[ARVADOS-WORKBENCH2] created: 2.3.0

Git user git at public.arvados.org
Wed Oct 27 13:55:37 UTC 2021

        at  b558968a59b9717fd4d4f0811b4e0e0ad9f1954b (tag)
   tagging  d0611f387f0ec0163fc8f6053a7715bc3d592700 (commit)
  replaces  2.2.1
 tagged by  Peter Amstutz
        on  Wed Oct 27 09:53:59 2021 -0400

Arvados 2.3.0

Major Features

* Initial LSF support

This new release adds support for dispatching containers to Spectrum
LSF clusters, allowing the integration of Arvados to additional HPC

For more information please check our documentation page.

* Initial Singularity support

This major release adds initial support for running containers with the Singularity Runtime.

We’ve tested this version against Singularity 3.7.4. For more information please check the documentation.

* Improved Storage Classes support

This release features expanded support for storage classes. Storage
classes enable clients to control which storage backend volumes are
used to store data associated with each collection. This makes it
possible to manage heterogenous storage with different
performance/price/capacity/robustness characteristics.

Arvados applications now support uploading data directly to specific
storage classes. This is described in the the user guide. If a storage
class is not specified, it will use the default storage classes
assigned by the administrator.

Keepstore services now parallelize data write operations when a data
block is assigned to multiple storage classes. The administrator can
also prioritize which storage classes are preferred for read
operations. Please refer to the admin documentation for more


* Workbench2 Webshell

Workbench2 now integrates the browser-based shell node access on its
own instead of redirecting to the older Workbench1. This includes
support for session auto-logout.

* Workbench2 collection’s file browser

The new collection file browser allows navigating through more
significant collections faster by loading partial file listings on
demand instead of requesting the entire collection at once. This is
most noticeable on collections with many directories and/or files.

* Group-sync tool improvements

This release’s group syncing tool arvados-sync-groups allows case insensitive username matching as described on the admin guide.

* Collection manifest handling

Collection manifest signing performance and caching are notably
improved. This will be most noticeable when dealing with really big
data collections.

Other changes

* Workbench2 fixes

The pagination display now works correctly when showing empty
tables. Upload speed indication is now fixed showing MB/s instead of

* Data access fixes

WebDAV caching fix improves performance on huge collections. Fixed
occasional mount point deadlock bugs in the PySDK FUSE
driver (arv-mount).

* Deprecated database indexes

Removed deprecated full text search database indexes. These were
unused and sometimes interfered with creating collections with very
large numbers of files and directories.

* Error reporting fixes

Request-ID propagation fixes improve error traceability and
debugging. Keepproxy spurious 413 error fix avoids future debugging

* Python SDK fixes

Fixed the socket read timeout issues on collection create
calls. Upgraded python-rsa dependency to address the security advisory
CVE-2020-13757. Upgraded ruamel.yaml & google-api-python-client
dependencies that were causing issues to some users.

* Misc fixes

Cached user records handling in a satellite cluster auto-resolves
username collisions. Removed unused users#update_uuid endpoint. Fixed
container locking issue & improved logging on dispatcher.

Daniel Kutyła (14):
      17585: First initial impl
      17585: Added search fields, optimized requests
      17585: Fixed color, font size and added file size
      17585: Fixed eslint warnings
      17585: Added data-cy attribute
      17585: Added tests
      17585: FIxed tests
      17585: FIxed tests
      17585: Removed it.only
      16655: Fixed wrong speed indicator, added test
      Merge branch '16655-Upload-speed-indicator-shows-wrong-information' into main
      17585: New collection viewer layout
      17585: Added arrow to left panel for the selected folder
      Merge branch '17585-Redesign-navigation-of-files-in-collections' into main

Lucas Di Pentima (39):
      17782: Replaces react-scripts-ts with react-scripts v2.1.8
      17782: Enables typescript support.
      17782: Upgrades react-scripts to 3.x because of absolute import paths support.
      17782: Adds missing copyright headers.
      17782: Fixes absolute import paths from '~/somedir/...' to 'somedir/...'
      17782: Adds supported browser list.
      17782: Fixes almost all tests (4 left) mostly by fixing namespace-type imports.
      17782: Further imports fixing.
      17782: Loosens type-checking restrictions to match those of react-scripts-ts.
      17782: Additional imports and typing fixes.
      17782: Typing fixes on cwl-svg.
      17782: Disabling typechecking for some common Field component usage.
      17782: Fixes test.
      17782: Fixes cypress tests.
      17782: Updates node requirements.
      17782: Updates module dependencies.
      17782: Fixes 'array-callback-return' compile warnings.
      17782: Fixes some of the 'no-unused-vars' compile warnings.
      17782: Fixes 'react/jsx-no-target-blank' compile warnings.
      17782: Fixes 'no-mixed-operators' compile warnings.
      17782: Fixes assorted compile warnings.
      17782: Fixes a jest warning when running tests.
      17782: Makes "arvados-server install" a dependency of all tests.
      17782: Goes back to node docker image as it installs other needed deps.
      17782: removes linter warnings for cwl-svg code.
      17782: Removes the last linter warnings.
      17782: Merge branch 'main' into 17782-react-scripts-ts-migration
      Merge branch '17782-react-scripts-ts-migration' into main. Closes #17782
      17573: Adds Volumes config support.
      17573: Adds storage classes information to the collection panel.
      17573: Adds redux-form controlled multi-checkbox selection component.
      17573: Adds storage selection checkboxes to edit dialog.
      17573: Adds integration tests for storage classes display & editing.
      17573: Always include 'default' storage class in the list.
      Merge branch '17573-edit-storage-classes' into main. Closes #17573
      17928: Adds storage classes checkboxes to collection create dialog.
      17928: Updates collection create integration test.
      Merge branch '17928-new-collection-storage-classes' into main. Closes #17928
      17982: Updates integration test cluster's config file to make tests work again.

Stephen Smith (53):
      17526: Rename webdav dialong to Access with 3rd party client
      17526: Rename cyberduck tab to webdav, mention credentials in mac/win tab
      17526: Add wget/curl tab to webdav dialog
      17526: Change webdav dialog title to "Open" to preserve ordering
      17526: Rename supportsWebdav to isCollection
      17526: Fix webdav dialog > wget tab command copy button only copying url
      17526: Use codesnippet component on webdav dialog wget command for monospace
      17526: Remove redundant user/pass from webdav wget tab and add curl command
      17951: Remove compute node ui and associated code
      Merge branch '17951-remove-compute-nodes-ui' into main. Closes #17951
      17526: Remove filename placeholder from webdav dialog curl command
      Merge branch '17526-3rd-party-access-ui' into main. Closes #17526
      17691: Relax ssh key frontend validation to accept keys without comment
      17691: Add unit tests for isRsaKey
      Merge branch '17691-relax-add-ssh-validation' into main. Closes #17691
      17690: Filter ssh keys shown in user keys to only current user
      17690: Fix stray accidental copy+paste
      17690: Add guard against undefined user in ssh key page
      17564: Change file size unit base from 1000 to 1024
      Merge branch '17564-file-size-inaccuracy' into main. Closes #17564
      Merge branch '17690-user-ssh-key-page' into main. Closes #17690
      17982: Open basic searchview on click if searchValue is empty
      17532: Add modifiedByUser to collection details version history table
      17532: Remove unused code in renderers
      17982: Trigger loading saved/recent queries when clicking empty search bar
      Merge branch '17982-recent-saved-searches-display-bug' into main. Closes #17982
      17532: Move collection details history modified by to its own row
      17532: Add cypress test for collection history username
      Merge branch '17532-collection-version-history-username' into main. Closes #17532
      15159: Hide "open in new tab" if unsafe and TrustAllContent is false
      15159: Update cypress tests to not expect open file in new tab
      15159: Hide file preview when not secure and trustallcontent is false
      15159: Update cypress tests to check clusterConfig and inlineUrl for hiding open in new tab
      15159: Add unit tests for collection-file-viewer-action and TrustAllContent / secure URLs
      Merge branch '15159-disable-open-in-new-tab-when-cannot-serve-inline' into main. Closes #15159
      17229: Add webshell to workbench2
      18029: Fix divide by zero on empty pagination by defaulting to 0
      18029: Disable pagination next if list is empty
      18029: Handle empty data explorer in data explorer reducer
      Merge branch '18029-fix-nan-pagination' into main. Closes #18029
      17229: Clear webshell token from url after page loads
      17229: Webshell use localstorage if available
      17229: Webshell clear token from variable after logging in
      17229: Webshell show message when toke is missing
      17229: Webshell variable typo
      17229: Webshell add idle timer and auto log out
      17229: Update test for token browser storage location
      17229: Webshell don't update idle timer when timed out
      17229: Patch shellinabox to cleanly close instead of sending cancel+eof
      18116: Chips guard against invariant bug
      17229: Change extra token const value to extraToken for clarity
      Merge branch '17229-integrate-webshell' into main. Closes #17229
      Merge branch '18116-fix-chips-bugs' into main. Closes #18116

Ward Vandewege (1):
      Update the package distribution target list: add debian11, remove



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