[ARVADOS] updated: 1.3.0-1246-g8f653bcac

Git user git at public.curoverse.com
Wed Jul 3 13:28:19 UTC 2019

Summary of changes:
 apps/workbench/app/models/arvados_api_client.rb    |   4 +-
 .../app/views/application/_breadcrumbs.html.erb    |   2 +-
 apps/workbench/config/application.default.yml      | 201 +--------------------
 apps/workbench/config/arvados_config.rb            |   8 +-
 .../controllers/application_controller_test.rb     |   2 +-
 build/run-tests.sh                                 |  11 +-
 lib/config/cmd.go                                  |  14 +-
 lib/config/config.default.yml                      | 145 +++++++++++++--
 lib/config/generated_config.go                     | 145 +++++++++++++--
 sdk/go/arvados/config.go                           |   1 +
 services/api/config/arvados_config.rb              |   4 +-
 11 files changed, 283 insertions(+), 254 deletions(-)

       via  8f653bcac661fd5dae37c9f93d9027bb2242b8db (commit)
      from  cf98484b422c29dfa251da5a176e18096f09aa7a (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit 8f653bcac661fd5dae37c9f93d9027bb2242b8db
Author: Peter Amstutz <pamstutz at veritasgenetics.com>
Date:   Wed Jul 3 09:20:43 2019 -0400

    14812: Migrate previously missed config items
    Remove defaults from application.defaults.yml that now come from
    Migrate comments describing configuration items
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Peter Amstutz <pamstutz at veritasgenetics.com>

diff --git a/apps/workbench/app/models/arvados_api_client.rb b/apps/workbench/app/models/arvados_api_client.rb
index 6be15c698..3c9bfa793 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/app/models/arvados_api_client.rb
+++ b/apps/workbench/app/models/arvados_api_client.rb
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class ArvadosApiClient
     404 => NotFoundException,
-  @@profiling_enabled = Rails.configuration.profiling_enabled
+  @@profiling_enabled = Rails.configuration.Workbench.ProfilingEnabled
   @@discovery = nil
   # An API client object suitable for handling API requests on behalf
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class ArvadosApiClient
             .select { |ca_path| File.readable?(ca_path) }
             .each { |ca_path| @api_client.ssl_config.add_trust_ca(ca_path) }
-        if Rails.configuration.api_response_compression
+        if Rails.configuration.Workbench.APIResponseCompression
           @api_client.transparent_gzip_decompression = true
diff --git a/apps/workbench/app/views/application/_breadcrumbs.html.erb b/apps/workbench/app/views/application/_breadcrumbs.html.erb
index 8be27fc7b..c3c2e07da 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/app/views/application/_breadcrumbs.html.erb
+++ b/apps/workbench/app/views/application/_breadcrumbs.html.erb
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 %>
                     <i class="glyphicon fa-fw glyphicon-search"></i> Search all projects ...
                   <% end %>
-              <% if !Rails.configuration.Users.AnonymousUserToken.empty? and Rails.configuration.enable_public_projects_page %>
+              <% if !Rails.configuration.Users.AnonymousUserToken.empty? and Rails.configuration.Workbench.EnablePublicProjectsPage %>
                 <li role="menuitem"><a href="/projects/public" role="menuitem"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-list"></i> Browse public projects </a>
               <% end %>
diff --git a/apps/workbench/config/application.default.yml b/apps/workbench/config/application.default.yml
index 2fa844239..9ea2cb34a 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/config/application.default.yml
+++ b/apps/workbench/config/application.default.yml
@@ -73,18 +73,6 @@ production:
   profiling_enabled: false
   log_level: info
-  arvados_insecure_https: false
-  data_import_dir: /data/arvados-workbench-upload/data
-  data_export_dir: /data/arvados-workbench-download/data
-  # API server configuration
-  arvados_login_base: ~
-  arvados_v1_base: ~
-  arvados_insecure_https: ~
-  site_name: Arvados Workbench
   cache_classes: true
   eager_load: false
@@ -133,65 +121,6 @@ test:
   assets.js_compressor: false
   assets.css_compressor: false
-  data_import_dir: /tmp/arvados-workbench-upload
-  data_export_dir: /tmp/arvados-workbench-download
-  arvados_login_base: https://arvados.local/login
-  arvados_v1_base: https://arvados.local/arvados/v1
-  arvados_insecure_https: true
-  activation_contact_link: mailto:info at arvados.org
-  arvados_docsite: http://doc.arvados.org
-  arvados_public_data_doc_url: http://arvados.org/projects/arvados/wiki/Public_Pipelines_and_Datasets
-  arvados_theme: default
-  show_user_agreement_inline: false
-  secret_token: ~
-  secret_key_base: false
-  default_openid_prefix: https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id
-  send_user_setup_notification_email: true
-  testing_override_login_url: false
-  # Scratch directory used by the remote repository browsing
-  # feature. If it doesn't exist, it (and any missing parents) will be
-  # created using mkdir_p.
-  repository_cache: <%= File.expand_path 'tmp/git', Rails.root %>
-  # Set user_profile_form_fields to enable and configure the user
-  # profile page. Default is set to false. A commented example with
-  # full description is provided below.
-  user_profile_form_fields: false
-  # Below is a sample setting of user_profile_form_fields config parameter.
-  # This configuration parameter should be set to either false (to disable) or
-  # to an array as shown below.
-  # Configure the list of input fields to be displayed in the profile page
-  # using the attribute "key" for each of the input fields.
-  # This sample shows configuration with one required and one optional form fields.
-  # For each of these input fields:
-  #   You can specify "type" as "text" or "select".
-  #   List the "options" to be displayed for each of the "select" menu.
-  #   Set "required" as "true" for any of these fields to make them required.
-  # If any of the required fields are missing in the user's profile, the user will be
-  # redirected to the profile page before they can access any Workbench features.
-  #user_profile_form_fields:
-  #  - key: organization
-  #    type: text
-  #    form_field_title: Institution/Company
-  #    form_field_description: Your organization
-  #    required: true
-  #  - key: role
-  #    type: select
-  #    form_field_title: Your role
-  #    form_field_description: Choose the category that best describes your role in your organization.
-  #    options:
-  #      - Bio-informatician
-  #      - Computational biologist
-  #      - Biologist or geneticist
-  #      - Software developer
-  #      - IT
-  #      - Other
-  # Use "user_profile_form_message" to configure the message you want to display on
-  # the profile page.
-  user_profile_form_message: Welcome to Arvados. All <span style="color:red">required fields</span> must be completed before you can proceed.
   # Override the automatic version string. With the default value of
   # false, the version string is read from git-commit.version in
@@ -204,131 +133,5 @@ common:
   # Rails.root (included in vendor packages).
   package_version: false
-  # report notification to and from addresses
-  issue_reporter_email_from: arvados at example.com
-  issue_reporter_email_to: arvados at example.com
-  support_email_address: arvados at example.com
-  # generic issue email from
-  email_from: arvados at example.com
-  # Mimetypes of applications for which the view icon
-  # would be enabled in a collection's show page.
-  # It is sufficient to list only applications here.
-  # No need to list text and image types.
-  application_mimetypes_with_view_icon: [cwl, fasta, go, javascript, json, pdf, python, x-python, r, rtf, sam, x-sh, vnd.realvnc.bed, xml, xsl]
-  # the maximum number of bytes to load in the log viewer
-  log_viewer_max_bytes: 1000000
-  # Set anonymous_user_token to enable anonymous user access. You can get
-  # the token by running "bundle exec ./script/get_anonymous_user_token.rb"
-  # in the directory where your API server is running.
-  anonymous_user_token: false
-  # when anonymous_user_token is configured, show public projects page
-  enable_public_projects_page: true
-  # by default, disable the "Getting Started" popup which is specific to the public beta install
-  enable_getting_started_popup: false
-  # Ask Arvados API server to compress its response payloads.
-  api_response_compression: true
-  # Timeouts for API requests.
-  api_client_connect_timeout: 120
-  api_client_receive_timeout: 300
-  # ShellInABox service endpoint URL for a given VM.  If false, do not
-  # offer web shell logins.
-  #
-  # E.g., using a path-based proxy server to forward connections to shell hosts:
-  # https://webshell.uuid_prefix.arvadosapi.com/%{hostname}
-  #
-  # E.g., using a name-based proxy server to forward connections to shell hosts:
-  # https://%{hostname}.webshell.uuid_prefix.arvadosapi.com/
-  shell_in_a_box_url: false
-  # Format of preview links. If false, use keep_web_download_url
-  # instead, and disable inline preview.
-  # If both are false, Workbench won't start, this is a mandatory configuration.
-  #
-  # Examples:
-  # keep_web_url: https://%{uuid_or_pdh}.collections.uuid_prefix.arvadosapi.com
-  # keep_web_url: https://%{uuid_or_pdh}--collections.uuid_prefix.arvadosapi.com
-  #
-  # Example supporting only public data and collection-sharing links
-  # (other data will be handled as downloads via keep_web_download_url):
-  # keep_web_url: https://collections.uuid_prefix.arvadosapi.com/c=%{uuid_or_pdh}
-  keep_web_url: false
-  # Format of download links. If false, use keep_web_url with
-  # disposition=attachment query param.
-  #
-  # The host part of the keep_web_download_url value here must match
-  # the -attachment-only-host argument given to keep-web: if
-  # keep_web_download_url is "https://FOO.EXAMPLE/c=..." then keep-web
-  # must run with "-attachment-only-host=FOO.EXAMPLE".
-  #
-  # If keep_web_download_url is false, and keep_web_url uses a
-  # single-origin form, then Workbench will show an error page
-  # when asked to download or preview private data.
-  #
-  # Example:
-  # keep_web_download_url: https://download.uuid_prefix.arvadosapi.com/c=%{uuid_or_pdh}
-  keep_web_download_url: false
-  # In "trust all content" mode, Workbench will redirect download
-  # requests to keep-web, even in the cases when keep-web would have
-  # to expose XSS vulnerabilities in order to handle the redirect.
-  #
-  # When enabling this setting, the -trust-all-content flag on the
-  # keep-web server must also be enabled.  For more detail, see
-  # https://godoc.org/github.com/curoverse/arvados/services/keep-web
-  #
-  # This setting has no effect in the recommended configuration, where
-  # the host part of keep_web_url begins with %{uuid_or_pdh}: in this
-  # case XSS protection is provided by browsers' same-origin policy.
-  #
-  # The default setting (false) is appropriate for a multi-user site.
-  trust_all_content: false
-  # Maximum number of historic log records of a running job to fetch
-  # and display in the Log tab, while subscribing to web sockets.
-  running_job_log_records_to_fetch: 2000
-  # In systems with many shared projects, loading of dashboard and topnav
-  # cab be slow due to collections indexing; use the following parameters
-  # to suppress these properties
-  show_recent_collections_on_dashboard: true
-  show_user_notifications: true
-  # Token to be included in all healthcheck requests. Disabled by default.
-  # Workbench expects request header of the format "Authorization: Bearer xxx"
-  ManagementToken: false
-  # Enable/disable "multi-site search" in top nav (true/false), or
-  # link it to the multi-site search on a remote Workbench site.
-  #
-  # Example:
-  # multi_site_search: https://workbench.qr1hi.arvadosapi.com/collections/multisite
-  multi_site_search: false
-  #
-  # Link to use for Arvados Workflow Composer app, or false if not available.
-  #
-  composer_url: false
-  #
-  # Should workbench allow management of local git repositories? Set to false if
-  # the jobs api is disabled and there are no local git repositories.
-  #
-  repositories: true
-  #
-  # Add an item to the user menu pointing to workbench2_url, if not false.
-  #
-  # Example:
-  # workbench2_url: https://workbench2.qr1hi.arvadosapi.com
-  #
-  workbench2_url: false
+  # only used by tests
+  testing_override_login_url: false
diff --git a/apps/workbench/config/arvados_config.rb b/apps/workbench/config/arvados_config.rb
index baceff501..5a6cdfffa 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/config/arvados_config.rb
+++ b/apps/workbench/config/arvados_config.rb
@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ require 'open3'
 # Load the defaults, used by config:migrate and fallback loading
 # legacy application.yml
-Open3.popen2("arvados-server", "config-defaults") do |stdin, stdout, status_thread|
+Open3.popen2("arvados-server", "config-dump", "-config=-") do |stdin, stdout, status_thread|
+  stdin.write("Clusters: {xxxxx: {}}")
+  stdin.close
   confs = YAML.load(stdout, deserialize_symbols: false)
   clusterID, clusterConfig = confs["Clusters"].first
   $arvados_config_defaults = clusterConfig
@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ arvcfg = ConfigLoader.new
 arvcfg.declare_config "ManagementToken", String, :ManagementToken
 arvcfg.declare_config "TLS.Insecure", Boolean, :arvados_insecure_https
+arvcfg.declare_config "Collections.TrustAllContent", Boolean, :trust_all_content
 arvcfg.declare_config "Services.Controller.ExternalURL", URI, :arvados_v1_base, ->(cfg, k, v) {
   u = URI(v)
@@ -97,7 +100,8 @@ arvcfg.declare_config "Workbench.ApplicationMimetypesWithViewIcon", Hash, :appli
 arvcfg.declare_config "Workbench.RunningJobLogRecordsToFetch", Integer, :running_job_log_records_to_fetch
 arvcfg.declare_config "Workbench.LogViewerMaxBytes", Integer, :log_viewer_max_bytes
-arvcfg.declare_config "Workbench.TrustAllContent", Boolean, :trust_all_content
+arvcfg.declare_config "Workbench.ProfilingEnabled", Boolean, :profiling_enabled
+arvcfg.declare_config "Workbench.APIResponseCompression", Boolean, :api_response_compression
 arvcfg.declare_config "Workbench.UserProfileFormFields", Hash, :user_profile_form_fields, ->(cfg, k, v) {
   if !v
     v = []
diff --git a/apps/workbench/test/controllers/application_controller_test.rb b/apps/workbench/test/controllers/application_controller_test.rb
index 9acb8cadb..72c3e0ab0 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/test/controllers/application_controller_test.rb
+++ b/apps/workbench/test/controllers/application_controller_test.rb
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ class ApplicationControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
   ].each do |config|
     test "invoke show with include_accept_encoding_header config #{config}" do
-      Rails.configuration.include_accept_encoding_header_in_api_requests = config
+      Rails.configuration.APIResponseCompression = config
       @controller = CollectionsController.new
       get(:show, params: {id: api_fixture('collections')['foo_file']['uuid']}, session: session_for(:admin))
diff --git a/build/run-tests.sh b/build/run-tests.sh
index 6572765b9..ebe00f797 100755
--- a/build/run-tests.sh
+++ b/build/run-tests.sh
@@ -616,7 +616,9 @@ initialize() {
     export R_LIBS
     export GOPATH
-    export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
+    # Make sure our compiled binaries under test override anything
+    # else that might be in the environment.
+    export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
     # Jenkins config requires that glob tmp/*.log match something. Ensure
     # that happens even if we don't end up running services that set up
@@ -1216,6 +1218,13 @@ for p in "${pythonstuff[@]}"; do
 if [[ -z ${interactive} ]]; then
diff --git a/lib/config/cmd.go b/lib/config/cmd.go
index b08ca0dec..0351ad02a 100644
--- a/lib/config/cmd.go
+++ b/lib/config/cmd.go
@@ -159,19 +159,7 @@ func (defaultsCommand) RunCommand(prog string, args []string, stdin io.Reader, s
-	var src map[string]interface{}
-	err = yaml.Unmarshal(DefaultYAML, &src)
-	if err != nil {
-		err = fmt.Errorf("loading default config data: %s", err)
-		return 1
-	}
-	removeSampleKeys(src)
-	out, err := yaml.Marshal(src)
-	if err != nil {
-		return 1
-	}
-	_, err = stdout.Write(out)
+	_, err = stdout.Write(DefaultYAML)
 	if err != nil {
 		return 1
diff --git a/lib/config/config.default.yml b/lib/config/config.default.yml
index f17c13d2a..4b0da2354 100644
--- a/lib/config/config.default.yml
+++ b/lib/config/config.default.yml
@@ -48,10 +48,57 @@ Clusters:
         ExternalURL: ""
         InternalURLs: {}
+        # Base URL for Workbench inline preview.  If blank, use
+        # WebDAVDownload instead, and disable inline preview.
+        # If both are empty, downloading collections from workbench
+        # will be impossible.
+        #
+        # It is important to properly configure the download service
+        # to migitate cross-site-scripting (XSS) attacks.  A HTML page
+        # can be stored in collection.  If an attacker causes a victim
+        # to visit that page through Workbench, it will be rendered by
+        # the browser.  If all collections are served at the same
+        # domain, the browser will consider collections as coming from
+        # the same origin and having access to the same browsing data,
+        # enabling malicious Javascript on that page to access Arvados
+        # on behalf of the victim.
+        #
+        # This is mitigating by having separate domains for each
+        # collection, or limiting preview to circumstances where the
+        # collection is not accessed with the user's regular
+        # full-access token.
+        #
+        # Serve preview links using uuid or pdh in subdomain
+        # (requires wildcard DNS and TLS certificate)
+        #   https://*.collections.uuid_prefix.arvadosapi.com
+        #
+        # Serve preview links using uuid or pdh in main domain
+        # (requires wildcard DNS and TLS certificate)
+        #   https://*--collections.uuid_prefix.arvadosapi.com
+        #
+        # Serve preview links by setting uuid or pdh in the path.
+        # This configuration only allows previews of public data or
+        # collection-sharing links, because these use the anonymous
+        # user token or the token is already embedded in the URL.
+        # Other data must be handled as downloads via WebDAVDownload:
+        #   https://collections.uuid_prefix.arvadosapi.com
+        #
         ExternalURL: ""
         InternalURLs: {}
+        # Base URL for download links. If blank, serve links to WebDAV
+        # with disposition=attachment query param.  Unlike preview links,
+        # browsers do not render attachments, so there is no risk of XSS.
+        #
+        # If WebDAVDownload is blank, and WebDAV uses a
+        # single-origin form, then Workbench will show an error page
+        #
+        # Serve download links by setting uuid or pdh in the path:
+        #   https://download.uuid_prefix.arvadosapi.com
+        #
         ExternalURL: ""
         InternalURLs: {}
         ExternalURL: "-"
@@ -306,6 +353,19 @@ Clusters:
         SAMPLE: {Function: original_owner, Protected: true}
+      # In "trust all content" mode, Workbench will redirect download
+      # requests to WebDAV preview link, even in the cases when
+      # WebDAV would have to expose XSS vulnerabilities in order to
+      # handle the redirect (see discussion on Services.WebDAV).
+      #
+      # This setting has no effect in the recommended configuration,
+      # where the WebDAV is configured to have a separate domain for
+      # every collection; in this case XSS protection is provided by
+      # browsers' same-origin policy.
+      #
+      # The default setting (false) is appropriate for a multi-user site.
+      TrustAllContent: false
       # These settings are provided by your OAuth2 provider (e.g.,
       # sso-provider).
@@ -627,9 +687,13 @@ Clusters:
       MailchimpAPIKey: ""
       MailchimpListID: ""
       SendUserSetupNotificationEmail: true
+      # Bug/issue report notification to and from addresses
       IssueReporterEmailFrom: ""
       IssueReporterEmailTo: ""
       SupportEmailAddress: ""
+      # Generic issue email from
       EmailFrom: ""
@@ -665,24 +729,44 @@ Clusters:
       ArvadosPublicDataDocURL: https://playground.arvados.org/projects/public
       ShowUserAgreementInline: false
       SecretKeyBase: ""
+      # Scratch directory used by the remote repository browsing
+      # feature. If it doesn't exist, it (and any missing parents) will be
+      # created using mkdir_p.
       RepositoryCache: /var/www/arvados-workbench/current/tmp/git
+      # Below is a sample setting of user_profile_form_fields config parameter.
+      # This configuration parameter should be set to either false (to disable) or
+      # to a map as shown below.
+      # Configure the map of input fields to be displayed in the profile page
+      # using the attribute "key" for each of the input fields.
+      # This sample shows configuration with one required and one optional form fields.
+      # For each of these input fields:
+      #   You can specify "Type" as "text" or "select".
+      #   List the "Options" to be displayed for each of the "select" menu.
+      #   Set "Required" as "true" for any of these fields to make them required.
+      # If any of the required fields are missing in the user's profile, the user will be
+      # redirected to the profile page before they can access any Workbench features.
       UserProfileFormFields: {}
-          # exampleTextValue:  # key that will be set in properties
-          #   Type: text  #
-          #   FormFieldTitle: ""
-          #   FormFieldDescription: ""
-          #   Required: true
-          #   Position: 1
-          # exampleOptionsValue:
-          #   Type: select
-          #   FormFieldTitle: ""
-          #   FormFieldDescription: ""
-          #   Required: true
-          #   Position: 1
-          #   Options:
-          #     red: {}
-          #     blue: {}
-          #     yellow: {}
+        # exampleTextValue:  # key that will be set in properties
+        #   Type: text  #
+        #   FormFieldTitle: ""
+        #   FormFieldDescription: ""
+        #   Required: true
+        #   Position: 1
+        # exampleOptionsValue:
+        #   Type: select
+        #   FormFieldTitle: ""
+        #   FormFieldDescription: ""
+        #   Required: true
+        #   Position: 1
+        #   Options:
+        #     red: {}
+        #     blue: {}
+        #     yellow: {}
+      # Use "UserProfileFormMessage to configure the message you want
+      # to display on the profile page.
       UserProfileFormMessage: 'Welcome to Arvados. All <span style="color:red">required fields</span> must be completed before you can proceed.'
       # Mimetypes of applications for which the view icon
@@ -705,19 +789,46 @@ Clusters:
         vnd.realvnc.bed: {}
         xml: {}
         xsl: {}
+      # The maximum number of bytes to load in the log viewer
       LogViewerMaxBytes: 1M
+      # When anonymous_user_token is configured, show public projects page
       EnablePublicProjectsPage: true
+      # By default, disable the "Getting Started" popup which is specific to Arvados playground
       EnableGettingStartedPopup: false
+      # Ask Arvados API server to compress its response payloads.
       APIResponseCompression: true
+      # Timeouts for API requests.
       APIClientConnectTimeout: 2m
       APIClientReceiveTimeout: 5m
+      # Maximum number of historic log records of a running job to fetch
+      # and display in the Log tab, while subscribing to web sockets.
       RunningJobLogRecordsToFetch: 2000
+      # In systems with many shared projects, loading of dashboard and topnav
+      # cab be slow due to collections indexing; use the following parameters
+      # to suppress these properties
       ShowRecentCollectionsOnDashboard: true
       ShowUserNotifications: true
+      # Enable/disable "multi-site search" in top nav ("true"/"false"), or
+      # a link to the multi-site search page on a "home" Workbench site.
+      #
+      # Example:
+      #   https://workbench.qr1hi.arvadosapi.com/collections/multisite
       MultiSiteSearch: ""
+      # Should workbench allow management of local git repositories? Set to false if
+      # the jobs api is disabled and there are no local git repositories.
       Repositories: true
       SiteName: Arvados Workbench
-      TrustAllContent: false
+      ProfilingEnabled: false
       # Workbench2 configs
       VocabularyURL: ""
diff --git a/lib/config/generated_config.go b/lib/config/generated_config.go
index 1bb046ff9..3c667ff4a 100644
--- a/lib/config/generated_config.go
+++ b/lib/config/generated_config.go
@@ -54,10 +54,57 @@ Clusters:
         ExternalURL: ""
         InternalURLs: {}
+        # Base URL for Workbench inline preview.  If blank, use
+        # WebDAVDownload instead, and disable inline preview.
+        # If both are empty, downloading collections from workbench
+        # will be impossible.
+        #
+        # It is important to properly configure the download service
+        # to migitate cross-site-scripting (XSS) attacks.  A HTML page
+        # can be stored in collection.  If an attacker causes a victim
+        # to visit that page through Workbench, it will be rendered by
+        # the browser.  If all collections are served at the same
+        # domain, the browser will consider collections as coming from
+        # the same origin and having access to the same browsing data,
+        # enabling malicious Javascript on that page to access Arvados
+        # on behalf of the victim.
+        #
+        # This is mitigating by having separate domains for each
+        # collection, or limiting preview to circumstances where the
+        # collection is not accessed with the user's regular
+        # full-access token.
+        #
+        # Serve preview links using uuid or pdh in subdomain
+        # (requires wildcard DNS and TLS certificate)
+        #   https://*.collections.uuid_prefix.arvadosapi.com
+        #
+        # Serve preview links using uuid or pdh in main domain
+        # (requires wildcard DNS and TLS certificate)
+        #   https://*--collections.uuid_prefix.arvadosapi.com
+        #
+        # Serve preview links by setting uuid or pdh in the path.
+        # This configuration only allows previews of public data or
+        # collection-sharing links, because these use the anonymous
+        # user token or the token is already embedded in the URL.
+        # Other data must be handled as downloads via WebDAVDownload:
+        #   https://collections.uuid_prefix.arvadosapi.com
+        #
         ExternalURL: ""
         InternalURLs: {}
+        # Base URL for download links. If blank, serve links to WebDAV
+        # with disposition=attachment query param.  Unlike preview links,
+        # browsers do not render attachments, so there is no risk of XSS.
+        #
+        # If WebDAVDownload is blank, and WebDAV uses a
+        # single-origin form, then Workbench will show an error page
+        #
+        # Serve download links by setting uuid or pdh in the path:
+        #   https://download.uuid_prefix.arvadosapi.com
+        #
         ExternalURL: ""
         InternalURLs: {}
         ExternalURL: "-"
@@ -312,6 +359,19 @@ Clusters:
         SAMPLE: {Function: original_owner, Protected: true}
+      # In "trust all content" mode, Workbench will redirect download
+      # requests to WebDAV preview link, even in the cases when
+      # WebDAV would have to expose XSS vulnerabilities in order to
+      # handle the redirect (see discussion on Services.WebDAV).
+      #
+      # This setting has no effect in the recommended configuration,
+      # where the WebDAV is configured to have a separate domain for
+      # every collection; in this case XSS protection is provided by
+      # browsers' same-origin policy.
+      #
+      # The default setting (false) is appropriate for a multi-user site.
+      TrustAllContent: false
       # These settings are provided by your OAuth2 provider (e.g.,
       # sso-provider).
@@ -633,9 +693,13 @@ Clusters:
       MailchimpAPIKey: ""
       MailchimpListID: ""
       SendUserSetupNotificationEmail: true
+      # Bug/issue report notification to and from addresses
       IssueReporterEmailFrom: ""
       IssueReporterEmailTo: ""
       SupportEmailAddress: ""
+      # Generic issue email from
       EmailFrom: ""
@@ -671,24 +735,44 @@ Clusters:
       ArvadosPublicDataDocURL: https://playground.arvados.org/projects/public
       ShowUserAgreementInline: false
       SecretKeyBase: ""
+      # Scratch directory used by the remote repository browsing
+      # feature. If it doesn't exist, it (and any missing parents) will be
+      # created using mkdir_p.
       RepositoryCache: /var/www/arvados-workbench/current/tmp/git
+      # Below is a sample setting of user_profile_form_fields config parameter.
+      # This configuration parameter should be set to either false (to disable) or
+      # to a map as shown below.
+      # Configure the map of input fields to be displayed in the profile page
+      # using the attribute "key" for each of the input fields.
+      # This sample shows configuration with one required and one optional form fields.
+      # For each of these input fields:
+      #   You can specify "Type" as "text" or "select".
+      #   List the "Options" to be displayed for each of the "select" menu.
+      #   Set "Required" as "true" for any of these fields to make them required.
+      # If any of the required fields are missing in the user's profile, the user will be
+      # redirected to the profile page before they can access any Workbench features.
       UserProfileFormFields: {}
-          # exampleTextValue:  # key that will be set in properties
-          #   Type: text  #
-          #   FormFieldTitle: ""
-          #   FormFieldDescription: ""
-          #   Required: true
-          #   Position: 1
-          # exampleOptionsValue:
-          #   Type: select
-          #   FormFieldTitle: ""
-          #   FormFieldDescription: ""
-          #   Required: true
-          #   Position: 1
-          #   Options:
-          #     red: {}
-          #     blue: {}
-          #     yellow: {}
+        # exampleTextValue:  # key that will be set in properties
+        #   Type: text  #
+        #   FormFieldTitle: ""
+        #   FormFieldDescription: ""
+        #   Required: true
+        #   Position: 1
+        # exampleOptionsValue:
+        #   Type: select
+        #   FormFieldTitle: ""
+        #   FormFieldDescription: ""
+        #   Required: true
+        #   Position: 1
+        #   Options:
+        #     red: {}
+        #     blue: {}
+        #     yellow: {}
+      # Use "UserProfileFormMessage to configure the message you want
+      # to display on the profile page.
       UserProfileFormMessage: 'Welcome to Arvados. All <span style="color:red">required fields</span> must be completed before you can proceed.'
       # Mimetypes of applications for which the view icon
@@ -711,19 +795,46 @@ Clusters:
         vnd.realvnc.bed: {}
         xml: {}
         xsl: {}
+      # The maximum number of bytes to load in the log viewer
       LogViewerMaxBytes: 1M
+      # When anonymous_user_token is configured, show public projects page
       EnablePublicProjectsPage: true
+      # By default, disable the "Getting Started" popup which is specific to Arvados playground
       EnableGettingStartedPopup: false
+      # Ask Arvados API server to compress its response payloads.
       APIResponseCompression: true
+      # Timeouts for API requests.
       APIClientConnectTimeout: 2m
       APIClientReceiveTimeout: 5m
+      # Maximum number of historic log records of a running job to fetch
+      # and display in the Log tab, while subscribing to web sockets.
       RunningJobLogRecordsToFetch: 2000
+      # In systems with many shared projects, loading of dashboard and topnav
+      # cab be slow due to collections indexing; use the following parameters
+      # to suppress these properties
       ShowRecentCollectionsOnDashboard: true
       ShowUserNotifications: true
+      # Enable/disable "multi-site search" in top nav ("true"/"false"), or
+      # a link to the multi-site search page on a "home" Workbench site.
+      #
+      # Example:
+      #   https://workbench.qr1hi.arvadosapi.com/collections/multisite
       MultiSiteSearch: ""
+      # Should workbench allow management of local git repositories? Set to false if
+      # the jobs api is disabled and there are no local git repositories.
       Repositories: true
       SiteName: Arvados Workbench
-      TrustAllContent: false
+      ProfilingEnabled: false
       # Workbench2 configs
       VocabularyURL: ""
diff --git a/sdk/go/arvados/config.go b/sdk/go/arvados/config.go
index 943e0a07a..3f71c6b44 100644
--- a/sdk/go/arvados/config.go
+++ b/sdk/go/arvados/config.go
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ type Cluster struct {
 		FileViewersConfigURL             string
 		LogViewerMaxBytes                ByteSize
 		MultiSiteSearch                  string
+		ProfilingEnabled                 bool
 		Repositories                     bool
 		RepositoryCache                  string
 		RunningJobLogRecordsToFetch      int
diff --git a/services/api/config/arvados_config.rb b/services/api/config/arvados_config.rb
index 74f09675b..cf4b842c4 100644
--- a/services/api/config/arvados_config.rb
+++ b/services/api/config/arvados_config.rb
@@ -45,7 +45,9 @@ end
 # Load the defaults, used by config:migrate and fallback loading
 # legacy application.yml
-Open3.popen2("arvados-server", "config-defaults") do |stdin, stdout, status_thread|
+Open3.popen2("arvados-server", "config-dump", "-config=-") do |stdin, stdout, status_thread|
+  stdin.write("Clusters: {xxxxx: {}}")
+  stdin.close
   confs = YAML.load(stdout, deserialize_symbols: false)
   clusterID, clusterConfig = confs["Clusters"].first
   $arvados_config_defaults = clusterConfig



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