[ARVADOS-DEV] updated: f55df5188d670fa5b27b7f711349661266c1f125

Git user git at public.curoverse.com
Tue Mar 5 16:11:19 EST 2019

Summary of changes:
 jenkins/run_upload_packages_testing.py        |   0
 jenkins/testing_to_stable_publish_packages.sh | 101 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 jenkins/upload_packages_testing_to_stable.sh  |  60 +++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 161 insertions(+)
 mode change 100644 => 100755 jenkins/run_upload_packages_testing.py
 create mode 100755 jenkins/testing_to_stable_publish_packages.sh
 create mode 100755 jenkins/upload_packages_testing_to_stable.sh

       via  f55df5188d670fa5b27b7f711349661266c1f125 (commit)
      from  c7681a6c220cb6c4a41bf3bc33408c8a73242651 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit f55df5188d670fa5b27b7f711349661266c1f125
Author: Fernando Monserrat <fernando.monserrat at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Mar 5 18:11:06 2019 -0300

    issue #14891 add scripts to publish packages from testing to stable
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Fernando Monserrat <fmonserrat at veritasgenetics.com>

diff --git a/jenkins/run_upload_packages_testing.py b/jenkins/run_upload_packages_testing.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/jenkins/testing_to_stable_publish_packages.sh b/jenkins/testing_to_stable_publish_packages.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..678256f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/testing_to_stable_publish_packages.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
+# This script publishes packages from our testing repo to the prod repo (#11572 and #11878)
+# Parameters (both are mandatory):
+#   --packages list of packages, comma separated, to move from dev_repo_dir to prod_repo_dir
+#   --distros  list of distros, comma separated, to which to publish packages
+###  MAIN  ####################################################################
+[ $# -lt 2 ] && {
+  echo "usage: "
+  echo "    $0 --distros <distroA,distroB,...,distroN> --packages <packageA,packageB,...,packageN>"
+  echo "    (both parameters are mandatory)"
+  echo ""
+  exit 1
+# Parse options
+while [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; do
+    case ${1} in
+        --packages)   packages="$2";    shift 2 ;;
+        --distros)    distros="$2";     shift 2 ;;
+        *)            echo "$0: Unrecognized option: $1" >&2; exit 1;
+    esac
+# Make sure the variables are set or provide an example of how to use them
+if [ -z "${packages}" ]; then
+  echo "You must provide a comma-separated list of packages to publish, ie."
+  echo "* Debian: --packages=arvados-ws_0.1.20170906144951.22418ed6e-1_amd64.deb,keep-exercise_*,*170906144951*"
+  echo "* Centos: --packages=arvados-ws_0.1.20170906144951.22418ed6e-1.x86_64.rpm,keep-exercise_0.1.20170906144951.22418ed6e-1.x86_64.rpm,crunch-dispatch-local_0.1.20170906144951.22418ed6e-1.x86_64.rpm"
+  exit 254
+if [ -z "${distros}" ]; then
+  echo "You must provide a space-separated list of LSB distribution codenames to which you want to publish to, ie."
+  echo "* Debian: --distros=jessie,xenial,stretch,etc."
+  echo "* Centos: --distros=centos7,etc."
+  exit 255
+DIST_LIST=$(echo ${distros} | sed s/,/' '/g |tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
+PACKAGES=$(echo ${packages} | sed s/,/' '/g)
+if ( echo ${DIST_LIST} |grep -q centos ); then
+  for DISTNAME in ${DIST_LIST}; do 
+    case ${DISTNAME} in
+      'centos7')
+        DIST_DIR_TEST='7/testing/x86_64'
+        DIST_DIR_PROD='7/os/x86_64'
+      ;;
+      *)
+        echo "Only centos7 is accepted right now"
+        exit 253
+      ;;
+    esac
+    cd ${RPM_REPO_BASE_DIR}
+    mkdir -p ${RPM_REPO_BASE_DIR}/CentOS/${DIST_DIR_PROD}
+    echo "Copying packages ..."
+    for P in ${PACKAGES}; do
+      if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+      fi
+    done
+    echo "Recreating repo CentOS/${DIST_DIR_PROD} ..."
+    createrepo ${RPM_REPO_BASE_DIR}/CentOS/${DIST_DIR_PROD}
+  done
+  for DISTNAME in ${DIST_LIST}; do
+    ADDED=()
+    cd ${APT_REPO_BASE_DIR}
+    mkdir -p ${APT_REPO_BASE_DIR}/apt/${DISTNAME}
+    echo "Copying packages ..."
+    for P in ${PACKAGES}; do
+      cp ${APT_REPO_BASE_DIR}/apt/${DISTNAME}-testing/${P} ${APT_REPO_BASE_DIR}/apt/${DISTNAME}/
+      if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+      else
+        TMP=`ls -C1 ${APT_REPO_BASE_DIR}/apt/${DISTNAME}-testing/${P}`
+        ADDED+=( "${TMP[@]}" )
+      fi
+    done
+    for P in "${ADDED[@]}"; do
+      freight add apt/${DISTNAME}/$(basename ${P}) apt/${DISTNAME}
+    done
+    echo "Recreating repo apt/${DISTNAME} ..."
+    freight cache apt/${DISTNAME}
+  done
+if [ "${FAILED_PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then
+  echo "${FAILED_PACKAGES}"
+  echo "All packages published correctly"
diff --git a/jenkins/upload_packages_testing_to_stable.sh b/jenkins/upload_packages_testing_to_stable.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0e38606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins/upload_packages_testing_to_stable.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
+# This script publishes packages from our dev repo to the prod repo (#11572)
+# Parameters: list of packages, space separated, to move from *-testing to *
+# under /var/lib/freight/apt/ in host public.curoverse.com
+# Convert package list into a regex for publising
+# Make sure the variables are set or provide an example of how to use them
+if [ -z "${PACKAGES_TO_PUBLISH}" ]; then
+  echo "You must provide a list of packages to publish, as obtained with https://dev.arvados.org/projects/ops/wiki/Updating_clusters#Gathering-package-versions."
+  exit 254
+if [ -z "${LSB_DISTRIB_CODENAMES}" ]; then
+  echo "You must provide a space-separated list of LSB distribution codenames to which you want to publish to, ie."
+  echo "* Debian: jessie, xenial, stretch, etc."
+  echo "* Centos: centos7 (the only one currently supported.)"
+  exit 255
+# Sanitize the vars in a way suitable to be used by the remote 'publish_packages.sh' script
+# Just to make copying a single line, and not having to loop over it
+PACKAGES_LIST=$(echo ${PACKAGES_TO_PUBLISH} | sed 's/[a-z-]*-gem: [0-9\.]*//g; s/versions://g; s/\([0-9]\)[$, ]/\1* /g; s/[[:blank:]]\+/,/g; s/^,//g; s/:,/*/g')
+DISTROS=$(echo "${LSB_DISTRIB_CODENAMES}"|sed s/[[:space:]]/,/g |tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
+if ( echo ${LSB_DISTRIB_CODENAMES} |grep -q centos ); then
+REMOTE_CMD="/usr/local/bin/testing_to_stable_publish_packages.sh --distros ${DISTROS} --packages ${PACKAGES_LIST}"
+# Now we execute it remotely
+ssh -t \
+    -l jenkinsapt \
+    -p $SSH_PORT \
+    -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" \
+    -o "ConnectTimeout 5" \
+    ${REPO_SERVER} \
+    "${REMOTE_CMD}" | tee ${TMP_FILE}
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+  ECODE=1
+rm -f ${TMP_FILE}
+exit ${ECODE}



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