[arvados-workbench2] created: 2.6.2

git repository hosting git at public.arvados.org
Mon May 22 21:09:31 UTC 2023

        at  3819bda14079615a74ea3c4b7dbaf4ab56641fc9 (tag)
   tagging  ef8180fa2f0b90b1656b1d8c7ef12bc6ea028a0a (commit)
  replaces  2.6.0
 tagged by  Peter Amstutz
        on  Mon May 22 17:09:01 2023 -0400

Release notes at https://arvados.org/release-notes/2.6.2/

Peter Amstutz (13):
      20469: Provide select parameter to contents to avoid loading mounts
      Merge branch '20469-contents-select' refs #20469
      20452: don't set path if currentItemUuid is not a collection
      Merge branch '20452-collection-view-fix' refs #20452
      20487: loadProject doesn't call openProjectPanel
      20487: Correctly dispatch loadProject from openProjectPanel
      20487: Try make tests more reliable
      20487: Wait for the snackbar to appear & go away
      20487: Use === instead of ==
      Merge branch '20487-inputs-display' refs #20487
      20493: isArrayOfType handles union type (optional) arrays
      Merge branch '20377-dataexplorer-paging-bug' refs #20377
      Merge branch '20493-optional-array' refs #20493

Stephen Smith (8):
      20424: Memoize process io card preview to reduce unnecessary re-renders
      20424: Process io parameter parsing in single loop to optimize performance
      20377: Reject dataexplorer updates to incorrect page, allows dataexplorer to retry with correct page
      20377: Update browserdb to get rid of warning
      Merge branch '20424-io-panel-performance' into main. Closes #20420
      Merge branch 'main' of git.arvados.org:arvados-workbench2 into 20377-dataexplorer-paging-bug
      20377: Treat NaN page as page 0 when checking whether to reject dataexplorere page updates
      20377: Removed unused imports



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