[ARVADOS] created: 85b8f04b72fe97f329cefc3e3bef48451d0fe085

git at public.curoverse.com git at public.curoverse.com
Fri Oct 16 16:03:12 EDT 2015

        at  85b8f04b72fe97f329cefc3e3bef48451d0fe085 (commit)

commit 85b8f04b72fe97f329cefc3e3bef48451d0fe085
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date:   Wed Oct 14 04:07:37 2015 -0400

    5824: Update bundle

diff --git a/apps/workbench/Gemfile.lock b/apps/workbench/Gemfile.lock
index 20b8d61..8b2118c 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/apps/workbench/Gemfile.lock
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ GEM
       rack (>= 1.0.0)
       rack-test (>= 0.5.4)
       xpath (~> 2.0)
-    childprocess (0.5.5)
+    childprocess (0.5.6)
       ffi (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.11)
     cliver (0.3.2)
     coffee-rails (4.1.0)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ GEM
     fast_stack (0.1.0)
-    ffi (1.9.6)
+    ffi (1.9.10)
     flamegraph (0.1.0)
     google-api-client (0.6.4)
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ GEM
       metaclass (~> 0.0.1)
     morrisjs-rails (0.5.1)
       railties (> 3.1, < 5)
-    multi_json (1.11.1)
+    multi_json (1.11.2)
     multipart-post (1.2.0)
     net-scp (1.2.1)
       net-ssh (>= 2.6.5)
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ GEM
     ref (1.0.5)
     ruby-debug-passenger (0.2.0)
     ruby-prof (0.15.2)
-    rubyzip (1.1.6)
+    rubyzip (1.1.7)
     rvm-capistrano (1.5.5)
       capistrano (~> 2.15.4)
     sass (3.4.9)
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ GEM
       sprockets (>= 2.8, < 4.0)
       sprockets-rails (>= 2.0, < 4.0)
       tilt (~> 1.1)
-    selenium-webdriver (2.44.0)
+    selenium-webdriver (2.48.1)
       childprocess (~> 0.5)
       multi_json (~> 1.0)
       rubyzip (~> 1.0)
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ GEM
       execjs (>= 0.3.0)
       json (>= 1.8.0)
     uuidtools (2.1.5)
-    websocket (1.2.1)
+    websocket (1.2.2)
     websocket-driver (0.5.1)
       websocket-extensions (>= 0.1.0)
     websocket-extensions (0.1.1)
@@ -294,3 +294,6 @@ DEPENDENCIES
   uglifier (>= 1.0.3)
+   1.10.6

commit b943ec0bc162454befcb70a6682a6d05248c44cc
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date:   Tue Oct 13 10:52:06 2015 -0400

    5824: Use keep-web in Workbench integration tests

diff --git a/apps/workbench/test/helpers/download_helper.rb b/apps/workbench/test/helpers/download_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21fb4cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/workbench/test/helpers/download_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+module DownloadHelper
+  module_function
+  def path
+    Rails.root.join 'tmp', 'downloads'
+  end
+  def clear
+    FileUtils.rm_f path
+    begin
+      Dir.mkdir path
+    rescue Errno::EEXIST
+    end
+  end
+  def done
+    Dir[path.join '*'].reject do |f|
+      /\.part$/ =~ f
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/apps/workbench/test/integration/collection_upload_test.rb b/apps/workbench/test/integration/collection_upload_test.rb
index 62efee4..5e407ce 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/test/integration/collection_upload_test.rb
+++ b/apps/workbench/test/integration/collection_upload_test.rb
@@ -7,9 +7,19 @@ class CollectionUploadTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
         io.write content
+    # Database reset doesn't restore KeepServices; we have to
+    # save/restore manually.
+    use_token :admin do
+      @keep_services = KeepService.all.to_a
+    end
   teardown do
+    use_token :admin do
+      @keep_services.each do |ks|
+        KeepService.find(ks.uuid).update_attributes(ks.attributes)
+      end
+    end
     testfiles.each do |filename, _|
       File.unlink(testfile_path filename)
@@ -64,10 +74,9 @@ class CollectionUploadTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
   test "Report mixed-content error" do
     skip 'Test suite does not use TLS'
     need_selenium "to make file uploads work"
-    begin
-      use_token :admin
-      proxy = KeepService.find(api_fixture('keep_services')['proxy']['uuid'])
-      proxy.update_attributes service_ssl_flag: false
+    use_token :admin do
+      KeepService.where(service_type: 'proxy').first.
+        update_attributes(service_ssl_flag: false)
     visit page_with_token 'active', sandbox_path
     find('.nav-tabs a', text: 'Upload').click
@@ -82,11 +91,12 @@ class CollectionUploadTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
   test "Report network error" do
     need_selenium "to make file uploads work"
-    begin
-      use_token :admin
-      proxy = KeepService.find(api_fixture('keep_services')['proxy']['uuid'])
-      # Even if you somehow do port>2^16, surely nx.example.net won't respond
-      proxy.update_attributes service_host: 'nx.example.net', service_port: 99999
+    use_token :admin do
+      # Even if you somehow do port>2^16, surely nx.example.net won't
+      # respond
+      KeepService.where(service_type: 'proxy').first.
+        update_attributes(service_host: 'nx.example.net',
+                          service_port: 99999)
     visit page_with_token 'active', sandbox_path
     find('.nav-tabs a', text: 'Upload').click
diff --git a/apps/workbench/test/integration/download_test.rb b/apps/workbench/test/integration/download_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e4fd56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/workbench/test/integration/download_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+require 'integration_helper'
+require 'helpers/download_helper'
+class DownloadTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+  setup do
+    portfile = File.expand_path '../../../../../tmp/keep-web-ssl.port', __FILE__
+    @kwport = File.read portfile
+    Rails.configuration.keep_web_url = "https://localhost:#{@kwport}/c=%{uuid_or_pdh}"
+    CollectionsController.any_instance.expects(:file_enumerator).never
+    # Make sure Capybara can download files.
+    need_selenium 'for downloading', :selenium_with_download
+    DownloadHelper.clear
+    # Keep data isn't populated by fixtures, so we have to write any
+    # data we expect to read.
+    unless /^acbd/ =~ `echo -n foo | arv-put --no-progress --raw -` && $?.success?
+      raise $?.to_s
+    end
+  end
+  test "download from keep-web with a reader token" do
+    uuid = api_fixture('collections')['foo_file']['uuid']
+    token = api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')['active_all_collections']['api_token']
+    visit "/collections/download/#{uuid}/#{token}/"
+    within "#collection_files" do
+      click_link "foo"
+    end
+    data = nil
+    tries = 0
+    while tries < 20
+      sleep 0.1
+      tries += 1
+      data = File.read(DownloadHelper.path.join 'foo') rescue nil
+    end
+    assert_equal 'foo', data
+  end
+  # TODO(TC): test "view pages hosted by keep-web, using session
+  # token". We might persuade selenium to send
+  # "collection-uuid.dl.example" requests to localhost by configuring
+  # our test nginx server to work as its forward proxy. Until then,
+  # we're relying on the "Redirect to keep_web_url via #{id_type}"
+  # test in CollectionsControllerTest (and keep-web's tests).
diff --git a/apps/workbench/test/integration_helper.rb b/apps/workbench/test/integration_helper.rb
index 39fdf4b..5750a1b 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/test/integration_helper.rb
+++ b/apps/workbench/test/integration_helper.rb
@@ -19,6 +19,17 @@ Capybara.register_driver :poltergeist_without_file_api do |app|
   Capybara::Poltergeist::Driver.new app, POLTERGEIST_OPTS.merge(extensions: [js])
+Capybara.register_driver :selenium_with_download do |app|
+  profile = Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile.new
+  profile['browser.download.dir'] = DownloadHelper.path.to_s
+  profile['browser.download.downloadDir'] = DownloadHelper.path.to_s
+  profile['browser.download.defaultFolder'] = DownloadHelper.path.to_s
+  profile['browser.download.folderList'] = 2 # "save to user-defined location"
+  profile['browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting'] = false
+  profile['browser.helperApps.alwaysAsk.force'] = false
+  Capybara::Selenium::Driver.new app, profile: profile
 module WaitForAjax
   Capybara.default_wait_time = 5
   def wait_for_ajax
@@ -73,8 +84,8 @@ module HeadlessHelper
-  def need_selenium reason=nil
-    Capybara.current_driver = :selenium
+  def need_selenium reason=nil, driver=:selenium
+    Capybara.current_driver = driver
     unless ENV['ARVADOS_TEST_HEADFUL'] or @headless
       @headless = HeadlessSingleton.get
diff --git a/apps/workbench/test/test_helper.rb b/apps/workbench/test/test_helper.rb
index 89d15c6..41592af 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/test/test_helper.rb
+++ b/apps/workbench/test/test_helper.rb
@@ -176,7 +176,10 @@ class ApiServerForTests
       # though it doesn't need to start up a new server).
       env_script = check_output %w(python ./run_test_server.py start --auth admin)
       check_output %w(python ./run_test_server.py start_arv-git-httpd)
+      check_output %w(python ./run_test_server.py start_keep-web)
       check_output %w(python ./run_test_server.py start_nginx)
+      # This one isn't a no-op, even under run-tests.sh.
+      check_output %w(python ./run_test_server.py start_keep)
     test_env = {}
     env_script.each_line do |line|
@@ -192,9 +195,11 @@ class ApiServerForTests
   def stop_test_server
     Dir.chdir PYTHON_TESTS_DIR do
+      check_output %w(python ./run_test_server.py stop_keep)
       # These are no-ops if we're running within run-tests.sh
       check_output %w(python ./run_test_server.py stop_nginx)
       check_output %w(python ./run_test_server.py stop_arv-git-httpd)
+      check_output %w(python ./run_test_server.py stop_keep-web)
       check_output %w(python ./run_test_server.py stop)
     @@server_is_running = false
diff --git a/sdk/python/tests/nginx.conf b/sdk/python/tests/nginx.conf
index 6196605..885f84e 100644
--- a/sdk/python/tests/nginx.conf
+++ b/sdk/python/tests/nginx.conf
@@ -28,4 +28,18 @@ http {
       proxy_pass http://keepproxy;
+  upstream keep-web {
+    server localhost:{{KEEPWEBPORT}};
+  }
+  server {
+    listen *:{{KEEPWEBSSLPORT}} ssl default_server;
+    server_name ~^(?<request_host>.*)$;
+    ssl_certificate {{SSLCERT}};
+    ssl_certificate_key {{SSLKEY}};
+    location  / {
+      proxy_pass http://keep-web;
+      proxy_set_header Host $request_host:{{KEEPWEBPORT}};
+      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py b/sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py
index d90d2ad..809cf40 100644
--- a/sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py
+++ b/sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ def run_keep(blob_signing_key=None, enforce_permissions=False, num_servers=2):
-    for d in api.keep_services().list().execute()['items']:
+    for d in api.keep_services().list(filters=[['service_type','=','disk']]).execute()['items']:
     for d in api.keep_disks().list().execute()['items']:
@@ -438,10 +438,35 @@ def stop_arv_git_httpd():
     kill_server_pid(_pidfile('arv-git-httpd'), wait=0)
+def run_keep_web():
+    if 'ARVADOS_TEST_PROXY_SERVICES' in os.environ:
+        return
+    stop_keep_web()
+    keepwebport = find_available_port()
+    env = os.environ.copy()
+    env.pop('ARVADOS_API_TOKEN', None)
+    keepweb = subprocess.Popen(
+        ['keep-web',
+         '-attachment-only-host=localhost:'+str(keepwebport),
+         '-address=:'+str(keepwebport)],
+        env=env, stdin=open('/dev/null'), stdout=sys.stderr)
+    with open(_pidfile('keep-web'), 'w') as f:
+        f.write(str(keepweb.pid))
+    _setport('keep-web', keepwebport)
+    _wait_until_port_listens(keepwebport)
+def stop_keep_web():
+    if 'ARVADOS_TEST_PROXY_SERVICES' in os.environ:
+        return
+    kill_server_pid(_pidfile('keep-web'), wait=0)
 def run_nginx():
     if 'ARVADOS_TEST_PROXY_SERVICES' in os.environ:
     nginxconf = {}
+    nginxconf['KEEPWEBPORT'] = _getport('keep-web')
+    nginxconf['KEEPWEBSSLPORT'] = find_available_port()
     nginxconf['KEEPPROXYPORT'] = _getport('keepproxy')
     nginxconf['KEEPPROXYSSLPORT'] = find_available_port()
     nginxconf['GITPORT'] = _getport('arv-git-httpd')
@@ -465,6 +490,7 @@ def run_nginx():
          '-g', 'pid '+_pidfile('nginx')+';',
          '-c', conffile],
         env=env, stdin=open('/dev/null'), stdout=sys.stderr)
+    _setport('keep-web-ssl', nginxconf['KEEPWEBSSLPORT'])
     _setport('keepproxy-ssl', nginxconf['KEEPPROXYSSLPORT'])
     _setport('arv-git-httpd-ssl', nginxconf['GITSSLPORT'])
@@ -564,7 +590,8 @@ class TestCaseWithServers(unittest.TestCase):
         for server_kwargs, start_func, stop_func in (
                 (cls.MAIN_SERVER, run, reset),
                 (cls.KEEP_SERVER, run_keep, stop_keep),
-                (cls.KEEP_PROXY_SERVER, run_keep_proxy, stop_keep_proxy)):
+                (cls.KEEP_PROXY_SERVER, run_keep_proxy, stop_keep_proxy),
+                (cls.KEEP_WEB_SERVER, run_keep_web, stop_keep_web)):
             if server_kwargs is not None:
@@ -590,6 +617,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         'start', 'stop',
         'start_keep', 'stop_keep',
         'start_keep_proxy', 'stop_keep_proxy',
+        'start_keep-web', 'stop_keep-web',
         'start_arv-git-httpd', 'stop_arv-git-httpd',
         'start_nginx', 'stop_nginx',
@@ -629,6 +657,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     elif args.action == 'stop_arv-git-httpd':
+    elif args.action == 'start_keep-web':
+        run_keep_web()
+    elif args.action == 'stop_keep-web':
+        stop_keep_web()
     elif args.action == 'start_nginx':
     elif args.action == 'stop_nginx':
diff --git a/services/api/app/controllers/database_controller.rb b/services/api/app/controllers/database_controller.rb
index 64818da..21c8e47 100644
--- a/services/api/app/controllers/database_controller.rb
+++ b/services/api/app/controllers/database_controller.rb
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ class DatabaseController < ApplicationController
     fixturesets = Dir.glob(Rails.root.join('test', 'fixtures', '*.yml')).
       collect { |yml| yml.match(/([^\/]*)\.yml$/)[1] }
+    # Don't reset keep_services: clients need to discover our
+    # integration-testing keepstores, not test fixtures.
+    fixturesets -= %w[keep_services]
     table_names = '"' + ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.join('","') + '"'
     attempts_left = 20
diff --git a/services/api/test/fixtures/api_client_authorizations.yml b/services/api/test/fixtures/api_client_authorizations.yml
index 9199d17..cb96295 100644
--- a/services/api/test/fixtures/api_client_authorizations.yml
+++ b/services/api/test/fixtures/api_client_authorizations.yml
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ active_all_collections:
   user: active
   api_token: activecollectionsabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567
   expires_at: 2038-01-01 00:00:00
-  scopes: ["GET /arvados/v1/collections/", "GET /arvados/v1/keep_disks"]
+  scopes: ["GET /arvados/v1/collections/", "GET /arvados/v1/keep_services/accessible"]
   api_client: untrusted

commit cdd6a89b654e3eb530793cc8a552f452fc359a92
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date:   Mon Oct 12 19:15:06 2015 -0400

    5824: Add option to redirect Workbench downloads to a keep-web service

diff --git a/apps/workbench/app/controllers/collections_controller.rb b/apps/workbench/app/controllers/collections_controller.rb
index e01151c..38b58a1 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/app/controllers/collections_controller.rb
+++ b/apps/workbench/app/controllers/collections_controller.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 require "arvados/keep"
+require "uri"
+require "cgi"
 class CollectionsController < ApplicationController
   include ActionController::Live
@@ -130,11 +132,27 @@ class CollectionsController < ApplicationController
     usable_token = find_usable_token(tokens) do
       coll = Collection.find(params[:uuid])
+    if usable_token.nil?
+      # Response already rendered.
+      return
+    end
+    if Rails.configuration.keep_web_url
+      opts = {}
+      if usable_token == params[:reader_token]
+        opts[:path_token] = usable_token
+      elsif usable_token == Rails.configuration.anonymous_user_token
+        # Don't pass a token at all
+      else
+        # We pass the current user's real token only if it's necessary
+        # to read the collection.
+        opts[:query_token] = usable_token
+      end
+      return redirect_to keep_web_url(params[:uuid], params[:file], opts)
+    end
     file_name = params[:file].andand.sub(/^(\.\/|\/|)/, './')
-    if usable_token.nil?
-      return  # Response already rendered.
-    elsif file_name.nil? or not coll.manifest.has_file?(file_name)
+    if file_name.nil? or not coll.manifest.has_file?(file_name)
       return render_not_found
@@ -305,6 +323,21 @@ class CollectionsController < ApplicationController
     return nil
+  def keep_web_url(uuid_or_pdh, file, opts)
+    fmt = {uuid_or_pdh: uuid_or_pdh.sub('+', '-')}
+    uri = URI.parse(Rails.configuration.keep_web_url % fmt)
+    uri.path += '/' unless uri.path.end_with? '/'
+    if opts[:path_token]
+      uri.path += 't=' + opts[:path_token] + '/'
+    end
+    uri.path += '_/'
+    uri.path += CGI::escape(file)
+    if opts[:query_token]
+      uri.query = 'api_token=' + CGI::escape(opts[:query_token])
+    end
+    uri.to_s
+  end
   # Note: several controller and integration tests rely on stubbing
   # file_enumerator to return fake file content.
   def file_enumerator opts
diff --git a/apps/workbench/config/application.default.yml b/apps/workbench/config/application.default.yml
index 00959bb..5504fd2 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/config/application.default.yml
+++ b/apps/workbench/config/application.default.yml
@@ -225,3 +225,11 @@ common:
   # E.g., using a name-based proxy server to forward connections to shell hosts:
   # https://%{hostname}.webshell.uuid_prefix.arvadosapi.com/
   shell_in_a_box_url: false
+  # Format of download/preview links. If false, use Workbench's
+  # download facility.
+  #
+  # Examples:
+  # keep_web_url: https://%{uuid_or_pdh}.dl.zzzzz.your.domain
+  # keep_web_url: https://%{uuid_or_pdh}--dl.zzzzz.your.domain
+  keep_web_url: false
diff --git a/apps/workbench/test/controllers/collections_controller_test.rb b/apps/workbench/test/controllers/collections_controller_test.rb
index 13644e0..b4e7dd3 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/test/controllers/collections_controller_test.rb
+++ b/apps/workbench/test/controllers/collections_controller_test.rb
@@ -514,4 +514,55 @@ class CollectionsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
     get :show, {id: api_fixture('collections')['user_agreement']['uuid']}, session_for(:active)
     assert_not_includes @response.body, '<a href="#Upload"'
+  def setup_for_keep_web cfg='https://%{uuid_or_pdh}.dl.zzzzz.example'
+    Rails.configuration.keep_web_url = cfg
+    @controller.expects(:file_enumerator).never
+  end
+  %w(uuid portable_data_hash).each do |id_type|
+    test "Redirect to keep_web_url via #{id_type}" do
+      setup_for_keep_web
+      tok = api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')['active']['api_token']
+      id = api_fixture('collections')['w_a_z_file'][id_type]
+      get :show_file, {uuid: id, file: "w a z"}, session_for(:active)
+      assert_response :redirect
+      assert_equal "https://#{id.sub '+', '-'}.dl.zzzzz.example/_/w+a+z?api_token=#{tok}", @response.redirect_url
+    end
+    test "Redirect to keep_web_url via #{id_type} with reader token" do
+      setup_for_keep_web
+      tok = api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')['active']['api_token']
+      id = api_fixture('collections')['w_a_z_file'][id_type]
+      get :show_file, {uuid: id, file: "w a z", reader_token: tok}, session_for(:expired)
+      assert_response :redirect
+      assert_equal "https://#{id.sub '+', '-'}.dl.zzzzz.example/t=#{tok}/_/w+a+z", @response.redirect_url
+    end
+    test "Redirect to keep_web_url via #{id_type} with no token" do
+      setup_for_keep_web
+      Rails.configuration.anonymous_user_token =
+        api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')['anonymous']['api_token']
+      id = api_fixture('collections')['public_text_file'][id_type]
+      get :show_file, {uuid: id, file: "Hello World.txt"}
+      assert_response :redirect
+      assert_equal "https://#{id.sub '+', '-'}.dl.zzzzz.example/_/Hello+World.txt", @response.redirect_url
+    end
+    test "Redirect to keep_web_url via #{id_type} using -attachment-only-host mode" do
+      setup_for_keep_web 'https://dl.zzzzz.example/c=%{uuid_or_pdh}'
+      tok = api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')['active']['api_token']
+      id = api_fixture('collections')['w_a_z_file'][id_type]
+      get :show_file, {uuid: id, file: "w a z"}, session_for(:active)
+      assert_response :redirect
+      assert_equal "https://dl.zzzzz.example/c=#{id.sub '+', '-'}/_/w+a+z?api_token=#{tok}", @response.redirect_url
+    end
+  end
+  test "No redirect to keep_web_url if collection not found" do
+    setup_for_keep_web
+    id = api_fixture('collections')['w_a_z_file']['uuid']
+    get :show_file, {uuid: id, file: "w a z"}, session_for(:spectator)
+    assert_response 404
+  end
diff --git a/services/keep-web/doc.go b/services/keep-web/doc.go
index 8ae9490..cc47ebe 100644
--- a/services/keep-web/doc.go
+++ b/services/keep-web/doc.go
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@
 //   http://zzzzz-4zz18-znfnqtbbv4spc3w.dl.example.com/foo
 //   http://zzzzz-4zz18-znfnqtbbv4spc3w.dl.example.com/_/foo
 //   http://zzzzz-4zz18-znfnqtbbv4spc3w--dl.example.com/_/foo
-//   http://1f4b0bc7583c2a7f9102c395f4ffc5e3+45--foo.example.com/foo
-//   http://1f4b0bc7583c2a7f9102c395f4ffc5e3+45--.invalid/foo
+//   http://1f4b0bc7583c2a7f9102c395f4ffc5e3-45--foo.example.com/foo
+//   http://1f4b0bc7583c2a7f9102c395f4ffc5e3-45--.invalid/foo
 // An additional form is supported specifically to make it more
 // convenient to maintain support for existing Workbench download



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