[ARVADOS] updated: 9454df6ea65e3afa9586cabea34abc42c328bd65

git at public.curoverse.com git at public.curoverse.com
Thu Apr 3 13:59:09 EDT 2014

Summary of changes:
 docker/build_tools/config.rb |   37 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

       via  9454df6ea65e3afa9586cabea34abc42c328bd65 (commit)
      from  cab9d1a8bd750638efbff292093624bf5bdb8767 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit 9454df6ea65e3afa9586cabea34abc42c328bd65
Author: Tim Pierce <twp at curoverse.com>
Date:   Thu Apr 3 14:00:16 2014 -0400

    Set umask to 022 when creating config files. (refs #2221)

diff --git a/docker/build_tools/config.rb b/docker/build_tools/config.rb
index a31895b..7acb888 100755
--- a/docker/build_tools/config.rb
+++ b/docker/build_tools/config.rb
@@ -34,35 +34,34 @@ Dir.glob('*/generated/*') do |stale_file|
 Dir.glob('*/*.in') do |template_file|
   generated_dir = File.join(File.dirname(template_file), 'generated')
   Dir.mkdir(generated_dir) unless Dir.exists? generated_dir
   output_path = File.join(generated_dir, File.basename(template_file, '.in'))
-  output = File.open(output_path, "w")
-  File.open(template_file) do |input|
-    input.each_line do |line|
+  File.open(output_path, "w") do |output|
+    File.open(template_file) do |input|
+      input.each_line do |line|
-      @count = 0
-      while @count < 10
-        @out = line.gsub!(/@@(.*?)@@/) do |var|
-          if config.key?(Regexp.last_match[1])
-            config[Regexp.last_match[1]]
-          else
-            var.gsub!(/@@/, '@_NOT_FOUND_@')
+        # This count is used to short-circuit potential
+        # infinite loops of variable substitution.
+        @count = 0
+        while @count < 10
+          @out = line.gsub!(/@@(.*?)@@/) do |var|
+            if config.key?(Regexp.last_match[1])
+              config[Regexp.last_match[1]]
+            else
+              var.gsub!(/@@/, '@_NOT_FOUND_@')
+            end
+          break if @out.nil?
+          @count += 1
-        break if @out.nil?
-        @count += 1
-      end
-      output.write(line)
+        output.write(line)
+      end
-  # Copy the owner's read+execute bits to group and other.
-  owner_perms = output.stat.mode & 0700
-  group_perms = (owner_perms & 0500) >> 3
-  output.chmod(owner_perms | group_perms | (group_perms >> 3))
-  output.close
 # Copy the ssh public key file to base/generated (if a path is given)



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