[arvados-workbench2] created: 2.6.0

git repository hosting git at public.arvados.org
Thu Apr 6 18:31:43 UTC 2023

        at  86f1afd5f8c2caf0e0afd2ab4583d76d34877953 (tag)
   tagging  79a73de39b4d0553e92bce2539c5b2b1806ef68d (commit)
  replaces  2.5.0
 tagged by  Peter Amstutz
        on  Thu Apr 6 14:31:16 2023 -0400

Release notes at https://arvados.org/release-notes/2.6.0/

Daniel KutyƂa (23):
      18368: initial impl
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into 18368-notification-banner
      Merge branch 'main' into 18368-notification-banner
      18368: Notification banner first implementation
      19836: inital tooltip idea
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into 19836-new-tooltip-impl
      Merge branch '18368-notification-banner' into 19836-new-tooltip-impl
      19836: Cypress tests added
      Merge branch '18368-notification-banner' into main
      Merge branch 'main' into 19836-new-tooltip-impl
      19836: Added missing package.json file
      19836: Added security state check
      19836: Wait before login to get config
      19836: Wait before login to get config
      19836: removed host from the interceptor
      19836: Change test setup
      19836: Change test
      19836: Change test
      Merge branch '19836-upload-binary-mode' into main
      200085: Fix for sharing dialog
      200085: Fix for sharing dialog, clear on blur
      200085: Added changes to share dialog layout
      Merge branch '20085-Sharing-Dialog-Form-Validation-Error-fix' into main

Lucas Di Pentima (12):
      19865: Ignores /public/_health/ dir.
      19865: Adds integration test exposing the bug.
      19865: Sets the input search component to clear on route change.
      19865: Fixes linter warnings.
      19865: Fixes code indentation.
      19865: Adds search value reset action to DataExplorer.
      19865: Reset search values on panel loading.
      Merge branch '19865-search-clearing-fix'. Closes #19865.
      Removes the ".only()" call to one Cypress test. Refs #18834
      Merge branch '18834-cypress-test-fix'. Refs #18834
      19836: Test tweaking.
      19836: Updates yarn.lock with newly added deps.

Peter Amstutz (32):
      19294: Use c= URLs instead of by_id URLs when wildcard isn't available
      Merge branch '19294-wb2-webdav-url' refs #19294
      19482: Initial commit.  Input/output/collection cards work
      19482: Fix styling, add git metadata properties
      19482: Fix context menu, breadcrumbs
      19482: Cypress tests WIP
      19482: Tests should be passing now
      19482: Fix tests
      19482: Use CardHeader/CardContent for more consistent styling
      19899: Use "Cache-Control: no-cache" in request instead of must-revalidate
      Merge branch '19899-cache-control-fix' refs #19899
      Merge branch 'main' into 19482-wf-panel refs #19482
      19482: Breadcrumbs almost work right
      19482: Fix breadcrumbs to display properly when directly navigating
      19482: Fix flaky tests
      19482: Fix more flaky tests
      Merge branch '19482-wf-panel' refs #19482
      19295: Add "Reused" state to container status display
      19295: Add "Cancelling" state.
      19295: Adjust type filter defaults
      Merge branch '19295-reused' refs #19295
      Fix tests refs #19295
      20085: Moving the (+) button trying to restyle it
      20085: Almost works, needs to save on change to share/public/private
      20085: Make the public/private/shared dropdown save on change
      20085: Sharing dialog immediately saves changes
      20085: Fix quirky behavior when removing share with public/all users row
      20085: Fix tests
      Merge branch '20085-Sharing-Dialog-Form-Validation-Error' refs #20085
      20306: Reworked dialog layout to hopefully be less confusing
      20306: Revert sharing dialog to 'sm' width
      Merge branch '20306-sharing-dialog' refs #20306

Stephen Smith (80):
      19900: Don't dispay errors when fetching process output collection, container, or runtime user
      15557: Add start workflow button when container request is uncommitted
      15557: Remove broken re0run functionality and rename process copy to better reflect behavior
      15557: Improve error handling and resposiveness when starting copied workflows
      15557: Fix group manage tests
      15557: Fix group manage tests
      19715: Add preserve url location flag to logout action - set to true for autologout
      19715: Fix unit test
      19715: Preserve current url when api returns auth error
      19715: Add test for preserving url location on auth invalidation
      Merge branch '19715-preserve-url-autologout' into main. Closes #19715
      15557: Fix extraneous subprocesses on draft process subprocess panel
      15557: Sort copied process fields
      15557: Increase tree picker default height for dialog
      15557: Correct list of copied process properties, set priority to 500 when copying.
      15557: Restyle process run to button
      19275: Display unknown process status badge when container not loaded yet
      19273: Fix list queries not mapping keys to camelcase when showErrors is false
      19273: Request contaner details for process status badge on search results
      19900: Add try/catch for any errors loading supplemental process info
      19900: Catch exceptions loading process container request
      19294: Display first/last on participant select chips
      Merge branch '19900-process-404-handling' into main. Closes #19900
      15557: Navigate to new process after copying for re-run
      19273: Avoid requesting search result container request details when no processes in results
      Merge branch '19273-process-status-badge' into main. Closes #19273
      15557: Add unit test for copy process copied fields
      15557: Add cypress test for copy process
      19294: Add tooltip to participant select chip with username/email/uuid
      19294: Fix autocomplete component chip tooltip edge case
      Merge branch '15557-rerun-workflow' into main. Closes #15557
      19294: Only show cluster id part of uuid in participant select chip tooltip
      Merge branch '19294-sharing-dialog-overflow' into main. Closes #19294
      20000: Show process cancel on queued processes but only if priority > 0
      20000: Correctly show process cancel on locked containers
      20000: Add run button to resume cancelled processes (priority 0)
      20000: Use default button color for process run button
      20000: Add test for process cancel button, rename Run Process to Run
      20000: Refresh container record after cancel or resume to reduce flickering
      20000: Hide run button when container is running or cancelled even when priority=0
      20000: Change process cancel button to button style
      20000: Try to improve cypress reliability
      20000: Cypress use specific selectors
      20000: Move process action checks into helper functions
      Merge branch '20000-process-cancel-button' into main. Closes #20000
      19908: Add optional required flag for project input, make not required for advanced search
      Merge branch '19908-advanced-search-project-filter' into main. Closes #19908
      19988: Add resource type param to DataColumn to enable type-checked arbitrary field sorting
      19988: Update unit tests
      19988: Refactor getOrder into data explorer middleware when no order prefixes are used
      19988: Add cypress test for project data explorer sort field names
      Merge branch '19988-data-explorer-sorting' into main. Closes #19988
      19930: Check if richtext project description contains text to omit saving empty html tags
      19930: Add cypress tests for whitespace project descriptions
      19930: Fix project cypress test
      Merge branch '19930-saving-empty-project-descriptions' into main. Closes #19930
      19899: Expand collection webdav refresh tests
      19899: Change webdav default config field to private, add getters and setters to prevent accidentally overwriting headers
      19899: Remove webdav cache disable from cypress config to properly test cache-control header cache-busting
      19899: Unit test webdav requests for cache-control must-revalidate
      Merge branch '19899-webdav-cache-control' into main. Closes #19899
      20029: Add collection batch file delete/copy/move and unit tests
      20029: Refactor replaceFiles operations
      20029: Fix test
      20029: Fix file remove context menu passing collection uuid with file path to delete method
      20029: Rename empty collection pdh constant & remove unnecessary unit test
      20029: Actually remove unneeded test this time
      Merge branch '20029-collection-batch-file-operations' into main. Closes #20029 and Closes #20030
      19969: Pass required prop to generic input to allow disabling required asterisk on non-required fields
      19969: Fix required condition on project input, make required prop required
      Merge branch '19969-advanced-search-project-field' into main. Closes #19969
      20251: Increase/set containers list request to match count of requested container details (= dataExplorer pagination size)
      20251: Deduplicate container UUIDs before fetching missing process info
      Merge branch 'main' of git.arvados.org:arvados-workbench2 into 20251-subprocess-panel-container-details-bug
      20251: Try to improve flaky clipboard test
      20251: Fix flaky collection file browser by using race-free state update callback
      Merge branch '20251-subprocess-panel-container-details-bug' into main. Closes #20251
      20252: Avoid clearing subprocess data explorer when refreshing process panel
      20252: Clean up imports
      Merge branch '20252-subprocess-panel-refresh-bug' into main. Closes #20252



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