[arvados] created: 2.5.0

git repository hosting git at public.arvados.org
Thu Dec 22 19:05:09 UTC 2022

        at  08e7101142e71be6cc4e7b4fc6e87f4f9c25e3be (tag)
   tagging  db166b9539a0f18621e2c980137d082357b1a680 (commit)
  replaces  2.1.0
 tagged by  Peter Amstutz
        on  Thu Dec 22 14:04:23 2022 -0500

Release notes at https://arvados.org/release-notes/2.5.0/

AnetaSta22 (1):
      19704: Merge contributed updates to R SDK

Brett Smith (17):
      19710: Fix broken Redmine links throughout.
      Merge branch '19710-fix-redmine-links'.
      18797: Update style of arvados.retry docstrings.
      Merge branch '18797-retry-docstrings'.
      Fix manifest comparisons in new collection tests
      19791: Expand Python SDK examples into API client overview
      19791: Add a note explaining the page's intended scope
      19791: Clarify the background discussion for using keyset_list_all
      Merge branch '19791-python-api-overview'
      19791: Remove duplicate word
      19686: Introduce low-level api_client constructor
      19686: api constructor returns ThreadSafeApiCache
      19686: Add tests for new Arvados client API
      19686: Fix test scaffolding after API changes
      19686: Specify ThreadSafeApiCache API version throughout
      Merge branch '19686-threadsafe-api-default'
      19791: Fix broken link to old PySDK examples page

Bruno P. Kinoshita (1):
      Update CONTRIBUTING.md

Javier BĂ©rtoli (198):
      feat(salt): start salt install documentation
      fix(salt): temporal fix for database setup issue
      fix(salt): choose repo
      feat(docs): salt install documentation
      feat(provision): example configurations in salt
      feat(provision): better testing config and documentation
      docs(provision): document initial URL
      docs(salt): some minor fixes in the Salt-based installation documentation.
      Merge branch '16471-install-using-salt' into master
      fix(crunch-dispatch-local): add missing service file
      feat(crunch-dispatch-local): add crunch-run dependency
      Merge branch '16996-add-dispatch-local-service-file' into master
      feat(centos): use centos-provided python3
      Merge branch '17047-centos-remove-rh-python-dependencies' into master
      Fix salt-install and test scripts
      fix(docker): formula upgraded
      fix(test): wrong variable comparison
      Merge branch '17150-system-root-token'
      Merge branch 'pvanheus-fix_cluster_test' from github.com/pvanheus:fix_cluster_test
      fix(docs): broken link
      fix(provision): Add a CA and sign certificates with it
      fix(provision): Document CA certificate purpose and installation
      fix(provision): pin formulas' versions
      fix(provision): add port to workbench2 nginx's stanza
      fix(provision): pin arvados-formula
      fix(provision): update arvados-formula's version
      Merge branch '17177-use-newly-created-ca'
      Update the provision script to use the new arvados-formula
      Merge branch '17218-update-apt-repos'
      fix(tools): remove compute-images scripts' unused parameters
      Merge branch '17338-clean-compute-images-scripts'
      Documentation: Explain that the canonical salt installer is hosted in Arvados' github account
      feat(provision): allow to install individual roles
      feat(provision): manage setup params from local file
      feat(provision): refactor to add other setup examples
      feat(provision): refactor to add other setup examples
      feat(provision): check the cluster name provided is exactly 5 chars long
      feat(provision): refactor to manage different infrastructure configurations
      fix(provision): refactor single host architectures
      fix(provision): add missing postgres dependency for arvados-api-server
      fix(provision): check salt-call is installed
      fix(provision): remove deprecated parameter
      fix(provision): add only specific pillars for each role
      fix(provision): make the salt-call binary check compatible with sh
      fix(provision): add missing roles sections
      refactor(provision): naming consistency
      fix(compute-images): wait for apt/dpkg locks to be released
      fix(compute-images): upgrade python-arvados-fuse to py3
      fix(compute-images): remove unneeded code
      Merge branch '17435-compute-images-changes'
      fix(compute-images): make resolver setting optional
      fix(compute-images): add resolver variable to json files
      fix(compute-images): fix sed invokation
      Merge branch '17438-compute-images-script-fixes'
      fix(provision): force user to properly set cluster & domain parameters
      fix(compute-images): wait for apt/dpkg locks to be released
      fix(compute-images): upgrade python-arvados-fuse to py3
      fix(compute-images): remove unneeded code
      fix(compute-images): make resolver setting optional
      fix(compute-images): add resolver variable to json files
      fix(compute-images): fix sed invokation
      fix(fpm,packaging): add arvados-api-server's postgresql-client dependency
      Merge branch '17352-arvados-api-server-dependency'
      fix(provision): improve single host installation and documentation
      fix(provision): add multi hosts installation examples
      docs(provision): add salt usage with roles in multi-host
      fix(provision): use nginx-formula PR branch until changes are merged
      feat(provision): add local.params example for multi-host
      fix(provision): temp fix for nginx formula issue with snippets
      fix(provision): use uniform database parameters across examples
      chore(provision): set postgresql cidr in single host examples
      fix(provision): run hosts/snakeoil states before nginx so it does not fail on missing deps
      refactor(provision): use uniform database parameters across examples
      chore(provision): ignore some files in git
      refactor(provision): delete parameters moved to config files
      feat(provision): add some checks before run
      docs(provision): explain options in config examples
      chore(provision): enable both examples in vagrant
      refactor(provision): add host entries in single host multiple hostnames
      docs(provision): improve the documentation in the examples
      refactor(provision): add snakeoil certs in single host multiple hostnames
      docs(provision): improve the documentation in the examples
      fix(provision): default to using the master branch of arvados-formula
      feat(provision): pin arvados version to latest stable
      Merge branch '17246-salt-install-improvements'
      fix(provision): remove unneeded vagantfile
      Merge branch '17570-remove-extra-example-agrantfile'
      fix(provision): don't install docker-compose
      fix(provision): prevent bash globbing issues with empty dirs
      Merge branch '17606-file-globbing-issues'
      feat(provision): use LE wildcard cert for *.collections
      Merge branch '17604-change-collections-urls'
      feat(provision): add AWS credentials for letsencrypt
      17603: Enable webshell role pillars in provision script
      17603: Reorder example IPs so they match the documentation
      17603: Separate shell's IP from webshell's
      17605: allow to use a IAM user for letsencrypt
      17603: Webshell is just a nginx vhost
      17605: Inverse logic
      17605: Wildcard needs to be quoted in yaml
      17605: Update LE collections requirement in nginx
      Merge branch '17605-letsencrypt-credentials-for-route53'
      Merge branch '17603-nginx-webshell-vhost-fix'
      feat(provision): moved the arvados-formula to Arvados.org
      Merge branch '17743-use-git-arvados-org-for-provision'
      17823: change references back to saltstack-formulas' nginx formula
      Merge branch '17823-use-saltstack-formulas-nginx-formula'
      17812: Organize and extend installation documentation
      Merge branch '17812-provisioning-documentation-improvement'
      17821: Add a parameter to provision.sh to dump the configuration
      Merge branch '17821-provision-dump-config-parameter'
      17535: Modify provision script to run on Centos
      Some more Centos required tweaks to the provision script.
      The user's `api_client_authorization` token can't be obtained using filters
      Adapt the provision scripts to manage Centos 7 too
      Don't force the ruby version in the examples
      Fix nginx_passenger parameters for Centos-7 and Ubuntu-18.04
      Make Saltstack fail on first error
      Disable SELinux on Centos-7 platform
      Merge branch '17535-test-provision-jenkins'
      18248: edit provision's snakeoil cert for ubuntu-18.04
      18248: enable debug for cwl-runner in tests
      18248: Ensure the OS-provided postgres packages are used in Debian's family
      18248: update comment addressing review suggestions
      Merge branch '18248-fix-ubuntu-18.04-testing'
      17742: modify snakeoil_certs to create individual certificates
      17742: add state to install custom certificates
      17742: modify single_host/multiple_hostnames example's nginx
      17742: modify multi_host/aws example's nginx
      17742: add custom certs to the local.params files
      17742: add documentation about custom certs usage
      17742: update docs addressing review suggestions
      17742: update script addressing review suggestions
      17742: update documentation addressing review suggestions
      Merge branch '17742-provide-custom-certs'
      18658: add missing state to deploy custom certs in multi-host env
      18658: update multi-host's nginx pillar to use rvm ruby on Ubuntu-18.04
      18658: ensure custom SSL certs are copied to the correct host dir
      18658: address review comments.
      Merge branch '18658-fix-custom-certs-deployment-on-multi-host'
      18632: fix docker pillar in provision script
      18632: fix missing docker's pillar in shell node
      18632: address review comments.
      Merge branch '18632-docker-installation-from-packages'
      18703: upgrade postgres-formula to 0.43.0 for debian-11
      18703: upgrade Vagrantfile to debian-11
      Merge branch '18703-installer-upgrade-postgres-formula'
      18682: update nginx-formula version in the installer
      18682: update postgres-formula version in the installer
      18682: update docker-formula version in the installer
      18791: allow single-host-single-hostname to manage LE certs
      18785: fix letsencrypt/nginx deployment issues for single-host/single-hostname
      18785: remove unneeded entry in snakeoil certs state
      18785: add missing lines addressing review suggestions
      18785: remove comment addressing review suggestions
      18785: add conditional logic for bring-your-own certificates
      18785: add missing lines addressing review suggestions
      18785: edit documentation, addressing review comments
      18785: edit documentation, addressing review comments
      18830: fix nginx parameters for single-host/single-hostname provisioning
      18830: fix installer's postgresql pillar for single-host / single-hostname
      18830: address review comments
      Merge branch '18830-fix-centos-7-provisioning'
      Merge branch '18682-use-keyrings-instead-of-key-ids'
      18663: add keepbalance support
      18663: address review comments
      18849: enforce RVM on Debian 10
      18663: address review comments
      Merge branch '18663-add-keepbalance-support'
      18635: remove .psqlrc management from the provision.sh script
      Enforce a consistent postgresql version across examples
      18681: install passenger conditionally, only when required
      Upgrade nginx, docker and postgresql formulas in the installer
      Merge branch '18635-remove-unnecesary-.psql-management'
      Fix unterminated sed in the installer
      18681: Fix typo
      Merge branch '18681-install-passenger-only-when-required'
      18633: add sudo passwordless on shell role
      18638: fix provision script errors on tests when they're not required
      18631: add login-sync cron to provision script
      Merge branch '18633-install-sudo-passwordless-in-shell'
      18638: Address review comments
      Merge branch '18638-noisy-errors-regarding-tests'
      18631: Address review comments
      18631: Address review comments, fix VM UUID in cron
      18631: use SystemRootToken for login-sync
      Revert "18631: use SystemRootToken for login-sync"
      18631: use SystemRootToken for login-sync
      18631: don't force api resources on shell nodes
      18631: remove unneeded dependency installing api into shell nodes
      18631: Add shell's vm uuid from the shell node state
      18631: fix path in shell login-sync cron
      Merge branch '18631-shell-login-sync'
      16375: Add multinode testing code
      16375: revert insecure flag in multi-host template file
      16375: address review comments
      Merge branch '16375-arvados-multinode-testing'

Krzysztof Majewski (2):
      Add new method to upload files via Keep Web API
      Use config parameter to fetch api token in KeepClient

Lucas Di Pentima (404):
      16718: Adds 'include_old_versions' param to groups#content.
      16471: Includes saltstack quick start section on install guide.
      16981: Fixes error reporting when failing to create a remote group.
      16718: Merge branch 'master' into 16718-group-contents-collection-versions
      Merge branch '16981-sync-group-report-fix'. Refs #16981
      16718: Adds tests for new param on groups#content.
      16471: Formatting fixes.
      16718: Merge branch 'master' into 16718-group-contents-collection-versions
      Merge branch '16718-group-contents-collection-versions'. Refs #16718
      16750: Avoids using params on requests to make it compatible with federation.
      17152: Fixes old collection versions' modified_at handling and test.
      17152: Publishes the arvbox WebDAV download port.
      17152: Adds migration to fix collection versions' modified_at timestamps.
      Merge branch '17152-collection-versions-fixes'
      17152: Updates API revision number.
      17152: Updates collection tests to reflect the new behavior.
      17152: Changes preserve_version semantics, updates related documentation.
      17152: Avoids creating audit logs when only 'preserve_version' is updated.
      17152: Moves conditional preserve_version disabling to collection's controller.
      17152: Improves modified_at conditional update check.
      Merge branch '17152-collection-preserve-version-changes'
      17118: Changes the way exception raising is done on PySDK's KeepWriterThread.
      Merge branch '17118-arvput-fix'
      16981: Extracts test federation building code to the arvadostest package.
      Fixes a couple of typos on the documentation. No issue #.
      16981: Adds federation test on sync-groups.
      16981: Removes config loader code to fix import cycle.
      16981: Removes the import cycle issue by moving code to lib/boot.
      17109: Adds notes about Keep-web Same-Site restrictions.
      Merge branch '16981-logincluster-sync-groups-tests'
      17109: Explains how keep-web handles requests with tokens in the URL.
      17109: Fixes typo.
      Merge branch '17109-keepweb-urls-samesite-doc'
      17256: Makes arvados-server install to ask for node v10.x
      17256: Changes required nodejs version on package building scripts.
      Merge branch '17256-nodejs-dependency-update'
      16736: Enhances tests about login issued tokens.
      16736: Adds API.MaxTokenLifetime config knob.
      16736: Limit token's expires_at depending on the cluster config and user type.
      16736: Fixes typo.
      16736: Updates arvados-login-sync to support expiring tokens.
      16736: Replaces Time.now with db_current_time on token expiration handling code.
      16736: Simplifies conditionals.
      16736: Adds tests to confirm expires_at gets properly set on runtime tokens.
      17295: Adds tests exposing the bug.
      17295: Adds cluster ID validation on the config file.
      Merge branch '16736-max-token-lifetime'
      Merge branch '17295-configured-cluster-ids-validation'
      16736: Enhances tests about login issued tokens.
      16736: Adds API.MaxTokenLifetime config knob.
      16736: Limit token's expires_at depending on the cluster config and user type.
      16736: Fixes typo.
      16736: Updates arvados-login-sync to support expiring tokens.
      16736: Replaces Time.now with db_current_time on token expiration handling code.
      16736: Simplifies conditionals.
      16736: Adds tests to confirm expires_at gets properly set on runtime tokens.
      17295: Adds tests exposing the bug.
      17295: Adds cluster ID validation on the config file.
      17476: Updates rails related gems.
      Merge branch '17476-railsapi-security-updates'
      16159: Expires token after logout (WIP)
      Merge branch 'master' into 16159-token-expiration-on-logout
      16159: Makes test login form to autofocus on username field.
      16159: Attempts to expire the user's token getting it from the context. (WIP)
      16159: Validates token uuid & secret before expiring.
      17508: Exposes bug with a test.
      17508: Fixes arv-keepdocker bug.
      17508: Fixes unit test.
      Merge branch '17508-arvkeepdocker-fix'
      16159: Adds error logging on token expiration failure. Fixes SQL query.
      16159: Pass token to expire to controller on logout.
      16159: Expires tokens on logout on different login controllers.
      16159: Adds tests checking token expiration at logout.
      16159: Merge branch 'master' into 16159-token-expiration-on-logout
      Merge branch '16159-token-expiration-on-logout'
      17522: Exposes bug through test. Also fixes help message.
      17522: Fixes bug, corrects updated test's assertion.
      Merge branch '17522-arvput-stdin-transcode-fix'
      17171: Exposes bug with a test.
      17171: Fixes the bug by removing the default timeout value.
      17171: Merge branch 'master' into 17171-pysdk-timeout-fix
      17171: Sets default timeout on arvados.api() to 10 seconds.
      Merge branch '17171-pysdk-timeout-fix'
      17465: Adds storage classes support to PySDK put().
      17711: Upgrades nokogiri on railsAPI & workbench1
      Merge branch '17711-nokogiri-upgrade'
      17738: Fixes the issue by strip!()ing a mutable version of OS_VERSION.
      Merge branch '17738-frozen-string-error'
      17465: Adds storage classes tracking and old cluster support.
      17465: Adds tests for class storage support.
      17465: Adds KeepClient storage classes support to Collection class.
      17465: Adds tests confirming KeepClient storage support on Collection.
      17465: Synchronizes storage classes data between Collection & BlockManager.
      17465: Collection.save() adds storage_classes_desired when set on instance.
      17465: Don't repeat warnings when storage classes aren't supported.
      17465: Fixed tests and made the suite less noisy.
      17351: Adds support for storage classes while writing blocks to Keep.
      Merge branch '17465-pysdk-storage-classes-support'
      17799: Upgrades API & Workbench rails to 5.2.6
      Merge branch '17799-rails-upgrade-5.2.6'
      Merge branch '17351-arvput-keepclient-storage-support'
      17800: Exposes bug on test.
      17800: Fixes bug.
      17800: Improves help message. Shows warnings when ignoring given paths.
      17800: Avoids saving a new empty collection.
      Merge branch '17800-arvput-no-follow-links'
      17389: Adds X-Keep-Storage-Classes-Confirmed header to responses on success.
      17572: Adds documentation related to storage classes.
      17572: Adds support for storage classes on new collections.
      17572: Adds tests.
      17572: Fixes failing test.
      17572: Merge branch 'master' into 17572-arvmount-storage-classes
      17389: Adds clarifying comment.
      Merge branch '17389-keepproxy-storage-classes-confirmed'
      Merge branch '17572-arvmount-storage-classes'
      17833: Catches KeepWriteError exceptions to avoid displaying stacktraces.
      Merge branch '17833-arvput-cleaner-errors'
      17782: Updates nodejs to v12, as required by workbench2.
      Merge branch '17782-nodejs-update' into main
      17913: Upgrades 'addressable' gem to 2.8.0
      Merge branch '17913-addressable-upgrade' into main. Closes #17913
      17573: Exposes storage classes for every configured volume.
      17573: Adds test storage classes to arvados-server test mode.
      Merge branch '17573-export-storage-classes' into main. Refs #17573
      17830: Adds test exposing incorrect X-Request-Id format on railsAPI.
      17830: Customizes ActionDispatch::RequestId middleware to our needs.
      17830: Adds controller tests exposing the X-Request-Id header propagation bug.
      17830: Sets up X-Request-Id if not provided by client. Adds it to the response.
      17830: Copies request's X-Request-Id header to response. Moves tests.
      16665: Exposes bug through updated test.
      16665: Wraps error type to be able to differentiate it in a case switch.
      16665: Fixes tests.
      17388: Adds storage classes support to arv-copy.
      Merge branch '17388-arvcopy-storage-classes' into main. Closes #17388
      Merge branch '16665-keepproxy-spurious-413-status' into main. Closes #16665
      17830: Adds test cases & fixes one more issue.
      17830: Moves header setting code to cover more use cases.
      Merge branch '17830-reqid-header-propagation-fix' into main. Closes #17830
      17936: Adds --batch argument to arv-put, updates test.
      17936: Adds --batch implementation, making the new test pass.
      17936: Updates arv-keepdocker to call arv-put with --batch argument.
      Merge branch '17936-arvput-batch-mode' into main. Closes #17936.
      18005: Exposes the bug by simulating a keep-balance run a making a new version.
      18005: Fixes the bug.
      Merge branch '18005-collection-versioning-regression' into main. Closes #18004
      18004: Adds test exposing the race condition.
      15430: Removes support for the '@@' full text search operator.
      15430: Updates wb1 test so that it exercises the ilike operator instead of @@
      15430: Fixes updated wb1 test that was migrated from using '@@' to 'ilike'.
      15430: Drops FTS indexes, removes unneeded test.
      15430: Adds an upgrade note warning that @@ won't work anymore.
      17948: First working implementation (WIP)
      17948: Optimizes tool to stop adding data to a big enough manifest.
      17948: Fixes conditional.
      17948: Splits adjectives & nouns list into multiple lines.
      17948: Adds arguments to allow specifying how many subdirs to create.
      17948: Adds info to error messaging.
      18004: Fixes a couple of race condition bugs related to caching remote users.
      15430: Improves upgrade notes.
      Merge branch '15430-fts-operator-removal' into main. Closes #15430
      Merge branch '18004-cached-token-race-condition' into main. Closes #18004
      Merge branch '17948-test-collection-tool' into main. Closes #17948
      17696: KeepClient uses default storage classes when none is required explicitly
      17696: Updates docstring on arvados.Collection class.
      17696: Updates API documentation adding storage_classes_* fields.
      Merge branch '17696-pysdk-default-storage-class' into main. Refs #17696
      17696: Adds ArvadosClient.ClusterConfig() to get the exported cluster's config.
      17696: Adds default storage classes config loading to KeepClient, with tests.
      17696: Moves default storage classes loading to keepclient.New().
      17696: Updates tests to check for backwards compatibility.
      Merge branch '17696-gosdk-default-storage-class' into main. Closes #17696
      18076: Adds test exposing the issue.
      18076: Fixes the bug, expands the test with additional checks.
      18076: Improves test.
      Merge branch '18076-stale-cached-users-handling' into main. Closes #18076
      18094: Updates documentation, adding an upgrade note.
      18094: Removes update_uuid from GoSDK & controller.
      18094: Removes update_uuid code & tests from railsAPI.
      18094: Removes update_uuid from the R SDK.
      18076: Expands test case exposing a related issue with users with a repository.
      18076: Fixes the bug by assigning a different (and random) username.
      Merge branch '18076-user-cache-with-repository' into main. Closes #18076
      Merge branch '18094-update-uuid-endpoint-removal' into main. Closes #18094
      17989: Adds test exposing the problem.
      17989: Passes the given timeout value to api_from_config()
      17989: Reduces the manifest size limit so that it doesn't fail on extreme cases
      Merge branch '17989-pysdk-timeout' into main. Refs #17989
      17989: Reverts default PySDK timeout to 5 minutes. Updates test.
      Merge branch '17989-revert-pysdk-default-timeout' into main. Closes #17989
      18126: Unpins python-rsa since python2 support is no longer needed.
      Merge branch '18126-unpin-python-rsa' into main. Closes #18126
      18097: Accept '-case-insensitive' flag on sync-groups. Adds test.
      18097: Adds logic for the "-case-insensitive" flag. Makes new test pass.
      18097: Adds more tests.
      Merge branch '18097-sync-groups-case-insensitive' into main. Closes #18097
      18051: Adds SignManifest benchmarking test.
      Fixes the 'branchname' variable setting used on salt doc pages. Refs #18130
      18097: Updates arvados-sync-groups doc page.
      Merge branch '18097-sync-groups-doc' into main. Refs #18097
      18318: Updates the nokogiri dependency on API & WB1.
      Merge branch '18318-nokogiri-updates' into main. Closes #18318
      17944: Updates config knobs and documentation.
      17944: Vocabulary loading, monitoring and checking on several object types.
      17944: Vocabulary check errors return status 400 instead of 500.
      17944: Forces vocabulary checking at startup time.
      17944: Makes returning an empty Vocabulary also include an empty "tags".
      17944: Adds vocabulary checking support to links.
      17944: Adds /_health/vocabulary health endpoint. Improves cache refreshing.
      17944: Fixes tests. Improves health funcs handling.
      17944: Fixes premature vocabulary check success.
      17944: Improves error messages.
      17944: Fixes test. Avoids unnecessary Validate() call.
      17944: Improves keys & value collision validation against aliases. Adds tests.
      17944: Adds a case-insensitive check for key/value against labels.
      17944: Fixes logging on vocabulary reload.
      17944: Fixes tests.
      17944: Improves error reporting on invalid value types.
      17944: Only check for value aliases collision between different values.
      17944: Adds upgrade notes.
      17944: Undo changes on tests.
      17944: Removes link to old doc version, so that tests pass.
      Merge branch '17944-backend-vocabulary-validation-rebased' into main.
      17635: Adds support for versioning to Collection.save() and save_new()
      18215: Only respond with selected fields on create & update calls.
      18215: Adds tests for Create & Update calls.
      Merge branch '18215-select-param-update-create' into main. Refs #18215
      17635: Improving documentation on preserve_version field.
      18363: Adds missing use case for protected property.
      17635: Further improves documentation on the arvados.Collection class.
      Merge branch '17635-pysdk-collection-preserve-version' into main. Closes #17635
      18340: Adds test for role & filter group deletion.
      18340: Only trash project groups on delete calls.
      18336: Pins upper version limit for httplib2 dependency on PySDK.
      Merge branch '18340-delete-role-filter-groups' into main. Closes #18340.
      Merge branch '18336-httplib2-pysdk-issues' into main. Closes #18336
      18363: Fixes typo.
      Merge branch '18363-managed-properties-doc-improvement' into main.
      17785: Adds test exposing a problem when trying to handle other users' tokens.
      17785: Controller forwards apiClientAuthorization requests to remotes.
      17785: Enhances test.
      17785: Fixes ACA type so that it doesn't have pointers to string fields.
      17785: Fixes ApiClientAuthorization.ExpiresAt type.
      18480: Adds test exposing the bug.
      18480: Applies the suggested patch, adjusts the tests to kill the producer.
      18480: Improves test by confirming that symlinked dirs aren't affected.
      Merge branch '18480-arvput-special-files-handling' into main. Closes #18480
      Merge branch '17785-federated-token-regression' into main. Closes #17785
      18491: Upgrades github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/azure/auth and its deps.
      18491: Removes an unnecessary check that made the test fail on module upgrade.
      Merge branch '18491-jwt-go-upgrade' into main. Closes #18491.
      18301: Adds test exposing the bug.
      18301: Fixes the issue by adding 0 as one of the default values to be ignored.
      Merge branch '18301-wb1-cancel-button-fix'. Closes #18301.
      17417: Testing if execjs is really needed.
      18487: Adds vocabulary check to 'arvados-server config-check'
      18487: Improves vocabulary error checking, with tests.
      18487: Fixes error checking on nonexistant vocabulary file. Adds tests.
      18487: Fixes error reporting to include both JSON & vocabulary errors at once.
      18487: Improves vocabulary documentation.
      17583: Expands test to expose one pending bug.
      17583: Forwards ApiClientAuthorization list requests to LoginCluster.
      18487: Logs vocabulary validating error messages along with other checks.
      Merge branch '18487-vocab-config-check'. Closes #18487
      Merge branch '17583-federated-token-reqs'. Closes #17583
      17492: Removes unused & deprecated code.
      17492: Implements Arvados::ArvadosClient to set a request-id on every call.
      17492: Adds test confirming that req-id is added on exceptions.
      Merge branch '17492-ruby-sdk-req-ids'. Refs #17492
      17754: Updates documentation.
      17754: Hides account linking buttons when LoginCluster is configured.
      18801: Exposes the regression with a test.
      18801: Fixes the regression by ignoring the case where api_token isn't there.
      Merge branch '18801-aca-req-select-uuid'. Closes #18801
      18574: Adds /arvados/v1/vocabulary to the discovery document.
      18574: Adds vocabulary endpoint section to the API documentation.
      18574: Initial vocabulary loading support & tests.
      18574: Fixes key_aliases/value_aliases indexing. Adds dict-style indexing.
      18574: Adds 'preferred_label' virtual attribute. Avoids storing the voc twice.
      18574: Adds conversion methods. Improves & adds tests.
      18574: Adds strict checking on conversion methods. Adds/updates tests.
      18574: Adds some more test cases on convert_to_* methods.
      18574: Fixes doc test failure.
      Merge branch '17754-federated-acct-merge'. Refs #17754.
      18574: Adds tests for value list conversions.
      18574: Adds support for value list conversion.
      18574: Fixes value list edge cases (with tests). Also avoids duplicated code.
      18574: Fixes bug for keys without values.
      18574: Adds some documentation's cookbook examples.
      18574: Fixes documentation formatting.
      18574: Adds key & value type checking. Improves code layout for readability.
      18574: Adds remaining invalid key/value test cases.
      Merge branch '18574-pysdk-vocabulary-support'. Closes #18574
      18855: Upgrades API server's rails & its dependencies to
      18855: Upgrades workbench to rails
      Merge branch '18855-rails-upgrade'. Closes #18855
      19103: Exposes the bug with a test.
      19103: Fixes the default Limit param for ACA list requests.
      Merge branch '19103-aca-list-default-limit'. Closes #19103
      19141: Updates nokogiri dependencies on railsAPI & workbench1
      Merge branch '19141-nokogiri-update'. Closes #19141
      19144: Resets storage_classes_confirmed* fields on WB1 copy action.
      Merge branch '19144-wb-copy-collections-fix'. Closes #19144
      19144: Resets storage_classes_confirmed* fields on WB1 copy action.
      19177: Adds config to disable sharing links UI on workbenches.
      19177: Do not show the collection's sharing button on wb1 when it shouldn't.
      19177: Adds test to wb1 for sharing link button hideability.
      19177: Fixes tests.
      Merge branch '19177-sharing-links-ui-config'. Refs #19177
      19193: Upgrades RailsAPI & Workbench1 to address security issues.
      19193: Pins sprockets gem to version <4.0 to avoid issues.
      Merge branch '19193-rails-upgrade'. Closes #19193
      18858: Doc site URL fix.
      18858: Implements basic sync-users tool.
      18858: Avoids updating the current user. Adds unlisted user disable option.
      18858: Adds additional checks, improves logging.
      18858: Fixes unlisted account deactivation logic. Improves logging.
      18858: Fixes user fixture: usernames can only be alphanums.
      18858: Enhances logging a bit.
      18858: Initial set of tests.
      18858: Fixes fixture to avoid having duplicated emails in user accounts.
      18858: Adds duplicated email check & tests.
      18858: Adds ability to identify users by their usernames.
      18858: Tidies up testing code.
      18858: Adds username-based test cases.
      18858: Expands documentation to include the new tool.
      18858: Adds first/last name updates, with tests.
      18858: Adds sync-users package building.
      Merge branch '18858-sync-users-tool'. Closes #18858
      18858: Don't immediately exit on existing accounts with empty user IDs.
      18858: Fixes positional argument retrieval on sync-users & sync-groups.
      18858: Improves test & fixes discovered bug by said improved test.
      18858: Adds username case matching tests.
      18858: Removed root & anonymous usernames from fixture to reflect reality.
      18858: Don't treat as an error empty usernames on system users.
      Merge branch '18858-sync-users-fixes'. Closes #18858
      19206: Adds test exposing the bug.
      19206: Avoids disabling or setting system root user as non-admin.
      Merge branch '19206-root-user-disabling-fix'. Closes #19206
      19139: Adds tests related to user creation.
      19139: Fixes bug by always setting owner_uuid to the system root user's UUID.
      19139: Adds test confirming that provided owner_uuid is ignored on create calls
      Merge branch '19139-user-creation-fixes'. Closes #19139
      19278: Updates api & wb1 rails to
      Merge branch '19278-activerecord-update'. Closes #19278
      19283: Fixes webshell nginx upstream to point to the shell node.
      19291: Bumps tzinfo to 1.2.10
      Merge branch '19291-tzinfo-upgrade'. Closes #19291
      Merge branch '19283-salt-webshell-upstream-fix'. Closes #19283
      19297: Adds tests exposing the bug.
      19297: Raises an error only when no object types have the requested attribute.
      19297: Fixes error check for edge case of limit=0, count=none. Adds test.
      Merge branch '19297-inexistent-field-filter-fix'. Closes #19297
      Fixes doc site. No issue #
      Merge branch '19379-diag-wrong-filename'. Closes #19379
      19472: Syncs salt installer's main branch with commit 1e0108e1a
      Merge branch '19472-logrotate' into 2.4-release
      Merge branch '19472-installer-logrotate'. Closes #19472
      19400: Improves login-sync to detect LoginCluster federations on its own.
      19400: Adds cluster config request method to the Arvados class.
      19400: Adds upgrade notes for existing login-sync installations.
      Merge branch '19400-rubysdk-cluster-config'. Refs #19400
      19400: Updates arvados gem dependency.
      19215: Small fixes on the deploy phase.
      19594: Fixes len(None) bug, improves code formatting.
      Merge branch '19594-user-activity-fix'. Closes #19594
      19400: Tests adding pre-release dependency on arvados gem.
      19400: Force Ruby SDK installation on login-sync installation before tests.
      19400: Adjusts dependency so this doesn't pull incompatible version 2.4.3.
      Merge branch '19400-login-sync-logincluster'. Closes #19400
      19582: Enables the new keepstore S3 driver by default, updates documentation.
      19603: Fixes nginx configs to support container shell access.
      19603: Adds upgrade note regarding this fix.
      Merge branch '19603-installer-container-shell-fix'. Closes #19603
      19582: Really sets the default UseAWSS3v2Driver value to 'true'.
      19215: Uses controller's port when running diagnostics
      19215: Fixes webshell nginx config.
      19629: Upgrades nokogiri.
      Merge branch '19629-nokogiri-upgrade'. Closes #19629
      19215: Fixes some typos.
      19215: Fixes small typo.
      Merge branch 'main' into 19582-aws-s3v2-driver
      Merge branch '19582-aws-s3v2-driver'. Closes #19582.
      19683: Builds & installs the arvados gem dev version.
      19683: Improves code style.
      19683: Improves pattern matching on the arvados gem.
      Merge branch '19683-arvbox-rubysdk-fix'. Closes #19683
      19215: Fixes installer script by honoring the DEPLOY_USER var when ssh-ing.
      19215: Fixes IAM policy example.
      19215: Adds initial version of terraform code for multi-host deploy in AWS.
      19215: Adds documentation on Terraform code.
      19215: Sets up the provision.sh script to use our own postgres formula fork.
      19215: Fixes IAM policy example for Keepstore S3 access.
      19215: Adds hardcoded deploy_user output set to "admin".
      19215: Adds region_name as output.
      19215: Adds private subnet & NAT gateway for compute nodes.
      19215: Fixes one remaining IP related variable.
      19215: Properly outputs LE's secret access key.
      19215: Adjusts the documentation to reflect recent changes.
      19862: Upgrades nokogiri and related gem on RailsAPI and Workbench.
      Merge branch '19862-nokogiri-upgrade'. Closes #19862
      19877: Upgrades loofah gem on RailsAPI & Woekbench
      Merge branch '19877-loofah-upgrade'. Closes #19877
      19878: Upgrades rails-html-sanitizer on RailsAPI & Workbench.
      Merge branch '19878-rails-html-sanitizer-upgrade'. Closes #19878

Michael R. Crusoe (2):
      SSLHandshakeError is Python 2 only refs #17008
      Link to the coding standards

Nico Cesar (21):
      17014: controller handles container requests
      addressing https://dev.arvados.org/issues/17014#note-41
      Merge branch '17014-controller-container-requests-take3'
      Doc update: Arvados 2.1 is not compatible with cgroups V2.
      Merge branch '17271-doc-cgroupv2'
      Changed 'api' -> 'API in runtime_constraints
      fixed test for 17299
      doc: clarification about proxy flag
      Merge branch '16974-remote-clusters-and-activate-users-doc-take2'
      Merge branch '17299-uppercase-api'
      Changed 'api' -> 'API in runtime_constraints
      fixed test for 17299
      Added note about /bin/false as UNIX login
      Merge branch '17312-doc-PAM-nologin'
      Added note about /bin/false as UNIX login
      17530: Added check if API host is missing
      Merge branch '17530-arvados-client-fastfail-take2'
      SSO deprecation in documentation
      Merge branch '17651-sso-deprecated'
      OIDC given name / family name fields support
      Merge branch '17748-extra-claims-take2'

Peter Amstutz (747):
      16982: OS packages build as ~devN, Python and Ruby use .devN
      Fix heading for "upgrading" no issue #
      Merge branch '16982-tilde-devN' refs #16982
      Separate inline/download keep-web ports refs #16812
      Add WebDAV and S3 API documentation
      Collection$create returns (vector of) ArvadosFile object
      17010: Redesign "Re-run..." button to choose project to run in
      17010: When running workflow from workbench, enable reuse by default
      17010: Fix debug comment
      17010: Fix tests
      17010: Fix tests.  Tests check that --enable-reuse is set
      17010: Don't double up --enable-reuse
      17010: Use !! instead of (? true : false)
      Merge branch '17010-re-run-workflow' refs #17010
      17040: Swap the order of where clauses in the readable_by query
      17040: Refactor trash check
      17040: Get user_uuids and embed them as a constant in the main query
      17040: Cache results of User.group_permissions
      17040: RefreshTrashedGroups migration, clear_permissions calls forget_cached_group_perms
      17040: Update structure.sql
      Merge branch '17040-slow-query' refs #17040
      17090: Use EXCLUSIVE lock for permission updates
      17090: Migration to refresh_permissions
      Merge branch '17090-exclusive-lock' refs #17090
      17022: Start work on user activity reporting script
      17022: Produce user activity report from the audit logs
      17022: Specify time period in days on command line.
      17022: Python packaging for arv-user-activity
      17022: Make this a fully packaged tool.
      17022: Fix packaging
      17015: Ensure that containers belong to this cluster
      Merge branch '17015-cds-correct-containers' refs #17015
      17154: Make sure most current user record is loaded.
      17154: Copy updates on federated users to local cluster
      16774: Keep-web errors include messages
      17154: Add comment.  Use strings.HasPrefix
      Merge branch '17154-wb-profile' refs #17154
      16774: Fix tests.  Use encoder for xml error response.
      16774: text/plain response uses crlf.  Tests check error codes.
      17022: Improve output.  Added documentation page.
      17022: Add test cases for keyset_list_all
      17022: Add example usage of keyset_list_all to code cookbook.
      17072: Bump cwltool version for unbound 'result' fix
      17072: Fix imports.  Use task_queue from cwltool.
      17072: Increase default submit thread concurrency to 4
      17072: Fix for added args on cwltool.docker.get_image
      Merge branch '16774-keep-web-errors' refs #16774
      17022: Update install docs & fix Marc's email.
      Merge branch '17022-user-activity-report' refs #17022
      Merge branch '17072-update-cwltool' refs #17072
      17224: Fix to have multiple clients connected to separate clusters
      17224: Provide alternate credentials to use for creating user tokens
      Merge branch '17225-ruby-sdk' refs #17225
      17224: Document LoginCluster configuration for login-sync
      Merge branch '17224-login-sync' refs #17224
      17267: Don't immediately fail if an extension schema is missing
      17267: Add integration test for broken link in $schemas
      Merge branch '17267-broken-schema-links' refs #17267
      17286: Log clickable URL to container request in workbench
      17286: URL to final output collection
      17286: Tweak output if neither workbench2 or workbench1 is defined
      Merge branch '17286-print-urls' refs #17286
      Add missing file closes #17281
      17293: Update trash_at/deleted_at even on MarshalManifest error
      Merge branch '17293-save-logs' refs #17293
      17165: Add rake task to copy from arvados-vscode-cwl-training
      Update from upstream
      17165:	Adjust some titles
      17165: Update training after going back over it step-by-step
      17165: Update vscode training doc
      17165: Sync up again
      Merge branch '17165-vscode-training-doc' refs #17165
      Add missing images refs #17165
      Put the missing images in the right place refs #17165
      Update vscode training page no issue #
      Update cwltool for bug fixes. refs #17213
      17165: Add rake task to copy from arvados-vscode-cwl-training
      Update from upstream
      17165:	Adjust some titles
      17165: Update training after going back over it step-by-step
      17165: Update vscode training doc
      17165: Sync up again
      Add missing images refs #17165
      Put the missing images in the right place refs #17165
      Update vscode training page no issue #
      Update cwltool for bug fixes. refs #17213
      17462: Bump cwltool for scandeps bugfix
      17462: Fix fetch_text() signature
      17462: Fix tests
      Merge branch '17462-default-secondaryfiles' refs #17462
      Fix regression refs #17462
      17462: Add integration test to confirm fix
      Merge branch '17462-secondaryfiles-regression' refs #17462
      17521: Add tests, refs #10380 and refs #17521
      17521: Use normpath to clean up the path segment.
      Merge branch '17521-dot-slash-glob' refs #17521
      17598: Handle comparison URLs with :80 or :443
      17598: stripDefaultPort behavior, error message when !credentialsOK
      Merge branch '17598-keep-web-url' refs #17598
      17598: Also use lowercase for URL host comparison
      Merge branch '17598-keep-web-url-case' refs #17598
      17449: Expand the "token expiration" admin page
      17449: Clarifications and edits.
      Merge branch '17449-gxp-docs' refs #17449
      17589: Ensure that 'group contents' requests are routed correctly
      17589: Use more efficient & stable keyset paging.
      17589: Disallow offset with group contents count=none
      17589: when count=none and offset=0 don't do unnecessary row counts
      Merge branch '17589-contents-count-none' refs #17589
      Fix integration test closes #17673
      17499: Support username/password login on workbench1
      17499: Add logo so default WelcomePageHTML works
      17499: Adjust formatting. improve error reporting.
      17499: Adjust the default welcome page text used by wb1/wb2
      17499: Rewrite javascript to pass phantomJS tests
      17499: Fixing tests WIP
      17499: Fix tests
      Merge branch '17499-wb-login-form' refs #17499
      17677: Document the "authenticate" endpoint
      Merge branch '17677-authenticate-endpoint' refs #17677
      Update "supported distributions" table no issue #
      Fix case statement for selection of wb1 login UI, refs #17499
      17702: Federated lists supports cluster_id parameter
      17702: Move check for ClusterID into splitListRequest
      Merge branch '17702-wb1-bypass-fed' refs #17702
      17703: master branch provision.sh is development install
      17703: Salt install docs point to versioned branches to get the scripts.
      17703: Be more explicit about package version.
      Merge branch '17703-provision-version' refs #17703
      17722: Adjust token expiry behavior
      17722: Update tests for adjusted MaxTokenLifetime behavior
      17722: Tweak tests to be clearer about new behavior
      Merge branch '17722-adjust-token-expiry' refs #17722
      Need to export ARVADOS_BUILDING_ so arvados_version.py sees them.
      Tweak version-at-commit.sh for interim releases (X.Y.Z.A)
      17762: Add uuid-dev package
      17464: Start by writing the documentation page
      17464: Fix config entry
      17464: Add upload/download permission checks and logging
      17464: Log collection uuid for FileSystem requests
      17464: Fix shadowed "sess" variable
      17464: Permission/logging testing WIP
      17464: Reset database after upload tests
      17464: Refactor tests and check that log events are posted
      17464: Add upload/download logging and permissions to keepproxy
      17464: Fix test.
      17464: Activity report lists upload/download events
      17464: Update config variables & docs from feedback
      17464: Clean up tests
      17464: Add tests for paths by /users/ and by PDH
      17464: Don't deny or log GET on directories.
      17464: Replace cache with LRU cache
      17464: Update exported config
      17464: Add note about special case involving sharing links
      17464: Fix typo in exported config
      17464: Unknown user gets "User" permission check instead of failure
      17464: keep-web handles cases where user is unknown
      17801: Handle glob capture of keep URI with a trailing slash
      17464: MakeRESTRouter returns erro instead of panicking
      17333: Add check for valid project uuid, with test
      Merge branch '17333-cwl-check-project-uuid' refs #17333
      17828: Remove bootsnap, which just seems to cause trouble
      Merge branch '17801-runtime-outdir' refs #17801
      Merge branch '17828-remove-bootsnap' refs #17828
      17829: Remove omniauth
      17829: Update tests to use 'controller' provider
      17829: Fix test
      17829: Remove SSO from config, controller, and tests
      17829: Remove more SSO-related configuration
      17829: Remove additional references to SSO and omniauth
      17829: Fix test
      17829: Fix test
      Merge branch '17829-remove-omniauth' refs #17829
      17395: Add output_storage_classes to container and container_request
      17395: Add OutputStorageClasses support to crunch-run
      17395: Add tests.  Don't include storage classes in full text search
      17395: Update documentation.  Add an additional test.
      17464: Couple of doc fixes
      Merge branch '17464-download-activity' refs #17464
      17395: Update docs for newer storage classes behavior.
      17395: Add missing migration file
      Merge branch '17395-container-output-storage-class' into main
      17858: Add test to reproduce bug
      17858: Integration test passes
      17858: Add ExpressionTool to classes checked for ids when visiting
      17858: Tweak logic to avoid KeyError
      Merge branch '17858-cwl-exprtool-defaults' into main refs #17858
      Put the default arvados-cwl-runner --thread-count back down to 1.
      17879: Default --thread-count=0, upgrade schema-salad
      17879: Add test that acr doesn't fail on sbg fields
      Merge branch '17879-update-schema-salad' into main refs #17879
      Add missing link to "restricting-upload-download" to doc refs #17464
      Pin networkx to avoid new version that pulls in scipy/numpy
      arvbox uses react-scripts, refs #17782
      Fix "wrong bundler" error starting API server in arvbox
      arvbox docs include a docker image tag
      Don't pull arvbox checkouts after clone
      Fix "wrong bundler" error starting API server in arvbox
      arvbox docs include a docker image tag
      Don't pull arvbox checkouts after clone
      17816: Add --runtime-engine to crunch-dispatch-local and crunch-dispatch-slurm
      17816: Make singularity-in-arvbox work
      17816: Fix tests
      17816: crunch-dispatch-local uses cluster config.
      17816: Set the current working directory in the singularity container
      17816: Sort bind mounts on singularity command line
      Merge branch '17816-singularity-cwd' into main refs #17816
      17813: Singularity image caching wip
      17813: Upload .sif file to cache project & read it from keep
      17813: Handle setting $HOME as a special case
      Make singularity suid in arvbox, crunch-dispatch-local runs as user
      17813: Fix tests
      17813: Change default value of runtime_auth_scopes to []
      17813: Refactor singularity image loading / caching / conversion
      17813: continue refactor & fix tests
      17813: Fix tests
      17813: Handle case where the cache collection update fails
      17952: Remove links to obsolete "nodes" and "keep disks"
      17952: Remove tests for presence of nodes / disks menu item
      Merge branch '17952-no-nodes-link' into main closes #17952
      17984: validation accepts user uuid in --project-uuid
      17984: Improve error reporting a bit
      17984: Fix tests
      Merge branch '17984-cwl-project-uuid-users' into main
      17390: setting intermediate/final storage classes WIP
      17390: Use cluster-configured default
      17390: Add unit tests for storage classes
      17390: Update arvados-cwl-runner docs
      17390: Document arv:OutputStorageClass extension
      Merge branch '17390-cwl-storage-classes' into main
      17983: Fix writable fuse deadlock
      Merge branch '17983-fuse-unlock-relock' into main refs #17983
      arvbox ensures workbench2 development server doesn't run with HTTPS
      17755: Add ensure_unique_name to avoid collisions on creating cache collection
      17755: Fix os.Stat
      Merge branch '17755-singularity-race' into main refs #17755
      Need to match the regex again
      18078: Reacquire llfuse lock before populating collection directory
      14018: Setting process properties WIP
      14018: Setting process properties WIP
      18078: Fix tests
      Merge branch '18078-reacquire-fuse-lock' into main refs #18078
      14018: Add arv:ProcessProperties to all the extension schemas.
      14018: Add ProcessProperties to documentation
      18024: Add a note about snap packages
      17960: Update arv-copy documentation about copying projects
      Releases have default version of arvbox to pull
      Merge branch '18024-no-docker-snap' into main
      17960: Fix example uuid.
      Merge branch '17960-arv-copy-projects-doc' into main refs #17960
      14018: Add missing file.  Remove debug print()
      Merge branch '14018-acr-set-container-properties' into main
      18002: Updating Python dependencies WIP
      18002: Fixes for cwltool update
      18002: Remove obsolete extras_require for Python 2
      Merge branch '18002-update-python-deps' into main refs #18002
      Change upper version bound for ruamel.yaml to <0.18
      Revert "Change upper version bound for ruamel.yaml to <0.18"
      Adjust version pins on google-auth and ruamel.yaml
      18164: Add test for listing permission links
      18164: Improve permission query for links
      Merge branch '18164-link-perm-read' refs #18164
      Add Workbench to arvbox status, no issue #
      18238: Update cwltool and schema-salad deps
      18238: Add required container_engine parameter to builder
      18238: Make backwards compatible when StorageClasses is not in config
      18238: Check API version before using output_storage_classes
      18238: Fix API revision check
      18238: Arvbox Singularity / Docker updates wip
      18238: Update tests to use newer arvados/jobs image
      18238: Make sure to pull default image
      Merge branch '18238-update-cwltool' refs #18238
      Fix CWL tests refs #18238
      Add Workbench to arvbox status, no issue #
      18238: Update cwltool and schema-salad deps
      18238: Add required container_engine parameter to builder
      18238: Make backwards compatible when StorageClasses is not in config
      18238: Check API version before using output_storage_classes
      18238: Fix API revision check
      18238: Update tests to use newer arvados/jobs image
      18238: Make sure to pull default image
      Fix CWL tests refs #18238
      Fix setting HOME on singularity.  Fix a-c-r secondaryFiles.
      Merge branch '18238-containers-in-arvbox' refs #18238
      18238: Another try at Singularity $HOME fix
      Merge branch '18238-singularity-home' refs #18238
      Remove the failing pre-build (--only-deps) step for crunch
      arvbox fix, keepstore is part of arvados-server now
      Fix CWL tests mixed_version_v10_wf and command_input_file_expression
      Use docker inspect instead of iterating over images list
      18260: Update cwltool for fix for integration test 35
      18260: Update when we're going to actually run the workflow
      Merge branch '18260-update-cwltool' refs #18260
      Fix top of upgrade notes to 2.3.0
      18273: Increase default java sdk timeouts & make them configuable
      18273: Set docker gradle version
      18273: simplify and use version-at-commit.sh
      18273: Tweak java sdk example
      Merge branch '18273-java-timeout' refs #18273
      Tweak docker image tagging
      18346: Add arv-mount --disable-event-listening
      18346: Fix tests
      18346: Only disable websockets when all container mounts are by PDH
      Merge branch '18346-crunchrun-no-events' refs #18346
      18316: Propagate value of enable_write & don't try to save on flush
      18316: Add test & record enable_write on FuseArvadosFile
      Merge branch '18316-fuse-read-only' refs #18316
      Merge branch 'kinow/contributing'
      18285: Bump cwltool and schema-salad dependencies
      Merge branch '18285-cwl-hint-warning' refs #18285
      17962: Improve error handling when copying projects and workflows
      17962: Add test that uuid of project is printed on stdout
      17962: Add line about printing to stdout on description
      Merge branch '17962-check-wf-definition' refs #17962
      18490: Add a where clause to avoid updating identical rows.
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'MajewskiKrzysztof/group-update' into 18511-java-sdk-groups-links
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'MajewskiKrzysztof/links-tail-uuid' into 18511-java-sdk-groups-links
      18490: Add comments.
      Merge branch '18490-redundant-updates' refs #18490
      Merge branch '18511-java-sdk-groups-links' refs #18511
      12630: first try at adding GPU support, no tests yet
      12630: Use CUDADeviceCount instead of EnableCUDA
      12630: Remove distinction between cubin/PTX hardware capabilities
      12630: Update to docker client 19.03.15 for GPU support
      Merge branch '12630-crunch-gpu' refs #12630
      18321: Incorporate CUDA request into picking a node type
      18321: Fix config export
      18321: Add CUDARuntimeConstraints matching CUDAFeatures
      18323: Add CUDARequirement to extension schema
      18321: Account for CUDA in container reuse
      18323: Test refactor WIP
      18323: Fix the rest of the tests
      18321: Check runtime constraints md5 with/without empty cuda section
      18321: Fix tests
      Merge branch '18321-gpu-instancetype' refs #18321
      18323: Document CUDARequirement
      Merge branch '18323-cwl-gpu' refs #18323
      18324: Add %G for GPU device count
      18323: Revise in line with the cwltool version of this feature
      18324: Adding BsubCUDAArguments WIP
      18323: Fix to use cwltool:CUDARequirement
      18323: Fix test
      18324: Incorporate BsubCUDAArguments.  update test
      18323: Fix test
      Merge branch '18323-cwl-gpu2' refs #18323
      12630: Call nvidia-modprobe, support CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
      12630: request both 'compute' and 'utility' nvidia capabilities
      12630: Fix usage of string.Split
      Merge branch 'main' into 18324-lsf-gpu
      12630: Fix test
      Merge branch '18324-lsf-gpu' refs #18324
      12630: Report errors from nvidia-modprobe & use Getenv
      12630: Tweak nvidia warnings
      12630: Log command line
      Merge branch '12630-nvidia-devices' refs #12630
      18326: Update documentation to cover configuring GPU support
      18657: Fix passenger-config not found by installing binstub & using that
      18665: Separate Set Host and Set Token steps
      Merge branch '18665-vscode-setup' refs #18665
      18326: Whitespace fixes
      Merge branch '18326-cuda-docs' refs #18326
      18719: Make sure to ignore old versions of collections
      18719: Handle collection_record differently
      18719: Don't try to apply incremental updates to parent inode
      18719: handle updates on flush()
      18719: Put back some logic to invalidate collection_record_file
      18719: Fix TmpCollectionDirectory
      18719: Check for None
      18719: No flush TmpCollectionDirectory
      18719: Set collection_record_file = None on base class
      18657: Almost working again, stupid Ruby
      18657: What if we get rid of setting GEM_HOME entirely
      18657: Only get lock on gem install / bundle install
      18657: Bind mount gems dir at new location
      18657: Can't symlink to binstubs, need to invoke them in place
      18657: Be less picky about where bundle is installed
      18657: Don't install api & wb binstubs into bin/
      18657: Still need to use bundle exec rake???  Fix binstubs/passenger
      Merge branch '18657-passenger-binstub' refs #18657
      18719: Delete commented out code
      Merge branch '18719-fuse-fixes' refs #18719
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'MajewskiKrzysztof/keep_client_delete_method' into 18655-java-prs
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'MajewskiKrzysztof/exclude_home_project_parameter' into 18655-java-prs
      18723: Update cwltool version for scandirs fix
      Merge branch '18655-java-prs' refs #18655
      18723: Use setuptools provided entry point
      18723: Use setuptools console entrypoints, fix dev-jobs.dockerfile
      Merge branch '18723-cwl-upload' refs #18723
      re-wrap all bundle invocations with flock refs #18770
      Update cwltool dependency for restored Python 3.6 compatability
      Readjust arvbox GEM_HOME to ~/.gem to avoid stepping on base image gems
      Fix arvbox-demo refs #18789
      18773: --match-submitter-images to compare the local docker image with Arvados
      18773: Test WIP
      18773: Add test for match_local_docker behavior
      18773: Add --match-submitter-images to docs
      18773: Fix tests.test_submit.TestSubmit.test_arvados_jobs_image
      Merge branch '18773-check-image-id' refs #18773
      18656: Add missing test files
      18656: Update cwltool version and tests for CUDA extension tweaks
      Merge branch '18656-dynamic-gpu-req' refs #18656
      Fix python2-ism
      Cherry-pick test fixes refs #18773
      Put upper bound on PyCURL
      crunchstat-summary pins to current Python SDK version
      Add "go mod vendor" so switching branches in arvbox dev works better
      17421: Added page about migration to Workbench 2
      18767: Add API documentation about searching for file/directory names.
      Merge branch '17421-wb2-doc' refs #17421
      Don't mess with the ownership of /var/lib/arvados refs #18732
      Improve arvados bash aliases, no issue #
      18180: Support for requesting preemptible instances in CWL
      18180: Documentation improvements discussing spot instance support.
      Merge branch '18180-cwl-spot' refs #18180
      18767: Move to 'list' section and mention ways to list files.
      Merge branch '18767-filename-search-doc' refs #18767
      Check out tagged conformance test suite refs #18614
      arvbox localdemo shouldn't use latest for data container no issue #
      Fix test_with_arvbox checkout by tag no issue #
      Don't git pull in test_with_arvbox no issue #
      Special behavior to skip bad cwl-1.2 test
      test_with_arvbox pass through -j3  refs #18899
      18180: Change AlwaysUsePreemptibleInstances: default to false
      Merge branch '18180-spot-default' refs #18180
      Update upgrading notes for pending 2.4.0 release refs #18701
      18941: bugfixing prefetch
      18941: Add --threads option to arv-get
      18941: FUSE set number of get threads based on cache size
      18941: Order of operations
      18941: Need to leave some space for current block
      18941: Fix typo
      18941: Fix another typo
      18941: Separate get() behavior for prefetch
      c18941: fix cache_slot_get behavior
      18941: Clamp between 1 and 16 prefetch threads
      18941: Clamp to 4 block prefetch
      18941: clamp prefetch to 6
      18941: Fix tests.
      18941: Rename cache_slot_get option to 'prefetch' for clarity
      18941: Tweak the prefetch thread max to 7
      18941: Update help text in arv-get subcommand
      Merge branch '18941-arv-prefetch' refs #18941
      18943: Migrate created_at indexes to (created_at, uuid)
      18943: Adjust keyset_list_all for efficient decending order
      18943: add modified_at descending index
      18943: consistency between modified_at/created_at indexes
      18943: Adjust default ordering of results to account for index order
      18943: modified_by index doesn't need to be (desc, desc)
      18943: Drop redundant indexes
      18943: Fix tests
      18943: Tweaking fixtures
      18943: Fixing fixture
      18943: fix fixtures
      18943: Fix workbench bug
      Merge branch '18943-created-at-index' refs #18943
      Add upgrade note about change in default result order. refs #18943
      Set release date in admin/upgrading.html
      Sync Arvados R SDK version with full release
      Fix doc for correct CUDARequirement fields
      18994: Add test case, correctly re-stage files when basename is changed.
      18994: Remove debug print
      18994: Fixing quoting WIP
      18994: Remove debug prints
      18994: Fix suffix
      18994: Fix for colon characters in filenames
      18994: Fix needs_new_collection errors found by tests
      18894: Add section "estimating manifest size"
      18994: Remove commented out code
      Merge branch '18994-cwl-basename' refs #18994
      18888: Ensure that default File/Directory references are normalized
      17301: Report warning about OOM killer when exit code 137
      17301: Log all messages in details
      17301: Fold subsequent messages into details
      18894: Mention API.MaxRequestSize
      Merge branch '18894-manifest-size-doc' refs #18894
      18888: Fix tests
      17301: Shorted OOM message.  Limit added detail to 40 lines.
      17301: Test handles line breaks
      Merge branch '18888-cwl-dir-arg' refs #18888
      17301: Clean up logging handler
      17301: Add more logging handler teardown
      Merge branch '17301-cwl-oom' refs #17301
      18835: Add a test for the is_in_collection feature of PathMapper
      Merge branch '18835-uploadfiles-test' refs #18835
      18696: Integrate RNASeq-cwl-training into user guide
      Merge branch '18696-rnaseq-training' refs #18696
      19075 When constructing a workflow request, set use_existing=false
      19075: When constructing a workflow request, set use_existing=false
      19077: Remove Composer & default to singularity
      19077: yarn is already installed
      Merge branch '19077-arvbox-fixes' refs #19077
      19109: Add test case for discovering & uploading secondary files
      19109: test/fix for related bug, finding secondary files with expressions
      19109: Fix integration test
      19070: keepdocker will use image in arvados
      19070: Always make copy of Docker images with --project-uuid
      19070: Add --copy-deps/--no-copy-deps
      19070: Fix most tests
      19070: Fix test_arvados_jobs_image
      19070: Add integration test for copying dependencies
      19070: --create/update-workflow also implies --match-submitter-images
      19070: Fix tests
      19070: Prefer to use the passed-in runtimeContext
      19070: Fix --update-workflow
      19070: Add documentation notes about --copy-deps
      19109: Avoid recursion fail mode
      Merge branch '19070-update-workflow-deps' refs #19070
      Merge branch '19109-upload-secondary' refs #19109
      17004: Initial API server support for output_properties
      17004: Initial CWL support for setting output properties
      17004: Setting intermediate collection fields
      17004: Add migration
      17004: Add API server tests for output_properties
      17004: Work on CWL side
      17004: Allow output_properties to override the default metadata
      Update tests related to make_output_collection
      17004: Set default collection output name "Output from workflow XYZ"
      17004: Fix setting properties on final collection
      17004: Test for setting final output properties from inside container
      17004: Fix lingering resource error
      Fix arvados-tests.sh to use python from a-c-r package if available.
      Fix set_secondary recursion error
      Bash syntax in arvados-tests.sh requires bash, fixed.
      19129: Select specific fields to speed up dashboard loading
      19070: Fixing CWL tests
      19070: Still trying to fix test_with_arvbox
      19070: more test_with_arvbox fixes
      19070: make some notes about why the script does things
      Merge branch '19070-cwl-test-fixing' refs #19070
      arvbox option to override API_HOST to test with other clusters
      Don't install docker in arvbox now that arvados-server install does it.
      17004: Move output_properties to progress_attrs
      Merge branch '17004-properties-on-output' refs #17004
      Fix integration test refs #17004
      19129: add missing exit_code from select
      Merge branch '19129-wb1-dashboard-speedup' refs #19129
      Remove illegal characters (currently just '/') from output collection names
      Add 2nd NVIDIA repo key
      Fix 2.4.1 release date refs #19017
      Pin protobuf version to <4.0.0, refs #19202
      18870: New script to help manage install
      18870: Updating params.local
      18870: git add everything
      18870: Fix remote add
      18870: Commits stuff
      18870: tweaking git stuff
      18870: git stuff
      18870: Flexible branch naming
      18870: Deploy individual nodes
      18870: Refactor sync
      18870: Fix typo
      18870: another fix
      18870: Run diagnostics
      18870: fix
      18870: Fix diagnostic
      18870: Need to declare NODES as array
      18870: Fixing declare
      18870: Use correct default vm hostname
      18870: Change deploy target directory name
      18870: Make sure database password is quoted in pillar
      18870: Use bash [[ ]] conditional syntax and order deploy
      18870: Fix typo
      18870: Improve logging of errors from login-sync
      18870: Ensure sbin is in cron job PATH
      18870: Check for 'fixme's
      18870: Change the non-user oriented "FIXME" to "NOTE"
      18870: Added a bunch of comments & documentation
      18870: Handle possibly undefined command line parameters
      18870: Add message about running diagnostics
      Merge branch '18870-installer' refs #18870
      Merge branch 'keep_web_api_client_upload_method' refs #19220
      19280: don't redundantly re-parse the file
      19280: Update schema salad for get_metaschema performance fix
      Merge branch 'MajewskiKrzysztof/use_api_token_from_config_object'
      19280: Update schema-salad & cwltool
      19280: Don't redundantly check javascript
      19280: Add metrics checkpoints
      19280: more perf metrics
      19280: Fix typo
      19280: More metrics
      19280: Try optimizing scandeps
      19280: Metrics on scandeps
      19280: what are we scanning here actually
      19280: Only scan tools
      19280: Try this again
      19280: explicitly include/exclude primary
      Merge branch '19328-security-policy' refs #19328
      19280: pin msgpack because 1.0.4 has install problems
      19280: Handle expressions that return secondary files
      19321: Use the correct enum value for cwl inputs
      Merge branch '19280-cache-loadref' refs #19280
      Merge branch '19321-wb1-enum' refs #19321
      Add upgrading notes refs #19330
      Grammar fixes refs #19330
      Sync security update text.  refs #19330
      Missing shell role in single node install refs #19330
      Include shell in complete list of provision.sh roles refs #19330
      Fix 2.4.2 release date refs #19330
      Fix 2.4.2 upgrade notes formatting refs #19330
      Be more explicit about installing the root cert in arvbox doc
      19179: Don't report token events, they are too noisy
      19413: Optimize reporting warnings to API server
      Merge branch '19413-warning-update' refs #19413
      Pull our fork of amazon-ebs-autoscale for nvme support, refs #19439
      Don't include the patch any more, refs #19439
      Use "systemctl disable" instead of "service docker stop" refs #19439
      19454: Update cwltool and schema salad
      Merge branch '19454-cwl-output-json' refs #19454
      19464: Record & report provenance information from git
      19464: Fix assignment
      19464: Include "git describe" in workflow name
      19464: Record the file path in the git repo as well
      19464: Don't repeat the workflow id
      19464: Record git info as properties
      19464: Misspelled items
      Test fixing wip
      19464: Fix tests
      Merge branch '19464-capture-git-info' refs #19464
      Set "GITTARGET=.arvados-deploy-config-cluster" so it is hidden
      Merge branch '19179-acct-activity' refs #19179
      Update schema-salad dependency for filecache fix
      Improve getting git branch and git describe refs #19464
      Add upgrade notes for 2.4.3
      19215: Incorporate many details into install doc
      19215: Install doc update work in progress checkpoint
      19215: Lots more edits
      19215: Much installer documentation and reorganization
      19215: Update single host install page
      19215: Add install page mentioning diagnostics tool.
      19215: Comment out out-of-date doc
      19215: Comment out composer doc
      19215: Make it so the manual install docs recommend using diagnostics.
      19215: store keep blocks in /var/lib/arvados/keep instead of /tmp
      19215: Make recommendations about disk space usage
      19215: Make it clearer DNS only required for multi-hostname
      19215: Tweak a few things from initial testing
      19215: Check for git and ip tools
      19215: Making installer.sh work for single node
      19215: Explicitly use bash for bash-ism in snakeoil state
      19215: Add note that the single-host install isn't usable inside Docker
      19466: Add cwl_input and cwl_output to properties for workflow steps
      19466: Fixing tests
      19466: Fix tests
      19180: Document how to do various project operations with CLI
      18368: Add BannerURL config option
      19215: Review fixes
      19215: Fix state creating /var/lib/aravdos/keep
      19215: Fix note about location of keep blocks.
      19215: Formatting fixes
      18842: Add disk cache, test python sdk/fuse disk_cache=true/false
      18842: Add locking and cachedir cleanup, needs testing
      18842: When starting up the disk cache, map in everything
      18842: put the file locking back
      19466: Add an API documentation page about properties
      19466: Fix incorrect cwl_ properties in table
      19466: Fix properties page typos
      19466: Fix typo and test with cwl_ properties
      19466: Add link to section later in the page
      Merge branch '19466-cwl-io' refs #19466
      18842: Initial work adding disk cache option to configuration
      18842: Add KeepCacheDisk to EstimateScratchSpace used by dispatchers
      18842: Fix syntax errors & error handling
      18842: Fix tests
      18842: Fix test for default disk cache
      18842: Fix test
      19678: Use minimal job loader context to expand job order, same as cwltool
      19678: Fix for parameters called 'name'
      Merge branch '19678-job-loader' refs #19678
      18842: Respond to review comments
      19688: Trying a fast path submit for registered workflows
      19688: Make registered workflows lightweight wrappers
      19688: Fix @stubs decorator that was accidentally skipping tests
      19688: Recognize plain workflow uuid without arvwf: prefix
      19688: Update tests
      19688: Make sure CommandLineTool gets wrapped properly
      19688: Set label so subwf isn't displayed as "step"
      19688: Set step id to match original workflow id
      19688: Fix tests
      19688: Make sure the wrapper has git info too
      19688: Fix test
      19699: Add option to defer downloads
      19699: Ensure collection name doesn't go over the limit
      19699: Accomodate failed HEAD requests, add If-None-Match
      19699: Report download done, don't try to stage deferred downloads
      19699: Tighten up etag handling a bit
      19699: Add a couple debug statements for etags
      19699: Add --varying-url-params
      19699: Pass through --varying-url-params to runner container
      19699: Add --prefer-cached-downloads, add tests
      Don't send validation warning to runtime status.
      Merge branch '19688-cwl-fast-path' refs #19688
      Merge branch '19699-cwl-http-dl' refs #19699
      Merge branch '19692-quieter-runtime-status' refs #19692
      Fix python packaging conflicts with older pip refs #19330
      Add 2.4.4 to upgrading notes.
      Merge branch 'main' into 18842-arv-mount-disk-config
      18842: Use tempdir for cache directory in tests
      18842: Added tests for specific disk cache behavior
      19699: Refresh arvados-cwl-runner table of options
      19699: Add section about data import
      18842: Turn disk write errors into KeepCacheError
      18842: Add a couple of error handling tests
      19699: Update from review comments
      Merge branch '19699-cwl-dl-docs' refs #19699
      When comparing manifest_text, strip signatures
      19215: Polishing install process
      19215: More documentation details
      19215: A few tweaks about setting up compute image.
      19215: Move the note about installing Terraform CLI
      Set up ruby sdk, no issue #
      arvbox changes: yank Composer.  Add link to documentation.
      Get the README to render better
      19704: Add readArvFile to README
      19215: Fix *_INT_IP defaults and Terraform CLI install text.
      18842: Clean up keep cache set() a little bit
      18842: Clean up keep cache set logic a little more
      18842: Need to call ready.set() on base cases
      18842: One more refactor
      19215: Add -o pipefail to installer.sh
      Merge branch '18842-arv-mount-disk-config' refs #18842
      Merge branch '19215-installer' refs #19215
      Fix broken documentation link refs #19215
      19847: Add calculation for choosing keep disk cache size.
      19847: Fix KeepCacheTypeRequirement
      19847: crunch-run should provide --ram-cache explicitly
      19847: Change disk cache size heuristic
      19847: Fix tests
      19872: Set max_slots lower because mmap uses another FD
      19872: Add a timeout to wait()
      Update copy_deps test, refs #19688
      Merge branch '19847-cwl-disk-cache-size' refs #19847
      Don't record varying git data for copy_deps test
      19872: Use fewer file handles by default, but increase the limit in arv-mount
      19872: Fix typo
      19872: Fix call to setrlimit
      19704: Fix R SDK documentation build.
      Merge branch '19872-mnt-cache-limits' refs #19872
      Merge branch '19704-aneta-r-sdk' refs #19704
      Test needs to ignore varying "acrContainerImage" field
      Add missing test file refs #19688
      19880: Password based login fix
      19880: Fix tests
      19880: Fix tests by restoring test hook
      Merge branch '19880-wb1-pw-login-fix' refs #19880
      Merge branch '19844-paging' refs #19844

Peter Stöckli (1):
      19328: Add security policy

Peter van Heusden (2):
      Fix salt-install's crunch-dispatch-local config and tests
      Fix hardcoded initial user name and email

Stephen Smith (2):
      15159: Export TrustAllContent for use in wb2
      Merge branch '15159-export-trustallcontent' into main. Closes #15159

Tom Clegg (1114):
      16306: Add automatic install page.
      16306: Add "install -type package" and "buildpackage".
      16306: Sync bundler version to services/api/Gemfile.lock.
      16306: Packaging dev cycle, type=production support in lib/boot.
      16306: Show logprefix like 'passenger at railsapi'
      16306: Add hostname as subjectAltName.
      16306: Option to start shell in docker-boot.sh.
      16306: Fixup nginx in arvados-boot production mode.
      16306: Include wwwtmp dir in package.
      16306: Fix nginx port probe.
      16306: Set Workbench1 secret key.
      16306: Add "ping" health check to keep-balance.
      16306: Update gem command line option spelling.
      16306: Add --os argument to package build scripts.
      16306: Merge branch 'master'
      16669: Move fake OIDC provider to arvadostest pkg.
      16669: Accept OIDC access token in lieu of arvados api token.
      16669: Give LoginCluster a chance to validate bare (non-v2) tokens.
      16669: Accept OIDC access token in RailsAPI auth.
      16669: Set expiry time when inserting new access token record.
      16669: Fix nil pointer dereference.
      16669: Fix use of timestamp in local timezone.
      16669: Test access tokens in federation scenario.
      16669: Fix access token cache panic.
      16669: Fix pass-through of cached remote token.
      16669: Fix test.
      Merge branch '16669-oidc-access-token'
      17111: Deselect unsigned_manifest_text by default in groups#contents.
      Merge branch '17111-deselect-unsigned-manifest'
      17106: Accept v2 token with / replaced by _ as s3 access/secret key.
      17106: Test S3 with modified v2 token issued by LoginCluster.
      17106: Skip s3cmd test if s3cmd not installed.
      17106: Clean up test.
      17106: Improve handling of bare tokens issued by remote clusters.
      17106: Comment on stored_secret behavior.
      17106: Update docs.
      17009: Support accessing S3 with virtual hosted-style URLs.
      17009: Mention S3 considerations in keep-web install doc.
      Merge branch '17009-s3-bucket-vhost'
      17106: Recommend using full tokens for S3 access.
      17106: Allow use of URL-encoded token as S3 access/secret key.
      17106: Fix key unescape: don't convert + to space.
      17106: Add examples to S3 auth instructions.
      Merge branch '17106-s3-fed-token'
      17009: Fix bucket-level ops using virtual host-style requests.
      Update error regexp in test case.
      17161: Improve SystemRootToken docs.
      17009: Test virtual host-style S3 requests.
      17009: Fix s3 ListObjects endpoint with vhost-style requests.
      Fix tests.
      Merge branch '17009-s3-vhost-list'
      Warn about missing/short secrets. Delete Rails session key.
      17199: Avoid returning same port twice from find_available_port().
      Merge branch '17161-doc-system-root-token'
      17151: Merge branch 'master'
      17202: Bypass 303-with-token on cross-origin requests.
      17202: Use explicit SameSite=Lax for 303-with-cookie.
      Merge branch '17199-available-port-race'
      17202: Test avoiding redirect for cross-origin inline images.
      Merge branch '17202-no-redir-crossorigin'
      17208: Use normalized path to compute signatures.
      17208: Merge branch 'master'
      17208: Add test case.
      17208: Update test for s3cmd's new console output.
      Merge branch '17208-s3-signature-double-slash'
      16360: Don't bypass autofillConfig in production mode.
      16306: Fix Nginx not starting when running as non-root.
      16306: Comment why rm instead of exclude. Delete go tools, too.
      16306: Monkeypatch fpm bug.
      16306: Remove some unneeded deps from prod/pkg.
      16306: Move nginx temp dirs into a subdir.
      16306: Merge branch 'master'
      16306: Add -eatmydata flag.
      16306: Use tmpfs to speed up package building.
      16306: Add health check endpoint to dispatcher.
      16306: Circumvent Rails redirect-to-https in workbench health check.
      16306: Fix permission issues.
      16306: Remove more unneeded files from package.
      16306: Fix env var ordering.
      16306: Comment out Workbench2 so health check succeeds.
      17175: Fix logging label for setuidgid-wrapped procs.
      17175: Wait for seedDatabase before starting railsapi.
      Merge branch '17151-system-token-validation'
      16306: Rename arvados-dev buildpackage -> arvados-package build
      16306: Refactor docker scripts into arvados-package command.
      16306: Fix inability to shutdown passenger processes.
      16306: Exit 0 when startup-then-shutdown goes as planned.
      16306: Remove daemontools dependency.
      Merge branch '17175-boot-fail-rake-seed'
      16306: Command usage help.
      17170: Add "arvados-client shell" subcommand and backend support.
      17170: Specify login username. Improve logging.
      17170: Use TLS for controller->crunch-run traffic.
      17170: Fixup gateway auth secret.
      17170: Test controller->crunch-run tunnel.
      17170: Fix dial when API host var is host:port.
      17170: Test arvados-client shell command.
      17170: Allow shell only if this user submitted all associated CRs.
      17170: Dry up close-connection-on-error.
      17170: Don't reuse transport that might have http2 enabled.
      17170: Improve error messages.
      17170: "arvados-client shell" accepts container request UUID.
      17170: Fixup error display.
      17170: Fix closing pty/tty when nil.
      17170: Merge branch 'master'
      17170: Fix -help output.
      17170: Check container is readable before checking write permission.
      17170: Improve error messages.
      17170: Use exec() to eliminate intermediate arvados-client process.
      17170: Add missing method to APIStub.
      17170: Drop gateway_address from searchable columns.
      16306: Merge branch 'master'
      16306: Use cwd as default source tree.
      16306: Update tests.
      16306: Remove old bash scripts.
      17170: Fix crash when http transport uses default nil transport.
      16306: Fixup test.
      16306: Hide "easy install" option from the install docs.
      17170: Merge branch 'master'
      17170: Improve error message for unrecognizable target UUID.
      16306: Merge branch 'master'
      17170: Allow admin users to run commands in any container.
      17170: Re-word comment, document ...-Login-Username header.
      16306: Remove obsolete RailsSessionSecretToken config.
      16306: Merge branch 'master'
      16306: Fix runPassenger HOME env in non-production case.
      16669: Fix cache bug.
      16669: Test oidcTokenAuthorizer cache.
      17170: Add config keys to enable shell access for users/admins.
      17170: Add interactive_session_started flag to containers.
      17170: Attempt tunnel setup before exec()ing ssh client.
      17170: Add new Nginx configs to upgrade notes.
      Merge branch '16669-oidc-access-token'
      17170: Test OpenSSH client -> shell gateway -> docker exec.
      17170: More helpful message if ARVADOS_* env vars are not set.
      17170: Return more helpful error if APIHost is not set.
      16306: Accept -package-version arg to testinstall.
      17170: Merge branch 'master'
      16306: Update to Ruby 2.7.2.
      16306: Exclude {rails}/config/environments from package.
      16306: Add note about dpkg-scanpackages.
      16306: Add package metadata.
      16306: Print PASS line when testinstall succeeds.
      16306: Don't generate Packages.gz until/unless testing the package.
      16306: Merge branch 'master'
      Merge branch '16306-arvados-easy-install'
      17170: Merge branch 'master'
      17170: Improve error messages and command help text.
      17170: Update test.
      17335: Configurable auth params for OIDC and Google.
      17212: Propagate -listen-host to postgresql and passenger.
      Merge branch '17212-fix-port-conflicts'
      Merge branch '17170-container-shell'
      Merge branch '17335-oidc-auth-params'
      Fix panic when OIDC provider returns no name claim.
      17384: Respect CrunchRunCommand and CrunchRunArgumentsList in a-d-c.
      Merge branch '17384-crunch-run-configs'
      17398: Skip gateway server if dispatcher does not send desired addr.
      Merge branch '17398-no-ctr-gateway'
      16745: Keep a SiteFileSystem alive for multiple read requests.
      16745: Prune enough sessions to reach size limit, not all.
      16745: Don't store nil in an atomic.Value (panic).
      16745: Handle GetBucketLocation API.
      16745: Reject unsupported APIs instead of mishandling.
      16745: Rename session cache size metric.
      16745: Update test.
      Merge branch '16745-keep-web-cache'
      16669: Accept OIDC access token in federated requests.
      Merge branch '16669-oidc-access-token-fed'
      Fix panic when OIDC provider returns no name claim.
      17384: Respect CrunchRunCommand and CrunchRunArgumentsList in a-d-c.
      17398: Skip gateway server if dispatcher does not send desired addr.
      16745: Keep a SiteFileSystem alive for multiple read requests.
      16745: Prune enough sessions to reach size limit, not all.
      16745: Don't store nil in an atomic.Value (panic).
      16745: Handle GetBucketLocation API.
      16745: Reject unsupported APIs instead of mishandling.
      16745: Rename session cache size metric.
      16745: Update test.
      16669: Accept OIDC access token in federated requests.
      17353: Don't show config-dump warnings for empty config.
      Merge branch '17353-install-warnings'
      Add test cases for special chars in filename.
      13382: Report storage class(es) in headers after successful write.
      13382: Use caller-specified storage classes when writing.
      13382: Test storage class failure cases.
      13382: Rename putResult -> putProgress.
      Merge branch '13382-write-to-storage-class'
      17392: Ensure requested storage classes are satisfied on write.
      16159: Provide a localdb transaction for federation tests.
      17392: Test satisfying storage classes via multiple servers.
      Merge branch '17392-go-write-to-storage-class'
      17531: Remove ForceLegacyAPI14 config flag.
      17529: Return RequestLimitExceeded as a RateLimitError.
      17346: Don't try to rebalance the zero-length data block.
      Merge branch '17531-remove-forcelegacyapi14-config'
      17529: Heed MaxCloudOpsPerSecond when calling SetTags.
      17529: Catch rate limit errors from DescribeInstances, too.
      17529: Update comment.
      17528: Don't load config when doing assets:precompile in postinst.
      17528: Remove bin/yarn from Rails projects.
      17528: Fix assets:precompile @ build time, skip at install time.
      17528: Set ready=0 if config is incomplete/missing during install.
      Merge branch '17529-ec2-rate-limit'
      17529: Heed MaxCloudOpsPerSecond in Instances() and returned insts.
      Merge branch '17529-listinstances-rate-limit'
      17346: Add test case.
      17566: Use configured MaxRequestSize.
      17566: Allow large request bodies in integration tests.
      17566: Don't bypass controller in SDK integration tests.
      17437: Don't copy incoming Content-Length header when proxying.
      Merge branch '17437-drop-content-length-header'
      Merge branch '17528-install-warnings'
      17204: Fix misleading log message on 304 Not Modified response.
      17343: Add option to boot without workbench1 to speed up tests.
      Merge branch '17346-keep-balance-empty-block'
      Merge branch '17204-not-modified'
      Merge branch '17566-max-request-size'
      17507: Support ListObjectsV2 API.
      17507: Fix calling Child() without lock.
      17284: Redact RailsAPI host:port in error messages.
      Merge branch '17343-workbench1-optional'
      Merge branch '17507-listobjectsv2'
      16997: Test map key order in check/dump. Fix duplicate warnings.
      16997: Use go-yaml fork to avoid key-sorting bug.
      Merge branch '17284-redact-railsapi-host'
      Merge branch '16997-sort-config-for-diff'
      17610: Check scopes when using a remote token.
      17284: Fix missing "/" in error message.
      Merge branch '17284-redact-railsapi-host'
      Update tests for go 1.16.
      Don't ask nginx to log to stderr when using setuid.
      Merge branch '17610-remote-token-scopes'
      17587: Don't reject federated query with large limit param.
      Fix "docker port" usage.
      17587: Comment SetUpTest calls.
      Merge branch '17587-workbench-federated-query'
      Fix test regexp.
      17590: Rename S3 volume config keys to match AWS terms.
      17650: Fix test order dependency.
      Merge branch '17650-fix-cwl-tests'
      17590: Merge branch 'master'
      17590: Improve log messages when old AWS config keys are used.
      17590: Fix spelling of S3 driver name.
      17590: Error out if both old+new S3 credential configs are provided.
      17590: Add upgrade note about changed config keys.
      Merge branch '17590-ec2-config-keys'
      17657: Allow ssh port forwarding to container ports.
      17657: Test port forwarding using OpenSSH client.
      17657: Improve test failure messages.
      Merge branch '17657-ssh-port-forward'
      17296: Disentangle docker-specific code, add singularity option.
      17296: Add RUntimeConfig to exported config.
      17296: Add crunch-run integration test.
      17296: Don't use /var/lib/arvados/tmp as a cache dir for tests.
      17296: Enable memory limit for test.
      17296: Use https cache.
      17296: Fix docker tests running twice.
      17680: Document accepting OIDC access tokens.
      17680: Add OIDC access token section to "tokens" page.
      Merge branch '17680-oidctoken-doc'
      17682: Fix stutter in "arvados-client shell" output.
      17708: Test skipping non-regular file in output dir.
      17704: Check scope before accepting OIDC access tokens.
      17704: Enable OIDC access tokens for tests.
      17704: Split access token scope config into 2 keys.
      17719: Fix incorrect cache update.
      Merge branch '17719-keep-web-pdh-cache'
      Merge branch '17704-check-token-scope'
      17296: Document changed handling of unusual image collections.
      17296: Log when/why gateway server is disabled.
      17296: Skip integration tests if docker is not installed.
      17296: Merge branch 'master'
      17296: Avoid memory-limiting feature in tests.
      17296: Fix panic in teardown of skipped test.
      Merge branch '17682-fix-stutter'
      Remove old Go installation when upgrading.
      17296: Merge branch 'master'
      Merge branch '17296-singularity'
      Remove duplicate rm.
      17609: Add diagnostics command.
      17609: Add webshell test.
      17609: Refactor tests to add some structure.
      17609: Fix limit args to work with older API.
      17609: Use timeout on all http requests.
      17609: Improve log text alignment.
      17609: Add "run container" test.
      17609: Improve output formatting.
      17609: Behave better when project creation fails.
      17609: Tweak messages.
      17705: Add dispatchcloud architecture page.
      17705: Mention IdleBehavior tag name.
      17705: Link install page to arch page.
      17774: Ignore addition of zero/default values to mounts when frozen.
      17774: Test runtime_constraints and scheduling_parameters, too.
      17774: Add non-empty mounts to test fixtures.
      Merge branch '17774-fix-cancel-cr'
      17609: Remove duplicate NoPrefixFormatter.
      17609: Remove extra newlines.
      17609: Merge branch 'master'
      17609: Make costanalyzer logging a bit less verbose.
      17803: Warn when config keys are ignored due to case mismatch.
      17803: Ensure keys with mismatched case don't get used.
      17810: Fix S3 signature verification.
      17803: Fix unnecessarily convoluted test case.
      17803: Note todo's.
      Merge branch '17803-config-key-case-warning'
      Merge branch '17810-s3-escape-non-unreserved-chars'
      17464: Add DebugLocksPanicMode and fix some missing locks.
      Merge branch '17609-diagnostics-cmd'
      17464: Fix auto-enable DebugLocksPanicMode.
      17756: Add lsf dispatcher.
      17756: Rewrite lsfqueue "wait for next update".
      17756: Add checkLsfQueueForOrphans.
      17756: Build arvados-dispatch-lsf package.
      17756: Add DispatchLSF to health aggregator test setup.
      17756: Fix tests to accommodate sudo and added bjobs args.
      17853: Fix map write when only RLock held.
      17705: Improve InstanceSetID wording, update link to mgmt API docs.
      17756: Add arvados-dispatch-lsf install doc page.
      Merge branch '17853-fix-write-with-rlock' into main
      17756: Merge branch 'main'
      Merge branch '17705-adc-arch-doc'
      17394: Propagate storage classes when writing data via collectionfs.
      17394: Test BlockWrite storage classes precedence.
      17394: Use BlockWrite interface in crunch-run.
      17394: Update callback name.
      17394: Check by_id dir obeys storage classes.
      17816: Close stdin/stdout/stderr from main instead of executor.
      17816: Add test.
      Merge branch '17394-collectionfs-storage-class' into main
      17756: Review feedback.
      17756: Move "no suitable instance type" reporting to dispatch lib.
      17756: Note that bsub sudo user must exist on worker nodes.
      17756: Fix test.
      17574: Update replication_confirmed fields after keep-balance run.
      17813: Error out if sif cache collection cannot be created.
      Merge branch '17813-docker-to-singularity' into main
      17574: Get collections directly from DB instead of controller.
      17574: Add -update-confirmed-fields=false option.
      17574: Speed up manifest parsing.
      17574: add -pprof flag to service commands.
      17574: Add BalanceUpdateLimit config, fix tests.
      17574: Process collections in a worker pool.
      17574: Batch updates into transactions, skip when unchanged.
      17574: Update install/upgrade docs wrt PostgreSQL access.
      17574: Fix wait on empty channel.
      17574: Update test.
      17574: Fix misleading errors after reaching update limit.
      Merge branch '17756-dispatch-lsf' into main
      17574: Fix map write when only RLock held.
      Fix map write when only RLock held.
      17574: Confirm storage classes as [] when replication is 0.
      17574: Merge branch 'main'
      Merge branch '17574-storage-classes-confirmed' into main
      17967: Add StorageClasses config section.
      17967: Read from volumes with high-priority storage classes first.
      17967: Use StorageClasses.*.Default instead of ["default"].
      17726: Add singularity doc page.
      17967: Update tests.
      17967: Update storage classes docs.
      17726: Link singularity install docs. Add dispatch-lsf mention.
      17726: More detail about singularity/docker differences.
      17967: Link to config doc page from conf file and upgrade notes.
      17967: Test new behavior for default storage_classes_desired.
      17967: Update generated config.
      Merge branch '17967-storage-classes-config' into main
      17726: Add Singularity info to user docs.
      Merge branch '17726-singularity-doc' into main
      17698: Do concurrent writes when multiple volumes are needed.
      17698: Fix AllWritable panic when no volumes are writable.
      17698: Rename newPutResult to match new putProgress type name.
      17698: Update PutBlock comment.
      17698: Add comment to clarify locking.
      17698: Test "no writable volumes" case.
      17698: Merge branch 'main' into 17698-keepstore-concurrent-writes
      17994: Allow filtering on storage_classes_desired/confirmed fields.
      Merge branch '17698-keepstore-concurrent-writes'
      17994: Support filtering by element/key presence in jsonb columns.
      17994: Update comment.
      17217: Sign manifests in controller instead of RailsAPI.
      17217: Remove crufty test util funcs.
      17217: Update tests, remove unused code.
      17217: Add signatures test for groups/contents.
      17994: Accept a few very specific expressions as filters.
      17994: Document filtering by comparing two attributes.
      17994: Document new filtering capabilities.
      17217: Skip signatures when BlobSigning=false.
      17217: Test signature expiry times.
      17217: Update RailsAPI tests to not expect signatures.
      17217: Sign locators in CollectionCreate and Update.
      Merge branch '17994-filter-by-storage-classes' into main
      Merge branch '17217-collection-signatures' into main
      17995: Rephrase filter expression docs.
      17995: Merge branch 'main'
      Fix misleading log message.
      Update default bsub arguments to save stdout/stderr in /tmp.
      Update test to accept non-empty default BsubArgumentsList.
      17995: Accept boolean expressions as strings without ["...",=,true].
      17995: Merge branch 'main'
      17995: Fix merge error.
      18027: Fix crash when reporting error during --unmount.
      18027: Kill arv-mount directly if arv-mount --unmount cannot run.
      18102: Fix double-unlock in scheduler.
      18102: Fix flapping lock/unlock.
      18102: Avoid spamming logs in case of version mismatch.
      18102: Improve logging.
      18021: Sort mounts to fix flaky test.
      Merge branch '18021-sort-mounts'
      17857: Fix bsub args so containers can use multiple CPU cores.
      Merge branch '18027-unmount-fuse'
      18027: Change default boot probe to `systemctl is-system-running`.
      Merge branch '18102-max-dispatch-attempts'
      Merge branch '17995-filter-by-comparing-attrs'
      Merge branch '17857-lsf-cpus'
      18051: Add manifest-parsing / fs-building benchmark.
      18051: Speed up manifest parsing with bytes.Split.
      18051: Optimizations for collections with millions of files.
      Merge branch '18027-boot-probe-command' into main
      18122: Accept "select" param in get/update/delete calls.
      18051: Fix premature ejection from WebDAV collection cache.
      18051: Add logging capability to webdav cache.
      18051: Add debug logging for webdav cache.
      18051: Remove unused MaxPermissionEntries config.
      18122: Update API docs.
      18122: Update "distinct" docs (default is false) and tidy up code.
      18122: Update test.
      18122: Don't fail on PDH mismatch when manifest_text is missing.
      18122: Fix "get collection by pdh" when manifest_text is unselected.
      Merge branch '18051-collectionfs'
      18122: Fix stutter in docs.
      18122: Add descriptions for select params in discovery doc.
      18122: Clarify select param behavior in "get collection by pdh" API.
      18051: Reduce string operations/allocs in blob signing.
      Merge branch '18051-webdav-cache'
      Merge branch '18122-select-param'
      17749: Support PrefixLength in new S3 driver.
      17749: Support PrefixLength in old S3 driver.
      17749: Document PrefixLength config.
      Merge branch '18051-blob-signing'
      8363: Report arv-mount error messages as runtime_status warnings.
      8363: Update tests.
      8363: Fix spelling of errorDetail and warningDetail in docs.
      8363: Save matching arv-mount log line in warningDetail.
      18098: Mention runtime engine (e.g., docker) in crunch-run log.
      13697: Set Rails database timeout to API.RequestTimeout config.
      Merge branch '18098-log-runtime-engine'
      Merge branch '8363-fuse-warnings'
      Merge branch '17749-s3-prefixes'
      13697: Cancel request context after API.RequestTimeout.
      13697: Remove HandlerWithContext.
      13697: Do not apply RequestTimeout to hijacked connections.
      18184: Install singularity 3.7.4 for dev/test.
      13967: Add guard comment re timing out large uploads.
      Merge branch '13697-database-timeout'
      Merge branch '18184-singularity-374'
      Update go build tags to go1.17.1 gofmt.
      Update installer and images to Go 1.17.1.
      17779: Include request ID in exception messages.
      17779: Fix misleading "error processing manifest" after IO errors.
      17779: Fix invalid manifest throwing IOError instead of SyntaxError.
      17830: Add test for logging request ID.
      18216: Move keepstore into arvados-server binary.
      17830: Add test for logging request ID.
      Merge branch '17779-request-id-in-exception'
      Merge branch '18216-arvados-server-keepstore'
      16347: Run a dedicated keepstore process for each container.
      16347: Fix Azure storage driver log spam.
      16347: Remove closenotifier shim, just use request context.
      16347: Skip journald logging if systemd-cat is not installed.
      16347: Add new config key to whitelist map.
      16347: Update test case to use context instead of CloseNotifier.
      16347: Use health check endpoint to check keepstore readiness.
      16347: Add test case. Flush keepstore logs in CommitLogs.
      16347: Add LocalKeepLogsToContainerLog config (none/errors/all).
      16347: Remove config comment made obsolete by logging option.
      16347: Change default to enable local keepstore when possible.
      16347: Merge branch 'main'
      16347: Fix leaky state in test case.
      16347: Reserve memory for keepstore buffers when choosing node size.
      18286: Document requirement to add Services.DispatchLSF section.
      18287: Remove superfluous {ExternalURL: "-"} values.
      Merge branch '18286-lsf-doc'
      Merge branch '18287-external-url-defaults'
      16347: Merge branch 'main'
      16347: Add upgrade note.
      16347: Fix race in test helper func.
      16347: Clarify upgrade note.
      Merge branch '16347-container-local-keepstore'
      Fix up "upgrading to {earlier version}" links.
      16817: Add Users.ActivatedUsersAreVisibleToOthers config.
      12859: Fix unclosed file descriptors in local filesystem driver.
      17840: Check for unparsed command line arguments.
      Merge branch '12859-keepstore-fd-leak'
      Fix failing "apt-get update" in test.
      17840: Check for unparsed command line arguments.
      18346: Do not forward locally-issued token to own login cluster.
      17840: Fix duplicate error message re parsing command line args.
      Merge branch '18346-container-token'
      16817: Merge branch 'main'
      17840: Deduplicate flag-parsing code.
      17840: Fix crash on config load error.
      Merge branch '16817-users-visible-upon-activation'
      18339: Move trash-sweep from background thread to controller action.
      18339: Call trash_sweep periodically from controller.
      18339: Extract dblocker to a package.
      18376: Complete series of readdirent calls as quickly as possible.
      17840: Use cmd.ParseFlags for arvados-package command.
      17840: Merge branch 'main'
      18339: Update accidental-route test.
      18339: Add SysTrashSweep to API stub.
      18387: Fix incorrect version reported in logs.
      Merge branch '18376-nfs-readdirent'
      18339: Add test cases.
      18339: Add sys/trash_sweep to discovery doc.
      18339: Merge branch 'main'
      Merge branch '18387-keepstore-version'
      18339: Delete previously trashed/zombie role groups.
      18298: Request pend_reason field when polling bjobs.
      Merge branch '17840-unparsed-args'
      18339: Fix scheduled deletion of non-project group.
      18339: Clarify consequences of delete-role bug.
      18376: Retry up to 4 times on EBADCOOKIE from readdir.
      18339: Tweak upgrade note.
      Merge branch '18339-sweep-trash-lock'
      18298: Use bjobs select[] args, cancel on "no suitable host".
      Merge branch '18298-lsf-no-suitable-hosts'
      18298: Add upgrade note re updated default BsubArgumentsList.
      Merge branch '18298-lsf-no-suitable-hosts'
      17840: Fix -list mode.
      18488: Close pg connection when waiting for lock.
      Merge branch '18488-nonblocking-advisory-lock'
      18547: Use volume UUID instead of DeviceID to deduplicate mounts.
      Merge branch '18376-nfs-readdirent'
      18547: Error out if two volumes return the same non-empty DeviceID.
      Merge branch '18547-use-volume-uuid-not-device-id'
      18348: Add ClusterID field to service log entries.
      18349: Confirm X-Request-Id propagates through federation.
      18566: Add note to install doc re singularity loop device bug/fix.
      18277: Add RoleGroupsVisibleToAll config, default true.
      Merge branch '18566-singularity-loop-doc'
      Merge branch '18348-log-cluster-id'
      12630: Test containerSpec setup and singularity exec args.
      12630: Test docker container config setup.
      18277: Note configurable role visibility in permission model doc.
      Merge branch '18277-groups-visible-to-all'
      18566: Update note with fixed singularity version.
      Merge branch '18566-singularity-loop-doc'
      Merge branch '18349-fed-request-id'
      18562: Fix UsePreemptibleInstances behavior.
      18562: Auto-enable preemptible when changing state to Committed.
      18562: Update doc and config comments for UsePreemptibleInstances.
      18562: Rename config to AlwaysUsePreemptibleInstances.
      18562: Add upgrade note about new config key.
      18604: Require go1.17, use go:embed feature for config.default.yml.
      Merge branch '18604-embed-config-default'
      Merge branch '18562-preemptible'
      18513: Decipher status code in crunch-run.txt log.
      Merge branch '18513-log-signal-exit'
      18659: Cast OS-specific device number type to uint64.
      Merge branch '18659-cast-devnum'
      18670: Fix unreliable test.
      18670: Fix abandoned job tracker during race.
      Merge branch '18670-flaky-lsf-test'
      16727: Refresh block permission signatures on Sync and Read.
      16727: Explain guessSignatureTTL field.
      Merge branch '16727-refresh-signatures'
      17492: Clean up bundler version check/install.
      Merge branch '17492-fix-bundler-install'
      18600: Add Snapshot and Splice methods.
      18600: Support replacing dir with file using Splice().
      18600: Test more snapshot/splice variations and error cases.
      18600: Update comment.
      18600: Update tests.
      18600: Update error message in S3 test.
      18690: Use bind mount to avoid writing secrets to output collection.
      Merge branch '18690-secret-files'
      Get phantomjs pkg from cache.arvados.org.
      18600: Update comment.
      Merge branch '18600-copy-by-ref'
      18803: Save empty identity_url to database as null.
      18808: Test concurrent uses of same previously unseen token.
      18808: Handle concurrent uses of same previously unseen token.
      Merge branch '18808-new-token-race'
      Merge branch '18803-empty-identity-url'
      18691: Add groups.frozen_by_uuid attribute.
      18691: Prevent changes in frozen projects.
      18691: Test freeze requires manage permission.
      18691: Return empty writable_by for items inside frozen projects.
      18691: Test moving items into/out of frozen project.
      18691: Add frozen_by_uuid field to Go SDK.
      18691: Export new frozen-project configs.
      18691: Document groups.frozen_by_uuid attribute.
      18691: Fix wrong column name in clear_permissions.
      18600: De-duplicate test code.
      18691: Update database indexes for frozen_by_uuid.
      18600: Add update-files test.
      18691: Return null for empty frozen_by_uuid in controller response.
      18600: Support fs.FS interface.
      18600: Fix Snapshot/Splice at collectionfs root.
      18600: Implement collection-update API.
      18600: Add API docs for "splices" feature.
      18600: Add more invalid splice request tests.
      18600: Update error expectations in Snapshot/Splice tests.
      18691: Test preventing trashing parent of frozen project.
      18691: Test hiding of trashed items inside a frozen project.
      18691: include_trash does not return trash in frozen projects.
      18691: Prevent freezing trashed project / trashing frozen project.
      18700: Add workbench2 to arvados-boot.
      18700: Don't start workbench2 in integration test clusters.
      18700: Fix URL handling when controller external url is :443.
      18700: Accept relative package dir path.
      18700: Exclude nodejs from package.
      18700: Use wb2 yarn3 branch.
      18700: Update yarn build cmd, add VERSION, BUILD_NUMBER, GIT_COMMIT.
      18700: iceweasel->firefox for debian>10, drop from non-test env.
      18700: Move more dependency version numbers to consts.
      18600: Move "splices" to "update_files" update/create option.
      18600: Test replace_files feature via sdk/cli.
      18600: Revert query→body change to argument location.
      18600: Merge branch 'main'
      18700: Fix wb2 section in nginx.conf template.
      18700: Add 'arvados-package testinstall -live=vhost' option.
      18700: Remove bogus workbench2 InternalURLs.
      18700: Configure test login.
      18700: Fix nginx temp dir permissions.
      18691: Show readable_by query plan in test suite.
      18691: Recommend postgresql 10+ (9 is unsupported anyway).
      18700: Make smaller go binaries for packaging.
      18691: Refactor frozen_groups check.
      18691: Comment excluded_trash sql, add more parentheses.
      18691: Rephrase expression.
      18691: Expand on "frozen" behavior, mention "...even by admins."
      18700: Default to version-at-commit.sh instead of git-describe.
      18600: Merge branch 'main'
      18700: Update usage/help messages.
      Merge branch '18600-update-files'
      18700: Build faster deps first.
      18691: Test that write permission is insufficient to unfreeze.
      18691: Make it more obvious that unfreeze requires :manage.
      18691: Go back to old attribute_was method for consistency.
      18691: Add parens to clarify operator precedence.
      18691: Clarify that frozen projects cannot be moved.
      18691: Disallow freezing projects with active container requests.
      18732: Log crunch-run process uid, gid, and groups.
      18596: Add PreemptiblePriceFactor config.
      Merge branch '18732-crunch-run-log-uids'
      Merge branch '18691-freeze-project'
      18700: Merge branch 'main'
      18700: Const for bundler version.
      18700: Bump nodejs version.
      18700: Omit test/development gems from package.
      18700: Bump workbench2 version.
      18596: Explain PreemptiblePriceFactor in admin docs.
      18596: Change AlwaysUsePreemptibleInstances default to false.
      18596: Mention that 1.0 is a reasonable PreemptiblePriceFactor.
      18596: Warn about PreemptiblePriceFactor / InstanceTypes collision.
      18596: Fix test case to catch up with new default config.
      18865: Test visibility of user->collection permission links.
      18700: Fix websocket ExternalURL.
      18700: Add /etc/hosts entry so ExternalURLs resolve in container.
      18700: Use different ports for WebDAV and WebDAVDownload ext URLs.
      Merge branch '18596-preemptible-price-factor'
      18700: Add systemd unit file to arvados-server-easy package.
      18700: Enable TrustAllContent in package testinstall.
      18865: Test that can_manage reveals permission links to descendants.
      18865: Ensure can_manage reveals permission links to descendants.
      18865: Support "permission links with me as tail_uuid" query.
      18865: Test perm links to workflows and container_requests, too.
      18865: Merge branch 'main'
      18865: Fix 422 on nonexistent link uuid.
      18896: Test token UUID logging.
      18700: Update perl-modules package name for debian 11.
      18700: Discard local yarn.lock modifications when checking out wb2.
      18940: Go clients load $HOME/.config/arvados/settings.conf
      Merge branch '18940-go-settings-conf'
      18865: Rearrange code & update comments for clarity.
      18865: Merge branch 'main'
      Merge branch '18865-collection-permission-links'
      18947: Refactor keepproxy as an arvados-server subcommand.
      18947: Log version at startup.
      18947: Update test to new log fields. Add back "locator" log field.
      Merge branch '18947-keepproxy'
      18700: Mount the whole acme dir.
      18700: Export TLS.Insecure config.
      18700: Proxy workbench2 to arvados-server-boot's server.
      18700: Run npm:install to prep workbench1 for package.
      18700: Fix max keepproxy request body size.
      18700: Renumber default/example ports to 9000-9020 and 4440-4460.
      18700: Fix debian:10 install.
      18700: Merge branch 'main'
      18700: Default to domain:443 for workbench2 ExternalURL.
      18947: Bring back keepproxy systemd unit file.
      Merge branch '18700-boot-wb2'
      18699: boot.Supervisor support for multi-cluster config file.
      18699: Remove unneeded OIDC config.
      18699: Print booted clusterID and controller host:port on stdout.
      18947: Close trackers before existing dispatch goroutine.
      18947: Improve logging in test cases.
      18947: Fix panic in tests when TestIntegration doesn't run first.
      18947: Remove separate keepproxy binary from lib/install steps.
      18947: Use git-ls-files instead of git-grep to find go dirs.
      Merge branch '18947-dispatch-local'
      18992: Fix broken-node-hook global flag.
      18992: Fix abrupt exit on cgroup test failure.
      18992: Load cluster config file if present in HPC environment.
      18995: Un-stub addrIsLocal, make it work for in-use ports.
      18992: Document how to use local keepstores with HPC dispatch.
      18992: Fixup and test log messages about config loading.
      Merge branch '18699-boot-multi-cluster'
      Merge branch '18995-addrislocal'
      18947: Refactor arv-git-httpd as an arvados-server subcommand.
      18947: Handle health and metrics requests in lib/service.
      18947: Fixup use of "githttpd" vs "githttp" in run_test_server.
      18947: Avoid connecting git child to passenger/console stdin.
      18947: Remove unnecessary/broken (double slash) stub.
      Merge branch '18992-hpc-local-keepstore'
      18947: Update doc uses of arv-git-httpd to arvados-git-httpd.
      18947: Remove errant uses of runsu.sh.
      18794: Add "arvados-server check" subcommand.
      18794: Add SourceTimestamp and SourceSHA256 to config-dump output.
      18794: Export config timestamp/hash as prometheus metric.
      18794: Export config load time as prometheus metric.
      18794: Fail health check on mismatched configs.
      18794: Add /metrics endpoint to RailsAPI.
      18794: Avoid failing health check on incomplete-but-working config.
      18794: Export current version as metric (Go services only).
      18794: Restart RailsAPI workers when config file changes.
      18794: "check" defaults to succinct human-readable output.
      18794: Recommend "arvados-server check" after upgrade/config change.
      18794: Don't start config-check thread in packaging tasks.
      18794: Don't restart if new config is unreadable or unchanged.
      Merge branch '18947-githttpd'
      18794: Remove passenger --no-install-runtime args in test env.
      18794: Fix routing test.
      18794: Fix "check" command test.
      18947: Refactor keep-web as arvados-server command.
      18947: Update description field in keep-web systemd unit file.
      Merge branch '18947-keep-web'
      18947: Refactor keep-balance as arvados-server subcommand.
      18947: Move keep-balance systemd unit file.
      15730: Add rsync dependency in dev/test env.
      19095: Update singularity to 3.9.9 to get loopback device bugfix.
      19095: Remove bit about loopback device errors in singularity 3.9.1.
      18947: Update boot recipe for keep-balance.
      18947: Update keep-balance package script.
      18794: Add version and config metrics to workbench1.
      18794: Add version metric to RailsAPI.
      18794: Wait up to 10s for rails to notice config change.
      18794: Merge branch 'main'
      18794: Fix reload_config: don't assume restart.txt already exists.
      18794: Fix wb1 health-check tests, add metrics tests.
      18794: Auto-reload workbench1 config, too.
      18794: Make "touch restart.txt" recipe work when owned by root.
      19095: Update singularity install doc link to 3.9.
      Merge branch '18947-keep-balance'
      18794: Merge branch 'main'
      18794: Increase timeout and logging for rails restart test.
      Merge branch '18794-config-health'
      18947: Move arvados-health command into arvados-server binary.
      19095: Add upgrade note about singularity version.
      19095: Link build script doc page.
      Merge branch '19095-singularity-bugfix'
      18947: Move arvados-dispatch-slurm into arvados-server binary.
      16345: "arvados-server check" detects clock skew.
      19127: Update test to catch InstanceTypes computed fields.
      19099: Refactor container shell backend so it's not docker-specific.
      19099: Enable container shell when using singularity runtime.
      19099: Use --fakeroot to test network isolation without being root.
      Merge branch '16345-check-clock-skew'
      19099: Update tests to new crunchrun.Gateway fields.
      Build smaller dev binaries with -s -w, as with packaged binaries.
      15370: Avoid running multiple instances of rails apps from same dir.
      15370: Add dispatchcloud loopback driver.
      19099: Log singularity and docker versions in test runs.
      19099: Show lsns debug info if test fails.
      19099: docker is optional for run-tests.sh.
      15370: Add docker to development/test dependencies.
      19099: Fix singularity config script.
      18947: Merge branch 'main'
      Merge branch '18947-health'
      18947: Merge branch 'main'
      Merge branch '18947-dispatch-slurm'
      19099: Debug singularity test.
      19099: Fix typos.
      15370: Disable "broken node" flag when testing with loopback.
      15370: Split "run container request X" into test helper.
      15370: 19081: Check command arg quoting.
      19099: Skip IPAddress test if it looks like we can't use --fakeroot.
      15370: Update sync-groups test config.
      19099: Remove unused singularity network permission setup.
      18983: Warn if LocalKeepBlobBuffersPerVCPU > 0 but will not be used.
      19094: Note docker/singularity/arv-mount versions in container log.
      19081: Disable singularity env var eval behavior if possible.
      Merge branch '19094-log-versions'
      15370: Fix test.
      19136: Fix FreezeProjectRequiresProperties.* missing from whitelist.
      Merge branch '19081-singularity-no-eval'
      15370: Add docker to development/test dependencies.
      Merge branch '15370-install-docker'
      15370: Merge branch 'main' into 15370-loopback-dispatchcloud
      19099: Ensure host/container port conflict in IPAddress test.
      Merge branch '19099-singularity-container-shell'
      16345: Fail health check on server version mismatch.
      Merge branch '19136-freeze-props-whitelist'
      Merge branch '18983-warn-unused-local-keep'
      Merge branch '16345-check-version-skew'
      15370: Temporarily disable some docker tests.
      Merge branch '15370-docker-tests'
      15370: Merge branch 'main' into 15370-loopback-dispatchcloud
      15370: Re-enable docker tests.
      15370: Fix flaky test.
      15370: Fix unspecified docker API version requirement.
      18947: Remove obsolete go binary build steps from arvados-package.
      15370: Allow 20m for arvados-package tests.
      15370: Ensure keep data dirs exists for test.
      15370: Fix up debug logs.
      15370: Bump docker API version to 1.35.
      Merge branch '15370-loopback-dispatchcloud'
      19145: Make frozen projects non-writable by admins.
      19146: Add can_write and can_manage response fields.
      19146: Update userAttrsCachedFromLoginCluster.
      19146: Add can_write/can_manage to users#list, fix select=can_*.
      Merge branch '19145-admin-write-frozen'
      19146: Remove unneeded special case checks, explain the needed one.
      Merge branch '19146-can-write-manage'
      19192: Fix deadlock in lookupnode.
      19192: Add a few bytes to MemorySize to account for data structures.
      16561: Add ListenAddress, explain InternalURLs/ExternalURL better.
      16561: Detect ambiguous uses of ListenAddress.
      16561: Replace ListenAddr with per-internal-url ListenURL.
      16561: Remove unused entry from export whitelist.
      Merge branch '19192-fix-deadlock'
      Don't wait for arvados-dispatch-cloud to come up if not enabled.
      Allow multiple clusters to use loopback driver on same host.
      18948: Update container record exit_code as soon as it is known.
      18948: Update test.
      19205: Report longest-running active and abandoned reqs in metrics.
      19205: Remove redundant RequestTimeout implementation.
      Merge branch '18948-update-exit-code-early'
      19205: Fix flaky test.
      19166: Fix logging noise in test suite.
      19166: Set up tunnel for container gateway requests
      Handle multiple incoming X-Forwarded-For headers properly.
      19166: Move args from headers to post form, add no_forward flag.
      19166: Proxy container shell request to other controller instance.
      19166: Account for auto-retry in integration test.
      19166: Explain HPC container shell in architecture docs.
      19166: Update InternalURLs table with new requirement.
      16561: Document ListenURL config.
      19217: Silence SQL logs during database reset.
      19088: Export collection/project properties as x-amz-meta tags.
      19088: Export collection/project properties as bucket-level tags.
      19088: base64-encode non-ascii property values in response headers.
      19088: Document S3 properties-as-metadata feature.
      Merge branch '19217-silence-logs'
      16561: Rearrange control flow for clarity.
      16561: Handle implicit port numbers in getListenAddress, add tests.
      16561: Handle implicit port number in ws:// and wss:// urls.
      Merge branch '19205-monitor-handler-threads'
      Merge branch '16561-listen-url'
      16552: Option to get TLS certificates automatically from LE.
      16552: boot: wait for child proc cleanup when shutting down.
      16552: Fix signal handling.
      16552: Nginx listens on all interfaces, not just loopback.
      16552: Update workbench2 version, boot it by default.
      16552: Add workbench2 catch-all index.html rule.
      16552: Use fpm features to manage systemd unit.
      16552: Drop crunch-dispatch-local from arvados-server-easy package.
      16552: Start systemd service after successful init.
      16552: Improve "init" feedback when config already exists.
      16552: Add arvados-cli gem to arvados-server-easy package.
      16552: arvados-server init -login "google $clientid $clientsecret"
      16552: change default db name to just arvados.
      16552: Fix cwd warning from psql.
      16552: Fix warnings re wrong process signalling service readiness.
      16552: Add arvados-server init -admin-email option.
      Merge branch '19088-s3-properties-tags'
      Note that Get*Tagging APIs are not supported.
      16552: Fix rebase error.
      16888: Test unsupported federation use case.
      19166: Don't set up a reverse tunnel if we won't be advertising it.
      19166: Pass GatewayAuthSecret to crunch-run through lsf/slurm.
      16552: Use sdnotify to signal to systemd that service is up.
      16552: Fix default websocket external port and proxy config.
      18947: Add arvados-server dispatch-slurm subcommand.
      19166: Support `crunch-run -version`.
      19166: Improve error messages.
      19166: Improve debug/log messages.
      19166: Close connections to container gateway when finished.
      Merge branch '16888-ctr-fed-token'
      19166: Close ssh session when exec/shell command exits.
      19166: Test for hung-waiting-for-stdin bug.
      19166: Remove debug log.
      19166: Return better error message to incompatible arvados-client.
      16552: Merge branch 'main'
      16552: Comment in config template re autocert implementation status.
      16552: Fix error message.
      16552: Update (hidden) single-node install doc page.
      19249: Test handling of crlf for properties rendered in headers.
      19249: Mime-encode metadata headers that have control chars.
      19249: Add test for control chars in properties key.
      16552: Merge branch 'main' into 16552-autocert
      16552: Fix deprecated bundler usage.
      16552: Avoid port collision due to port assignment races in tests.
      17344: After init/startup, check API and show wb2 URL.
      17344: Improve "init" transcript.
      17344: Tidy systemd / fpm integration.
      17344: Check postgresql situation earlier.
      17344: Update bundle usage.
      17344: Remove extra 'go install' cmd.
      17344: Silence misleading warning during gem install.
      17344: Ensure arvados-server is in PATH for rake tasks.
      17344: 'systemctl reload arvados' sends SIGHUP to reload config.
      17344: 'arvados-client root cmd...' uses root token from config.
      17344: Install ruby arv as arv-ruby, and arvados-client as arv.
      17344: Note "systemd enable" step is irrelevant in pkg case.
      17344: Add arv-mount and python tools to package.
      17344: Update automatic install docs.
      17344: Add docker and postgresql as suggested deb packages.
      17344: Load alpine docker image for diagnostics.
      17344: Check that needed ports are usable before doing any init.
      19235: Don't try bogus URL if WebDAV ExternalURL has no wildcard.
      17344: Add firewall info to easy install doc page.
      17344: Rename "root" subcommand to "sudo".
      17344: Diagnostics warning, not error, if there are no VMs listed.
      17344: Fix unclosed response body.
      17344: Give up early if cluster config cannot be fetched.
      16552: Fix PATH so setup rake tasks can run arvados-server.
      16552: Rename ACME config options.
      16552: Change -tls=acmetool to -tls=/path/to/certdir.
      19277: Expose local keepstore service to processes in container.
      19277: Test for ARVADOS_KEEP_SERVICES env in container.
      17807: keep-web redirect to wb2 login-and-return in no-auth case.
      17344: Use #cpus as 'bundle install' concurrency.
      17344: Fix available-port check.
      17344: Point to diagnostics and docs after successful init.
      Merge branch '17807-keep-web-login-flow'
      17344: Link next steps to appropriate doc pages.
      17344: Remove some -dev packages from runtime dependencies.
      17344: Drop accidental python2 dependency.
      Merge branch '16552-autocert'
      17344: Merge branch 'main'
      17344: -create-db=false to use $POSTGRES_HOST/USER/etc instead.
      Merge branch '17344-easy-demo'
      Merge branch '19277-local-keep-from-ctr'
      Merge branch '19249-header-ctrl-chars'
      19281: Use embedded hello-world.tar as default diagnostics image.
      19296: Fix remove(recursive=True) for depth>1.
      19166: Merge branch 'main'
      Merge branch '19296-remove-recursive'
      19281: Test embedded hello-world image with docker and singularity.
      Add libgbm1 testing dependency.
      Merge branch '19166-gateway-tunnel'
      Merge branch '19281-diagnostics-image'
      19316: Change wb1 and sdk/cli to Oj.safe_load / strict_load.
      Merge branch '19316-oj-safe-load'
      18205: Add container cost accounting fields.
      19368: Skip regenerating manifest during webdav/s3 logging.
      19368: Use Sys() instead of .arvados# file to get collection ID.
      19379: Fix wrong filename used in diagnostics test.
      Merge branch '19368-webdav-logging-speedup'
      Merge branch '18205-container-cost'
      19414: Fix concurrent map read/write.
      19414: Fix missing parens.
      Merge branch '19414-keep-balance-panic'
      19269: Upgrade user->all_users group membership links.
      19269: Update error text re modifying group role without can_manage.
      17344: arvados-server boot: set X-External-Client header.
      17344: Ensure server-to-controller traffic stays local.
      17344: Fix temp config file.
      17344: Recognize ipv6 local addresses as internal.
      19269: Document that modifying a role requires can_manage.
      Merge branch '19269-all-users-writable'
      17344: Skip test that relies on Nginx not flagging external clients.
      17344: Fix proxy detection test.
      Fix merge conflict.
      19428: Use a larger page size when retrieving project contents.
      19428: Skip brand new sessions when pruning.
      19428: Fix leading "/" in path, skip the 301 redirect.
      19428: Fix unchecked errors.
      19428: Avoid locking entire filesystem for MemorySize.
      19428: Avoid locking entire collection in MemorySize.
      17344: Remove client code setting X-External-Client header.
      19437: Don't cancel until 3 consecutive docker-inspect failures.
      19428: Tidy up pruneSessions, avoid calling MemorySize 2x.
      17344: Reset "broken node" flag on loopback instance create/reset.
      17344: Log when removing stale crunch-run-broken file.
      17344: Run `ls -l newpkg.deb` on host instead of container.
      17344: Merge branch 'main'
      Merge branch '17344-easy-demo'
      19362: Move non-S3 collection-addressed reqs to sitefs code path.
      19362: Merge serveSiteFS into main code path.
      19362: Remove dead code.
      19362: Fix version in status response.
      19518: Check account access permission during pam auth.
      Merge branch '19437-docker-watchdog'
      Merge branch '19518-pam-access-check'
      Merge branch '19428-webdav-performance'
      19362: Update comment.
      19362: Add release note about changed metrics.
      19362: Remove obsolete config entries.
      19362: Update API docs.
      19428: Fix failing request on normal failed user lookup case.
      Merge branch '19362-all-webdav-via-sitefs'
      19362: Use hardlinks to a singleton for each project/collection.
      19362: Sync s3 updates to long-lived session for same token.
      19362: Fix error when GetCollection arg is neither UUID nor PDH.
      19362: Fix unchecked error.
      19362: Update size test.
      19362: Cleanup/comment locking.
      Merge branch '19362-s3-webdav-sync'
      19388: Add user/auth context to ctrlctx.
      19388: Cache token lookups.
      19388: Remove unneeded import so ctrlctx can import arvadostest.
      19388: Log user activity.
      19388: Add tests for activity logs.
      19388: Trigger activity logs on group/project APIs, too.
      19388: Trigger activity logs on group contents API, too.
      Merge branch '19388-activity-logs'
      19418: LSF: use InstanceTypes to detect unsatisfiable constraints.
      19377: Include health check in diagnostics report, if appropriate.
      Merge branch '19377-diagnostics-health-check'
      Merge branch '19418-lsf-unsatisfiable'
      19377: Say "health check OK" on success.
      Include relevant block ID in "block not found" error message.
      Merge branch 'fs-block-not-found-error'
      Merge branch '19377-diagnostics-health-check'
      19377: Add diagnostics -v flag: arvados/nginx/config versions, etc.
      19501: Remove all sharing permissions during unsetup.
      18863: Add Log methods to golang API interface.
      18863: Move container log cleanup from rake task to controller.
      18863: Remove obsolete test.
      18863: Add upgrade note.
      18863: Disable container log sweep in integration test server cfg.
      18863: Add tests for duration 0.
      18863: gofmt
      19377: Fix diag sanity check. Suggest "check -yaml" on health fail.
      Merge branch '19501-unsetup-permissions'
      18863: Add rest of event_type values used by crunch-run.
      Merge branch '18863-delete-old-logs-without-cron'
      19563: Log memory usage of arv-mount, crunch-run, and keepstore.
      19563: Clean up tests.
      19377: Improve log message about skipping health check during diags.
      19563: Report process size in bytes, not pages.
      Merge branch '19563-log-cr-mem'
      19377: Usage error if config is readable but does not match env.
      Merge branch '19377-verbose'
      18071: Use dblock to avoid concurrent keep-balance ops.
      18071: Log host:port of other process(es) holding lock.
      18071: Use dblock to prevent multiple dispatchers from competing.
      18071: Improve test timeout.
      18071: Relax test timeout.
      18071: Fix tests.
      18071: Remove obsolete comment.
      Merge branch '18071-dblock-keep-balance-and-dispatch'
      19234: s3v2 + non-aws: default to us-east-1 signing settings.
      19234: Ignore Region when using custom Endpoint with s3v1 driver.
      19240: Fix url comparison.
      19240: Restrict login/logout redirects to listed URLs.
      19240: Update gofmt.
      Merge branch '19234-default-s3-region'
      19240: Add upgrade note.
      19240: Mention federation case in upgrade note.
      19240: Update federation setup docs to list wb+wb2.
      Merge branch '19240-check-redirect'
      19240: Treat localhost as a private-network client.
      Merge branch '19240-check-redirect'
      19702: Increase default ReserveExtraRAM, allow keepstore overhead.
      19702: Update tests.
      19588: Update passenger.
      19712: Remove perl sdk.
      19712: Remove link to perl sdk docs.
      Merge branch '19588-update-passenger'
      19745: Update golang.
      19745: Update ruby, node, wb2.
      19745: Avoid incompatible google-api-core update.
      Merge branch '19712-remove-perl'
      Merge branch '19702-memory-overhead'
      19698: Fix savepoint usage.
      19364: Recommend diagnostics during install and upgrade.
      Merge branch '19364-diag-docs'
      Merge branch '19745-update-deps'
      19364: Document arvados-server check command.
      Fix unused debug variable.
      19364: Add admin>diagnostics page.
      19364: Merge branch 'main' into 19364-diag-docs
      19698: Remove redundant savepoint.
      19698: Merge branch 'main' into 19698-masked-error
      19364: Proofreading.
      19364: Cancel container request when timing out.
      Merge branch '19698-masked-error'
      Merge branch '19364-diag-docs'
      19513: Add Users.CreateRoleGroups config option.
      19513: Note configurable permission on doc section about roles.
      19513: Rename flag to CanCreateRoleGroups, add test case.
      Merge branch '19513-create-role-admin-only'
      19862: Fix RandomUUID length.
      19709: Apply pending rails migrations at service start/restart.
      19840: Fix image name confusion when specified with explicit :443.
      19840: Test listing saved images with names containing port numbers.
      19840: Cleanup link added during test.
      19844: Use instead of localhost for test servers.
      19844: Get multiple pages of child CRs if necessary.
      19709: Explain design in comments. Improve migration filename check.
      Update resource requirements in test cases.
      Merge branch '19840-docker-port-number'
      19709: Test schema_migrations vs. db/migrate/*.rb.
      19709: Warn, not eror, on unexpected files in db/migrate/.
      19847: Default to disk cache size = RAM size for all containers.
      19847: Let server apply default disk cache size.
      Merge branch '19709-boot-db-migrate'
      19847: Update test for new API default disk cache behavior.
      19704: Update call signature of test fake.

Ward Vandewege (702):
      16106: add Azure spot instance support.
      16922: disable the postgres pager in the rails postinst script.
      16992: Merge branch 'master' into 16992-disable-pg-pager
      Merge branch '16992-disable-pg-pager' into master
      Fix whitespace in build/run-library.sh
      Bugfix: fix detection of already generated Python deb/rpm packages.
      When calculating the version of our Go and Rails deb/rpm packages, take
      Fix arvados-cwl-conformance-tests.
      Update new cluster checklist to reflect the deprecation of the SSO
      16471: fix a few typos.
      16471: refactor documentation to reflect different Salt-based
      Make run-build-docker-images.sh a little smarter, allow building just
      Make run-build-docker-images.sh a little smarter, allow building just
      Fix author e-mail addresses in our gemspecs.
      16930: remove local 'latest' tag before pushing.
      Merge branch '16930-tagging' into master
      Fix more golint warnings.
      Fix more golint warnings.
      17044: remove Debian "stretch" from the build infrastructure. Update
      17044: implement review comments (part 1).
      17044: implement review comments (part 2): update cwl tests to use
      Merge branch '17044-remove-debian-stretch' into master
      documentation: Mention distribution packages on the "Install the Slurm
      build: Remove remaining references to the SSO server packages.
      17047: bugfixes, and add an entry to the upgrade notes about the
      16950: a few cleanups for our container request fixtures: attach a real
      16950: add the costanalyzer to arvados-client.
      Fix more golint warnings.
      16950: add tests for the costanalyzer.
      Fix more golint warnings.
      17086: build packages for Ubuntu 20.04, Focal Fossa.
      Fix require path in the 'script/rails' script for api server.
      17086: Merge branch 'master' into 17086-add-focal-fossa
      Merge branch '17086-add-focal-fossa' into master
      Fix more golint warnings.
      16306: shut up bundle warnings about /var/www
      16306: really exclude /var/lib/arvados/go from the package, cf.
      16306: Make sure that the non-passenger nginx process runs as the
      16306: in cmd/arvados-dev/docker-build-install.sh, make sure nginx is
      16306: switch to shared ruby libraries.
      16306: shrink package size by removing unused cache and .git directories
      16950: changes after review.
      Fix more golint warnings.
      16950: more changes after review.
      16950: refactor caching; use ~/.cache/arvados/costanalyzer for that
      Fix more golint warnings.
      Fix more golint warnings.
      17012: when calculating the version of our Python packages, take the
      17012: remove old gittaggers.py files.
      17012: update calculation of python version number in run-library.sh
      17012: switch calculate_python_sdk_cwl_package_versions() to use the
      Merge branch 'master' into 17012-fix-python-version-calculation
      Merge branch '17012-fix-python-version-calculation' into master
      16950: make specifying of the output directory mandatory (remove
      16950: switch to os.UserHomeDir(), and send all output to stderr.
      Merge branch 'master' into 16950-add-costanalyzer
      Merge branch '16950-add-costanalyzer' into master
      Remove one more python2 remnant. This is a fix for the
      Fix more golint warnings.
      Move the handle_python_package() function from run-library.sh to
      Now that calculate_python_sdk_cwl_package_versions returns python-style
      Remove now-unneeded code from sdk/cwl/test_with_arvbox.sh, add comment
      Update error checking in run-build-docker-jobs-image.sh
      Fix OS package iteration number in run-build-docker-jobs-image.sh
      Make run-build-packages-python-and-ruby.sh say so when it decides to
      Documentation cleanups.
      Fix more golint warnings.
      Fix more golint warnings.
      Fix more golint warnings.
      Fix more golint warnings.
      Fix more golint warnings - update crunchrun tests.
      Now that our k8s helm charts retain state, update the documentation
      Clarify token details for the arv-user-activity tool.
      Upgrade script/create_superuser_token.rb in the api server codebase to
      17187: costanalyzer: add support for collection uuids.
      17187: costanalyzer: allow specifying multiple comma-separated uuids via
      17187: costanalyzer: print the total from the aggregate cost accounting
      17187: implement review feedback:
      17187: Merge branch 'master' into 17187-costanalyzer-updates
      Merge branch '17187-costanalyzer-updates'
      Fix ineffassign warning.
      Costanalyzer bugfix: when a collection uuid is supplied, write the csv
      Fix more golint warnings.
      Fix more golint warnings.
      Fix a few more golint warnings.
      Fix another golint warning.
      Fix a few more golint warnings.
      Fix a few staticcheck warnings.
      We've made a change in the structure of our apt repositories.
      Merge branch '17218-repository-update'
      Fix detection of packages that were already built.
      Fix arvados-src package version generation.
      We now publish packages for Ubuntu Focal (20.04), and have stopped
      Fix typos in the documentation.
      16106: Merge branch 'master' into 16106-azure-spot-instance-support
      Documentation: fix typos.
      16106: update Azure preemptible node code after real world testing. Add
      16106: address review comments.
      16106: Merge branch 'master' into 16106-azure-spot-instance-support
      Merge branch '16106-azure-spot-instance-support'
      Documentation: make the arvados-dispatch-cloud installation instructions
      17222: add overview documentation for the components of Keep.
      17215: add IAM role support to arvados-dispatch-cloud on EC2.
      17222: implement review feedback.
      Merge branch 'master' into 17222-doc-add-keep-components-overview
      Merge branch '17222-doc-add-keep-components-overview'
      17215: Merge branch 'master' into 17215-aws-roles-a-d-c
      Merge branch '17215-aws-roles-a-d-c'
      Make sure that our Python 3 based packages conflict with the older
      Fix ineffassign warning.
      Documentation: the Arvados SSO server is deprecated, it is not the
      Documentation: reflect the current state of anonymous token generation.
      17245: documenation: re-add a modified version of our Slurm
      17245: documentation: remove unlinked pages.
      17255: Document the "can_login" permission link in the API section.
      Fix golint warning.
      Fix tests after yesterday's golint warning fix.
      17245: Merge branch 'master' into 17245-slurm-install-docs
      Merge branch '17245-slurm-install-docs'
      17255: Merge branch 'master' into 17255-document-can_login-permission
      Merge branch '17255-document-can_login-permission'
      Fix broken documentation links.
      Documentation: add a default base_url to the Rakefile to simplify
      17249: make costanalyzer report preemptible status of the instance in
      17340: arvados-dispatch-cloud should take the Containers.ReserveExtraRAM
      Merge branch '17340-a-d-c-respects-ReserveExtraRAM'
      The configuration parameter is MaxKeepBlobBuffers, not MaxBuffers.
      17249: Merge branch 'master' into 17249-costanalyzer-preemptible
      Merge branch '17249-costanalyzer-preemptible'
      Documentation: fix grammar.
      17355: keepstore should take the volume's AccessViaHosts ReadOnly flag
      Merge branch '17355-report-volume-ReadOnly-correctly'
      17119: First take: add groups endpoints to controller.
      Documentation: include the cluster id namespace explanation on the
      17119: tweaks for groups endpoints.
      17119: remove the default project_class again on the group model, it is
      17119: fix options and response type of the groups/shared and
      Documentation: fix typo.
      17119: make the controller group/contents endpoint conform more
      Documentation: fix typos.
      17417: Add arm64 packages for our Golang components.
      17119: merge SharedGroupList into GroupList, which now gets an
      17119: merge SharedOptions into ListOptions, which now gets an extra
      17119: rename ContentsOptions to GroupContentsOptions.
      17119: rename alternate EndpointGroupContents, add comment.
      17119: drop the 'Kind' fields from the structs, autogenerate them instead.
      17119: fix field type on legacy objects.
      17119: make customFileSystem use the group contents endpoint.
      17119: make arvados_fuse.fusedir.ProjectDirectory use the group contents endpoint.
      When a compute node comes up, we run `mkfs.xfs` on a newly encrypted
      Fix a few more golint warnings.
      17119: make controller understand filter groups.
      17119: add second test, simplify code by switching to the generic
      17119: implement review feedback.
      17119: one more fix based on review feedback.
      17119: Merge branch 'master' into 17119-virtual-folder-from-query
      Merge branch '17119-virtual-folder-from-query'
      17119: Merge branch 'master' into 17119-use-group-contents
      Merge branch '17119-use-group-contents'
      Documentation: fix copy/paste error in keep-web installation
      17119: controller should export the include_old_versions flag on group
      Merge branch '17119-controller-bugfix'
      17119: add filter validation for filter groups. Add a test for the
      17119: add documentation.
      17119: add filter group support to arv-mount.
      17119: add (rudimentary) filter group support to workbench.
      17119: implement review feedback.
      17119: one more fix based on review feedback.
      17355: keepstore should take the volume's AccessViaHosts ReadOnly flag
      Documentation: include the cluster id namespace explanation on the
      Documentation: fix typo.
      Documentation: fix typos.
      When a compute node comes up, we run `mkfs.xfs` on a newly encrypted
      Fix a few more golint warnings.
      Documentation: fix copy/paste error in keep-web installation
      17119: controller should export the include_old_versions flag on group
      17119: Make arv-mount work with the new filter groups code. Also in
      17119: further documentation updates.
      10458: add some basic documentation for crunchstat-summary.
      10458: implement review feedback.
      Merge branch '10458-document-crunchstat-summary'
      17119: the home project should include filter groups.
      17119: address review feedback.
      Add license file to the git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvados
      In git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvados, change the name of the
      Add license file to all the git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go module
      Formatting change in cc-by-sa-3.0.txt to make the license text
      Append the full license text for Apache 2.0, AGPL v3 and CC-BY-SA 3.0 to
      Revert "Add license file to all the git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go
      Revert "In git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvados, change the name
      Revert "Add license file to the
      17119: add missing GroupTrash endpoint.
      Change the license of 2 files in the Go SDK to Apache 2, they were
      17119: add missing fields to GroupContentsOptions.
      17119: when the count: none option is supplied, the itemsAvailable field
      17495: document the deduplication report. Fix example invocation in the
      17495: fix typo.
      17495: Merge branch 'master' into 17495-document-dedup-report
      Merge branch '17495-document-dedup-report'
      17119: implement review feedback.
      17119: fix tests.
      Update mimemagic gem version to 0.3.6, the previous version (0.3.5) was
      Update mimemagic gem version to 0.3.6, the previous version (0.3.5) was
      17119: bugfix: when "count: none" is specified, the group/contents
      17119: bugfix: the group/contents endpoint should do the right thing
      Update mimemagic gem version to 0.3.8, the previous version (0.3.6) was
      Update mimemagic gem version to 0.3.8, the previous version (0.3.6) was
      The latest version of the mimemagic gem has a new dependency on the
      Fix centos7 api server package test.
      Due to the mimemagic gem changes, shared-mime-info is now a build
      Fix golint warning.
      Fix golint warning (incorrect function name in comment).
      Add a comment at the top of the documentation Rakefile about generating
      17503: the deduplication report tool should not require the Arvados
      17119: more changes after review feedback.
      17119: one more change after review feedback.
      17119: Merge branch 'master' into 17119-add-filter-groups
      Merge branch '17119-add-filter-groups'
      17503: implement review feedback.
      17503: Merge branch 'master' into 17503-fix-deduplication-report-paper-cuts
      Merge branch '17503-fix-deduplication-report-paper-cuts'
      Fix deduplication report test.
      Simplify code a bit.
      Fix golint warning.
      17498: add a note about the python 3 package names in the upgrade guide.
      17498: Build metapackages to ease the migration from python 2 to
      17498: address review comments.
      Merge branch '17498-python3-migration-metapackages'
      Do not pin arvados-login-sync on an ancient version of the arvados gem.
      The sks-keyservers network is dying. Update our documentation to use
      Bump the Go version to 1.16.3
      Our python3 packages should be marked as 'Replaces:' for the old python
      Update `arvados-server install` to use go 1.16.3
      The upgrade to go 1.16.3 requires a `go mod tidy` to make the build
      17651: Wording tweak on the SSO authentication flow page.
      Fix typo in a comment on the configuration reference.
      Mention the 'Rendezvous' parameter on Keepstore's InternalURLs, for
      17678: add documentation for the `arvados-client costanalyzer` command.
      17668: basic documentation for the new container shell feature.
      17668: A few more tweaks after review feedback.
      17668: one more tweak to the firewall rule description for this feature.
      17668: Merge branch 'master' into 17668-doc-container-shell-access
      Merge branch '17668-doc-container-shell-access'
      17678: implement review feedback.
      17678: Merge branch 'master' into 17678-costanalyzer-doc
      Merge branch '17678-costanalyzer-doc'
      A few more doc tweaks.
      Change the default for Collections.WebDAVCache.MaxBlockEntries from 4 to
      17706: when a container request has no container associated (e.g. when
      17708: when crunch-run encounters an unsupported file type while copying
      Merge branch '17708-crunch-run-unsupported-file-types'
      17717: add a timestamp range mode to the costanalyzer. Be more tolerant
      When building compute node images, print the version of packer used.
      17738: remove the monkey patch of the OS_VERSION constant from the
      Merge branch '17738-remove-constant-modification'
      17738: Make our arvados-api and arvados-workbench Gemfiles use the arvados
      Merge branch '17738-pin-gemfiles-to-2.1.4'
      Make our arvados-api and arvados-workbench Gemfiles use the arvados
      Fix building of metapackages for Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04.
      17757: On our compute node images, Docker should not start by default;
      17757: Merge branch 'master' into 17757-bootprobe-race
      Merge branch '17757-bootprobe-race'
      Tweak upgrading doc page to reflect the release of 2.2.0.
      17717: address review comments.
      17717: address further review comments: remove unused code and refactor
      17706: Merge branch 'master' into 17706-costanalyzer-uncommitted-container-requests
      Merge branch '17706-costanalyzer-uncommitted-container-requests'
      Remove leftover dead link from the ToC in the 'Set up a shell node'
      17717: more changes post review: remove unneeded debug print, switch
      17717: Merge branch 'master' into 17717-costanalyzer-date-mode
      Merge branch '17717-costanalyzer-date-mode'
      17776: Basic throttling for VcpuLimitExceeded, MaxSpotInstanceCountExceeded,
      17778: update docs.
      17755: add the singularity-container to the compute node image.
      17776: address review comments.
      17755: Bump up to singularity 3.7.4.
      The bleeding edge branch in the arvados-formula repository is now called
      17776: Merge branch 'master' into 17776-more-throttling
      Merge branch '17776-more-throttling'
      17841: add container duration to the totals in the csv files. Reduce
      17841: address review comments.
      17778: Merge branch 'master' into 17778-doc-update
      Merge branch '17778-doc-update'
      The bleeding edge branch for arvados-workbench2 is now called 'main'.
      The bleeding edge branch is now called 'main'.
      Fix arv-git-httpd tests.
      Fix keepproxy tests.
      Fix api server tests.
      17841: update documentation
      17841: Merge branch 'main' into 17841-add-duration
      Merge branch '17841-add-duration'
      Fix arvbox demo image build.
      17863: update to using bundler 2.2.19 everywhere.
      Fix typos in the documentation.
      Add some more clarifications to the doc page about restricting uploads
      Another doc tweak.
      17962: Bump the version of lib/pq to 1.10.2
      17962: Merge branch 'main' into 17962-bump-lib-pq
      Merge branch '17962-bump-lib-pq'
      17863: further cleanup in our rails postinst scripts and documentation:
      17863: Merge branch 'main' into 17863-bundler-update
      Merge branch '17863-bundler-update'
      17755: Merge branch 'main' into 17755-add-singularity-to-compute-image
      Fix typo in documentation.
      17903: use more distribution-agnostic commands to add/remove a user
      17903: Merge branch 'main' into 17903-login-sync-centos7
      Merge branch '17903-login-sync-centos7'
      Fix the example AWS InstanceTypes for the installer, none of these node
      17949: add support for Debian Bullseye in our build scripts. Remove some
      Merge branch '17949-add-bullseye'
      Debian 11 (bullseye) will be a supported distribution in the next major
      More cleanup, remove references to Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) which is no
      Add extra validation of our package version format in the build scripts,
      17591: be more explicit about the required TLS certificates and DNS
      Update the package repositories page, we now have Debian 11 (bullseye)
      17591: address review feedback.
      Merge branch 'main' into 17591-doc-improvement
      Merge branch '17591-doc-improvement'
      Singularity requires squashfs-tools to build images.
      18001: add Users/UserNotifierEmailBcc configuration option, which is the
      17985: fix binstub for cwltool in our arvados-cwl-runner package.
      Merge branch '17985-cwltool-binstub'
      17947: the Arvados python3-* CentOS packages should conflict with the
      17947: Merge branch 'main' into 17947-centos7-package-conflict
      Merge branch '17947-centos7-package-conflict'
      18013: the db:check_long_lived_tokens and db:fix_long_lived_tokens rake
      18013: address review feedback.
      18013: Merge branch 'main' into 18013-token-rake-task-fix
      Merge branch '18013-token-rake-task-fix'
      18001: address review comments.
      18001: Merge branch 'main' into 18001-add-UserNotifierEmailBcc
      Merge branch '18001-add-UserNotifierEmailBcc'
      17755: Merge branch 'main' into 17755-add-singularity-to-compute-image
      Fix whitespace.
      17755: Merge branch 'main' into 17755-add-singularity-to-compute-image
      Merge branch '17755-add-singularity-to-compute-image'
      18112: Ubuntu 18.04 comes with bundler version 1.16.1, which doesn't handle our
      18112: add a note to the upgrade log.
      18112: Merge branch 'main' into 18112-ubuntu1804-bundler-fix
      Merge branch '18112-ubuntu1804-bundler-fix'
      17770: while throttled, do not log that instances are being created when
      Merge branch '17770-fix-logging-while-throttled'
      Fix typo.
      Remove -x from the salt install provision script.
      We now have the auto-redirect behavior on https://arvadosapi.com/
      Update a few remaining Jenkins references to ci.arvados.org.
      Update a few more old domain references.
      Update (unused?) scopes in our discovery doc to have arvados.org URLs.
      Add an example to the Python cookbook, "Delete a file from an existing
      The request_id passing was moved to Rails middleware as part of #17830.
      18003: add 'contains' and 'exists' to the permitted operators for filter
      Merge branch '17830-fix-rails-request_id-logging'
      18003: Merge branch 'main' into 18003-support-exists-contains-in-filter-groups
      Merge branch '18003-support-exists-contains-in-filter-groups'
      18245: Update the "Ruby and Bundler" installation page:
      Merge branch '18245-bundler-doc-update'
      18253: documentation updates around the Arvados GPG package signing key.
      Update the godoc path for keep-web in our documentation.
      18253: Merge branch 'main' into 18253-doc-gpg-key-updates
      Merge branch '18253-doc-gpg-key-updates'
      The request_id passing was moved to Rails middleware as part of #17830.
      18245: Update the "Ruby and Bundler" installation page:
      18247: fix arvados gem dependency on the faraday gem
      18253: documentation updates around the Arvados GPG package signing key.
      Update the godoc path for keep-web in our documentation.
      18247: Merge branch 'main' into 18247-faraday-version
      18247: Merge branch 'main' into 18247-faraday-version
      Merge branch '18247-faraday-version'
      We support Singularity 3.7.4.
      Remove the 'experimental' label in our config reference from things that
      18113: change MaxCloudOpsPerSecond and MaxConcurrentInstanceCreateOps
      18113: Merge branch 'main' into 18113-change-cloudops-defaults
      Merge branch '18113-change-cloudops-defaults'
      18258: set the SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR to a path underneath our temporary
      18258: add missing error check on os.Mkdir
      18258: also handle SINGULARITY_TMPDIR
      Merge branch '18258-set-singularity-cachedir'
      The minimum supported version of Python is 3.6
      18259: mention `mksquashfs mem` config setting in singularity.conf
      Merge branch '18259-singularity-doc'
      Remove long dead `run` and `pipeline` subcommands from the `arv`
      Documentation: silence the curl command to get our Arvados package signing key.
      18259: documentation: add more detail about Singularity.
      Merge branch '18259-doc-architecture-singularity'
      Documentation: when starting the Arvados k8s helm chart on GKE, do not
      18281: make arvados-login-sync smart enough to replace expired tokens.
      18281: Rephrase the help text for --force-rotate option.
      Merge branch 'main' into 18281-login-sync-expired-tokens
      Merge branch '18281-login-sync-expired-tokens'
      18288: when running the db:check_long_lived_tokens and
      18288: when storing the anonymous user token, make sure to clear the
      Merge branch '18288-fix-anonymouspublic-token-expiration'
      18289: only pass the --allow-other argument to arv-mount when the
      18289: documentation: singularity refinements.
      18289: Documentation changes to reflect we support both Slurm and LSF.
      18289: Address review comments (documentation).
      18289: add support to set `mksquashfs mem` for Singularity in our
      Merge branch '18289-only-pass-allow-other-when-running-docker'
      18290: LSF: make the bsub arguments completely configurable.
      18290: address review comments.
      18290: Merge branch 'main' into 18290-lsf-bsub-args-template
      Merge branch '18290-lsf-bsub-args-template'
      Since CWL defaults to 256M of ram, make that the suggested amount for
      18264: add a script that uses the existing version logic in the build
      18183: When the user unsetup api endpoint is hit, any tokens owned by
      18183: add a database migration that deletes tokens and ssh keys that
      18183: Merge branch 'main' into 18183-revoke-tokens-when-user-is-disabled
      Merge branch '18183-revoke-tokens-when-user-is-disabled'
      Update the test db structure.
      18264: Merge branch 'main' into 18264-cwl-test-running-improvements
      Merge branch '18264-cwl-test-running-improvements'
      Another rails test fix.
      Controller test fix.
      We now rely on Go 1.16. Unbreak the arvbox build toolchain by switching
      18309: remove faraday dependency in the arvados-login-sync gem, instead
      Merge branch '18309-faraday-dependency'
      18313: make the arvbox build scripts look up the Go compiler version to
      18313: add a test for the grep/awk command used in the arvbox code.
      18313: remove leftover grep from Dockerfile.base
      18313: Merge branch 'main' into 18313-arvbox-bootstrap-go-version
      Merge branch '18313-arvbox-bootstrap-go-version'
      Make the linkchecker more strict so it objects to relative links within
      Remove reference to terraform code that was never checked in.
      Remve last reference to terraform for now.
      18308: enable collection versioning by default, with a 30s idle timeout.
      18308: reduce the default value for PreserveVersionIfIdle to 10s.
      Using curl against https requires the ca-certificates package, update
      18308: Merge branch 'main' into 18308-enable-collection-versioning
      Merge branch '18308-enable-collection-versioning'
      Documentation: fix AWS region name in the configuration reference and on
      17339: remove unnecessary memory allocation when writing to Keep with
      17339: remove unnecessary memory allocation when reading from Keep with
      17339: fix tests.
      17667: add some missing information on the "Install prerequisites" page.
      17667: a round of edits after review feedback.
      17339: implement review feedback.
      17667: Merge branch 'main' into 17667-doc-improvements
      Merge branch '17667-doc-improvements'
      17339: Merge branch 'main' into 17339-s3aws-driver-memory-footprint
      Merge branch '17339-s3aws-driver-memory-footprint'
      18585: remove the old Java SDK, it has been deprecated for years and the
      18585: actually remove the old Java SDK.
      18585: Merge branch 'main' into 18585-remove-java-sdk-v1
      Merge branch '18585-remove-java-sdk-v1'
      18590: the default value for uuid in the groups/contents api endpoint
      18590: Merge branch 'main' into 18590-fix-discovery-doc
      Merge branch '18590-fix-discovery-doc'
      18325: add support for Nvidia GPUs as an optional feature to our compute
      18325: use a bigger root volume while building the AMI on AWS.
      18325: no debian11 packages yet for libnvidia-container-tools, use
      18325: when using Nvidia GPUs on Debian 10, we need a newer Docker. Also
      Merge branch '18325-compute-image-cuda'
      18325: also support building images with CUDA for Azure.
      18325: The nvidia apt repo link generation information at
      18325: adapt for naming differences in kernel/headers packages between
      Merge branch '18325-cuda-azure-image'
      17417: Merge branch 'main' into 17417-add-arm64
      17417: add arm64 support for our golang packages, functional for Debian
      17417: when building the arvados-src, cwltest and libpam-arvados-go
      17417: add the scaffolding for multi-arch support for our Python
      17417: switch our Rails codebases from therubyracer to mini_racer.
      17417: add native build support for aarch64 (arm64) for our Debian 11
      17417: remove more unused gems from the API server gemfile.
      Merge branch '17417-goodbye-to-mini_racer'
      17417: Merge branch 'main' into 17417-add-arm64
      17417: make sure that there is enough of a config.yml file for the wb1
      17417: remove the coffee-rails gem dependency in wb1, and convert the
      Merge branch '17417-fix-wb1'
      17417: Merge branch 'main' into 17417-add-arm64
      17417: add native arm64 build support to our package build images. Add
      17417: no cross compilation support on CentOS.
      17417: refactor, reduce use of global variables.
      17417: more refactoring: reduce use of global variables, move more code
      17417: preseed the go module cache in our package build images. This
      17417: remove libcloud pin, it is no longer used.
      17417: apply some shellcheck suggestions to build/run-build-packages.sh
      17417: apparently the arm64 repos have a different url on Ubuntu.
      Remove deprecated use of `go get` from run-tests.sh. This should solve
      17417: fix bug to enable arm64 cross-compilation on amd64 for our go
      17417: another optimization: instead of building the
      17417: Because of debian bug #983477, libfuse-dev for arm64 does not
      17417: add --only-build flag to the
      18577: workbench1: remove references to `redirect_to :back`, this
      Remove one more use of `go get` from run-library.sh.
      17417: Merge branch 'main' into 17417-add-arm64
      17417: Merge branch 'main' into 17417-add-arm64
      Bugfixes: doc: show the correct branch names for all the Salt install
      Release branches were renamed.
      17417: address review comments.
      18577: Merge branch 'main' into 18577-fix-back_url
      Merge branch '18577-fix-back_url'
      17417: Merge branch 'main' into 17417-add-arm64
      Merge branch '17417-add-arm64'
      When installing the bundler gem in run-tests.sh, always use
      18624: documentation: describe the arvados-dispatch-cloud requirements
      18624: crunch-run no longer needs to be preinstalled on our cloud
      18624: implement review feedback.
      Merge branch '18624-document-compute-image-requirements'
      Salt installer fixes:
      Documentation tweaks for the Salt installer.
      18678: installer: when custom certs are used, do not abort when a role
      Merge branch '18678-custom-certs-keepstore-fix'
      18679: if a config file contains a key with a null value, do not
      Merge branch '18679-handle-keys-with-null-values-in-config'
      18713: disable the nvidia-persistenced service in the compute image.
      18676: simplify AnonymousUserToken configuration.
      18713: expand comment.
      Fix typo in documentation.
      18713: Merge branch 'main' into 18713-nvidia-persistenced
      Merge branch '18713-nvidia-persistenced'
      18676: make sure to handle V2 tokens properly.
      18676: remove script/get_anonymous_user_token.rb and update
      18676: move length check for AnonymousUserToken to lib/config, bring it
      18676: more tweaks after review comments: clarify logic in checkToken
      18676: Merge branch 'main' into 18676-anon-token-improvement
      Merge branch '18676-anon-token-improvement'
      18766: bump the Python version used by our Ubuntu 18.04 package to
      18766: Merge branch 'main' into 18766-python-bump
      Merge branch '18766-python-bump'
      18702: add documentation for maintaining and upgrading Arvados. Make it
      18702: remove the old document about upgrading the configuration from
      18702: fix one more link to the configuration migration page to point at
      18702: consolidate upgrade instructions in one place; move the
      18676: tolerate V2 anonymous tokens in config.yml, but generate a
      18676: be a bit more specific in testing for V2 tokens.
      18702: Merge branch 'main' into 18702-document-upgrades
      Merge branch '18702-document-upgrades'
      Fix typo.
      18676: make v2 token check more strict, and add the ["GET /"] scope to
      18676: Merge branch 'main' into 18676-anon-token-support-v2-in-config
      Merge branch '18676-anon-token-support-v2-in-config'
      18772: arvados-dispatch-cloud: add IamInstanceProfile field to the ec2
      18772: add support for the AWS EBS autoscale script to the compute node
      18772: consistently use bash comparison operators in build.sh
      18772: document the AWS EBS autoscaler support. Refactor the "Build a
      18772: address review feedback.
      18772: a few more improvements for the autoscaler script, from the
      Merge branch '18772-ebs-autoscale-2'
      Bugfix: make the create-ebs-volume patch apply.
      The base.sh script that is run by Packer should abort when it encounters
      18805: replace unnecessary lookup of a constant.
      18805: add a 'static' go build tag that disables the pam login code,
      Merge branch '18805-easy-static-compilation'
      Dependabot nokogiri bump for api server.
      Dependabot nokogiri bump for workbench.
      18791: update documentation, fix single host/single hostname installer
      18791: make the test hasher workflow work by fixing dns resolution
      18785: update documentation, fix run-tests.sh bug in single host/single
      18785: make sure that dnsmasq is present, and make sure that our
      18785: make sure the user configures IP_INT in the single host case.
      18785: fix self-signed single host installation.
      18785: documentation: mention the possible need for chained certificates
      18785: add explicit test that IP_INT is set correctly in the single host
      18785: update defaults and comments in local.params files.
      18785: remove the documentation for the single host, multiple hostnames
      18785: small doc tweak.
      18785: avoid error when /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d does not exist.
      Merge branch '18785-single-host-single-name-with-letsencrypt-main'
      Fix arvados-server dependency version in the arvados-workbench package.
      18766: add --force-test and --force-build options to the
      18766: because our Ubuntu 18.04 Python packages now depend on
      18838: Merge branch 'main' into 18838-bump-nokogiri
      Merge branch '18838-bump-nokogiri'
      Bump the containerd version.
      The nokogiri bump requires a newer version of Ruby (2.6 minimum). Update
      18766: Merge branch 'main' into 18766-fix-ubuntu1804-python3-path
      Merge branch '18766-fix-ubuntu1804-python3-path'
      18843: Merge branch 'main' into 18843-bump-containerd
      Merge branch '18843-bump-containerd'
      18663: one more documentation tweak.
      18763: remove unused gems from the API server Gemfile.
      18763: remove rake tasks that are no longer needed (cf.
      Merge branch '18763-rails-cleanups'
      Make the sql statement that clears old container logs more efficient by
      Fix azure compute node image build.
      Handle 'add-apt-repository contrib' on Ubuntu 18.04 properly.
      18766: deal with deprecation warnings for our bundler invocation.
      18766: be a bit smarter about the preseeding of the go module cache and
      18766: Merge branch 'main' into 18766-package-building-dockerfile-tweaks
      Merge branch '18766-package-building-dockerfile-tweaks'
      18867: introduce a minimum docker version of 20.10 in our compute image
      17421: a few wording tweaks.
      18867: parameterize docker version for easier future maintenance.
      18867: Merge branch 'main' into 18867-compute-image-new-minimum-docker-version
      Merge branch '18867-compute-image-new-minimum-docker-version'
      18890: when ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE is set, also disable certificate
      Merge branch '18890-python-sdk-verifyhost'
      When building compute node images on AWS, default to gp3 for the root
      18903: fix uninitialized user object in the user activity script.
      18903: the user activity script needs to look up collections by PDH, not
      18903: formatting fix for output: always prepend the event timestamp
      18903: keep-web: when logging a file upload or download, if the
      Add a citation file.
      Correct company name.
      18896: controller logs the UUIDs of the tokens used in each request.
      18887: when wb1 sends the anonymous user token, it makes sure to always
      18887: it is OK for controller to forward the local anymous token,
      18896: add locking. Also handle v1 tokens shorter than 5 characters.
      18903: handle deleted users properly.
      18903: add a date range option to the user activity report.
      18903: Merge branch 'main' into 18903-fix-activity-script
      18896: review feedback, un-pyramid the logrus.Fields update.
      Merge branch '18896-controller-logs-tokenUUIDs'
      18887: undo the warning introduced in 18676 if a v2 anonymous token is
      18887: add an integration test.
      18903: make getCollectionName smarter: look up the name by uuid if it is
      18903: Merge branch 'main' into 18903-fix-activity-script
      Merge branch '18903-fix-activity-script'
      18887: self.check_anonymous_user_token can now handle a full V2 token in
      Add csv output mode to the user activity script.
      18887: address review comments.
      18887: Fix salted_secret check. Add test.
      18887: Merge branch 'main' into 18887-wb1-sends-v2-anonymous-token
      Merge branch '18887-wb1-sends-v2-anonymous-token'
      18976: crunch-dispatch-local needs arv-mount to be present.
      Fix the libarvados-perl package build. Fix the version number for that
      Installer bugfix.
      Installer bugfix (part 2).
      Fix package building, work around git issue caused by CVE-2022-24765.
      18995: remove erroneous return statement.
      18995: remove dead code
      18976: Merge branch 'main' into 18976-c-d-l-dep
      Merge branch '18976-c-d-l-dep'
      The package building scripts autodetect the correct Go version to
      The compute image building script autodetects the correct Go version to
      18995: remove dead code.
      18995: remove useless if statement.
      18995: remove useless if statement.
      18995: match up formatting strings and the number of arguments.
      18995: fuse: do not overwrite function argument in test.
      18995: sdk/cwl: change function argument name to avoid confusion.
      18995: Merge branch 'main' into 18995-code-cleanup-1
      19011: Bump nokogiri to 1.13.4
      Merge branch '19011-nokogiri-bump'
      doc: update google analytics tag, remove old shim for IE6-9.
      18995: proper fix for group class destroy method. Add a test.
      18995: Merge branch 'main' into 18995-code-cleanup-1
      18995: fix test oddity.
      Merge branch 'main' into 18995-code-cleanup-1
      Merge branch '18995-code-cleanup-1'
      18995: CSS comments can not use double slash
      18995: use forEach instead of map, not using return value.
      18995: remove unused variable (dead code).
      18995: <html> element should have a language attribute.
      18995: webshell: add missing <head> tag, add missing <title>
      18995: add missing <!DOCTYPE>
      18995: add scope to all <th> tags that are missing one.
      Merge branch '18995-code-cleanup-3'
      18995: <html> element should have a language attribute.
      18995: add a generic font family for font awesome.
      18995: Merge branch 'main' into 18995-code-cleanup-4
      Merge branch '18995-code-cleanup-4'
      18995: Merge branch 'main' into 18995-code-cleanup-2
      Merge branch '18995-code-cleanup-2'
      19054: doc update
      19054: more doc changes.
      19054: Merge branch 'main' into 19054-local-keepstore-aws-doc-update
      Merge branch '19054-local-keepstore-aws-doc-update'
      Salt installer multinode AWS example: modernize Arvados config a bit,
      19015: installer fix: work around a Passenger issue with the detection of RVM
      Do not pipe into `grep -q`, because that stops reading as soon as a
      Add a 2 minute lock timeout to the first invocation of apt. This is
      19015: update the nginx override so that systemd is happy even when RVM
      18995: add a few missing alt texts to image.
      19015: Merge branch 'main' into 19015-rvm-gemset-passenger-fix
      Merge branch '19015-rvm-gemset-passenger-fix'
      18995: Merge branch 'main' into 18995-code-cleanup-5
      Merge branch '18995-code-cleanup-5'
      19126: update documentation to reflect nginx proxy configuration for
      19126: update the nginx template used by our tests and arvados-server
      19127: do not dump InstanceTypes...Name and InstanceTypes...Scratch,
      19127: remove config file support for InstanceTypes specified as an
      19126: disable all nginx proxy caching for controller.
      Merge branch '19127-remove-warnings'
      19126: Merge branch 'main' into 19126-nginx-proxy-settings-change
      19126: disable all proxy caching in the nginx template used by our tests
      19126: disable all nginx proxy caching for controller in the templates used by the installer.
      19126: Merge branch 'main' into 19126-nginx-proxy-settings-change
      Merge branch '19126-nginx-proxy-settings-change'
      18983: Disable LocalKeepBlobBuffersPerVCPU on the multinode installer
      Merge branch '18983-salt-installer-multinode-disable-LocalKeepBlobBuffersPerVCPU'
      Disable LocalKeepBlobBuffersPerVCPU on the single node installer
      19164: add a few flags to the compute image builder script.
      Provision scripts: do not hardcode a ruby version when using RVM, use
      19164: rework the help text for all the options of the compute image
      19164: update doc accordingly.
      Merge branch '19164-add-flags'
      Make compute node image script compatible with Ubuntu.
      Salt installer change: standardize on putting the certs directory under
      provision script: fix single host/single hostname letsencrypt.
      Merge branch '19169-provision-fix-single-hostname-letsencrypt'
      In the config loader, we require the cluster id to be specified in
      Provision script fix: clarify that the cluster id must be 5 lowercase
      Documentation: fix typo.
      Refactor the multi-host salt install page.
      Fix a few typos in the help text.
      More Salt installer doc refactoring.
      19175: Merge branch 'main' into 19175-doc-refactor-multi-host-installation
      Merge branch '19175-doc-refactor-multi-host-installation'
      19201: add warning when users are viewing documentation for old Arvados
      19201: add a liquid comment that explains what to do when changing the
      Merge branch '19201-doc-warning-old-version'

majewsk6 (4):
      Group update caused exception
      Add tails_uuid and tail_kind to Links API
      Add DELETE method to Keep Client
      Add excludeHomeProject parameter to ListArgument



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