[ARVADOS] updated: 2.1.0-280-g4c6c49190

Git user git at public.arvados.org
Thu Jan 21 19:56:26 UTC 2021

Summary of changes:
 .../container_requests_controller_test.rb          |   1 -
 .../methods/container_requests.html.textile.liquid |   2 +-
 lib/boot/supervisor.go                             |   2 +
 lib/controller/cmd.go                              |   1 +
 lib/controller/federation/conn.go                  |  62 +++++++++
 lib/controller/federation/generate.go              |   2 +-
 lib/controller/federation/generated.go             |  41 ++++++
 lib/controller/federation_test.go                  | 137 +++++++++++--------
 lib/controller/handler.go                          |   2 +
 lib/controller/handler_test.go                     |   2 +
 lib/controller/integration_test.go                 | 152 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 lib/controller/localdb/conn.go                     |   9 +-
 lib/controller/localdb/login.go                    |  31 +++--
 lib/controller/localdb/login_ldap.go               |   6 +-
 lib/controller/localdb/login_ldap_test.go          |   4 +-
 lib/controller/localdb/login_oidc.go               |   9 +-
 lib/controller/localdb/login_pam.go                |   6 +-
 lib/controller/localdb/login_pam_test.go           |   4 +-
 lib/controller/localdb/login_testuser.go           |   6 +-
 lib/controller/localdb/login_testuser_test.go      |   4 +-
 lib/controller/router/response.go                  |  76 +++++++----
 lib/controller/router/router.go                    |  35 +++++
 lib/controller/rpc/conn.go                         |  63 ++++++++-
 lib/crunchrun/crunchrun.go                         |   6 +-
 lib/crunchrun/crunchrun_test.go                    |   6 +-
 sdk/go/arvados/api.go                              |  10 ++
 sdk/go/arvados/container.go                        |   5 +-
 sdk/go/arvadostest/api.go                          |  20 +++
 .../app/controllers/user_sessions_controller.rb    |  35 +++--
 services/api/app/models/arvados_model.rb           |  34 +++++
 services/api/app/models/container.rb               |  10 +-
 services/api/app/models/container_request.rb       |  25 ++--
 services/api/test/fixtures/container_requests.yml  |  47 +++++--
 .../v1/container_requests_controller_test.rb       |  25 +++-
 .../functional/user_sessions_controller_test.rb    |  25 ++++
 services/api/test/unit/container_request_test.rb   |  47 ++-----
 services/api/test/unit/container_test.rb           |  14 +-
 37 files changed, 740 insertions(+), 226 deletions(-)

       via  4c6c49190b5a8949120d822e053657f64146df70 (commit)
       via  882bfd2383da2f9d3cbd2b5f258e727e385a4fbb (commit)
       via  3ec51dcf456b2afe02857089895a261653abddd4 (commit)
      from  3576206ef265d0040bcc93899b9885f16b5919e6 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit 4c6c49190b5a8949120d822e053657f64146df70
Merge: 3576206ef 882bfd238
Author: Nico Cesar <nico at nicocesar.com>
Date:   Thu Jan 21 14:55:22 2021 -0500

    Merge branch '17014-controller-container-requests-take3'
    closes #17014
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Nico Cesar <nico at curii.com>

diff --cc lib/controller/integration_test.go
index 0e95c19ea,b240c216c..3d0639f6c
--- a/lib/controller/integration_test.go
+++ b/lib/controller/integration_test.go
@@@ -388,10 -488,153 +391,153 @@@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestCreateCo
  	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
  	req.Header.Set("Authorization", "OAuth2 "+ac2.AuthToken)
  	resp, err = arvados.InsecureHTTPClient.Do(req)
- 	if c.Check(err, check.IsNil) {
- 		err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&cr)
+ 	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
+ 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&cr)
+ 	c.Check(err, check.IsNil)
+ 	c.Check(cr.UUID, check.Matches, "z2222-.*")
+ }
+ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestCreateContainerRequestWithBadToken(c *check.C) {
 -	conn1 := s.conn("z1111")
 -	rootctx1, _, _ := s.rootClients("z1111")
 -	_, ac1, _, au := s.userClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, "z1111", true)
++	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
++	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
++	_, ac1, _, au := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, "user at example.com", true)
+ 	tests := []struct {
+ 		name         string
+ 		token        string
+ 		expectedCode int
+ 	}{
+ 		{"Good token", ac1.AuthToken, http.StatusOK},
+ 		{"Bogus token", "abcdef", http.StatusUnauthorized},
+ 		{"v1-looking token", "badtoken00badtoken00badtoken00badtoken00b", http.StatusUnauthorized},
+ 		{"v2-looking token", "v2/" + au.UUID + "/badtoken00badtoken00badtoken00badtoken00b", http.StatusUnauthorized},
+ 	}
+ 	body, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
+ 		"container_request": map[string]interface{}{
+ 			"command":         []string{"echo"},
+ 			"container_image": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0",
+ 			"cwd":             "/",
+ 			"output_path":     "/",
+ 		},
+ 	})
+ 	for _, tt := range tests {
+ 		c.Log(c.TestName() + " " + tt.name)
+ 		ac1.AuthToken = tt.token
+ 		req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "https://"+ac1.APIHost+"/arvados/v1/container_requests", bytes.NewReader(body))
+ 		c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
+ 		req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ 		resp, err := ac1.Do(req)
+ 		c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
+ 		c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, check.Equals, tt.expectedCode)
+ 	}
+ }
+ // We test the direct access to the database
+ // normally an integration test would not have a database access, but  in this case we need
+ // to test tokens that are secret, so there is no API response that will give them back
+ func (s *IntegrationSuite) dbConn(c *check.C, clusterID string) (*sql.DB, *sql.Conn) {
+ 	ctx := context.Background()
 -	db, err := sql.Open("postgres", s.testClusters[clusterID].super.Cluster().PostgreSQL.Connection.String())
++	db, err := sql.Open("postgres", s.testClusters[clusterID].Super.Cluster().PostgreSQL.Connection.String())
+ 	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
+ 	conn, err := db.Conn(ctx)
+ 	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
+ 	rows, err := conn.ExecContext(ctx, `SELECT 1`)
+ 	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
+ 	n, err := rows.RowsAffected()
+ 	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
+ 	c.Assert(n, check.Equals, int64(1))
+ 	return db, conn
+ }
+ // TestRuntimeTokenInCR will test several different tokens in the runtime attribute
+ // and check the expected results accessing directly to the database if needed.
+ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestRuntimeTokenInCR(c *check.C) {
+ 	db, dbconn := s.dbConn(c, "z1111")
+ 	defer db.Close()
+ 	defer dbconn.Close()
 -	conn1 := s.conn("z1111")
 -	rootctx1, _, _ := s.rootClients("z1111")
 -	userctx1, ac1, _, au := s.userClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, "z1111", true)
++	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
++	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
++	userctx1, ac1, _, au := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, "user at example.com", true)
+ 	tests := []struct {
+ 		name                 string
+ 		token                string
+ 		expectAToGetAValidCR bool
+ 		expectedToken        *string
+ 	}{
+ 		{"Good token z1111 user", ac1.AuthToken, true, &ac1.AuthToken},
+ 		{"Bogus token", "abcdef", false, nil},
+ 		{"v1-looking token", "badtoken00badtoken00badtoken00badtoken00b", false, nil},
+ 		{"v2-looking token", "v2/" + au.UUID + "/badtoken00badtoken00badtoken00badtoken00b", false, nil},
+ 	}
+ 	for _, tt := range tests {
+ 		c.Log(c.TestName() + " " + tt.name)
+ 		rq := map[string]interface{}{
+ 			"command":         []string{"echo"},
+ 			"container_image": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0",
+ 			"cwd":             "/",
+ 			"output_path":     "/",
+ 			"runtime_token":   tt.token,
+ 		}
+ 		cr, err := conn1.ContainerRequestCreate(userctx1, arvados.CreateOptions{Attrs: rq})
+ 		if tt.expectAToGetAValidCR {
+ 			c.Check(err, check.IsNil)
+ 			c.Check(cr, check.NotNil)
+ 			c.Check(cr.UUID, check.Not(check.Equals), "")
+ 		}
+ 		if tt.expectedToken == nil {
+ 			continue
+ 		}
+ 		c.Logf("cr.UUID: %s", cr.UUID)
+ 		row := dbconn.QueryRowContext(rootctx1, `SELECT runtime_token from container_requests where uuid=$1`, cr.UUID)
+ 		c.Check(row, check.NotNil)
+ 		var token sql.NullString
+ 		row.Scan(&token)
+ 		if c.Check(token.Valid, check.Equals, true) {
+ 			c.Check(token.String, check.Equals, *tt.expectedToken)
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ }
+ // TestIntermediateCluster will send a container request to
+ // one cluster with another cluster as the destination
+ // and check the tokens are being handled properly
+ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestIntermediateCluster(c *check.C) {
 -	conn1 := s.conn("z1111")
 -	rootctx1, _, _ := s.rootClients("z1111")
 -	uctx1, ac1, _, _ := s.userClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, "z1111", true)
++	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
++	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
++	uctx1, ac1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, "user at example.com", true)
+ 	tests := []struct {
+ 		name                 string
+ 		token                string
+ 		expectedRuntimeToken string
+ 		expectedUUIDprefix   string
+ 	}{
+ 		{"Good token z1111 user sending a CR to z2222", ac1.AuthToken, "", "z2222-xvhdp-"},
+ 	}
+ 	for _, tt := range tests {
+ 		c.Log(c.TestName() + " " + tt.name)
+ 		rq := map[string]interface{}{
+ 			"command":         []string{"echo"},
+ 			"container_image": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0",
+ 			"cwd":             "/",
+ 			"output_path":     "/",
+ 			"runtime_token":   tt.token,
+ 		}
+ 		cr, err := conn1.ContainerRequestCreate(uctx1, arvados.CreateOptions{ClusterID: "z2222", Attrs: rq})
  		c.Check(err, check.IsNil)
- 		c.Check(cr.UUID, check.Matches, "z2222-.*")
+ 		c.Check(strings.HasPrefix(cr.UUID, tt.expectedUUIDprefix), check.Equals, true)
+ 		c.Check(cr.RuntimeToken, check.Equals, tt.expectedRuntimeToken)



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