[ARVADOS] created: 2.1.0-2301-g83f3ac231

Git user git at public.arvados.org
Wed Apr 13 17:28:09 UTC 2022

        at  83f3ac231e7cda31425bdce1aa5848f3d7667199 (commit)

commit 83f3ac231e7cda31425bdce1aa5848f3d7667199
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>
Date:   Mon Apr 4 10:57:24 2022 -0400

    18699: Print booted clusterID and controller host:port on stdout.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>

diff --git a/lib/boot/cmd.go b/lib/boot/cmd.go
index 6a32ab142..15af548e9 100644
--- a/lib/boot/cmd.go
+++ b/lib/boot/cmd.go
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
+	"sort"
@@ -100,15 +101,29 @@ func (bcmd bootCommand) run(ctx context.Context, prog string, args []string, std
 	} else if !ok {
 		super.logger.Error("boot failed")
 	} else {
-		// Write each cluster's controller URL to stdout.
-		// Nothing else goes to stdout, so this allows a
-		// calling script to determine when the cluster is
-		// ready to use, and the controller's host:port (which
-		// may have been dynamically assigned depending on
-		// config/options).
-		for _, cc := range super.Clusters() {
-			fmt.Fprintln(stdout, cc.Services.Controller.ExternalURL)
+		// Write each cluster's controller URL, id, and URL
+		// host:port to stdout.  Nothing else goes to stdout,
+		// so this allows a calling script to determine when
+		// the cluster is ready to use, and the controller's
+		// host:port (which may have been dynamically assigned
+		// depending on config/options).
+		//
+		// Sort output by cluster ID for convenience.
+		var ids []string
+		for id := range super.Clusters() {
+			ids = append(ids, id)
+		sort.Strings(ids)
+		for _, id := range ids {
+			cc := super.Cluster(id)
+			// Providing both scheme://host:port and
+			// host:port is redundant, but convenient.
+			fmt.Fprintln(stdout, cc.Services.Controller.ExternalURL, id, cc.Services.Controller.ExternalURL.Host)
+		}
+		// Write ".\n" to mark the end of the list of
+		// controllers, in case the caller doesn't already
+		// know how many clusters are coming up.
+		fmt.Fprintln(stdout, ".")
 		if *shutdown {
 			// Wait for children to exit. Don't report the

commit 7ddcecb9b6a3278b972227ad2271dbbec7d7bfad
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>
Date:   Mon Apr 4 10:34:46 2022 -0400

    18699: Remove unneeded OIDC config.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>

diff --git a/tools/sync-groups/federation_test.go b/tools/sync-groups/federation_test.go
index 71c119156..330c22be3 100644
--- a/tools/sync-groups/federation_test.go
+++ b/tools/sync-groups/federation_test.go
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import (
-	"git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvadostest"
 	check "gopkg.in/check.v1"
@@ -22,21 +21,13 @@ var _ = check.Suite(&FederationSuite{})
 var origAPIHost, origAPIToken string
 type FederationSuite struct {
-	super        *boot.Supervisor
-	oidcprovider *arvadostest.OIDCProvider
+	super *boot.Supervisor
 func (s *FederationSuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) {
 	origAPIHost = os.Getenv("ARVADOS_API_HOST")
 	origAPIToken = os.Getenv("ARVADOS_API_TOKEN")
-	s.oidcprovider = arvadostest.NewOIDCProvider(c)
-	s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail = "user at example.com"
-	s.oidcprovider.AuthEmailVerified = true
-	s.oidcprovider.AuthName = "Example User"
-	s.oidcprovider.ValidClientID = "clientid"
-	s.oidcprovider.ValidClientSecret = "clientsecret"
 	hostport := map[string]string{}
 	for _, id := range []string{"z1111", "z2222"} {
 		hostport[id] = func() string {
@@ -84,13 +75,8 @@ func (s *FederationSuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) {
 			yaml += `
       LoginCluster: z1111
-      OpenIDConnect:
+      PAM:
         Enable: true
-        Issuer: ` + s.oidcprovider.Issuer.URL + `
-        ClientID: ` + s.oidcprovider.ValidClientID + `
-        ClientSecret: ` + s.oidcprovider.ValidClientSecret + `
-        EmailClaim: email
-        EmailVerifiedClaim: email_verified
 		} else {
 			yaml += `
@@ -118,7 +104,7 @@ func (s *FederationSuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) {
 	// Activate user, make it admin.
 	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
 	rootctx1, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
-	userctx1, _, _, _ := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
+	userctx1, _, _, _ := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, "admin at example.com", true)
 	user1, err := conn1.UserGetCurrent(userctx1, arvados.GetOptions{})
 	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
 	c.Assert(user1.IsAdmin, check.Equals, false)
@@ -142,7 +128,7 @@ func (s *FederationSuite) TestGroupSyncingOnFederatedCluster(c *check.C) {
 	// Get admin user's V2 token
 	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
 	rootctx1, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
-	userctx1, _, _, _ := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
+	userctx1, _, _, _ := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, "admin at example.com", true)
 	user1Auth, err := conn1.APIClientAuthorizationCurrent(userctx1, arvados.GetOptions{})
 	c.Check(err, check.IsNil)
 	userV2Token := user1Auth.TokenV2()

commit b1ed7c643f311605092991e01bcc3437130d6072
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>
Date:   Mon Apr 4 10:18:07 2022 -0400

    18699: boot.Supervisor support for multi-cluster config file.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>

diff --git a/lib/boot/cert.go b/lib/boot/cert.go
index 2b38dab05..916f9f53b 100644
--- a/lib/boot/cert.go
+++ b/lib/boot/cert.go
@@ -26,20 +26,8 @@ func (createCertificates) String() string {
 func (createCertificates) Run(ctx context.Context, fail func(error), super *Supervisor) error {
-	var san string
-	if net.ParseIP(super.ListenHost) != nil {
-		san += fmt.Sprintf(",IP:%s", super.ListenHost)
-	} else {
-		san += fmt.Sprintf(",DNS:%s", super.ListenHost)
-	}
-	hostname, err := os.Hostname()
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("hostname: %w", err)
-	}
-	san += ",DNS:" + hostname
 	// Generate root key
-	err = super.RunProgram(ctx, super.tempdir, runOptions{}, "openssl", "genrsa", "-out", "rootCA.key", "4096")
+	err := super.RunProgram(ctx, super.tempdir, runOptions{}, "openssl", "genrsa", "-out", "rootCA.key", "4096")
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
@@ -58,7 +46,20 @@ func (createCertificates) Run(ctx context.Context, fail func(error), super *Supe
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
-	err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(super.tempdir, "server.cfg"), append(defaultconf, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("\n[SAN]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:localhost,DNS:localhost.localdomain%s\n", san))...), 0644)
+	hostname, err := os.Hostname()
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("hostname: %w", err)
+	}
+	san := "DNS:localhost,DNS:localhost.localdomain,DNS:" + hostname
+	if super.ListenHost == hostname || super.ListenHost == "localhost" {
+		// already have it
+	} else if net.ParseIP(super.ListenHost) != nil {
+		san += fmt.Sprintf(",IP:%s", super.ListenHost)
+	} else {
+		san += fmt.Sprintf(",DNS:%s", super.ListenHost)
+	}
+	conf := append(defaultconf, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("\n[SAN]\nsubjectAltName=%s\n", san))...)
+	err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(super.tempdir, "server.cfg"), conf, 0644)
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
diff --git a/lib/boot/cmd.go b/lib/boot/cmd.go
index 9c3047a7b..6a32ab142 100644
--- a/lib/boot/cmd.go
+++ b/lib/boot/cmd.go
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import (
-	"git.arvados.org/arvados.git/lib/config"
@@ -56,17 +55,17 @@ func (bcmd bootCommand) run(ctx context.Context, prog string, args []string, std
 	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
 	defer cancel()
 	super := &Supervisor{
+		Stdin:  stdin,
 		Stderr: stderr,
 		logger: ctxlog.FromContext(ctx),
 	flags := flag.NewFlagSet(prog, flag.ContinueOnError)
-	loader := config.NewLoader(stdin, super.logger)
-	loader.SetupFlags(flags)
 	versionFlag := flags.Bool("version", false, "Write version information to stdout and exit 0")
+	flags.StringVar(&super.ConfigPath, "config", "/etc/arvados/config.yml", "arvados config file `path`")
 	flags.StringVar(&super.SourcePath, "source", ".", "arvados source tree `directory`")
 	flags.StringVar(&super.ClusterType, "type", "production", "cluster `type`: development, test, or production")
-	flags.StringVar(&super.ListenHost, "listen-host", "localhost", "host name or interface address for service listeners")
+	flags.StringVar(&super.ListenHost, "listen-host", "localhost", "host name or interface address for external services, and internal services whose InternalURLs are not configured")
 	flags.StringVar(&super.ControllerAddr, "controller-address", ":0", "desired controller address, `host:port` or `:port`")
 	flags.StringVar(&super.Workbench2Source, "workbench2-source", "../arvados-workbench2", "path to arvados-workbench2 source tree")
 	flags.BoolVar(&super.NoWorkbench1, "no-workbench1", false, "do not run workbench1")
@@ -87,13 +86,7 @@ func (bcmd bootCommand) run(ctx context.Context, prog string, args []string, std
 		return fmt.Errorf("cluster type must be 'development', 'test', or 'production'")
-	loader.SkipAPICalls = true
-	cfg, err := loader.Load()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	super.Start(ctx, cfg, loader.Path)
+	super.Start(ctx)
 	defer super.Stop()
 	var timer *time.Timer
@@ -101,17 +94,21 @@ func (bcmd bootCommand) run(ctx context.Context, prog string, args []string, std
 		timer = time.AfterFunc(*timeout, super.Stop)
-	url, ok := super.WaitReady()
+	ok := super.WaitReady()
 	if timer != nil && !timer.Stop() {
 		return errors.New("boot timed out")
 	} else if !ok {
 		super.logger.Error("boot failed")
 	} else {
-		// Write controller URL to stdout. Nothing else goes
-		// to stdout, so this provides an easy way for a
-		// calling script to discover the controller URL when
-		// everything is ready.
-		fmt.Fprintln(stdout, url)
+		// Write each cluster's controller URL to stdout.
+		// Nothing else goes to stdout, so this allows a
+		// calling script to determine when the cluster is
+		// ready to use, and the controller's host:port (which
+		// may have been dynamically assigned depending on
+		// config/options).
+		for _, cc := range super.Clusters() {
+			fmt.Fprintln(stdout, cc.Services.Controller.ExternalURL)
+		}
 		if *shutdown {
 			// Wait for children to exit. Don't report the
diff --git a/lib/boot/helpers.go b/lib/boot/helpers.go
index 731fc56c8..77036e934 100644
--- a/lib/boot/helpers.go
+++ b/lib/boot/helpers.go
@@ -9,73 +9,24 @@ import (
-	"git.arvados.org/arvados.git/lib/service"
-	"git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/ctxlog"
-// TestCluster stores a working test cluster data
-type TestCluster struct {
-	Super         Supervisor
-	Config        arvados.Config
-	ControllerURL *url.URL
-	ClusterID     string
-type logger struct {
-	loggerfunc func(...interface{})
-func (l logger) Log(args ...interface{}) {
-	l.loggerfunc(args)
-// NewTestCluster loads the provided configuration, and sets up a test cluster
-// ready for being started.
-func NewTestCluster(srcPath, clusterID string, cfg *arvados.Config, listenHost string, logWriter func(...interface{})) *TestCluster {
-	return &TestCluster{
-		Super: Supervisor{
-			SourcePath:           srcPath,
-			ClusterType:          "test",
-			ListenHost:           listenHost,
-			ControllerAddr:       ":0",
-			OwnTemporaryDatabase: true,
-			Stderr: &service.LogPrefixer{
-				Writer: ctxlog.LogWriter(logWriter),
-				Prefix: []byte("[" + clusterID + "] ")},
-		},
-		Config:    *cfg,
-		ClusterID: clusterID,
-	}
-// Start the test cluster.
-func (tc *TestCluster) Start() {
-	tc.Super.Start(context.Background(), &tc.Config, "-")
-// WaitReady waits for all components to report healthy, and finishes setting
-// up the TestCluster struct.
-func (tc *TestCluster) WaitReady() bool {
-	au, ok := tc.Super.WaitReady()
-	if !ok {
-		return ok
-	}
-	u := url.URL(*au)
-	tc.ControllerURL = &u
-	return ok
 // ClientsWithToken returns Context, Arvados.Client and keepclient structs
 // initialized to connect to the cluster with the supplied Arvados token.
-func (tc *TestCluster) ClientsWithToken(token string) (context.Context, *arvados.Client, *keepclient.KeepClient) {
-	cl := tc.Config.Clusters[tc.ClusterID]
-	ctx := auth.NewContext(context.Background(), auth.NewCredentials(token))
-	ac, err := arvados.NewClientFromConfig(&cl)
+func (super *Supervisor) ClientsWithToken(clusterID, token string) (context.Context, *arvados.Client, *keepclient.KeepClient) {
+	cl := super.cluster
+	if super.children != nil {
+		cl = super.children[clusterID].cluster
+	} else if clusterID != cl.ClusterID {
+		panic("bad clusterID " + clusterID)
+	}
+	ctx := auth.NewContext(super.ctx, auth.NewCredentials(token))
+	ac, err := arvados.NewClientFromConfig(cl)
 	if err != nil {
@@ -92,7 +43,7 @@ func (tc *TestCluster) ClientsWithToken(token string) (context.Context, *arvados
 // initialize clients with the API token, set up the user and
 // optionally activate the user.  Return client structs for
 // communicating with the cluster on behalf of the 'example' user.
-func (tc *TestCluster) UserClients(rootctx context.Context, c *check.C, conn *rpc.Conn, authEmail string, activate bool) (context.Context, *arvados.Client, *keepclient.KeepClient, arvados.User) {
+func (super *Supervisor) UserClients(clusterID string, rootctx context.Context, c *check.C, conn *rpc.Conn, authEmail string, activate bool) (context.Context, *arvados.Client, *keepclient.KeepClient, arvados.User) {
 	login, err := conn.UserSessionCreate(rootctx, rpc.UserSessionCreateOptions{
 		ReturnTo: ",https://example.com",
 		AuthInfo: rpc.UserSessionAuthInfo{
@@ -107,7 +58,7 @@ func (tc *TestCluster) UserClients(rootctx context.Context, c *check.C, conn *rp
 	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
 	userToken := redirURL.Query().Get("api_token")
 	c.Logf("user token: %q", userToken)
-	ctx, ac, kc := tc.ClientsWithToken(userToken)
+	ctx, ac, kc := super.ClientsWithToken(clusterID, userToken)
 	user, err := conn.UserGetCurrent(ctx, arvados.GetOptions{})
 	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
 	_, err = conn.UserSetup(rootctx, arvados.UserSetupOptions{UUID: user.UUID})
@@ -127,18 +78,19 @@ func (tc *TestCluster) UserClients(rootctx context.Context, c *check.C, conn *rp
 // RootClients returns Context, arvados.Client and keepclient structs initialized
 // to communicate with the cluster as the system root user.
-func (tc *TestCluster) RootClients() (context.Context, *arvados.Client, *keepclient.KeepClient) {
-	return tc.ClientsWithToken(tc.Config.Clusters[tc.ClusterID].SystemRootToken)
+func (super *Supervisor) RootClients(clusterID string) (context.Context, *arvados.Client, *keepclient.KeepClient) {
+	return super.ClientsWithToken(clusterID, super.Cluster(clusterID).SystemRootToken)
 // AnonymousClients returns Context, arvados.Client and keepclient structs initialized
 // to communicate with the cluster as the anonymous user.
-func (tc *TestCluster) AnonymousClients() (context.Context, *arvados.Client, *keepclient.KeepClient) {
-	return tc.ClientsWithToken(tc.Config.Clusters[tc.ClusterID].Users.AnonymousUserToken)
+func (super *Supervisor) AnonymousClients(clusterID string) (context.Context, *arvados.Client, *keepclient.KeepClient) {
+	return super.ClientsWithToken(clusterID, super.Cluster(clusterID).Users.AnonymousUserToken)
 // Conn gets rpc connection struct initialized to communicate with the
 // specified cluster.
-func (tc *TestCluster) Conn() *rpc.Conn {
-	return rpc.NewConn(tc.ClusterID, tc.ControllerURL, true, rpc.PassthroughTokenProvider)
+func (super *Supervisor) Conn(clusterID string) *rpc.Conn {
+	controllerURL := url.URL(super.Cluster(clusterID).Services.Controller.ExternalURL)
+	return rpc.NewConn(clusterID, &controllerURL, true, rpc.PassthroughTokenProvider)
diff --git a/lib/boot/supervisor.go b/lib/boot/supervisor.go
index 7daceccb9..b56e5ac72 100644
--- a/lib/boot/supervisor.go
+++ b/lib/boot/supervisor.go
@@ -37,25 +37,47 @@ import (
 type Supervisor struct {
-	SourcePath           string // e.g., /home/username/src/arvados
-	SourceVersion        string // e.g., acbd1324...
-	ClusterType          string // e.g., production
-	ListenHost           string // e.g., localhost
-	ControllerAddr       string // e.g.,
-	Workbench2Source     string // e.g., /home/username/src/arvados-workbench2
+	// Config file location like "/etc/arvados/config.yml", or "-"
+	// to read from Stdin (see below).
+	ConfigPath string
+	// Literal config file (useful for test suites). If non-empty,
+	// this is used instead of ConfigPath.
+	ConfigYAML string
+	// Path to arvados source tree. Only used for dev/test
+	// clusters.
+	SourcePath string
+	// Version number to build into binaries. Only used for
+	// dev/test clusters.
+	SourceVersion string
+	// "production", "development", or "test".
+	ClusterType string
+	// Listening address for external services, and internal
+	// services whose InternalURLs are not explicitly configured.
+	// If blank, listen on the configured controller ExternalURL
+	// host; if that is also blank, listen on all addresses
+	// (
+	ListenHost string
+	// Default host:port for controller ExternalURL if not
+	// explicitly configured in config file. If blank, use a
+	// random port on ListenHost.
+	ControllerAddr string
+	// Path to arvados-workbench2 source tree checkout.
+	Workbench2Source     string
 	NoWorkbench1         bool
 	NoWorkbench2         bool
 	OwnTemporaryDatabase bool
+	Stdin                io.Reader
 	Stderr               io.Writer
-	logger  logrus.FieldLogger
-	cluster *arvados.Cluster
+	logger   logrus.FieldLogger
+	cluster  *arvados.Cluster       // nil if this is a multi-cluster supervisor
+	children map[string]*Supervisor // nil if this is a single-cluster supervisor
 	ctx           context.Context
 	cancel        context.CancelFunc
-	done          chan struct{} // closed when child procs/services have shut down
-	err           error         // error that caused shutdown (valid when done is closed)
-	healthChecker *health.Aggregator
+	done          chan struct{}      // closed when child procs/services have shut down
+	err           error              // error that caused shutdown (valid when done is closed)
+	healthChecker *health.Aggregator // nil if this is a multi-cluster supervisor, or still booting
 	tasksReady    map[string]chan bool
 	waitShutdown  sync.WaitGroup
@@ -66,73 +88,161 @@ type Supervisor struct {
 	environ    []string // for child processes
-func (super *Supervisor) Cluster() *arvados.Cluster { return super.cluster }
+func (super *Supervisor) Clusters() map[string]*arvados.Cluster {
+	m := map[string]*arvados.Cluster{}
+	if super.cluster != nil {
+		m[super.cluster.ClusterID] = super.cluster
+	}
+	for id, super2 := range super.children {
+		m[id] = super2.Cluster("")
+	}
+	return m
+func (super *Supervisor) Cluster(id string) *arvados.Cluster {
+	if super.children != nil {
+		return super.children[id].Cluster(id)
+	} else {
+		return super.cluster
+	}
-func (super *Supervisor) Start(ctx context.Context, cfg *arvados.Config, cfgPath string) {
+func (super *Supervisor) Start(ctx context.Context) {
+	super.logger = ctxlog.FromContext(ctx)
 	super.ctx, super.cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
 	super.done = make(chan struct{})
+	sigch := make(chan os.Signal)
+	signal.Notify(sigch, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
+	defer signal.Stop(sigch)
 	go func() {
-		defer close(super.done)
+		for sig := range sigch {
+			super.logger.WithField("signal", sig).Info("caught signal")
+			if super.err == nil {
+				super.err = fmt.Errorf("caught signal %s", sig)
+			}
+			super.cancel()
+		}
+	}()
-		sigch := make(chan os.Signal)
-		signal.Notify(sigch, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
-		defer signal.Stop(sigch)
-		go func() {
-			for sig := range sigch {
-				super.logger.WithField("signal", sig).Info("caught signal")
-				if super.err == nil {
-					super.err = fmt.Errorf("caught signal %s", sig)
-				}
-				super.cancel()
+	hupch := make(chan os.Signal)
+	signal.Notify(hupch, syscall.SIGHUP)
+	defer signal.Stop(hupch)
+	go func() {
+		for sig := range hupch {
+			super.logger.WithField("signal", sig).Info("caught signal")
+			if super.err == nil {
+				super.err = errNeedConfigReload
-		}()
+			super.cancel()
+		}
+	}()
+	loaderStdin := super.Stdin
+	if super.ConfigYAML != "" {
+		loaderStdin = bytes.NewBufferString(super.ConfigYAML)
+	}
+	loader := config.NewLoader(loaderStdin, super.logger)
+	loader.SkipLegacy = true
+	loader.SkipAPICalls = true
+	loader.Path = super.ConfigPath
+	if super.ConfigYAML != "" {
+		loader.Path = "-"
+	}
+	cfg, err := loader.Load()
+	if err != nil {
+		super.err = err
+		close(super.done)
+		super.cancel()
+		return
+	}
+	if super.ConfigPath != "" && super.ConfigPath != "-" && cfg.AutoReloadConfig {
+		go watchConfig(super.ctx, super.logger, super.ConfigPath, copyConfig(cfg), func() {
+			if super.err == nil {
+				super.err = errNeedConfigReload
+			}
+			super.cancel()
+		})
+	}
-		hupch := make(chan os.Signal)
-		signal.Notify(hupch, syscall.SIGHUP)
-		defer signal.Stop(hupch)
+	if len(cfg.Clusters) > 1 {
+		super.startFederation(cfg)
 		go func() {
-			for sig := range hupch {
-				super.logger.WithField("signal", sig).Info("caught signal")
+			defer super.cancel()
+			defer close(super.done)
+			for _, super2 := range super.children {
+				err := super2.Wait()
 				if super.err == nil {
-					super.err = errNeedConfigReload
+					super.err = err
-				super.cancel()
-		if cfgPath != "" && cfgPath != "-" && cfg.AutoReloadConfig {
-			go watchConfig(super.ctx, super.logger, cfgPath, copyConfig(cfg), func() {
+	} else {
+		go func() {
+			defer super.cancel()
+			defer close(super.done)
+			super.cluster, super.err = cfg.GetCluster("")
+			if super.err != nil {
+				return
+			}
+			err := super.runCluster()
+			if err != nil {
+				super.logger.WithError(err).Info("supervisor shut down")
 				if super.err == nil {
-					super.err = errNeedConfigReload
+					super.err = err
-				super.cancel()
-			})
-		}
-		err := super.run(cfg)
-		if err != nil {
-			super.logger.WithError(err).Warn("supervisor shut down")
-			if super.err == nil {
-				super.err = err
-		}
-	}()
+		}()
+	}
+// Wait returns when all child processes and goroutines have exited.
 func (super *Supervisor) Wait() error {
 	return super.err
-func (super *Supervisor) run(cfg *arvados.Config) error {
-	defer super.cancel()
+// startFederation starts a child Supervisor for each cluster in the
+// given config. Each is a copy of the original/parent with the
+// original config reduced to a single cluster.
+func (super *Supervisor) startFederation(cfg *arvados.Config) {
+	super.children = map[string]*Supervisor{}
+	for id, cc := range cfg.Clusters {
+		super2 := *super
+		yaml, err := json.Marshal(arvados.Config{Clusters: map[string]arvados.Cluster{id: cc}})
+		if err != nil {
+			panic(fmt.Sprintf("json.Marshal partial config: %s", err))
+		}
+		super2.ConfigYAML = string(yaml)
+		super2.ConfigPath = "-"
+		super2.children = nil
+		if super2.ClusterType == "test" {
+			super2.Stderr = &service.LogPrefixer{
+				Writer: super.Stderr,
+				Prefix: []byte("[" + id + "] "),
+			}
+		}
+		super2.Start(super.ctx)
+		super.children[id] = &super2
+	}
+func (super *Supervisor) runCluster() error {
 	cwd, err := os.Getwd()
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
-	if !strings.HasPrefix(super.SourcePath, "/") {
+	if super.ClusterType == "test" && super.SourcePath == "" {
+		// When invoked by test suite, default to current
+		// source tree
+		buf, err := exec.Command("git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel").CombinedOutput()
+		if err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("git rev-parse: %w", err)
+		}
+		super.SourcePath = strings.TrimSuffix(string(buf), "\n")
+	} else if !strings.HasPrefix(super.SourcePath, "/") {
 		super.SourcePath = filepath.Join(cwd, super.SourcePath)
 	super.SourcePath, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(super.SourcePath)
@@ -140,6 +250,18 @@ func (super *Supervisor) run(cfg *arvados.Config) error {
 		return err
+	if super.ListenHost == "" {
+		if urlhost := super.cluster.Services.Controller.ExternalURL.Host; urlhost != "" {
+			if h, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(urlhost); h != "" {
+				super.ListenHost = h
+			} else {
+				super.ListenHost = urlhost
+			}
+		} else {
+			super.ListenHost = ""
+		}
+	}
 	// Choose bin and temp dirs: /var/lib/arvados/... in
 	// production, transient tempdir otherwise.
 	if super.ClusterType == "production" {
@@ -164,7 +286,7 @@ func (super *Supervisor) run(cfg *arvados.Config) error {
 	// Fill in any missing config keys, and write the resulting
 	// config in the temp dir for child services to use.
-	err = super.autofillConfig(cfg)
+	err = super.autofillConfig()
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
@@ -173,7 +295,9 @@ func (super *Supervisor) run(cfg *arvados.Config) error {
 		return err
 	defer conffile.Close()
-	err = json.NewEncoder(conffile).Encode(cfg)
+	err = json.NewEncoder(conffile).Encode(arvados.Config{
+		Clusters: map[string]arvados.Cluster{
+			super.cluster.ClusterID: *super.cluster}})
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
@@ -193,10 +317,6 @@ func (super *Supervisor) run(cfg *arvados.Config) error {
 		super.prependEnv("PATH", super.tempdir+"/bin:")
-	super.cluster, err = cfg.GetCluster("")
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
 	// Now that we have the config, replace the bootstrap logger
 	// with a new one according to the logging config.
 	loglevel := super.cluster.SystemLogs.LogLevel
@@ -307,36 +427,60 @@ func (super *Supervisor) run(cfg *arvados.Config) error {
 func (super *Supervisor) wait(ctx context.Context, tasks ...supervisedTask) error {
+	ticker := time.NewTicker(15 * time.Second)
+	defer ticker.Stop()
 	for _, task := range tasks {
 		ch, ok := super.tasksReady[task.String()]
 		if !ok {
 			return fmt.Errorf("no such task: %s", task)
 		super.logger.WithField("task", task.String()).Info("waiting")
-		select {
-		case <-ch:
-			super.logger.WithField("task", task.String()).Info("ready")
-		case <-ctx.Done():
-			super.logger.WithField("task", task.String()).Info("task was never ready")
-			return ctx.Err()
+		for {
+			select {
+			case <-ch:
+				super.logger.WithField("task", task.String()).Info("ready")
+			case <-ctx.Done():
+				super.logger.WithField("task", task.String()).Info("task was never ready")
+				return ctx.Err()
+			case <-ticker.C:
+				super.logger.WithField("task", task.String()).Info("still waiting...")
+				continue
+			}
+			break
 	return nil
+// Stop shuts down all child processes and goroutines, and returns
+// when all of them have exited.
 func (super *Supervisor) Stop() {
-func (super *Supervisor) WaitReady() (*arvados.URL, bool) {
+// WaitReady waits for the cluster(s) to be ready to handle requests,
+// then returns true. If startup fails, it returns false.
+func (super *Supervisor) WaitReady() bool {
+	if super.children != nil {
+		for id, super2 := range super.children {
+			super.logger.Infof("waiting for %s to be ready", id)
+			if !super2.WaitReady() {
+				super.logger.Infof("%s startup failed", id)
+				return false
+			}
+			super.logger.Infof("%s is ready", id)
+		}
+		super.logger.Info("all clusters are ready")
+		return true
+	}
 	ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
 	defer ticker.Stop()
 	for waiting := "all"; waiting != ""; {
 		select {
 		case <-ticker.C:
 		case <-super.ctx.Done():
-			return nil, false
+			return false
 		if super.healthChecker == nil {
 			// not set up yet
@@ -358,8 +502,7 @@ func (super *Supervisor) WaitReady() (*arvados.URL, bool) {
 			super.logger.WithField("targets", waiting[1:]).Info("waiting")
-	u := super.cluster.Services.Controller.ExternalURL
-	return &u, true
+	return true
 func (super *Supervisor) prependEnv(key, prepend string) {
@@ -631,11 +774,7 @@ func (super *Supervisor) RunProgram(ctx context.Context, dir string, opts runOpt
 	return nil
-func (super *Supervisor) autofillConfig(cfg *arvados.Config) error {
-	cluster, err := cfg.GetCluster("")
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
+func (super *Supervisor) autofillConfig() error {
 	usedPort := map[string]bool{}
 	nextPort := func(host string) (string, error) {
 		for {
@@ -653,39 +792,39 @@ func (super *Supervisor) autofillConfig(cfg *arvados.Config) error {
 			return port, nil
-	if cluster.Services.Controller.ExternalURL.Host == "" {
+	if super.cluster.Services.Controller.ExternalURL.Host == "" {
 		h, p, err := net.SplitHostPort(super.ControllerAddr)
-		if err != nil {
-			return fmt.Errorf("SplitHostPort(ControllerAddr): %w", err)
+		if err != nil && super.ControllerAddr != "" {
+			return fmt.Errorf("SplitHostPort(ControllerAddr %q): %w", super.ControllerAddr, err)
 		if h == "" {
 			h = super.ListenHost
-		if p == "0" {
+		if p == "0" || p == "" {
 			p, err = nextPort(h)
 			if err != nil {
 				return err
-		cluster.Services.Controller.ExternalURL = arvados.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: net.JoinHostPort(h, p), Path: "/"}
+		super.cluster.Services.Controller.ExternalURL = arvados.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: net.JoinHostPort(h, p), Path: "/"}
-	u := url.URL(cluster.Services.Controller.ExternalURL)
+	u := url.URL(super.cluster.Services.Controller.ExternalURL)
 	defaultExtHost := u.Hostname()
 	for _, svc := range []*arvados.Service{
-		&cluster.Services.Controller,
-		&cluster.Services.DispatchCloud,
-		&cluster.Services.GitHTTP,
-		&cluster.Services.Health,
-		&cluster.Services.Keepproxy,
-		&cluster.Services.Keepstore,
-		&cluster.Services.RailsAPI,
-		&cluster.Services.WebDAV,
-		&cluster.Services.WebDAVDownload,
-		&cluster.Services.Websocket,
-		&cluster.Services.Workbench1,
-		&cluster.Services.Workbench2,
+		&super.cluster.Services.Controller,
+		&super.cluster.Services.DispatchCloud,
+		&super.cluster.Services.GitHTTP,
+		&super.cluster.Services.Health,
+		&super.cluster.Services.Keepproxy,
+		&super.cluster.Services.Keepstore,
+		&super.cluster.Services.RailsAPI,
+		&super.cluster.Services.WebDAV,
+		&super.cluster.Services.WebDAVDownload,
+		&super.cluster.Services.Websocket,
+		&super.cluster.Services.Workbench1,
+		&super.cluster.Services.Workbench2,
 	} {
-		if svc == &cluster.Services.DispatchCloud && super.ClusterType == "test" {
+		if svc == &super.cluster.Services.DispatchCloud && super.ClusterType == "test" {
 		if svc.ExternalURL.Host == "" {
@@ -694,21 +833,21 @@ func (super *Supervisor) autofillConfig(cfg *arvados.Config) error {
 				return err
 			host := net.JoinHostPort(defaultExtHost, port)
-			if svc == &cluster.Services.Controller ||
-				svc == &cluster.Services.GitHTTP ||
-				svc == &cluster.Services.Health ||
-				svc == &cluster.Services.Keepproxy ||
-				svc == &cluster.Services.WebDAV ||
-				svc == &cluster.Services.WebDAVDownload ||
-				svc == &cluster.Services.Workbench1 ||
-				svc == &cluster.Services.Workbench2 {
+			if svc == &super.cluster.Services.Controller ||
+				svc == &super.cluster.Services.GitHTTP ||
+				svc == &super.cluster.Services.Health ||
+				svc == &super.cluster.Services.Keepproxy ||
+				svc == &super.cluster.Services.WebDAV ||
+				svc == &super.cluster.Services.WebDAVDownload ||
+				svc == &super.cluster.Services.Workbench1 ||
+				svc == &super.cluster.Services.Workbench2 {
 				svc.ExternalURL = arvados.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: host, Path: "/"}
-			} else if svc == &cluster.Services.Websocket {
+			} else if svc == &super.cluster.Services.Websocket {
 				svc.ExternalURL = arvados.URL{Scheme: "wss", Host: host, Path: "/websocket"}
-		if super.NoWorkbench1 && svc == &cluster.Services.Workbench1 ||
-			super.NoWorkbench2 && svc == &cluster.Services.Workbench2 {
+		if super.NoWorkbench1 && svc == &super.cluster.Services.Workbench1 ||
+			super.NoWorkbench2 && svc == &super.cluster.Services.Workbench2 {
 			// When workbench1 is disabled, it gets an
 			// ExternalURL (so we have a valid listening
 			// port to write in our Nginx config) but no
@@ -728,26 +867,26 @@ func (super *Supervisor) autofillConfig(cfg *arvados.Config) error {
 	if super.ClusterType != "production" {
-		if cluster.SystemRootToken == "" {
-			cluster.SystemRootToken = randomHexString(64)
+		if super.cluster.SystemRootToken == "" {
+			super.cluster.SystemRootToken = randomHexString(64)
-		if cluster.ManagementToken == "" {
-			cluster.ManagementToken = randomHexString(64)
+		if super.cluster.ManagementToken == "" {
+			super.cluster.ManagementToken = randomHexString(64)
-		if cluster.Collections.BlobSigningKey == "" {
-			cluster.Collections.BlobSigningKey = randomHexString(64)
+		if super.cluster.Collections.BlobSigningKey == "" {
+			super.cluster.Collections.BlobSigningKey = randomHexString(64)
-		if cluster.Users.AnonymousUserToken == "" {
-			cluster.Users.AnonymousUserToken = randomHexString(64)
+		if super.cluster.Users.AnonymousUserToken == "" {
+			super.cluster.Users.AnonymousUserToken = randomHexString(64)
-		if cluster.Containers.DispatchPrivateKey == "" {
+		if super.cluster.Containers.DispatchPrivateKey == "" {
 			buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(super.SourcePath, "lib", "dispatchcloud", "test", "sshkey_dispatch"))
 			if err != nil {
 				return err
-			cluster.Containers.DispatchPrivateKey = string(buf)
+			super.cluster.Containers.DispatchPrivateKey = string(buf)
-		cluster.TLS.Insecure = true
+		super.cluster.TLS.Insecure = true
 	if super.ClusterType == "test" {
 		// Add a second keepstore process.
@@ -756,13 +895,13 @@ func (super *Supervisor) autofillConfig(cfg *arvados.Config) error {
 			return err
 		host := net.JoinHostPort(super.ListenHost, port)
-		cluster.Services.Keepstore.InternalURLs[arvados.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: host, Path: "/"}] = arvados.ServiceInstance{}
+		super.cluster.Services.Keepstore.InternalURLs[arvados.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: host, Path: "/"}] = arvados.ServiceInstance{}
 		// Create a directory-backed volume for each keepstore
 		// process.
-		cluster.Volumes = map[string]arvados.Volume{}
-		for url := range cluster.Services.Keepstore.InternalURLs {
-			volnum := len(cluster.Volumes)
+		super.cluster.Volumes = map[string]arvados.Volume{}
+		for url := range super.cluster.Services.Keepstore.InternalURLs {
+			volnum := len(super.cluster.Volumes)
 			datadir := fmt.Sprintf("%s/keep%d.data", super.tempdir, volnum)
 			if _, err = os.Stat(datadir + "/."); err == nil {
 			} else if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
@@ -770,7 +909,7 @@ func (super *Supervisor) autofillConfig(cfg *arvados.Config) error {
 			} else if err = os.Mkdir(datadir, 0755); err != nil {
 				return err
-			cluster.Volumes[fmt.Sprintf(cluster.ClusterID+"-nyw5e-%015d", volnum)] = arvados.Volume{
+			super.cluster.Volumes[fmt.Sprintf(super.cluster.ClusterID+"-nyw5e-%015d", volnum)] = arvados.Volume{
 				Driver:           "Directory",
 				DriverParameters: json.RawMessage(fmt.Sprintf(`{"Root":%q}`, datadir)),
 				AccessViaHosts: map[arvados.URL]arvados.VolumeAccess{
@@ -783,7 +922,7 @@ func (super *Supervisor) autofillConfig(cfg *arvados.Config) error {
-		cluster.StorageClasses = map[string]arvados.StorageClassConfig{
+		super.cluster.StorageClasses = map[string]arvados.StorageClassConfig{
 			"default": {Default: true},
 			"foo":     {},
 			"bar":     {},
@@ -794,7 +933,7 @@ func (super *Supervisor) autofillConfig(cfg *arvados.Config) error {
 		if err != nil {
 			return err
-		cluster.PostgreSQL.Connection = arvados.PostgreSQLConnection{
+		super.cluster.PostgreSQL.Connection = arvados.PostgreSQLConnection{
 			"client_encoding": "utf8",
 			"host":            "localhost",
 			"port":            port,
@@ -803,8 +942,6 @@ func (super *Supervisor) autofillConfig(cfg *arvados.Config) error {
 			"password":        "insecure_arvados_test",
-	cfg.Clusters[cluster.ClusterID] = *cluster
 	return nil
@@ -876,6 +1013,7 @@ func availablePort(host string) (string, error) {
 // Try to connect to addr until it works, then close ch. Give up if
 // ctx cancels.
 func waitForConnect(ctx context.Context, addr string) error {
+	ctxlog.FromContext(ctx).WithField("addr", addr).Info("waitForConnect")
 	dialer := net.Dialer{Timeout: time.Second}
 	for ctx.Err() == nil {
 		conn, err := dialer.DialContext(ctx, "tcp", addr)
diff --git a/lib/controller/integration_test.go b/lib/controller/integration_test.go
index 50cf89c0d..44be17c77 100644
--- a/lib/controller/integration_test.go
+++ b/lib/controller/integration_test.go
@@ -17,13 +17,12 @@ import (
-	"path/filepath"
+	"time"
-	"git.arvados.org/arvados.git/lib/config"
@@ -34,13 +33,11 @@ import (
 var _ = check.Suite(&IntegrationSuite{})
 type IntegrationSuite struct {
-	testClusters map[string]*boot.TestCluster
+	super        *boot.Supervisor
 	oidcprovider *arvadostest.OIDCProvider
 func (s *IntegrationSuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) {
-	cwd, _ := os.Getwd()
 	s.oidcprovider = arvadostest.NewOIDCProvider(c)
 	s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail = "user at example.com"
 	s.oidcprovider.AuthEmailVerified = true
@@ -48,13 +45,8 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) {
 	s.oidcprovider.ValidClientID = "clientid"
 	s.oidcprovider.ValidClientSecret = "clientsecret"
-	s.testClusters = map[string]*boot.TestCluster{
-		"z1111": nil,
-		"z2222": nil,
-		"z3333": nil,
-	}
 	hostport := map[string]string{}
-	for id := range s.testClusters {
+	for _, id := range []string{"z1111", "z2222", "z3333"} {
 		hostport[id] = func() string {
 			// TODO: Instead of expecting random ports on
 			//, 22, 33 to be race-safe, try
@@ -68,8 +60,9 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) {
 			return "127.0.0." + id[3:] + ":" + port
-	for id := range s.testClusters {
-		yaml := `Clusters:
+	yaml := "Clusters:\n"
+	for id := range hostport {
+		yaml += `
   ` + id + `:
@@ -124,37 +117,35 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) {
       LoginCluster: z1111
-		loader := config.NewLoader(bytes.NewBufferString(yaml), ctxlog.TestLogger(c))
-		loader.Path = "-"
-		loader.SkipLegacy = true
-		loader.SkipAPICalls = true
-		cfg, err := loader.Load()
-		c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
-		tc := boot.NewTestCluster(
-			filepath.Join(cwd, "..", ".."),
-			id, cfg, "127.0.0."+id[3:], c.Log)
-		tc.Super.NoWorkbench1 = true
-		tc.Super.NoWorkbench2 = true
-		tc.Start()
-		s.testClusters[id] = tc
-	for _, tc := range s.testClusters {
-		ok := tc.WaitReady()
-		c.Assert(ok, check.Equals, true)
+	s.super = &boot.Supervisor{
+		ClusterType:          "test",
+		ConfigYAML:           yaml,
+		Stderr:               ctxlog.LogWriter(c.Log),
+		NoWorkbench1:         true,
+		NoWorkbench2:         true,
+		OwnTemporaryDatabase: true,
+	// Give up if startup takes longer than 3m
+	timeout := time.AfterFunc(3*time.Minute, s.super.Stop)
+	defer timeout.Stop()
+	s.super.Start(context.Background())
+	ok := s.super.WaitReady()
+	c.Assert(ok, check.Equals, true)
 func (s *IntegrationSuite) TearDownSuite(c *check.C) {
-	for _, c := range s.testClusters {
-		c.Super.Stop()
+	if s.super != nil {
+		s.super.Stop()
+		s.super.Wait()
 func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestDefaultStorageClassesOnCollections(c *check.C) {
-	conn := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	rootctx, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	userctx, _, kc, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx, c, conn, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
+	conn := s.super.Conn("z1111")
+	rootctx, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	userctx, _, kc, _ := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx, c, conn, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
 	c.Assert(len(kc.DefaultStorageClasses) > 0, check.Equals, true)
 	coll, err := conn.CollectionCreate(userctx, arvados.CreateOptions{})
 	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
@@ -162,10 +153,10 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestDefaultStorageClassesOnCollections(c *check.C) {
 func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestGetCollectionByPDH(c *check.C) {
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	conn3 := s.testClusters["z3333"].Conn()
-	userctx1, ac1, kc1, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
+	rootctx1, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	conn3 := s.super.Conn("z3333")
+	userctx1, ac1, kc1, _ := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
 	// Create the collection to find its PDH (but don't save it
 	// anywhere yet)
@@ -201,11 +192,11 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestGetCollectionByPDH(c *check.C) {
 // Tests bug #18004
 func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestRemoteUserAndTokenCacheRace(c *check.C) {
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	rootctx2, _, _ := s.testClusters["z2222"].RootClients()
-	conn2 := s.testClusters["z2222"].Conn()
-	userctx1, _, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, "user2 at example.com", true)
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
+	rootctx1, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	rootctx2, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z2222")
+	conn2 := s.super.Conn("z2222")
+	userctx1, _, _, _ := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, "user2 at example.com", true)
 	var wg1, wg2 sync.WaitGroup
 	creqs := 100
@@ -250,13 +241,13 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestS3WithFederatedToken(c *check.C) {
 	testText := "IntegrationSuite.TestS3WithFederatedToken"
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	userctx1, ac1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
-	conn3 := s.testClusters["z3333"].Conn()
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
+	rootctx1, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	userctx1, ac1, _, _ := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
+	conn3 := s.super.Conn("z3333")
 	createColl := func(clusterID string) arvados.Collection {
-		_, ac, kc := s.testClusters[clusterID].ClientsWithToken(ac1.AuthToken)
+		_, ac, kc := s.super.ClientsWithToken(clusterID, ac1.AuthToken)
 		var coll arvados.Collection
 		fs, err := coll.FileSystem(ac, kc)
 		c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
@@ -268,7 +259,7 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestS3WithFederatedToken(c *check.C) {
 		c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
 		mtxt, err := fs.MarshalManifest(".")
 		c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
-		coll, err = s.testClusters[clusterID].Conn().CollectionCreate(userctx1, arvados.CreateOptions{Attrs: map[string]interface{}{
+		coll, err = s.super.Conn(clusterID).CollectionCreate(userctx1, arvados.CreateOptions{Attrs: map[string]interface{}{
 			"manifest_text": mtxt,
 		c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
@@ -316,10 +307,10 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestS3WithFederatedToken(c *check.C) {
 func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestGetCollectionAsAnonymous(c *check.C) {
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	conn3 := s.testClusters["z3333"].Conn()
-	rootctx1, rootac1, rootkc1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	anonctx3, anonac3, _ := s.testClusters["z3333"].AnonymousClients()
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
+	conn3 := s.super.Conn("z3333")
+	rootctx1, rootac1, rootkc1 := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	anonctx3, anonac3, _ := s.super.AnonymousClients("z3333")
 	// Make sure anonymous token was set
 	c.Assert(anonac3.AuthToken, check.Not(check.Equals), "")
@@ -368,7 +359,7 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestGetCollectionAsAnonymous(c *check.C) {
 	c.Check(err, check.IsNil)
 	// Make a v2 token of the z3 anonymous user, and use it on z1
-	_, anonac1, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].ClientsWithToken(outAuth.TokenV2())
+	_, anonac1, _ := s.super.ClientsWithToken("z1111", outAuth.TokenV2())
 	outUser2, err := anonac1.CurrentUser()
 	c.Check(err, check.IsNil)
 	// z3 anonymous user will be mapped to the z1 anonymous user
@@ -394,14 +385,13 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestGetCollectionAsAnonymous(c *check.C) {
 // the z3333 anonymous user token should not prohibit the request from being
 // forwarded.
 func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestForwardAnonymousTokenToLoginCluster(c *check.C) {
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	s.testClusters["z3333"].Conn()
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
-	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	_, anonac3, _ := s.testClusters["z3333"].AnonymousClients()
+	rootctx1, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	_, anonac3, _ := s.super.AnonymousClients("z3333")
 	// Make a user connection to z3333 (using a z1111 user, because that's the login cluster)
-	_, userac1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z3333"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, "user at example.com", true)
+	_, userac1, _, _ := s.super.UserClients("z3333", rootctx1, c, conn1, "user at example.com", true)
 	// Get the anonymous user token for z3333
 	var anon3Auth arvados.APIClientAuthorization
@@ -433,14 +423,14 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestForwardAnonymousTokenToLoginCluster(c *check.C) {
 // Get a token from the login cluster (z1111), use it to submit a
 // container request on z2222.
 func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestCreateContainerRequestWithFedToken(c *check.C) {
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	_, ac1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
+	rootctx1, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	_, ac1, _, _ := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
 	// Use ac2 to get the discovery doc with a blank token, so the
 	// SDK doesn't magically pass the z1111 token to z2222 before
 	// we're ready to start our test.
-	_, ac2, _ := s.testClusters["z2222"].ClientsWithToken("")
+	_, ac2, _ := s.super.ClientsWithToken("z2222", "")
 	var dd map[string]interface{}
 	err := ac2.RequestAndDecode(&dd, "GET", "discovery/v1/apis/arvados/v1/rest", nil, nil)
 	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
@@ -502,9 +492,9 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestCreateContainerRequestWithFedToken(c *check.C) {
 func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestCreateContainerRequestWithBadToken(c *check.C) {
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	_, ac1, _, au := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, "user at example.com", true)
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
+	rootctx1, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	_, ac1, _, au := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, "user at example.com", true)
 	tests := []struct {
 		name         string
@@ -539,9 +529,9 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestCreateContainerRequestWithBadToken(c *check.C) {
 func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestRequestIDHeader(c *check.C) {
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	userctx1, ac1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, "user at example.com", true)
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
+	rootctx1, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	userctx1, ac1, _, _ := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, "user at example.com", true)
 	coll, err := conn1.CollectionCreate(userctx1, arvados.CreateOptions{})
 	c.Check(err, check.IsNil)
@@ -613,7 +603,7 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestRequestIDHeader(c *check.C) {
 // to test tokens that are secret, so there is no API response that will give them back
 func (s *IntegrationSuite) dbConn(c *check.C, clusterID string) (*sql.DB, *sql.Conn) {
 	ctx := context.Background()
-	db, err := sql.Open("postgres", s.testClusters[clusterID].Super.Cluster().PostgreSQL.Connection.String())
+	db, err := sql.Open("postgres", s.super.Cluster(clusterID).PostgreSQL.Connection.String())
 	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
 	conn, err := db.Conn(ctx)
@@ -633,9 +623,9 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestRuntimeTokenInCR(c *check.C) {
 	db, dbconn := s.dbConn(c, "z1111")
 	defer db.Close()
 	defer dbconn.Close()
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	userctx1, ac1, _, au := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, "user at example.com", true)
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
+	rootctx1, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	userctx1, ac1, _, au := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, "user at example.com", true)
 	tests := []struct {
 		name                 string
@@ -685,9 +675,9 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestRuntimeTokenInCR(c *check.C) {
 // one cluster with another cluster as the destination
 // and check the tokens are being handled properly
 func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestIntermediateCluster(c *check.C) {
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	uctx1, ac1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, "user at example.com", true)
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
+	rootctx1, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	uctx1, ac1, _, _ := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, "user at example.com", true)
 	tests := []struct {
 		name                 string
@@ -717,20 +707,20 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestIntermediateCluster(c *check.C) {
 // Test for #17785
 func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestFederatedApiClientAuthHandling(c *check.C) {
-	rootctx1, rootclnt1, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
+	rootctx1, rootclnt1, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
 	// Make sure LoginCluster is properly configured
 	for _, cls := range []string{"z1111", "z3333"} {
-			s.testClusters[cls].Config.Clusters[cls].Login.LoginCluster,
+			s.super.Cluster(cls).Login.LoginCluster,
 			check.Equals, "z1111",
 			check.Commentf("incorrect LoginCluster config on cluster %q", cls))
 	// Get user's UUID & attempt to create a token for it on the remote cluster
-	_, _, _, user := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1,
+	_, _, _, user := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1,
 		"user at example.com", true)
-	_, rootclnt3, _ := s.testClusters["z3333"].ClientsWithToken(rootclnt1.AuthToken)
+	_, rootclnt3, _ := s.super.ClientsWithToken("z3333", rootclnt1.AuthToken)
 	var resp arvados.APIClientAuthorization
 	err := rootclnt3.RequestAndDecode(
 		&resp, "POST", "arvados/v1/api_client_authorizations", nil,
@@ -749,7 +739,7 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestFederatedApiClientAuthHandling(c *check.C) {
 	c.Assert(strings.HasPrefix(newTok, "v2/z1111-gj3su-"), check.Equals, true)
 	// Confirm the token works and is from the correct user
-	_, rootclnt3bis, _ := s.testClusters["z3333"].ClientsWithToken(newTok)
+	_, rootclnt3bis, _ := s.super.ClientsWithToken("z3333", newTok)
 	var curUser arvados.User
 	err = rootclnt3bis.RequestAndDecode(
 		&curUser, "GET", "arvados/v1/users/current", nil, nil,
@@ -758,7 +748,7 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestFederatedApiClientAuthHandling(c *check.C) {
 	c.Assert(curUser.UUID, check.Equals, user.UUID)
 	// Request the ApiClientAuthorization list using the new token
-	_, userClient, _ := s.testClusters["z3333"].ClientsWithToken(newTok)
+	_, userClient, _ := s.super.ClientsWithToken("z3333", newTok)
 	var acaLst arvados.APIClientAuthorizationList
 	err = userClient.RequestAndDecode(
 		&acaLst, "GET", "arvados/v1/api_client_authorizations", nil, nil,
@@ -768,15 +758,15 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestFederatedApiClientAuthHandling(c *check.C) {
 // Test for bug #18076
 func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestStaleCachedUserRecord(c *check.C) {
-	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	_, rootclnt3, _ := s.testClusters["z3333"].RootClients()
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	conn3 := s.testClusters["z3333"].Conn()
+	rootctx1, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	_, rootclnt3, _ := s.super.RootClients("z3333")
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
+	conn3 := s.super.Conn("z3333")
 	// Make sure LoginCluster is properly configured
 	for _, cls := range []string{"z1111", "z3333"} {
-			s.testClusters[cls].Config.Clusters[cls].Login.LoginCluster,
+			s.super.Cluster(cls).Login.LoginCluster,
 			check.Equals, "z1111",
 			check.Commentf("incorrect LoginCluster config on cluster %q", cls))
@@ -792,7 +782,7 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestStaleCachedUserRecord(c *check.C) {
 		// Create some users, request them on the federated cluster so they're cached.
 		var users []arvados.User
 		for userNr := 0; userNr < 2; userNr++ {
-			_, _, _, user := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(
+			_, _, _, user := s.super.UserClients("z1111",
@@ -871,15 +861,15 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestStaleCachedUserRecord(c *check.C) {
 // Test for bug #16263
 func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestListUsers(c *check.C) {
-	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	conn3 := s.testClusters["z3333"].Conn()
-	userctx1, _, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
+	rootctx1, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
+	conn3 := s.super.Conn("z3333")
+	userctx1, _, _, _ := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
 	// Make sure LoginCluster is properly configured
-	for cls := range s.testClusters {
+	for _, cls := range []string{"z1111", "z2222", "z3333"} {
-			s.testClusters[cls].Config.Clusters[cls].Login.LoginCluster,
+			s.super.Cluster(cls).Login.LoginCluster,
 			check.Equals, "z1111",
 			check.Commentf("incorrect LoginCluster config on cluster %q", cls))
@@ -939,12 +929,12 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestListUsers(c *check.C) {
 func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestSetupUserWithVM(c *check.C) {
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	conn3 := s.testClusters["z3333"].Conn()
-	rootctx1, rootac1, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
+	conn3 := s.super.Conn("z3333")
+	rootctx1, rootac1, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
 	// Create user on LoginCluster z1111
-	_, _, _, user := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
+	_, _, _, user := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
 	// Make a new root token (because rootClients() uses SystemRootToken)
 	var outAuth arvados.APIClientAuthorization
@@ -952,7 +942,7 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestSetupUserWithVM(c *check.C) {
 	c.Check(err, check.IsNil)
 	// Make a v2 root token to communicate with z3333
-	rootctx3, rootac3, _ := s.testClusters["z3333"].ClientsWithToken(outAuth.TokenV2())
+	rootctx3, rootac3, _ := s.super.ClientsWithToken("z3333", outAuth.TokenV2())
 	// Create VM on z3333
 	var outVM arvados.VirtualMachine
@@ -1003,9 +993,9 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestSetupUserWithVM(c *check.C) {
 func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestOIDCAccessTokenAuth(c *check.C) {
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
+	rootctx1, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
 	accesstoken := s.oidcprovider.ValidAccessToken()
@@ -1017,8 +1007,8 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestOIDCAccessTokenAuth(c *check.C) {
 			c.Logf("save collection to %s", clusterID)
-			conn := s.testClusters[clusterID].Conn()
-			ctx, ac, kc := s.testClusters[clusterID].ClientsWithToken(accesstoken)
+			conn := s.super.Conn(clusterID)
+			ctx, ac, kc := s.super.ClientsWithToken(clusterID, accesstoken)
 			fs, err := coll.FileSystem(ac, kc)
 			c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
@@ -1042,8 +1032,8 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestOIDCAccessTokenAuth(c *check.C) {
 		for _, readClusterID := range []string{"z1111", "z2222", "z3333"} {
 			c.Logf("retrieve %s from %s", coll.UUID, readClusterID)
-			conn := s.testClusters[readClusterID].Conn()
-			ctx, ac, kc := s.testClusters[readClusterID].ClientsWithToken(accesstoken)
+			conn := s.super.Conn(readClusterID)
+			ctx, ac, kc := s.super.ClientsWithToken(readClusterID, accesstoken)
 			user, err := conn.UserGetCurrent(ctx, arvados.GetOptions{})
 			c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
@@ -1071,11 +1061,11 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestForwardRuntimeTokenToLoginCluster(c *check.C) {
 	db3, db3conn := s.dbConn(c, "z3333")
 	defer db3.Close()
 	defer db3conn.Close()
-	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	rootctx3, _, _ := s.testClusters["z3333"].RootClients()
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	conn3 := s.testClusters["z3333"].Conn()
-	userctx1, _, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, "user at example.com", true)
+	rootctx1, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	rootctx3, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z3333")
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
+	conn3 := s.super.Conn("z3333")
+	userctx1, _, _, _ := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, "user at example.com", true)
 	user1, err := conn1.UserGetCurrent(userctx1, arvados.GetOptions{})
 	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
@@ -1113,7 +1103,7 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestForwardRuntimeTokenToLoginCluster(c *check.C) {
 	c.Assert(val.Valid, check.Equals, true)
 	runtimeToken := "v2/" + ctr.AuthUUID + "/" + val.String
-	ctrctx, _, _ := s.testClusters["z3333"].ClientsWithToken(runtimeToken)
+	ctrctx, _, _ := s.super.ClientsWithToken("z3333", runtimeToken)
 	c.Logf("container runtime token %+v", runtimeToken)
 	_, err = conn3.UserGet(ctrctx, arvados.GetOptions{UUID: user1.UUID})
diff --git a/tools/sync-groups/federation_test.go b/tools/sync-groups/federation_test.go
index d5fed3e29..71c119156 100644
--- a/tools/sync-groups/federation_test.go
+++ b/tools/sync-groups/federation_test.go
@@ -5,13 +5,12 @@
 package main
 import (
-	"bytes"
+	"context"
-	"path/filepath"
+	"time"
-	"git.arvados.org/arvados.git/lib/config"
@@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ var _ = check.Suite(&FederationSuite{})
 var origAPIHost, origAPIToken string
 type FederationSuite struct {
-	testClusters map[string]*boot.TestCluster
+	super        *boot.Supervisor
 	oidcprovider *arvadostest.OIDCProvider
@@ -31,8 +30,6 @@ func (s *FederationSuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) {
 	origAPIHost = os.Getenv("ARVADOS_API_HOST")
 	origAPIToken = os.Getenv("ARVADOS_API_TOKEN")
-	cwd, _ := os.Getwd()
 	s.oidcprovider = arvadostest.NewOIDCProvider(c)
 	s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail = "user at example.com"
 	s.oidcprovider.AuthEmailVerified = true
@@ -40,12 +37,8 @@ func (s *FederationSuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) {
 	s.oidcprovider.ValidClientID = "clientid"
 	s.oidcprovider.ValidClientSecret = "clientsecret"
-	s.testClusters = map[string]*boot.TestCluster{
-		"z1111": nil,
-		"z2222": nil,
-	}
 	hostport := map[string]string{}
-	for id := range s.testClusters {
+	for _, id := range []string{"z1111", "z2222"} {
 		hostport[id] = func() string {
 			// TODO: Instead of expecting random ports on
 			//, 22 to be race-safe, try
@@ -59,8 +52,9 @@ func (s *FederationSuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) {
 			return "127.0.0." + id[3:] + ":" + port
-	for id := range s.testClusters {
-		yaml := `Clusters:
+	yaml := "Clusters:\n"
+	for id := range hostport {
+		yaml += `
   ` + id + `:
@@ -104,30 +98,27 @@ func (s *FederationSuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) {
       LoginCluster: z1111
-		loader := config.NewLoader(bytes.NewBufferString(yaml), ctxlog.TestLogger(c))
-		loader.Path = "-"
-		loader.SkipLegacy = true
-		loader.SkipAPICalls = true
-		cfg, err := loader.Load()
-		c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
-		tc := boot.NewTestCluster(
-			filepath.Join(cwd, "..", ".."),
-			id, cfg, "127.0.0."+id[3:], c.Log)
-		tc.Super.NoWorkbench1 = true
-		tc.Super.NoWorkbench2 = true
-		tc.Start()
-		s.testClusters[id] = tc
-	for _, tc := range s.testClusters {
-		ok := tc.WaitReady()
-		c.Assert(ok, check.Equals, true)
+	s.super = &boot.Supervisor{
+		ClusterType:          "test",
+		ConfigYAML:           yaml,
+		Stderr:               ctxlog.LogWriter(c.Log),
+		NoWorkbench1:         true,
+		NoWorkbench2:         true,
+		OwnTemporaryDatabase: true,
+	// Give up if startup takes longer than 3m
+	timeout := time.AfterFunc(3*time.Minute, s.super.Stop)
+	defer timeout.Stop()
+	s.super.Start(context.Background())
+	ok := s.super.WaitReady()
+	c.Assert(ok, check.Equals, true)
 	// Activate user, make it admin.
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	userctx1, _, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
+	rootctx1, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	userctx1, _, _, _ := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
 	user1, err := conn1.UserGetCurrent(userctx1, arvados.GetOptions{})
 	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
 	c.Assert(user1.IsAdmin, check.Equals, false)
@@ -142,25 +133,23 @@ func (s *FederationSuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) {
 func (s *FederationSuite) TearDownSuite(c *check.C) {
-	for _, c := range s.testClusters {
-		c.Super.Stop()
-	}
+	s.super.Stop()
 	_ = os.Setenv("ARVADOS_API_HOST", origAPIHost)
 	_ = os.Setenv("ARVADOS_API_TOKEN", origAPIToken)
 func (s *FederationSuite) TestGroupSyncingOnFederatedCluster(c *check.C) {
 	// Get admin user's V2 token
-	conn1 := s.testClusters["z1111"].Conn()
-	rootctx1, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].RootClients()
-	userctx1, _, _, _ := s.testClusters["z1111"].UserClients(rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
+	conn1 := s.super.Conn("z1111")
+	rootctx1, _, _ := s.super.RootClients("z1111")
+	userctx1, _, _, _ := s.super.UserClients("z1111", rootctx1, c, conn1, s.oidcprovider.AuthEmail, true)
 	user1Auth, err := conn1.APIClientAuthorizationCurrent(userctx1, arvados.GetOptions{})
 	c.Check(err, check.IsNil)
 	userV2Token := user1Auth.TokenV2()
 	// Get federated admin clients on z2222 to set up environment
-	conn2 := s.testClusters["z2222"].Conn()
-	userctx2, userac2, _ := s.testClusters["z2222"].ClientsWithToken(userV2Token)
+	conn2 := s.super.Conn("z2222")
+	userctx2, userac2, _ := s.super.ClientsWithToken("z2222", userV2Token)
 	user2, err := conn2.UserGetCurrent(userctx2, arvados.GetOptions{})
 	c.Check(err, check.IsNil)
 	c.Check(user2.IsAdmin, check.Equals, true)
@@ -177,7 +166,7 @@ func (s *FederationSuite) TestGroupSyncingOnFederatedCluster(c *check.C) {
 		Filters: []arvados.Filter{{
 			Attr:     "owner_uuid",
 			Operator: "=",
-			Operand:  s.testClusters["z2222"].ClusterID + "-tpzed-000000000000000",
+			Operand:  s.super.Cluster("z2222").ClusterID + "-tpzed-000000000000000",
 		}, {
 			Attr:     "name",
 			Operator: "=",



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