[ARVADOS] updated: 1.3.0-1245-gcf98484b4

Git user git at public.curoverse.com
Tue Jul 2 17:43:09 UTC 2019

Summary of changes:
 apps/workbench/config/arvados_config.rb |   9 --
 build/run-tests.sh                      |   2 +-
 lib/config/config.default.yml           |  35 +++---
 lib/config/export.go                    | 181 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
 lib/config/generated_config.go          |  35 +++---
 sdk/go/arvados/config.go                |   3 +-
 6 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)

       via  cf98484b422c29dfa251da5a176e18096f09aa7a (commit)
      from  c8fb7d09bce510067ad99ac03713185aae13428f (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit cf98484b422c29dfa251da5a176e18096f09aa7a
Author: Peter Amstutz <pamstutz at veritasgenetics.com>
Date:   Tue Jul 2 13:42:17 2019 -0400

    14812: Fix lib/config tests
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Peter Amstutz <pamstutz at veritasgenetics.com>

diff --git a/apps/workbench/config/arvados_config.rb b/apps/workbench/config/arvados_config.rb
index d571cda09..baceff501 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/config/arvados_config.rb
+++ b/apps/workbench/config/arvados_config.rb
@@ -19,14 +19,6 @@ require 'config_loader'
 require 'config_validators'
 require 'open3'
-  # If secret_token.rb exists here, we need to load it first.
-  require_relative 'secret_token.rb'
-rescue LoadError
-  # Normally secret_token.rb is missing and the secret token is
-  # configured by application.yml (i.e., here!) instead.
 # Load the defaults, used by config:migrate and fallback loading
 # legacy application.yml
 Open3.popen2("arvados-server", "config-defaults") do |stdin, stdout, status_thread|
@@ -93,7 +85,6 @@ arvcfg.declare_config "Services.Workbench2.ExternalURL", URI, :workbench2_url
 arvcfg.declare_config "Users.AnonymousUserToken", String, :anonymous_user_token
-arvcfg.declare_config "Workbench.SecretToken", String, :secret_token
 arvcfg.declare_config "Workbench.SecretKeyBase", String, :secret_key_base
 arvcfg.declare_config "Workbench.ApplicationMimetypesWithViewIcon", Hash, :application_mimetypes_with_view_icon, ->(cfg, k, v) {
diff --git a/build/run-tests.sh b/build/run-tests.sh
index 143320c48..6572765b9 100755
--- a/build/run-tests.sh
+++ b/build/run-tests.sh
@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ pythonstuff=(
 declare -a gostuff
-gostuff=($(git grep -lw func | grep \\.go | sed -e 's/\/[^\/]*$//' | sort -u))
+gostuff=($(cd "$WORKSPACE" && git grep -lw func | grep \\.go | sed -e 's/\/[^\/]*$//' | sort -u))
 install_apps/workbench() {
     cd "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench" \
diff --git a/lib/config/config.default.yml b/lib/config/config.default.yml
index 813799827..f17c13d2a 100644
--- a/lib/config/config.default.yml
+++ b/lib/config/config.default.yml
@@ -666,24 +666,23 @@ Clusters:
       ShowUserAgreementInline: false
       SecretKeyBase: ""
       RepositoryCache: /var/www/arvados-workbench/current/tmp/git
-      UserProfileFormFields:
-        SAMPLE:
-          exampleTextValue:  # key that will be set in properties
-            Type: text  #
-            FormFieldTitle: ""
-            FormFieldDescription: ""
-            Required: true
-            Position: 1
-          exampleOptionsValue:
-            Type: select
-            FormFieldTitle: ""
-            FormFieldDescription: ""
-            Required: true
-            Position: 1
-            Options:
-              red: {}
-              blue: {}
-              yellow: {}
+      UserProfileFormFields: {}
+          # exampleTextValue:  # key that will be set in properties
+          #   Type: text  #
+          #   FormFieldTitle: ""
+          #   FormFieldDescription: ""
+          #   Required: true
+          #   Position: 1
+          # exampleOptionsValue:
+          #   Type: select
+          #   FormFieldTitle: ""
+          #   FormFieldDescription: ""
+          #   Required: true
+          #   Position: 1
+          #   Options:
+          #     red: {}
+          #     blue: {}
+          #     yellow: {}
       UserProfileFormMessage: 'Welcome to Arvados. All <span style="color:red">required fields</span> must be completed before you can proceed.'
       # Mimetypes of applications for which the view icon
diff --git a/lib/config/export.go b/lib/config/export.go
index faf542e6f..0eb573609 100644
--- a/lib/config/export.go
+++ b/lib/config/export.go
@@ -55,77 +55,116 @@ func ExportJSON(w io.Writer, cluster *arvados.Cluster) error {
 // exists.
 var whitelist = map[string]bool{
 	// | sort -t'"' -k2,2
-	"API":                                        true,
-	"API.AsyncPermissionsUpdateInterval":         false,
-	"API.DisabledAPIs":                           false,
-	"API.MaxIndexDatabaseRead":                   false,
-	"API.MaxItemsPerResponse":                    true,
-	"API.MaxRequestAmplification":                false,
-	"API.MaxRequestSize":                         true,
-	"API.RailsSessionSecretToken":                false,
-	"API.RequestTimeout":                         true,
-	"AuditLogs":                                  false,
-	"AuditLogs.MaxAge":                           false,
-	"AuditLogs.MaxDeleteBatch":                   false,
-	"AuditLogs.UnloggedAttributes":               false,
-	"Collections":                                true,
-	"Collections.BlobSigning":                    true,
-	"Collections.BlobSigningKey":                 false,
-	"Collections.BlobSigningTTL":                 true,
-	"Collections.CollectionVersioning":           false,
-	"Collections.DefaultReplication":             true,
-	"Collections.DefaultTrashLifetime":           true,
-	"Collections.ManagedProperties":              true,
-	"Collections.ManagedProperties.*":            true,
-	"Collections.ManagedProperties.*.*":          true,
-	"Collections.PreserveVersionIfIdle":          true,
-	"Collections.TrashSweepInterval":             false,
-	"Containers":                                 true,
-	"Containers.CloudVMs":                        false,
-	"Containers.DefaultKeepCacheRAM":             true,
-	"Containers.DispatchPrivateKey":              false,
-	"Containers.JobsAPI":                         true,
-	"Containers.JobsAPI.CrunchJobUser":           false,
-	"Containers.JobsAPI.CrunchJobWrapper":        false,
-	"Containers.JobsAPI.CrunchRefreshTrigger":    false,
-	"Containers.JobsAPI.DefaultDockerImage":      false,
-	"Containers.JobsAPI.Enable":                  true,
-	"Containers.JobsAPI.GitInternalDir":          false,
-	"Containers.JobsAPI.ReuseJobIfOutputsDiffer": false,
-	"Containers.Logging":                         false,
-	"Containers.LogReuseDecisions":               false,
-	"Containers.MaxComputeVMs":                   false,
-	"Containers.MaxDispatchAttempts":             false,
-	"Containers.MaxRetryAttempts":                true,
-	"Containers.SLURM":                           false,
-	"Containers.StaleLockTimeout":                false,
-	"Containers.SupportedDockerImageFormats":     true,
-	"Containers.UsePreemptibleInstances":         true,
-	"EnableBetaController14287":                  false,
-	"Git":                                        false,
-	"InstanceTypes":                              true,
-	"InstanceTypes.*":                            true,
-	"InstanceTypes.*.*":                          true,
-	"Login":                                      false,
-	"Mail":                                       false,
-	"ManagementToken":                            false,
-	"PostgreSQL":                                 false,
-	"RemoteClusters":                             true,
-	"RemoteClusters.*":                           true,
-	"RemoteClusters.*.ActivateUsers":             true,
-	"RemoteClusters.*.Host":                      true,
-	"RemoteClusters.*.Insecure":                  true,
-	"RemoteClusters.*.Proxy":                     true,
-	"RemoteClusters.*.Scheme":                    true,
-	"Services":                                   true,
-	"Services.*":                                 true,
-	"Services.*.ExternalURL":                     true,
-	"Services.*.InternalURLs":                    false,
-	"SystemLogs":                                 false,
-	"SystemRootToken":                            false,
-	"TLS":                                        false,
-	"Users":                                      false,
-	"Workbench":                                  false,
+	"API":                                         true,
+	"API.AsyncPermissionsUpdateInterval":          false,
+	"API.DisabledAPIs":                            false,
+	"API.MaxIndexDatabaseRead":                    false,
+	"API.MaxItemsPerResponse":                     true,
+	"API.MaxRequestAmplification":                 false,
+	"API.MaxRequestSize":                          true,
+	"API.RailsSessionSecretToken":                 false,
+	"API.RequestTimeout":                          true,
+	"AuditLogs":                                   false,
+	"AuditLogs.MaxAge":                            false,
+	"AuditLogs.MaxDeleteBatch":                    false,
+	"AuditLogs.UnloggedAttributes":                false,
+	"Collections":                                 true,
+	"Collections.BlobSigning":                     true,
+	"Collections.BlobSigningKey":                  false,
+	"Collections.BlobSigningTTL":                  true,
+	"Collections.CollectionVersioning":            false,
+	"Collections.DefaultReplication":              true,
+	"Collections.DefaultTrashLifetime":            true,
+	"Collections.ManagedProperties":               true,
+	"Collections.ManagedProperties.*":             true,
+	"Collections.ManagedProperties.*.*":           true,
+	"Collections.PreserveVersionIfIdle":           true,
+	"Collections.TrashSweepInterval":              false,
+	"Containers":                                  true,
+	"Containers.CloudVMs":                         false,
+	"Containers.DefaultKeepCacheRAM":              true,
+	"Containers.DispatchPrivateKey":               false,
+	"Containers.JobsAPI":                          true,
+	"Containers.JobsAPI.CrunchJobUser":            false,
+	"Containers.JobsAPI.CrunchJobWrapper":         false,
+	"Containers.JobsAPI.CrunchRefreshTrigger":     false,
+	"Containers.JobsAPI.DefaultDockerImage":       false,
+	"Containers.JobsAPI.Enable":                   true,
+	"Containers.JobsAPI.GitInternalDir":           false,
+	"Containers.JobsAPI.ReuseJobIfOutputsDiffer":  false,
+	"Containers.Logging":                          false,
+	"Containers.LogReuseDecisions":                false,
+	"Containers.MaxComputeVMs":                    false,
+	"Containers.MaxDispatchAttempts":              false,
+	"Containers.MaxRetryAttempts":                 true,
+	"Containers.SLURM":                            false,
+	"Containers.StaleLockTimeout":                 false,
+	"Containers.SupportedDockerImageFormats":      true,
+	"Containers.UsePreemptibleInstances":          true,
+	"EnableBetaController14287":                   false,
+	"Git":                                         false,
+	"InstanceTypes":                               true,
+	"InstanceTypes.*":                             true,
+	"InstanceTypes.*.*":                           true,
+	"Login":                                       false,
+	"Mail":                                        false,
+	"ManagementToken":                             false,
+	"PostgreSQL":                                  false,
+	"RemoteClusters":                              true,
+	"RemoteClusters.*":                            true,
+	"RemoteClusters.*.ActivateUsers":              true,
+	"RemoteClusters.*.Host":                       true,
+	"RemoteClusters.*.Insecure":                   true,
+	"RemoteClusters.*.Proxy":                      true,
+	"RemoteClusters.*.Scheme":                     true,
+	"Services":                                    true,
+	"Services.*":                                  true,
+	"Services.*.ExternalURL":                      true,
+	"Services.*.InternalURLs":                     false,
+	"SystemLogs":                                  false,
+	"SystemRootToken":                             false,
+	"TLS":                                         false,
+	"Users":                                       true,
+	"Users.AnonymousUserToken":                    true,
+	"Users.AdminNotifierEmailFrom":                false,
+	"Users.AutoAdminFirstUser":                    false,
+	"Users.AutoAdminUserWithEmail":                false,
+	"Users.AutoSetupNewUsers":                     false,
+	"Users.AutoSetupNewUsersWithRepository":       false,
+	"Users.AutoSetupNewUsersWithVmUUID":           false,
+	"Users.AutoSetupUsernameBlacklist":            false,
+	"Users.EmailSubjectPrefix":                    false,
+	"Users.NewInactiveUserNotificationRecipients": false,
+	"Users.NewUserNotificationRecipients":         false,
+	"Users.NewUsersAreActive":                     false,
+	"Users.UserNotifierEmailFrom":                 false,
+	"Users.UserProfileNotificationAddress":        false,
+	"Workbench":                                   true,
+	"Workbench.ActivationContactLink":             false,
+	"Workbench.APIClientConnectTimeout":           true,
+	"Workbench.APIClientReceiveTimeout":           true,
+	"Workbench.APIResponseCompression":            false,
+	"Workbench.ApplicationMimetypesWithViewIcon":  false,
+	"Workbench.ArvadosDocsite":                    true,
+	"Workbench.ArvadosPublicDataDocURL":           true,
+	"Workbench.EnableGettingStartedPopup":         true,
+	"Workbench.EnablePublicProjectsPage":          true,
+	"Workbench.FileViewersConfigURL":              true,
+	"Workbench.LogViewerMaxBytes":                 true,
+	"Workbench.MultiSiteSearch":                   true,
+	"Workbench.Repositories":                      false,
+	"Workbench.RepositoryCache":                   false,
+	"Workbench.RunningJobLogRecordsToFetch":       true,
+	"Workbench.SecretKeyBase":                     false,
+	"Workbench.ShowRecentCollectionsOnDashboard":  true,
+	"Workbench.ShowUserAgreementInline":           false,
+	"Workbench.ShowUserNotifications":             false,
+	"Workbench.SiteName":                          true,
+	"Workbench.Theme":                             true,
+	"Workbench.TrustAllContent":                   false,
+	"Workbench.UserProfileFormFields":             true,
+	"Workbench.UserProfileFormMessage":            true,
+	"Workbench.VocabularyURL":                     true,
 func redactUnsafe(m map[string]interface{}, mPrefix, lookupPrefix string) error {
diff --git a/lib/config/generated_config.go b/lib/config/generated_config.go
index ba576ee5b..1bb046ff9 100644
--- a/lib/config/generated_config.go
+++ b/lib/config/generated_config.go
@@ -672,24 +672,23 @@ Clusters:
       ShowUserAgreementInline: false
       SecretKeyBase: ""
       RepositoryCache: /var/www/arvados-workbench/current/tmp/git
-      UserProfileFormFields:
-        SAMPLE:
-          exampleTextValue:  # key that will be set in properties
-            Type: text  #
-            FormFieldTitle: ""
-            FormFieldDescription: ""
-            Required: true
-            Position: 1
-          exampleOptionsValue:
-            Type: select
-            FormFieldTitle: ""
-            FormFieldDescription: ""
-            Required: true
-            Position: 1
-            Options:
-              red: {}
-              blue: {}
-              yellow: {}
+      UserProfileFormFields: {}
+          # exampleTextValue:  # key that will be set in properties
+          #   Type: text  #
+          #   FormFieldTitle: ""
+          #   FormFieldDescription: ""
+          #   Required: true
+          #   Position: 1
+          # exampleOptionsValue:
+          #   Type: select
+          #   FormFieldTitle: ""
+          #   FormFieldDescription: ""
+          #   Required: true
+          #   Position: 1
+          #   Options:
+          #     red: {}
+          #     blue: {}
+          #     yellow: {}
       UserProfileFormMessage: 'Welcome to Arvados. All <span style="color:red">required fields</span> must be completed before you can proceed.'
       # Mimetypes of applications for which the view icon
diff --git a/sdk/go/arvados/config.go b/sdk/go/arvados/config.go
index 2165e87f5..943e0a07a 100644
--- a/sdk/go/arvados/config.go
+++ b/sdk/go/arvados/config.go
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ type Cluster struct {
 		Insecure    bool
 	Users struct {
+		AnonymousUserToken                    string
 		AdminNotifierEmailFrom                string
 		AutoAdminFirstUser                    bool
 		AutoAdminUserWithEmail                string
@@ -144,12 +145,12 @@ type Cluster struct {
 		RepositoryCache                  string
 		RunningJobLogRecordsToFetch      int
 		SecretKeyBase                    string
-		SecretToken                      string
 		ShowRecentCollectionsOnDashboard bool
 		ShowUserAgreementInline          bool
 		ShowUserNotifications            bool
 		SiteName                         string
 		Theme                            string
+		TrustAllContent                  bool
 		UserProfileFormFields            map[string]struct {
 			Type                 string
 			FormFieldTitle       string



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