[ARVADOS-WORKBENCH2] created: 2.1.0

Git user git at public.arvados.org
Tue Oct 13 21:52:07 UTC 2020

        at  9a59d06e1fd76978655af42bfb682781aef069de (tag)
   tagging  dbd29b580dbb01ab045284bd2446b47e1285f3d3 (commit)
  replaces  1.4.1
 tagged by  Peter Amstutz
        on  Tue Oct 13 17:51:40 2020 -0400

Release 2.1.0, release notes at https://arvados.org/release-notes/2.1.0/

Daniel KutyƂa (29):
      16437: Removes context items when projects are not editable by user
      Merge branch '16437-indicate-when-projects-are-not-editable-by-user'
      14990: added 404 page with wildcard route
      Merge branch '14990-attempting-to-navigate-to-non-existent-path-not-handled'
      16245: added calculated height and overflow y scroll to data table
      Merge branch '16245-horizontal-scroll-bar-is-at-the-bottom-of-the-page-instead-of-the-viewport'
      16594: Added project-uuid when starting workflow
      16594: Added unit tests
      Merge branch '16594-Add-project-uuid-when-starting-workflow'
      16627: Added refresh button to main contet bar
      16627: Replaced push with replace for history
      Merge branch '16627-add-refresh-button-to-views'
      16659: Added copy to clipboard button for the api token
      16659: Removed not required semicolon
      16659: Added copy of full token, fixed tests
      Merge branch '16659-copy-api-token-to-clipboard'
      16735: Added better checks for the PAM and LDAP login
      16735: Added array of possible login methods
      16735: Added test for non existing method
      Merge branch '16735-Require-password-login'
      16743: fix for non existing parent project
      16743: Removed console.log's updated tests
      Merge branch '16743-blank-page-for-some-links'
      16243: Added filtering for collection files
      16243: Added tests
      16243: Added reducer changes in order to make file download valid
      16243: Fixed copy of selected items to new collection
      16243: Removed console.log
      Merge branch '16243-filter-files-by-name-on-collections-file-listing'

Eric Biagiotti (27):
      15106: Changes full text search to use trigram indexing
      15106: Fixes full text search test
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/15106-trgm-text-search'
      14813: wb2 uses cluster config
      14813: Fixes remote cluster config state
      14813: Fix to use cluster config when local config values aren't defined
      14813: Improves config error handling and logging
      14813: Updates misleading error message
      15106: Changes full text search to use trigram indexing
      15106: Fixes full text search test
      Merge branch '14813-cluster-config'
      15609: Disables closing form dialogs via backdrop click
      Merge branch '15609-popup-dialog-dismissal'
      15840: Project panel uses collection attributes for file count and size
      15840: Fixes merge
      15840: Removes trailing slash from directory propfinds
      15840: Adds comment to refactored tree construction
      Merge branch '15840-project-page-hang'
      15256: Simplifies file upload deleting and removes unused code
      15256: Fixes error handling when collection creation fails
      15672: Changes the list method to use the POST special case
      15672: Fixes warnings
      15672: Adds minimal subprocess data explorer (WIP)
      15672: Adds renderers for create_at and container run time
      15672: Adds functionality for tree item selection with radio buttons
      15672: Adds mutually exclusive data explorer column filters
      15672: subprocess view WIP

Lucas Di Pentima (275):
      14874: Shows error message on properties update.
      Merge branch '14874-properties-editor-error-handling'
      15407: Tests that only first level keys are mapped on resource objects.
      15407: Restricts mapKeys' recursion to only "items" keys, to support listing.
      15407: Fixes collection versioning keys on advanced tab.
      15407: Fixes handling of runtime constraints and scheduling params.
      15407: Fixes node's properties & info handling.
      15407: Fixes pending model.
      15407: Fixes mount handling. Re-run process now shows dialog without erroring.
      15407: Fixes app crash when webSocketUrl is not set on the API Server.
      15407: Adds user visible warning when websocket url is not set.
      15407: Simplifies code handling workflow json mounts.
      15407: Removes snackbar notification when websocket is disabled.
      Merge branch '15407-camel-casing-fix'
      15027: Removes unnecessary test method.
      15027: Removes code to avoid camel_case translation back to the api server.
      15027: Fixes collection update requests to only send what's being updated.
      15027: Fixes typo on group's writable_by api response key.
      15027: Fixes projects update requests to only send what's being updated.
      15027: Fixes user admin toggles to only send is_admin or is_active on updates.
      15027: Cleans up unused imports.
      15027: Adds tslint-etc to restrict unused declarations at compilation.
      15027: Fixes unused declarations errors.
      15027: Adds cwl-svg lib to license ignore file.
      15027: Removes commented out code.
      Merge branch '15027-object-update-fix'
      15524: Upgrades webpack-dev-server to address CVE-2018-14732.
      15524: Upgrades axios to addresss CVE-2019-10742.
      15524: Upgrades lodash to address CVE-2019-10744.
      15524: Upgrades lodash.template, lodash.mergewith & lodash-es.
      15524: Upgrades handlebars to address WS-2019-0064.
      15524: Upgrades mem to address WS-2018-0236.
      15524: Upgrades fstream to address WS-2019-0100.
      15524: Upgrades js-yaml to address WS-2019-0032 & WS-2019-0063.
      15524: Shows groups names on sharing dialog's permission rows where applicable.
      15524: Fixes 'share with group' feature.
      Merge branch '15524-wb2-sharing-fixes'
      15067: Fixes typo on file name.
      15067: Uses new vocabulary example. Temporarily forces to load it for testing.
      15067: Updates the vocabulary model to match the new format.
      15067: Updates properties form to handle vocabulary's new format (WIP)
      15067: Makes key/value matching case insensitive.
      15067: Changes use of tag/value ids for labels on tag selection.
      15067: Assign key/value ids to hidden field so they're available on submit.
      15067: Retrieve property values by its key id.
      15067: Supports key/value IDs matching when manually typing.
      15067: When adding/updating a property, use IDs when available.
      15067: Tag key/value suggestions show all available labels.
      Merge branch 'master' into 15067-tag-editing-by-ids
      15067: Renders properties' key/values by their labels when possible.
      15067: Clicking on a property chip copies its visual representation.
      15067: Removes unnecesssary hidden Field components.
      15067: Generalizes Key/Value fields to be reused on different forms.
      15067: Creates project tags by id when possible.
      15067: Shows tags labels on project details. Adds copy-on-click feature.
      15067: Creates PropertyChipComponent to be used where tags need listing.
      15067: Generalizes handleSelect & handleBlur on property form fields.
      15067: Adds tests for vocabulary functions.
      Merge branch '15067-tag-editing-by-ids'
      15069: Adds optional validation disabling to property fields components.
      15069: Use properties' key/value ids on search when possible.
      15069: Simplifies conditional logic.
      15069: Renders property chips correctly from the search query string.
      15069: Renders property's key/value labels correctly when adding them on search
      15069: Fixes typos on actions, interfaces and constants names.
      15069: Fixes bug on advanced search UI disallowing duplicate tags.
      15069: Removes an unused import to make the linter happy.
      15069: Renames parameter for code readability.
      Merge branch '15069-tag-searching-by-ids'
      15856: Adds new component to show a conditional warning icon.
      15856: Adds a conditional warning icon on the breadcrumbs and collection panel.
      15856: Removes unused component.
      15856: Merge branch 'master' into 15856-illegal-chars-warning
      15856: Removes more unused code.
      15856: Unifies project tree component code into one subdir.
      15856: Fixes error handling on collection updates.
      15856: Renders warning component on project & collection names.
      15856: Enhances error constant naming.
      15856: Replaces icon.
      15856: Adds name validation to projects and collection edit/create dialogs.
      15856: Merge branch 'master' into 15856-illegal-chars-warning
      Merge branch '15856-illegal-chars-warning'
      15921: Avoids adding a trailing slash to every resourceType.
      15921: Updates tests to not expect trailing slashes on API calls.
      15921: Fixes the link account service call.
      Merge branch '15921-trailing-slash-fix'
      15672: Fixes filter translations to snake case.
      15672: Fixes filter usage on favorite service.
      15672: Fixes filter usage on project service.
      15672: Fixes filter usage on tag service.
      15672: Fixes filter usage on workflow service.
      15672: Fixes filter usage on group related store code.
      15672: Fixes filter usage on collections and favorite store middlewares.
      15672: Fixes filter usage on search bar actions.
      15672: More filter usage fixes.
      Merge branch '15672-filters-translation-fix'
      15672: Subprocess list filter by status & pagination.
      15672: Switches to POST when using long query strings on list API calls.
      15672: Removes filter panel & makes pagination choices bigger.
      15672: Clears data explorer when there're no subprocesses to show.
      15672: Fixes status filtering on subprocess panel.
      15672: Adds filtering by name on subprocess panel by using the search field.
      15672: Adds double-click navigation and sigle-click details panel update.
      15672: Fixes some code styling.
      15672: Shows "no subprocesses" message at subprocess panel when required.
      15672: Fixes a couple tests.
      15672: Uses process context menu on subprocess panel.
      15672: Removes unused code.
      Merge branch 'master' into 15672-subprocess-list-v2
      Merge branch 'dependabot/npm_and_yarn/handlebars-4.3.0'
      15672: Removes commented out imports.
      15672: Fixes test
      15672: Adds unit test to API's list request with method=POST.
      15672: Cleans & simplifies test code.
      15672: Adds test for params being just under the limit of needing POST.
      15672: Merge branch 'master' into 15672-subprocess-list-v2
      Merge branch '15672-subprocess-list-v2'
      15047: Adds 'process type' filtering to project panel.
      15047: Fixes build by nesting pipe() calls instead of passing more tha 7 args.
      Merge branch '15047-exclude-child-processes'
      15019: Changes joinFilters() to accept variable number of args.
      15019: Adds Status filtering to project panel.
      Fixes tests to work with connected components.
      15012: Adds 'All Processes' item to left panel tree.
      15012: Adds 'All Processes' panel. (WIP)
      15012: Removes duplicated code.
      15012: Adds process status filtering to all_processes page.
      15012: Adds filtering by process type & ordering by name and created_at date.
      Merge branch '15019-project-view-status-filter'
      15019: Changes joinFilters() to accept variable number of args.
      15019: Adds Status filtering to project panel.
      15012: Uses varargs version of joinFilters().
      15012: Adds run time column to all_processes. Fixes created_at column's label.
      15012: Shows process context menu on all_process page items.
      15012: Clears the subprocess panel before populating it with new data.
      15012: Updates all processes page when websocket event received.
      15012: Don't show Completed processes as Cancelled when priority=0.
      15012: Fixes Queued process filtering.
      16052: Upgrades react-scripts-ts dependencies, fixing 6 high priority issues.
      16052: Upgrades js-yaml indirect dependency to fix a security issue.
      16052: Upgrades webpack-dev-server's version requested by react-scripts-ts.
      16052: Upgrades serialize-javascript requested by a couple of modules.
      Merge branch '15012-all-processes-page'
      Merge branch '16052-update-packages'
      16086: Don't re-parse dates on process information card.
      16086: Fixes inputs retrieval from workflow mount.
      16086: Adds default value on string array validator.
      16086: Enhances readability by using plural on Array var's name.
      16086: Looks up input values by the correct input id.
      16086: Splits input id by '/' using the last element for input value lookup.
      Merge branch '16086-no-inputs-fix'
      15781: Renders multi-value properties as multiple chips.
      15781: Adds support for multi-value property additions on collections.
      15781: Adds multi-value property support for projects.
      15781: Uses 'contains' filter operator to search for properties.
      15781: Allows multi-value properties on the search bar/editor.
      15781: Adds tests for resource properties util functions.
      16116: Unifies collections and projects update handling with process.
      16067: Ignores certain fields on create & update api calls.
      Merge branch '16116-collection-rename-fix'
      16067: Adds remaining collection resource read-only fields.
      Merge branch '16067-collection-copy-fix'
      15781: Merge branch 'master' into 15781-multi-value-property-edit
      15718: Adds API revision number from discovery doc to sessions.
      15781: Uses 'contains' or 'ilike' on prop searches depending on API revision.
      15781: Fixes collection tag add/delete error handling.
      15781: Fixes project tag add/delete error handling.
      15781: Fixes property removal on the advanced search editor.
      15781: Avoids showing duplicate property 'chips' on search editor.
      15781: Changes filter fallback on properties to use 'like' instead of 'ilike'.
      15781: Replaces 'like' operator with '=' on fallback property matches.
      Merge branch '15781-multi-value-property-edit'
      Fixes package building.
      16029: Adds cypress as a dev dependency.
      16029: Adds first end-to-end tests for the login flow.
      15951: Makes 'mutually exclusive' filter dialog auto-submit selection on click.
      15951: Accepts filter toggle actions when clicking on the entire row.
      15951: Hides tooltips on filter buttons after being clicked.
      15951: Removes dead code, updates tests to work with component being used.
      15951: Fixes 'select columns' button tooltip label & behavior.
      Merge branch '15951-filter-ui-polish'. Closes #15951
      16029: Adds support for reading YAML fixtures and receive config data.
      16029: Tests login with valid & expired tokens. Exposes a bug.
      16029: Fixes failed login attempt by redirecting the user to the login page.
      16029: Completes the basic set of login tests.
      Upgrades acorn package (indirect dependency) to address a security issue.
      Upgrades minimist package (indirect dependency) to address CVE-2020-7598.
      Upgrades vulnerable minimist module by upgrading handlebars (2 levels up).
      16029: Merge branch 'master' into 16029-cypress-testing
      16029: Force cypress to request minimist 1.2.5 instead of vulnerable 1.2.0
      16029: Removes the need to use pre-existing fixtures.
      16029: Adds orquestration script.
      16029: Updates Dockerfile to build a seeded image with arvados boot deps.
      16029: Moves Dockefile to its own subdir.
      16029: Working on a better way of launching arvados boot. (WIP)
      16029: Enhances orquestration script in various ways.
      16029: Adds options to orchestration script to allow interactive mode.
      Merge branch '16029-cypress-testing'
      16212: Loads PAM login feature from exported config.
      16212: Upgrades react & react-dom to support hooks.
      16212: Adds login form when PAM Login is enabled. (WIP)
      16212: Set focus on username input element.
      16212: Sets api token on login success, re-focus on login error.
      16212: Loads remote clusters configs at app boot.
      16212: Support LoginCluster feature.
      16212: Updates form POST to use new 'users/authenticate' endpoint.
      16212: Assembles v2 token for authentication.
      16212: Displays user depending on available user data.
      16212: Uses getUserDisplayName() wherever needed to show a user's name.
      16212: Refactors PeopleSelect component used on 'Share' dialog.
      16212: Adds tests for login via user/password form.
      Merge branch '16212-login-form'
      16118: Restricts UI elements when a collection is read-only.
      16118: Adds collection's integration test suite (WIP)
      16118: Changes read-only padlock icon with an explicit legend.
      15881: Simplifies code that decides if it need to show a login form.
      16118: Merge branch '15881-ldap' into 16118-readonly-collections-lucas
      16118: Fixes WebDAV request URL.
      16118: Adds test checking writable/readonly collection UI changes.
      16118: Fixes webdav tests by handling baseURLs with or without trailing slash.
      Merge branch '15881-ldap'
      16118: Enhances tests. Adds custom commands for resource creation.
      16118: Changes read-only icon to be a slash+pencil fontawesome composite.
      16118: Restablishes error snackbar on requests.
      16118: Changes the testing viewport size to avoid spurious test failures.
      16439: Fixes WebDAV request URL.
      16439: Allows creation of empty (no files) collections.
      16118: Shows only the readonly icon by the collection's name.
      Merge branch '16118-readonly-collections-lucas'
      16439: Sends the user to the newly created project/collection.
      16439: Adds read-only field 'Location' to project/collection creation dialogs.
      16439: Updates field label.
      16439: Reduces vertical spacing between form elements.
      16439: Enables the +NEW button only when the user's view is writable.
      16439: Fixes colletion/project creation placement.
      16439: Disables +NEW button even on trashed subprojects.
      16439: Merge branch 'master' into 16439-objects-creation-placement-fix
      16439: Adds SidePanelButton clickability tests.
      Merge branch '16439-objects-creation-placement-fix'
      16439: Adds e2e tests for creating collections & projects.
      Merge branch '16439-objects-creation-placement-fix-tests'
      15610: Enhances performance on tree handling.
      15610: Fixes file downloading.
      15610: Shows status indicator while loading collection's file data.
      15610: Removes dead code about collection manifest parsing.
      15610: Avoids loading the file list on big collections, offers manual loading.
      15610: Uses a virtualized list to show the collection's file tree. (WIP)
      16472: Adds parameter to commonService.get to avoid showing errors.
      Merge branch '16472-service-layer-snackbar-fix'
      15610: Code cleanup, styiling additions. (WIP)
      15610: Adds behaviors like the original Tree, and max height on VirtualTree.
      15610: Fixes layout issues with the collection panel file listing.
      15610: Temporarily disables file renaming menu item, until it's fixed.
      15610: Replaces the 'loading files...' string with a circular spinner.
      15610: Makes the 2 top cards collapsable on collection panel.
      15610: Clears the collection's files panel before loading the UI.
      15610: Uses only ExpansionPanel as the top 2 panels on collection's view.
      15610: Reduces vertical spacing on ExpansionPanel sub-component.
      Merge branch '15610-large-collection-perf-fix'
      16680: Logs out the user when token expires.
      16680: Updates deprecated MAINTAINER use on Dockerfile.
      16680: Adds end-to-end test convering invalid token and auto log-out.
      16679: Adds test on action dispatching when using the Logout menu item.
      16679: Adds test for auth middleware's logout handling.
      Merge branch '16680-expired-token-handling'
      16679: Merge branch 'master' into 16679-token-security-enhancements
      16679: Adds AutoLogout component that closes the session if configured.
      16679: Adds tests for AutoLogout component.
      16679: Uses sessionStorage when Login.TokenLifetime is set to non-zero.
      16679: Drops TokeLifetime in favor of IdleTimeout on token storage decision.
      Merge branch '16679-token-security-enhancements'
      16592: Adds tests exposing the bug.
      16592: Restores 'Rename' action. Adds support for baseURL w/o trailing slash.
      Merge branch '16592-renaming-fix'
      Fixes build target on Makefile. No issue #

Nico Cesar (2):
      Upgraded Go to 1.14 in the dockerfile
      Merge branch '16582-dockerfile-go114'

Peter Amstutz (117):
      15530: Set homeCluster to LoginCluster
      15530: When loading sessions, clear 'active' flag and revalidate.
      15530: Fedlogin sends unsalted token
      15530: Don't offer to link remote account if LoginCluster is true.
      15424: Incorporate contents of WelcomePageHTML in login panel
      15530: Search panel has link to site manager
      15424: Remove commented out lines
      15424: Add margin around WelcomePageHTML div
      Merge branch '15424-wb2-welcome-page' refs #15424
      15530: Ensure local cluster is also in store remoteHostsConfig
      15530: Turn Site Manager Link into Button
      15530: Plain "Log in" button when loginCluster or not federated
      15530: Config takes precedence over local storage sessions
      15530: Link account page has link to home cluster
      15530: Don't link if remoteHostConfig is undefined
      15530: Fix tests
      15530: Use ResourceCluster to render cluster links.
      15530: Eliminate silly hack adding "-" to use ResourceCluster
      13936: Embed InactivePageHTML on inactive panel
      13936: Use Workbench.SiteName for the upper left banner
      15530: Adjust code formatting a bit.
      Merge branch 'master' into 15530-wb2-logincluster
      Merge branch '15530-wb2-logincluster' refs #15530
      Merge branch 'master' into 13936-inactive-user-text
      15669: Store and retrieve search value in location 'search' part
      Merge branch '13936-inactive-user-text' refs #13936
      15669: Advanced search also sets query in URI
      Merge branch '15669-search-params' refs #15669
      15728: Use case-insensitive regexp for autocomplete
      15766: Clicking on a property chip copies its text to clipboard
      Merge branch '15728-property-filter' refs #15728
      Merge branch '15766-copy-property-text' refs #15766
      15736: Add uuid column to site manager page
      15736: "add-session" route, support tokens received from other clusters
      15736: Fallback behavior to log in to remote clusters
      15736: Improve error handling for multisite search
      15736: Add delete button to site manager
      15736: Don't allow user to delete local/federation sessions
      15736: Don't redundantly load local config
      15736: When validating sessions, save the config
      15736: Make sure to save sessions from state not local
      Merge branch '15736-site-mgr' refs #15736
      15803: toggleIsActive will use unsetup to deactivate user
      15803: If user is inactive, attempt to self-activate.
      15803: Refactor internal user and API token management
      15803: Add missing auth middleware file
      15803: Move LOGOUT side effects to middleware
      15803: use getUserUuid instead of getting from local store
      15803: Display loading screen during "get user info" and "self activate"
      15803: Updating tests WIP
      15803: Update test
      15803: Ensure mocks get cleaned up after test
      15069: Fix typechecking for skipValidation parameter of SearchBarValueField
      Merge branch 'master' into 15803-unsetup
      15803: Add checks that user uuid (from getUserUuid) is defined
      15803: INIT->INIT_USER, CONFIG->SET_CONFIG, remove config reducer
      15803: Fix whitespace
      Merge branch '15803-unsetup' refs #15803
      Update 'set-value' package for CVE-2019-10747
      15921: Fix collection create from upload dialog
      Merge branch '15256-removing-files-during-upload'
      Merge branch '15256-removing-files-during-upload'
      15936: Workbench2 should use WebDAVDownload for file listings
      Merge branch '15936-use-webdavdownload' refs #15936
      Update package build
      15672: Rate limiting for data explorer refresh
      15672: Auto-update project panel on container activity
      15672: Fix NaN runtime
      15672: Update container runtime every 5 seconds
      15672: Delete comment out code
      16041: Adjust name validation behavior depending on ForwardSlashNameSubstitution
      IllegalNamingWarning is conditional on ForwardSlashNameSubstitution
      Merge branch '16041-valid-name' refs #16041
      Testing commit-build hook no issue #
      Fix package build, use version-at-commit script for version
      Set build version
      16108: Query for favorites should filter on owner not tail_uuid
      16108: Tweak ordering of sidebar to put 'favorites' together
      16108: Fix tests
      Merge branch '16108-favorites' refs #16108
      16111: Display customizable SSHHelpPageHTML
      Merge branch '16111-ssh-help' refs #16111
      Don't crash if name is null or undefined
      Neither "log in as user" nor "setup VM for user" works, so hide it
      16181: Support SSHHelpHostSuffix, fix user VM page render issues
      16181: Rework the user attributes dialog a bit
      16181: Default to empty string if SSHHelpHostSuffix undefined
      Merge branch '16181-fix-vm-view' refs #16181
      16029: Add 'make integration-tests-in-docker'
      16683: Add count: "none" to sharing dialog
      16683: Tweak other calls to user listing to work with federated users
      16683: Remove reference to "klingenc"
      16683: Take count out from list params. Fix getPublicGroupUuid
      Merge branch '16683-fed-sharing' refs #16683
      16602: Read WorkflowRunnerResources from workflow to get advanced settings
      16602: Test for using advanced settings from workflow
      16602: Add missing semicolon.
      Merge branch '16602-wb2-acr-version' refs #16602
      16811: Fix public favorites.
      16811: Don't filter star links on name
      16811: Use public favorites project.
      16811: Add cypress test for setting/unsetting public favorite
      16811: Filter "Public favorites" from "Shared with me" & add test
      Merge branch '16811-public-favs' refs #16811
      16927: Consistently strip trailing slashes from config URLs
      16927: Remove clusterConfigJSON local variable
      Merge branch '16927-trailing-slash' refs #16927
      16941: Multi-site search recognizes inactive remote users
      16947: Don't show misleading session validate errors.
      16941: Make it possible to mock retrieving cluster config
      16941: Fix AxiosInstance import.  Add apiClient accessor
      Merge branch '16947-session-validate' refs #16947
      Merge branch 'master' into 16941-inactive-remotes
      16947: do not produce snackbar errors in validateSessions()
      Merge branch '16947-session-validate' refs #16947
      16941: Remove debug statement.
      Merge branch '16941-inactive-remotes' refs #16941

Tom Clegg (6):
      15881: Use user/pass login if server config uses LDAP.
      16171: Add OpenIDConnect login option to config struct.
      Merge branch '16171-oidc'
      16314: Invoke user/pass prompt for Test authentication method.
      16314: Fix syntax.
      Merge branch '16314-test-user-db'

Ward Vandewege (4):
      Update maintainer for our OS packages.
      16582: Update the Dockerfile maintainer.
      Do not error out in the integration test cleanup function.
      Building workbench2 packages should not run the tests as well, there is

dependabot[bot] (1):
      Bump handlebars from 4.0.14 to 4.3.0

mateuszrojecki (1):
      Added removing files during upload feature



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