[ARVADOS] created: be68069c008866bde93acfb80e3844892e90de24

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Tue Mar 22 16:33:57 EDT 2016

        at  be68069c008866bde93acfb80e3844892e90de24 (commit)

commit be68069c008866bde93acfb80e3844892e90de24
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date:   Tue Mar 22 16:31:56 2016 -0400

    8767: Make offset work properly in ApiClientAuthorizationsController#index.
    Before this, #index was ignoring the "offset" request param and was
    not providing an "items_available" attribute in the response.  This
    made Workbench's "get all pages" routine an infinite loop.

diff --git a/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/api_client_authorizations_controller.rb b/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/api_client_authorizations_controller.rb
index 56d0d85..83968be 100644
--- a/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/api_client_authorizations_controller.rb
+++ b/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/api_client_authorizations_controller.rb
@@ -69,14 +69,27 @@ class Arvados::V1::ApiClientAuthorizationsController < ApplicationController
         val.is_a?(String) && (attr == 'uuid' || attr == 'api_token')
-    @objects = model_class.
-      includes(:user, :api_client).
-      where('user_id=?', current_user.id)
-    super
-    wanted_scopes.compact.each do |scope_list|
-      sorted_scopes = scope_list.sort
-      @objects = @objects.select { |auth| auth.scopes.sort == sorted_scopes }
+    @objects = model_class.where('user_id=?', current_user.id)
+    if wanted_scopes.compact.any?
+      # We can't filter on scopes effectively using AR/postgres.
+      # Instead we get the entire result set, do our own filtering on
+      # scopes to get a list of UUIDs, then start a new query
+      # (restricted to the selected UUIDs) so super can apply the
+      # offset/limit/order params in the usual way.
+      @request_limit = @limit
+      @request_offset = @offset
+      @limit = @objects.count
+      @offset = 0
+      super
+      wanted_scopes.compact.each do |scope_list|
+        sorted_scopes = scope_list.sort
+        @objects = @objects.select { |auth| auth.scopes.sort == sorted_scopes }
+      end
+      @limit = @request_limit
+      @offset = @request_offset
+      @objects = model_class.where('uuid in (?)', @objects.collect(&:uuid))
+    super
   def find_object_by_uuid
@@ -110,8 +123,10 @@ class Arvados::V1::ApiClientAuthorizationsController < ApplicationController
     # The @filters test here also prevents a non-trusted token from
     # filtering on its own scopes, and discovering whether any _other_
     # equally scoped tokens exist (403=yes, 200=no).
-    if (@objects.andand.count == 1 and
-        @objects.first.uuid == current_api_client_authorization.andand.uuid and
+    return forbidden if !@objects
+    full_set = @objects.except(:limit).except(:offset) if @objects
+    if (full_set.count == 1 and
+        full_set.first.uuid == current_api_client_authorization.andand.uuid and
         (@filters.map(&:first) & %w(uuid api_token)).any?)
       return true
diff --git a/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/api_client_authorizations_controller_test.rb b/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/api_client_authorizations_controller_test.rb
index 192e6b9..9f0f555 100644
--- a/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/api_client_authorizations_controller_test.rb
+++ b/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/api_client_authorizations_controller_test.rb
@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ class Arvados::V1::ApiClientAuthorizationsControllerTest < ActionController::Tes
     assert_response 403
-  def assert_found_tokens(auth, search_params, *expected_tokens)
+  def assert_found_tokens(auth, search_params, expected)
     authorize_with auth
-    expected_tokens.map! { |name| api_client_authorizations(name).api_token }
+    expected_tokens = expected.map do |name|
+      api_client_authorizations(name).api_token
+    end
     get :index, search_params
     assert_response :success
     got_tokens = JSON.parse(@response.body)['items']
@@ -52,19 +54,26 @@ class Arvados::V1::ApiClientAuthorizationsControllerTest < ActionController::Tes
   # Three-tuples with auth to use, scopes to find, and expected tokens.
   # Make two tests for each tuple, one searching with where and the other
   # with filter.
-  [[:admin_trustedclient, [], :admin_noscope],
-   [:active_trustedclient, ["GET /arvados/v1/users"], :active_userlist],
+  [[:admin_trustedclient, [], [:admin_noscope]],
+   [:active_trustedclient, ["GET /arvados/v1/users"], [:active_userlist]],
     ["POST /arvados/v1/api_client_authorizations",
      "GET /arvados/v1/api_client_authorizations"],
-    :active_apitokens],
-  ].each do |auth, scopes, *expected|
+    [:active_apitokens]],
+  ].each do |auth, scopes, expected|
     test "#{auth.to_s} can find auths where scopes=#{scopes.inspect}" do
-      assert_found_tokens(auth, {where: {scopes: scopes}}, *expected)
+      assert_found_tokens(auth, {where: {scopes: scopes}}, expected)
     test "#{auth.to_s} can find auths filtered with scopes=#{scopes.inspect}" do
-      assert_found_tokens(auth, {filters: [['scopes', '=', scopes]]}, *expected)
+      assert_found_tokens(auth, {filters: [['scopes', '=', scopes]]}, expected)
+    end
+    test "#{auth.to_s} offset works with filter scopes=#{scopes.inspect}" do
+      assert_found_tokens(auth, {
+                            offset: expected.length,
+                            filters: [['scopes', '=', scopes]]
+                          }, [])
@@ -112,6 +121,20 @@ class Arvados::V1::ApiClientAuthorizationsControllerTest < ActionController::Tes
       assert_response expect_list_response
       if expect_list_items
         assert_equal assigns(:objects).length, expect_list_items
+        assert_equal json_response['items_available'], expect_list_items
+      end
+    end
+    if expect_list_items
+      test "using '#{user}', list '#{token}' by uuid with offset" do
+        authorize_with user
+        get :index, {
+          filters: [['uuid','=',api_client_authorizations(token).uuid]],
+          offset: expect_list_items,
+        }
+        assert_response expect_list_response
+        assert_equal json_response['items_available'], expect_list_items
+        assert_equal json_response['items'].length, 0
@@ -123,6 +146,7 @@ class Arvados::V1::ApiClientAuthorizationsControllerTest < ActionController::Tes
       assert_response expect_list_response
       if expect_list_items
         assert_equal assigns(:objects).length, expect_list_items
+        assert_equal json_response['items_available'], expect_list_items



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