[ARVADOS] created: 1.1.4-382-g8de0cca
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git at public.curoverse.com
Mon Jun 11 09:52:04 EDT 2018
at 8de0cca205b1b6be4c57d84289fcc21aab0860fe (commit)
commit 8de0cca205b1b6be4c57d84289fcc21aab0860fe
Author: Peter Amstutz <pamstutz at veritasgenetics.com>
Date: Mon Jun 11 09:48:46 2018 -0400
13579: keepstore help prints out a single annotated example config.
Instead of separate "example config" and "field documentation"
sections in usage.
Implementation: move docs for Config fields to struct field tag and
use reflection to get documentation for each config field.
Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Peter Amstutz <pamstutz at veritasgenetics.com>
diff --git a/services/keepstore/config.go b/services/keepstore/config.go
index c9c9ae1..b91ce05 100644
--- a/services/keepstore/config.go
+++ b/services/keepstore/config.go
@@ -23,30 +23,79 @@ import (
type Config struct {
- Debug bool
- Listen string
- LogFormat string
- PIDFile string
- MaxBuffers int
- MaxRequests int
- BlobSignatureTTL arvados.Duration
- BlobSigningKeyFile string
- RequireSignatures bool
- SystemAuthTokenFile string
- EnableDelete bool
- TrashLifetime arvados.Duration
- TrashCheckInterval arvados.Duration
- PullWorkers int
- TrashWorkers int
- EmptyTrashWorkers int
- TLSCertificateFile string
- TLSKeyFile string
- Volumes VolumeList
+ Debug bool `doc: Print extra debug logging`
+ Listen string `doc: Local port to listen on. Can be 'address:port' or ':port', where
+'address' is a host IP address or name and 'port' is a port number
+or name.`
+ LogFormat string `doc: Format of request/response and error logs: "json" or "text".`
+ PIDFile string `doc: Path to write PID file during startup. This file is kept open and
+locked with LOCK_EX until keepstore exits, so "fuser -k pidfile" is
+one way to shut down. Exit immediately if there is an error
+opening, locking, or writing the PID file.`
+ MaxBuffers int `doc: Maximum RAM to use for data buffers, given in multiples of block
+size (64 MiB). When this limit is reached, HTTP requests requiring
+buffers (like GET and PUT) will wait for buffer space to be
+ MaxRequests int `doc: Maximum concurrent requests. When this limit is reached, new
+requests will receive 503 responses. Note: this limit does not
+include idle connections from clients using HTTP keepalive, so it
+does not strictly limit the number of concurrent connections. If
+omitted or zero, the default is 2 * MaxBuffers.`
+ BlobSignatureTTL arvados.Duration `doc: Duration for which new permission signatures (returned in PUT
+responses) will be valid. This should be equal to the API
+server's blob_signature_ttl configuration entry.`
+ BlobSigningKeyFile string `doc: Local file containing the secret blob signing key (used to
+generate and verify blob signatures). This key should be
+identical to the API server's blob_signing_key configuration
+ RequireSignatures bool `doc: Honor read requests only if a valid signature is provided. This
+should be true, except for development use and when migrating from
+a very old version.`
+ SystemAuthTokenFile string `doc: Local file containing the Arvados API token used by keep-balance
+or data manager. Delete, trash, and index requests are honored
+only for this token.`
+ EnableDelete bool `doc: Enable trash and delete features. If false, trash lists will be
+accepted but blocks will not be trashed or deleted.`
+ TrashLifetime arvados.Duration `doc: Time duration after a block is trashed during which it can be
+recovered using an /untrash request.`
+ TrashCheckInterval arvados.Duration `doc: How often to check for (and delete) trashed blocks whose
+TrashLifetime has expired.`
+ PullWorkers int `doc: Maximum number of concurrent pull operations. Default is 1, i.e.,
+pull lists are processed serially.`
+ TrashWorkers int `doc: Maximum number of concurrent trash operations. Default is 1, i.e.,
+trash lists are processed serially.`
+ EmptyTrashWorkers int `doc: Maximum number of concurrent block deletion operations (per
+volume) when emptying trash. Default is 1.`
+ TLSCertificateFile string `doc: Path to server certificate file in X509 format. Enables TLS mode.
+Example: /var/lib/acme/live/keep0.example.com/fullchain`
+ TLSKeyFile string `doc: Path to server key file in X509 format. Enables TLS mode.
+The key pair is read from disk during startup, and whenever SIGHUP
+is received.
+Example: /var/lib/acme/live/keep0.example.com/privkey`
+ Volumes VolumeList `doc: List of storage volumes. If omitted or empty, the default is to
+use all directories named "keep" that exist in the top level
+directory of a mount point at startup time.`
blobSigningKey []byte
systemAuthToken string
diff --git a/services/keepstore/usage.go b/services/keepstore/usage.go
index 8e83f6c..2a00676 100644
--- a/services/keepstore/usage.go
+++ b/services/keepstore/usage.go
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import (
+ "reflect"
+ "regexp"
@@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ func usage() {
- knownTypeList := strings.Join(knownTypes, ", ")
+ //knownTypeList := strings.Join(knownTypes, ", ")
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `
keepstore provides a content-addressed data store backed by a local filesystem or networked storage.
@@ -41,122 +43,28 @@ NOTE: All options (other than -config) are deprecated in favor of YAML
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `
-Example config file:
- Local port to listen on. Can be "address:port" or ":port", where
- "address" is a host IP address or name and "port" is a port number
- or name.
- Format of request/response and error logs: "json" or "text".
- Path to write PID file during startup. This file is kept open and
- locked with LOCK_EX until keepstore exits, so "fuser -k pidfile" is
- one way to shut down. Exit immediately if there is an error
- opening, locking, or writing the PID file.
- Maximum RAM to use for data buffers, given in multiples of block
- size (64 MiB). When this limit is reached, HTTP requests requiring
- buffers (like GET and PUT) will wait for buffer space to be
- released.
- Maximum concurrent requests. When this limit is reached, new
- requests will receive 503 responses. Note: this limit does not
- include idle connections from clients using HTTP keepalive, so it
- does not strictly limit the number of concurrent connections. If
- omitted or zero, the default is 2 * MaxBuffers.
- Local file containing the secret blob signing key (used to
- generate and verify blob signatures). This key should be
- identical to the API server's blob_signing_key configuration
- entry.
- Honor read requests only if a valid signature is provided. This
- should be true, except for development use and when migrating from
- a very old version.
- Duration for which new permission signatures (returned in PUT
- responses) will be valid. This should be equal to the API
- server's blob_signature_ttl configuration entry.
- Local file containing the Arvados API token used by keep-balance
- or data manager. Delete, trash, and index requests are honored
- only for this token.
- Enable trash and delete features. If false, trash lists will be
- accepted but blocks will not be trashed or deleted.
- Time duration after a block is trashed during which it can be
- recovered using an /untrash request.
- How often to check for (and delete) trashed blocks whose
- TrashLifetime has expired.
- Maximum number of concurrent trash operations. Default is 1, i.e.,
- trash lists are processed serially.
- Maximum number of concurrent block deletion operations (per
- volume) when emptying trash. Default is 1.
- Maximum number of concurrent pull operations. Default is 1, i.e.,
- pull lists are processed serially.
- Path to server certificate file in X509 format. Enables TLS mode.
- Example: /var/lib/acme/live/keep0.example.com/fullchain
- Path to server key file in X509 format. Enables TLS mode.
- The key pair is read from disk during startup, and whenever SIGHUP
- is received.
- Example: /var/lib/acme/live/keep0.example.com/privkey
+ configType := reflect.TypeOf(c).Elem()
+ docstrings := make(map[string]string)
+ for i := 0; i < configType.NumField(); i++ {
+ f := configType.Field(i)
+ idx := strings.Index(string(f.Tag), "doc:")
+ if idx > -1 {
+ docstrings[f.Name] = strings.TrimSpace(string(f.Tag[idx+4:]))
+ }
+ }
- List of storage volumes. If omitted or empty, the default is to
- use all directories named "keep" that exist in the top level
- directory of a mount point at startup time.
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nExample config file:\n")
- Volume types: %s
+ field, _ := regexp.Compile("([^ ]*): ")
+ for _, line := range strings.Split(string(exampleConfigFile), "\n") {
+ sm := field.FindStringSubmatch(line)
- (See volume configuration examples above.)
+ if len(sm) > 1 && docstrings[sm[1]] != "" {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n# %v\n%v\n", strings.Replace(docstrings[sm[1]], "\n", "\n# ", -1), line)
+ } else {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", line)
+ }
+ }
-`, exampleConfigFile, knownTypeList)
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