[ARVADOS-WORKBENCH2] created: 2.2.1

Git user git at public.arvados.org
Mon Jul 12 21:07:22 UTC 2021

        at  e96281399c35274ed9ce9b092c933ce8a49c32d3 (tag)
   tagging  7edd5a7c86af0814f8a2282aa266a9d1a604a45f (commit)
  replaces  2.1.0
 tagged by  Peter Amstutz
        on  Mon Jul 12 17:06:21 2021 -0400

Tagged 2.2.1 release

refs #17877

Daniel KutyƂa (134):
      16812: Added new mechanism to skip token in the url
      16812: Added unit tests
      16812: Added unit test fix
      16812: Another way of testing href
      16812: Reverted env changes
      16812: Added types to remove compile errors
      16812: Added proper location template
      16812: More type fixes
      16037: Added filtering for directories when downloading
      16037: Disabled download functionality for multiple files
      16037: Added proper comments and enabled missing feature
      16037: Fix for cypress test
      Merge branch '16037-download-selected-functionality-messes-up-file-names'
      Merge branch 'master' into 16812-token-appears-in-the-download-URL
      16812: Removed download attribute, fixed redirectTo
      16812: Reverted changes in download action, fixed keep links
      16812: Reverted changes in download action, fixed keep links
      Merge branch '16812-token-appears-in-the-download-URL' of git.arvados.org:arvados-workbench2 into 16812-token-appears-in-the-download-URL
      16812: Fixed failed tests
      16812: Cleared token code
      Merge branch '16812-token-appears-in-the-download-URL'
      17019: replaced token with fake data
      17019: replaced domain and cluster with fake data
      Merge branch '17019-token-visible-within-test'
      17096: Added check if collection data is present
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 17096-collection-objects-downloaded-multiple-times
      Merge branch '17096-collection-objects-downloaded-multiple-times'
      17101: Persisting url before the login process
      16005: Open collection and project in new tab feature added
      16005: Copy to clipboard url fix
      Merge branch '17101-login-doesnt-navigate-user-back-to-original-path'
      16005: Removed unused functions
      Merge branch '16005-collections-projects-open-in-new-tab'
      17114: Replaced tree with list for children items
      17114: Code cleanup, style cleanup
      17114: FlatTree introduced to support old behaviour
      17114: Code cleanup
      Merge branch '17114-side-panel-tree-as-list'
      17016: Fixed deleteFiles function
      16812: Fixed img preview for collection items
      16812: Adding token as query param
      16812: Tests improvements
      Merge branch '16812-images-issue-fix'
      17016: Added browser test
      17231: Changed the way we navigate to a other page
      17016: Code optimisation
      17016: Added more unit tests
      17231: Added timeout to allow app to load properly before redirect
      Merge branch '17016-delete-single-file-deletes-whole-collection'
      15771: Fixed failing unit tests
      Merge branch '15771-deleting-a-selection-of-files-fails'
      17231: Moved redirect code to other lifecycle method
      Merge branch '17231-stuck-on-loading-page-after-login'
      17256: Added map to enable item resolution
      17256: Code optimisation
      Merge branch '17256-file-selection-dialog-issue'
      17256: Added browser tests
      17264: Added generic component to get resource icon
      17256: Fixed broken tests
      17264: Replaced file icon with new one
      Merge branch '17264-Files-in-file-picker-have-wrong-icon'
      Merge branch '17256-File-selection-dialog-browser-tests'
      17205: Added new component to fetch owner name
      17306: Removed userUuid from group call
      17306: Removed userUuid from group call
      Merge branch '17306-Favorites-in-copy-dialog-is-different-to-favorite-list' of git.arvados.org:arvados-workbench2 into 17306-Favorites-in-copy-dialog-is-different-to-favorite-list
      17205: Created new renderer for owner name
      17205: Fixed types
      Merge branch '17205-render-owner-name'
      17306: Added browser tests, filtering writable entities
      17306: Added configurable options for favorite tree
      17306: Fixed copying of a collection elements
      17306: Failing test fix
      17306: Fixed typos
      17306: Code cleanup
      17306: Fixed copying of a collection elements
      17306: Fixed tests for collections
      Merge branch '17306-Favorites-in-copy-dialog-is-different-to-favorite-list'
      17337: Fixed encode uri
      17337: Added more tests, fixed whitespace issue
      17337: Removed test restriction
      17414: Added padding to the last element
      17436: fixed workflow cration favorites list
      Merge branch '17414-Collection-file-listing-shows-only-half-of-the-last-entry'
      17436: Code cleanup
      17436: Created generic code for project creation in cypress
      Merge branch '17436-Favorites-in-workflow-picker-dialog-is-different-to-favorite-list'
      17337: Added custom encode functions with tests
      17337: Added % sign handling in collection files
      17337: Added another edge case handling
      17337: Removed 'only' test restriction
      17337: Added more tests to cover edge cases
      17337: Fixed failing unit test
      17337: Added unit tests and directory names with non trivial names
      17337: Code cleanup
      17337: Code cleanup
      Merge branch '17337-files-not-visible-in-arvados'
      17415: Created mountainduck bookmark files generator
      17415: Fixed wrong hostname in generated duck file
      17436: Fixed directory chooser added test to coverage this exception
      17436: Removed only from cypress test suite
      Merge branch '17436-Favorites-in-workflow-picker-dialog-is-different-to-favorites'
      17415: Fixed port and hostname, added proper test
      17415: Enhanced test to check xml
      17415: Download dir fix
      17415: Fixed failing test
      17415: Another fix
      17415: Cypress upgrade
      17415: Removed only
      17436: Fixed directory chooser added test to coverage this exception
      17436: Removed only from cypress test suite
      17415: Added path for ip based hostnames
      17415: Added yarn.lock
      17415: Fixed failing test
      17415: Removed console.log, used goToPath
      Merge branch '17415-Mountainduck-Bookmark-files'
      17595: Fixed multiselect, added tests
      16647: Added the responsible person renderer
      17595: Added new workflow
      17595: Fixed selection based on hash
      Merge branch '17595-Selecting-multiple-collections-as-inputs-to-a-workflow'
      16647: Added responsible person property check
      16647: Added key search from config and tests
      16647: Style fix
      Merge branch '16647-Responsible-person'
      17305: Added handling for non collection file size display
      17305: Added unit tests
      Merge branch '17305-projects-file-size-always-0'
      16971: Fixed project edit issues and added tests
      16971: Added more tests
      16971: Fixed issue in other places
      16971: Added tests to cover more places
      16971: Fixed failing tests
      Merge branch '16971-Issues-with-Project-and-Collection-name-description-not-being-saved-shown' into main

Lucas Di Pentima (218):
      16718: Adds option to search for collection's past versions.
      16718: Adds unit test cases for the new is:pastVersion search term.
      16718: Shows collection status info as "old version" or "current" on search.
      16718: Removes redundant column on search results.
      16718: Merge branch 'master' into 16718-past-collection-versions-search
      16718: Adds tests for include_old_version usage on search middleware.
      16719: Fixes collection panel when showing an old version.
      16719: Adds integration test for old collection version display.
      16719: Adds integration test for collection's old version searching.
      16719: Ignores integration test config file's lack of license.
      Merge branch '16718-past-collection-versions-search'
      16719: Changes wording from 'Copy to project' to 'Make a copy' on collections.
      16719: Enhances collection panel.
      16719: Deduplicates collection detail component.
      13494: Allows accesing old collections versions through PDH.
      13494: Shows correct collection icon on DataTables.
      13494: Adds ability to customize the search label on DataExplorer.
      13494: Minor UI fixes.
      13494: Refactors detail panel. Removes unused 'Size' field.
      16719: Merge branch 'master' into 16719-collection-version-basic-ui
      16719: Removes console debug message.
      15685: Adds integration tests for file renaming.
      15685: Avoids the webdav service to report server error responses as success.
      17018: Adds integration tests exposing the bug.
      17018: Fixes the bug adding checks for readonly context menu type.
      16719: Merge branch '16719-collection-version-basic-ui' of git.arvados.org:arvados-workbench2 into 16719-collection-version-basic-ui
      16719: Renames test suite.
      16719: Fixes random test failures.
      16719: Don't try to click something to force logout, just reload the page.
      Merge branch '16719-collection-version-basic-ui'
      Merge branch '17018-readonly-file-actions-fix'
      15685: Fixes unneeded Math.floor() calls on some tests that need random numbers.
      15685: Merge branch 'master' into 15685-file-renaming-empty-name
      15685: Expands file renaming tests exposing some edge cases.
      15685: Fixes file name encoding/decoding handling on webdav.
      13493: Merge branch 'master' into 13494-collection-version-browser
      15685: Removes unused code.
      15685: Adds file path validation on rename file dialog.
      15685: Adds empty dir name validation to rename file dialog.
      15685: Cleans up tests with example data.
      15685: Adds integration tests, fixes rename dialog error reporting.
      15685: Fixed a rename test case that shouldn't be allowed on WB2.
      13494: Sets "owner" column off by default on different panels.
      13494: Fixes edge case on file size formatter.
      15685: Sets dialog forms to get immediate validation feedback.
      15685: Adds validations to file names to avoid '.' and '..'
      15685: Adds missing redux-form configs for immediate validation feedback.
      Merge branch '15685-file-renaming-empty-name'
      13494: Merge branch 'master' into 13494-collection-version-browser
      13494: Adds content to the "versions" tab on collection's details panel.
      13494: Forces version list retrieval when details panel is toggled on.
      13494: Allows the user to open the versions tab by clicking on the version nr.
      13494: Maintains 'Head version' data on the collection panel.
      13494: Avoids unnecessary details panel re-renders.
      13494: Enhances collection versions browser's layout.
      13494: Adds version number on collection's status renderer.
      13494: Fixes multi-value property removal.
      13494: Avoids doing unnecessary API requests on collection's move action.
      13494: Simplifies collection update action calling.
      13494: Makes several operations asynchronous.
      13494: Fixes integration test.
      13494: Fixes another integration test check.
      13494: Adds explaining tooltip to version number link on collection panel.
      13494: Forces complete collection panel reload on after file operations.
      13494: Adds integration test for collection version browsing.
      13494: Re-activates other collection related tests.
      17098: Removes unused code file.
      17098: Refactors context menu's kind decision function.
      17098: Adds ability to recover an old version collection as the head version.
      13494: Adds context menu support to collection versions browser.
      17098: Fixes unit test for refactored menu kind function.
      17098: Adds integration test checks for the new action.
      17098: Avoids offering the 'Add to favorites' action on old versions.
      17098: Updates integration test for the 'recover version' operation.
      Merge branch '13494-collection-version-browser'
      17098: Merge branch 'master' into 17098-old-version-as-head
      17098: Adjusts resourceUuidToContextMenuKind() call on version browser.
      17098: Removes unnecessary prop.
      17098: Adds confirmation dialog on 'Recover version' action.
      17098: Improves dialog message wording.
      17098: Improves wording on the "Restore version" action.
      Merge branch '17098-old-version-as-head'
      17152: Adjusts the collection service methods to preserve versions.
      17152: Adjusts cypress integration tests.
      17152: Avoids doing one extra request to persist versions on update.
      17152: Avoids returning for code consistency reasons.
      Merge branch '17152-always-preserve-collection-versions'
      17109: Handles keep-web's inline wildcard urls correctly.
      17109: Merge branch 'master' into 17109-keepweb-webdav-urls
      17109: Fixes related unit test.
      17109: Hopefully fixes several integration test flakyness issues.
      Merge branch '17109-keepweb-webdav-urls'
      17109: Adds support for inline keep-web PDH URLs.
      Merge branch '17109-keepweb-urls-pdh-support'
      Updates the Dockefile to request a newer nodejs base image.
      17256: Merge branch 'master' into 17256-File-selection-dialog-browser-tests
      17266: Avoids reloading the app on cypress tests by using search.
      17266: Exposes the bug with an integration test.
      17266: Avoids adding a property value without a key.
      17266: Handles onChange event separate on the property editor.
      17266: Fixes integration test.
      Merge branch '17266-property-ui-synonym-fix'
      17308: Adds vocabulary terms handling to new project dialog's property editor.
      17308: Adds project creation with properties integration test.
      Avoids 404 responses when no container request is selected.
      Avoids 404 responses when no container request is selected.
      Hopefully fixes flaky test by asserting on different file names when looping.
      Merge branch 'flaky-integration-test-fix'
      17308: Removes forgotten .only() call on integration test.
      Merge branch '17308-property-editor-fixes'
      16848: Renames 'current token dialog' code to 'token dialog'.
      16848: Synchronizes auto-logout between different windows/tabs.
      16848: Improved event handler installation/removal.
      16848: Adds test for idle timer reset via localStorage event.
      16848: Adds an extra token to be displayed on the 'get token' dialog.
      16848: Makes 'Open as S3 bucket' dialog use the extra api token if available.
      16848: Avoids showing API errors when the extra token creation fails.
      16848: Always use wb2 token when LoginCluster is set and isn't the home cluster
      16848: Fixes unit test.
      17319: Adds tests exposing the bug.
      17319: Throws exceptions when attempting to use "" as uuid on service calls.
      17319: Moved mocks' initializations into beforeEach().
      17319: Unit test code cleanup.
      17319: Don't use a real axios instance if not needed.
      Merge branch '17319-service-layer-uuid-validation'
      Merge branch 'master' into 16848-token-handling-improvements
      16848: Only request an extra token when needed.
      16848: Adds expiration date to the "Get API Token" dialog.
      16848: Adds unit tests.
      17337: Adds valid file names test cases.
      16848: Adds a legend for non-expiring tokens on the get token dialog.
      16848: Checks cached token validity before using it.
      16848: Resets extra cached token from the store when not valid anymore.
      16848: Updates 'get api token' dialog.
      16848: Updates unit test.
      16848: Moves the "get new token" button up.
      16848: Adds unit test.
      16848: Changes layout for token & api host display. Reduces code block font.
      Merge branch '16848-token-handling-improvements'
      16848: Fixes unit tests.
      16848: Removed commented out code.
      Merge branch '16848-unit-tests-fixes'
      17119: Fixes unit tests improving store mocking and error reporting.
      17337: Removes only() call, adds failing file rename case.
      17337: Adds a new file name case: names with '%2F' don't get listed.
      17337: Adds more file renaming test cases.
      17337: Improves unit test readability & expandability.
      16159: Passes the token to be expire when calling the logout endpoint.
      16159: Merge branch 'master' into 16159-logout-request-with-token
      Merge branch '16159-logout-request-with-token'
      17500: Avoids multi-slash URLs usage.
      17500: Fixes page-not-found failing cypress test.
      17500: Allows Cypress tests to navigate using the app's router.
      17500: Rearranges test in order to reduce its flakyness.
      17500: Cleans up previously created objects before running each test.
      17500: Avoids session data leaking within one test.
      17500: Makes failing test relying on session data leakage pass again.
      Merge branch '17500-cypress-flakyness-fixes'
      17343: Launch arvados boot with wb1 disabled on integration tests.
      16159: Passes the token to be expire when calling the logout endpoint.
      17500: Avoids multi-slash URLs usage.
      17500: Fixes page-not-found failing cypress test.
      17500: Allows Cypress tests to navigate using the app's router.
      17500: Rearranges test in order to reduce its flakyness.
      17500: Cleans up previously created objects before running each test.
      17500: Avoids session data leaking within one test.
      17500: Makes failing test relying on session data leakage pass again.
      17568: Fixes the bug by requesting token's data to the issuer cluster.
      17568: Adds test to confirming login cluster is called for remote tokens data.
      17568: Merge branch 'master' into 17568-api-token-dialog-expiration-fix
      17289: Splits context menu actions set to avoid showing 'Download' on dirs.
      17289: Adds test.
      17568: Adds relative time information to token expiration time display.
      17289: Removes commented-out code.
      Merge branch '17289-dir-download-action-removal'
      Merge branch '17568-api-token-dialog-expiration-fix'
      16647: Adds managed property to integration test cluster config.
      17582: Adds integration test cases exposing the bug.
      17582: Fixes bug by avoiding an JSON param decoding issue on controller.
      17582: Fixes test to avoid treating '{strings}' like cypress commands.
      Merge branch '17582-square-brackets-on-names-fix'
      17582: Fixes tests by really testing collection naming.
      Merge branch '17582-cypress-test-fix'
      17637: Adds test exposing the bug.
      17637: Fixes supurious "not found" error when trashing project being viewed.
      17637: Fixed function to (re)load projects on side panel.
      17637: Takes the user to the recently untrashed project.
      17637: Fixes error snackbar when untrashing collection fails.
      17637: Fixes edge case while simplifying code.
      17637: Adds tests.
      Merge branch '17637-not-found-after-trash'
      17653: Upgrades lodash.
      17653: Upgrades handlebars.
      17653: Upgrades merge.
      17653: Upgrades ua-parser-js.
      17653: Upgrades axios.
      17653: Fixes type check issue after upgrading axios.
      17653: Upgrades serialize-javascript.
      17653: Upgrades elliptic.
      17653: Upgrades http-proxy.
      17653: Upgrades node-forge.
      17653: Upgrades ssri.
      17653: Upgrades url-parse.
      17653: Upgrades y18n.
      17653: Upgrades dns-packet.
      17653: Upgrades dot-prop.
      17653: Further upgrades lodash.
      17653: Further updgrades elliptic.
      17653: Upgrades node-sass.
      17653: Upgrades websocket-extensions.
      17653: Further upgrades node-sass and its dependencies.
      17653: Upgrades enzyme.
      17653: Upgrades enzyme-adapter-react-16.
      17653: Upgrades trim-newlines.
      17653: Upgrades urijs.
      17653: Upgrades hosted-git-info.
      17653: Upgrades ini.
      Merge branch '17653-security-upgrades'

Peter Amstutz (61):
      16812: Handoff token using query param
      16719: Revise layout for collection panel.
      17101: Use redux router instead of setting window.location.href
      17223: Provide working webshell link by directing user to Workbench1
      Merge branch '17223-webshell' refs #17223
      16622: Dialog with connection details for WebDAV and S3
      16622: Use /by_id/, add Cyberduck and MacOS to popup.
      16622: Tweak icon & titles
      16622: Make the http version a link too
      16622: Show connection info for projects as well.
      16622: Add Enzyme tests for WebDavS3InfoDialog
      17234: Set RAM request for runner container consistently with a-c-r
      Merge branch '16622-dav-s3-dialog' refs #16622
      Merge branch '17234-wf-runner-ram' refs #17234
      Fix type refs #17234
      Add test guards to wait for progress bar to complete before continuing
      17257: openRunProcess calls getWorkflowRunnerSettings for correct defaults
      17257: Don't export DEFAULT_ADVANCED_FORM_VALUES any more
      Merge branch '17257-wf-advanced-settings' refs #17257
      17426: WIP adding hooks to add or replace major UI elements
      17426: Plugins can replace some of main UI
      17426: Add plugin ability to override app bar.
      17426: Add plugin ability to modify +New and account menu
      17426: Fix stuck on loading screen.
      17426: Pass through menu styling.  Make example a card.
      17426: Can add plugin middlewares and context menus
      17426: Comment out plugins
      17426: Add dialog box with form to example plugin.
      17426: Comment out the example plugins again
      17426: Add "enableWhenPristine" option for dialog boxes.
      Merge branch '17426-plug-ins' refs #17426
      17427: Add some optional parameters to openRunProcess()
      17427: Add unit test for openRunProcess()
      17427: Fix test
      17427: Add some notes on developing using Docker
      Merge branch '17427-start-workflow-in-code' refs #17427
      Remove quotes around TARGETS no issue #
      17426: WIP adding hooks to add or replace major UI elements
      17426: Plugins can replace some of main UI
      17426: Add plugin ability to override app bar.
      17426: Add plugin ability to modify +New and account menu
      17426: Fix stuck on loading screen.
      17426: Pass through menu styling.  Make example a card.
      17426: Can add plugin middlewares and context menus
      17426: Comment out plugins
      17426: Add dialog box with form to example plugin.
      17426: Comment out the example plugins again
      17426: Add "enableWhenPristine" option for dialog boxes.
      17427: Add some optional parameters to openRunProcess()
      17427: Add unit test for openRunProcess()
      17427: Fix test
      17427: Add some notes on developing using Docker
      Remove quotes around TARGETS no issue #
      17686: Don't crash with default null value
      17686: Add test when there's no 'default: []'
      17686: Move test over to the more appropriate create-workflow.spec
      Merge branch '17686-array-input-null' refs #17686
      17722: When saving or removing data from storage, clear both
      Merge branch '17722-clear-localstorage' refs #17722
      Update version-at-commit.sh refs #17512
      Tweak version-at-commit.sh for interim releases (X.Y.Z.A)

Ward Vandewege (22):
      Add ubuntu2004 packages, remove debian9 packages.
      17119: add basic filter group support.
      17119: the "Move to" dialog should not show filter groups as a potential
      17119: The "+ New" button should be disabled when viewing a filter
      17119: list the group class on the project details screen.
      17119: update the Makefile and tools/run-integration-tests.sh to make
      17119: add a filter group test.
      17119: Merge branch 'master' into 17119-make-arvados-path-configurable-in-tests
      Merge branch '17119-make-arvados-path-configurable-in-tests'
      17119: Merge branch 'master' into 17119-support-filter-groups
      17119: Merge branch 'master' into 17119-support-filter-groups
      17119: fix unit tests (process resources do not have a writable_by field
      17119: add more unit tests.
      17119: fix integration tests.
      17119: implement review feedback.
      17119: further changes after review feedback.
      17119: rename a field in the context menu actions unit test, for
      Merge branch '17119-support-filter-groups'
      In the project/filter group details panel, change the 'Project UUID'
      Fix cypress side panel test now that filter group validation is
      Make sure our four digit tags are excluded from the version number
      The bleeding edge branch is now called 'main'.



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