[ARVADOS] created: 1.3.0-859-gf337797b4

Git user git at public.curoverse.com
Fri May 17 00:24:14 UTC 2019

        at  f337797b4543359a990359c178fea3c138feca14 (commit)

commit f337797b4543359a990359c178fea3c138feca14
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <ldipentima at veritasgenetics.com>
Date:   Thu May 16 21:20:33 2019 -0300

    15227: Fixes type checking on json attributes.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <ldipentima at veritasgenetics.com>

diff --git a/services/api/app/controllers/application_controller.rb b/services/api/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
index 77e3c75af..89eabdcee 100644
--- a/services/api/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
+++ b/services/api/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
@@ -468,11 +468,21 @@ class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
   def load_json_value(hash, key, must_be_class=nil)
-    if hash[key].is_a? String
-      hash[key] = SafeJSON.load(hash[key])
-      if must_be_class and !hash[key].is_a? must_be_class
-        raise TypeError.new("parameter #{key.to_s} must be a #{must_be_class.to_s}")
-      end
+    return if hash[key].nil?
+    val = hash[key]
+    if val.is_a? ActionController::Parameters
+      val = val.to_unsafe_hash
+    elsif val.is_a? String
+      val = SafeJSON.load(val)
+      hash[key] = val
+    end
+    # When assigning a Hash to an ActionController::Parameters and then
+    # retrieve it, we get another ActionController::Parameters instead of
+    # a Hash. This doesn't happen with other types. This is why 'val' is
+    # being used to do type checking below.
+    if must_be_class and !val.is_a? must_be_class
+      raise TypeError.new("parameter #{key.to_s} must be a #{must_be_class.to_s}")
@@ -482,7 +492,7 @@ class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
   accept_attribute_as_json :properties, Hash
   accept_attribute_as_json :info, Hash
   def accept_attribute_as_json(attr, must_be_class)
-    if params[resource_name] and resource_attrs.is_a? Hash
+    if params[resource_name] and [Hash, ActionController::Parameters].include?(resource_attrs.class)
       if resource_attrs[attr].is_a? Hash
         # Convert symbol keys to strings (in hashes provided by
         # resource_attrs)

commit 921783ecec893414d328becf3d3da2c34fd5e2f0
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <ldipentima at veritasgenetics.com>
Date:   Thu May 16 21:19:57 2019 -0300

    15227: More tests to expose the bug.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <ldipentima at veritasgenetics.com>

diff --git a/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/collections_controller_test.rb b/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/collections_controller_test.rb
index 244fa0ce5..089895864 100644
--- a/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/collections_controller_test.rb
+++ b/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/collections_controller_test.rb
@@ -924,19 +924,25 @@ EOS
     assert_equal 'value1', json_response['properties']['property1']
-  test "create collection with properties" do
-    authorize_with :active
-    manifest_text = ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:0:foo.txt\n"
-    post :create, params: {
-      collection: {
-        manifest_text: manifest_text,
-        portable_data_hash: "d30fe8ae534397864cb96c544f4cf102+47",
-        properties: {'property_1' => 'value_1'}
+  [
+    {'property_1' => 'value_1'},
+    "{\"property_1\":\"value_1\"}",
+  ].each do |p|
+    test "create collection with valid properties param #{p.inspect}" do
+      authorize_with :active
+      manifest_text = ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:0:foo.txt\n"
+      post :create, params: {
+        collection: {
+          manifest_text: manifest_text,
+          portable_data_hash: "d30fe8ae534397864cb96c544f4cf102+47",
+          properties: p
+        }
-    }
-    assert_response :success
-    assert_not_nil json_response['uuid']
-    assert_equal 'value_1', json_response['properties']['property_1']
+      assert_response :success
+      assert_not_nil json_response['uuid']
+      assert_equal Hash, json_response['properties'].class, 'Collection properties attribute should be of type hash'
+      assert_equal 'value_1', json_response['properties']['property_1']
+    end
@@ -944,7 +950,7 @@ EOS
     'some string',
-    '["json", "encoded", "list"]',
+    '["json", "encoded", "array"]',
   ].each do |p|
     test "create collection with non-valid properties param #{p.inspect}" do
       authorize_with :active
diff --git a/services/api/test/integration/collections_api_test.rb b/services/api/test/integration/collections_api_test.rb
index ab1a3e69d..eb44b9b34 100644
--- a/services/api/test/integration/collections_api_test.rb
+++ b/services/api/test/integration/collections_api_test.rb
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ class CollectionsApiTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
     assert_not_nil json_response['properties']
     assert_empty json_response['properties']
-    # update collection's description
+    # update collection's properties
     put "/arvados/v1/collections/#{json_response['uuid']}",
       params: {
         format: :json,
@@ -366,6 +366,35 @@ class CollectionsApiTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
       headers: auth(:active)
     assert_response :success
+    assert_equal Hash, json_response['properties'].class, 'Collection properties attribute should be of type hash'
+    assert_equal 'value_1', json_response['properties']['property_1']
+  end
+  test "create collection and update it with json encoded hash properties" do
+    # create collection to be searched for
+    signed_manifest = Collection.sign_manifest(". bad42fa702ae3ea7d888fef11b46f450+44 0:44:my_test_file.txt\n", api_token(:active))
+    post "/arvados/v1/collections",
+      params: {
+        format: :json,
+        collection: {manifest_text: signed_manifest}.to_json,
+      },
+      headers: auth(:active)
+    assert_response 200
+    assert_not_nil json_response['uuid']
+    assert_not_nil json_response['properties']
+    assert_empty json_response['properties']
+    # update collection's properties
+    put "/arvados/v1/collections/#{json_response['uuid']}",
+      params: {
+        format: :json,
+        collection: {
+          properties: "{\"property_1\":\"value_1\"}"
+        }
+      },
+      headers: auth(:active)
+    assert_response :success
+    assert_equal Hash, json_response['properties'].class, 'Collection properties attribute should be of type hash'
     assert_equal 'value_1', json_response['properties']['property_1']

commit 509ce6ab05d6453efed3426bf9a82ae6e8fa6d06
Author: Lucas Di Pentima <ldipentima at veritasgenetics.com>
Date:   Wed May 15 15:50:24 2019 -0300

    15227: Adds test exposing bug.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lucas Di Pentima <ldipentima at veritasgenetics.com>

diff --git a/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/collections_controller_test.rb b/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/collections_controller_test.rb
index cc545b2fd..244fa0ce5 100644
--- a/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/collections_controller_test.rb
+++ b/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/collections_controller_test.rb
@@ -940,6 +940,28 @@ EOS
+    false,
+    [],
+    42,
+    'some string',
+    '["json", "encoded", "list"]',
+  ].each do |p|
+    test "create collection with non-valid properties param #{p.inspect}" do
+      authorize_with :active
+      post :create, params: {
+        collection: {
+          name: "test collection with non-valid properties param '#{p.inspect}'",
+          manifest_text: '',
+          properties: p
+        }
+      }
+      assert_response 422
+      response_errors = json_response['errors']
+      assert_not_nil response_errors, 'Expected error in response'
+    end
+  end
+  [
     [". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:34:foo.txt\n", 1, 34],
     [". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:34:foo.txt 0:30:foo.txt 0:30:foo1.txt 0:30:foo2.txt 0:30:foo3.txt 0:30:foo4.txt\n", 5, 184],
     [". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0:0:.\n", 0, 0]



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