[arvados] created: 2.6.0-543-g627f0941ad

git repository hosting git at public.arvados.org
Fri Aug 25 19:22:04 UTC 2023

        at  627f0941ad141017f3bc214395e69b1367c2b20f (commit)

commit 627f0941ad141017f3bc214395e69b1367c2b20f
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>
Date:   Fri Aug 25 16:20:08 2023 -0300

    20889: Fixes Keep S3 bucket instructions.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>

diff --git a/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid b/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid
index 2d2317f0b0..eaffcf582c 100644
--- a/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid
+++ b/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid
@@ -314,16 +314,14 @@ The @multi_host/aws@ template uses S3 for storage.  Arvados also supports "files
 h3. Object storage in S3 (AWS Specific)
-Open @local_config_dir/pillars/arvados.sls@ and edit as follows:
+If you "followed the recommendend naming scheme":#keep-bucket for both the bucket and role (or used the provided Terraform script), you're done.
-# In the @arvados.cluster.Volumes.DriverParameters@ section, set @Region@ to the appropriate AWS region (e.g. 'us-east-1')
+If you did not follow the recommendend naming scheme for either the bucket or role, you'll need to update these parameters in @local.params@:
-If "followed the recommendend naming scheme":#keep-bucket for both the bucket and role (or used the provided Terraform script), you're done.
+# Set @KEEP_AWS_S3_BUCKET@ to the value of "keepstore bucket you created earlier":#keep-bucket
+# Set @KEEP_AWS_IAM_ROLE@ to "keepstore role you created earlier":#keep-bucket
-If you did not follow the recommendend naming scheme for either the bucket or role, you'll need to update these parameters as well:
-# Set @Bucket@ to the value of "keepstore bucket you created earlier":#keep-bucket
-# Set @IAMRole@ to "keepstore role you created earlier":#keep-bucket
+You can also configure a specific AWS Region for the S3 bucket by setting @KEEP_AWS_REGION at .
 {% include 'ssl_config_multi' %}

commit e78d91e8d1758c075ea35faa8538eab40ebcbfaa
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>
Date:   Fri Aug 25 16:13:22 2023 -0300

    20889: Adds documentation explaining the use of TLS cert keys encryption.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>

diff --git a/doc/_includes/_ssl_config_multi.liquid b/doc/_includes/_ssl_config_multi.liquid
index b4d6eff616..473d824f2e 100644
--- a/doc/_includes/_ssl_config_multi.liquid
+++ b/doc/_includes/_ssl_config_multi.liquid
@@ -38,3 +38,13 @@ To supply your own certificates, change the configuration like this:
 {% include 'multi_host_install_custom_certificates' %}
 All certificate files will be used by nginx. You may need to include intermediate certificates in your certificate files. See "the nginx documentation":http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/configuring_https_servers.html#chains for more details.
+h4(#secure-tls-keys). Securing your TLS certificate keys (optional)
+When using @SSL_MODE=bring-your-own@, if you need to keep your TLS certificate keys encrypted on the server nodes, you can do it when deploying in AWS by using the "Secrets Manager":https://aws.amazon.com/es/secrets-manager/ service.
+When using Terraform, the secret and related permission cloud resources are created automatically, and you can customize the secret's name by editing @terraform/services/terraform.tfvars@ and setting its suffix in @ssl_password_secret_name_suffix at .
+In @local.params@ you need to set @SSL_KEY_ENCRYPTED@ to @yes@ and change the default values for @SSL_KEY_AWS_SECRET_NAME@ and @SSL_KEY_AWS_REGION@ if necessary.
+Then, you should set the appropriate password as a plain-text value on AWS's web console, so that it can be used by the necessary nodes. This should be done before running @installer.sh deploy@ to avoid any failures when trying to start the @nginx@ servers.
diff --git a/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid b/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid
index 697c95b82b..2d2317f0b0 100644
--- a/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid
+++ b/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0
 # "Choose the SSL configuration":#certificates
 ## "Using a Let's Encrypt certificates":#lets-encrypt
 ## "Bring your own certificates":#bring-your-own
+### "Securing your TLS certificate keys":#secure-tls-keys
 # "Create a compute image":#create_a_compute_image
 # "Begin installation":#installation
 # "Further customization of the installation":#further_customization

commit f23064f5b8ce4f8c28edda478dfa8e773e61d8f5
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>
Date:   Fri Aug 25 15:30:04 2023 -0300

    20889: Fixes installer.sh indentation to match the how provision.sh is written.
    It had a mix of space-based and tab-based indentation that made code a bit
    difficult to read.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>

diff --git a/tools/salt-install/installer.sh b/tools/salt-install/installer.sh
index 2ad002990e..d41c50e8c5 100755
--- a/tools/salt-install/installer.sh
+++ b/tools/salt-install/installer.sh
@@ -58,394 +58,392 @@ declare USE_SSH_JUMPHOST
 checktools() {
-    local MISSING=''
-    for a in git ip ; do
-	if ! which $a ; then
-	fi
-    done
-    if [[ -n "$MISSING" ]] ; then
-	echo "Some tools are missing, please make sure you have the 'git' and 'iproute2' packages installed"
-	exit 1
+  local MISSING=''
+  for a in git ip; do
+    if ! which $a; then
+      MISSING="$MISSING $a"
+  done
+  if [[ -n "$MISSING" ]]; then
+    echo "Some tools are missing, please make sure you have the 'git' and 'iproute2' packages installed"
+    exit 1
+  fi
 cleanup() {
-    local NODE=$1
-    local SSH=`ssh_cmd "$NODE"`
-    # Delete the old repository
+  local NODE=$1
+  local SSH=$(ssh_cmd "$NODE")
+  # Delete the old repository
 sync() {
-    local NODE=$1
-    local BRANCH=$2
-    # Synchronizes the configuration by creating a git repository on
-    # each node, pushing our branch, and updating the checkout.
-    if [[ "$NODE" != localhost ]] ; then
-	SSH=`ssh_cmd "$NODE"`
-	GIT="eval `git_cmd $NODE`"
+  local NODE=$1
+  local BRANCH=$2
-	cleanup $NODE
+  # Synchronizes the configuration by creating a git repository on
+  # each node, pushing our branch, and updating the checkout.
-	# Update the git remote for the remote repository.
-	if ! $GIT remote add $NODE $DEPLOY_USER@$NODE:${GITTARGET}.git ; then
-	    $GIT remote set-url $NODE $DEPLOY_USER@$NODE:${GITTARGET}.git
-	fi
+  if [[ "$NODE" != localhost ]]; then
+    SSH=$(ssh_cmd "$NODE")
+    GIT="eval $(git_cmd $NODE)"
-	# Initialize the git repository.  We're
-	# actually going to make two repositories here because git
-	# will complain if you try to push to a repository with a
-	# checkout. So we're going to create a "bare" repository
-	# and then clone a regular repository (with a checkout)
-	# from that.
+    cleanup $NODE
-	$SSH $DEPLOY_USER@$NODE git init --bare --shared=0600 ${GITTARGET}.git
-	$SSH $DEPLOY_USER@$NODE "umask 0077 && git clone -s ${GITTARGET}.git ${GITTARGET} && git -C ${GITTARGET} checkout ${BRANCH}"
+    # Update the git remote for the remote repository.
+    if ! $GIT remote add $NODE $DEPLOY_USER@$NODE:${GITTARGET}.git; then
+      $GIT remote set-url $NODE $DEPLOY_USER@$NODE:${GITTARGET}.git
+    # Initialize the git repository.  We're
+    # actually going to make two repositories here because git
+    # will complain if you try to push to a repository with a
+    # checkout. So we're going to create a "bare" repository
+    # and then clone a regular repository (with a checkout)
+    # from that.
+    $SSH $DEPLOY_USER@$NODE git init --bare --shared=0600 ${GITTARGET}.git
+    $GIT push $NODE $BRANCH
+    $SSH $DEPLOY_USER@$NODE "umask 0077 && git clone -s ${GITTARGET}.git ${GITTARGET} && git -C ${GITTARGET} checkout ${BRANCH}"
+  fi
 deploynode() {
-    local NODE=$1
-    local ROLES=$2
-    local BRANCH=$3
+  local NODE=$1
+  local ROLES=$2
+  local BRANCH=$3
-    # Deploy a node.  This runs the provision script on the node, with
-    # the appropriate roles.
+  # Deploy a node.  This runs the provision script on the node, with
+  # the appropriate roles.
-    sync $NODE $BRANCH
+  sync $NODE $BRANCH
-    if [[ -z "$ROLES" ]] ; then
-		echo "No roles specified for $NODE, will deploy all roles"
-    else
-		ROLES="--roles ${ROLES}"
-    fi
+  if [[ -z "$ROLES" ]]; then
+    echo "No roles specified for $NODE, will deploy all roles"
+  else
+    ROLES="--roles ${ROLES}"
+  fi
-    logfile=deploy-${NODE}-$(date -Iseconds).log
-    SSH=`ssh_cmd "$NODE"`
+  logfile=deploy-${NODE}-$(date -Iseconds).log
+  SSH=$(ssh_cmd "$NODE")
-    if [[ "$NODE" = localhost ]] ; then
-	    SUDO=''
-		if [[ $(whoami) != 'root' ]] ; then
-			SUDO=sudo
-		fi
-		$SUDO ./provision.sh --config ${CONFIG_FILE} ${ROLES} 2>&1 | tee $logfile
-    else
-	    $SSH $DEPLOY_USER@$NODE "cd ${GITTARGET} && git log -n1 HEAD && DISABLED_CONTROLLER=\"$DISABLED_CONTROLLER\" sudo --preserve-env=DISABLED_CONTROLLER ./provision.sh --config ${CONFIG_FILE} ${ROLES}" 2>&1 | tee $logfile
-	    cleanup $NODE
+  if [[ "$NODE" = localhost ]]; then
+    SUDO=''
+    if [[ $(whoami) != 'root' ]]; then
+      SUDO=sudo
+    $SUDO ./provision.sh --config ${CONFIG_FILE} ${ROLES} 2>&1 | tee $logfile
+  else
+    $SSH $DEPLOY_USER@$NODE "cd ${GITTARGET} && git log -n1 HEAD && DISABLED_CONTROLLER=\"$DISABLED_CONTROLLER\" sudo --preserve-env=DISABLED_CONTROLLER ./provision.sh --config ${CONFIG_FILE} ${ROLES}" 2>&1 | tee $logfile
+    cleanup $NODE
+  fi
 checkcert() {
-	local CERTNAME=$1
-	local CERTPATH="${CONFIG_DIR}/certs/${CERTNAME}"
-	if [[ ! -f "${CERTPATH}.crt" || ! -e "${CERTPATH}.key" ]]; then
-		echo "Missing ${CERTPATH}.crt or ${CERTPATH}.key files"
-		exit 1
-	fi
+  local CERTNAME=$1
+  local CERTPATH="${CONFIG_DIR}/certs/${CERTNAME}"
+  if [[ ! -f "${CERTPATH}.crt" || ! -e "${CERTPATH}.key" ]]; then
+    echo "Missing ${CERTPATH}.crt or ${CERTPATH}.key files"
+    exit 1
+  fi
 loadconfig() {
-    if ! [[ -s ${CONFIG_FILE} && -s ${CONFIG_FILE}.secrets ]]; then
-		echo "Must be run from initialized setup dir, maybe you need to 'initialize' first?"
-    fi
-    source common.sh
-    GITTARGET=arvados-deploy-config-${CLUSTER}
-	# Set up SSH so that it doesn't forward any environment variable. This is to avoid
-	# getting "setlocale" errors on the first run, depending on the distro being used
-	# to run the installer (like Debian).
-	SSH_CONFFILE=$(mktemp)
-	echo "Include config SendEnv -*" > ${SSH_CONFFILE}
+  if ! [[ -s ${CONFIG_FILE} && -s ${CONFIG_FILE}.secrets ]]; then
+    echo "Must be run from initialized setup dir, maybe you need to 'initialize' first?"
+  fi
+  source common.sh
+  GITTARGET=arvados-deploy-config-${CLUSTER}
+  # Set up SSH so that it doesn't forward any environment variable. This is to avoid
+  # getting "setlocale" errors on the first run, depending on the distro being used
+  # to run the installer (like Debian).
+  SSH_CONFFILE=$(mktemp)
+  echo "Include config SendEnv -*" >${SSH_CONFFILE}
 ssh_cmd() {
-	local NODE=$1
-	if [ -z "${USE_SSH_JUMPHOST}" -o "${NODE}" == "${USE_SSH_JUMPHOST}" -o "${NODE}" == "localhost" ]; then
-		echo "ssh -F ${SSH_CONFFILE}"
-	else
-	fi
+  local NODE=$1
+  if [ -z "${USE_SSH_JUMPHOST}" -o "${NODE}" == "${USE_SSH_JUMPHOST}" -o "${NODE}" == "localhost" ]; then
+    echo "ssh -F ${SSH_CONFFILE}"
+  else
+  fi
 git_cmd() {
-	local NODE=$1
-	echo "GIT_SSH_COMMAND=\"`ssh_cmd ${NODE}`\" git"
+  local NODE=$1
+  echo "GIT_SSH_COMMAND=\"$(ssh_cmd ${NODE})\" git"
 set +u
 set -u
-if [[ -n "$subcmd" ]] ; then
-    shift
+if [[ -n "$subcmd" ]]; then
+  shift
 case "$subcmd" in
-    initialize)
-	if [[ ! -f provision.sh ]] ; then
-	    echo "Must be run from arvados/tools/salt-install"
-	    exit
-	fi
-	checktools
-	set +u
-	SLS=$3
-	set -u
-	err=
-	if [[ -z "$PARAMS" || ! -f local.params.example.$PARAMS ]] ; then
-	    echo "Not found: local.params.example.$PARAMS"
-	    echo "Expected one of multiple_hosts, single_host_multiple_hostnames, single_host_single_hostname"
-	    err=1
-	fi
-	if [[ -z "$SLS" || ! -d config_examples/$SLS ]] ; then
-	    echo "Not found: config_examples/$SLS"
-	    echo "Expected one of multi_host/aws, single_host/multiple_hostnames, single_host/single_hostname"
-	    err=1
-	fi
-	if [[ -z "$SETUPDIR" || -z "$PARAMS" || -z "$SLS" ]]; then
-	    echo "installer.sh <setup dir to initialize> <params template> <config template>"
-	    err=1
-	fi
-	if [[ -n "$err" ]] ; then
-	    exit 1
-	fi
-	echo "Initializing $SETUPDIR"
-	git init --shared=0600 $SETUPDIR
-	cp -r *.sh tests $SETUPDIR
-	cp local.params.example.$PARAMS $SETUPDIR/${CONFIG_FILE}
-	cp local.params.secrets.example $SETUPDIR/${CONFIG_FILE}.secrets
-	cp -r config_examples/$SLS $SETUPDIR/${CONFIG_DIR}
-	if [[ -n "$TERRAFORM" ]] ; then
-	    mkdir $SETUPDIR/terraform
-	    cp -r $TERRAFORM/* $SETUPDIR/terraform/
-	fi
-	echo '*.log' > .gitignore
-	echo '**/.terraform' >> .gitignore
-	echo '**/.infracost' >> .gitignore
-	if [[ -n "$TERRAFORM" ]] ; then
-		git add terraform
-	fi
-	git add *.sh ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CONFIG_FILE}.secrets ${CONFIG_DIR} tests .gitignore
-	git commit -m"initial commit"
-	echo
-	echo "Setup directory $SETUPDIR initialized."
-	if [[ -n "$TERRAFORM" ]] ; then
-	    (cd $SETUPDIR/terraform/vpc && terraform init)
-	    (cd $SETUPDIR/terraform/data-storage && terraform init)
-	    (cd $SETUPDIR/terraform/services && terraform init)
-	    echo "Now go to $SETUPDIR, customize 'terraform/vpc/terraform.tfvars' as needed, then run 'installer.sh terraform'"
-	else
-		echo "Now go to $SETUPDIR, customize '${CONFIG_FILE}', '${CONFIG_FILE}.secrets' and '${CONFIG_DIR}' as needed, then run 'installer.sh deploy'"
-	fi
-	;;
-    terraform)
-	logfile=terraform-$(date -Iseconds).log
-	(cd terraform/vpc && terraform apply -auto-approve) 2>&1 | tee -a $logfile
-	(cd terraform/data-storage && terraform apply -auto-approve) 2>&1 | tee -a $logfile
-	(cd terraform/services && terraform apply -auto-approve) 2>&1 | grep -v letsencrypt_iam_secret_access_key | tee -a $logfile
-	(cd terraform/services && echo -n 'letsencrypt_iam_secret_access_key = ' && terraform output letsencrypt_iam_secret_access_key) 2>&1 | tee -a $logfile
-	;;
-    terraform-destroy)
-	logfile=terraform-$(date -Iseconds).log
-	(cd terraform/services && terraform destroy) 2>&1 | tee -a $logfile
-	(cd terraform/data-storage && terraform destroy) 2>&1 | tee -a $logfile
-	(cd terraform/vpc && terraform destroy) 2>&1 | tee -a $logfile
-	;;
-    generate-tokens)
-	    echo ${i}=$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 32 ; echo '')
-	done
-	;;
-    deploy)
-	set +u
-	NODE=$1
-	set -u
-	checktools
-	loadconfig
-	if grep -rni 'fixme' ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CONFIG_FILE}.secrets ${CONFIG_DIR} ; then
-	    echo
-	    echo "Some parameters still need to be updated.  Please fix them and then re-run deploy."
-	    exit 1
-	fi
-	if [[ ${SSL_MODE} == "bring-your-own" ]]; then
-		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['balancer']:-}" ]]; then
-			checkcert balancer
-		fi
-		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['controller']:-}" ]]; then
-			checkcert controller
-		fi
-		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['keepproxy']:-}" ]]; then
-			checkcert keepproxy
-		fi
-		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['keepweb']:-}" ]]; then
-			checkcert collections
-			checkcert download
-		fi
-		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['monitoring']:-}" ]]; then
-			checkcert grafana
-			checkcert prometheus
-		fi
-		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['webshell']:-}" ]]; then
-			checkcert webshell
-		fi
-		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['websocket']:-}" ]]; then
-			checkcert websocket
-		fi
-		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['workbench']:-}" ]]; then
-			checkcert workbench
-		fi
-		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['workbench2']:-}" ]]; then
-			checkcert workbench2
-		fi
-	fi
-	BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
-	set -x
-	git add -A
-	if ! git diff --cached --exit-code --quiet ; then
-	    git commit -m"prepare for deploy"
-	fi
-	# Used for rolling updates to disable individual nodes at the
-	# load balancer.
-	if [[ -z "$NODE" ]]; then
-	    for NODE in "${!NODES[@]}"
-	    do
-		# First, just confirm we can ssh to each node.
-		`ssh_cmd "$NODE"` $DEPLOY_USER@$NODE true
-	    done
-	    for NODE in "${!NODES[@]}"
-	    do
-		# Do 'database' role first,
-		if [[ "${NODES[$NODE]}" =~ database ]] ; then
-		    deploynode $NODE "${NODES[$NODE]}" $BRANCH
-		    unset NODES[$NODE]
-		fi
-	    done
-	    BALANCER=${ROLE2NODES['balancer']:-}
-	    # Check if there are multiple controllers, they'll be comma-separated
-	    # in ROLE2NODES
-	    if [[ ${ROLE2NODES['controller']} =~ , ]] ;
-	    then
-		# If we have multiple controllers then there must be
-		# load balancer. We want to do a rolling update, take
-		# down each node at the load balancer before updating
-		# it.
-		for NODE in "${!NODES[@]}"
-		do
-		    if [[ "${NODES[$NODE]}" =~ controller ]] ; then
-			# Update balancer that the node is disabled
-			deploynode $BALANCER "${NODES[$BALANCER]}" $BRANCH
-			# Now update the node itself
-			deploynode $NODE "${NODES[$NODE]}" $BRANCH
-			unset NODES[$NODE]
-		    fi
-		done
-	    else
-		# Only one controller, check if it wasn't already taken care of.
-		NODE=${ROLE2NODES['controller']}
-		if [[ ! -z "${NODES[$NODE]:-}" ]]; then
-			deploynode $NODE "${NODES[$NODE]}" $BRANCH
-			unset NODES[$NODE]
-		fi
-	    fi
-	    if [[ -n "$BALANCER" ]] ; then
-		# Deploy balancer. In the rolling update case, this
-		# will re-enable all the controllers at the balancer.
-	    fi
-	    for NODE in "${!NODES[@]}"
-	    do
-		# Everything else (we removed the nodes that we
-		# already deployed from the list)
-		deploynode $NODE "${NODES[$NODE]}" $BRANCH
-	    done
-	else
-	    # Just deploy the node that was supplied on the command line.
-	    deploynode $NODE "${NODES[$NODE]}" $BRANCH
-	fi
-	set +x
-	echo
-	echo "Completed deploy, run 'installer.sh diagnostics' to verify the install"
-	;;
-    diagnostics)
-	loadconfig
-	set +u
-	declare LOCATION=$1
-	set -u
-	if ! which arvados-client ; then
-	    echo "arvados-client not found, install 'arvados-client' package with 'apt-get' or 'yum'"
-	    exit 1
-	fi
-	if [[ -z "$LOCATION" ]] ; then
-	    echo "Need to provide '-internal-client' or '-external-client'"
-	    echo
-	    echo "-internal-client    You are running this on the same private network as the Arvados cluster (e.g. on one of the Arvados nodes)"
-	    echo "-external-client    You are running this outside the private network of the Arvados cluster (e.g. your workstation)"
-	    exit 1
-	fi
-	arvados-client diagnostics $LOCATION
-	;;
-    *)
-	echo "Arvados installer"
-	echo ""
-	echo "initialize        initialize the setup directory for configuration"
-	echo "terraform         create cloud resources using terraform"
-	echo "terraform-destroy destroy cloud resources created by terraform"
-	echo "generate-tokens   generate random values for tokens"
-	echo "deploy            deploy the configuration from the setup directory"
-	echo "diagnostics       check your install using diagnostics"
-	;;
+  if [[ ! -f provision.sh ]]; then
+    echo "Must be run from arvados/tools/salt-install"
+    exit
+  fi
+  checktools
+  set +u
+  PARAMS=$2
+  SLS=$3
+  set -u
+  err=
+  if [[ -z "$PARAMS" || ! -f local.params.example.$PARAMS ]]; then
+    echo "Not found: local.params.example.$PARAMS"
+    echo "Expected one of multiple_hosts, single_host_multiple_hostnames, single_host_single_hostname"
+    err=1
+  fi
+  if [[ -z "$SLS" || ! -d config_examples/$SLS ]]; then
+    echo "Not found: config_examples/$SLS"
+    echo "Expected one of multi_host/aws, single_host/multiple_hostnames, single_host/single_hostname"
+    err=1
+  fi
+  if [[ -z "$SETUPDIR" || -z "$PARAMS" || -z "$SLS" ]]; then
+    echo "installer.sh <setup dir to initialize> <params template> <config template>"
+    err=1
+  fi
+  if [[ -n "$err" ]]; then
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  echo "Initializing $SETUPDIR"
+  git init --shared=0600 $SETUPDIR
+  cp -r *.sh tests $SETUPDIR
+  cp local.params.example.$PARAMS $SETUPDIR/${CONFIG_FILE}
+  cp local.params.secrets.example $SETUPDIR/${CONFIG_FILE}.secrets
+  cp -r config_examples/$SLS $SETUPDIR/${CONFIG_DIR}
+  if [[ -n "$TERRAFORM" ]]; then
+    mkdir $SETUPDIR/terraform
+    cp -r $TERRAFORM/* $SETUPDIR/terraform/
+  fi
+  echo '*.log' >.gitignore
+  echo '**/.terraform' >>.gitignore
+  echo '**/.infracost' >>.gitignore
+  if [[ -n "$TERRAFORM" ]]; then
+    git add terraform
+  fi
+  git add *.sh ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CONFIG_FILE}.secrets ${CONFIG_DIR} tests .gitignore
+  git commit -m"initial commit"
+  echo
+  echo "Setup directory $SETUPDIR initialized."
+  if [[ -n "$TERRAFORM" ]]; then
+    (cd $SETUPDIR/terraform/vpc && terraform init)
+    (cd $SETUPDIR/terraform/data-storage && terraform init)
+    (cd $SETUPDIR/terraform/services && terraform init)
+    echo "Now go to $SETUPDIR, customize 'terraform/vpc/terraform.tfvars' as needed, then run 'installer.sh terraform'"
+  else
+    echo "Now go to $SETUPDIR, customize '${CONFIG_FILE}', '${CONFIG_FILE}.secrets' and '${CONFIG_DIR}' as needed, then run 'installer.sh deploy'"
+  fi
+  ;;
+  logfile=terraform-$(date -Iseconds).log
+  (cd terraform/vpc && terraform apply -auto-approve) 2>&1 | tee -a $logfile
+  (cd terraform/data-storage && terraform apply -auto-approve) 2>&1 | tee -a $logfile
+  (cd terraform/services && terraform apply -auto-approve) 2>&1 | grep -v letsencrypt_iam_secret_access_key | tee -a $logfile
+  (cd terraform/services && echo -n 'letsencrypt_iam_secret_access_key = ' && terraform output letsencrypt_iam_secret_access_key) 2>&1 | tee -a $logfile
+  ;;
+  logfile=terraform-$(date -Iseconds).log
+  (cd terraform/services && terraform destroy) 2>&1 | tee -a $logfile
+  (cd terraform/data-storage && terraform destroy) 2>&1 | tee -a $logfile
+  (cd terraform/vpc && terraform destroy) 2>&1 | tee -a $logfile
+  ;;
+    echo ${i}=$(
+      tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 32
+      echo ''
+    )
+  done
+  ;;
+  set +u
+  NODE=$1
+  set -u
+  checktools
+  loadconfig
+  if grep -rni 'fixme' ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CONFIG_FILE}.secrets ${CONFIG_DIR}; then
+    echo
+    echo "Some parameters still need to be updated.  Please fix them and then re-run deploy."
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  if [[ ${SSL_MODE} == "bring-your-own" ]]; then
+    if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['balancer']:-}" ]]; then
+      checkcert balancer
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['controller']:-}" ]]; then
+      checkcert controller
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['keepproxy']:-}" ]]; then
+      checkcert keepproxy
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['keepweb']:-}" ]]; then
+      checkcert collections
+      checkcert download
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['monitoring']:-}" ]]; then
+      checkcert grafana
+      checkcert prometheus
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['webshell']:-}" ]]; then
+      checkcert webshell
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['websocket']:-}" ]]; then
+      checkcert websocket
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['workbench']:-}" ]]; then
+      checkcert workbench
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['workbench2']:-}" ]]; then
+      checkcert workbench2
+    fi
+  fi
+  BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
+  set -x
+  git add -A
+  if ! git diff --cached --exit-code --quiet; then
+    git commit -m"prepare for deploy"
+  fi
+  # Used for rolling updates to disable individual nodes at the
+  # load balancer.
+  if [[ -z "$NODE" ]]; then
+    for NODE in "${!NODES[@]}"; do
+      # First, just confirm we can ssh to each node.
+      $(ssh_cmd "$NODE") $DEPLOY_USER@$NODE true
+    done
+    for NODE in "${!NODES[@]}"; do
+      # Do 'database' role first,
+      if [[ "${NODES[$NODE]}" =~ database ]]; then
+        deploynode $NODE "${NODES[$NODE]}" $BRANCH
+        unset NODES[$NODE]
+      fi
+    done
+    BALANCER=${ROLE2NODES['balancer']:-}
+    # Check if there are multiple controllers, they'll be comma-separated
+    # in ROLE2NODES
+    if [[ ${ROLE2NODES['controller']} =~ , ]]; then
+      # If we have multiple controllers then there must be
+      # load balancer. We want to do a rolling update, take
+      # down each node at the load balancer before updating
+      # it.
+      for NODE in "${!NODES[@]}"; do
+        if [[ "${NODES[$NODE]}" =~ controller ]]; then
+          # Update balancer that the node is disabled
+          deploynode $BALANCER "${NODES[$BALANCER]}" $BRANCH
+          # Now update the node itself
+          deploynode $NODE "${NODES[$NODE]}" $BRANCH
+          unset NODES[$NODE]
+        fi
+      done
+    else
+      # Only one controller, check if it wasn't already taken care of.
+      NODE=${ROLE2NODES['controller']}
+      if [[ ! -z "${NODES[$NODE]:-}" ]]; then
+        deploynode $NODE "${NODES[$NODE]}" $BRANCH
+        unset NODES[$NODE]
+      fi
+    fi
+    if [[ -n "$BALANCER" ]]; then
+      # Deploy balancer. In the rolling update case, this
+      # will re-enable all the controllers at the balancer.
+      export DISABLED_CONTROLLER=""
+      deploynode $BALANCER "${NODES[$BALANCER]}" $BRANCH
+      unset NODES[$BALANCER]
+    fi
+    for NODE in "${!NODES[@]}"; do
+      # Everything else (we removed the nodes that we
+      # already deployed from the list)
+      deploynode $NODE "${NODES[$NODE]}" $BRANCH
+    done
+  else
+    # Just deploy the node that was supplied on the command line.
+    deploynode $NODE "${NODES[$NODE]}" $BRANCH
+  fi
+  set +x
+  echo
+  echo "Completed deploy, run 'installer.sh diagnostics' to verify the install"
+  ;;
+  loadconfig
+  set +u
+  declare LOCATION=$1
+  set -u
+  if ! which arvados-client; then
+    echo "arvados-client not found, install 'arvados-client' package with 'apt-get' or 'yum'"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  if [[ -z "$LOCATION" ]]; then
+    echo "Need to provide '-internal-client' or '-external-client'"
+    echo
+    echo "-internal-client    You are running this on the same private network as the Arvados cluster (e.g. on one of the Arvados nodes)"
+    echo "-external-client    You are running this outside the private network of the Arvados cluster (e.g. your workstation)"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  arvados-client diagnostics $LOCATION
+  ;;
+  echo "Arvados installer"
+  echo ""
+  echo "initialize        initialize the setup directory for configuration"
+  echo "terraform         create cloud resources using terraform"
+  echo "terraform-destroy destroy cloud resources created by terraform"
+  echo "generate-tokens   generate random values for tokens"
+  echo "deploy            deploy the configuration from the setup directory"
+  echo "diagnostics       check your install using diagnostics"
+  ;;

commit 371aed14aedb33ed2279a1decab6c6c310fca028
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>
Date:   Fri Aug 25 15:22:56 2023 -0300

    20889: Checks that cert files are present before trying to use them.
    Also, some documentation fixes.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>

diff --git a/doc/_includes/_multi_host_install_custom_certificates.liquid b/doc/_includes/_multi_host_install_custom_certificates.liquid
index eac40218cc..2d8bbfc806 100644
--- a/doc/_includes/_multi_host_install_custom_certificates.liquid
+++ b/doc/_includes/_multi_host_install_custom_certificates.liquid
@@ -20,14 +20,17 @@ Copy your certificates to the directory specified with the variable @CUSTOM_CERT
 The script expects cert/key files with these basenames (matching the role except for <i>keepweb</i>, which is split in both <i>download / collections</i>):
+# @balancer@         -- Optional on multi-node installations
+# @collections@      -- Part of keepweb, must be a wildcard for @*.collections.${DOMAIN}@
 # @controller@
-# @websocket@        -- note: corresponds to default domain @ws.${DOMAIN}@
-# @keepproxy@        -- note: corresponds to default domain @keep.${DOMAIN}@
 # @download@         -- Part of keepweb
-# @collections@      -- Part of keepweb, must be a wildcard for @*.collections.${DOMAIN}@
+# @grafana@          -- Service available by default on multi-node installations
+# @keepproxy@        -- Corresponds to default domain @keep.${DOMAIN}@
+# @prometheus@       -- Service available by default on multi-node installations
+# @webshell@
+# @websocket@        -- Corresponds to default domain @ws.${DOMAIN}@
 # @workbench@
 # @workbench2@
-# @webshell@
 For example, for the @keepproxy@ service the script will expect to find this certificate:
diff --git a/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid b/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid
index 81aa2ab099..697c95b82b 100644
--- a/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid
+++ b/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid
@@ -267,8 +267,8 @@ The @local.params.secrets@ file is intended to store security-sensitive data suc
 h3. Parameters from @local.params@:
-# Set @CLUSTER@ to the 5-character cluster identifier (e.g "xarv1")
-# Set @DOMAIN@ to the base DNS domain of the environment, e.g. "xarv1.example.com"
+# Set @CLUSTER@ to the 5-character cluster identifier. (e.g. "xarv1")
+# Set @DOMAIN@ to the base DNS domain of the environment. (e.g. "xarv1.example.com")
 # Set the @*_INT_IP@ variables with the internal (private) IP addresses of each host. Since services share hosts, some hosts are the same.  See "note about /etc/hosts":#etchosts
 # Edit @CLUSTER_INT_CIDR@, this should be the CIDR of the private network that Arvados is running on, e.g. the VPC.  If you used terraform, this is emitted as @cluster_int_cidr at .
 _CIDR stands for "Classless Inter-Domain Routing" and describes which portion of the IP address that refers to the network.  For example means that the first 24 bits are the network (192.168.3) and the last 8 bits are a specific host on that network._
@@ -342,11 +342,13 @@ Arvados requires a database that is compatible with PostgreSQL 9.5 or later.  Fo
-# In @local.params@, set @DATABASE_INT_IP@ to the database endpoint (can be a hostname, does not have to be an IP address).
+# In @local.params@, set @DATABASE_INT_IP@ to empty string and @DATABASE_EXTERNAL_SERVICE_HOST_OR_IP@ to the database endpoint (can be a hostname, does not have to be an IP address).
-# In @local.params@, set @DATABASE_PASSWORD@ to the correct value.  "See the previous section describing correct quoting":#localparams
-# In @local_config_dir/pillars/arvados.sls@ you may need to adjust the database name and user.  This can be found in the section @arvados.cluster.database at .
+# In @local.params.secrets@, set @DATABASE_PASSWORD@ to the correct value.  "See the previous section describing correct quoting":#localparams
+# In @local.params@ you may need to adjust the database name and user.
 h2(#further_customization). Further customization of the installation (optional)
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/installer.sh b/tools/salt-install/installer.sh
index a1e3841a3d..2ad002990e 100755
--- a/tools/salt-install/installer.sh
+++ b/tools/salt-install/installer.sh
@@ -139,6 +139,15 @@ deploynode() {
+checkcert() {
+	local CERTNAME=$1
+	local CERTPATH="${CONFIG_DIR}/certs/${CERTNAME}"
+	if [[ ! -f "${CERTPATH}.crt" || ! -e "${CERTPATH}.key" ]]; then
+		echo "Missing ${CERTPATH}.crt or ${CERTPATH}.key files"
+		exit 1
+	fi
 loadconfig() {
     if ! [[ -s ${CONFIG_FILE} && -s ${CONFIG_FILE}.secrets ]]; then
 		echo "Must be run from initialized setup dir, maybe you need to 'initialize' first?"
@@ -285,6 +294,38 @@ case "$subcmd" in
 	    exit 1
+	if [[ ${SSL_MODE} == "bring-your-own" ]]; then
+		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['balancer']:-}" ]]; then
+			checkcert balancer
+		fi
+		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['controller']:-}" ]]; then
+			checkcert controller
+		fi
+		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['keepproxy']:-}" ]]; then
+			checkcert keepproxy
+		fi
+		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['keepweb']:-}" ]]; then
+			checkcert collections
+			checkcert download
+		fi
+		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['monitoring']:-}" ]]; then
+			checkcert grafana
+			checkcert prometheus
+		fi
+		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['webshell']:-}" ]]; then
+			checkcert webshell
+		fi
+		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['websocket']:-}" ]]; then
+			checkcert websocket
+		fi
+		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['workbench']:-}" ]]; then
+			checkcert workbench
+		fi
+		if [[ ! -z "${ROLE2NODES['workbench2']:-}" ]]; then
+			checkcert workbench2
+		fi
+	fi
 	BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
 	set -x

commit b4e0af034e1454e39f3e7b2e38c5ed944d9fd1ba
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>
Date:   Fri Aug 25 10:30:11 2023 -0300

    20889: Fixes a bug when database & controller roles are on a single node.
    The database role gets handled first, so the controller node gets removed
    from the list and then when checking if multiple nodes were available, the
    code path for a single controller didn't checked if the node was already
    removed from the node list.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>

diff --git a/tools/salt-install/installer.sh b/tools/salt-install/installer.sh
index fe04047431..a1e3841a3d 100755
--- a/tools/salt-install/installer.sh
+++ b/tools/salt-install/installer.sh
@@ -338,10 +338,12 @@ case "$subcmd" in
-		# Only one controller
+		# Only one controller, check if it wasn't already taken care of.
-		deploynode $NODE "${NODES[$NODE]}" $BRANCH
-		unset NODES[$NODE]
+		if [[ ! -z "${NODES[$NODE]:-}" ]]; then
+			deploynode $NODE "${NODES[$NODE]}" $BRANCH
+			unset NODES[$NODE]
+		fi
 	    if [[ -n "$BALANCER" ]] ; then

commit ebeaa637c88e314feebea81037c4706467f1a090
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>
Date:   Thu Aug 24 18:47:26 2023 -0300

    20889: Allows customization on database name and user.
    Also, allows specifying external PG service for the single host cases.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>

diff --git a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/arvados.sls b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/arvados.sls
index 5fe2c0a6e9..84df363c2e 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/arvados.sls
+++ b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/arvados.sls
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
 {%- set max_workers = [_workers, 8]|max %}
 {%- set max_reqs = ("__CONTROLLER_MAX_QUEUED_REQUESTS__" or 128)|int %}
 {%- set database_host = ("__DATABASE_EXTERNAL_SERVICE_HOST_OR_IP__" or "__DATABASE_INT_IP__") %}
+{%- set database_name = "__DATABASE_NAME__" %}
+{%- set database_user = "__DATABASE_USER__" %}
+{%- set database_password = "__DATABASE_PASSWORD__" %}
 # The variables commented out are the default values that the formula uses.
 # The uncommented values are REQUIRED values. If you don't set them, running
@@ -73,10 +76,10 @@ arvados:
       # max concurrent connections per arvados server daemon
       # connection_pool_max: 32
-      name: __CLUSTER___arvados
+      name: {{ database_name }}
       host: {{ database_host }}
-      password: "__DATABASE_PASSWORD__"
-      user: __CLUSTER___arvados
+      password: {{ database_password }}
+      user: {{ database_user }}
       encoding: en_US.utf8
       client_encoding: UTF8
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/single_host/multiple_hostnames/pillars/arvados.sls b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/single_host/multiple_hostnames/pillars/arvados.sls
index 35544730ad..5883f19241 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/single_host/multiple_hostnames/pillars/arvados.sls
+++ b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/single_host/multiple_hostnames/pillars/arvados.sls
@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
+{%- set database_host = ("__DATABASE_EXTERNAL_SERVICE_HOST_OR_IP__" or "") %}
+{%- set database_name = "__DATABASE_NAME__" %}
+{%- set database_user = "__DATABASE_USER__" %}
+{%- set database_password = "__DATABASE_PASSWORD__" %}
 # The variables commented out are the default values that the formula uses.
 # The uncommented values are REQUIRED values. If you don't set them, running
 # this formula will fail.
@@ -65,10 +70,10 @@ arvados:
       # max concurrent connections per arvados server daemon
       # connection_pool_max: 32
-      name: __CLUSTER___arvados
-      host:
-      password: "__DATABASE_PASSWORD__"
-      user: __CLUSTER___arvados
+      name: {{ database_name }}
+      host: {{ database_host }}
+      password: {{ database_password }}
+      user: {{ database_user }}
         client_encoding: UTF8
       # Centos7 does not enable SSL by default, so we disable
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/single_host/single_hostname/pillars/arvados.sls b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/single_host/single_hostname/pillars/arvados.sls
index 10a9b79c94..e85b709c2c 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/single_host/single_hostname/pillars/arvados.sls
+++ b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/single_host/single_hostname/pillars/arvados.sls
@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
+{%- set database_host = ("__DATABASE_EXTERNAL_SERVICE_HOST_OR_IP__" or "") %}
+{%- set database_name = "__DATABASE_NAME__" %}
+{%- set database_user = "__DATABASE_USER__" %}
+{%- set database_password = "__DATABASE_PASSWORD__" %}
 # The variables commented out are the default values that the formula uses.
 # The uncommented values are REQUIRED values. If you don't set them, running
 # this formula will fail.
@@ -65,10 +70,10 @@ arvados:
       # max concurrent connections per arvados server daemon
       # connection_pool_max: 32
-      name: __CLUSTER___arvados
-      host:
-      password: "__DATABASE_PASSWORD__"
-      user: __CLUSTER___arvados
+      name: {{ database_name }}
+      host: {{ database_host }}
+      password: {{ database_password }}
+      user: {{ database_user }}
         client_encoding: UTF8
       # Centos7 does not enable SSL by default, so we disable
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts
index 63a51f7731..0cfae3e284 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts
+++ b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts
@@ -141,6 +141,8 @@ KEEP_INT_IP=${WORKBENCH1_INT_IP}
 # Set this if using an external PostgreSQL service.
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.single_host_multiple_hostnames b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.single_host_multiple_hostnames
index 551051939e..54da585d38 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.single_host_multiple_hostnames
+++ b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.single_host_multiple_hostnames
@@ -76,6 +76,11 @@ KEEP_INT_IP=""
+# Set this if using an external PostgreSQL service.
 # The directory to check for the config files (pillars, states) you want to use.
 # There are a few examples under 'config_examples'.
 # CONFIG_DIR="local_config_dir"
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.single_host_single_hostname b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.single_host_single_hostname
index ab0ee1be1b..d42b4cb54c 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.single_host_single_hostname
+++ b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.single_host_single_hostname
@@ -86,6 +86,11 @@ KEEP_INT_IP=""
+# Set this if using an external PostgreSQL service.
 # The directory to check for the config files (pillars, states) you want to use.
 # There are a few examples under 'config_examples'.
 # CONFIG_DIR="local_config_dir"
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/provision.sh b/tools/salt-install/provision.sh
index e76d3cc6ba..b44fc8b19b 100755
--- a/tools/salt-install/provision.sh
+++ b/tools/salt-install/provision.sh
@@ -175,7 +175,11 @@ apply_var_substitutions() {
+       s#__DATABASE_INT_IP__#${DATABASE_INT_IP:-}#g;
@@ -196,8 +200,6 @@ apply_var_substitutions() {
-       s#__DATABASE_INT_IP__#${DATABASE_INT_IP:-}#g;

commit 707c3f219b6cf7baea3f5d2960343dc637cb7a9f
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>
Date:   Thu Aug 24 18:05:10 2023 -0300

    20889: Allows configurable S3 bucket name and IAM profile for Keep backend.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>

diff --git a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/arvados.sls b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/arvados.sls
index 29d414cf5c..5fe2c0a6e9 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/arvados.sls
+++ b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/arvados.sls
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ arvados:
         Replication: 2
         Driver: S3
-          Bucket: __CLUSTER__-nyw5e-000000000000000-volume
-          IAMRole: __CLUSTER__-keepstore-00-iam-role
+          Bucket: __KEEP_AWS_S3_BUCKET__
+          IAMRole: __KEEP_AWS_IAM_ROLE__
           Region: __KEEP_AWS_REGION__
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts
index 1fc38fca4b..63a51f7731 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts
+++ b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts
@@ -53,8 +53,10 @@ COMPUTE_SUBNET="subnet_fixme_or_this_wont_work"
-# Keep S3 backend region
+# Keep S3 backend settings
 # If you going to provide your own certificates for Arvados, the provision script can
 # help you deploy them. In order to do that, you need to set `SSL_MODE=bring-your-own` above,
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/provision.sh b/tools/salt-install/provision.sh
index b2c5d71928..e76d3cc6ba 100755
--- a/tools/salt-install/provision.sh
+++ b/tools/salt-install/provision.sh
@@ -222,6 +222,8 @@ apply_var_substitutions() {
+       s#__KEEP_AWS_S3_BUCKET__#${KEEP_AWS_S3_BUCKET:-}#g;
+       s#__KEEP_AWS_IAM_ROLE__#${KEEP_AWS_IAM_ROLE:-}#g;
        s#__KEEP_AWS_REGION__#${KEEP_AWS_REGION:-}#g" \
   "${SRCFILE}" > "${DSTFILE}"

commit fcd1d0754f12f601967067ed1931d0d380f5a426
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>
Date:   Thu Aug 24 17:56:05 2023 -0300

    20889: Adds config handling of external database service.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>

diff --git a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/arvados.sls b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/arvados.sls
index 3017900880..29d414cf5c 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/arvados.sls
+++ b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/arvados.sls
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 {%- set _workers = ("__CONTROLLER_MAX_WORKERS__" or grains['num_cpus']*2)|int %}
 {%- set max_workers = [_workers, 8]|max %}
 {%- set max_reqs = ("__CONTROLLER_MAX_QUEUED_REQUESTS__" or 128)|int %}
+{%- set database_host = ("__DATABASE_EXTERNAL_SERVICE_HOST_OR_IP__" or "__DATABASE_INT_IP__") %}
 # The variables commented out are the default values that the formula uses.
 # The uncommented values are REQUIRED values. If you don't set them, running
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ arvados:
       # max concurrent connections per arvados server daemon
       # connection_pool_max: 32
       name: __CLUSTER___arvados
-      host: __DATABASE_INT_IP__
+      host: {{ database_host }}
       password: "__DATABASE_PASSWORD__"
       user: __CLUSTER___arvados
       encoding: en_US.utf8
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/prometheus_server.sls b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/prometheus_server.sls
index 70320d610c..26877f35df 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/prometheus_server.sls
+++ b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/prometheus_server.sls
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ prometheus:
                     instance: arvados-dispatch-cloud.__CLUSTER__
                     cluster: __CLUSTER__
+            {%- if "__DATABASE_INT_IP__" != "" %}
             # Database
             - job_name: postgresql
@@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ prometheus:
                     instance: database.__CLUSTER__
                     cluster: __CLUSTER__
+            {%- endif %}
             # Nodes
             {%- set node_list = "__NODELIST__".split(',') %}
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/states/host_entries.sls b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/states/host_entries.sls
index 68aeab3abb..42f492e811 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/states/host_entries.sls
+++ b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/states/host_entries.sls
@@ -8,12 +8,15 @@
 {%- set tpldir = curr_tpldir %}
 #CRUDE, but functional
+{%- if "__DATABASE_INT_IP__" != "" %}
     - ip: __DATABASE_INT_IP__
     - names:
       - db.{{ arvados.cluster.name }}.{{ arvados.cluster.domain }}
       - database.{{ arvados.cluster.name }}.{{ arvados.cluster.domain }}
+{%- endif %}
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts
index 0cf52c7343..1fc38fca4b 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts
+++ b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts
@@ -139,6 +139,9 @@ KEEP_INT_IP=${WORKBENCH1_INT_IP}
+# Set this if using an external PostgreSQL service.
 # Performance tuning parameters.  If these are not set, workers
 # defaults on the number of cpus and queued requests defaults to 128.
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/provision.sh b/tools/salt-install/provision.sh
index ea98fdec33..b2c5d71928 100755
--- a/tools/salt-install/provision.sh
+++ b/tools/salt-install/provision.sh
@@ -196,7 +196,8 @@ apply_var_substitutions() {
+       s#__DATABASE_INT_IP__#${DATABASE_INT_IP:-}#g;

commit 45f934ab9b1d0b6b9ce1797aa37660c28d5b114c
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>
Date:   Thu Aug 24 17:35:39 2023 -0300

    20889: Removes unnecessary documentation about rolling upgrades.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>

diff --git a/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid b/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid
index cad0675449..81aa2ab099 100644
--- a/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid
+++ b/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0
 # "Initial user and login":#initial_user
 # "Monitoring and Metrics":#monitoring
 # "Load balancing controllers":#load_balancing
-## "Rolling upgrades procedure":#rolling-upgrades
 # "After the installation":#post_install
 h2(#introduction). Introduction
@@ -520,57 +519,9 @@ Once the infrastructure is deployed, you'll then need to define which node will
-Note that we also set the @database@ role to its own node.
+Note that we also set the @database@ role to its own node instead of just leaving it in a shared controller node.
-h3(#rolling-upgrades). Rolling upgrades procedure
-Once you have more than one controller backend node, it's easy to take one at a time from the backend pool to upgrade it to a newer version of Arvados (which might involve applying database migrations) by adding its name to the @DISABLED_CONTROLLER@ variable in @local.params at . For example:
-Then, apply the configuration change to just the load-balancer:
-<pre><code class="userinput">./installer.sh deploy controller.xarv1.example.com</code></pre>
-This will allow you to do the necessary changes to the @controller1@ node without service disruption, as it will not be receiving any traffic until you remove it from the @DISABLED_CONTROLLER@ variable.
-Next step is applying the @deploy@ command to @controller1@:
-<pre><code class="userinput">./installer.sh deploy controller1.xarv1.example.com</code></pre>
-After that, disable the other controller node by editing @local.params@:
-...applying the changes on the balancer node:
-<pre><code class="userinput">./installer.sh deploy controller.xarv1.example.com</code></pre>
-Then, deploy the changes to the recently disabled @controller2@ node:
-<pre><code class="userinput">./installer.sh deploy controller2.xarv1.example.com</code></pre>
-This won't cause a service interruption because the load balancer is already routing all traffic to the othe @controller1@ node.
-And the last step is enabling both controller nodes by making the following change to @local.params@:
-...and running:
-<pre><code class="userinput">./installer.sh deploy controller.xarv1.example.com</code></pre>
-This should get all your @controller@ nodes correctly upgraded, and you can continue executing the @deploy@ command with the rest of the nodes individually, or just run:
-<pre><code class="userinput">./installer.sh deploy</code></pre>
-Only the nodes with pending changes might require certain services to be restarted. In this example, the @workbench@ node will have the remaining Arvados services upgraded and restarted. However, these services are not as critical as the ones on the @controller@ nodes.
+Each time you run @installer.sh deploy@, the system will automatically do rolling upgrades. This means it will make changes to one controller node at a time, after removing it from the balancer so that there's no downtime.
 h2(#post_install). After the installation

commit e52080d58838ddb5b1c157113e8a4876db7ba924
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>
Date:   Thu Aug 24 16:31:45 2023 -0300

    20889: Removes DISABLED_CONTROLLER from the user-editable local.params file.
    As the rolling upgrade procedure is done automatically, this is not needed
    and could cause confusion by being on local.params
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>

diff --git a/tools/salt-install/common.sh b/tools/salt-install/common.sh
index 215fb50ecb..7036e116c9 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/common.sh
+++ b/tools/salt-install/common.sh
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ else
 # Comma-separated list of nodes. This is used to dynamically adjust
 # salt pillars.
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts
index 26cd16ed57..0cf52c7343 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts
+++ b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts
@@ -139,11 +139,6 @@ KEEP_INT_IP=${WORKBENCH1_INT_IP}
-# In a load balanced deployment, you can do rolling upgrades by specifying one
-# controller node name at a time, so that it gets removed from the pool and can
-# be upgraded.
 # Performance tuning parameters.  If these are not set, workers
 # defaults on the number of cpus and queued requests defaults to 128.
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.single_host_multiple_hostnames b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.single_host_multiple_hostnames
index fc48bb76cc..551051939e 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.single_host_multiple_hostnames
+++ b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.single_host_multiple_hostnames
@@ -76,8 +76,6 @@ KEEP_INT_IP=""
 # The directory to check for the config files (pillars, states) you want to use.
 # There are a few examples under 'config_examples'.
 # CONFIG_DIR="local_config_dir"
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.single_host_single_hostname b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.single_host_single_hostname
index 30f97de29d..ab0ee1be1b 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.single_host_single_hostname
+++ b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.single_host_single_hostname
@@ -86,8 +86,6 @@ KEEP_INT_IP=""
 # The directory to check for the config files (pillars, states) you want to use.
 # There are a few examples under 'config_examples'.
 # CONFIG_DIR="local_config_dir"

commit c32f2129960b060195b773f19d8582f1c693953d
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>
Date:   Thu Aug 24 16:07:41 2023 -0300

    20889: Sets default values for environment variables.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>

diff --git a/tools/salt-install/common.sh b/tools/salt-install/common.sh
index 0c5dd50e6c..215fb50ecb 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/common.sh
+++ b/tools/salt-install/common.sh
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ else
   exit 1
 # Comma-separated list of nodes. This is used to dynamically adjust
 # salt pillars.
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/provision.sh b/tools/salt-install/provision.sh
index 3a5662beda..ea98fdec33 100755
--- a/tools/salt-install/provision.sh
+++ b/tools/salt-install/provision.sh
@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ apply_var_substitutions() {
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ echo "...arvados"
 test -d arvados || git clone --quiet https://git.arvados.org/arvados-formula.git ${F_DIR}/arvados
 # If we want to try a specific branch of the formula
-if [ "x${BRANCH:-}" != "xmain" ]; then
+if [[ ! -z "${BRANCH:-}" && "x${BRANCH}" != "xmain" ]]; then
   ( cd ${F_DIR}/arvados && git checkout --quiet -t origin/"${BRANCH}" -b "${BRANCH}" )
 elif [ "x${ARVADOS_TAG:-}" != "x" ]; then
   ( cd ${F_DIR}/arvados && git checkout --quiet tags/"${ARVADOS_TAG}" -b "${ARVADOS_TAG}" )

commit b87f98819a9d71c55ab8b4512f5feb8c604f6921
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>
Date:   Thu Aug 24 15:36:27 2023 -0300

    20889: Adds configurable data retention parameter for Prometheus.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>

diff --git a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/prometheus_server.sls b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/prometheus_server.sls
index 9952e3bbc4..70320d610c 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/prometheus_server.sls
+++ b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/prometheus_server.sls
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 {%- set controller_nodes = "__CONTROLLER_NODES__".split(',') %}
 {%- set enable_balancer = ("__ENABLE_BALANCER__"|to_bool) %}
+{%- set data_retention_time = "__PROMETHEUS_DATA_RETENTION_TIME__" %}
@@ -18,6 +19,9 @@ prometheus:
     use_upstream_archive: true
+        service:
+           args:
+             storage.tsdb.retention.time: {{ data_retention_time }}
             scrape_interval: 15s
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts
index 5d4ebdc1d5..26cd16ed57 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts
+++ b/tools/salt-install/local.params.example.multiple_hosts
@@ -89,9 +89,14 @@ SSL_KEY_AWS_REGION="${AWS_REGION}"
 # Customize Prometheus & Grafana web UI access credentials
 # Sets the directory for Grafana dashboards
 # GRAFANA_DASHBOARDS_DIR="${SCRIPT_DIR}/local_config_dir/dashboards"
+# Sets the amount of data (expressed in time) Prometheus keeps on its
+# time-series database. Default is 15 days.
 # The mapping of nodes to roles
 # installer.sh will log in to each of these nodes and then provision
 # it for the specified roles.
diff --git a/tools/salt-install/provision.sh b/tools/salt-install/provision.sh
index 5dd40dd76c..3a5662beda 100755
--- a/tools/salt-install/provision.sh
+++ b/tools/salt-install/provision.sh
@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ apply_var_substitutions() {

commit fe79ab0df1b03383c52283a3dcd37020bebd08cb
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>
Date:   Wed Aug 23 17:27:21 2023 -0300

    20889: Install Prometheus server from archives instead of package repo.
    This avoids some incompatibilities (at least on Ubuntu 20.04) with grafana.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>

diff --git a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/prometheus_server.sls b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/prometheus_server.sls
index 6dc90c840b..9952e3bbc4 100644
--- a/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/prometheus_server.sls
+++ b/tools/salt-install/config_examples/multi_host/aws/pillars/prometheus_server.sls
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ prometheus:
       - alertmanager
       - node_exporter
-    use_upstream_repo: true
+    use_upstream_repo: false
+    use_upstream_archive: true



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