[arvados] created: 2.7.0-5655-g9a976d9ea0

git repository hosting git at public.arvados.org
Wed Dec 27 20:52:22 UTC 2023

        at  9a976d9ea041a2c6d9ed61b74639bd4616043762 (commit)

commit 9a976d9ea041a2c6d9ed61b74639bd4616043762
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>
Date:   Wed Dec 27 15:51:51 2023 -0500

    21285: Run multiple request queues with independent limits.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>

diff --git a/lib/config/config.default.yml b/lib/config/config.default.yml
index 05bc1309cd..3924090ca9 100644
--- a/lib/config/config.default.yml
+++ b/lib/config/config.default.yml
@@ -231,6 +231,10 @@ Clusters:
       # also effectively limited by MaxConcurrentRailsRequests (see
       # below) because most controller requests proxy through to the
       # RailsAPI service.
+      #
+      # HTTP proxies and load balancers downstream of arvados services
+      # should be configured to allow at least {MaxConcurrentRequest +
+      # MaxQueuedRequests + MaxGatewayTunnels} concurrent requests.
       MaxConcurrentRequests: 64
       # Maximum number of concurrent requests to process concurrently
@@ -250,6 +254,12 @@ Clusters:
       # the incoming request queue before returning 503.
       MaxQueueTimeForLockRequests: 2s
+      # Maximum number of active gateway tunnel connections. A slot is
+      # consumed by each running container, and by each incoming
+      # "container shell" connection. These do not count toward
+      # MaxConcurrentRequests.
+      MaxGatewayTunnels: 1000
       # Fraction of MaxConcurrentRequests that can be "log create"
       # messages at any given time.  This is to prevent logging
       # updates from crowding out more important requests.
diff --git a/lib/config/export.go b/lib/config/export.go
index e51e6fc32c..4b6c142ff2 100644
--- a/lib/config/export.go
+++ b/lib/config/export.go
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ var whitelist = map[string]bool{
 	"API.LogCreateRequestFraction":             false,
 	"API.MaxConcurrentRailsRequests":           false,
 	"API.MaxConcurrentRequests":                false,
+	"API.MaxGatewayTunnels":                    false,
 	"API.MaxIndexDatabaseRead":                 false,
 	"API.MaxItemsPerResponse":                  true,
 	"API.MaxKeepBlobBuffers":                   false,
diff --git a/lib/service/cmd.go b/lib/service/cmd.go
index 725f86f3bd..e40b47acbb 100644
--- a/lib/service/cmd.go
+++ b/lib/service/cmd.go
@@ -148,32 +148,13 @@ func (c *command) RunCommand(prog string, args []string, stdin io.Reader, stdout
 		return 1
-	maxReqs := cluster.API.MaxConcurrentRequests
-	if maxRails := cluster.API.MaxConcurrentRailsRequests; maxRails > 0 &&
-		(maxRails < maxReqs || maxReqs == 0) &&
-		strings.HasSuffix(prog, "controller") {
-		// Ideally, we would accept up to
-		// MaxConcurrentRequests, and apply the
-		// MaxConcurrentRailsRequests limit only for requests
-		// that require calling upstream to RailsAPI. But for
-		// now we make the simplifying assumption that every
-		// controller request causes an upstream RailsAPI
-		// request.
-		maxReqs = maxRails
-	}
 	instrumented := httpserver.Instrument(reg, log,
 				httpserver.Inspect(reg, cluster.ManagementToken,
 						interceptHealthReqs(cluster.ManagementToken, handler.CheckHealth,
-							&httpserver.RequestLimiter{
-								Handler:                    handler,
-								MaxConcurrent:              maxReqs,
-								MaxQueue:                   cluster.API.MaxQueuedRequests,
-								MaxQueueTimeForMinPriority: cluster.API.MaxQueueTimeForLockRequests.Duration(),
-								Priority:                   c.requestPriority,
-								Registry:                   reg}))))))
+							c.requestLimiter(handler, cluster, reg)))))))
 	srv := &httpserver.Server{
 		Server: http.Server{
 			Handler:     ifCollectionInHost(instrumented, instrumented.ServeAPI(cluster.ManagementToken, instrumented)),
@@ -212,7 +193,7 @@ func (c *command) RunCommand(prog string, args []string, stdin io.Reader, stdout
-	go c.requestQueueDumpCheck(cluster, maxReqs, prog, reg, &srv.Server, logger)
+	go c.requestQueueDumpCheck(cluster, prog, reg, &srv.Server, logger)
 	err = srv.Wait()
 	if err != nil {
 		return 1
@@ -221,12 +202,13 @@ func (c *command) RunCommand(prog string, args []string, stdin io.Reader, stdout
 // If SystemLogs.RequestQueueDumpDirectory is set, monitor the
-// server's incoming HTTP request queue size. When it exceeds 90% of
-// API.MaxConcurrentRequests, write the /_inspect/requests data to a
-// JSON file in the specified directory.
-func (c *command) requestQueueDumpCheck(cluster *arvados.Cluster, maxReqs int, prog string, reg *prometheus.Registry, srv *http.Server, logger logrus.FieldLogger) {
+// server's incoming HTTP request limiters. When the number of
+// concurrent requests in any queue ("api" or "tunnel") exceeds 90% of
+// its maximum slots, write the /_inspect/requests data to a JSON file
+// in the specified directory.
+func (c *command) requestQueueDumpCheck(cluster *arvados.Cluster, prog string, reg *prometheus.Registry, srv *http.Server, logger logrus.FieldLogger) {
 	outdir := cluster.SystemLogs.RequestQueueDumpDirectory
-	if outdir == "" || cluster.ManagementToken == "" || maxReqs < 1 {
+	if outdir == "" || cluster.ManagementToken == "" {
 	logger = logger.WithField("worker", "RequestQueueDump")
@@ -237,16 +219,29 @@ func (c *command) requestQueueDumpCheck(cluster *arvados.Cluster, maxReqs int, p
 			logger.WithError(err).Warn("error getting metrics")
-		dump := false
+		cur := map[string]int{} // queue label => current
+		max := map[string]int{} // queue label => max
 		for _, mf := range mfs {
-			if mf.Name != nil && *mf.Name == "arvados_concurrent_requests" && len(mf.Metric) == 1 {
-				n := int(mf.Metric[0].GetGauge().GetValue())
-				if n > 0 && n >= maxReqs*9/10 {
-					dump = true
-					break
+			for _, m := range mf.GetMetric() {
+				for _, ml := range m.GetLabel() {
+					if ml.GetName() == "queue" {
+						n := int(m.GetGauge().GetValue())
+						if name := mf.GetName(); name == "arvados_concurrent_requests" {
+							cur[*ml.Value] = n
+						} else if name == "arvados_max_concurrent_requests" {
+							max[*ml.Value] = n
+						}
+					}
+		dump := false
+		for queue, n := range cur {
+			if n > 0 && max[queue] > 0 && n >= max[queue]*9/10 {
+				dump = true
+				break
+			}
+		}
 		if dump {
 			req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/_inspect/requests", nil)
 			if err != nil {
@@ -269,6 +264,48 @@ func (c *command) requestQueueDumpCheck(cluster *arvados.Cluster, maxReqs int, p
+// Set up a httpserver.RequestLimiter with separate queues/streams for
+// API requests (obeying MaxConcurrentRequests etc) and gateway tunnel
+// requests (obeying MaxGatewayTunnels).
+func (c *command) requestLimiter(handler http.Handler, cluster *arvados.Cluster, reg *prometheus.Registry) http.Handler {
+	maxReqs := cluster.API.MaxConcurrentRequests
+	if maxRails := cluster.API.MaxConcurrentRailsRequests; maxRails > 0 &&
+		(maxRails < maxReqs || maxReqs == 0) &&
+		c.svcName == arvados.ServiceNameController {
+		// Ideally, we would accept up to
+		// MaxConcurrentRequests, and apply the
+		// MaxConcurrentRailsRequests limit only for requests
+		// that require calling upstream to RailsAPI. But for
+		// now we make the simplifying assumption that every
+		// controller request causes an upstream RailsAPI
+		// request.
+		maxReqs = maxRails
+	}
+	rqAPI := &httpserver.RequestQueue{
+		Label:                      "api",
+		MaxConcurrent:              maxReqs,
+		MaxQueue:                   cluster.API.MaxQueuedRequests,
+		MaxQueueTimeForMinPriority: cluster.API.MaxQueueTimeForLockRequests.Duration(),
+	}
+	rqTunnel := &httpserver.RequestQueue{
+		Label:         "tunnel",
+		MaxConcurrent: cluster.API.MaxGatewayTunnels,
+		MaxQueue:      0,
+	}
+	return &httpserver.RequestLimiter{
+		Handler:  handler,
+		Priority: c.requestPriority,
+		Registry: reg,
+		Queue: func(req *http.Request) *httpserver.RequestQueue {
+			if strings.HasPrefix(req.URL.Path, "/arvados/v1/connect/") {
+				return rqTunnel
+			} else {
+				return rqAPI
+			}
+		},
+	}
 func (c *command) requestPriority(req *http.Request, queued time.Time) int64 {
 	switch {
 	case req.Method == http.MethodPost && strings.HasPrefix(req.URL.Path, "/arvados/v1/containers/") && strings.HasSuffix(req.URL.Path, "/lock"):
diff --git a/lib/service/cmd_test.go b/lib/service/cmd_test.go
index 08b3a239dc..5d06e33118 100644
--- a/lib/service/cmd_test.go
+++ b/lib/service/cmd_test.go
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ Clusters:
    `+maxReqsConfigKey+`: %d
    MaxQueuedRequests: 0
+   MaxGatewayTunnels: 1000
   SystemLogs: {RequestQueueDumpDirectory: %q}
@@ -240,8 +241,12 @@ Clusters:
 	started := make(chan bool, max+1)
 	hold := make(chan bool)
 	handler := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
-		started <- true
-		<-hold
+		if strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/arvados/v1/connect") {
+			<-hold
+		} else {
+			started <- true
+			<-hold
+		}
 	healthCheck := make(chan bool, 1)
 	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
@@ -267,6 +272,7 @@ Clusters:
 	client := http.Client{}
 	deadline := time.Now().Add(time.Second * 2)
+	// Start some API reqs
 	for i := 0; i < max+1; i++ {
 		go func() {
 			resp, err := client.Get("http://localhost:" + port + "/testpath")
@@ -279,6 +285,20 @@ Clusters:
+	// Start some gateway tunnel reqs that don't count toward our
+	// API req limit
+	for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
+		go func() {
+			resp, err := client.Get("http://localhost:" + port + "/arvados/v1/connect/...")
+			for err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "dial tcp") && deadline.After(time.Now()) {
+				time.Sleep(time.Second / 100)
+				resp, err = client.Get("http://localhost:" + port + "/arvados/v1/connect/...")
+			}
+			if c.Check(err, check.IsNil) {
+				c.Check(resp.StatusCode, check.Equals, http.StatusOK)
+			}
+		}()
+	}
 	for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
 		select {
 		case <-started:
@@ -300,6 +320,20 @@ Clusters:
 		var loaded []struct{ URL string }
 		err = json.Unmarshal(j, &loaded)
 		c.Check(err, check.IsNil)
+		for i := 0; i < len(loaded); i++ {
+			if strings.HasPrefix(loaded[i].URL, "/arvados/v1/connect/") {
+				// Filter out a gateway tunnel req
+				// that doesn't count toward our API
+				// req limit
+				if i < len(loaded)-1 {
+					copy(loaded[i:], loaded[i+1:])
+					i--
+				}
+				loaded = loaded[:len(loaded)-1]
+			}
+		}
 		if len(loaded) < max {
 			// Dumped when #requests was >90% but <100% of
 			// limit. If we stop now, we won't be able to
@@ -328,7 +362,7 @@ Clusters:
 		c.Check(err, check.IsNil)
 		switch path {
 		case "/metrics":
-			c.Check(string(buf), check.Matches, `(?ms).*arvados_concurrent_requests `+fmt.Sprintf("%d", max)+`\n.*`)
+			c.Check(string(buf), check.Matches, `(?ms).*arvados_concurrent_requests{queue="api"} `+fmt.Sprintf("%d", max)+`\n.*`)
 		case "/_inspect/requests":
 			c.Check(string(buf), check.Matches, `(?ms).*"URL":"/testpath".*`)
diff --git a/sdk/go/arvados/config.go b/sdk/go/arvados/config.go
index 6301ed047a..16d789daf5 100644
--- a/sdk/go/arvados/config.go
+++ b/sdk/go/arvados/config.go
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ type Cluster struct {
 		MaxConcurrentRailsRequests       int
 		MaxConcurrentRequests            int
 		MaxQueuedRequests                int
+		MaxGatewayTunnels                int
 		MaxQueueTimeForLockRequests      Duration
 		LogCreateRequestFraction         float64
 		MaxKeepBlobBuffers               int
diff --git a/sdk/go/httpserver/request_limiter.go b/sdk/go/httpserver/request_limiter.go
index 9d501ab0eb..1e3316ed48 100644
--- a/sdk/go/httpserver/request_limiter.go
+++ b/sdk/go/httpserver/request_limiter.go
@@ -34,13 +34,8 @@ const metricsUpdateInterval = time.Second
 type RequestLimiter struct {
 	Handler http.Handler
-	// Maximum number of requests being handled at once. Beyond
-	// this limit, requests will be queued.
-	MaxConcurrent int
-	// Maximum number of requests in the queue. Beyond this limit,
-	// the lowest priority requests will return 503.
-	MaxQueue int
+	// Queue determines which queue a request is assigned to.
+	Queue func(req *http.Request) *RequestQueue
 	// Priority determines queue ordering. Requests with higher
 	// priority are handled first. Requests with equal priority
@@ -48,11 +43,6 @@ type RequestLimiter struct {
 	// handled FIFO.
 	Priority func(req *http.Request, queued time.Time) int64
-	// Return 503 for any request for which Priority() returns
-	// MinPriority if it spends longer than this in the queue
-	// before starting processing.
-	MaxQueueTimeForMinPriority time.Duration
 	// "concurrent_requests", "max_concurrent_requests",
 	// "queued_requests", and "max_queued_requests" metrics are
 	// registered with Registry, if it is not nil.
@@ -63,11 +53,32 @@ type RequestLimiter struct {
 	mQueueTimeout *prometheus.SummaryVec
 	mQueueUsage   *prometheus.GaugeVec
 	mtx           sync.Mutex
-	handling      int
-	queue         queue
+	rqs           map[*RequestQueue]bool // all RequestQueues in use
+type RequestQueue struct {
+	// Label for metrics. No two queues should have the same label.
+	Label string
+	// Maximum number of requests being handled at once. Beyond
+	// this limit, requests will be queued.
+	MaxConcurrent int
+	// Maximum number of requests in the queue. Beyond this limit,
+	// the lowest priority requests will return 503.
+	MaxQueue int
+	// Return 503 for any request for which Priority() returns
+	// MinPriority if it spends longer than this in the queue
+	// before starting processing.
+	MaxQueueTimeForMinPriority time.Duration
+	queue    queue
+	handling int
 type qent struct {
+	rq       *RequestQueue
 	queued   time.Time
 	priority int64
 	heappos  int
@@ -121,101 +132,96 @@ func (h *queue) remove(i int) {
 func (rl *RequestLimiter) setup() {
 	if rl.Registry != nil {
-		rl.Registry.MustRegister(prometheus.NewGaugeFunc(
-			prometheus.GaugeOpts{
-				Namespace: "arvados",
-				Name:      "concurrent_requests",
-				Help:      "Number of requests in progress",
-			},
-			func() float64 {
-				rl.mtx.Lock()
-				defer rl.mtx.Unlock()
-				return float64(rl.handling)
-			},
-		))
-		rl.Registry.MustRegister(prometheus.NewGaugeFunc(
-			prometheus.GaugeOpts{
-				Namespace: "arvados",
-				Name:      "max_concurrent_requests",
-				Help:      "Maximum number of concurrent requests",
-			},
-			func() float64 { return float64(rl.MaxConcurrent) },
-		))
+		mCurrentReqs := prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
+			Namespace: "arvados",
+			Name:      "concurrent_requests",
+			Help:      "Number of requests in progress",
+		}, []string{"queue"})
+		rl.Registry.MustRegister(mCurrentReqs)
+		mMaxReqs := prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
+			Namespace: "arvados",
+			Name:      "max_concurrent_requests",
+			Help:      "Maximum number of concurrent requests",
+		}, []string{"queue"})
+		rl.Registry.MustRegister(mMaxReqs)
+		mMaxQueue := prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
+			Namespace: "arvados",
+			Name:      "max_queued_requests",
+			Help:      "Maximum number of queued requests",
+		}, []string{"queue"})
+		rl.Registry.MustRegister(mMaxQueue)
 		rl.mQueueUsage = prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
 			Namespace: "arvados",
 			Name:      "queued_requests",
 			Help:      "Number of requests in queue",
-		}, []string{"priority"})
+		}, []string{"queue", "priority"})
-		rl.Registry.MustRegister(prometheus.NewGaugeFunc(
-			prometheus.GaugeOpts{
-				Namespace: "arvados",
-				Name:      "max_queued_requests",
-				Help:      "Maximum number of queued requests",
-			},
-			func() float64 { return float64(rl.MaxQueue) },
-		))
 		rl.mQueueDelay = prometheus.NewSummaryVec(prometheus.SummaryOpts{
 			Namespace:  "arvados",
 			Name:       "queue_delay_seconds",
 			Help:       "Time spent in the incoming request queue before start of processing",
 			Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.95: 0.005, 0.99: 0.001},
-		}, []string{"priority"})
+		}, []string{"queue", "priority"})
 		rl.mQueueTimeout = prometheus.NewSummaryVec(prometheus.SummaryOpts{
 			Namespace:  "arvados",
 			Name:       "queue_timeout_seconds",
 			Help:       "Time spent in the incoming request queue before client timed out or disconnected",
 			Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.95: 0.005, 0.99: 0.001},
-		}, []string{"priority"})
+		}, []string{"queue", "priority"})
 		go func() {
 			for range time.NewTicker(metricsUpdateInterval).C {
-				var low, normal, high int
-				for _, ent := range rl.queue {
-					switch {
-					case ent.priority < 0:
-						low++
-					case ent.priority > 0:
-						high++
-					default:
-						normal++
+				for rq := range rl.rqs {
+					var low, normal, high int
+					for _, ent := range rq.queue {
+						switch {
+						case ent.priority < 0:
+							low++
+						case ent.priority > 0:
+							high++
+						default:
+							normal++
+						}
+					mCurrentReqs.WithLabelValues(rq.Label).Set(float64(rq.handling))
+					mMaxReqs.WithLabelValues(rq.Label).Set(float64(rq.MaxConcurrent))
+					mMaxQueue.WithLabelValues(rq.Label).Set(float64(rq.MaxQueue))
+					rl.mQueueUsage.WithLabelValues(rq.Label, "low").Set(float64(low))
+					rl.mQueueUsage.WithLabelValues(rq.Label, "normal").Set(float64(normal))
+					rl.mQueueUsage.WithLabelValues(rq.Label, "high").Set(float64(high))
-				rl.mQueueUsage.WithLabelValues("low").Set(float64(low))
-				rl.mQueueUsage.WithLabelValues("normal").Set(float64(normal))
-				rl.mQueueUsage.WithLabelValues("high").Set(float64(high))
 // caller must have lock
-func (rl *RequestLimiter) runqueue() {
+func (rq *RequestQueue) runqueue() {
 	// Handle entries from the queue as capacity permits
-	for len(rl.queue) > 0 && (rl.MaxConcurrent == 0 || rl.handling < rl.MaxConcurrent) {
-		rl.handling++
-		ent := rl.queue.removeMax()
+	for len(rq.queue) > 0 && (rq.MaxConcurrent == 0 || rq.handling < rq.MaxConcurrent) {
+		rq.handling++
+		ent := rq.queue.removeMax()
 		ent.ready <- true
 // If the queue is too full, fail and remove the lowest-priority
 // entry. Caller must have lock. Queue must not be empty.
-func (rl *RequestLimiter) trimqueue() {
-	if len(rl.queue) <= rl.MaxQueue {
+func (rq *RequestQueue) trimqueue() {
+	if len(rq.queue) <= rq.MaxQueue {
 	min := 0
-	for i := range rl.queue {
-		if i == 0 || rl.queue.Less(min, i) {
+	for i := range rq.queue {
+		if i == 0 || rq.queue.Less(min, i) {
 			min = i
-	rl.queue[min].ready <- false
-	rl.queue.remove(min)
+	rq.queue[min].ready <- false
+	rq.queue.remove(min)
 func (rl *RequestLimiter) enqueue(req *http.Request) *qent {
@@ -227,19 +233,24 @@ func (rl *RequestLimiter) enqueue(req *http.Request) *qent {
 		priority = rl.Priority(req, qtime)
 	ent := &qent{
+		rq:       rl.Queue(req),
 		queued:   qtime,
 		priority: priority,
 		ready:    make(chan bool, 1),
 		heappos:  -1,
-	if rl.MaxConcurrent == 0 || rl.MaxConcurrent > rl.handling {
+	if rl.rqs == nil {
+		rl.rqs = map[*RequestQueue]bool{}
+	}
+	rl.rqs[ent.rq] = true
+	if ent.rq.MaxConcurrent == 0 || ent.rq.MaxConcurrent > ent.rq.handling {
 		// fast path, skip the queue
-		rl.handling++
+		ent.rq.handling++
 		ent.ready <- true
 		return ent
-	rl.queue.add(ent)
-	rl.trimqueue()
+	ent.rq.queue.add(ent)
+	ent.rq.trimqueue()
 	return ent
@@ -247,7 +258,7 @@ func (rl *RequestLimiter) remove(ent *qent) {
 	defer rl.mtx.Unlock()
 	if ent.heappos >= 0 {
-		rl.queue.remove(ent.heappos)
+		ent.rq.queue.remove(ent.heappos)
 		ent.ready <- false
@@ -255,14 +266,14 @@ func (rl *RequestLimiter) remove(ent *qent) {
 func (rl *RequestLimiter) ServeHTTP(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
 	ent := rl.enqueue(req)
-	SetResponseLogFields(req.Context(), logrus.Fields{"priority": ent.priority})
+	SetResponseLogFields(req.Context(), logrus.Fields{"priority": ent.priority, "queue": ent.rq.Label})
 	if ent.priority == MinPriority {
 		// Note that MaxQueueTime==0 does not cancel a req
 		// that skips the queue, because in that case
 		// rl.enqueue() has already fired ready<-true and
 		// rl.remove() is a no-op.
 		go func() {
-			time.Sleep(rl.MaxQueueTimeForMinPriority)
+			time.Sleep(ent.rq.MaxQueueTimeForMinPriority)
@@ -273,7 +284,7 @@ func (rl *RequestLimiter) ServeHTTP(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
 		// we still need to wait for ent.ready, because
 		// sometimes runqueue() will have already decided to
 		// send true before our rl.remove() call, and in that
-		// case we'll need to decrement rl.handling below.
+		// case we'll need to decrement ent.rq.handling below.
 		ok = <-ent.ready
 	case ok = <-ent.ready:
@@ -298,7 +309,7 @@ func (rl *RequestLimiter) ServeHTTP(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
 			qlabel = "normal"
-		series.WithLabelValues(qlabel).Observe(time.Now().Sub(ent.queued).Seconds())
+		series.WithLabelValues(ent.rq.Label, qlabel).Observe(time.Now().Sub(ent.queued).Seconds())
 	if !ok {
@@ -308,9 +319,9 @@ func (rl *RequestLimiter) ServeHTTP(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
 	defer func() {
 		defer rl.mtx.Unlock()
-		rl.handling--
+		ent.rq.handling--
 		// unblock the next waiting request
-		rl.runqueue()
+		ent.rq.runqueue()
 	rl.Handler.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
diff --git a/sdk/go/httpserver/request_limiter_test.go b/sdk/go/httpserver/request_limiter_test.go
index 55f13b4625..7366e1426b 100644
--- a/sdk/go/httpserver/request_limiter_test.go
+++ b/sdk/go/httpserver/request_limiter_test.go
@@ -34,7 +34,11 @@ func newTestHandler() *testHandler {
 func (s *Suite) TestRequestLimiter1(c *check.C) {
 	h := newTestHandler()
-	l := RequestLimiter{MaxConcurrent: 1, Handler: h}
+	rq := &RequestQueue{
+		MaxConcurrent: 1}
+	l := RequestLimiter{
+		Queue:   func(*http.Request) *RequestQueue { return rq },
+		Handler: h}
 	var wg sync.WaitGroup
 	resps := make([]*httptest.ResponseRecorder, 10)
 	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
@@ -94,7 +98,11 @@ func (s *Suite) TestRequestLimiter1(c *check.C) {
 func (*Suite) TestRequestLimiter10(c *check.C) {
 	h := newTestHandler()
-	l := RequestLimiter{MaxConcurrent: 10, Handler: h}
+	rq := &RequestQueue{
+		MaxConcurrent: 10}
+	l := RequestLimiter{
+		Queue:   func(*http.Request) *RequestQueue { return rq },
+		Handler: h}
 	var wg sync.WaitGroup
 	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
@@ -114,29 +122,32 @@ func (*Suite) TestRequestLimiter10(c *check.C) {
 func (*Suite) TestRequestLimiterQueuePriority(c *check.C) {
 	h := newTestHandler()
-	rl := RequestLimiter{
+	rq := &RequestQueue{
 		MaxConcurrent: 1000,
 		MaxQueue:      200,
-		Handler:       h,
+	}
+	rl := RequestLimiter{
+		Handler: h,
+		Queue:   func(*http.Request) *RequestQueue { return rq },
 		Priority: func(r *http.Request, _ time.Time) int64 {
 			p, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.Header.Get("Priority"), 10, 64)
 			return p
 	c.Logf("starting initial requests")
-	for i := 0; i < rl.MaxConcurrent; i++ {
+	for i := 0; i < rq.MaxConcurrent; i++ {
 		go func() {
 			rl.ServeHTTP(httptest.NewRecorder(), &http.Request{Header: http.Header{"No-Priority": {"x"}}})
 	c.Logf("waiting for initial requests to consume all MaxConcurrent slots")
-	for i := 0; i < rl.MaxConcurrent; i++ {
+	for i := 0; i < rq.MaxConcurrent; i++ {
-	c.Logf("starting %d priority=MinPriority requests (should respond 503 immediately)", rl.MaxQueue)
+	c.Logf("starting %d priority=MinPriority requests (should respond 503 immediately)", rq.MaxQueue)
 	var wgX sync.WaitGroup
-	for i := 0; i < rl.MaxQueue; i++ {
+	for i := 0; i < rq.MaxQueue; i++ {
 		go func() {
 			defer wgX.Done()
@@ -147,13 +158,13 @@ func (*Suite) TestRequestLimiterQueuePriority(c *check.C) {
-	c.Logf("starting %d priority=MinPriority requests (should respond 503 after 100 ms)", rl.MaxQueue)
+	c.Logf("starting %d priority=MinPriority requests (should respond 503 after 100 ms)", rq.MaxQueue)
 	// Usage docs say the caller isn't allowed to change fields
 	// after first use, but we secretly know it's OK to change
 	// this field on the fly as long as no requests are arriving
 	// concurrently.
-	rl.MaxQueueTimeForMinPriority = time.Millisecond * 100
-	for i := 0; i < rl.MaxQueue; i++ {
+	rq.MaxQueueTimeForMinPriority = time.Millisecond * 100
+	for i := 0; i < rq.MaxQueue; i++ {
 		go func() {
 			defer wgX.Done()
@@ -162,17 +173,17 @@ func (*Suite) TestRequestLimiterQueuePriority(c *check.C) {
 			rl.ServeHTTP(resp, &http.Request{Header: http.Header{"Priority": {fmt.Sprintf("%d", MinPriority)}}})
 			c.Check(resp.Code, check.Equals, http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
 			elapsed := time.Since(t0)
-			c.Check(elapsed > rl.MaxQueueTimeForMinPriority, check.Equals, true)
-			c.Check(elapsed < rl.MaxQueueTimeForMinPriority*10, check.Equals, true)
+			c.Check(elapsed > rq.MaxQueueTimeForMinPriority, check.Equals, true)
+			c.Check(elapsed < rq.MaxQueueTimeForMinPriority*10, check.Equals, true)
-	c.Logf("starting %d priority=1 and %d priority=1 requests", rl.MaxQueue, rl.MaxQueue)
+	c.Logf("starting %d priority=1 and %d priority=1 requests", rq.MaxQueue, rq.MaxQueue)
 	var wg1, wg2 sync.WaitGroup
-	wg1.Add(rl.MaxQueue)
-	wg2.Add(rl.MaxQueue)
-	for i := 0; i < rl.MaxQueue*2; i++ {
+	wg1.Add(rq.MaxQueue)
+	wg2.Add(rq.MaxQueue)
+	for i := 0; i < rq.MaxQueue*2; i++ {
 		i := i
 		go func() {
 			pri := (i & 1) + 1
@@ -192,12 +203,12 @@ func (*Suite) TestRequestLimiterQueuePriority(c *check.C) {
 	c.Logf("allowing initial requests to proceed")
-	for i := 0; i < rl.MaxConcurrent; i++ {
+	for i := 0; i < rq.MaxConcurrent; i++ {
 		h.okToProceed <- struct{}{}
 	c.Logf("allowing queued priority=2 requests to proceed")
-	for i := 0; i < rl.MaxQueue; i++ {
+	for i := 0; i < rq.MaxQueue; i++ {
 		h.okToProceed <- struct{}{}



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