[arvados] created: 2.6.0-587-ga47889b33a

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Fri Sep 8 19:59:52 UTC 2023

        at  a47889b33a2b09d0246611d759547f55b8dda7e6 (commit)

commit a47889b33a2b09d0246611d759547f55b8dda7e6
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>
Date:   Fri Sep 8 16:59:10 2023 -0300

    20888: Expands the encrypted cert key feature's documentation.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>

diff --git a/doc/_includes/_ssl_config_multi.liquid b/doc/_includes/_ssl_config_multi.liquid
index 473d824f2e..bdc40a402b 100644
--- a/doc/_includes/_ssl_config_multi.liquid
+++ b/doc/_includes/_ssl_config_multi.liquid
@@ -41,10 +41,33 @@ All certificate files will be used by nginx. You may need to include intermediat
 h4(#secure-tls-keys). Securing your TLS certificate keys (optional)
-When using @SSL_MODE=bring-your-own@, if you need to keep your TLS certificate keys encrypted on the server nodes, you can do it when deploying in AWS by using the "Secrets Manager":https://aws.amazon.com/es/secrets-manager/ service.
+When using @SSL_MODE=bring-your-own@, you can keep your TLS certificate keys encrypted on the server nodes, and this might even be required depending on your organization's security best practices.
-When using Terraform, the secret and related permission cloud resources are created automatically, and you can customize the secret's name by editing @terraform/services/terraform.tfvars@ and setting its suffix in @ssl_password_secret_name_suffix at .
+This feature is currently implemented in AWS by providing the certificate keys' password via Amazon's "Secrets Manager":https://aws.amazon.com/es/secrets-manager/ service, and installing appropriate services on the nodes that provide this password to @nginx@ via a file that only lives in system's RAM disk. This avoids potential password leaks to node disk volumes snapshots or backups.
+If your use the installer's Terraform code, the secret and related permission cloud resources are created automatically, and you can customize the secret's name by editing @terraform/services/terraform.tfvars@ and setting its suffix in @ssl_password_secret_name_suffix at .
 In @local.params@ you need to set @SSL_KEY_ENCRYPTED@ to @yes@ and change the default values for @SSL_KEY_AWS_SECRET_NAME@ and @SSL_KEY_AWS_REGION@ if necessary.
-Then, you should set the appropriate password as a plain-text value on AWS's web console, so that it can be used by the necessary nodes. This should be done before running @installer.sh deploy@ to avoid any failures when trying to start the @nginx@ servers.
+Then, if your certificate key file is not yet encrypted, you can generated an encrypted version of it by running the @openssl@ command as follows:
+<pre><code>openssl rsa -aes256 -in your.key -out your.encrypted.key
+(this will ask you to type the encryption password)
+This encrypted key file will be the one needed to be copied to the @${CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}@ directory, instead of the plain key file.
+In order to allow the appropriate nodes decrypt the key file, you should set the password on Amazon Secrets Manager. There're a couple way this can be done:
+# Through AWS web interface may be the easiest, just make sure to set it as "plain text" instead of JSON.
+# By using the AWS CLI tools, for example:
+<pre><code>aws secretsmanager put-secret-value --secret-id pkey-pwd --secret-string "p455w0rd" --region us-east-1
+</notextile>Where @pkey-pwd@ should match with what's set in @SSL_KEY_AWS_SECRET_NAME@ and @us-east-1@ with what's set in @SSL_KEY_AWS_REGION at .
+Take into account that the AWS secret should be set before running @installer.sh deploy@ to avoid any failures when trying to start the @nginx@ servers.
+If you ever need to change the encryption password on a running cluster, you should first change the secret's value on AWS, and only then copy the newly encrypted key file to @${CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR}@ and re-run the deploy command.
\ No newline at end of file



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