[ARVADOS-WORKBENCH2] updated: 1.4.1-86-gd6538e3e

Git user git at public.curoverse.com
Mon Nov 4 18:18:21 UTC 2019

Summary of changes:
 src/store/auth/auth-action-session.ts              | 64 ++++++++++++++++++----
 .../search-results-middleware-service.ts           | 56 ++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

       via  d6538e3ec3a545258ff9073ef88501fe2c75a4f0 (commit)
      from  d4afb5d44f63394461ff1571039a74b3462d8ae6 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit d6538e3ec3a545258ff9073ef88501fe2c75a4f0
Author: Peter Amstutz <pamstutz at veritasgenetics.com>
Date:   Mon Nov 4 13:17:44 2019 -0500

    15736: Improve error handling for multisite search
    * A failed search of one cluster does not prevent seeing results from
      other clusters
    * Session validation are reported to the user

diff --git a/src/store/auth/auth-action-session.ts b/src/store/auth/auth-action-session.ts
index ae698192..9190dc1a 100644
--- a/src/store/auth/auth-action-session.ts
+++ b/src/store/auth/auth-action-session.ts
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import { normalizeURLPath } from "~/common/url";
 import { Session, SessionStatus } from "~/models/session";
 import { progressIndicatorActions } from "~/store/progress-indicator/progress-indicator-actions";
 import { AuthService, UserDetailsResponse } from "~/services/auth-service/auth-service";
+import { snackbarActions, SnackbarKind } from "~/store/snackbar/snackbar-actions";
 import * as jsSHA from "jssha";
 const getClusterInfo = async (origin: string): Promise<{ clusterId: string, baseUrl: string } | null> => {
@@ -84,11 +85,13 @@ const getUserDetails = async (baseUrl: string, token: string): Promise<UserDetai
     return resp.data;
+const invalidV2Token = "Must be a v2 token";
 export const getSaltedToken = (clusterId: string, token: string) => {
     const shaObj = new jsSHA("SHA-1", "TEXT");
     const [ver, uuid, secret] = token.split("/");
     if (ver !== "v2") {
-        throw new Error("Must be a v2 token");
+        throw new Error(invalidV2Token);
     let salted = secret;
     if (uuid.substr(0, 5) !== clusterId) {
@@ -140,19 +143,31 @@ export const validateSession = (session: Session, activeSession: Session) =>
         if (!info) {
             throw new Error(`Could not get config for ${session.remoteHost}`);
+        let fail: Error | null = null;
         try {
             const { user, token } = await validateCluster(info, session.token);
             setupSession(info.baseUrl, user, token);
-        } catch {
+        } catch (e) {
+            fail = new Error(`Getting current user for ${session.remoteHost}: ${e.message}`);
             try {
                 const { user, token } = await validateCluster(info, activeSession.token);
                 setupSession(info.baseUrl, user, token);
-            } catch { }
+                fail = null;
+            } catch (e) {
+                if (e.message === invalidV2Token) {
+                    fail = new Error(`Getting current user for ${session.remoteHost}: ${e.message}`);
+                }
+            }
         session.status = SessionStatus.VALIDATED;
+        if (fail) {
+            throw fail;
+        }
         return session;
@@ -164,7 +179,23 @@ export const validateSessions = () =>
             for (const session of sessions) {
                 if (session.status === SessionStatus.INVALIDATED) {
-                    await dispatch(validateSession(session, activeSession));
+                    try {
+			/* Here we are dispatching a function, not an
+			   action.  This is legal (it calls the
+			   function with a 'Dispatch' object as the
+			   first parameter) but the typescript
+			   annotations don't understand this case, so
+			   we get an error from typescript unless
+			   override it using Dispatch<any>.  This
+			   pattern is used in a bunch of different
+			   places in Workbench2. */
+                        await dispatch(validateSession(session, activeSession));
+                    } catch (e) {
+                        dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({
+                            message: e.message,
+                            kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR
+                        }));
+                    }
@@ -186,7 +217,11 @@ export const addSession = (remoteHost: string, token?: string, sendToLogin?: boo
         if (useToken) {
             const info = await getRemoteHostInfo(remoteHost);
             if (!info) {
-                return Promise.reject(`Could not get config for ${remoteHost}`);
+                dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({
+                    message: `Could not get config for ${remoteHost}`,
+                    kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR
+                }));
+                return;
             try {
@@ -221,24 +256,33 @@ export const addSession = (remoteHost: string, token?: string, sendToLogin?: boo
-        return Promise.reject("Could not validate cluster");
+        return Promise.reject(new Error("Could not validate cluster"));
 export const toggleSession = (session: Session) =>
-    async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
-        let s = { ...session };
+    async (dispatch: Dispatch<any>, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
+        const s: Session = { ...session };
         if (session.loggedIn) {
             s.loggedIn = false;
+            dispatch(authActions.UPDATE_SESSION(s));
         } else {
             const sessions = getState().auth.sessions;
             const activeSession = getActiveSession(sessions);
             if (activeSession) {
-                s = await dispatch<any>(validateSession(s, activeSession)) as Session;
+                try {
+                    await dispatch(validateSession(s, activeSession));
+                } catch (e) {
+                    dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({
+                        message: e.message,
+                        kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR
+                    }));
+                    s.loggedIn = false;
+                    dispatch(authActions.UPDATE_SESSION(s));
+                }
-        dispatch(authActions.UPDATE_SESSION(s));
diff --git a/src/store/search-results-panel/search-results-middleware-service.ts b/src/store/search-results-panel/search-results-middleware-service.ts
index 85f12c3f..84e68ab0 100644
--- a/src/store/search-results-panel/search-results-middleware-service.ts
+++ b/src/store/search-results-panel/search-results-middleware-service.ts
@@ -42,37 +42,29 @@ export class SearchResultsMiddlewareService extends DataExplorerMiddlewareServic
-        try {
-            const params = getParams(dataExplorer, searchValue);
-            // TODO: if one of these fails, no results will be returned.
-            const responses = await Promise.all(sessions.map(session =>
-                this.services.groupsService.contents('', params, session)
-            ));
-            const initial = {
-                itemsAvailable: 0,
-                items: [] as GroupContentsResource[],
-                kind: '',
-                offset: 0,
-                limit: 10
-            };
-            const mergedResponse = responses.reduce((merged, current) => ({
-                ...merged,
-                itemsAvailable: merged.itemsAvailable + current.itemsAvailable,
-                items: merged.items.concat(current.items)
-            }), initial);
-            api.dispatch(updateResources(mergedResponse.items));
-            api.dispatch(criteriaChanged
-                ? setItems(mergedResponse)
-                : appendItems(mergedResponse));
-        } catch {
-            api.dispatch(couldNotFetchSearchResults());
+        const params = getParams(dataExplorer, searchValue);
+        const initial = {
+            itemsAvailable: 0,
+            items: [] as GroupContentsResource[],
+            kind: '',
+            offset: 0,
+            limit: 10
+        };
+        if (criteriaChanged) {
+            api.dispatch(setItems(initial));
+        sessions.map(session =>
+            this.services.groupsService.contents('', params, session)
+                .then((response) => {
+                    api.dispatch(updateResources(response.items));
+                    api.dispatch(appendItems(response));
+                }).catch(() => {
+                    api.dispatch(couldNotFetchSearchResults(session.clusterId));
+                })
+        );
@@ -118,8 +110,8 @@ export const appendItems = (listResults: ListResults<GroupContentsResource>) =>
         items: listResults.items.map(resource => resource.uuid),
-const couldNotFetchSearchResults = () =>
+const couldNotFetchSearchResults = (cluster: string) =>
-        message: `Could not fetch search results for some sessions.`,
+        message: `Could not fetch search results from ${cluster}.`,
         kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR



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