[ARVADOS] updated: 1.1.4-383-ga55bcce

Git user git at public.curoverse.com
Mon Jun 11 15:00:08 EDT 2018

Summary of changes:
 doc/_config.yml                                    |   1 +
 ...onfigure-azure-blob-storage.html.textile.liquid |  71 ++++--
 ...configure-s3-object-storage.html.textile.liquid | 104 ++++++++
 doc/install/install-keepstore.html.textile.liquid  | 281 +++++++++++++--------
 services/keepstore/config.go                       |  21 +-
 5 files changed, 351 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/install/configure-s3-object-storage.html.textile.liquid

       via  a55bcceae088e03ebc52482b964143fdf9f10f20 (commit)
      from  8de0cca205b1b6be4c57d84289fcc21aab0860fe (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit a55bcceae088e03ebc52482b964143fdf9f10f20
Author: Peter Amstutz <pamstutz at veritasgenetics.com>
Date:   Mon Jun 11 14:58:24 2018 -0400

    13579: Keepstore install documentation now describes using config.yml
    Add documentation for using S3-compatible object storage.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Peter Amstutz <pamstutz at veritasgenetics.com>

diff --git a/doc/_config.yml b/doc/_config.yml
index aaa09e5..49b9a3b 100644
--- a/doc/_config.yml
+++ b/doc/_config.yml
@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ navbar:
       - install/install-shell-server.html.textile.liquid
       - install/create-standard-objects.html.textile.liquid
       - install/install-keepstore.html.textile.liquid
+      - install/configure-s3-object-storage.html.textile.liquid
       - install/configure-azure-blob-storage.html.textile.liquid
       - install/install-keepproxy.html.textile.liquid
       - install/install-keep-web.html.textile.liquid
diff --git a/doc/install/configure-azure-blob-storage.html.textile.liquid b/doc/install/configure-azure-blob-storage.html.textile.liquid
index 4ab6fcf..7ef9503 100644
--- a/doc/install/configure-azure-blob-storage.html.textile.liquid
+++ b/doc/install/configure-azure-blob-storage.html.textile.liquid
@@ -11,9 +11,7 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0
 As an alternative to local and network-attached POSIX filesystems, Keepstore can store data in an Azure Storage container.
-h2. Create a container
-Normally, all keepstore services are configured to share a single Azure Storage container.
+h2. Create a storage container
 Using the Azure web portal or command line tool, create or choose a storage account with a suitable redundancy profile and availability region. Use the storage account keys to create a new container.
@@ -34,30 +32,73 @@ azure storage container create exampleContainerName</span>
+Note that Keepstore services may be configued to use multiple Azure Storage accounts and multiple containers within a storage account.
 h2. Configure keepstore
 Copy the primary storage account key to a file where it will be accessible to keepstore at startup time.
-<pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">sudo sh -c 'cat >/etc/sv/keepstore/exampleStorageAccountName.key <<EOF'
+<pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">sudo sh -c 'cat >/etc/arvados/keepstore/azure_storage_account_key.txt <<EOF'
-~$ <span class="userinput">sudo chmod 0400 /etc/sv/keepstore/exampleStorageAccountName.key</span>
+~$ <span class="userinput">sudo chmod 0400 /etc/arvados/keepstore/azure_storage_account_key.txt</span>
-In your keepstore startup script, instead of specifying a local storage using @-volume /path@ or discovering mount points automatically, use @-azure-*@ arguments to specify the storage container:
+Next, edit the @Volumes@ section of the @keepstore.yml@ config file:
+- # The volume type, this indicates Azure blob storage
+  Type: Azure
-exec 2>&1
-exec keepstore \
- -azure-storage-account-key-file <span class="userinput">/etc/sv/keepstore/exampleStorageAccountName.key</span> \
- -azure-storage-account-name <span class="userinput">exampleStorageAccountName</span> \
- -azure-storage-container-volume <span class="userinput">exampleContainerName</span>
+  # How much replication is performed by the underlying container.
+  # This is used to inform replication decisions at the Keep layer.
+  AzureReplication: 3
+  # The storage container to use for the backing store.
+  ContainerName: exampleContainerName
+  # If true, do not accept write or trash operations, only reads.
+  ReadOnly: false
+  # Amount of time to wait for a response before failing the request
+  RequestTimeout: 10m0s
+  # The storage account name, used for authentication
+  StorageAccountName: exampleStorageAccountName
+  # The storage account secret key, used for authentication
+  StorageAccountKeyFile: /etc/arvados/keepstore/azure_storage_account_key.txt
+  # The cloud environment to use.  If blank, use the default cloud
+  # environment.  See below for an example of an alternate cloud environment.
+  StorageBaseURL: ""
+  # Storage classes to associate with this volume.  See "Configuring
+  # storage classes" in the "Admin" section of doc.arvados.org.
+  StorageClasses: null
+- # Example configuration to use Azure China.
+  #
+  # The alternate cloud environment to use.
+  # Note that cloud environments are different from regions.  A
+  # cloud environment is an entirely separate instance of Azure with
+  # separate accounts, requiring separate credentials.
+  #
+  StorageBaseURL: core.chinacloudapi.cn
+  StorageAccountKeyFile: /etc/arvados/keepstore/azure_cn_storage_account_key.txt
+  StorageAccountName: cn-account-name
+  ContainerName: exampleChinaContainerName
+  # The rest are the same as above
+  Type: Azure
+  AzureReplication: 3
+  ReadOnly: false
+  RequestTimeout: 10m0s
+  StorageClasses: null
 Start (or restart) keepstore, and check its log file to confirm it is using the new configuration.
diff --git a/doc/install/configure-s3-object-storage.html.textile.liquid b/doc/install/configure-s3-object-storage.html.textile.liquid
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58c05b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/install/configure-s3-object-storage.html.textile.liquid
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+layout: default
+navsection: installguide
+title: Configure S3 object storage
+{% comment %}
+Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
+SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0
+{% endcomment %}
+As an alternative to local and network-attached POSIX filesystems, Keepstore can store data in object storage compatible with the S3 API, such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Ceph RADOS.
+h2. Configure keepstore
+Copy the "access key" and "secret key" to files where they will be accessible to keepstore at startup time.
+<pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">sudo sh -c 'cat >/etc/arvados/keepstore/aws_s3_access_key.txt <<EOF'
+~$ <span class="userinput">sudo chmod 0400 /etc/arvados/keepstore/aws_s3_access_key.txt</span>
+Next, edit the @Volumes@ section of the @keepstore.yml@ config file:
+- # The volume type, this indicates object storage compatible with the S3 API
+  Type: S3
+  # Storage provider (blank uses Amazon S3 by default)
+  Endpoint: ""
+  # The bucket to use for the backing store.
+  Bucket: example-bucket-name
+  # The region where the bucket is located.
+  Region: us-east-1
+  # The credentials to use to access the bucket.
+  AccessKeyFile: /etc/arvados/keepstore/aws_s3_access_key.txt
+  SecretKeyFile: /etc/arvados/keepstore/aws_s3_secret_key.txt
+  # Maximum time to wait making the initial connection to the backend before
+  # failing the request.
+  ConnectTimeout: 1m0s
+  # Page size for s3 "list bucket contents" requests
+  IndexPageSize: 1000
+  # True if the region requires a LocationConstraint declaration
+  LocationConstraint: false
+  # Maximum eventual consistency latency
+  RaceWindow: 24h0m0s
+  # If true, do not accept write or trash operations, only reads.
+  ReadOnly: false
+  # Maximum time to wait for a complete response from the backend before
+  # failing the request.
+  ReadTimeout: 5m0s
+  # How much replication is performed by the underlying bucket.
+  # This is used to inform replication decisions at the Keep layer.
+  S3Replication: 2
+  # Storage classes to associate with this volume.  See "Configuring
+  # storage classes" in the "Admin" section of doc.arvados.org.
+  StorageClasses: null
+  # Enable deletion (garbage collection) even when TrashLifetime is
+  # zero.  WARNING: eventual consistency may result in race conditions
+  # that can cause data loss.  Do not enable this unless you know what
+  # you are doing.
+  UnsafeDelete: false
+- # Example configuration using alternate storage provider
+  # Configuration for Google cloud storage
+  Endpoint: https://storage.googleapis.com
+  Region: ""
+  AccessKeyFile: /etc/arvados/keepstore/gce_s3_access_key.txt
+  SecretKeyFile: /etc/arvados/keepstore/gce_s3_secret_key.txt
+  Bucket: example-bucket-name
+  ConnectTimeout: 1m0s
+  IndexPageSize: 1000
+  LocationConstraint: false
+  RaceWindow: 24h0m0s
+  ReadOnly: false
+  ReadTimeout: 5m0s
+  S3Replication: 2
+  StorageClasses: null
+  UnsafeDelete: false
+Start (or restart) keepstore, and check its log file to confirm it is using the new configuration.
+<pre><code>2015/10/26 21:06:24 Using volume azure-storage-container:"exampleContainerName" (writable=true)
diff --git a/doc/install/install-keepstore.html.textile.liquid b/doc/install/install-keepstore.html.textile.liquid
index 9122476..d1633f3 100644
--- a/doc/install/install-keepstore.html.textile.liquid
+++ b/doc/install/install-keepstore.html.textile.liquid
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0
 {% endcomment %}
-We are going to install two Keepstore servers. By convention, we use the following hostname pattern:
+Keepstore provides access to underlying storage for reading and writing content-addressed blocks, with enforcement of Arvados permissions.  Keepstore supports a variety of cloud object storage and POSIX filesystems for its backing store.
+We recommend installing at least two Keepstore servers. By convention, we use the following hostname pattern:
 <div class="offset1">
 table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
@@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
 |keep1. at uuid_prefix@.your.domain|
-Because the Keepstore servers are not directly accessible from the internet, these hostnames only need to resolve on the local network.
+Keepstore servers should not be directly accessible from the Internet (they are accessed via "keepproxy":install-keepproxy.html), so the hostnames only need to resolve on the private network.
 h2. Install Keepstore
@@ -39,131 +41,198 @@ On Red Hat-based systems:
 Verify that Keepstore is functional:
-<pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">keepstore -h</span>
-2016/07/01 14:06:21 keepstore starting, pid 32339
-Usage of ./keepstore:
-  -azure-max-get-bytes int
-    	Maximum bytes to request in a single GET request. If smaller than 67108864, use multiple concurrent range requests to retrieve a block. (default 67108864)
-  -azure-storage-account-key-file string
-    	File containing the account key used for subsequent --azure-storage-container-volume arguments.
-  -azure-storage-account-name string
-    	Azure storage account name used for subsequent --azure-storage-container-volume arguments.
-  -azure-storage-container-volume value
-    	Use the given container as a storage volume. Can be given multiple times. (default [])
-  -azure-storage-replication int
-    	Replication level to report to clients when data is stored in an Azure container. (default 3)
-  -blob-signature-ttl int
-    	Lifetime of blob permission signatures in seconds. Modifying the ttl will invalidate all existing signatures. See services/api/config/application.default.yml. (default 1209600)
-  -blob-signing-key-file string
-    	File containing the secret key for generating and verifying blob permission signatures.
-  -data-manager-token-file string
-    	File with the API token used by the Data Manager. All DELETE requests or GET /index requests must carry this token.
-  -enforce-permissions
-    	Enforce permission signatures on requests.
-  -listen string
-    	Listening address, in the form "host:port". e.g., Omit the host part to listen on all interfaces. (default ":25107")
-  -max-buffers int
-    	Maximum RAM to use for data buffers, given in multiples of block size (64 MiB). When this limit is reached, HTTP requests requiring buffers (like GET and PUT) will wait for buffer space to be released. (default 128)
-  -max-requests int
-    	Maximum concurrent requests. When this limit is reached, new requests will receive 503 responses. Note: this limit does not include idle connections from clients using HTTP keepalive, so it does not strictly limit the number of concurrent connections. (default 2 * max-buffers)
-  -never-delete
-    	If true, nothing will be deleted. Warning: the relevant features in keepstore and data manager have not been extensively tested. You should leave this option alone unless you can afford to lose data. (default true)
-  -permission-key-file string
-    	Synonym for -blob-signing-key-file.
-  -permission-ttl int
-    	Synonym for -blob-signature-ttl.
-  -pid fuser -k pidfile
-    	Path to write pid file during startup. This file is kept open and locked with LOCK_EX until keepstore exits, so fuser -k pidfile is one way to shut down. Exit immediately if there is an error opening, locking, or writing the pid file.
-  -readonly
-    	Do not write, delete, or touch anything on the following volumes.
-  -s3-access-key-file string
-    	File containing the access key used for subsequent -s3-bucket-volume arguments.
-  -s3-bucket-volume value
-    	Use the given bucket as a storage volume. Can be given multiple times. (default [])
-  -s3-endpoint string
-    	Endpoint URL used for subsequent -s3-bucket-volume arguments. If blank, use the AWS endpoint corresponding to the -s3-region argument. For Google Storage, use "https://storage.googleapis.com".
-  -s3-region string
-    	AWS region used for subsequent -s3-bucket-volume arguments. Allowed values are ["ap-southeast-1" "eu-west-1" "us-gov-west-1" "sa-east-1" "cn-north-1" "ap-northeast-1" "ap-southeast-2" "eu-central-1" "us-east-1" "us-west-1" "us-west-2"].
-  -s3-replication int
-    	Replication level reported to clients for subsequent -s3-bucket-volume arguments. (default 2)
-  -s3-secret-key-file string
-    	File containing the secret key used for subsequent -s3-bucket-volume arguments.
-  -s3-unsafe-delete
-    	EXPERIMENTAL. Enable deletion (garbage collection), even though there are known race conditions that can cause data loss.
-  -serialize
-    	Serialize read and write operations on the following volumes.
-  -trash-check-interval duration
-    	Time duration at which the emptyTrash goroutine will check and delete expired trashed blocks. Default is one day. (default 24h0m0s)
-  -trash-lifetime duration
-    	Time duration after a block is trashed during which it can be recovered using an /untrash request
-  -volume value
-    	Local storage directory. Can be given more than once to add multiple directories. If none are supplied, the default is to use all directories named "keep" that exist in the top level directory of a mount point at startup time. Can be a comma-separated list, but this is deprecated: use multiple -volume arguments instead. (default [])
-  -volumes value
-    	Deprecated synonym for -volume. (default [])
+<pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">keepstore --version</span>
-h3. Prepare storage volumes
+h3. Create config file
+By default, keepstore will look for its configuration file at @/etc/arvados/keepstore/keepstore.yml@
+You can override the configuration file location using the @-config@ command line option to keepstore.
+The following is a sample configuration file:
+# Duration for which new permission signatures (returned in PUT
+# responses) will be valid.  This should be equal to the API
+# server's blob_signature_ttl configuration entry.
+BlobSignatureTTL: 336h0m0s
+# Local file containing the secret blob signing key (used to generate
+# and verify blob signatures).  The contents of the key file must be
+# identical to the API server's blob_signing_key configuration entry.
+BlobSigningKeyFile: ""
+# Print extra debug logging
+Debug: false
-{% include 'notebox_begin' %}
-This section uses a local filesystem as a backing store. If you are using Azure Storage, follow the setup instructions on the "Azure Blob Storage":configure-azure-blob-storage.html page instead.
-{% include 'notebox_end' %}
+# Maximum number of concurrent block deletion operations (per
+# volume) when emptying trash. Default is 1.
+EmptyTrashWorkers: 1
-There are two ways to specify a set of local directories where keepstore should store its data files.
-# Implicitly, by creating a directory called @keep@ at the top level of each filesystem you intend to use, and omitting @-volume@ arguments.
-# Explicitly, by providing a @-volume@ argument for each directory.
+# Enable trash and delete features. If false, trash lists will be
+# accepted but blocks will not be trashed or deleted.
+# Keepstore does not delete data on its own.  The keep-balance
+# service determines which blocks are candidates for deletion
+# and instructs the keepstore to move those blocks to the trash.
+EnableDelete: true
-For example, if there are filesystems mounted at @/mnt@ and @/mnt2@:
+# Local port to listen on. Can be 'address:port' or ':port', where
+# 'address' is a host IP address or name and 'port' is a port number
+# or name.
+Listen: :25107
-<pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">mkdir /mnt/keep /mnt2/keep</span>
-~$ <span class="userinput">keepstore</span>
-2015/05/08 13:44:26 keepstore starting, pid 2765
-2015/05/08 13:44:26 Using volume [UnixVolume /mnt/keep] (writable=true)
-2015/05/08 13:44:26 Using volume [UnixVolume /mnt2/keep] (writable=true)
-2015/05/08 13:44:26 listening at :25107
+# Format of request/response and error logs: "json" or "text".
+LogFormat: json
+ManagementToken: ""
+# Maximum RAM to use for data buffers, given in multiples of block
+# size (64 MiB). When this limit is reached, HTTP requests requiring
+# buffers (like GET and PUT) will wait for buffer space to be
+# released.
+# It should be set such that MaxBuffers * 64MiB + 10% fits
+# comfortably in memory. On a host dedicated to running keepstore,
+# divide total memory by 88MiB to suggest a suitable value. For example,
+# if grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo reports MemTotal: 7125440 kB,
+# compute 7125440 / (88 * 1024)=79 and configure MaxBuffers: 79
+MaxBuffers: 128
-<pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">mkdir /mnt/keep /mnt2/keep</span>
-~$ <span class="userinput">keepstore -volume=/mnt/keep -volume=/mnt2/keep</span>
-2015/05/08 13:44:26 keepstore starting, pid 2765
-2015/05/08 13:44:26 Using volume [UnixVolume /mnt/keep] (writable=true)
-2015/05/08 13:44:26 Using volume [UnixVolume /mnt2/keep] (writable=true)
-2015/05/08 13:44:26 listening at :25107
+# Maximum concurrent requests. When this limit is reached, new
+# requests will receive 503 responses. Note: this limit does not
+# include idle connections from clients using HTTP keepalive, so it
+# does not strictly limit the number of concurrent connections. If
+# omitted or zero, the default is 2 * MaxBuffers.
+MaxRequests: 0
+# Path to write PID file during startup. This file is kept open and
+# locked with LOCK_EX until keepstore exits, so "fuser -k pidfile" is
+# one way to shut down. Exit immediately if there is an error
+# opening, locking, or writing the PID file.
+PIDFile: ""
+# Maximum number of concurrent pull operations. Default is 1, i.e.,
+# pull lists are processed serially.
+PullWorkers: 0
+# Honor read requests only if a valid signature is provided.  This
+# should be true, except for development use and when migrating from
+# a very old version.
+RequireSignatures: true
+# Local file containing the Arvados API token used by keep-balance
+# or data manager.  Delete, trash, and index requests are honored
+# only for this token.
+SystemAuthTokenFile: ""
+# Path to server certificate file in X509 format. Enables TLS mode.
+# Example: /var/lib/acme/live/keep0.example.com/fullchain
+TLSCertificateFile: ""
+# Path to server key file in X509 format. Enables TLS mode.
+# The key pair is read from disk during startup, and whenever SIGHUP
+# is received.
+# Example: /var/lib/acme/live/keep0.example.com/privkey
+TLSKeyFile: ""
+# How often to check for (and delete) trashed blocks whose
+# TrashLifetime has expired.
+TrashCheckInterval: 24h0m0s
+# Time duration after a block is trashed during which it can be
+# recovered using an /untrash request.
+TrashLifetime: 336h0m0s
+# Maximum number of concurrent trash operations. Default is 1, i.e.,
+# trash lists are processed serially.
+TrashWorkers: 1
+h3. Notes on storage management
+On its own, a keepstore server never deletes data.  The "keep-balance":install-keep-balance.html service service determines which blocks are candidates for deletion and instructs the keepstore to move those blocks to the trash.
+When a block is newly written, it is protected from deletion for the duration in @BlobSignatureTTL at .  During this time, it cannot be trashed.
+If keep-balance instructs keepstore to trash a block which is older than @BlobSignatureTTL@, and @EnableDelete@ is true, the block will be moved to "trash".
+h3. Configure storage volumes
+Available storage volume types include cloud object storage and POSIX filesystems.
+If you are using S3-compatible object storage (including Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Ceph RADOS), follow the setup instructions "S3 Object Storage":configure-s3-object-storage.html page instead and then "Run keepstore as a supervised service.":#keepstoreservice
+If you are using Azure Blob Storage, follow the setup instructions "Azure Blob Storage":configure-azure-blob-storage.html and then proceed to "Run keepstore as a supervised service.":#keepstoreservice
+To use a POSIX filesystem, including both local filesystems (ext4, xfs) and network file system such as GPFS or Lustre, continue reading this section.
+h4. Setting up filesystem mounts
+Volumes are configured in the @Volumes@ section of the configuration
+file.  You may provide multiple volumes for a single keepstore process
+to manage multiple disks.  Keepstore distributes blocks among volumes
+in round-robin fashion.
+- # The volume type, indicates this is a filesystem directory.
+  Type: Directory
+  # The actual directory that will be used as the backing store.
+  Root: /mnt/local-disk
+  # How much replication is performed by the underlying filesystem.
+  # (for example, a network filesystem may provide its own replication).
+  # This is used to inform replication decisions at the Keep layer.
+  DirectoryReplication: 1
+  # If true, do not accept write or trash operations, only reads.
+  ReadOnly: false
+  # When true, read and write operations (for whole 64MiB blocks) on
+  # an individual volume will queued and issued sequentially.  When
+  # false, read and write operations will be issued concurrently as
+  # they come in.
+  #
+  # When using spinning disks where storage partitions map 1:1 to
+  # physical disks that are dedicated to Keepstore, enabling this may
+  # reduce contention and improve throughput by minimizing seeks.
+  #
+  # When using SSDs, RAID, or a parallel network filesystem, you probably
+  # don't want this.
+  Serialize: true
+  # Storage classes to associate with this volume.  See "Configuring
+  # storage classes" in the "Admin" section of doc.arvados.org.
+  StorageClasses: null
+  # Example of a second volume section
+- DirectoryReplication: 2
+  ReadOnly: false
+  Root: /mnt/network-disk
+  Serialize: false
+  StorageClasses: null
+  Type: Directory
-h3. Run keepstore as a supervised service
+h3(#keepstoreservice). Run keepstore as a supervised service
 Install runit to supervise the keepstore daemon.  {% include 'install_runit' %}
-Install this script as the run script for the keepstore service, modifying it as directed below.
+Install this script as the run script @/etc/sv/keepstore/run@ for the keepstore service:
 exec 2>&1
-GOGC=10 exec keepstore \
- -enforce-permissions=true \
- -blob-signing-key-file=<span class="userinput">/etc/keepstore/blob-signing.key</span> \
- -max-buffers=<span class="userinput">100</span> \
- -serialize=true \
- -never-delete=false \
- -volume=<span class="userinput">/mnt/keep</span> \
- -volume=<span class="userinput">/mnt2/keep</span>
+GOGC=10 exec keepstore -config /etc/arvados/keepstore/keepstore.yml
-p(#max-buffers). The @-max-buffers@ argument limits keepstore's memory usage. It should be set such that @max-buffers * 64MiB + 10%@ fits comfortably in memory. On a host dedicated to running keepstore, divide total memory by 88MiB to suggest a suitable value. For example, if @grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo@ reports @MemTotal: 7125440 kB@, compute 7125440÷(88×1024)=79 and configure @-max-buffers=79 at .
-If you want access control on your Keepstore server(s), you must specify the @-enforce-permissions@ flag and provide a signing key. The @-blob-signing-key-file@ argument should be a file containing a long random alphanumeric string with no internal line breaks (it is also possible to use a socket or FIFO: keepstore reads it only once, at startup). This key must be the same as the @blob_signing_key@ configured in the "API server's":install-api-server.html configuration file, @/etc/arvados/api/application.yml at .
-The @-serialize=true@ (default: @false@) argument limits keepstore to one reader/writer process per storage partition. This avoids thrashing by allowing the storage device underneath the storage partition to do read/write operations sequentially. Enabling @-serialize@ can improve Keepstore performance if the storage partitions map 1:1 to physical disks that are dedicated to Keepstore, particularly so for mechanical disks. In some cloud environments, enabling @-serialize@ has also also proven to be beneficial for performance, but YMMV. If your storage partition(s) are backed by network or RAID storage that can handle many simultaneous reader/writer processes without thrashing, you probably do not want to set @-serialize at .
 h3. Set up additional servers
 Repeat the above sections to prepare volumes and bring up supervised services on each Keepstore server you are setting up.
diff --git a/services/keepstore/config.go b/services/keepstore/config.go
index b91ce05..fca61ef 100644
--- a/services/keepstore/config.go
+++ b/services/keepstore/config.go
@@ -39,7 +39,14 @@ opening, locking, or writing the PID file.`
 	MaxBuffers int `doc: Maximum RAM to use for data buffers, given in multiples of block
 size (64 MiB). When this limit is reached, HTTP requests requiring
 buffers (like GET and PUT) will wait for buffer space to be
+It should be set such that MaxBuffers * 64MiB + 10% fits
+comfortably in memory. On a host dedicated to running keepstore,
+divide total memory by 88MiB to suggest a suitable value. For example,
+if grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo reports MemTotal: 7125440 kB,
+compute 7125440 / (88 * 1024)=79 and configure MaxBuffers: 79
 	MaxRequests int `doc: Maximum concurrent requests. When this limit is reached, new
 requests will receive 503 responses. Note: this limit does not
@@ -51,10 +58,9 @@ omitted or zero, the default is 2 * MaxBuffers.`
 responses) will be valid.  This should be equal to the API
 server's blob_signature_ttl configuration entry.`
-	BlobSigningKeyFile string `doc: Local file containing the secret blob signing key (used to
-generate and verify blob signatures).  This key should be
-identical to the API server's blob_signing_key configuration
+	BlobSigningKeyFile string `doc: Local file containing the secret blob signing key (used to generate
+and verify blob signatures).  The contents of the key file must be
+identical to the API server's blob_signing_key configuration entry.`
 	RequireSignatures bool `doc: Honor read requests only if a valid signature is provided.  This
 should be true, except for development use and when migrating from
@@ -65,7 +71,10 @@ or data manager.  Delete, trash, and index requests are honored
 only for this token.`
 	EnableDelete bool `doc: Enable trash and delete features. If false, trash lists will be
-accepted but blocks will not be trashed or deleted.`
+accepted but blocks will not be trashed or deleted.
+Keepstore does not delete data on its own.  The keep-balance
+service determines which blocks are candidates for deletion
+and instructs the keepstore to move those blocks to the trash.`
 	TrashLifetime arvados.Duration `doc: Time duration after a block is trashed during which it can be
 recovered using an /untrash request.`



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