[ARVADOS] created: 2.1.0-1415-gea5a800b6

Git user git at public.arvados.org
Tue Sep 28 18:29:01 UTC 2021

        at  ea5a800b643143baade1eb6c7f1760d366d92674 (commit)

commit ea5a800b643143baade1eb6c7f1760d366d92674
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 28 14:25:47 2021 -0400

    17779: Fix misleading "error processing manifest" after IO errors.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>

diff --git a/sdk/python/arvados/collection.py b/sdk/python/arvados/collection.py
index 50cb703a5..1744cc7be 100644
--- a/sdk/python/arvados/collection.py
+++ b/sdk/python/arvados/collection.py
@@ -1344,8 +1344,8 @@ class Collection(RichCollectionBase):
-            except (IOError, errors.SyntaxError) as e:
-                raise errors.ArgumentError("Error processing manifest text: %s", e)
+            except errors.SyntaxError as e:
+                raise errors.ArgumentError("Error processing manifest text: %s", str(e)) from None
     def storage_classes_desired(self):
         return self._storage_classes_desired or []

commit b263fa8fa06f8eca2fe284037db617c721d355df
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 28 14:24:55 2021 -0400

    17779: Include request ID in exception messages.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>

diff --git a/sdk/python/arvados/api.py b/sdk/python/arvados/api.py
index 86d24dfc0..88596211d 100644
--- a/sdk/python/arvados/api.py
+++ b/sdk/python/arvados/api.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import logging
 import os
 import re
 import socket
+import ssl
 import sys
 import time
 import types
@@ -57,58 +58,67 @@ class OrderedJsonModel(apiclient.model.JsonModel):
 def _intercept_http_request(self, uri, method="GET", headers={}, **kwargs):
-    if (self.max_request_size and
-        kwargs.get('body') and
-        self.max_request_size < len(kwargs['body'])):
-        raise apiclient_errors.MediaUploadSizeError("Request size %i bytes exceeds published limit of %i bytes" % (len(kwargs['body']), self.max_request_size))
-    if config.get("ARVADOS_EXTERNAL_CLIENT", "") == "true":
-        headers['X-External-Client'] = '1'
-    headers['Authorization'] = 'OAuth2 %s' % self.arvados_api_token
     if not headers.get('X-Request-Id'):
         headers['X-Request-Id'] = self._request_id()
+    try:
+        if (self.max_request_size and
+            kwargs.get('body') and
+            self.max_request_size < len(kwargs['body'])):
+            raise apiclient_errors.MediaUploadSizeError("Request size %i bytes exceeds published limit of %i bytes" % (len(kwargs['body']), self.max_request_size))
-    retryable = method in [
-        'DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'PUT']
-    retry_count = self._retry_count if retryable else 0
-    if (not retryable and
-        time.time() - self._last_request_time > self._max_keepalive_idle):
-        # High probability of failure due to connection atrophy. Make
-        # sure this request [re]opens a new connection by closing and
-        # forgetting all cached connections first.
-        for conn in self.connections.values():
-            conn.close()
-        self.connections.clear()
-    delay = self._retry_delay_initial
-    for _ in range(retry_count):
-        self._last_request_time = time.time()
-        try:
-            return self.orig_http_request(uri, method, headers=headers, **kwargs)
-        except http.client.HTTPException:
-            _logger.debug("Retrying API request in %d s after HTTP error",
-                          delay, exc_info=True)
-        except socket.error:
-            # This is the one case where httplib2 doesn't close the
-            # underlying connection first.  Close all open
-            # connections, expecting this object only has the one
-            # connection to the API server.  This is safe because
-            # httplib2 reopens connections when needed.
-            _logger.debug("Retrying API request in %d s after socket error",
-                          delay, exc_info=True)
+        if config.get("ARVADOS_EXTERNAL_CLIENT", "") == "true":
+            headers['X-External-Client'] = '1'
+        headers['Authorization'] = 'OAuth2 %s' % self.arvados_api_token
+        retryable = method in [
+            'DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'PUT']
+        retry_count = self._retry_count if retryable else 0
+        if (not retryable and
+            time.time() - self._last_request_time > self._max_keepalive_idle):
+            # High probability of failure due to connection atrophy. Make
+            # sure this request [re]opens a new connection by closing and
+            # forgetting all cached connections first.
             for conn in self.connections.values():
-        except httplib2.SSLHandshakeError as e:
-            # Intercept and re-raise with a better error message.
-            raise httplib2.SSLHandshakeError("Could not connect to %s\n%s\nPossible causes: remote SSL/TLS certificate expired, or was issued by an untrusted certificate authority." % (uri, e))
+            self.connections.clear()
+        delay = self._retry_delay_initial
+        for _ in range(retry_count):
+            self._last_request_time = time.time()
+            try:
+                return self.orig_http_request(uri, method, headers=headers, **kwargs)
+            except http.client.HTTPException:
+                _logger.debug("[%s] Retrying API request in %d s after HTTP error",
+                              headers['X-Request-Id'], delay, exc_info=True)
+            except ssl.SSLCertVerificationError as e:
+                raise ssl.SSLCertVerificationError(e.args[0], "Could not connect to %s\n%s\nPossible causes: remote SSL/TLS certificate expired, or was issued by an untrusted certificate authority." % (uri, e)) from None
+            except socket.error:
+                # This is the one case where httplib2 doesn't close the
+                # underlying connection first.  Close all open
+                # connections, expecting this object only has the one
+                # connection to the API server.  This is safe because
+                # httplib2 reopens connections when needed.
+                _logger.debug("[%s] Retrying API request in %d s after socket error",
+                              headers['X-Request-Id'], delay, exc_info=True)
+                for conn in self.connections.values():
+                    conn.close()
+            time.sleep(delay)
+            delay = delay * self._retry_delay_backoff
-        time.sleep(delay)
-        delay = delay * self._retry_delay_backoff
-    self._last_request_time = time.time()
-    return self.orig_http_request(uri, method, headers=headers, **kwargs)
+        self._last_request_time = time.time()
+        return self.orig_http_request(uri, method, headers=headers, **kwargs)
+    except Exception as e:
+        # Prepend "[request_id] " to the error message, which we
+        # assume is the first string argument passed to the exception
+        # constructor.
+        for i in range(len(e.args or ())):
+            if type(e.args[i]) == type(""):
+                e.args = e.args[:i] + ("[{}] {}".format(headers['X-Request-Id'], e.args[i]),) + e.args[i+1:]
+                raise type(e)(*e.args)
+        raise
 def _patch_http_request(http, api_token):
     http.arvados_api_token = api_token
diff --git a/sdk/python/arvados/keep.py b/sdk/python/arvados/keep.py
index bc0785183..0018687ff 100644
--- a/sdk/python/arvados/keep.py
+++ b/sdk/python/arvados/keep.py
@@ -1080,6 +1080,13 @@ class KeepClient(object):
+        request_id = (request_id or
+                      (hasattr(self, 'api_client') and self.api_client.request_id) or
+                      arvados.util.new_request_id())
+        if headers is None:
+            headers = {}
+        headers['X-Request-Id'] = request_id
         slot = None
         blob = None
@@ -1096,12 +1103,6 @@ class KeepClient(object):
-            if headers is None:
-                headers = {}
-            headers['X-Request-Id'] = (request_id or
-                                        (hasattr(self, 'api_client') and self.api_client.request_id) or
-                                        arvados.util.new_request_id())
             # If the locator has hints specifying a prefix (indicating a
             # remote keepproxy) or the UUID of a local gateway service,
             # read data from the indicated service(s) instead of the usual
@@ -1171,14 +1172,14 @@ class KeepClient(object):
                           for key in sorted_roots)
         if not roots_map:
             raise arvados.errors.KeepReadError(
-                "failed to read {}: no Keep services available ({})".format(
-                    loc_s, loop.last_result()))
+                "[{}] failed to read {}: no Keep services available ({})".format(
+                    request_id, loc_s, loop.last_result()))
         elif not_founds == len(sorted_roots):
             raise arvados.errors.NotFoundError(
-                "{} not found".format(loc_s), service_errors)
+                "[{}] {} not found".format(request_id, loc_s), service_errors)
             raise arvados.errors.KeepReadError(
-                "failed to read {} after {}".format(loc_s, loop.attempts_str()), service_errors, label="service")
+                "[{}] failed to read {} after {}".format(request_id, loc_s, loop.attempts_str()), service_errors, label="service")
     def put(self, data, copies=2, num_retries=None, request_id=None, classes=None):
@@ -1215,10 +1216,11 @@ class KeepClient(object):
             return loc_s
         locator = KeepLocator(loc_s)
+        request_id = (request_id or
+                      (hasattr(self, 'api_client') and self.api_client.request_id) or
+                      arvados.util.new_request_id())
         headers = {
-            'X-Request-Id': (request_id or
-                             (hasattr(self, 'api_client') and self.api_client.request_id) or
-                             arvados.util.new_request_id()),
+            'X-Request-Id': request_id,
             'X-Keep-Desired-Replicas': str(copies),
         roots_map = {}
@@ -1275,15 +1277,15 @@ class KeepClient(object):
             return writer_pool.response()
         if not roots_map:
             raise arvados.errors.KeepWriteError(
-                "failed to write {}: no Keep services available ({})".format(
-                    data_hash, loop.last_result()))
+                "[{}] failed to write {}: no Keep services available ({})".format(
+                    request_id, data_hash, loop.last_result()))
             service_errors = ((key, roots_map[key].last_result()['error'])
                               for key in sorted_roots
                               if roots_map[key].last_result()['error'])
             raise arvados.errors.KeepWriteError(
-                "failed to write {} after {} (wanted {} copies but wrote {})".format(
-                    data_hash, loop.attempts_str(), (copies, classes), writer_pool.done()), service_errors, label="service")
+                "[{}] failed to write {} after {} (wanted {} copies but wrote {})".format(
+                    request_id, data_hash, loop.attempts_str(), (copies, classes), writer_pool.done()), service_errors, label="service")
     def local_store_put(self, data, copies=1, num_retries=None, classes=[]):
         """A stub for put().
diff --git a/sdk/python/tests/test_api.py b/sdk/python/tests/test_api.py
index 0c4677e8a..c249f46d3 100644
--- a/sdk/python/tests/test_api.py
+++ b/sdk/python/tests/test_api.py
@@ -82,6 +82,19 @@ class ArvadosApiTest(run_test_server.TestCaseWithServers):
         for msg in ["Bad UUID format", "Bad output format"]:
             self.assertIn(msg, err_s)
+    @mock.patch('time.sleep')
+    def test_exceptions_include_request_id(self, sleep):
+        api = arvados.api('v1')
+        api.request_id='fake-request-id'
+        api._http.orig_http_request = mock.MagicMock()
+        api._http.orig_http_request.side_effect = socket.error('mock error')
+        caught = None
+        try:
+            api.users().current().execute()
+        except Exception as e:
+            caught = e
+        self.assertRegex(str(caught), r'fake-request-id')
     def test_exceptions_without_errors_have_basic_info(self):
         mock_responses = {
             'arvados.humans.delete': (
diff --git a/sdk/python/tests/test_keep_client.py b/sdk/python/tests/test_keep_client.py
index b2160e549..aa7e371bf 100644
--- a/sdk/python/tests/test_keep_client.py
+++ b/sdk/python/tests/test_keep_client.py
@@ -703,6 +703,23 @@ class KeepXRequestIdTestCase(unittest.TestCase, tutil.ApiClientMock):
+    def test_request_id_in_exception(self):
+        with tutil.mock_keep_responses(b'', 400, 400, 400) as mock:
+            with self.assertRaisesRegex(arvados.errors.KeepReadError, self.test_id):
+                self.keep_client.head(self.locator, request_id=self.test_id)
+        with tutil.mock_keep_responses(b'', 400, 400, 400) as mock:
+            with self.assertRaisesRegex(arvados.errors.KeepReadError, r'req-[a-z0-9]{20}'):
+                self.keep_client.get(self.locator)
+        with tutil.mock_keep_responses(b'', 400, 400, 400) as mock:
+            with self.assertRaisesRegex(arvados.errors.KeepWriteError, self.test_id):
+                self.keep_client.put(self.data, request_id=self.test_id)
+        with tutil.mock_keep_responses(b'', 400, 400, 400) as mock:
+            with self.assertRaisesRegex(arvados.errors.KeepWriteError, r'req-[a-z0-9]{20}'):
+                self.keep_client.put(self.data)
     def assertAutomaticRequestId(self, resp):
         hdr = [x for x in resp.getopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER)
                if x.startswith('X-Request-Id: ')][0]



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