[arvados-workbench2] created: 2.4.1
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git at public.arvados.org
Thu Jun 2 16:25:05 UTC 2022
at 0f9f98048effc5b82774dd19d24bb90342156fc4 (tag)
tagging 26b8b86e8984325da1bb02e9667f26d72056afae (commit)
replaces 2.4.0
tagged by Peter Amstutz
on Thu Jun 2 12:24:48 2022 -0400
Release notes at https://arvados.org/release-notes/2.4.1/
Daniel KutyĆa (8):
18834: Fixed uploading file to a subdirectory, added tests
18834: Fixed failing tests
18834: Re-enabled check
18834: Unit tests added
18834: fixed double path separator
Merge branch '18834-uploading-a-file-into-a-subdirectory-of-a-collection-does-not-work' into main
19052: fixed wrong owner being displayed added test
Merge branch '19052-fix-for-wrong-owner-on-search-list' into main
Lucas Di Pentima (43):
Disable video compression to save test run time. No issue #
Merge branch 'cypress-video-handling'. No issue #
18881: Adds runtime_status support on container model.
18881: Fixes process state indicator, with tests.
18881: Improves process filtering by status. Adds tests.
18881: Adds runtime_status indicator to the process info card.
18881: Improves & expands resource handling commands.
18881: Adds integration test for error & warning runtime status indicators.
18881: Adds timeouts to flaky tests to avoid false negatives.
18881: Make all process status widgets consistent. Updates tests.
18881: Fixes the "non-status" indication on objects that aren't processes.
Merge branch '18881-process-runtime-status'. Closes #18881
18972: Avoids data table flickering when reloading data on the same route.
18972: Records the last refresh click on localStorage for others to act on.
18972: Improves implementation on DataExplorer's "loading..." indicator.
Merge branch '18972-all-procs-flickering-fix'. Closes #18972
18881: Fixes the Failing state's color, from red to orange.
Merge branch '18881-failing-state-color-fix'. Refs #18881
19045: Respects error & warning details newlines on display.
19045: Respects also newlines on error/warning summaries.
19045: Improves padding on several places.
Merge branch '19045-runtime-status-details-fix'. Closes #19045
16115: Adds sharing token management methods to ACA service, with tests.
16115: Removes unused import.
16115: Fixes filter building for list equality comparison.
16115: Adds collection's sharing URL management component and actions.
16115: Updates the sharing dialog to support sharing URLs.
16115: Further sharing dialog cleanup.
16115: Further code cleaning and permission handling improvements.
16115: Fixes sharing URL building for per-collection domain configs.
16115: UI consistency between tabs. Removes unnecessary code splitting.
16115: Refresh permission management form on tab change.
16115: Adds unit tests to SharingURLsComponent.
16115: Fixes cypress tests.
16115: Sets api_client as trusted in order to handle tokens.
16115: Improves link rendering. Adds tests.
16115: Fixes cypress test.
16115: Adds expiration date param to sharing url service method.
16115: Adds inline DateTime picker to the sharing URLs dialog.
16115: Brings back the Visibility Level form.
16115: Sets expiration date's minutes & seconds to zero.
16115: Adds warning notice for private visibility with active sharing urls.
Merge branch '16115-sharing-links'. Closes #16115
Peter Amstutz (29):
19075: When constructing a workflow request, set use_existing=false
Merge branch '19075-no-acr-reuse' refs #19075
Merge branch '19075-no-acr-reuse' refs #19075
16583: Add "Intermediate" to collection type filters
19069: Workflow launching improvements.
19069: Scroll instead of overflow in run a process
19069: Add workflow details
19069: Fix styling
19069: Fix test
19069: Fix tests
16583: Fix test, add "intermediate" filter test
19143: Make workflows show up in projects view WIP
19143: Workflow objects appear in project view, are runnable.
19143: Add missing files
Merge branch '16583-intermediate-collections' refs #16583
Merge branch 'main' into 19069-workflow-launching
19069: Remove references to workflow panel from various places
Merge branch '19069-workflow-launching' into 19143-project-list-workflows
19143: Picker opens, needs to be hooked in
19143: Finally got the data binding to work
19143: Checks that project is writable when selecting workflow
19069: Fix create workflow test
Merge branch '19069-workflow-launching' into 19143-project-list-workflows
19143: Fix selector
19143: Fix unit tests
19143: Fix tests
Merge branch '19143-project-list-workflows'
Merge branch 'main' into 2.4-release refs #19017
Split ResourceOwnerWithName & ResourceWithName
Stephen Smith (23):
16068: Merge process info card and process details card.
16068: Fix process panel test
16068: Fix flaky test maybe
16068: Merge branch 'main' of git.arvados.org:arvados-workbench2 into 16068
16068: Add process runtime status to process details attributes
16068: Reorganize procss details attributes, add properties
16068: Merge branch 'main' of git.arvados.org:arvados-workbench2 into 16068-merge-process-info-details-panels
16068: Fix controllerUrl in integration test script.
16068: Use composed process status for process details attribute
Merge branch '16068-merge-process-info-details-panels' into main. Closes #16068
18978: Display idletimeout setting in webshell timeout message.
18978: Disable webshell idle timeout when 0.
Merge branch '18978-webshell-timeout-ux' into main. Closes #18978
19049: Clean up participant select display, show UUIDs
19049: Exclude existing users with logins in create login user picker
19049: Make participant select read only when editing vm logins
19049: Clean up 404 error handling on add vm login
19049: Update user test
19049: Improve flaky cypress test
19049: Add waitfordom to flaky collection test
19049: Cypress don't timeout before waitfordom finishes
19049: Only show active users in add login participant select
Merge branch '19049-vm-admin-rough-edges' into main. Closes #19049
Ward Vandewege (1):
Small tweaks for the package building dockerfile.
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