[ARVADOS] created: 2.1.0-1179-g0e8c57a68

Git user git at public.arvados.org
Tue Aug 10 20:55:02 UTC 2021

        at  0e8c57a68f5d69ce642cc27fb481495a318c4d1f (commit)

commit 0e8c57a68f5d69ce642cc27fb481495a318c4d1f
Author: Peter Amstutz <peter.amstutz at curii.com>
Date:   Tue Aug 10 16:54:40 2021 -0400

    17390: setting intermediate/final storage classes WIP
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Peter Amstutz <peter.amstutz at curii.com>

diff --git a/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/__init__.py b/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/__init__.py
index 04db611fb..2039c338a 100644
--- a/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/__init__.py
+++ b/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/__init__.py
@@ -178,7 +178,9 @@ def arg_parser():  # type: () -> argparse.ArgumentParser
                         help="Enable loading and running development versions "
                              "of the CWL standards.", default=False)
     parser.add_argument('--storage-classes', default="default",
-                        help="Specify comma separated list of storage classes to be used when saving workflow output to Keep.")
+                        help="Specify comma separated list of storage classes to be used when saving final workflow output to Keep.")
+    parser.add_argument('--intermediate-storage-classes', default="default",
+                        help="Specify comma separated list of storage classes to be used when saving intermediate workflow output to Keep.")
     parser.add_argument("--intermediate-output-ttl", type=int, metavar="N",
                         help="If N > 0, intermediate output collections will be trashed N seconds after creation.  Default is 0 (don't trash).",
@@ -245,7 +247,8 @@ def add_arv_hints():
-        "http://arvados.org/cwl#ClusterTarget"
+        "http://arvados.org/cwl#ClusterTarget",
+        "http://arvados.org/cwl#OutputStorageClass"
 def exit_signal_handler(sigcode, frame):
@@ -259,10 +262,6 @@ def main(args, stdout, stderr, api_client=None, keep_client=None,
     job_order_object = None
     arvargs = parser.parse_args(args)
-    if len(arvargs.storage_classes.strip().split(',')) > 1:
-        logger.error(str(u"Multiple storage classes are not supported currently."))
-        return 1
     arvargs.use_container = True
     arvargs.relax_path_checks = True
     arvargs.print_supported_versions = False
diff --git a/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/arv-cwl-schema-v1.0.yml b/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/arv-cwl-schema-v1.0.yml
index 8a3fa3173..2a2e857e0 100644
--- a/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/arv-cwl-schema-v1.0.yml
+++ b/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/arv-cwl-schema-v1.0.yml
@@ -266,3 +266,32 @@ $graph:
       type: string?
       doc: The project that will own the container requests and intermediate collections
+- name: OutputStorageClass
+  type: record
+  extends: cwl:ProcessRequirement
+  inVocab: false
+  doc: |
+    Specify the storage class to be used for intermediate and final output
+  fields:
+    class:
+      type: string
+      doc: "Always 'arv:StorageClassHint"
+      jsonldPredicate:
+        _id: "@type"
+        _type: "@vocab"
+    intermediateStorageClass:
+      type:
+        - "null"
+        - string
+        - type: array
+          items: string
+      doc: One or more storages classes
+    finalStorageClass:
+      type:
+        - "null"
+        - string
+        - type: array
+          items: string
+      doc: One or more storages classes
diff --git a/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/arv-cwl-schema-v1.1.yml b/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/arv-cwl-schema-v1.1.yml
index 95ed0a75b..fb14a63e3 100644
--- a/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/arv-cwl-schema-v1.1.yml
+++ b/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/arv-cwl-schema-v1.1.yml
@@ -210,3 +210,31 @@ $graph:
       type: string?
       doc: The project that will own the container requests and intermediate collections
+- name: OutputStorageClass
+  type: record
+  extends: cwl:ProcessRequirement
+  inVocab: false
+  doc: |
+    Specify the storage class to be used for intermediate and final output
+  fields:
+    class:
+      type: string
+      doc: "Always 'arv:StorageClassHint"
+      jsonldPredicate:
+        _id: "@type"
+        _type: "@vocab"
+    intermediateStorageClass:
+      type:
+        - "null"
+        - string
+        - type: array
+          items: string
+      doc: One or more storages classes
+    finalStorageClass:
+      type:
+        - "null"
+        - string
+        - type: array
+          items: string
+      doc: One or more storages classes
diff --git a/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/arv-cwl-schema-v1.2.yml b/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/arv-cwl-schema-v1.2.yml
index 95ed0a75b..dd5919fc8 100644
--- a/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/arv-cwl-schema-v1.2.yml
+++ b/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/arv-cwl-schema-v1.2.yml
@@ -210,3 +210,32 @@ $graph:
       type: string?
       doc: The project that will own the container requests and intermediate collections
+- name: OutputStorageClass
+  type: record
+  extends: cwl:ProcessRequirement
+  inVocab: false
+  doc: |
+    Specify the storage class to be used for intermediate and final output
+  fields:
+    class:
+      type: string
+      doc: "Always 'arv:StorageClassHint"
+      jsonldPredicate:
+        _id: "@type"
+        _type: "@vocab"
+    intermediateStorageClass:
+      type:
+        - "null"
+        - string
+        - type: array
+          items: string
+      doc: One or more storages classes
+    finalStorageClass:
+      type:
+        - "null"
+        - string
+        - type: array
+          items: string
+      doc: One or more storages classes
diff --git a/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/arvcontainer.py b/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/arvcontainer.py
index 72ef14f67..c9170c51b 100644
--- a/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/arvcontainer.py
+++ b/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/arvcontainer.py
@@ -273,6 +273,12 @@ class ArvadosContainer(JobBase):
         if self.output_ttl < 0:
             raise WorkflowException("Invalid value %d for output_ttl, cannot be less than zero" % container_request["output_ttl"])
+        storage_class_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#OutputStorageClass")
+        if storage_class_req and storage_class_req.get("intermediateStorageClass"):
+            container_request["output_storage_classes"] = aslist(storage_class_req["intermediateStorageClass"])
+        else:
+            container_request["output_storage_classes"] = runtimeContext.intermediate_storage_classes.strip().split(",")
         if self.timelimit is not None and self.timelimit > 0:
             scheduling_parameters["max_run_time"] = self.timelimit
@@ -495,6 +501,9 @@ class RunnerContainer(Runner):
         if runtimeContext.storage_classes != "default":
             command.append("--storage-classes=" + runtimeContext.storage_classes)
+        if runtimeContext.intermediate_storage_classes != "default":
+            command.append("--intermediate-storage-classes=" + runtimeContext.intermediate_storage_classes)
         if self.on_error:
             command.append("--on-error=" + self.on_error)
diff --git a/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/context.py b/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/context.py
index 8cfe22ad7..77d4027cc 100644
--- a/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/context.py
+++ b/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/context.py
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ class ArvRuntimeContext(RuntimeContext):
         self.wait = True
         self.cwl_runner_job = None
         self.storage_classes = "default"
+        self.intermediate_storage_classes = "default"
         self.current_container = None
         self.http_timeout = 300
         self.submit_runner_cluster = None
diff --git a/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/executor.py b/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/executor.py
index f60c48087..6a565b10a 100644
--- a/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/executor.py
+++ b/sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/executor.py
@@ -771,7 +771,13 @@ The 'jobs' API is no longer supported.
             if self.output_tags is None:
                 self.output_tags = ""
-            storage_classes = runtimeContext.storage_classes.strip().split(",")
+            storage_classes = ""
+            storage_class_req, _ = tool.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#OutputStorageClass")
+            if storage_class_req and storage_class_req.get("finalStorageClass"):
+                storage_classes = aslist(storage_class_req["finalStorageClass"])
+            else:
+                storage_classes = runtimeContext.storage_classes.strip().split(",")
             self.final_output, self.final_output_collection = self.make_output_collection(self.output_name, storage_classes, self.output_tags, self.final_output)



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