adding multi properties at once
      18203: Added test for multiple properties creation
      Merge branch '18203-Support-setting-multi-properties-at-once' into main
      Merge branch 'main' into 18692-frozen-projects-workbench-support
      19153: Use server configuration
      18692: Replaced icons, fixed context menu confusion
      18692: Fixed project not refreshing post freeze
      18692: Fixed failing tests
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into 18692-frozen-projects-workbench-support
      18692: Fixed failing collection tests
      18692: Fixed collection beeing editable within the details panel
      18692: Fixed error formatting
      18692: Disabled CI test which blocks the CI
      18692: Changed Snackbar closing
      18692: Disabled CI test which blocks the CI
      18692: Disabled CI test which blocks the CI
      18692: Changed logic for the isWritable property of a collection
      18692: Changed logic for snackbar
      18692: File and project picker display changes
      19051: Added quote handling in the search
      19051: Removed 'only' from the Cypress test
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into 19051-handle-quotes-in-search
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into 18692-frozen-projects-workbench-support
      18692: Cypress test fixes
      18692: Snackbar changes
      Merge branch '19051-handle-quotes-in-search' into main
      18692: Collection panel changes
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into 18692-frozen-projects-workbench-support
      18692: Env file removal
      18692: Tmp only added
      18692: Test changes
      18692: Snackbar changes
      18692: Aditional while loop variable added
      18692: Aditional while loop variable added
      18692: Fixed context menu naming
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into 18692-frozen-projects-workbench-support
      18692: removed snackbar auto hide
      18692: changed snackbar autohide
      18692: changed snackbar autohide
      18692: Removed tests relation on snackbar
      19311: Added check for initial clear
      Merge branch '18692-frozen-projects-workbench-support' into main
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into 19311-Project-Search-field-auto-clears
      19311: changed search component to a functional style
      19311: changed search component to a functional style
      Merge branch '19311-Project-Search-field-auto-clears' into main
      19275: Fix for race conditions in the full text search bar
      Merge branch '19275-Race-condition-in-search-bar-auto-suggest' into main
      19786: changed background location
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into 19786-Links-on-inactive-user-screen-are-not-clickable
      Merge branch '19786-Links-on-inactive-user-screen-are-not-clickable' into main

Lisa Knox (39):
      19690: dummy option now displays in colimn-selector
      19690: uuid column goodish
      19690: created and deleteAt columns up
      19690: description hover hacked in
      19690: fixed stray null description
      19690: fixed UUID display
      19690: tidy up
      19690: metadata and portabledatahash columns up
      version column up
      fileCount column up Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa.knox at curii.com>
      Container req state up & properties removed
      standardized nullish grid cells to display hyphens i nnstead of nothing or (none)
      changed processState display to get data from getProcess rather than getResource
      process parent uuid column up, minor fixes Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa.knox at curii.com>
      container uuid column up
      output UUID column up
      log uuid collumn up
      removed testing lorem ipsum
      rearranged new columns, standardized some variable namames
      removed redubdant "state" column
      remodified_by_user_uuid column up, minor readablity changes Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa.knox at curii.com>
      relinkified outputUuid and logUuid for processes, removed public/config.json  Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa.knox at curii.com>
      fixed padding in columnSelector items to render more on screen
      removed description column Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa.knox at curii.com>
      swapped portable data hash and version columns/menu items  Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa.knox at curii.com>
      added runtime column, accommodated for non-process values  Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa.knox at curii.com>
      Merge branch '19690-roject-column-options' closes #19690 Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa.knox at curii.com>
      initial collapse functionality, also fixed random typo Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa.knox at curii.com>
      css-only collapse working Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa.knox at curii.com>
      collapse toggle button in main app bar, redux store set up to handle state change Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa.knox at curii.com>
      added side-panel-reducer file, minor code cleanup Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa.knox at curii.com>
      minor cleanup Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa.knox at curii.com>
      strengthened type checking in various new components Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa.knox at curii.com>
      styled panel-collapse icon Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa.knox at curii.com>
      Merge branch '19434-collapse-left-panel' closes #19434
      19434: moved toggle icon inside left panel, accounted for window resizing, disabled panel resize while collapsed
      19434: imported and styled collapsify icons, minor cleanup
      19434: fixed flex-wrap
      19434: fixed ripple shape, moved some inline styles to where they should be

Lucas Di Pentima (112):
      Disable video compression to save test run time. No issue #
      Merge branch 'cypress-video-handling'. No issue #
      18881: Adds runtime_status support on container model.
      18881: Fixes process state indicator, with tests.
      18881: Improves process filtering by status. Adds tests.
      18881: Adds runtime_status indicator to the process info card.
      18881: Improves & expands resource handling commands.
      18881: Adds integration test for error & warning runtime status indicators.
      18881: Adds timeouts to flaky tests to avoid false negatives.
      18881: Make all process status widgets consistent. Updates tests.
      18881: Fixes the "non-status" indication on objects that aren't processes.
      Merge branch '18881-process-runtime-status'. Closes #18881
      18972: Avoids data table flickering when reloading data on the same route.
      18972: Records the last refresh click on localStorage for others to act on.
      18972: Improves implementation on DataExplorer's "loading..." indicator.
      Merge branch '18972-all-procs-flickering-fix'. Closes #18972
      18881: Fixes the Failing state's color, from red to orange.
      Merge branch '18881-failing-state-color-fix'. Refs #18881
      19045: Respects error & warning details newlines on display.
      19045: Respects also newlines on error/warning summaries.
      19045: Improves padding on several places.
      Merge branch '19045-runtime-status-details-fix'. Closes #19045
      16115: Adds sharing token management methods to ACA service, with tests.
      16115: Removes unused import.
      16115: Fixes filter building for list equality comparison.
      16115: Adds collection's sharing URL management component and actions.
      16115: Updates the sharing dialog to support sharing URLs.
      16115: Further sharing dialog cleanup.
      16115: Further code cleaning and permission handling improvements.
      16115: Fixes sharing URL building for per-collection domain configs.
      16115: UI consistency between tabs. Removes unnecessary code splitting.
      16115: Refresh permission management form on tab change.
      16115: Adds unit tests to SharingURLsComponent.
      16115: Fixes cypress tests.
      16115: Sets api_client as trusted in order to handle tokens.
      16115: Improves link rendering. Adds tests.
      16115: Fixes cypress test.
      16115: Adds expiration date param to sharing url service method.
      16115: Adds inline DateTime picker to the sharing URLs dialog.
      16115: Brings back the Visibility Level form.
      16115: Sets expiration date's minutes & seconds to zero.
      16115: Adds warning notice for private visibility with active sharing urls.
      Merge branch '16115-sharing-links'. Closes #16115
      18787: Separating the wheat from the chaff. This changes should be innocuous.
      18787: Attempts to diminish the indentation madness, improving readability.
      18787: Avoids doing useless webdav PROPFIND calls with empty strings as UUIDs.
      18787: Removes remaining traces of old big collection loading check.
      18787: Removes explicit collection reload after file operations.
      18787: Removes unnecessary store init to avoid forced refreshes.
      18787: WIP -- commit to test jenkins test pipeline.
      18787: Fix post rebase
      18787: Fixes rebasing issues.
      18787: Further improves code readability.
      18787: Removes unnecessary action.
      18787: Removes unnecessary prop mapping code.
      18787: Fixes test.
      18787: Avoids re-rendering by only dispatching SET_COLLECTIONS when needed.
      18787: Removes debugging console logging messages.
      Merge branch '18787-file-browser-rerendering-fix'. Closes #18787
      19177: Hides 'Sharing URLs' tab from Sharing dialog when configured to do so.
      19007: Brings the "More options" menu button back to the file browser.
      19007: Removes unused code from the old file browser.
      19007: Expands tests.
      Merge branch '19177-sharing-urls-ui-config'. Closes #19177
      Merge branch '19007-file-browser-action-button'. Closes #19007
      18975: Sets log viewer's "follow mode" mode ON by default.
      18975: Changes links' color to improve contrast and readability.
      18975: Improves word wrapping status indication on log viewer.
      18975: Adds 'Main logs' filter selection. Fixes filter dynamic population.
      18975: Adds keepstore logs to the log viewer filters.
      18975: Fixes log viewer's follow mode when maximized.
      18975: Makes UUID & PDH clicking on log viewer to open a new tab.
      Merge branch '18975-log-improvements'. Closes #18975
      19465: Replaces hover-to-scroll with click-to-scroll behavior in MPV button bar
      19465: Resets the selected panel on scrolling.
      19465: Improves panel buttons styling.
      19465: Removes unused code.
      19465: Removes unused icons code.
      Merge branch '19465-minimal-fix'. Closes #19465
      Upgrades caniuse-lite package. No issue #
      Disables WebDAV caching on Cypress tests. No issue #
      Merge branch 'caniuse-lite-upgrade'. No issue #
      19311: Improves unit test.
      19300: Adds un-maximize functionality to the MPV component suite.
      19300: Adds un-maximize button to every maximizable panel.
      19300: Fixes unit test warning.
      19300: Hides close [X] button when panel is maximized.
      19300: Disables maximiza button instead of hiding it when panel is maximized.
      Merge branch '19300-unmaximize-panels'. Closes #19300
      19631: Adds panel title and icon to subprocesses.
      19631: Fixes toolbar icons alignment on subprocesses panel.
      19631: Removes unused styling code on Search component.
      Merge branch '19631-subprocess-panel-title'. Closes #19631
      19687: Fixes log panel scrolling behavior in Safari.
      Merge branch '19687-log-scrolling-safari'. Closes #19687
      19732: Adds test assertion exposing the bug.
      19732: Removes 'require' validation on Property form fields.
      19691: Passes showErrors param on service layer's update method.
      19691: Avoid showing generic errors on collection & project update dialogs.
      19691: Passes showErrors param on service layer's create method.
      19691: Avoid showing generic errors on collection & project create dialogs.
      19691: Show unknown errors on project & collection creation dialogs.
      19691: Adds tests.
      19691: Improves error message reporting.
      19691: Fixes default param passing on common-service's update() method.
      Merge branch '19691-dialog-error-handling'. Closes #19691
      19851: Requests additional logs if necessary.
      19851: Uses API.MaxItemsPerResponse setting for log requests.
      Merge branch '19732-properties-error-fix'. Closes #19732.
      19851: Merge branch 'main' into 19851-log-panel-fix
      19851: Don't rely on the API.MaxItemsPerResponse setting for calculations.
      Merge branch '19851-log-panel-fix'. Closes #19851

Peter Amstutz (61):
      19075: When constructing a workflow request, set use_existing=false
      Merge branch '19075-no-acr-reuse' refs #19075
      16583: Add "Intermediate" to collection type filters
      19069: Workflow launching improvements.
      19069: Scroll instead of overflow in run a process
      19069: Add workflow details
      19069: Fix styling
      19069: Fix test
      19069: Fix tests
      16583: Fix test, add "intermediate" filter test
      19143: Make workflows show up in projects view WIP
      19143: Workflow objects appear in project view, are runnable.
      19143: Add missing files
      Merge branch '16583-intermediate-collections' refs #16583
      Merge branch 'main' into 19069-workflow-launching
      19069: Remove references to workflow panel from various places
      Merge branch '19069-workflow-launching' into 19143-project-list-workflows
      19143: Picker opens, needs to be hooked in
      19143: Finally got the data binding to work
      19143: Checks that project is writable when selecting workflow
      19069: Fix create workflow test
      Merge branch '19069-workflow-launching' into 19143-project-list-workflows
      19143: Fix selector
      19143: Fix unit tests
      19143: Fix tests
      Merge branch '19143-project-list-workflows'
      Split ResourceOwnerWithName & ResourceWithName
      19231: Add smaller page sizes (10 and 20 items) to load faster
      Merge branch '19231-fewer-rows-per-page' refs #19231
      19627: Remove the "Add user" button, put a note in its place
      Merge branch '19627-add-user' refs #19627
      19783: Add basic filters
      19783: Work in progress on filtering collections
      19783: Filtering collections works now
      19783: Project search almost works
      19783: All done
      19783: Add missing files
      19783: Review updates
      19783: Fix advanced search "limit to project" option
      19783: Increase search debounce a bit
      Merge branch '19783-picking-tweak' refs #19783
      19438: Hooked up panel, no content yet
      19438: Finished adding fields
      19438: Styling adjustments
      Merge branch 'main' into 19438-resource-panel refs #19438
      19438: Make heading match tab heading
      Merge branch 'main' into 19462-colorscheme refs #19462
      Merge branch '19462-colorscheme' refs #19462
      Merge branch 'main' into 19438-resource-panel refs #19438
      Merge branch '19438-resource-panel' refs #19438
      Fix renders test for new run state badge style
      Don't have container uuid column selected by default in project view
      Merge branch '19434-collapse-left-panel-feedback' refs #19434
      Remove maxHeight for resources panel
      Merge branch 'update-colorscheme'
      Fix CUDA fields formatting and layout, instance type disk
      Merge branch 'updatebutton' refs #19463
      Check that CUDA is set, refs #19438
      Remove the separate dialogContent declaration & inline
      Use SVG icon for collapse panel toggle
      openRunProcess sets defaults

Sarah Wait Zaranek (6):
      19462: Updating status colors
      19462: Updating icon colors and process colors
      19462: Updating color scheme
      19463: Updating colorscheme to work on process panel
      19642: Updating queued chip to be outline not filled
      19462: Updating border thickness

Stephen Smith (197):
      16068: Merge process info card and process details card.
      16068: Fix process panel test
      16068: Fix flaky test maybe
      16068: Merge branch 'main' of git.arvados.org:arvados-workbench2 into 16068
      16068: Add process runtime status to process details attributes
      16068: Reorganize procss details attributes, add properties
      16068: Merge branch 'main' of git.arvados.org:arvados-workbench2 into 16068-merge-process-info-details-panels
      16068: Fix controllerUrl in integration test script.
      16068: Use composed process status for process details attribute
      Merge branch '16068-merge-process-info-details-panels' into main. Closes #16068
      18978: Display idletimeout setting in webshell timeout message.
      18978: Disable webshell idle timeout when 0.
      Merge branch '18978-webshell-timeout-ux' into main. Closes #18978
      19049: Clean up participant select display, show UUIDs
      19049: Exclude existing users with logins in create login user picker
      19049: Make participant select read only when editing vm logins
      19049: Clean up 404 error handling on add vm login
      19049: Update user test
      19049: Improve flaky cypress test
      19049: Add waitfordom to flaky collection test
      19049: Cypress don't timeout before waitfordom finishes
      19049: Only show active users in add login participant select
      Merge branch '19049-vm-admin-rough-edges' into main. Closes #19049
      18984: Add indeterminate ui for process type filters
      19894: Show dirty indicator on process type filter
      19894: Change process type filter default values and collapse state
      18984: Add auto-apply with debounce to non-mutually exclusive data table filter popover
      18984: Change resource type filter defaults, rearrange / rename process filters
      18984: Only show dirty indicator on non-radio data table filters
      18984: Refactor default data table view, add active filters notice to default view
      18984: Fix misalignment in groups data table
      18984: Filter for type none when no types are selected
      Merge branch '18984-project-type-filters-2' into main. Closes #18984
      19153: Add support for inline sharing links
      19153: Update tests
      19153: Fix project cypress test
      19153: Fix cypress test
      Merge branch '19153-sharing-links-inline' into main. Closes #19153
      19093: Add process details attriutes warning for container retry
      19093: Improve cypress test reliability
      19093: Use paper instead of expansionpanel for process retry warning
      19093: Add cypress test for container_count warning
      Merge branch '19093-process-failed-warning' into main. Closes #19093
      18965: Fix storing targetUrl for non-password login
      16073: Add process IO panels with image preview and raw view
      16073: Fix keep path for directory pdh links, refactor
      16073: Refactor process io file processing
      16073: Add default view for empty process IO panels
      16073: Change cypress tests to use TrustAllContent: true
      16073: Use workflow output definition fields for output type and doc info
      16073: Add process io panel cypress tests
      16073: Use chips for process io array values, fix extraneous trailing slash
      16073: Add better empty value handling for process io panels
      18965: Redirect to current url after login when doing password login
      16070: Swap shell escaping library to improve command line display
      16070: Replace process command dialog with command card
      Merge branch '18965-login-flow-destination' into main. Closes #18965
      16070: Add optional linking to code snippet component. Base styles off of default theme for link color
      16070: Add fake store to tests using code snippet.
      16070: Cleanup and update integration test script
      19079: Add search results context menu with clipboard and new tab options
      19079: Add test for search context menu
      Merge branch '16070-process-commandline-view-panel' into main. Closes #16070
      19079: Don't use collection specific url processing for search result clipboard actions
      Merge branch 'main' of git.arvados.org:arvados-workbench2 into 19079-search-results-open-newtab
      19079: Add federated case to search results context menu tests
      Merge branch '19079-search-results-open-newtab' into main. Closes #19079
      19305: Update project dialog fetch project from store
      19305: Add cypress tests for edit project via breadcrumbs
      Merge branch '19305-project-update-dialog-properties' into main. Closes #19305
      19142: Unselect mounts when loading all process and project view
      19142: Add note explaining purpose of field list
      19142: Avoid loading mounts in subprocess panel
      19142: Remove input dialog action from process context menu
      Merge branch '19142-avoid-loading-unneeded-mounts' into main. Closes #19142
      18979: Increase query limit for vm login admin
      18979: Add horizontal scroll for vm user/admin panels
      18979: Disable vm login form submit and warn with unsaved group input
      18979: Add test for disabling add login form with unsaved group input
      19421: Redirect old "redirectTo" url param to "redirectToPreview"
      Merge branch '19421-restore-old-redirect-key' into main. Closes #19421
      16073: Add input collection mounts to process io panel and split pdh links into 2
      16073: Add process io panel output collection tab
      16073: Move process io preview links below image, add maxwidth to image
      16073: Remove process details attributes inputs link, load output collection to display name
      Merge branch 'main' of git.arvados.org:arvados-workbench2 into 16073-process-io-panels
      19383: Add types for advanced tab functions, add support for jsx fragments to code snippet component
      19383: Rename advanced dialog to API Details
      19383: Rename advanced dialog to api details in cypress tests
      Merge branch '19383-advanced-dialog' into main. Closes #19383
      16073: Use import/export as process i/o icons
      16073: Rename process io panel tabs
      16073: Hide param tabs on subprocess and collection tabs on main process
      Merge branch 'main' of git.arvados.org:arvados-workbench2 into 18979-vm-login-ui
      16073: Reduce io preview table header padding
      16073: Add tooltip hints to collection/keep links
      16073: Style io panel tabs to be symmetrical
      16073: Add image preview toggle with placeholder, hide tabs on main/subprocess, show truncated docstring, split collection link to separate column
      16073: Add link to collection in subprocess output collection tab
      16073: Add ellipses to truncated io param docstrings
      16073: Update process io panel cypress tests
      16073: Imporve process io panel test reliability
      16073: Remove doc from io panels
      16073: Use inbox/outbox icons for io panels from materialdesignicons.com
      16073: Make default view icon optional, hide tabs when panel is empty
      16073: Hide label column when no params have label
      16073: Reduce collection panel files padding / empty space
      19567: fix missing url origin in copy-to-clipboard for local resources
      19567: Add cypress test for local resource copy to clipboard
      Merge branch '19567-copy-to-clipboard' into main. Closes #19567
      16073: Add maximize to process io panels
      16073: Remove unused styles
      16073: Update test for removal of doc
      16073: Try to fix cypress
      16073: Parallelize process output requests
      16073: Correctly fetch raw inputs wihtout processing
      16073: Reduce process io preview table padding
      16073: Remove keep: prefix from io param pdh links
      16073: Use link element for keep-web links to allow open in new tab
      16073: Show loading indicator when process io params are not loaded
      16073: Update process io tests
      16073: Add min width to process io preview label column
      18979: Switch common resource list request to use urlencoded post body for large requests
      18979: Filter user vm panel request to only fetch current user login permissions
      18979: Fix test config
      Merge branch '18979-vm-login-ui' into main. Closes #18979
      16073: Display process io params from props, hide preview when lacking workflow mount
      16073: Fix display of empty raw params when workflow definition is present
      16073: Filter out objects from process details attributes containerRequest properties chips
      16073: Process io file array and secondaryFiles into groups preserving main file association, indent secondaryFiles
      16073: Hide io param pdh links when equal to the first main file of that param
      19306: Increase sharing dialog query limit and dedupe uuids when fetching user details
      Merge branch '19306-share-dialog-limit' into main. Closes #19036
      16073: Correctly handle processes with no outputs to avoid infinite loading indicatior
      16073: Fix erroneously showing no parameters message
      16073: Add guards against null file parameters
      16073: Display root directories with '/'
      16073: Fix cypress tests
      16073: Use default code snippet for io raw json for auto linking functionality
      16073: Shrink secondary row spacing
      16073: Reduce process io card title / tab padding
      Merge branch 'main' of git.arvados.org:arvados-workbench2 into 16073-process-io-panels
      16073: Fix not correctly setting empty inputs to turn off loading spinner
      16073: Avoid applying empty inputs when existing inputs already loaded
      16073: Avoid clearing output definitions when mounts disappear while process executes
      16073: Fix compiler warnings
      16073: Remove buggy waits in cypress and try to streamline output details fetching
      16073: Refactor process io loading into actions and reducers to eliminate infinite loops
      Merge branch '16073-process-io-panels' into main. Closes #16073
      19569: Add open in new tab action to process resource action set
      Merge branch '19569-process-open-newtab' into main. Closes #19569
      19315: Add container started by to process details attributes
      19315: Add new test for process details
      19315: Add process modified by and hide runtime user if equal
      19315: Show modifiedby from containerRequest and test both equal and different modified/runtime uuids
      19315: Improve cypress test
      19315: Increase timeouts for log cypress tests
      19315: Correctly specify cypress timeout and imcrease timeout to process log test
      Merge branch '19315-process-runtime-user-rebase1' into main. Closes #19315
      19319: Add container / workflow cost details
      19319: Add cost field to loadContainers select query to prevent clearing cost race condition
      19319: Improve checks for showing cost attributes
      19319: Lowercase non-first words in process details attribute labels
      Merge branch '19319-container-price' into main. Closes #19319
      19684: Catch object values in primitive parameters and external values in files/directories, show unsupported value message
      Merge branch '19684-io-include-import-bug' into main. Closes #19684
      19504: Add process / output collection parent process & resource icons to breadcrumbs
      19504: Avoid importing from middleware to fix unit tests
      19504: Fix incorrect import
      19504: Add resource colors to breadcrumbs
      19504: Fix cypress tests
      19504: Display main process breadcrumb when viewing subprocess output collection
      19504: Fix breadcrumb unit tests
      19504: Use MDI frozen icon for better icon alignment
      19504: Display parent process in breadcrumbs for output log collections
      19684: Catch object values in primitive parameters and external values in files/directories, show unsupported value message
      19504: Remove breadcrumb type style/color handling
      19504: Fix breadcrumbs height to improve text vertical centering
      19504: Add spacing between breadcrumbs and mpv buttons, allow breadcrumbs to wrap
      19504: Change process icon to gear icon
      19700: Detect http/s input files and display as link
      19700: Increase io panel max height to prevent unnecessary scrolling
      19700: Fix login test config
      19700: Update cypress to test for file url input
      19700: Use correct type and check for process raw input data
      Merge branch '19700-http-input' into main. Closes #19700
      19504: Revert breadcrumbs ro transparent background, use primary color for parent breadcrumbs
      19504: Allow breadcrumbs to collapse to icons instead of wrapping
      19504: Set breadcrumbs chevron color to match icon
      19848: Add raw/json tab to subprocess io cards
      19783: Tweak cypress test to avoid cypress bug
      Merge branch '19848-subprocess-json' into main. Closes #19848
      19783: Use flexbox to ensure single scrollable area in tree picker.
      19783: Add dialog height to picker dialogs that previously depended on picker height being static
      19783: Add flexbox wrappers to allow dialog content to shrink on small window height
      19504: Add side panel category icons to first breadcrumb items
      Merge branch '19504-breadcrumbs' into main. Closes #19504

Ward Vandewege (1):
      Small tweaks for the package building dockerfile.



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