[ARVADOS] created: 2.1.0-481-g54d8c4e41

Git user git at public.arvados.org
Thu Mar 4 21:51:44 UTC 2021

        at  54d8c4e41a276ac82c79506f63907a108ebd9bfd (commit)

commit 54d8c4e41a276ac82c79506f63907a108ebd9bfd
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>
Date:   Thu Mar 4 16:51:12 2021 -0500

    16669: Accept OIDC access token in federated requests.
    ...provided both local and remote clusters use the same login cluster.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Tom Clegg <tom at curii.com>

diff --git a/lib/controller/federation.go b/lib/controller/federation.go
index cab5e4c4c..419d8b010 100644
--- a/lib/controller/federation.go
+++ b/lib/controller/federation.go
@@ -263,10 +263,10 @@ func (h *Handler) saltAuthToken(req *http.Request, remote string) (updatedReq *h
 		return updatedReq, nil
-	ctxlog.FromContext(req.Context()).Infof("saltAuthToken: cluster %s token %s remote %s", h.Cluster.ClusterID, creds.Tokens[0], remote)
+	ctxlog.FromContext(req.Context()).Debugf("saltAuthToken: cluster %s token %s remote %s", h.Cluster.ClusterID, creds.Tokens[0], remote)
 	token, err := auth.SaltToken(creds.Tokens[0], remote)
-	if err == auth.ErrObsoleteToken {
+	if err == auth.ErrObsoleteToken || err == auth.ErrTokenFormat {
 		// If the token exists in our own database for our own
 		// user, salt it for the remote. Otherwise, assume it
 		// was issued by the remote, and pass it through
diff --git a/lib/controller/federation/conn.go b/lib/controller/federation/conn.go
index b86266d67..0f063d123 100644
--- a/lib/controller/federation/conn.go
+++ b/lib/controller/federation/conn.go
@@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ func saltedTokenProvider(local backend, remoteID string) rpc.TokenProvider {
 				tokens = append(tokens, salted)
 			case auth.ErrSalted:
 				tokens = append(tokens, token)
+			case auth.ErrTokenFormat:
+				// pass through unmodified (assume it's an OIDC access token)
+				tokens = append(tokens, token)
 			case auth.ErrObsoleteToken:
 				ctx := auth.NewContext(ctx, &auth.Credentials{Tokens: []string{token}})
 				aca, err := local.APIClientAuthorizationCurrent(ctx, arvados.GetOptions{})
diff --git a/lib/controller/integration_test.go b/lib/controller/integration_test.go
index 3d0639f6c..db1f7f0d0 100644
--- a/lib/controller/integration_test.go
+++ b/lib/controller/integration_test.go
@@ -683,15 +683,16 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestOIDCAccessTokenAuth(c *check.C) {
 	accesstoken := s.oidcprovider.ValidAccessToken()
 	for _, clusterID := range []string{"z1111", "z2222"} {
-		c.Logf("trying clusterid %s", clusterID)
-		conn := s.testClusters[clusterID].Conn()
-		ctx, ac, kc := s.testClusters[clusterID].ClientsWithToken(accesstoken)
 		var coll arvados.Collection
 		// Write some file data and create a collection
+			c.Logf("save collection to %s", clusterID)
+			conn := s.testClusters[clusterID].Conn()
+			ctx, ac, kc := s.testClusters[clusterID].ClientsWithToken(accesstoken)
 			fs, err := coll.FileSystem(ac, kc)
 			c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
 			f, err := fs.OpenFile("test.txt", os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0777)
@@ -708,15 +709,22 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestOIDCAccessTokenAuth(c *check.C) {
 			c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
-		// Read the collection & file data
-		{
+		// Read the collection & file data -- both from the
+		// cluster where it was created, and from the other
+		// cluster.
+		for _, readClusterID := range []string{"z1111", "z2222", "z3333"} {
+			c.Logf("retrieve %s from %s", coll.UUID, readClusterID)
+			conn := s.testClusters[readClusterID].Conn()
+			ctx, ac, kc := s.testClusters[readClusterID].ClientsWithToken(accesstoken)
 			user, err := conn.UserGetCurrent(ctx, arvados.GetOptions{})
 			c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
 			c.Check(user.FullName, check.Equals, "Example User")
-			coll, err = conn.CollectionGet(ctx, arvados.GetOptions{UUID: coll.UUID})
+			readcoll, err := conn.CollectionGet(ctx, arvados.GetOptions{UUID: coll.UUID})
 			c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
-			c.Check(coll.ManifestText, check.Not(check.Equals), "")
-			fs, err := coll.FileSystem(ac, kc)
+			c.Check(readcoll.ManifestText, check.Not(check.Equals), "")
+			fs, err := readcoll.FileSystem(ac, kc)
 			c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
 			f, err := fs.Open("test.txt")
 			c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
diff --git a/lib/controller/localdb/login_oidc.go b/lib/controller/localdb/login_oidc.go
index 74b8929a2..73b557723 100644
--- a/lib/controller/localdb/login_oidc.go
+++ b/lib/controller/localdb/login_oidc.go
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ func (ctrl *oidcLoginController) Login(ctx context.Context, opts arvados.LoginOp
 	if err != nil {
 		return loginError(fmt.Errorf("error in OAuth2 exchange: %s", err))
+	ctxlog.FromContext(ctx).WithField("oauth2Token", oauth2Token).Debug("oauth2 exchange succeeded")
 	rawIDToken, ok := oauth2Token.Extra("id_token").(string)
 	if !ok {
 		return loginError(errors.New("error in OAuth2 exchange: no ID token in OAuth2 token"))



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