[arvados-workbench2] updated: 2.6.0-35-gdbff37e9
git repository hosting
git at public.arvados.org
Wed May 17 21:04:42 UTC 2023
Summary of changes:
src/components/data-explorer/data-explorer.tsx | 3 +-
src/components/data-table/data-table.tsx | 9 +-
.../multiselectToolbar/MultiselectToolbar.tsx | 67 ++--
src/store/processes/processes-actions.ts | 369 +++++++++++----------
.../process-remove-many-dialog.tsx | 19 ++
src/views/workbench/workbench.tsx | 148 +++++----
6 files changed, 342 insertions(+), 273 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/views-components/process-remove-many-dialog/process-remove-many-dialog.tsx
via dbff37e90136caf5264148c95b7568ccff978f77 (commit)
via 06e815a5ab6a9a9a118014b41f023c46237156f1 (commit)
from 5534b46d016782428c8acc5ee2ff91958f9a0e0c (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
commit dbff37e90136caf5264148c95b7568ccff978f77
Author: Lisa Knox <lisaknox83 at gmail.com>
Date: Wed May 17 17:04:35 2023 -0400
15768: removeMany request fires, still gettig 403 from server Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa.knox at curii.com>
diff --git a/src/store/processes/processes-actions.ts b/src/store/processes/processes-actions.ts
index 195e9db6..8e481687 100644
--- a/src/store/processes/processes-actions.ts
+++ b/src/store/processes/processes-actions.ts
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ export const openRemoveProcessDialog = (uuid: string) => (dispatch: Dispatch, ge
export const openRemoveManyProcessesDialog = (list: Array<string>) => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
data: {
title: 'Remove processes permanently',
text: `Are you sure you want to remove all ${list.length} processes?`,
@@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ export const openRemoveManyProcessesDialog = (list: Array<string>) => (dispatch:
export const REMOVE_PROCESS_DIALOG = 'removeProcessDialog';
+export const REMOVE_MANY_PROCESSES_DIALOG = 'removeManyProcessesDialog';
export const removeProcessPermanently = (uuid: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: 'Removing ...', kind: SnackbarKind.INFO }));
diff --git a/src/views-components/process-remove-many-dialog/process-remove-many-dialog.tsx b/src/views-components/process-remove-many-dialog/process-remove-many-dialog.tsx
index 271831ec..d6d35a78 100644
--- a/src/views-components/process-remove-many-dialog/process-remove-many-dialog.tsx
+++ b/src/views-components/process-remove-many-dialog/process-remove-many-dialog.tsx
@@ -6,13 +6,14 @@ import { Dispatch, compose } from 'redux';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { ConfirmationDialog } from 'components/confirmation-dialog/confirmation-dialog';
import { withDialog, WithDialogProps } from 'store/dialog/with-dialog';
-import { removeProcessPermanently, REMOVE_PROCESS_DIALOG } from 'store/processes/processes-actions';
+import { removeProcessPermanently, REMOVE_MANY_PROCESSES_DIALOG } from 'store/processes/processes-actions';
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch: Dispatch, props: WithDialogProps<any>) => ({
onConfirm: () => {
+ console.log(props.data.list);
- dispatch<any>(removeProcessPermanently(props.data.uuid));
+ props.data.list.forEach((uuid: string) => dispatch<any>(removeProcessPermanently(uuid)));
-export const RemoveManyProcessesDialog = compose(withDialog(REMOVE_PROCESS_DIALOG), connect(null, mapDispatchToProps))(ConfirmationDialog);
+export const RemoveManyProcessesDialog = compose(withDialog(REMOVE_MANY_PROCESSES_DIALOG), connect(null, mapDispatchToProps))(ConfirmationDialog);
commit 06e815a5ab6a9a9a118014b41f023c46237156f1
Author: Lisa Knox <lisaknox83 at gmail.com>
Date: Wed May 17 16:53:30 2023 -0400
15768: removeMany dialog good, button styling Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa.knox at curii.com>
diff --git a/src/components/data-explorer/data-explorer.tsx b/src/components/data-explorer/data-explorer.tsx
index 3ef2e3f9..508413ff 100644
--- a/src/components/data-explorer/data-explorer.tsx
+++ b/src/components/data-explorer/data-explorer.tsx
@@ -231,7 +231,8 @@ export const DataExplorer = withStyles(styles)(
- {isMSToolbarVisible && <MultiselectToolbar buttons={defaultActions} />}
+ {/* {isMSToolbarVisible && <MultiselectToolbar buttons={defaultActions} />} */}
+ <MultiselectToolbar buttons={defaultActions} />
diff --git a/src/components/data-table/data-table.tsx b/src/components/data-table/data-table.tsx
index 628405ce..7a9d95b0 100644
--- a/src/components/data-table/data-table.tsx
+++ b/src/components/data-table/data-table.tsx
@@ -286,17 +286,14 @@ export const DataTable = withStyles(styles)(
renderHeadCell = (column: DataColumn<T, any>, index: number) => {
const { name, key, renderHeader, filters, sort } = column;
const { onSortToggle, onFiltersChange, classes } = this.props;
+ const { isSelected, checkedList } = this.state;
return column.name === 'checkBoxColumn' ? (
<TableCell key={key || index} className={classes.checkBoxCell}>
<div className={classes.checkBoxHead}>
<Tooltip title={this.state.isSelected ? 'Deselect All' : 'Select All'}>
- <input type='checkbox' className={classes.checkBox} checked={this.state.isSelected} onChange={this.handleSelectorSelect}></input>
+ <input type='checkbox' className={classes.checkBox} checked={isSelected} onChange={this.handleSelectorSelect}></input>
- <DataTableMultiselectPopover
- name={`Options`}
- options={this.multiselectOptions}
- checkedList={this.state.checkedList}
- ></DataTableMultiselectPopover>
+ <DataTableMultiselectPopover name={`Options`} options={this.multiselectOptions} checkedList={checkedList}></DataTableMultiselectPopover>
) : (
diff --git a/src/components/multiselectToolbar/MultiselectToolbar.tsx b/src/components/multiselectToolbar/MultiselectToolbar.tsx
index 9e36289c..0338d610 100644
--- a/src/components/multiselectToolbar/MultiselectToolbar.tsx
+++ b/src/components/multiselectToolbar/MultiselectToolbar.tsx
@@ -10,44 +10,67 @@ import { RootState } from 'store/store';
import { Dispatch } from 'redux';
import { CopyToClipboardSnackbar } from 'components/copy-to-clipboard-snackbar/copy-to-clipboard-snackbar';
import { TCheckedList } from 'components/data-table/data-table';
-import { openRemoveProcessDialog } from 'store/processes/processes-actions';
+import { openRemoveProcessDialog, openRemoveManyProcessesDialog } from 'store/processes/processes-actions';
import { processResourceActionSet } from '../../views-components/context-menu/action-sets/process-resource-action-set';
import { ContextMenuResource } from 'store/context-menu/context-menu-actions';
import { toggleTrashed } from 'store/trash/trash-actions';
-type CssRules = 'root' | 'button';
+type CssRules = 'root' | 'expanded' | 'button';
const styles: StyleRulesCallback<CssRules> = (theme: ArvadosTheme) => ({
root: {
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'row',
+ justifyContent: 'start',
+ width: '0px',
+ padding: 0,
+ marginTop: '0.5rem',
+ marginLeft: '0.5rem',
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ transition: 'width 150ms',
+ transitionTimingFunction: 'ease',
+ },
+ expanded: {
+ transition: 'width 150ms',
+ transitionTimingFunction: 'ease-in',
+ width: '40%',
button: {
- color: theme.palette.text.primary,
- // margin: '0.5rem',
+ backgroundColor: '#017ead',
+ color: 'white',
+ fontSize: '0.75rem',
+ width: 'fit-content',
+ margin: '2px',
+ padding: '1px',
type MultiselectToolbarAction = {
name: string;
- fn: string;
+ action: string;
export const defaultActions: Array<MultiselectToolbarAction> = [
- // {
- // name: 'copy',
- // fn: (name, checkedList) => MSToolbarCopyButton(name, checkedList),
- // },
+ {
+ name: 'copy',
+ action: 'copySelected',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'move',
+ action: 'moveSelected',
+ },
name: 'remove',
- fn: 'REMOVE',
+ action: 'removeSelected',
export type MultiselectToolbarProps = {
buttons: Array<MultiselectToolbarAction>;
+ isVisible: boolean;
checkedList: TCheckedList;
copySelected: () => void;
+ moveSelected: () => void;
removeSelected: (selectedList: TCheckedList) => void;
@@ -56,17 +79,12 @@ export const MultiselectToolbar = connect(
withStyles(styles)((props: MultiselectToolbarProps & WithStyles<CssRules>) => {
- console.log(props);
- const actions = {
- COPY: props.copySelected,
- REMOVE: props.removeSelected,
- };
- const { classes, buttons, checkedList } = props;
+ // console.log(props);
+ const { classes, buttons, isVisible, checkedList } = props;
return (
- <Toolbar className={classes.root}>
+ <Toolbar className={isVisible ? `${classes.root} ${classes.expanded}` : classes.root}>
{buttons.map((btn) => (
- <Button key={btn.name} className={classes.button} onClick={() => actions[btn.fn](checkedList)}>
+ <Button key={btn.name} className={`${classes.button} ${classes.expanded}`} onClick={() => props[btn.action](checkedList)}>
@@ -86,7 +104,7 @@ function selectedToString(checkedList: TCheckedList) {
function selectedToArray<T>(checkedList: TCheckedList): Array<T | string> {
- const arrayifiedSelectedList: Array<string> = [];
+ const arrayifiedSelectedList: Array<T | string> = [];
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(checkedList)) {
if (value === true) {
@@ -97,8 +115,10 @@ function selectedToArray<T>(checkedList: TCheckedList): Array<T | string> {
function mapStateToProps(state: RootState) {
// console.log(state.resources, state.multiselect.checkedList);
+ const { isVisible, checkedList } = state.multiselect;
return {
- checkedList: state.multiselect.checkedList as TCheckedList,
+ isVisible: isVisible,
+ checkedList: checkedList as TCheckedList,
// selectedList: state.multiselect.checkedList.forEach(processUUID=>containerRequestUUID)
@@ -106,10 +126,11 @@ function mapStateToProps(state: RootState) {
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch: Dispatch) {
return {
copySelected: () => {},
- removeSelected: (selectedList) => removeMany(dispatch, selectedList),
+ moveSelected: () => {},
+ removeSelected: (checkedList: TCheckedList) => removeMany(dispatch, checkedList),
function removeMany(dispatch: Dispatch, checkedList: TCheckedList): void {
- selectedToArray(checkedList).forEach((uuid: string) => dispatch<any>(openRemoveProcessDialog(uuid)));
+ dispatch<any>(openRemoveManyProcessesDialog(selectedToArray(checkedList)));
diff --git a/src/store/processes/processes-actions.ts b/src/store/processes/processes-actions.ts
index b26c2017..195e9db6 100644
--- a/src/store/processes/processes-actions.ts
+++ b/src/store/processes/processes-actions.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
-import { Dispatch } from "redux";
+import { Dispatch } from 'redux';
import { RootState } from 'store/store';
import { ServiceRepository } from 'services/services';
import { updateResources } from 'store/resources/resources-actions';
@@ -13,19 +13,20 @@ import { projectPanelActions } from 'store/project-panel/project-panel-action';
import { navigateToRunProcess } from 'store/navigation/navigation-action';
import { goToStep, runProcessPanelActions } from 'store/run-process-panel/run-process-panel-actions';
import { getResource } from 'store/resources/resources';
-import { initialize } from "redux-form";
-import { RUN_PROCESS_BASIC_FORM, RunProcessBasicFormData } from "views/run-process-panel/run-process-basic-form";
-import { RunProcessAdvancedFormData, RUN_PROCESS_ADVANCED_FORM } from "views/run-process-panel/run-process-advanced-form";
+import { initialize } from 'redux-form';
+import { RUN_PROCESS_BASIC_FORM, RunProcessBasicFormData } from 'views/run-process-panel/run-process-basic-form';
+import { RunProcessAdvancedFormData, RUN_PROCESS_ADVANCED_FORM } from 'views/run-process-panel/run-process-advanced-form';
import { MOUNT_PATH_CWL_WORKFLOW, MOUNT_PATH_CWL_INPUT } from 'models/process';
-import { CommandInputParameter, getWorkflow, getWorkflowInputs, getWorkflowOutputs, WorkflowInputsData } from "models/workflow";
-import { ProjectResource } from "models/project";
-import { UserResource } from "models/user";
-import { CommandOutputParameter } from "cwlts/mappings/v1.0/CommandOutputParameter";
-import { ContainerResource } from "models/container";
-import { ContainerRequestResource, ContainerRequestState } from "models/container-request";
-import { FilterBuilder } from "services/api/filter-builder";
+import { CommandInputParameter, getWorkflow, getWorkflowInputs, getWorkflowOutputs, WorkflowInputsData } from 'models/workflow';
+import { ProjectResource } from 'models/project';
+import { UserResource } from 'models/user';
+import { CommandOutputParameter } from 'cwlts/mappings/v1.0/CommandOutputParameter';
+import { ContainerResource } from 'models/container';
+import { ContainerRequestResource, ContainerRequestState } from 'models/container-request';
+import { FilterBuilder } from 'services/api/filter-builder';
-export const loadProcess = (containerRequestUuid: string) =>
+export const loadProcess =
+ (containerRequestUuid: string) =>
async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository): Promise<Process | undefined> => {
let containerRequest: ContainerRequestResource | undefined = undefined;
try {
@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ export const loadProcess = (containerRequestUuid: string) =>
} catch {}
- try{
+ try {
if (container && container.runtimeUserUuid) {
const runtimeUser = await services.userService.get(container.runtimeUserUuid, false);
@@ -61,12 +62,13 @@ export const loadProcess = (containerRequestUuid: string) =>
return { containerRequest };
-export const loadContainers = (containerUuids: string[], loadMounts: boolean = true) =>
+export const loadContainers =
+ (containerUuids: string[], loadMounts: boolean = true) =>
async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
let args: any = {
filters: new FilterBuilder().addIn('uuid', containerUuids).getFilters(),
limit: containerUuids.length,
- };
+ };
if (!loadMounts) {
args.select = containerFieldsNoMounts;
@@ -77,121 +79,119 @@ export const loadContainers = (containerUuids: string[], loadMounts: boolean = t
// Until the api supports unselecting fields, we need a list of all other fields to omit mounts
const containerFieldsNoMounts = [
- "auth_uuid",
- "command",
- "container_image",
- "cost",
- "created_at",
- "cwd",
- "environment",
- "etag",
- "exit_code",
- "finished_at",
- "gateway_address",
- "href",
- "interactive_session_started",
- "kind",
- "lock_count",
- "locked_by_uuid",
- "log",
- "modified_at",
- "modified_by_client_uuid",
- "modified_by_user_uuid",
- "output_path",
- "output_properties",
- "output_storage_classes",
- "output",
- "owner_uuid",
- "priority",
- "progress",
- "runtime_auth_scopes",
- "runtime_constraints",
- "runtime_status",
- "runtime_user_uuid",
- "scheduling_parameters",
- "started_at",
- "state",
- "uuid",
+ 'auth_uuid',
+ 'command',
+ 'container_image',
+ 'cost',
+ 'created_at',
+ 'cwd',
+ 'environment',
+ 'etag',
+ 'exit_code',
+ 'finished_at',
+ 'gateway_address',
+ 'href',
+ 'interactive_session_started',
+ 'kind',
+ 'lock_count',
+ 'locked_by_uuid',
+ 'log',
+ 'modified_at',
+ 'modified_by_client_uuid',
+ 'modified_by_user_uuid',
+ 'output_path',
+ 'output_properties',
+ 'output_storage_classes',
+ 'output',
+ 'owner_uuid',
+ 'priority',
+ 'progress',
+ 'runtime_auth_scopes',
+ 'runtime_constraints',
+ 'runtime_status',
+ 'runtime_user_uuid',
+ 'scheduling_parameters',
+ 'started_at',
+ 'state',
+ 'uuid',
-export const cancelRunningWorkflow = (uuid: string) =>
- async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
- try {
- const process = await services.containerRequestService.update(uuid, { priority: 0 });
- dispatch<any>(updateResources([process]));
- if (process.containerUuid) {
- const container = await services.containerService.get(process.containerUuid, false);
- dispatch<any>(updateResources([container]));
- }
- return process;
- } catch (e) {
- throw new Error('Could not cancel the process.');
+export const cancelRunningWorkflow = (uuid: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
+ try {
+ const process = await services.containerRequestService.update(uuid, { priority: 0 });
+ dispatch<any>(updateResources([process]));
+ if (process.containerUuid) {
+ const container = await services.containerService.get(process.containerUuid, false);
+ dispatch<any>(updateResources([container]));
- };
+ return process;
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw new Error('Could not cancel the process.');
+ }
-export const resumeOnHoldWorkflow = (uuid: string) =>
- async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
- try {
- const process = await services.containerRequestService.update(uuid, { priority: 500 });
- dispatch<any>(updateResources([process]));
- if (process.containerUuid) {
- const container = await services.containerService.get(process.containerUuid, false);
- dispatch<any>(updateResources([container]));
- }
- return process;
- } catch (e) {
- throw new Error('Could not resume the process.');
+export const resumeOnHoldWorkflow = (uuid: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
+ try {
+ const process = await services.containerRequestService.update(uuid, { priority: 500 });
+ dispatch<any>(updateResources([process]));
+ if (process.containerUuid) {
+ const container = await services.containerService.get(process.containerUuid, false);
+ dispatch<any>(updateResources([container]));
- };
+ return process;
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw new Error('Could not resume the process.');
+ }
-export const startWorkflow = (uuid: string) =>
- async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
- try {
- const process = await services.containerRequestService.update(uuid, { state: ContainerRequestState.COMMITTED });
- if (process) {
- dispatch<any>(updateResources([process]));
- dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: 'Process started', hideDuration: 2000, kind: SnackbarKind.SUCCESS }));
- } else {
- dispatch<any>(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: `Failed to start process`, kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR }));
- }
- } catch (e) {
+export const startWorkflow = (uuid: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
+ try {
+ const process = await services.containerRequestService.update(uuid, { state: ContainerRequestState.COMMITTED });
+ if (process) {
+ dispatch<any>(updateResources([process]));
+ dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: 'Process started', hideDuration: 2000, kind: SnackbarKind.SUCCESS }));
+ } else {
dispatch<any>(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: `Failed to start process`, kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR }));
- };
+ } catch (e) {
+ dispatch<any>(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: `Failed to start process`, kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR }));
+ }
-export const reRunProcess = (processUuid: string, workflowUuid: string) =>
- (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
- const process = getResource<any>(processUuid)(getState().resources);
- const workflows = getState().runProcessPanel.searchWorkflows;
- const workflow = workflows.find(workflow => workflow.uuid === workflowUuid);
- if (workflow && process) {
- const mainWf = getWorkflow(process.mounts[MOUNT_PATH_CWL_WORKFLOW]);
- if (mainWf) { mainWf.inputs = getInputs(process); }
- const stringifiedDefinition = JSON.stringify(process.mounts[MOUNT_PATH_CWL_WORKFLOW].content);
- const newWorkflow = { ...workflow, definition: stringifiedDefinition };
+export const reRunProcess = (processUuid: string, workflowUuid: string) => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
+ const process = getResource<any>(processUuid)(getState().resources);
+ const workflows = getState().runProcessPanel.searchWorkflows;
+ const workflow = workflows.find((workflow) => workflow.uuid === workflowUuid);
+ if (workflow && process) {
+ const mainWf = getWorkflow(process.mounts[MOUNT_PATH_CWL_WORKFLOW]);
+ if (mainWf) {
+ mainWf.inputs = getInputs(process);
+ }
+ const stringifiedDefinition = JSON.stringify(process.mounts[MOUNT_PATH_CWL_WORKFLOW].content);
+ const newWorkflow = { ...workflow, definition: stringifiedDefinition };
- const owner = getResource<ProjectResource | UserResource>(workflow.ownerUuid)(getState().resources);
- const basicInitialData: RunProcessBasicFormData = { name: `Copy of: ${process.name}`, description: process.description, owner };
- dispatch<any>(initialize(RUN_PROCESS_BASIC_FORM, basicInitialData));
+ const owner = getResource<ProjectResource | UserResource>(workflow.ownerUuid)(getState().resources);
+ const basicInitialData: RunProcessBasicFormData = { name: `Copy of: ${process.name}`, description: process.description, owner };
+ dispatch<any>(initialize(RUN_PROCESS_BASIC_FORM, basicInitialData));
- const advancedInitialData: RunProcessAdvancedFormData = {
- output: process.outputName,
- runtime: process.schedulingParameters.max_run_time,
- ram: process.runtimeConstraints.ram,
- vcpus: process.runtimeConstraints.vcpus,
- keep_cache_ram: process.runtimeConstraints.keep_cache_ram,
- acr_container_image: process.containerImage
- };
- dispatch<any>(initialize(RUN_PROCESS_ADVANCED_FORM, advancedInitialData));
+ const advancedInitialData: RunProcessAdvancedFormData = {
+ output: process.outputName,
+ runtime: process.schedulingParameters.max_run_time,
+ ram: process.runtimeConstraints.ram,
+ vcpus: process.runtimeConstraints.vcpus,
+ keep_cache_ram: process.runtimeConstraints.keep_cache_ram,
+ acr_container_image: process.containerImage,
+ };
+ dispatch<any>(initialize(RUN_PROCESS_ADVANCED_FORM, advancedInitialData));
- dispatch<any>(navigateToRunProcess);
- dispatch<any>(goToStep(1));
- dispatch(runProcessPanelActions.SET_STEP_CHANGED(true));
- dispatch(runProcessPanelActions.SET_SELECTED_WORKFLOW(newWorkflow));
- } else {
- dispatch<any>(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: `You can't re-run this process`, kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR }));
- }
- };
+ dispatch<any>(navigateToRunProcess);
+ dispatch<any>(goToStep(1));
+ dispatch(runProcessPanelActions.SET_STEP_CHANGED(true));
+ dispatch(runProcessPanelActions.SET_SELECTED_WORKFLOW(newWorkflow));
+ } else {
+ dispatch<any>(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: `You can't re-run this process`, kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR }));
+ }
* Fetches raw inputs from containerRequest mounts with fallback to properties
@@ -199,34 +199,40 @@ export const reRunProcess = (processUuid: string, workflowUuid: string) =>
* Returns {} if inputs not found in mounts or props
export const getRawInputs = (data: any): WorkflowInputsData | undefined => {
- if (!data) { return undefined; }
+ if (!data) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
const mountInput = data.mounts?.[MOUNT_PATH_CWL_INPUT]?.content;
const propsInput = data.properties?.cwl_input;
- if (!mountInput && !propsInput) { return {}; }
- return (mountInput || propsInput);
+ if (!mountInput && !propsInput) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ return mountInput || propsInput;
export const getInputs = (data: any): CommandInputParameter[] => {
// Definitions from mounts are needed so we return early if missing
- if (!data || !data.mounts || !data.mounts[MOUNT_PATH_CWL_WORKFLOW]) { return []; }
- const content = getRawInputs(data) as any;
+ if (!data || !data.mounts || !data.mounts[MOUNT_PATH_CWL_WORKFLOW]) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ const content = getRawInputs(data) as any;
// Only escape if content is falsy to allow displaying definitions if no inputs are present
// (Don't check raw content length)
- if (!content) { return []; }
+ if (!content) {
+ return [];
+ }
const inputs = getWorkflowInputs(data.mounts[MOUNT_PATH_CWL_WORKFLOW].content);
- return inputs ? inputs.map(
- (it: any) => (
- {
- type: it.type,
- id: it.id,
- label: it.label,
- default: content[it.id],
- value: content[it.id.split('/').pop()] || [],
- doc: it.doc
- }
- )
- ) : [];
+ return inputs
+ ? inputs.map((it: any) => ({
+ type: it.type,
+ id: it.id,
+ label: it.label,
+ default: content[it.id],
+ value: content[it.id.split('/').pop()] || [],
+ doc: it.doc,
+ }))
+ : [];
@@ -234,65 +240,81 @@ export const getInputs = (data: any): CommandInputParameter[] => {
* Assumes containerRequest is loaded
export const getRawOutputs = (data: any): CommandInputParameter[] | undefined => {
- if (!data || !data.properties || !data.properties.cwl_output) { return undefined; }
- return (data.properties.cwl_output);
+ if (!data || !data.properties || !data.properties.cwl_output) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return data.properties.cwl_output;
export type InputCollectionMount = {
path: string;
pdh: string;
export const getInputCollectionMounts = (data: any): InputCollectionMount[] => {
- if (!data || !data.mounts) { return []; }
+ if (!data || !data.mounts) {
+ return [];
+ }
return Object.keys(data.mounts)
- .map(key => ({
+ .map((key) => ({
path: key,
- .filter(mount => mount.kind === 'collection' &&
- mount.portable_data_hash &&
- mount.path)
- .map(mount => ({
+ .filter((mount) => mount.kind === 'collection' && mount.portable_data_hash && mount.path)
+ .map((mount) => ({
path: mount.path,
pdh: mount.portable_data_hash,
export const getOutputParameters = (data: any): CommandOutputParameter[] => {
- if (!data || !data.mounts || !data.mounts[MOUNT_PATH_CWL_WORKFLOW]) { return []; }
+ if (!data || !data.mounts || !data.mounts[MOUNT_PATH_CWL_WORKFLOW]) {
+ return [];
+ }
const outputs = getWorkflowOutputs(data.mounts[MOUNT_PATH_CWL_WORKFLOW].content);
- return outputs ? outputs.map(
- (it: any) => (
- {
- type: it.type,
- id: it.id,
- label: it.label,
- doc: it.doc
- }
- )
- ) : [];
+ return outputs
+ ? outputs.map((it: any) => ({
+ type: it.type,
+ id: it.id,
+ label: it.label,
+ doc: it.doc,
+ }))
+ : [];
-export const openRemoveProcessDialog = (uuid: string) =>
- (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
- dispatch(dialogActions.OPEN_DIALOG({
+export const openRemoveProcessDialog = (uuid: string) => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
+ dispatch(
+ dialogActions.OPEN_DIALOG({
data: {
title: 'Remove process permanently',
text: 'Are you sure you want to remove this process?',
confirmButtonLabel: 'Remove',
- uuid
- }
- }));
- };
+ uuid,
+ },
+ })
+ );
+export const openRemoveManyProcessesDialog = (list: Array<string>) => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
+ dispatch(
+ dialogActions.OPEN_DIALOG({
+ data: {
+ title: 'Remove processes permanently',
+ text: `Are you sure you want to remove all ${list.length} processes?`,
+ confirmButtonLabel: 'Remove',
+ list,
+ },
+ })
+ );
export const REMOVE_PROCESS_DIALOG = 'removeProcessDialog';
-export const removeProcessPermanently = (uuid: string) =>
- async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
- dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: 'Removing ...', kind: SnackbarKind.INFO }));
- await services.containerRequestService.delete(uuid);
- dispatch(projectPanelActions.REQUEST_ITEMS());
- dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: 'Removed.', hideDuration: 2000, kind: SnackbarKind.SUCCESS }));
- };
+export const removeProcessPermanently = (uuid: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
+ dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: 'Removing ...', kind: SnackbarKind.INFO }));
+ await services.containerRequestService.delete(uuid);
+ dispatch(projectPanelActions.REQUEST_ITEMS());
+ dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: 'Removed.', hideDuration: 2000, kind: SnackbarKind.SUCCESS }));
diff --git a/src/views-components/process-remove-many-dialog/process-remove-many-dialog.tsx b/src/views-components/process-remove-many-dialog/process-remove-many-dialog.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..271831ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views-components/process-remove-many-dialog/process-remove-many-dialog.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
+import { Dispatch, compose } from 'redux';
+import { connect } from 'react-redux';
+import { ConfirmationDialog } from 'components/confirmation-dialog/confirmation-dialog';
+import { withDialog, WithDialogProps } from 'store/dialog/with-dialog';
+import { removeProcessPermanently, REMOVE_PROCESS_DIALOG } from 'store/processes/processes-actions';
+const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch: Dispatch, props: WithDialogProps<any>) => ({
+ onConfirm: () => {
+ props.closeDialog();
+ dispatch<any>(removeProcessPermanently(props.data.uuid));
+ },
+export const RemoveManyProcessesDialog = compose(withDialog(REMOVE_PROCESS_DIALOG), connect(null, mapDispatchToProps))(ConfirmationDialog);
diff --git a/src/views/workbench/workbench.tsx b/src/views/workbench/workbench.tsx
index d549c529..7be3c8ba 100644
--- a/src/views/workbench/workbench.tsx
+++ b/src/views/workbench/workbench.tsx
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
import React from 'react';
import { StyleRulesCallback, WithStyles, withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
-import { Route, Switch } from "react-router";
-import { ProjectPanel } from "views/project-panel/project-panel";
+import { Route, Switch } from 'react-router';
+import { ProjectPanel } from 'views/project-panel/project-panel';
import { DetailsPanel } from 'views-components/details-panel/details-panel';
import { ArvadosTheme } from 'common/custom-theme';
-import { ContextMenu } from "views-components/context-menu/context-menu";
-import { FavoritePanel } from "../favorite-panel/favorite-panel";
+import { ContextMenu } from 'views-components/context-menu/context-menu';
+import { FavoritePanel } from '../favorite-panel/favorite-panel';
import { TokenDialog } from 'views-components/token-dialog/token-dialog';
import { RichTextEditorDialog } from 'views-components/rich-text-editor-dialog/rich-text-editor-dialog';
import { Snackbar } from 'views-components/snackbar/snackbar';
@@ -34,9 +34,10 @@ import { MoveCollectionDialog } from 'views-components/dialog-forms/move-collect
import { FilesUploadCollectionDialog } from 'views-components/dialog-forms/files-upload-collection-dialog';
import { PartialCopyCollectionDialog } from 'views-components/dialog-forms/partial-copy-collection-dialog';
import { RemoveProcessDialog } from 'views-components/process-remove-dialog/process-remove-dialog';
+import { RemoveManyProcessesDialog } from 'views-components/process-remove-many-dialog/process-remove-many-dialog';
import { MainContentBar } from 'views-components/main-content-bar/main-content-bar';
import { Grid } from '@material-ui/core';
-import { TrashPanel } from "views/trash-panel/trash-panel";
+import { TrashPanel } from 'views/trash-panel/trash-panel';
import { SharedWithMePanel } from 'views/shared-with-me-panel/shared-with-me-panel';
import { RunProcessPanel } from 'views/run-process-panel/run-process-panel';
import SplitterLayout from 'react-splitter-layout';
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ import { RegisteredWorkflowPanel } from 'views/workflow-panel/registered-workflo
import { SearchResultsPanel } from 'views/search-results-panel/search-results-panel';
import { SshKeyPanel } from 'views/ssh-key-panel/ssh-key-panel';
import { SshKeyAdminPanel } from 'views/ssh-key-panel/ssh-key-admin-panel';
-import { SiteManagerPanel } from "views/site-manager-panel/site-manager-panel";
+import { SiteManagerPanel } from 'views/site-manager-panel/site-manager-panel';
import { UserProfilePanel } from 'views/user-profile-panel/user-profile-panel';
import { SharingDialog } from 'views-components/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog';
import { NotFoundDialog } from 'views-components/not-found-dialog/not-found-dialog';
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ import { RestoreCollectionVersionDialog } from 'views-components/collections-dia
import { WebDavS3InfoDialog } from 'views-components/webdav-s3-dialog/webdav-s3-dialog';
import { pluginConfig } from 'plugins';
import { ElementListReducer } from 'common/plugintypes';
-import { COLLAPSE_ICON_SIZE } from 'views-components/side-panel-toggle/side-panel-toggle'
+import { COLLAPSE_ICON_SIZE } from 'views-components/side-panel-toggle/side-panel-toggle';
import { Banner } from 'views-components/baner/banner';
type CssRules = 'root' | 'container' | 'splitter' | 'asidePanel' | 'contentWrapper' | 'content';
@@ -108,10 +109,10 @@ type CssRules = 'root' | 'container' | 'splitter' | 'asidePanel' | 'contentWrapp
const styles: StyleRulesCallback<CssRules> = (theme: ArvadosTheme) => ({
root: {
paddingTop: theme.spacing.unit * 7,
- background: theme.palette.background.default
+ background: theme.palette.background.default,
container: {
- position: 'relative'
+ position: 'relative',
splitter: {
'& > .layout-splitter': {
@@ -119,16 +120,16 @@ const styles: StyleRulesCallback<CssRules> = (theme: ArvadosTheme) => ({
'& > .layout-splitter-disabled': {
pointerEvents: 'none',
- cursor: 'pointer'
- }
+ cursor: 'pointer',
+ },
asidePanel: {
paddingTop: theme.spacing.unit,
- height: '100%'
+ height: '100%',
contentWrapper: {
paddingTop: theme.spacing.unit,
- minWidth: 0
+ minWidth: 0,
content: {
minWidth: 0,
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ const styles: StyleRulesCallback<CssRules> = (theme: ArvadosTheme) => ({
// Reserve vertical space for app bar + MainContentBar
minHeight: `calc(100vh - ${theme.spacing.unit * 16}px)`,
display: 'flex',
- }
+ },
interface WorkbenchDataProps {
@@ -158,72 +159,78 @@ const getSplitterInitialSize = () => {
const saveSplitterSize = (size: number) => localStorage.setItem('splitterSize', size.toString());
-let routes = <>
- <Route path={Routes.PROJECTS} component={ProjectPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.COLLECTIONS} component={CollectionPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.FAVORITES} component={FavoritePanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.ALL_PROCESSES} component={AllProcessesPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.PROCESSES} component={ProcessPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.TRASH} component={TrashPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.SHARED_WITH_ME} component={SharedWithMePanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.RUN_PROCESS} component={RunProcessPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.REGISTEREDWORKFLOW} component={RegisteredWorkflowPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.WORKFLOWS} component={WorkflowPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.SEARCH_RESULTS} component={SearchResultsPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.VIRTUAL_MACHINES_USER} component={VirtualMachineUserPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.VIRTUAL_MACHINES_ADMIN} component={VirtualMachineAdminPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.REPOSITORIES} component={RepositoriesPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.SSH_KEYS_USER} component={SshKeyPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.SSH_KEYS_ADMIN} component={SshKeyAdminPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.SITE_MANAGER} component={SiteManagerPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.KEEP_SERVICES} component={KeepServicePanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.USERS} component={UserPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.API_CLIENT_AUTHORIZATIONS} component={ApiClientAuthorizationPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.MY_ACCOUNT} component={UserProfilePanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.USER_PROFILE} component={UserProfilePanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.GROUPS} component={GroupsPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.GROUP_DETAILS} component={GroupDetailsPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.LINKS} component={LinkPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.PUBLIC_FAVORITES} component={PublicFavoritePanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.LINK_ACCOUNT} component={LinkAccountPanel} />
- <Route path={Routes.COLLECTIONS_CONTENT_ADDRESS} component={CollectionsContentAddressPanel} />
+let routes = (
+ <>
+ <Route path={Routes.PROJECTS} component={ProjectPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.COLLECTIONS} component={CollectionPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.FAVORITES} component={FavoritePanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.ALL_PROCESSES} component={AllProcessesPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.PROCESSES} component={ProcessPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.TRASH} component={TrashPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.SHARED_WITH_ME} component={SharedWithMePanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.RUN_PROCESS} component={RunProcessPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.REGISTEREDWORKFLOW} component={RegisteredWorkflowPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.WORKFLOWS} component={WorkflowPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.SEARCH_RESULTS} component={SearchResultsPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.VIRTUAL_MACHINES_USER} component={VirtualMachineUserPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.VIRTUAL_MACHINES_ADMIN} component={VirtualMachineAdminPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.REPOSITORIES} component={RepositoriesPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.SSH_KEYS_USER} component={SshKeyPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.SSH_KEYS_ADMIN} component={SshKeyAdminPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.SITE_MANAGER} component={SiteManagerPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.KEEP_SERVICES} component={KeepServicePanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.USERS} component={UserPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.API_CLIENT_AUTHORIZATIONS} component={ApiClientAuthorizationPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.MY_ACCOUNT} component={UserProfilePanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.USER_PROFILE} component={UserProfilePanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.GROUPS} component={GroupsPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.GROUP_DETAILS} component={GroupDetailsPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.LINKS} component={LinkPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.PUBLIC_FAVORITES} component={PublicFavoritePanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.LINK_ACCOUNT} component={LinkAccountPanel} />
+ <Route path={Routes.COLLECTIONS_CONTENT_ADDRESS} component={CollectionsContentAddressPanel} />
+ </>
-const reduceRoutesFn: (a: React.ReactElement[],
- b: ElementListReducer) => React.ReactElement[] = (a, b) => b(a);
+const reduceRoutesFn: (a: React.ReactElement[], b: ElementListReducer) => React.ReactElement[] = (a, b) => b(a);
routes = React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, pluginConfig.centerPanelList.reduce(reduceRoutesFn, React.Children.toArray(routes.props.children)));
const applyCollapsedState = (isCollapsed) => {
- const rightPanel: Element = document.getElementsByClassName('layout-pane')[1]
- const totalWidth: number = document.getElementsByClassName('splitter-layout')[0]?.clientWidth
- const rightPanelExpandedWidth = ((totalWidth - COLLAPSE_ICON_SIZE)) / (totalWidth / 100)
+ const rightPanel: Element = document.getElementsByClassName('layout-pane')[1];
+ const totalWidth: number = document.getElementsByClassName('splitter-layout')[0]?.clientWidth;
+ const rightPanelExpandedWidth = (totalWidth - COLLAPSE_ICON_SIZE) / (totalWidth / 100);
if (rightPanel) {
- rightPanel.setAttribute('style', `width: ${isCollapsed ? rightPanelExpandedWidth : getSplitterInitialSize()}%`)
+ rightPanel.setAttribute('style', `width: ${isCollapsed ? rightPanelExpandedWidth : getSplitterInitialSize()}%`);
- const splitter = document.getElementsByClassName('layout-splitter')[0]
- isCollapsed ? splitter?.classList.add('layout-splitter-disabled') : splitter?.classList.remove('layout-splitter-disabled')
-export const WorkbenchPanel =
- withStyles(styles)((props: WorkbenchPanelProps) => {
+ const splitter = document.getElementsByClassName('layout-splitter')[0];
+ isCollapsed ? splitter?.classList.add('layout-splitter-disabled') : splitter?.classList.remove('layout-splitter-disabled');
- //panel size will not scale automatically on window resize, so we do it manually
- window.addEventListener('resize', () => applyCollapsedState(props.sidePanelIsCollapsed))
- applyCollapsedState(props.sidePanelIsCollapsed)
+export const WorkbenchPanel = withStyles(styles)((props: WorkbenchPanelProps) => {
+ //panel size will not scale automatically on window resize, so we do it manually
+ window.addEventListener('resize', () => applyCollapsedState(props.sidePanelIsCollapsed));
+ applyCollapsedState(props.sidePanelIsCollapsed);
- return <Grid container item xs className={props.classes.root}>
+ return (
+ <Grid container item xs className={props.classes.root}>
{props.sessionIdleTimeout > 0 && <AutoLogout />}
<Grid container item xs className={props.classes.container}>
- <SplitterLayout customClassName={props.classes.splitter} percentage={true}
- primaryIndex={0} primaryMinSize={10}
- secondaryInitialSize={getSplitterInitialSize()} secondaryMinSize={40}
- onSecondaryPaneSizeChange={saveSplitterSize}>
- {props.isUserActive && props.isNotLinking && <Grid container item xs component='aside' direction='column' className={props.classes.asidePanel}>
- <SidePanel />
- </Grid>}
- <Grid container item xs component="main" direction="column" className={props.classes.contentWrapper}>
+ <SplitterLayout
+ customClassName={props.classes.splitter}
+ percentage={true}
+ primaryIndex={0}
+ primaryMinSize={10}
+ secondaryInitialSize={getSplitterInitialSize()}
+ secondaryMinSize={40}
+ onSecondaryPaneSizeChange={saveSplitterSize}
+ >
+ {props.isUserActive && props.isNotLinking && (
+ <Grid container item xs component='aside' direction='column' className={props.classes.asidePanel}>
+ <SidePanel />
+ </Grid>
+ )}
+ <Grid container item xs component='main' direction='column' className={props.classes.contentWrapper}>
<Grid item xs>
{props.isNotLinking && <MainContentBar />}
@@ -274,6 +281,7 @@ export const WorkbenchPanel =
<RemoveKeepServiceDialog />
<RemoveLinkDialog />
<RemoveProcessDialog />
+ <RemoveManyProcessesDialog />
<RemoveRepositoryDialog />
<RemoveSshKeyDialog />
<RemoveVirtualMachineDialog />
@@ -299,5 +307,5 @@ export const WorkbenchPanel =
<Banner />
{React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, pluginConfig.dialogs)}
- }
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