[arvados-workbench2] created: 2.4.0-129-ge1e17729

git repository hosting git at public.arvados.org
Wed Jun 8 18:41:57 UTC 2022

        at  e1e17729d024637f9f3392611c9a59dc31e5db23 (commit)

commit e1e17729d024637f9f3392611c9a59dc31e5db23
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>
Date:   Wed Jun 8 15:26:18 2022 -0300

    19177: Hides 'Sharing URLs' tab from Sharing dialog when configured to do so.
    Also, adds some unit testing on the sharing dialog component, because testing
    this on Cypress would require to reconfigure the backend, making other tests
    to fail.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <lucas.dipentima at curii.com>

diff --git a/src/common/config.ts b/src/common/config.ts
index 2518c95e..2954d704 100644
--- a/src/common/config.ts
+++ b/src/common/config.ts
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ export interface ClusterConfigJSON {
     Workbench: {
+        DisableSharingURLsUI: boolean;
         ArvadosDocsite: string;
         FileViewersConfigURL: string;
         WelcomePageHTML: string;
@@ -233,6 +234,7 @@ export const mockClusterConfigJSON = (config: Partial<ClusterConfigJSON>): Clust
         WebShell: { ExternalURL: "" },
     Workbench: {
+        DisableSharingURLsUI: false,
         ArvadosDocsite: "",
         FileViewersConfigURL: "",
         WelcomePageHTML: "",
diff --git a/src/store/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog-actions.ts b/src/store/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog-actions.ts
index 367eea81..cdc6c0c7 100644
--- a/src/store/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog-actions.ts
+++ b/src/store/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog-actions.ts
@@ -118,13 +118,14 @@ export const deleteSharingToken = (uuid: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, g
 const loadSharingDialog = async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, { apiClientAuthorizationService }: ServiceRepository) => {
     const dialog = getDialog<SharingDialogData>(getState().dialog, SHARING_DIALOG_NAME);
+    const sharingURLsDisabled = getState().auth.config.clusterConfig.Workbench.DisableSharingURLsUI;
     if (dialog) {
         try {
             const resourceUuid = dialog.data.resourceUuid;
             await dispatch<any>(initializeManagementForm);
             // For collections, we need to load the public sharing tokens
-            if (extractUuidObjectType(resourceUuid) === ResourceObjectType.COLLECTION) {
+            if (!sharingURLsDisabled && extractUuidObjectType(resourceUuid) === ResourceObjectType.COLLECTION) {
                 const sharingTokens = await apiClientAuthorizationService.listCollectionSharingTokens(resourceUuid);
diff --git a/src/views-components/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog-component.test.tsx b/src/views-components/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog-component.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36447a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views-components/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog-component.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
+import React from 'react';
+import { mount, configure } from 'enzyme';
+import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';
+import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
+import { combineReducers, createStore } from 'redux';
+import SharingDialogComponent, {
+    SharingDialogComponentProps,
+} from './sharing-dialog-component';
+import {
+    extractUuidObjectType,
+    ResourceObjectType
+} from 'models/resource';
+configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
+describe("<SharingDialogComponent />", () => {
+    let props: SharingDialogComponentProps;
+    let store;
+    beforeEach(() => {
+        const initialAuthState = {
+            config: {
+                keepWebServiceUrl: 'http://example.com/',
+                keepWebInlineServiceUrl: 'http://*.collections.example.com/',
+            }
+        }
+        store = createStore(combineReducers({
+            auth: (state: any = initialAuthState, action: any) => state,
+        }));
+        props = {
+            open: true,
+            loading: false,
+            saveEnabled: false,
+            sharedResourceUuid: 'zzzzz-4zz18-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz',
+            privateAccess: true,
+            sharingURLsNr: 2,
+            sharingURLsDisabled: false,
+            onClose: jest.fn(),
+            onSave: jest.fn(),
+            onCreateSharingToken: jest.fn(),
+            refreshPermissions: jest.fn(),
+        };
+    });
+    it("show sharing urls tab on collections when not disabled", () => {
+        expect(props.sharingURLsDisabled).toBe(false);
+        expect(props.sharingURLsNr).toBe(2);
+        expect(extractUuidObjectType(props.sharedResourceUuid) === ResourceObjectType.COLLECTION).toBe(true);
+        let wrapper = mount(<Provider store={store}><SharingDialogComponent {...props} /></Provider>);
+        expect(wrapper.html()).toContain('Sharing URLs (2)');
+        // disable Sharing URLs UI
+        props.sharingURLsDisabled = true;
+        wrapper = mount(<Provider store={store}><SharingDialogComponent {...props} /></Provider>);
+        expect(wrapper.html()).not.toContain('Sharing URLs');
+    });
+    it("does not show sharing urls on non-collection resources", () => {
+        props.sharedResourceUuid = 'zzzzz-j7d0g-0123456789abcde';
+        expect(extractUuidObjectType(props.sharedResourceUuid) === ResourceObjectType.COLLECTION).toBe(false);
+        expect(props.sharingURLsDisabled).toBe(false);
+        let wrapper = mount(<Provider store={store}><SharingDialogComponent {...props} /></Provider>);
+        expect(wrapper.html()).not.toContain('Sharing URLs');
+    });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/views-components/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog-component.tsx b/src/views-components/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog-component.tsx
index 15d7f660..b2f31397 100644
--- a/src/views-components/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog-component.tsx
+++ b/src/views-components/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog-component.tsx
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ export interface SharingDialogDataProps {
     sharedResourceUuid: string;
     sharingURLsNr: number;
     privateAccess: boolean;
+    sharingURLsDisabled: boolean;
 export interface SharingDialogActionProps {
     onClose: () => void;
@@ -58,11 +59,13 @@ enum SharingDialogTab {
     URLS = 1,
-export default (props: SharingDialogDataProps & SharingDialogActionProps) => {
+export type SharingDialogComponentProps = SharingDialogDataProps & SharingDialogActionProps;
+export default (props: SharingDialogComponentProps) => {
     const { open, loading, saveEnabled, sharedResourceUuid,
-        sharingURLsNr, privateAccess,
+        sharingURLsNr, privateAccess, sharingURLsDisabled,
         onClose, onSave, onCreateSharingToken, refreshPermissions } = props;
-    const showTabs = extractUuidObjectType(sharedResourceUuid) === ResourceObjectType.COLLECTION;
+    const showTabs = !sharingURLsDisabled && extractUuidObjectType(sharedResourceUuid) === ResourceObjectType.COLLECTION;
     const [tabNr, setTabNr] = React.useState<number>(SharingDialogTab.PERMISSIONS);
     const [expDate, setExpDate] = React.useState<Date>();
     const [withExpiration, setWithExpiration] = React.useState<boolean>(false);
@@ -151,7 +154,8 @@ export default (props: SharingDialogDataProps & SharingDialogActionProps) => {
-                { tabNr === SharingDialogTab.PERMISSIONS && privateAccess && sharingURLsNr > 0 &&
+                { tabNr === SharingDialogTab.PERMISSIONS && !sharingURLsDisabled &&
+                    privateAccess && sharingURLsNr > 0 &&
                 <Grid item md={12}>
                     <Typography variant='caption' align='center' color='error'>
                         Although there aren't specific permissions set, this is publicly accessible via Sharing URL(s).
diff --git a/src/views-components/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog.tsx b/src/views-components/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog.tsx
index 6b488e44..01cd390b 100644
--- a/src/views-components/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog.tsx
+++ b/src/views-components/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog.tsx
@@ -35,18 +35,21 @@ type Props = WithDialogProps<string> & WithProgressStateProps;
 const mapStateToProps = (state: RootState, { working, ...props }: Props): SharingDialogDataProps => {
     const dialog = getDialog<SharingDialogData>(state.dialog, SHARING_DIALOG_NAME);
     const sharedResourceUuid = dialog?.data.resourceUuid || '';
+    const sharingURLsDisabled = state.auth.config.clusterConfig.Workbench.DisableSharingURLsUI;
     return ({
     saveEnabled: hasChanges(state),
     loading: working,
-    sharingURLsNr: (filterResources(
-        (resource: ApiClientAuthorization) =>
+    sharingURLsDisabled,
+    sharingURLsNr: !sharingURLsDisabled
+        ? (filterResources( (resource: ApiClientAuthorization) =>
             resource.kind === ResourceKind.API_CLIENT_AUTHORIZATION  &&
             resource.scopes.includes(`GET /arvados/v1/collections/${sharedResourceUuid}`) &&
             resource.scopes.includes(`GET /arvados/v1/collections/${sharedResourceUuid}/`) &&
             resource.scopes.includes('GET /arvados/v1/keep_services/accessible')
-        )(state.resources) as ApiClientAuthorization[]).length,
+        )(state.resources) as ApiClientAuthorization[]).length
+        : 0,
     privateAccess: getSharingPublicAccessFormData(state)?.visibility === VisibilityLevel.PRIVATE,



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