[ARVADOS] updated: 1.3.0-2083-g4164f38ef

Git user git at public.arvados.org
Thu Jan 16 17:13:26 UTC 2020

Summary of changes:
 apps/workbench/Gemfile.lock                        |  14 +--
 build/package-test-dockerfiles/centos7/Dockerfile  |   3 +-
 build/package-test-dockerfiles/debian10/Dockerfile |   3 +-
 build/package-test-dockerfiles/debian9/Dockerfile  |   3 +-
 .../package-test-dockerfiles/ubuntu1604/Dockerfile |   3 +-
 .../package-test-dockerfiles/ubuntu1804/Dockerfile |   3 +-
 build/run-build-packages.sh                        |   2 +
 build/run-library.sh                               |   4 +-
 build/version-at-commit.sh                         |   6 +-
 doc/Rakefile                                       |  17 ++-
 doc/_config.yml                                    |   2 +
 doc/api/dispatch.html.textile.liquid               | 138 +++++++++++++++++++++
 ...nstall-manual-prerequisites.html.textile.liquid |   4 +-
 doc/install/new_cluster_checklist_AWS.xlsx         | Bin 0 -> 5647 bytes
 doc/install/new_cluster_checklist_Azure.xlsx       | Bin 0 -> 5666 bytes
 doc/install/new_cluster_checklist_slurm.xlsx       | Bin 0 -> 5645 bytes
 doc/zenweb-fix-body.rb                             |  22 ++++
 lib/config/config.default.yml                      |  12 +-
 lib/config/generated_config.go                     |  12 +-
 lib/dispatchcloud/dispatcher.go                    |   2 +-
 sdk/cli/arvados-cli.gemspec                        |  15 ++-
 sdk/cwl/arvados_version.py                         |  37 ++----
 sdk/pam/arvados_version.py                         |  24 ++--
 sdk/python/arvados_version.py                      |  22 ++--
 sdk/python/tests/arvados_testutil.py               |   2 +-
 sdk/ruby/arvados.gemspec                           |  15 ++-
 services/api/Gemfile                               |   9 +-
 services/api/Gemfile.lock                          |  33 ++---
 services/api/app/middlewares/rack_socket.rb        | 102 ---------------
 services/dockercleaner/arvados_version.py          |  24 ++--
 services/fuse/arvados_fuse/unmount.py              |  15 ++-
 services/fuse/arvados_version.py                   |  24 ++--
 services/keep-web/handler_test.go                  |   4 +-
 services/login-sync/Gemfile.lock                   |  11 +-
 services/login-sync/arvados-login-sync.gemspec     |  17 ++-
 services/nodemanager/arvados_version.py            |  24 ++--
 .../58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D.asc   | 106 ----------------
 .../arvbox/lib/arvbox/docker/8D81803C0EBFCD88.asc  |  62 +++++++++
 tools/arvbox/lib/arvbox/docker/Dockerfile.base     |  10 +-
 tools/arvbox/lib/arvbox/docker/Dockerfile.demo     |   7 +-
 tools/arvbox/lib/arvbox/docker/common.sh           |  11 +-
 .../service/crunch-dispatch-local/run-service      |   4 +-
 tools/arvbox/lib/arvbox/docker/service/vm/run      |   2 +-
 .../lib/arvbox/docker/service/vm/run-service       |   3 +-
 tools/crunchstat-summary/arvados_version.py        |  24 ++--
 45 files changed, 435 insertions(+), 422 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/api/dispatch.html.textile.liquid
 create mode 100644 doc/install/new_cluster_checklist_AWS.xlsx
 create mode 100644 doc/install/new_cluster_checklist_Azure.xlsx
 create mode 100644 doc/install/new_cluster_checklist_slurm.xlsx
 create mode 100644 doc/zenweb-fix-body.rb
 delete mode 100644 services/api/app/middlewares/rack_socket.rb
 delete mode 100644 tools/arvbox/lib/arvbox/docker/58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D.asc
 create mode 100644 tools/arvbox/lib/arvbox/docker/8D81803C0EBFCD88.asc

       via  4164f38ef0f900962e3c365745c59d5c20a63c66 (commit)
       via  2201bcb32b8d5c1f374226d24f0cb2611ac004ed (commit)
       via  7c7b9ab80e1b33a108c55a23b3dfe793a73ecc95 (commit)
       via  5e8d75bc3b942b7f0dc2c0129a8e8a0e10d598e5 (commit)
       via  ecf1cbf6b843ec566890b4bf944fb893ca9481de (commit)
       via  8e3b1abebc4256256e6e5f4f82e3e25618c0dfcd (commit)
       via  a344ad38e66d12b94aa7bc3a53f64c343e6fc0e6 (commit)
       via  522ef30c3432d6d0eb98a5415d91f1373a3c09ca (commit)
       via  c210114aa8c77ba0bb8e4d487fc1507b40f9560f (commit)
       via  81725af5d5d2e6cd18ba7099ba5fb1fc520f4f8c (commit)
       via  0d600c9b603b0462ff788ab1f550718f2eaa8924 (commit)
       via  8b194e279b77c15ddd7c9231e8afd86e1720605e (commit)
       via  5b827ae27aa0828565f4d173e1610b87cb532afc (commit)
       via  6c033bdbc06d0929cec24ea16d4dfb7977e72f78 (commit)
       via  14d53b3386296eb9b4d25c91cd9d40a5dfb52b75 (commit)
       via  0503f58f3f9b78bd803d4fd7544ced9d79e26f1c (commit)
       via  cde69c0f423dcc977f071fe4dc7bd5d532c3ae68 (commit)
       via  7865cc21ddf12ac264bcc6f8f0b31f075faf6eb5 (commit)
       via  a36cdcee0e155d3cd057e5c9835cc36d9f6b0452 (commit)
       via  b27c4cbe64a1266f406572ff04678e048c966584 (commit)
       via  21b4ab9d1db2cddeb77908c6fe575be041d9ff6c (commit)
       via  39138c85883383830cc0a93032a77b100c672e55 (commit)
       via  deff3d5c88bd150225b6e6d04d173f0f7417b9b6 (commit)
       via  78487bc328ef8f7b912756acd081ad3bb59e2eb6 (commit)
       via  2c583b5028a0fd0e1aebc219cadd1e68c62be9db (commit)
       via  13f266ac478785d9cb7929cb6e8a788ed3ba0d57 (commit)
       via  6a4098aa1207c276e2e6bf9a6128b30084ad4b1e (commit)
      from  3c848757efb9b1697962cb51068c87658565908b (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit 4164f38ef0f900962e3c365745c59d5c20a63c66
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at tomclegg.ca>
Date:   Thu Jan 16 12:12:51 2020 -0500

    15836: Use proper URL encoding in test case.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Tom Clegg <tom at tomclegg.ca>

diff --git a/services/keep-web/handler_test.go b/services/keep-web/handler_test.go
index 7d820c8a0..29bcdac1b 100644
--- a/services/keep-web/handler_test.go
+++ b/services/keep-web/handler_test.go
@@ -550,8 +550,8 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestForwardSlashSubstitution(c *check.C) {
 	base := "http://download.example.com/by_id/" + coll.OwnerUUID + "/"
 	for tryURL, expectRegexp := range map[string]string{
-		base:                   `(?ms).*href="./` + nameShownEscaped + `/"\S+` + nameShown + `.*`,
-		base + nameShown + "/": `(?ms).*href="./filename"\S+filename.*`,
+		base:                          `(?ms).*href="./` + nameShownEscaped + `/"\S+` + nameShown + `.*`,
+		base + nameShownEscaped + "/": `(?ms).*href="./filename"\S+filename.*`,
 	} {
 		u, _ := url.Parse(tryURL)
 		req := &http.Request{

commit 2201bcb32b8d5c1f374226d24f0cb2611ac004ed
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at tomclegg.ca>
Date:   Thu Jan 16 12:01:53 2020 -0500

    15836: Update wording in config comments.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Tom Clegg <tom at tomclegg.ca>

diff --git a/lib/config/config.default.yml b/lib/config/config.default.yml
index ab0f64884..7eaa36c78 100644
--- a/lib/config/config.default.yml
+++ b/lib/config/config.default.yml
@@ -455,13 +455,13 @@ Clusters:
       # If non-empty, allow project and collection names to contain
       # the "/" character (slash/stroke/solidus), and replace "/" with
       # the given string in the filesystem hierarchy presented by
-      # WebDAV. Possible values include "%2f" and "{slash}". Names
-      # that contain the substitution string itself may result in
-      # confusing behavior.
+      # WebDAV. Example values are "%2f" and "{slash}". Names that
+      # contain the substitution string itself may result in confusing
+      # behavior, so a value like "_" is not recommended.
-      # If the default empty value is used, names containing "/"
-      # cannot be used when creating or renaming a collection or
-      # project.
+      # If the default empty value is used, the server will reject
+      # requests to create or rename a collection when the new name
+      # contains "/".
       # If the value "/" is used, project and collection names
       # containing "/" will be allowed, but they will not be
diff --git a/lib/config/generated_config.go b/lib/config/generated_config.go
index 79c384717..72c7af185 100644
--- a/lib/config/generated_config.go
+++ b/lib/config/generated_config.go
@@ -461,13 +461,13 @@ Clusters:
       # If non-empty, allow project and collection names to contain
       # the "/" character (slash/stroke/solidus), and replace "/" with
       # the given string in the filesystem hierarchy presented by
-      # WebDAV. Possible values include "%2f" and "{slash}". Names
-      # that contain the substitution string itself may result in
-      # confusing behavior.
+      # WebDAV. Example values are "%2f" and "{slash}". Names that
+      # contain the substitution string itself may result in confusing
+      # behavior, so a value like "_" is not recommended.
-      # If the default empty value is used, names containing "/"
-      # cannot be used when creating or renaming a collection or
-      # project.
+      # If the default empty value is used, the server will reject
+      # requests to create or rename a collection when the new name
+      # contains "/".
       # If the value "/" is used, project and collection names
       # containing "/" will be allowed, but they will not be

commit 7c7b9ab80e1b33a108c55a23b3dfe793a73ecc95
Merge: 3c848757e 5e8d75bc3
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at tomclegg.ca>
Date:   Thu Jan 16 11:59:39 2020 -0500

    15836: Merge branch 'master'
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Tom Clegg <tom at tomclegg.ca>



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