[ARVADOS] updated: 1.1.3-225-gb173212

Git user git at public.curoverse.com
Mon Mar 26 17:16:49 EDT 2018

Summary of changes:
 services/nodemanager/arvnodeman/jobqueue.py    |  4 ++--
 services/nodemanager/tests/integration_test.py |  2 --
 services/nodemanager/tests/test_daemon.py      | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

       via  b17321254d9bdfb0939d3705b4b110d7df75afe2 (commit)
       via  66aaa7d715eedd38265ee0987ef2a5cf7b623fd9 (commit)
      from  93d9c63e1fd4d4c268aa9050406b9a212f3d4a22 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit b17321254d9bdfb0939d3705b4b110d7df75afe2
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <ldipentima at veritasgenetics.com>
Date:   Mon Mar 26 18:16:22 2018 -0300

    13166: Integration test fix.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <ldipentima at veritasgenetics.com>

diff --git a/services/nodemanager/tests/integration_test.py b/services/nodemanager/tests/integration_test.py
index 48fc395..508e626 100755
--- a/services/nodemanager/tests/integration_test.py
+++ b/services/nodemanager/tests/integration_test.py
@@ -342,7 +342,6 @@ def main():
                 (r".*Cloud node (\S+) is now paired with Arvados node (\S+) with hostname (\S+)", node_paired),
                 (r".*ComputeNodeMonitorActor\..*\.([^[]*).*Not eligible for shut down because node state is \('busy', 'open', .*\)", node_busy),
                 (r".*ComputeNodeMonitorActor\..*\.([^[]*).*Suggesting shutdown because node state is \('idle', 'open', .*\)", remaining_jobs),
-                (r".*ComputeNodeMonitorActor\..*\.([^[]*).*Not eligible for shut down because node state is \('busy', 'open', .*\)", node_busy),
                 (r".*ComputeNodeShutdownActor\..*\.([^[]*).*Shutdown success", node_shutdown),
                 (r".*ComputeNodeShutdownActor\..*\.([^[]*).*Shutdown success", node_shutdown)
@@ -369,7 +368,6 @@ def main():
                 (r".*Cloud node (\S+) is now paired with Arvados node (\S+) with hostname (\S+)", node_paired),
                 (r".*ComputeNodeMonitorActor\..*\.([^[]*).*Not eligible for shut down because node state is \('busy', 'open', .*\)", node_busy),
                 (r".*ComputeNodeMonitorActor\..*\.([^[]*).*Suggesting shutdown because node state is \('idle', 'open', .*\)", remaining_jobs),
-                (r".*ComputeNodeMonitorActor\..*\.([^[]*).*Not eligible for shut down because node state is \('busy', 'open', .*\)", node_busy),
                 (r".*ComputeNodeShutdownActor\..*\.([^[]*).*Shutdown success", node_shutdown),
                 (r".*ComputeNodeShutdownActor\..*\.([^[]*).*Shutdown success", node_shutdown),
                 (r".*sending request", jobs_req),

commit 66aaa7d715eedd38265ee0987ef2a5cf7b623fd9
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <ldipentima at veritasgenetics.com>
Date:   Mon Mar 26 18:15:46 2018 -0300

    13166: Sort optimization & wishlist ordering testing.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <ldipentima at veritasgenetics.com>

diff --git a/services/nodemanager/arvnodeman/jobqueue.py b/services/nodemanager/arvnodeman/jobqueue.py
index 8f3d7b9..90b3229 100644
--- a/services/nodemanager/arvnodeman/jobqueue.py
+++ b/services/nodemanager/arvnodeman/jobqueue.py
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class JobQueueMonitorActor(clientactor.RemotePollLoopActor):
     def _send_request(self):
         queuelist = []
         if self.slurm_queue:
-            # cpus, memory, tempory disk space, reason, job name, feature constraints
+            # cpus, memory, tempory disk space, reason, job name, feature constraints, priority
             squeue_out = subprocess.check_output(["squeue", "--state=PENDING", "--noheader", "--format=%c|%m|%d|%r|%j|%f|%Q"])
             for out in squeue_out.splitlines():
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ class JobQueueMonitorActor(clientactor.RemotePollLoopActor):
                         "priority": int(priority)
-            queuelist = sorted(queuelist, key=lambda x: x.get('priority', 1), reverse=True)
+            queuelist.sort(key=lambda x: x.get('priority', 1), reverse=True)
         if self.jobs_queue:
diff --git a/services/nodemanager/tests/test_daemon.py b/services/nodemanager/tests/test_daemon.py
index 614adbe..4b2b2d4 100644
--- a/services/nodemanager/tests/test_daemon.py
+++ b/services/nodemanager/tests/test_daemon.py
@@ -714,6 +714,27 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActorTestCase(testutil.ActorTestMixin,
         self.assertEqual(2, sizecounts[small.id])
         self.assertEqual(1, sizecounts[big.id])
+    def test_wishlist_ordering(self):
+        # Check that big nodes aren't prioritized; since #12199 containers are
+        # scheduled on specific node sizes.
+        small = testutil.MockSize(1)
+        big = testutil.MockSize(2)
+        avail_sizes = [(testutil.MockSize(1), {"cores":1}),
+                        (testutil.MockSize(2), {"cores":2})]
+        self.make_daemon(want_sizes=[small, small, small, big],
+                         avail_sizes=avail_sizes, max_nodes=3)
+        # the daemon runs in another thread, so we need to wait and see
+        # if it does all the work we're expecting it to do before stopping it.
+        self.busywait(lambda: self.node_setup.start.call_count == 3)
+        booting = self.daemon.booting.get(self.TIMEOUT)
+        self.stop_proxy(self.daemon)
+        sizecounts = {a[0].id: 0 for a in avail_sizes}
+        for b in booting.itervalues():
+            sizecounts[b.cloud_size.get().id] += 1
+        self.assertEqual(3, sizecounts[small.id])
+        self.assertEqual(0, sizecounts[big.id])
     def test_wishlist_reconfigure(self):
         small = testutil.MockSize(1)
         big = testutil.MockSize(2)



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