[ARVADOS-WORKBENCH2] created: 1.4.0

Git user git at public.curoverse.com
Tue Jun 4 15:03:42 UTC 2019

        at  fd9c63153cfd4a044552b247f4751de6f0a4b296 (tag)
   tagging  2f9771027fa0b1096b1eb8d450d7abf95356ee20 (commit)
  replaces  1.3.1
 tagged by  Fernando Monserrat
        on  Tue Jun 4 12:03:00 2019 -0300

issue #15283 . RC2 for Release 1.4.0
Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Fernando Monserrat <fmonserrat at veritasgenetics.com>

Daniel Kos (39):
      Update redux form types, make getFilters keywords aware
      Add query <-> advanced data synchronization
      refs #master Merge branch 'origin/master' into 14280-query-language
      Fix various search issues
      Connect project tree with redux-form
      Add query name showing on save query checked only
      refs #master Merge branch 'origin/master' into 14280-query-language
      Add populating search bar project tree and auto selecting project, fix clearing selection on advanced view close
      Remove unnecessary comment
      Fix getting correct search filter
      Add exist filter
      Merge branch 'origin/master' into 14280-query-language
      Code review fixes
      Fix showing undefined in chips if there's no value
      Code review fixes
      refs #14280 Merge branch 'origin/14280-query-language'
      Add site manager and initial validation
      Add session validation
      Add login in/out handling, fix async validation
      Merge branch 'origin/master' into 14478-log-in-into-clusters
      Fix session initialization
      CR fix dereferencing nullable user
      CR fix too big inlined onSumbit handler
      refs #14478 Merge branch 'origin/14478-log-in-into-clusters'
      Fix passing auth reducer tests
      Fix error message for search result panel
      Fix trash panel access
      Add stacktraces do redux devtools
      Add multi cluster search
      Cluster search fixes, infinite data explorer mode
      Fix typo
      Add cluster render
      Add criteria changed flag to request items
      Fix bad url
      Merge branch 'origin/master' into 14348-cluster-search
      Post merge fixes
      CR fixes
      refs #14348 Merge branch 'origin/14348-cluster-search'
      Fix test passing

Eric Biagiotti (37):
      15088: Adds routing for link-account panel
      15088: Adds initial link account UI
      15088: Saves account link data in session storage and logs out
      15088: Adds link-account state and service
      15088: Adds the ability to cancel account linking after logging in
      15088: Updates state to account for both types of linking and adds UI
      15088: Adds account linking functionality
      15088: Adds invalid states and UI and improves action error handling
      15088: Adds link accounts to drop down. Removes changes to my account
      15088: Sets correct account after second login
      15088: Removes navigation after second login
      15088: Adds support for inactive account linking
      15088: Adds link account feature to inactive page
      15088: Changes link account dispplay times to UTC
      15088: Adds logout before logging in to second account
      15088: Function name clarification
      15088: Adds reload after link account operation
      15088: Adds link account panel reducer tests
      15088: Handles browser navigation during link account ops
      15088: Removes unused my-account-panel action
      15088: Moves link account operation check to initAuth
      Merge branch 'master' into 15088-merge-account
      15088: Fix to use new login function
      15088: Fixes tests broken by the merge
      15088: Adds federated account linking
      15088: Fixes UI on link account failure
      15088: Improves federated linking logic and UI
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 15088-merge-account
      15088: Adds progress circle when loading the link panel
      15088: Fixes linkAccountPanel reducer tests
      15088: Adds unique message for inactive remote users linking accounts
      15088: Fixes page refresh on link accounts page
      15088: Changes link account page times to local. Adds cancel snackbar.
      15088: Fixes auth-action test and simplifies link account cancel snackbar
      15088: Text clarification for linking as a remote user
      Merge branch '15088-merge-account'
      Fixes auth-action test merge refs #15088

Janicki Artur (40):
      add keep services panel with state and all dialogs for actions
      fix issue with isAdmin for user and modify keep services actions
      change code after CR
      Merge branch 'master' of git.curoverse.com:arvados-workbench2 into 14503_keep_services_panel
      Merge branch '14503_keep_services_panel'
      refs #master fix auth actions test
      add compute nodes with store, service and all dialogs
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/curoverse/arvados-workbench2 into 14502_admin_compute_nodes
      Merge branch '14502_admin_compute_nodes'
      init api token, add model and service, create dialogs and panel
      add help dialog, change attrs dialog and store
      change compute node panel - remove style
      Merge branch 'master' of git.curoverse.com:arvados-workbench2 into 14500_admin_api_tokens
      Merge branch '14500_admin_api_tokens'
      add new option for data-explorer - hide search input
      add admin links feature - model, service, dialogs and panel
      Merge branch 'master' of git.curoverse.com:arvados-workbench2 into 14512_admin_links
      change code after CR, clean code and add vm to nav action
      Merge branch '14512_admin_links'
      add compute node middleware, data explorer and remove reducer
      refactor link panel
      Change code after CR
      change code after CR - add method to with-resources
      Merge branch 'master' of git.curoverse.com:arvados-workbench2 into 14602_admin_compute_node_paginations
      Merge branch '14602_admin_compute_node_paginations'
      add properties to create project form
      fill actions for add and remove property from new project form
      remove unnecessary import
      change code after CR
      remove unnecessary import and add interface for properties
      change code after CR
      Merge branch 'master' of git.curoverse.com:arvados-workbench2 into 14248_assigning_properties_to_projects_during_create
      change selector name for project create form
      Merge branch '14248_assigning_properties_to_projects_during_create'
      add middleware and pagination, change resources model and store
      remove ResourceTypes and Api client Authorization extends by Resource
      Merge branch 'master' of git.curoverse.com:arvados-workbench2 into 14652_api_tokens_pagination
      remove unnecessary imports
      Merge branch '14652_api_tokens_pagination'
      refs #14652 improve api client auth

Michal Klobukowski (196):
      Add is-image dependency
      Create FileThumbnail
      Add url to FileTreeData
      Update collection-panel-files to pass file url files tree
      Set ImageFileThumbnail to file's url
      Add more space before and after ImageFileThumbnail
      Merge branch '14563-image-files-thumbnails'
      Remove uneccesary conditional from ImageFileThumbnail
      Add react-select dependency
      Improve suggestions box style so it stays in a viewport
      Force suggestions box to update position when items amount changes
      Add autocomplete arrows navigation
      Remove unused react-select dependency
      Merge branch 'master' into 14393-improve-autoselect
      Merge branch '14393-improve-autoselect'
      Add presets method to WorkflowService
      Add presets actions to run-process-panel
      Handle workflow presets loading in run-process-panel reducer
      Create SELECT_WORKFLOW_PRESET action
      Handle SELECT_WORKFLOW_PRESET action in reducer
      Create WorkflowPresetSelect
      Add WorkflowPresetSelect to RunProcessSecondStepForm
      Create action that selects a preset and updates form values
      Use selectPreset in RunProcessSecondStepForm
      Improve WorkflowPresetSelect layout
      Wrap WorkflowPresetSelect in the grid
      Delete bad label
      Remove unused vars
      Add conditional that stops ancestors service from calling the same ownerUuid in infinite loop
      Refactor AncestorService to hide recursion implementation and give more meaningful names to arguments
      Delete unused import
      Merge branch '14553-bugfix-infinite-loading-in-shared-with-me'
      Setup navigation and create slot for groups panel
      Add possibility to pass the null value to addEqual condition in FilterBuilder
      Initialize groups panel store and view component
      Filter groups by name
      Apply correct GroupsPanelColumnNames enum name
      Add ordering by group name
      Refactor data-explorer to make it background more customizable, add slot for custom actions
      Add new group button
      Clean up groups panel imports
      Add CreateGroupDialog
      Create CreateGroupDialog's form
      Change groupClass condition in filters used for fetching groups
      Implement basic group submission
      Merge branch 'master' into 14490-workflow-presets
      Merge branch 'master' into 14490-workflow-presets
      Add ordering to WorkflowService presets result
      Merge branch '14490-workflow-presets'
      Fix onNewGroup handler
      Add missing link resource kind
      Add permission links creation to createGroup action
      Add loading permissions for requested groups
      Create GroupMembersCount
      Setup routing for group details
      Set up data explorer for group details panel
      Fix error when double clicking on a group
      Refactor data-explorer to make it background more customizable, add slot for custom actions
      Add breadcrumbs for groups panel
      Add GroupDetailsPanel view
      Load users instead of permission into group details table
      Create file viewer config schema
      Move file-viewers-config to models
      Extend main config with FILE_VIEWERS_CONFIG_URL
      Create FileViewersConfigService
      Add FileViewersConfigService to service repository
      Create actions and selectors for file viewers
      Handle  errors while fetching fileViewersConfig
      Dispatch loadFileViewersConfig from workbench
      Create FileViewerActions component
      Add FileViewerActions to file's context menu
      Delete api token from file url
      Pass FILE_VIEWERS_CONFIG_URL to configuration
      Fill file actions space with an empty icon
      Add OpenIcon
      Replace FileViewerActions icon with OpenIcon
      Hide context menu separator if next items group is empty
      Prevent going through file viewer action twice when navigationg using tab
      Add file viewer icon customization
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/14505-admin-group-panel-member-context-menu' into 14505-admin-groups-panel
      Add "Add user" button to GroupDetailsPanel
      Create min length validator
      Create AddGroupMembersDialog
      Extract function for adding group member
      Rename createPermission function
      Export addGroupMember function
      Create addGroupMembers action
      Move group details related actions to corresponding file
      Implement group member removal
      Add autofocus prop to autocomplete
      Add autofocus prop to people select
      Enable autofocus to AddGroupMembersDialog
      Merge branch 'master'
      Clean up app bar menus after merge
      Hide search input from GroupDetailsPanel
      Update group members implementation to match docs
      Fix autocomplete's label positioning when there is no items
      Replace advanced search properties fields with ones supporting vocablary
      Restore repositories link to account menu
      Clean up group-panel imports
      Merge branch 'master'
      Merge branch '14505-admin-groups-panel'
      Merge branch 'master' into 13540-add-possibility-to-open-files-in-third-party-apps
      Merge branch '13540-add-possibility-to-open-files-in-third-party-apps'
      Merge branch 'master' into 14603-add-controlled-vocabulary-to-advanced-search
      Replace ClickAwayListener with Popover
      Set transform origin to improve popovers animation
      Split search bar view into smaller components
      Add comment about renderChips condition
      Merge branch 'master' of git.curoverse.com:arvados-workbench2 into 14603-add-controlled-vocabulary-to-advanced-search
      Merge branch '14603-add-controlled-vocabulary-to-advanced-search'
      Clone search input so that a focus is kept when opening the search view
      Merge branch '14603-clone-search-input'
      Restore ClickAwayListener usage to SearchBarView
      Create a Backdrop layer for SearchBarView
      Merge branch '14649-search-bar-ui-improvements'
      Add helpetText props to TextField
      Add type prop to TextField
      Fix IntInput zero or empty string parsing
      Export IntInput's parse and format functions
      Delete console log from WorkflowDetailsCard
      Create min validator
      Create optional validator
      Extend RunProcessAdvancedForm with numeric fields with runtime constraints values
      Disable run process button if advanced form is invalid
      Update SchedulingParameters interface
      Export RunProcessAdvancedForm field names
      Set correct type of runtime field value
      Delete initialValues since they are not working
      Make runtime field a numeric input
      Initialize process advanced form from action
      Update runProcess action to use new advanced form values
      Restore --api parameter to process command accordgin to 'Using the deprecated 'jobs' API.' warning.
      Create FormField component
      Create SwitchField component
      Add API field to process advanced form
      Use value instead of checked in SwitchField
      Add api field value to runtime constraints
      Set default api field value
      Merge branch '13708-process-form-runtime-constraints'
      Extend details panel with files
      Refactor getIcon so that it's easier to reuse
      Display correct icon in FileDetails
      Delete image file preview from files tree
      Add size info and preview to FileDetails
      Add OPEN_DETAILS_PANEL action
      Handle opening collection detail panel on click on collection panel title
      Open details panel on file click
      Display file preview if file is an image
      Replace multiple if blocks with more convenient mechanism
      Merge branch '14684-image-file-preview-in-details-panel'
      Replace deprecated button variants
      Enable useNextVariants and replace depracated typography variants
      Merge branch '14639-replace-depracated-mui-variants'
      Clean up route-change-handlers imports
      Set better return type of route handlers ActionCreator
      Merge branch '14653-refactor-route-change-handlers'
      Add --local option to command of a new process
      Merge branch '14830-process-fails-due-to-missing-docker-image'
      Change default project explorer's sorting tDESC in the last modified column
      Merge branch '14901-change-default-sorting-to-last-modified'
      Sort favorties using modified by field by default
      Sort trash using trashed date field by default
      Merge branch '14901-default-sort-of-favorites-and-trash-by-modification-data'
      Wait for all files upload to complete with Promise.all
      Delete unused parameter of webdav.upload
      Merge branch '14910-uploading-files-to-collection'
      Set default sorting of search results by last modification date
      Merge branch '14901-default-sort-search-results-by-modification-data'
      refs #
      Create addFullTextSearch of FilterBuilder
      Create searchQueryToFilters function
      Update search implementations to use searchQueryToFilters instead of getFilters
      Fix data-explorer layout when search input is hidden
      Hide search-input in search-results-panel
      Merge branch '14917-searching-by-properties'
      Delete unused getFilters function
      Handle white space in property key and value by wprapping them with quotes
      Create new search query parser
      Remove duplicates from result of findSearchString
      Add isTrashed function to arv-parser
      Update search-results to use new query parser
      Use fullTextSearch filter only if search query is not empty
      Merge branch '14917-searching-by-properties'
      Move search call debounce to component
      Merge branch '14917-searching-by-properties'
      refs #
      Update buildQueryFromKeyMap patterns to match new property tokens
      Merge branch '14917-searching-by-properties'
      Gray out filters label when all filters are selected (default behaviour)
      Wrap column filters icon with an icon button
      Add hover styles to sorting arrow
      Update filters icon style to match sorting icon
      Merge branch '14971-table-column-filters-ux-improvements'
      refs #14971

Pawel Kowalczyk (161):
      isAdmin prop
      merge master
      cr changes
      Merge branch 'master' into 14498-virtual-machines-admin-panel
      Merge branch '14498-virtual-machines-admin-panel'
      Merge branch 'master' into 14504-users-admin-panel
      delete firstName and lastName from form when creating a user
      next conflicts
      Merge branch '14504-users-admin-panel'
      Merge branch 'master' into 14566-admin-modal
      added-snakcbar when output des not exists
      Merge branch 'master' into 14566-admin-modal
      Merge branch '14566-admin-modal'
      Merge branch 'master' into 14582-missing-output-link-inside-process-views
      Merge branch '14582-missing-output-link-inside-process-views'
      Merge branch 'master' into 14480-show-link-to-process-which-created-a-collection
      Merge branch '14480-show-link-to-process-which-created-a-collection'
      Merge branch 'master' into 14581-it-is-impossible-to-edit-process-description-after-creating-it
      Merge branch '14581-it-is-impossible-to-edit-process-description-after-creating-it'
      context menu for groups panel
      Merge branch '14489-modals-persists-after-using-browsers-back-option'
      refs #14616-link-to-process-in-process-output-view-does-not-work
      refs #14615-placeholder-message-displayed-instead-of-inputs-link
      cr change
      Merge branch 'master' into 14614-outputs-option-does-not-work-from-more-options
      Merge branch '14614-outputs-option-does-not-work-from-more-options'
      Merge branch 'master' into 14491-graph-field-is-too-big-when-no-workflows-were-chosen
      Merge branch '14491-graph-field-is-too-big-when-no-workflows-were-chosen'
      Merge branch '14489-context-menus-dropdowns-persists-after-using-back-option'
      merge master
      Merge branch 'master' into 14565-admin-managing-user
      refs #14498-usernames-in-machines
      Merge branch 'master' into 14565-admin-managing-user
      cr changes
      Merge branch 'master' into 14565-admin-managing-user
      Merge branch '14565-admin-managing-user'
      refs #14565-admin-managing-user-login-as-someone
      refs #14565-login-as-someone-list-against-get
      refs #14565-incorect-uuid-passed
      refs #14565-login-as-someone-by-created-at-prop
      refs #14565-login-as-someone-proper-uuid
      refs #14565-fix
      refs #14565-login-as
      Merge branch 'master' into 14644-nanh-nanm-in-subprocess-view
      Merge branch '14644-nanh-nanm-in-subprocess-view'
      refs #14654-empty-trash-and-favorites
      refs #14565-login-as-other-user
      refs #14565-login-as-someone
      refs #14565-login
      refs #14565-login-as-other-user
      Merge branch 'master' into 14604-ui-improvements
      Merge branch '14604-ui-improvements'
      Merge branch 'master' into 14643-re-run-workflow
      Merge branch '14643-re-run-workflow'
      refs #no-ref fix
      refs #14370-display-correct-description
      refs #14744-inappropriate-results
      Merge branch '14744-inappropriate-results'
      searching by description and uuid
      Merge branch '14772-gloabal-search-is-unable-to-find-projects-or-collections-only-by-uuid'
      refs #14781-font-color-on-process-logs-were-black-on-black-bg
      refs #14783-go-to-log-collection-is-not-working
      Merge branch '14759-cannot-share-with-groups'
      Merge branch '14721-cancel-running-workflow'
      refs #14801-api-resonse-is-not-complete
      refs #14815-remove-the-limit-of-subprocess-in-a-process-view
      refs #14785-selection-of-table-content
      refs #14671-download-file-from-collection-asks-for-auth
      refs #14709-create-a-collection-from-selected-is-not-doing-what-it-should-do
      refs #14848-inproper-location-for-new-processes-fix
      Merge branch '14856-actions-on-selected-files-inside-collections-are-not-working'
      refs #14857-new-workbench-affects-files-content
      refs #14875-inappropriate-format-of-the-project-desc
      refs #14875-wider-dialog
      refs #14926-modal-with-inputs-is-empty
      refs #14932-shared-with-me-side-bar-limit
      refs #14876 Copy-selected-into-the-colletion
      Merge branch '14941-public-favorites-initialize-data-explorer-and-routing'
      refs #15027-delete-version-attr-on-update-collection
      refs #14855-downloading-has-different-behaviour-in-a-specific-environment
      refs #15057-content-from-shared-with-me-not-displayed-in-favs
      refs #15039-inappriopriate-search-results-adter-going-back
      refs #15085-breadcrumbs-are-not-presenting-names-of-processes-and-collections
      refs #15076-link-to-process-only-if-its-necessary
      adding-to-public-favorites-from-shared-with me
      Merge branch '15120-content-from-shared-with-me-cannot-be-added-to-Public-Favorites'
      refs #14859-admin-filtering-by-name-inside-user-panel
      refs #15077-after-deleting-the-project-from-the-tree-its-not-dissapearing-in-the-table
      refs #15120-adding-to-public-favs-from-side-panel
      refs #15083-tooltips-for-icons-inside-table
      refs #14914-after-adding-a-description-on-existing-project-content-is-now-visible-until-is-refreshed
      refs #14915-after-move-to-action-inside-tree-panel-the-tree-is-not-refreshed
      Merge branch '15020-collection-with-the-same-content-adress'
      Merge branch 'master' into 15166-size-between-icons-on-workflow-panel-is-too-wide
      Merge branch '15166-size-between-icons-on-workflow-panel-is-too-wide'
      Merge branch 'master' into #15165-running-a-process-from-workflow-section-doesnt-contain-values-in-advanced
      Merge branch '#15165-running-a-process-from-workflow-section-doesnt-contain-values-in-advanced'
      Merge branch 'master' into 15160-replacing-files-during-upload
      Merge branch '15160-replacing-files-during-upload'

Pawel Kromplewski (16):
      Create my account view
      Merge branch 'master' into 14452-my-account
      Use redux-form in my account view
      Send new user data to server
      Merge branch 'master' into 14452-my-account
      My Account adjustments
      Use required attribute for required fields in my account
      Merge branch '14452-my-account'
      Fix tests
      Merge branch '14452-my-account'
      Display workflow name inside info card inside process view
      PR fixes, extract format start and finished dates
      Merge branch '14434-display-workflow-name'
      Fix typo in my account
      Merge branch '14452-fix-typo'
      UI Improvements

Peter Amstutz (35):
      Make redux devtools optional for development build refs #14660
      14720: Federated login chooser wip
      14720: Better login button, tell you what cluster you're logging in to.
      14720: Add UUID to My account page.  Layout fixes.
      14720: Fix tests
      14841: Add link to workbench v1
      14841: Simplify configReducer
      14720: "My account" page now explicitly when user is federated
      14841: Pass token when switching to workbench v1
      14720: Show home cluster for federated users.
      14720: Delete commented out code
      14841: Fix tests and make some test values more realistic.
      14841: Add inactive user page.
      14841: Remove debug logging
      14841: Always reload user details on page initialization.
      14841: Don't defer initializing sessions
      Merge branch '14841-link-workbench1' refs #14841 refs #14720
      15064: Fetch discovery documents for all remotes
      15064: create iframes that load /fedtoken with salted token
      15064: Logging into home cluster logs into all federated clusters
      15064: If initializing auth fails, go back to login screen.
      15064: Tell users which clusters are being searched.
      15064: Send user home for multi-site search.
      15064: Save/load homeCluster from localStorage.
      Merge branch 'master' into 15064-wb2-fed-login
      Merge branch '15064-wb2-fed-login' refs #15064
      Remove debug logging refs #15064
      15230: Link to other workbenches when double-clicking search results.
      Fix federated login, only create iframes for local user refs #15064
      15230: Refactor copy to clipboard, applies to all DetailsAttribute
      Merge branch '15230-fed-collection-crash' refs #15230
      Fix tests refs #15230
      15255: Don't render fedtoken iframe if workbench2 config is missing.
      15255: Log missing workbench2Url value to console.
      Merge branch '15255-handle-missing-wb2' refs #15255

Ward Vandewege (1):
      If a version number is supplied to the build command, make sure to report that



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