[ARVADOS] created: 1.1.4-184-g49fb55a

Git user git at public.curoverse.com
Wed May 2 16:12:59 EDT 2018

        at  49fb55aa1a9fb35d8e7e620717cb42f77d448a43 (commit)

commit 49fb55aa1a9fb35d8e7e620717cb42f77d448a43
Author: Tom Clegg <tclegg at veritasgenetics.com>
Date:   Wed May 2 16:12:15 2018 -0400

    12626: Add arvados/v1/users/merge API.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Tom Clegg <tclegg at veritasgenetics.com>

diff --git a/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/users_controller.rb b/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/users_controller.rb
index 587f4db..3b89067 100644
--- a/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/users_controller.rb
+++ b/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/users_controller.rb
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ class Arvados::V1::UsersController < ApplicationController
   accept_attribute_as_json :prefs, Hash
   skip_before_filter :find_object_by_uuid, only:
-    [:activate, :current, :system, :setup]
+    [:activate, :current, :system, :setup, :merge]
   skip_before_filter :render_404_if_no_object, only:
-    [:activate, :current, :system, :setup]
+    [:activate, :current, :system, :setup, :merge]
   before_filter :admin_required, only: [:setup, :unsetup, :update_uuid]
   def current
@@ -125,6 +125,40 @@ class Arvados::V1::UsersController < ApplicationController
+  def merge
+    if !Thread.current[:api_client].andand.is_trusted
+      return send_error("supplied API token is not from a trusted client", status: 403)
+    end
+    dst_auth = ApiClientAuthorization.validate(token: params[:new_user_token])
+    if !dst_auth
+      return send_error("invalid new_user_token", status: 401)
+    end
+    if !dst_auth.api_client.andand.is_trusted
+      return send_error("supplied new_user_token is not from a trusted client", status: 403)
+    end
+    dst_user = dst_auth.user
+    if current_user.uuid == dst_user.uuid
+      return send_error("cannot merge user to self", status: 422)
+    end
+    if !dst_user.can?(write: params[:new_owner_uuid])
+      return send_error("new_owner_uuid is not writable", status: 403)
+    end
+    redirect = params[:redirect_to_new_user]
+    if !redirect
+      return send_error("merge with redirect_to_new_user=false is not yet supported", status: 422)
+    end
+    @object = current_user
+    act_as_system_user do
+      @object.merge(new_owner_uuid: params[:new_owner_uuid], redirect_to_user_uuid: redirect && dst_user.uuid)
+    end
+    show
+  end
   def self._setup_requires_parameters
diff --git a/services/api/app/controllers/user_sessions_controller.rb b/services/api/app/controllers/user_sessions_controller.rb
index 5de85bc..87967a4 100644
--- a/services/api/app/controllers/user_sessions_controller.rb
+++ b/services/api/app/controllers/user_sessions_controller.rb
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ class UserSessionsController < ApplicationController
     # Only local users can create sessions, hence uuid_like_pattern
     # here.
-    user = User.where('identity_url = ? and uuid like ?',
-                      omniauth['info']['identity_url'],
-                      User.uuid_like_pattern).first
+    user = User.unscoped.where('identity_url = ? and uuid like ?',
+                               omniauth['info']['identity_url'],
+                               User.uuid_like_pattern).first
     if not user
       # Check for permission to log in to an existing User record with
       # a different identity_url
@@ -45,6 +45,14 @@ class UserSessionsController < ApplicationController
+    while (uuid = user.andand.redirect_to_user_uuid)
+      user = User.where(uuid: uuid).first
+      if !user
+        raise Exception.new("identity_url #{omniauth['info']['identity_url']} redirects to nonexistent uuid #{uuid}")
+      end
+    end
     if not user
       # New user registration
       user = User.new(:email => omniauth['info']['email'],
diff --git a/services/api/app/models/api_client_authorization.rb b/services/api/app/models/api_client_authorization.rb
index b158faa..b267a63 100644
--- a/services/api/app/models/api_client_authorization.rb
+++ b/services/api/app/models/api_client_authorization.rb
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class ApiClientAuthorization < ArvadosModel
-  def self.validate(token:, remote:)
+  def self.validate(token:, remote: nil)
     return nil if !token
     remote ||= Rails.configuration.uuid_prefix
diff --git a/services/api/app/models/user.rb b/services/api/app/models/user.rb
index 9209411..4296d61 100644
--- a/services/api/app/models/user.rb
+++ b/services/api/app/models/user.rb
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ class User < ArvadosModel
   has_many :authorized_keys, :foreign_key => :authorized_user_uuid, :primary_key => :uuid
   has_many :repositories, foreign_key: :owner_uuid, primary_key: :uuid
+  default_scope { where('redirect_to_user_uuid is null') }
   api_accessible :user, extend: :common do |t|
     t.add :email
     t.add :username
@@ -269,25 +271,58 @@ class User < ArvadosModel
       old_uuid = self.uuid
       self.uuid = new_uuid
       save!(validate: false)
-      ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.reject(&:abstract_class?).each do |klass|
-        klass.columns.each do |col|
-          if col.name.end_with?('_uuid')
-            column = col.name.to_sym
-            klass.where(column => old_uuid).update_all(column => new_uuid)
-          end
-        end
+      change_all_uuid_refs(old_uuid: old_uuid, new_uuid: new_uuid)
+    end
+  end
+  # Merge this user's owned items into dst_user.
+  def merge(new_owner_uuid:, redirect_to_user_uuid:)
+    raise PermissionDeniedError if !current_user.andand.is_admin
+    raise "not implemented" if !redirect_to_user_uuid
+    transaction(requires_new: true) do
+      reload
+      new_user = User.where(uuid: redirect_to_user_uuid).first
+      raise "user does not exist" if !new_user
+      if User.where('uuid in (?) and redirect_to_user_uuid is not null',
+                    [new_owner_uuid, redirect_to_user_uuid]).any?
+        raise "cannot merge to/from an already merged user"
+      ApiClientAuthorization.
+        where(user_id: id).
+        update_all(user_id: new_user.id)
+      [
+        [AuthorizedKey, :owner_uuid],
+        [AuthorizedKey, :authorized_user_uuid],
+        [Repository, :owner_uuid],
+        [Link, :tail_uuid],
+        [Link, :head_uuid],
+      ].each do |klass, column|
+        klass.where(column => uuid).update_all(column => new_user.uuid)
+      end
+      change_all_uuid_refs(old_uuid: uuid, new_uuid: new_owner_uuid)
+      update_attributes!(redirect_to_user_uuid: new_user.uuid)
+  def change_all_uuid_refs(old_uuid:, new_uuid:)
+    ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.reject(&:abstract_class?).each do |klass|
+      klass.columns.each do |col|
+        if col.name.end_with?('_uuid')
+          column = col.name.to_sym
+          klass.where(column => old_uuid).update_all(column => new_uuid)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
   def ensure_ownership_path_leads_to_user
   def permission_to_update
-    if username_changed?
+    if username_changed? || redirect_to_user_uuid_changed?
       # users must be able to update themselves (even if they are
@@ -298,7 +333,8 @@ class User < ArvadosModel
   def permission_to_create
     current_user.andand.is_admin or
-      (self == current_user and
+      (self == current_user &&
+       self.redirect_to_user_uuid.nil? &&
        self.is_active == Rails.configuration.new_users_are_active)
diff --git a/services/api/config/routes.rb b/services/api/config/routes.rb
index ad2406a..b0c0984 100644
--- a/services/api/config/routes.rb
+++ b/services/api/config/routes.rb
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ Server::Application.routes.draw do
         post 'setup', on: :collection
         post 'unsetup', on: :member
         post 'update_uuid', on: :member
+        post 'merge', on: :collection
       resources :virtual_machines do
         get 'logins', on: :member
diff --git a/services/api/db/migrate/20180501182859_add_redirect_to_user_uuid_to_users.rb b/services/api/db/migrate/20180501182859_add_redirect_to_user_uuid_to_users.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2460ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/api/db/migrate/20180501182859_add_redirect_to_user_uuid_to_users.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+class AddRedirectToUserUuidToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
+  def up
+    add_column :users, :redirect_to_user_uuid, :string
+    User.reset_column_information
+    remove_index :users, name: 'users_search_index'
+    add_index :users, User.searchable_columns('ilike') - ['prefs'], name: 'users_search_index'
+  end
+  def down
+    remove_index :users, name: 'users_search_index'
+    remove_column :users, :redirect_to_user_uuid
+    User.reset_column_information
+    add_index :users, User.searchable_columns('ilike') - ['prefs'], name: 'users_search_index'
+  end
diff --git a/services/api/db/structure.sql b/services/api/db/structure.sql
index 2751114..caf7683 100644
--- a/services/api/db/structure.sql
+++ b/services/api/db/structure.sql
@@ -768,7 +768,8 @@ CREATE TABLE users (
     updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
     default_owner_uuid character varying(255),
     is_active boolean DEFAULT false,
-    username character varying(255)
+    username character varying(255),
+    redirect_to_user_uuid character varying
@@ -2714,7 +2715,7 @@ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_schema_migrations ON schema_migrations USING btree (v
 -- Name: users_search_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX users_search_index ON users USING btree (uuid, owner_uuid, modified_by_client_uuid, modified_by_user_uuid, email, first_name, last_name, identity_url, default_owner_uuid, username);
+CREATE INDEX users_search_index ON users USING btree (uuid, owner_uuid, modified_by_client_uuid, modified_by_user_uuid, email, first_name, last_name, identity_url, default_owner_uuid, username, redirect_to_user_uuid);
@@ -3068,3 +3069,5 @@ INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('20180228220311');
 INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('20180313180114');
+INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('20180501182859');
diff --git a/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/users_controller_test.rb b/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/users_controller_test.rb
index 39c905a..ebab993 100644
--- a/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/users_controller_test.rb
+++ b/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/users_controller_test.rb
@@ -815,6 +815,88 @@ class Arvados::V1::UsersControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
+  test "refuse to merge with redirect_to_user_uuid=false (not yet supported)" do
+    authorize_with :project_viewer_trustedclient
+    post :merge, {
+           new_user_token: api_client_authorizations(:active_trustedclient).api_token,
+           new_owner_uuid: users(:active).uuid,
+           redirect_to_new_user: false,
+         }
+    assert_response(422)
+  end
+  test "refuse to merge user into self" do
+    authorize_with(:active_trustedclient)
+    post(:merge, {
+           new_user_token: api_client_authorizations(:active_trustedclient).api_token,
+           new_owner_uuid: users(:active).uuid,
+           redirect_to_new_user: true,
+         })
+    assert_response(422)
+  end
+  [[:active, :project_viewer_trustedclient],
+   [:active_trustedclient, :project_viewer]].each do |src, dst|
+    test "refuse to merge with untrusted token (#{src} -> #{dst})" do
+      authorize_with(src)
+      post(:merge, {
+             new_user_token: api_client_authorizations(dst).api_token,
+             new_owner_uuid: api_client_authorizations(dst).user.uuid,
+             redirect_to_new_user: true,
+           })
+      assert_response(403)
+    end
+  end
+  [[:expired_trustedclient, :project_viewer_trustedclient],
+   [:project_viewer_trustedclient, :expired_trustedclient]].each do |src, dst|
+    test "refuse to merge with expired token (#{src} -> #{dst})" do
+      authorize_with(src)
+      post(:merge, {
+             new_user_token: api_client_authorizations(dst).api_token,
+             new_owner_uuid: api_client_authorizations(dst).user.uuid,
+             redirect_to_new_user: true,
+           })
+      assert_response(401)
+    end
+  end
+  test "refuse to merge if new_owner_uuid is not writable" do
+    authorize_with(:project_viewer_trustedclient)
+    post(:merge, {
+           new_user_token: api_client_authorizations(:active_trustedclient).api_token,
+           new_owner_uuid: groups(:anonymously_accessible_project).uuid,
+           redirect_to_new_user: true,
+         })
+    assert_response(403)
+  end
+  test "refuse to update redirect_to_user_uuid directly" do
+    authorize_with(:active_trustedclient)
+    patch(:update, {
+            id: users(:active).uuid,
+            user: {
+              redirect_to_user_uuid: users(:active).uuid,
+            },
+          })
+    assert_response(403)
+  end
+  test "merge 'project_viewer' account into 'active' account" do
+    authorize_with(:project_viewer_trustedclient)
+    post(:merge, {
+           new_user_token: api_client_authorizations(:active_trustedclient).api_token,
+           new_owner_uuid: users(:active).uuid,
+           redirect_to_new_user: true,
+         })
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(users(:project_viewer).redirect_to_user_uuid, users(:active).uuid)
+    auth = ApiClientAuthorization.validate(token: api_client_authorizations(:project_viewer).api_token)
+    assert_not_nil(auth)
+    assert_not_nil(auth.user)
+    assert_equal(users(:active).uuid, auth.user.uuid)
+  end
   NON_ADMIN_USER_DATA = ["uuid", "kind", "is_active", "email", "first_name",
                          "last_name", "username"].sort
diff --git a/services/api/test/integration/users_test.rb b/services/api/test/integration/users_test.rb
index 8ddab3f..28e43b8 100644
--- a/services/api/test/integration/users_test.rb
+++ b/services/api/test/integration/users_test.rb
@@ -216,4 +216,39 @@ class UsersTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+  test 'merge active into project_viewer account' do
+    post('/arvados/v1/groups', {
+           group: {
+             group_class: 'project',
+             name: "active user's stuff",
+           },
+         }, auth(:project_viewer))
+    assert_response(:success)
+    project_uuid = json_response['uuid']
+    post('/arvados/v1/users/merge', {
+           new_user_token: api_client_authorizations(:project_viewer_trustedclient).api_token,
+           new_owner_uuid: project_uuid,
+           redirect_to_new_user: true,
+         }, auth(:active_trustedclient))
+    assert_response(:success)
+    get('/arvados/v1/users/current', {}, auth(:active))
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(users(:project_viewer).uuid, json_response['uuid'])
+    get('/arvados/v1/authorized_keys/' + authorized_keys(:active).uuid, {}, auth(:active))
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(users(:project_viewer).uuid, json_response['owner_uuid'])
+    assert_equal(users(:project_viewer).uuid, json_response['authorized_user_uuid'])
+    get('/arvados/v1/repositories/' + repositories(:foo).uuid, {}, auth(:active))
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(users(:project_viewer).uuid, json_response['owner_uuid'])
+    get('/arvados/v1/groups/' + groups(:aproject).uuid, {}, auth(:active))
+    assert_response(:success)
+    assert_equal(project_uuid, json_response['owner_uuid'])
+  end



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