[arvados] created: 2.5.0-8-g499848b56

git repository hosting git at public.arvados.org
Fri Jan 13 14:50:50 UTC 2023

        at  499848b567ebecadbdff1fcbbdb4683dfbf097da (commit)

commit 499848b567ebecadbdff1fcbbdb4683dfbf097da
Author: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>
Date:   Thu Jan 12 16:51:12 2023 -0500

    19886: Save log collection when crunch-run starts a container
    This allows users to see information about the node where the container
    started, including through Workbench 2.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>

diff --git a/lib/crunchrun/crunchrun.go b/lib/crunchrun/crunchrun.go
index 52e1bf63a..d322a3ac3 100644
--- a/lib/crunchrun/crunchrun.go
+++ b/lib/crunchrun/crunchrun.go
@@ -1434,7 +1434,11 @@ func (runner *ContainerRunner) UpdateContainerRunning() error {
 		return ErrCancelled
 	return runner.DispatcherArvClient.Update("containers", runner.Container.UUID,
-		arvadosclient.Dict{"container": arvadosclient.Dict{"state": "Running", "gateway_address": runner.gateway.Address}}, nil)
+		arvadosclient.Dict{"container": arvadosclient.Dict{
+			"state":           "Running",
+			"gateway_address": runner.gateway.Address,
+			"log":             runner.logUUID,
+		}}, nil)
 // ContainerToken returns the api_token the container (and any
@@ -1625,6 +1629,10 @@ func (runner *ContainerRunner) Run() (err error) {
+	_, err = runner.saveLogCollection(false)
+	if err != nil {
+		runner.CrunchLog.Printf("Error committing initial log collection: %v", err)
+	}
 	err = runner.UpdateContainerRunning()
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/lib/crunchrun/crunchrun_test.go b/lib/crunchrun/crunchrun_test.go
index 1f4681e3a..20ce8c647 100644
--- a/lib/crunchrun/crunchrun_test.go
+++ b/lib/crunchrun/crunchrun_test.go
@@ -896,6 +896,37 @@ func (s *TestSuite) TestLogVersionAndRuntime(c *C) {
 	c.Check(s.api.Logs["crunch-run"].String(), Matches, `(?ms).*Using container runtime: stub.*`)
+func (s *TestSuite) TestCommitNodeInfoBeforeStart(c *C) {
+	var collection_create, container_update arvadosclient.Dict
+	s.fullRunHelper(c, `{
+		"command": ["true"],
+		"container_image": "`+arvadostest.DockerImage112PDH+`",
+		"cwd": ".",
+		"environment": {},
+		"mounts": {"/tmp": {"kind": "tmp"} },
+		"output_path": "/tmp",
+		"priority": 1,
+		"runtime_constraints": {},
+		"state": "Locked",
+		"uuid": "zzzzz-dz642-202301121543210"
+	}`, nil, 0,
+		func() {
+			collection_create = s.api.CalledWith("ensure_unique_name", true)
+			container_update = s.api.CalledWith("container.state", "Running")
+		})
+	c.Assert(collection_create, NotNil)
+	c.Check(collection_create["collection"].(arvadosclient.Dict)["name"], Equals, "logs for zzzzz-dz642-202301121543210")
+	manifest_text := collection_create["collection"].(arvadosclient.Dict)["manifest_text"]
+	// We check that the file size is at least two digits as an easy way to
+	// check the file isn't empty.
+	c.Check(manifest_text, Matches, `\. .* \d+:\d{2,}:node-info\.txt .*\n`)
+	c.Check(manifest_text, Matches, `\. .* \d+:\d{2,}:node\.json .*\n`)
+	c.Assert(container_update, NotNil)
+	c.Check(container_update["container"].(arvadosclient.Dict)["log"], Matches, `zzzzz-4zz18-[0-9a-z]{15}`)
 func (s *TestSuite) TestContainerRecordLog(c *C) {
 	s.fullRunHelper(c, `{
 		"command": ["sleep", "1"],

commit 7fd377c676394477f027869dfbdb125ac6ed26f0
Author: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>
Date:   Fri Jan 13 09:33:18 2023 -0500

    19886: Refine crunch-run output collection tests
    These tests are currently not working as designed because the API call
    they're looking for is in a different API client. They happen to be
    passing because they never assert they actually found the collection
    they're looking for. Restructure the search loop to fix both those
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>

diff --git a/lib/crunchrun/crunchrun_test.go b/lib/crunchrun/crunchrun_test.go
index 735385a6f..1f4681e3a 100644
--- a/lib/crunchrun/crunchrun_test.go
+++ b/lib/crunchrun/crunchrun_test.go
@@ -1697,7 +1697,8 @@ func (s *TestSuite) TestStdoutWithMultipleMountPointsUnderOutputDir(c *C) {
 		"output_path": "/tmp",
 		"priority": 1,
 		"runtime_constraints": {},
-		"state": "Locked"
+		"state": "Locked",
+		"uuid": "zzzzz-dz642-202301130848001"
 	extraMounts := []string{
@@ -1720,22 +1721,25 @@ func (s *TestSuite) TestStdoutWithMultipleMountPointsUnderOutputDir(c *C) {
 	c.Check(api.CalledWith("container.exit_code", 0), NotNil)
 	c.Check(api.CalledWith("container.state", "Complete"), NotNil)
-	for _, v := range api.Content {
-		if v["collection"] != nil {
-			c.Check(v["ensure_unique_name"], Equals, true)
-			collection := v["collection"].(arvadosclient.Dict)
-			if strings.Index(collection["name"].(string), "output") == 0 {
-				manifest := collection["manifest_text"].(string)
-				c.Check(manifest, Equals, `./a/b 307372fa8fd5c146b22ae7a45b49bc31+6 0:6:c.out
+	output_count := uint(0)
+	for _, v := range s.runner.ContainerArvClient.(*ArvTestClient).Content {
+		if v["collection"] == nil {
+			continue
+		}
+		collection := v["collection"].(arvadosclient.Dict)
+		if collection["name"].(string) != "output for zzzzz-dz642-202301130848001" {
+			continue
+		}
+		c.Check(v["ensure_unique_name"], Equals, true)
+		c.Check(collection["manifest_text"].(string), Equals, `./a/b 307372fa8fd5c146b22ae7a45b49bc31+6 0:6:c.out
 ./foo 3e426d509afffb85e06c4c96a7c15e91+27+Aa124ac75e5168396c73c0abcdefgh11234567890 at 569fa8c3 3e426d509afffb85e06c4c96a7c15e91+27+Aa124ac75e5168396cabcdefghij6419876543234 at 569fa8c4 9:18:bar 36:18:sub1file2
 ./foo/baz 3e426d509afffb85e06c4c96a7c15e91+27+Aa124ac75e5168396c73c0bcdefghijk544332211 at 569fa8c5 9:18:sub2file2
 ./foo/sub1 3e426d509afffb85e06c4c96a7c15e91+27+Aa124ac75e5168396cabcdefghij6419876543234 at 569fa8c4 0:9:file1_in_subdir1.txt 9:18:file2_in_subdir1.txt
 ./foo/sub1/subdir2 3e426d509afffb85e06c4c96a7c15e91+27+Aa124ac75e5168396c73c0bcdefghijk544332211 at 569fa8c5 0:9:file1_in_subdir2.txt 9:18:file2_in_subdir2.txt
-			}
-		}
+		output_count++
+	c.Check(output_count, Not(Equals), uint(0))
 func (s *TestSuite) TestStdoutWithMountPointsUnderOutputDirDenormalizedManifest(c *C) {
@@ -1752,7 +1756,8 @@ func (s *TestSuite) TestStdoutWithMountPointsUnderOutputDirDenormalizedManifest(
 		"output_path": "/tmp",
 		"priority": 1,
 		"runtime_constraints": {},
-		"state": "Locked"
+		"state": "Locked",
+		"uuid": "zzzzz-dz642-202301130848002"
 	extraMounts := []string{
@@ -1765,18 +1770,21 @@ func (s *TestSuite) TestStdoutWithMountPointsUnderOutputDirDenormalizedManifest(
 	c.Check(s.api.CalledWith("container.exit_code", 0), NotNil)
 	c.Check(s.api.CalledWith("container.state", "Complete"), NotNil)
-	for _, v := range s.api.Content {
-		if v["collection"] != nil {
-			collection := v["collection"].(arvadosclient.Dict)
-			if strings.Index(collection["name"].(string), "output") == 0 {
-				manifest := collection["manifest_text"].(string)
-				c.Check(manifest, Equals, `./a/b 307372fa8fd5c146b22ae7a45b49bc31+6 0:6:c.out
+	output_count := uint(0)
+	for _, v := range s.runner.ContainerArvClient.(*ArvTestClient).Content {
+		if v["collection"] == nil {
+			continue
+		}
+		collection := v["collection"].(arvadosclient.Dict)
+		if collection["name"].(string) != "output for zzzzz-dz642-202301130848002" {
+			continue
+		}
+		c.Check(collection["manifest_text"].(string), Equals, `./a/b 307372fa8fd5c146b22ae7a45b49bc31+6 0:6:c.out
 ./foo 3e426d509afffb85e06c4c96a7c15e91+27+Aa124ac75e5168396c73c0abcdefgh11234567890 at 569fa8c3 10:17:bar
-			}
-		}
+		output_count++
+	c.Check(output_count, Not(Equals), uint(0))
 func (s *TestSuite) TestOutputError(c *C) {

commit b1b3ef2b2b23a63687b93a78ebeb1bbcb23ed5d2
Author: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>
Date:   Thu Jan 12 16:48:12 2023 -0500

    19886: Bugfix UUID generation in crunch-run tests
    The previous code was generating UUIDs with a 30-character last part.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>

diff --git a/lib/crunchrun/crunchrun_test.go b/lib/crunchrun/crunchrun_test.go
index 8da933a73..735385a6f 100644
--- a/lib/crunchrun/crunchrun_test.go
+++ b/lib/crunchrun/crunchrun_test.go
@@ -188,9 +188,10 @@ func (client *ArvTestClient) Create(resourceType string,
 	if resourceType == "collections" && output != nil {
 		mt := parameters["collection"].(arvadosclient.Dict)["manifest_text"].(string)
+		md5sum := md5.Sum([]byte(mt))
 		outmap := output.(*arvados.Collection)
-		outmap.PortableDataHash = fmt.Sprintf("%x+%d", md5.Sum([]byte(mt)), len(mt))
-		outmap.UUID = fmt.Sprintf("zzzzz-4zz18-%15.15x", md5.Sum([]byte(mt)))
+		outmap.PortableDataHash = fmt.Sprintf("%x+%d", md5sum, len(mt))
+		outmap.UUID = fmt.Sprintf("zzzzz-4zz18-%015x", md5sum[:7])
 	return nil



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