[ARVADOS] updated: 2.1.0-1424-g481c0eb9d

Git user git at public.arvados.org
Wed Oct 6 12:55:08 UTC 2021

Summary of changes:
 sdk/ruby/arvados.gemspec | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

  discards  5dd76528e7fb9c60f45e5d937d3b6af428134f6f (commit)
       via  481c0eb9d9b0adcf876c7e53ae4c8938b60c9b76 (commit)

This update added new revisions after undoing existing revisions.  That is
to say, the old revision is not a strict subset of the new revision.  This
situation occurs when you --force push a change and generate a repository
containing something like this:

 * -- * -- B -- O -- O -- O (5dd76528e7fb9c60f45e5d937d3b6af428134f6f)
             N -- N -- N (481c0eb9d9b0adcf876c7e53ae4c8938b60c9b76)

When this happens we assume that you've already had alert emails for all
of the O revisions, and so we here report only the revisions in the N
branch from the common base, B.

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit 481c0eb9d9b0adcf876c7e53ae4c8938b60c9b76
Author: Ward Vandewege <ward at curii.com>
Date:   Mon Oct 4 21:28:53 2021 -0400

    18247: fix arvados gem dependency on the faraday gem
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Ward Vandewege <ward at curii.com>

diff --git a/sdk/cli/arvados-cli.gemspec b/sdk/cli/arvados-cli.gemspec
index 08fcfe3a3..7e7741e8a 100644
--- a/sdk/cli/arvados-cli.gemspec
+++ b/sdk/cli/arvados-cli.gemspec
@@ -41,8 +41,9 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
   s.required_ruby_version = '>= 2.1.0'
   s.add_runtime_dependency 'arvados', '>='
   # Our google-api-client dependency used to be < 0.9, but that could be
-  # satisfied by the buggy 0.9.pre*.  https://dev.arvados.org/issues/9213
-  s.add_runtime_dependency 'arvados-google-api-client', '~> 0.6', '>= 0.6.3', '<0.8.9'
+  # satisfied by the buggy 0.9.pre*, cf. https://dev.arvados.org/issues/9213
+  # We need at least version, cf. https://dev.arvados.org/issues/18247
+  s.add_runtime_dependency('arvados-google-api-client', '>=', '< 0.8.9')
   s.add_runtime_dependency 'activesupport', '>= 3.2.13', '< 5.3'
   s.add_runtime_dependency 'json', '>= 1.7.7', '<3'
   s.add_runtime_dependency 'optimist', '~> 3.0'
@@ -51,8 +52,6 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
   s.add_runtime_dependency 'oj', '< 3.10.9'
   s.add_runtime_dependency 'curb', '~> 0.8'
   s.add_runtime_dependency 'launchy', '< 2.5'
-  # arvados-google-api-client is incompatible with faraday 0.16.2
-  s.add_dependency('faraday', '< 0.16')
   s.homepage    =
diff --git a/sdk/ruby/arvados.gemspec b/sdk/ruby/arvados.gemspec
index 7cc2fd931..e76c6e870 100644
--- a/sdk/ruby/arvados.gemspec
+++ b/sdk/ruby/arvados.gemspec
@@ -41,13 +41,14 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
   s.add_dependency('activesupport', '>= 3')
   s.add_dependency('andand', '~> 1.3', '>= 1.3.3')
   # Our google-api-client dependency used to be < 0.9, but that could be
-  # satisfied by the buggy 0.9.pre*.  https://dev.arvados.org/issues/9213
-  s.add_dependency('arvados-google-api-client', '>= 0.7', '< 0.8.9')
+  # satisfied by the buggy 0.9.pre*, cf. https://dev.arvados.org/issues/9213
+  # We need at least version, cf. https://dev.arvados.org/issues/18247
+  s.add_dependency('arvados-google-api-client', '>=', '< 0.8.9')
   # work around undeclared dependency on i18n in some activesupport 3.x.x:
   s.add_dependency('i18n', '~> 0')
   s.add_dependency('json', '>= 1.7.7', '<3')
-  # arvados-google-api-client is incompatible with faraday 0.16.2
-  s.add_dependency('faraday', '< 0.16')
+  # Avoid warning on Ruby 2.7, cf. https://dev.arvados.org/issues/18247
+  s.add_dependency('faraday', '>= 0.17.4')
   s.add_runtime_dependency('jwt', '<2', '>= 0.1.5')
   s.homepage    =



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