[arvados-dev] Arvados with Openstack

Tom Morris tfmorris at veritasgenetics.com
Mon Jan 28 14:25:38 EST 2019

Hi Carlos,

The Kubernetes work is under active development, but isn't something that
we currently recommend for production work. If you're interested in
collaborating on this effort, let us know.

It looks like we dropped the ball on the review of the PR for OpenStack
support in Arvados Node Manager, but if you want to help with testing of
it, we can pick it back up again, although a Kubernetes-based solution is
probably better for the long term.

As saw from Jason Warner's work, Arvados users have been successful in
installs on top of OpenStack, but there are many different integration
models possible.

Can you say a little bit more about what your use case and what your ideal
configuration would look like?

Best regards,
Tom Morris
Director, Product Management

On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 8:33 AM Carlos Piury <dgpiury at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to deploy arvados over an Openstack cluster (or Kubernetes
> over Openstack, but the current kubernetes installation is not for
> production ready (
> https://doc.arvados.org/install/arvados-on-kubernetes.html))
> There is any progress with Arvado's integration over Openstack?, I found
> this:
>    1. https://github.com/genome/analysis-workflows/issues/29
>    2. https://github.com/curoverse/arvados/pull/60
> Any production-ready approach?, or this is currently stopped.
> Regards!
> --
> Carlos I. Piury
> Computer engineer
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