[ARVADOS] updated: 2.1.0-125-g71c000af1

Git user git at public.arvados.org
Tue Apr 13 15:00:55 UTC 2021

Summary of changes:
 doc/admin/upgrading.html.textile.liquid | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+)

       via  71c000af1eb7cf8801e7d35997bffca4ce7da413 (commit)
      from  89b17acc99123e3b247a2c9edc0a74054b4e1398 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit 71c000af1eb7cf8801e7d35997bffca4ce7da413
Author: Ward Vandewege <ward at curii.com>
Date:   Tue Apr 13 10:55:24 2021 -0400

    Add a note about the python 3 package names in the upgrade guide.
    refs #17498
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Ward Vandewege <ward at curii.com>

diff --git a/doc/admin/upgrading.html.textile.liquid b/doc/admin/upgrading.html.textile.liquid
index da5433630..422548c6d 100644
--- a/doc/admin/upgrading.html.textile.liquid
+++ b/doc/admin/upgrading.html.textile.liquid
@@ -53,6 +53,28 @@ h3. LoginCluster conflicts with other Login providers
 A satellite cluster that delegates its user login to a central user database must only have `Login.LoginCluster` set, or it will return an error.  This is a change in behavior, previously it would return an error if another login provider was _not_ configured, even though the provider would never be used.
+h3. Minimum supported Python version is now 3.5
+We no longer publish Python 2 based distribution packages for our Python components. There are equivalent packages based on Python 3, but their names are slightly different. If you were using the Python 2 based packages, you can install the Python 3 based package for a drop in replacement. On Debian and Ubuntu:
+    apt remove python-arvados-fuse && apt install python3-arvados-fuse
+    apt remove python-arvados-python-client && apt install python3-arvados-python-client
+    apt remove python-arvados-cwl-runner && apt install python3-arvados-cwl-runner
+    apt remove python-crunchstat-summary && apt install python3-crunchstat-summary
+    apt remove python-cwltest && apt install python3-cwltest
+On CentOS:
+    yum remove python-arvados-fuse && yum install rh-python36-python-arvados-fuse
+    yum remove python-arvados-python-client && yum install rh-python36-python-arvados-python-client
+    yum remove python-arvados-cwl-runner && yum install rh-python36-python-arvados-cwl-runner
+    yum remove python-crunchstat-summary && yum install rh-python36-python-crunchstat-summary
+    yum remove python-cwltest && yum install rh-python36-python-cwltest
 h3. Minimum supported Ruby version is now 2.5
 The minimum supported Ruby version is now 2.5.  If you are running Arvados on Debian 9 or Ubuntu 16.04, you may need to switch to using RVM or upgrade your OS.  See "Install Ruby and Bundler":../install/ruby.html for more information.



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