[ARVADOS] updated: 2.1.0-2153-g9ed617606

Git user git at public.arvados.org
Fri Mar 25 18:19:52 UTC 2022

Summary of changes:
 .../app/controllers/arvados/v1/links_controller.rb |  44 +++--
 services/api/test/integration/permissions_test.rb  | 190 ++++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)

       via  9ed6176060dfe4a7cd477c201d6a1323f9489664 (commit)
       via  8cb3621c299dced53af49d51a4de2a9a10d82bb8 (commit)
      from  66ed4f9aff314ab3f65d6481a0e28a645d597430 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit 9ed6176060dfe4a7cd477c201d6a1323f9489664
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 25 14:19:15 2022 -0400

    18865: Test perm links to workflows and container_requests, too.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>

diff --git a/services/api/test/integration/permissions_test.rb b/services/api/test/integration/permissions_test.rb
index a5e04165e..65f5adc1d 100644
--- a/services/api/test/integration/permissions_test.rb
+++ b/services/api/test/integration/permissions_test.rb
@@ -454,9 +454,9 @@ class PermissionsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
       headers: auth(:active)
     assert_response :success
-    ### Create a collection inside a subproject inside the shared
-    ### project, and share the collection with a 3rd user
-    ### ("spectator").
+    ### Create some objects of different types (other than projects)
+    ### inside a subproject inside the shared project, and share those
+    ### individual objects with a 3rd user ("spectator").
     post '/arvados/v1/groups',
          params: {
            group: {
@@ -469,72 +469,91 @@ class PermissionsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
     assert_response :success
     subproject_uuid = json_response['uuid']
-    post '/arvados/v1/collections',
-         params: {
-           collection: {
-             owner_uuid: subproject_uuid,
-             name: 'permission test collection in subproject',
+    test_types = ['collection', 'workflow', 'container_request']
+    test_type_create_attrs = {
+      'container_request' => {
+        command: ["echo", "foo"],
+        container_image: links(:docker_image_collection_tag).name,
+        cwd: "/tmp",
+        environment: {},
+        mounts: {"/out" => {kind: "tmp", capacity: 1000000}},
+        output_path: "/out",
+        runtime_constraints: {"vcpus" => 1, "ram" => 2},
+      },
+    }
+    test_object = {}
+    test_object_perm_link = {}
+    test_types.each do |test_type|
+      post "/arvados/v1/#{test_type}s",
+           params: {
+             test_type.to_sym => {
+               owner_uuid: subproject_uuid,
+               name: "permission test #{test_type} in subproject",
+             }.merge(test_type_create_attrs[test_type] || {}).to_json,
-         },
-         headers: auth(:admin)
-    assert_response :success
-    collection_uuid = json_response['uuid']
-    post '/arvados/v1/links',
-         params: {
-           link: {
-             tail_uuid: users(:spectator).uuid,
-             link_class: 'permission',
-             name: 'can_read',
-             head_uuid: collection_uuid,
-           }
-         },
-         headers: auth(:admin)
-    assert_response :success
-    can_read_collection_uuid = json_response['uuid']
+           headers: auth(:admin)
+      assert_response :success
+      test_object[test_type] = json_response
+      post '/arvados/v1/links',
+           params: {
+             link: {
+               tail_uuid: users(:spectator).uuid,
+               link_class: 'permission',
+               name: 'can_read',
+               head_uuid: test_object[test_type]['uuid'],
+             }
+           },
+           headers: auth(:admin)
+      assert_response :success
+      test_object_perm_link[test_type] = json_response
+    end
     # The "active-can_manage-project" permission should cause the
-    # "spectator-can_read-collection" link to be visible to the
-    # "active" user.
-    get "/arvados/v1/permissions/#{collection_uuid}",
-      headers: auth(:active)
-    assert_response :success
-    perm_uuids = json_response['items'].map { |item| item['uuid'] }
-    assert_includes perm_uuids, can_read_collection_uuid, "can_read_uuid not found"
-    get "/arvados/v1/links/#{can_read_collection_uuid}",
-      headers: auth(:active)
-    assert_response :success
-    [
-      ['head_uuid', '=', collection_uuid],
-      ['head_uuid', 'in', [collection_uuid]],
-      ['head_uuid', 'in', [users(:admin).uuid, collection_uuid]],
-    ].each do |filter|
-      get "/arvados/v1/links",
-          params: {
-            filters: ([['link_class', '=', 'permission'], filter]).to_json,
-          },
+    # "spectator-can_read-object" links to be visible to the "active"
+    # user.
+    test_types.each do |test_type|
+      get "/arvados/v1/permissions/#{test_object[test_type]['uuid']}",
           headers: auth(:active)
       assert_response :success
-      assert_not_empty json_response['items'], "could not find can_read link using index with filter #{filter}"
-      assert_equal can_read_collection_uuid, json_response['items'][0]['uuid']
-    end
+      perm_uuids = json_response['items'].map { |item| item['uuid'] }
+      assert_includes perm_uuids, test_object_perm_link[test_type]['uuid'], "can_read_uuid not found"
-    # The "spectator-can_read-collection" link should be visible to
-    # the subject user ("spectator") in a filter query, even without
-    # can_manage permission on the target object.
-    [
-      ['tail_uuid', '=', users(:spectator).uuid],
-    ].each do |filter|
-      get "/arvados/v1/links",
-          params: {
-            filters: ([['link_class', '=', 'permission'], filter]).to_json,
-          },
-          headers: auth(:spectator)
+      get "/arvados/v1/links/#{test_object_perm_link[test_type]['uuid']}",
+          headers: auth(:active)
       assert_response :success
-      perm_uuids = json_response['items'].map { |item| item['uuid'] }
-      assert_includes perm_uuids, can_read_collection_uuid, "could not find can_read link using index with filter #{filter}"
+      [
+        ['head_uuid', '=', test_object[test_type]['uuid']],
+        ['head_uuid', 'in', [test_object[test_type]['uuid']]],
+        ['head_uuid', 'in', [users(:admin).uuid, test_object[test_type]['uuid']]],
+      ].each do |filter|
+        get "/arvados/v1/links",
+            params: {
+              filters: ([['link_class', '=', 'permission'], filter]).to_json,
+            },
+            headers: auth(:active)
+        assert_response :success
+        assert_not_empty json_response['items'], "could not find can_read link using index with filter #{filter}"
+        assert_equal test_object_perm_link[test_type]['uuid'], json_response['items'][0]['uuid']
+      end
+      # The "spectator-can_read-object" link should be visible to the
+      # subject user ("spectator") in a filter query, even without
+      # can_manage permission on the target object.
+      [
+        ['tail_uuid', '=', users(:spectator).uuid],
+      ].each do |filter|
+        get "/arvados/v1/links",
+            params: {
+              filters: ([['link_class', '=', 'permission'], filter]).to_json,
+            },
+            headers: auth(:spectator)
+        assert_response :success
+        perm_uuids = json_response['items'].map { |item| item['uuid'] }
+        assert_includes perm_uuids, test_object_perm_link[test_type]['uuid'], "could not find can_read link using index with filter #{filter}"
+      end
     ### Now delete the can_manage link
@@ -543,45 +562,48 @@ class PermissionsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
     assert_response :success
     # Should not be able read these permission links again
-    get "/arvados/v1/permissions/#{groups(:public).uuid}",
-      headers: auth(:active)
-    assert_response 404
-    get "/arvados/v1/permissions/#{collection_uuid}",
-      headers: auth(:active)
-    assert_response 404
+    test_types.each do |test_type|
+      get "/arvados/v1/permissions/#{groups(:public).uuid}",
+          headers: auth(:active)
+      assert_response 404
-    get "/arvados/v1/links",
-      params: {
-        filters: [["link_class", "=", "permission"], ["head_uuid", "=", groups(:public).uuid]].to_json
-      },
-      headers: auth(:active)
-    assert_response :success
-    assert_equal [], json_response['items']
+      get "/arvados/v1/permissions/#{test_object[test_type]['uuid']}",
+          headers: auth(:active)
+      assert_response 404
-    [
-      ['head_uuid', '=', collection_uuid],
-      ['head_uuid', 'in', [users(:admin).uuid, collection_uuid]],
-      ['head_uuid', 'in', []],
-    ].each do |filter|
       get "/arvados/v1/links",
           params: {
-            :filters => [["link_class", "=", "permission"], filter].to_json
+            filters: [["link_class", "=", "permission"], ["head_uuid", "=", groups(:public).uuid]].to_json
           headers: auth(:active)
       assert_response :success
       assert_equal [], json_response['items']
-    end
-    # Should not be able to read links directly either
-    get "/arvados/v1/links/#{can_read_uuid}",
-      params: {},
-      headers: auth(:active)
-    assert_response 404
+      [
+        ['head_uuid', '=', test_object[test_type]['uuid']],
+        ['head_uuid', 'in', [users(:admin).uuid, test_object[test_type]['uuid']]],
+        ['head_uuid', 'in', []],
+      ].each do |filter|
+        get "/arvados/v1/links",
+            params: {
+              :filters => [["link_class", "=", "permission"], filter].to_json
+            },
+            headers: auth(:active)
+        assert_response :success
+        assert_equal [], json_response['items']
+      end
-    get "/arvados/v1/links/#{can_read_collection_uuid}",
-        headers: auth(:active)
-    assert_response 404
+      # Should not be able to read links directly either
+      get "/arvados/v1/links/#{can_read_uuid}",
+          headers: auth(:active)
+      assert_response 404
+      test_types.each do |test_type|
+        get "/arvados/v1/links/#{test_object_perm_link[test_type]['uuid']}",
+            headers: auth(:active)
+        assert_response 404
+      end
+    end
     ### Create a collection, and share it with a direct permission
     ### link (as opposed to sharing its parent project)

commit 8cb3621c299dced53af49d51a4de2a9a10d82bb8
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 25 12:03:23 2022 -0400

    18865: Support "permission links with me as tail_uuid" query.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>

diff --git a/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/links_controller.rb b/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/links_controller.rb
index e20b8a41e..14e010640 100644
--- a/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/links_controller.rb
+++ b/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/links_controller.rb
@@ -49,15 +49,18 @@ class Arvados::V1::LinksController < ApplicationController
         .where(uuid: params[:uuid])
     elsif !current_user
-      @object = nil
+      super
       # The usual permission-filtering index query is unnecessarily
-      # inefficient, and doesn't match all links that should be
-      # visible (see #18865).  Instead, we look up the link by UUID,
-      # then check whether (a) its tail_uuid is the current user or
-      # (b) its head_uuid is an object the current_user can_manage.
+      # inefficient, and doesn't match all permission links that
+      # should be visible (see #18865).  Instead, we look up the link
+      # by UUID, then check whether (a) its tail_uuid is the current
+      # user or (b) its head_uuid is an object the current_user
+      # can_manage.
       @object = Link.unscoped.where(uuid: params[:uuid]).first
-      if @object &&
+      if @object.link_class != 'permission'
+        super
+      elsif @object &&
          current_user.uuid != @object.tail_uuid &&
          !current_user.can?(manage: @object.head_uuid)
         @object = nil
@@ -102,19 +105,26 @@ class Arvados::V1::LinksController < ApplicationController
-    # If filtering by one or more head_uuid, and the current user has
-    # manage permission on those uuids, bypass the normal readable_by
-    # query (which doesn't match all can_manage-able items, see
-    # #18865) -- just rely on the head_uuid filters.
-    @filters.map do |k|
-      if k[0] == 'head_uuid'
-        if k[1] == '=' && current_user.can?(manage: k[2])
+    # If the provided filters are enough to limit the results to
+    # permission links with specific head_uuids or
+    # tail_uuid=current_user, bypass the normal readable_by query
+    # (which doesn't match all can_manage-able items, see #18865) --
+    # just ensure the current user actually has can_manage permission
+    # for the provided head_uuids, removing any that don't. At that
+    # point the caller's filters are an effective permission filter.
+    if @filters.include?(['link_class', '=', 'permission'])
+      @filters.map do |k|
+        if k[0] == 'tail_uuid' && k[1] == '=' && k[2] == current_user.uuid
           @objects = Link.unscoped
-        elsif k[1] == 'in'
-          k[2].select! do |head_uuid|
-            current_user.can?(manage: head_uuid)
+        elsif k[0] == 'head_uuid'
+          if k[1] == '=' && current_user.can?(manage: k[2])
+            @objects = Link.unscoped
+          elsif k[1] == 'in'
+            k[2].select! do |head_uuid|
+              current_user.can?(manage: head_uuid)
+            end
+            @objects = Link.unscoped
-          @objects = Link.unscoped
diff --git a/services/api/test/integration/permissions_test.rb b/services/api/test/integration/permissions_test.rb
index 7502f70e3..a5e04165e 100644
--- a/services/api/test/integration/permissions_test.rb
+++ b/services/api/test/integration/permissions_test.rb
@@ -521,6 +521,22 @@ class PermissionsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
       assert_equal can_read_collection_uuid, json_response['items'][0]['uuid']
+    # The "spectator-can_read-collection" link should be visible to
+    # the subject user ("spectator") in a filter query, even without
+    # can_manage permission on the target object.
+    [
+      ['tail_uuid', '=', users(:spectator).uuid],
+    ].each do |filter|
+      get "/arvados/v1/links",
+          params: {
+            filters: ([['link_class', '=', 'permission'], filter]).to_json,
+          },
+          headers: auth(:spectator)
+      assert_response :success
+      perm_uuids = json_response['items'].map { |item| item['uuid'] }
+      assert_includes perm_uuids, can_read_collection_uuid, "could not find can_read link using index with filter #{filter}"
+    end
     ### Now delete the can_manage link
     delete "/arvados/v1/links/#{can_manage_uuid}",
       headers: auth(:active)



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