[ARVADOS-WORKBENCH2] created: 1.2.0
Git user
git at public.curoverse.com
Tue Aug 21 09:24:09 EDT 2018
at d625272c147206c6a514e9d5d08ea66b81dd4682 (tag)
tagging e5ecd847e0a5d64f78ab45194f3b4f2e7fbd199a (commit)
replaces 1.1.4
tagged by Fernando Monserrat
on Tue Aug 21 10:23:34 2018 -0300
git tag release 1.2.0
Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Fernando Monserrat <fmonserrat at veritasgenetics.com>
Artur Janicki (7):
#13704: init navigation details panel
#13704: modify details panel
#13704: remove headerTitle class and change title
#13704: add effects for opening the panel
#13704: change code after CR
#13704: add custom theme and clean code
#13704: add attribute comonent and clean code
Daniel Kos (81):
Add tree structure rendering
Fix tests passing
Replaced getting top project list with more generic version
refs #13535 Merge branch '13535-tree-component' into 13610-projects-hierarchy
Post merge fixes, connected tree with projects from the server
Added dynamic sub projects loading
Fixed test passing
refs #13610 Merge branch '13610-projects-hierarchy'
Added passing root owner uuid for top level projects
refs #13622 Merge branch '13622-children-in-root-tree'
no issue # Updated packages
Added collection service, reorganized components structure
Fixed passing collection tests
Added collection service instance
Decoupled services from redux
Removed separate view-selectors folder for selectors
refs #13632 Merge branch '13632-collections-service'
Added data selector for workbench data explorer
refs #13598 Merge branch 'origin/#13598-Left-side-panel'
Added central action for navigation
Merge branch 'origin/master' into 13666-data-explorer-mapper
Post merge fixes
Navigation fixes
Fixed not clearing project panel items immediately on node click/open
refs #13666 Merge branch 'origin/13666-data-explorer-mapper'
Fixed test passing
Exclude coverage files from tslint
Upgrade packages, fix compilation issues
Add save exact as default
Merge branch 'origin/build-fix'
Remove default exports
Get rid of context-menu-hoc
Refactor details-panel
refs # Merge branch 'origin/remove-default-exports'
Remove default export
Add favorite panel
Fix panel sorting
Add getting items on favorites click
Merge 'origin/master' into 13753-favorites-view
Add favorite star, fix post merge compilation problems
Add refreshing panel list after toggle favorite
Add refreshing favorite list if top project was mark as favorite and favorite list was visible
Remove blue buttons
refs #13573 Merge branch '13753-favorites-view'
Build fix
Introduce service repository
Remove middleware singletons, remove typescript getters/setters from explorer interface
Make configurable explicit, remove getDataExplorer
Remove rowsPerPageOptions optionality
Move columns definition out of middleware scope
Remove setBaseUrl
Make auth reducer side effects free
Reduce dispatch<any>
Fix test passing
refs #13887 Merge branch 'origin/13887-extract-common-functionality-from-project-and-favorites-panels'
Remove auth client
refs #master Merge branch 'origin/master' into 13901-services-repo
refs #13901 Merge branch 'origin/13901-services-repo'
refs # Update packages to the newest versions (including TS 3.0.1)
Introduce file component
refs #master Merge branch 'origin/master' into 13856-upload-component
Add component layout, add react-dropzone
Rename updator -> updater
Further rename updator -> updater
Further rename updator -> updater
Further rename updator -> updater
Fix renaming collection files
refs #13967 Merge branch 'origin/13967-collection-files-stringifier' into 13856-upload-component
Add adding files to upload zone
Add multiple files uploading
Fix correct bytes not being sent, fix showing upload progress and speed
Add clearing inputs after collection create, improved disabled create collection button state
Code review fixes
refs #13856 Merge branch 'origin/13856-upload-component'
Fix data explorer changing pages and other actions
Fix workbench errors due to missing auth service
Add typescript paths to top level folders
refs #master Merge branch 'origin/master' into 14007-ts-paths
refs #14007 Merge branch 'origin/14007-ts-paths'
Post merge compilation fix
refs #13989 Merge branch 'origin/13989-webdav-service'
Fernando Monserrat (8):
13544: remove script and implement build on makefile dependencies
13544: add build to package creation target as dependency
13544: cosmetic changes and dependencies
13544: add Dockerfile to build workbench2 docker image
closes #13544 "Merge branch '13544-make-packages'".
13838 add site config file
13838 add site config file
closes #13838 "Merge branch '13838-site-conf-file'".
Janicki Artur (70):
fix test
create re-usable components: attribute, empty-state and icon, prepare panel for data
modify icon component
add enum for icons types
load item to panelDetails and display data
Merge branch 'master' into 13765-information-inside-details-panel
add factory patter for render item details
remove imports from panel details
set export as default abstract class
improve header
fill common item details, clean code, change factory details panel
improve attributes and dt-factory, modify side-panel, main-app-bar and icons
clean code after CR
add all icons and modify items fo details panel
modify items for details panel
fix test
add all icons to icon component, refactor code and change icons
change code after CR
fix tests
Merge branch 'master' into 13764-icons-colors-unification-refactoring
fix bugs - display details panel when user is logout
refactoring side panel component
refatoring project tree component, create component for list item
clean code for single-list-item
change arrow color for free component
clean code after CR
rename component for list-item-text-icon
Merge branch 'master' into 13797-refactoring
Merge branch '13797-refactoring'
refactoring project-panel
back to name - ProjectPanelColumnNames
back to previous naming
back to previous names for const methods
Merge branch 'master' into 13797-refatoring-part2
fix empty state - display icon
add red color
Merge branch '13797-refatoring-part2'
add current token modal and modify workbench
fix test for main-app-bar
Merge branch 'master' into 13786-current-token
Merge branch '13786-current-token'
init collection view with routing and store
change code after CR
create collection context menu and modify code
Merge branch 'master' into 13853-collection-view-info-card
Merge branch '13853-collection-view-info-card'
init collection edit dialog, add reducers, modify store, refactor code
init and save form, modify store
add copy to clipboard
Merge branch 'master' into 13903-edit-collection-popup
Merge branch 'master' into 13903-edit-collection-popup
fix services after merge and improve onSubmit method for save collection
Merge branch '13903-edit-collection-popup'
init load tags for collection
create tag model and change code
add form for create tag, modify service and action
add delete tag, improve detail attributes and modify collection panel
change chip styles
Merge branch 'master' into 13854-tags-card
Merge branch '13854-tags-card'
add possibility to edit collection from data explorer
Merge branch '13898-edit-collection-from-data-explorer'
add default view component and use inside project and details panel
customize data-explorer, add attrs and modify favorite panel
fix test for data-explorer
Merge branch 'master' into 13894-default-view-component
Merge branch '13894-default-view-component'
redirect from empty routing to root project and display list
workbench - fix test
Merge branch '13986-projects-list-and-default-routing'
Michal Klobukowski (331):
Create search bar component
Create breadcrumbs component
Update SearchBar layout to stretch horizontally to wrapping container
Create main app bar prototype
Add onclick handler to breadcrumbs component
Create dropdown menu component
Add breadcrumb interface export
Add generic app bar menu rendering, extend main app bar props
Add new main app bar to workbench
replace search-box callbacks with onSearch, flatten appbar actions interface
Add search bar component unmount handler, clean up search bar code
Add enzyme dependencies
Create search-bar tests
Create dropdown-menu tests
Move breadcrumbs component to the root components directory
Merge branch 'master' into 13590-main-app-bar-component-1
Merge master branch
Add missing key attribute in main app bar render method
Set tslint semicolon rule and aply it to the project
Clean up main app bar and breadcrumbs code
Tighten main app bar
Create breadcrumbs tests
Transform breadcrumbs to stateless component
Transform main app bar to stateless component
Create tests for main app bar
Create data-explorer and project-explorer prototype
Merge master branch
Refactor breadcrumbs component
refactor main app bar, move getUseFullname fn to user model
Merge branch '13590-main-app-bar-component-1'
Merge branch 'master'
Change column configurator icon, make column list more dense
Seaparate project-explorer component from project-explorer view
Create popover component, replace popover in columns configurator
Create ProjectItem interface, update project explorer columns
Make data-explorer onItemClick prop optional
Mock project explorer item actions
Extend column with headerRender and configurable properties, apply these properties
Clean up columns configurator code
Create tests for columns configurator
Remove columns configurator usage to project-explorer, use provided keys when mapping over columns
Update project explorer layout
Update data-explorer naming convention
Create data table tests
Fix data table usage in data explorer
Add popover defaults, allow popover to close on self click
Create popover tests
Extract data item interface and data explorer formatters and renderers
Clean up data table code
Create function to create tree item branch and tests for it
Connect breadcrumbs witg project tree
Update breadcrumbs layout to handle longer entries
Mock popper.js module
Format creadcrumbs test code
Apply code formatting and naming according to code review
Merge branch 'master'
Update layout to match new latest mockups
Merge branch '13601-basic-data-exploring-component'
Merge branch 'master'
Rename findTreeBranch to getTreePath
Merge branch '13628-connect-breadcrumbs-with-project-tree'
Add table row mouse event handling props
Implement basic context menu
Implement context menu actions
Create test for context menu
Replace VoidFunction type with arrow functions
Extract generic context-menu component
Add close menu call when handling conext menu action
Remove context actions from data-explorer state
Update workbench styles to handle main content vertical scrolling
Merge branch '13634-data-explorer-context-menu'
Merge branch 'master' into 13637-workbench-general-look-adjustments
Merge branch '13637-workbench-general-look-adjustments'
Extend DataColumn and DataTable to handle sorting
Merge branch 'master'
Create data table filter component
Create tests for data table filter
Extract generic data-explorer component
Refactor code for easier testing
Add data table test for filters
Create data explorer tests
Add search input component
Add search input communication test, fix context menu communication test
Add pagination to data explorer
Hide search input and column selector when there is no items
Apply fixes according to code review
Restore context menu icon
Merge branch '13633-data-explorer-column-filtering'
Create data explorer actions and reducer
Connect project explorer to the store
Merge branch 'master'
Apply better code formatting
Reuse DataColumns type
Fix context menu positioning when opened with a trigger
Add rowsPerPageOptions prop support
Replace project-panel with project-explorer
Add toolbar with project explorer actions
Add project panel toolbar template
Implement sorting in projet-panel
Implement filtering in project-panel
Stop propagation of row actions click
Clean up go back row
Merge branch '13683-sorting-and-filtering-of-projects-and-collections'
Merge branch 'master'
Replace go back item with browser back button support
Improve handling on of project url changes
Fix react issue with calling actions in render method, handle opening projects tree on item route change
Fix incorrect projets item toggling
Clean up the code according to code review
Merge branch '13678-connect-data-explorer-to-the-store'
Create CommonResourceService and OrderBuilder
Create GroupsService and implement contents method
Create test for GroupsService
Change order builder output format
Apply fixes according to code review comments
Merge branch '13702-contents-api-service'
Add immutability and concatenation of order builder
Update order builder usages
Handle data explorer actions in data explorer container
Create DataItem type to ensure table rows use key attr to properly rerender
Add prop to pass available items amount to pagination
Improve pagination actions in data explorer
Create project panel middleware
Merge branch 'master' into 13703-data-explorer-and-contents-api
Update models with groups, colelctions, workflows and processes
Update item icon and type rendering accoring to item type
Add convenience create method add handle Resource type in FitlerBuilder
Make DataColum filters type generic
Handle resource type in type filters
Handle filtering in projectPanelMiddleware
Add pagination reseting to set filters action handler
Remove unused project-panel-selectors module
Add new conditions and concatenation to FilterBuilder
Implement filtering by status
Refactor OrderBuilder
Implement sorting by name and createdAt fields
Fix FilterBuilder concatenation add "like" rules
Make data explorer's search input always visible
Handle set_search_value action in data explorer reducer
Implement project explorer searching
Add enum with resource prefixes
Stop pagination reset when sorting is toggled
Add SortDirection and ProjectColumnName enums
Update existing tests to work with latest changes
Create FilterBuilder tests
Remove unused workflow references
Move project panel middleware to store directory
Merge branch 'master' into 13704-navigation-details-panel
Merge branch '13704-navigation-details-panel'
Merge branch 'master' into 13703-data-explorer-and-contents-api
Merge branch '13703-data-explorer-and-contents-api'
Fix common resource service create method
Create projects service
Fix typo
Fix filters used to obtain uer's projects
Merge branch '13747-incorrect-items-in-project-tree'
Move context menu to workbench component
Add onContextMenu props to breadcrumbs
Clean up after adding context menu to data-explorer and breadcrumbs
Block browser context menu inside app's context menu
Merge branch '13770-browser-context-menu-on-top'
Add possibility to modifiy API_HOST using env variables
Merge branch '13748-api-host-configuration'
Create actions and store field for project creator
Connect project dialog to the store
Create store and connect detail panel
merge changes
Apply temporary fix
Merge branch '13775-custom-theme-test-errors'
Merge branch 'master' into 13694-Data-operations-Project-creation
Handle project form submission
Reload project tree and project panel after project creation
Merge branch '13765-information-inside-details-panel'
Add double click handler
Load details while navigating using tree or breadcrumbs
Merge branch '13777-double-click-handler-in-project-panel'
Resolve merge conflicts
Fix failing tests
Merge branch '13694-Data-operations-Project-creation'
Clone state before updating on PROJECT_SUCCESS
Create new state on PROJECT_REQUEST action
Remove unnecessary navigation operations
Merge branch '13746-infinite-project-loading-animation'
Redirect on side panel item activation, activate projects item on project tree item activation
Merge branch '13750-project-item-remains-active'
Merge branch 'master' into 13705-item-common-details
Merge branch '13705-item-common-details'
Unify use of Collection and Project resource types
Move Resource interface to models, unify ResourceKind enum
Fix tests
Refactor data table to accept extractKey props rather than requiring DataItem type
Update Resource kind reference, update missing component props in tests
Remove unused actions file
Remove unused response type file
Merge branch '13705-item-common-details-next'
Merge branch 'master'
Merge branch '13798-refactor'
Extract context-menu view component
Implement base distinction between context menu kind
Implement better pattern for hanling actions in context menu
Make use of a new Icon component in ContextMenu
Improve code organization under context-menu directory
Update tests
Add execute function to context menu actions
Unify naming
Add AuthService constructor with serverApi param
Implement configuration fetching during runtime
Merge branch 'master'
Remove emptyIconSet
Merge branch '13805-extract-context-menu-view-component-f'
Merge branch 'master' into 13817-runtime-app-configuration
Merge branch '13817-runtime-app-configuration'
Merge branch '13764-icons-colors-unification-refactoring'
Update icons in context menu
Merge branch '13834-update-icons-in-context-menu'
Create Link model and service
Create FavoriteService
Add recursive flag to favorite contents api call
Restric order and filters arguments of favorite list
Merge branch 'master'
Create util for mocking resource services, create tests for FavoriteService
Merge branch 'master' into 13840-favorites-service
Merge branch '13840-favorites-service'
Create actions and reducer for favorites
Add method for checking if resource is present in favorites
Create actions for resolving resource favorite status
Create FavoriteStar component
Remove unused style rule
Update ContextMenu to accept name and icon components
Create component for favorite management menu item
Implement action for toggling favorite status
Fix context menu closeanimation
Load favorites info for items from ProjectPanel
Fix lack of icon styling applied to context menu item
Add resource actions set
Add possibility to filter favorites by type
Update context-menu tests
Save resource name when creating favorite
Fix import
Merge branch '13784-add-to-favorite'
Implement searching in favorites-panel
Add ordering of favorite list results
Merge branch '13753-favorites-view' of git.curoverse.com:arvados-workbench2 into 13753-favorites-view
Merge branch 'master'
Add navigation fro favorites panel, load favorites panel after page refresh
Merge branch '13753-favorites-view' of git.curoverse.com:arvados-workbench2 into 13753-favorites-view
Create simple snackbar actinos, reducer and component
Integrate favorites with snackbar
Add temporary hardcoded base api url
Merge branch '13886-integrate-favorites-with-snackbar-notifications'
Set temp base api url
Merge branch '13889-bad-temp-base-api-url'
Remove hardcoded url value
Merge branch '13889-bad-temp-base-api-url'
Create data-explorer-middleware
Add function for binding data explorer actions the given identifier
Reorganiza service to make use of dynamic config
Merge branch '13819-fix-dynamic-url-configuration'
Merge branch 'master' into 13887-extract-common-functionality-from-project-and-favorites-panels
Merge branch 'master' into 13887-extract-common-functionality-from-project-and-favorites-panels
Merge branch 'master' into 13887-extract-common-functionality-from-project-and-favorites-panels
Update bindDataExplorerActions to use middleware service
Implement data-explorer-middleware tests
Update favorite-panel and project panel implementation
Create common render functions module
Create actions for panels using bindDataExplorerActions function, move panel identifiers to corresponding services
Fix and make use of DataExplorer getter
Fix missing param in favorites api call
Extends tree component with checkboxes
Fix layout after modifing tree component
Update tree component with disableRipple prop, handle checkbox using onClick prop
Pass down onSelectionChange prop
Create FileTree component
Create collection-panel-files actions and reducer
Create CollectionPanelFiles [WIP]
Fix getDataExplorer method
Use bindDataExplorerActions in middleware, remove api field from service class, update tests
Add headers and menu button to collection-panel-files
Init collection-panel-files hoc
Implement reducer and state mapping functions
Init collection-files context menus
Implement 'select/unselect all' actions
Create model and parser for keep manifest
Merge branch 'master'
Update keep manifest naming, fix splitting up the manifest text
Add function for getting correct file tree item icon
Add collection-panel manifest map utils
Update collection panel actions and reducer to work with updated state structure
Update collection-panel-container to handle new state structure
Move collection-panel-files to collection-panel
Clean collection files when loading new collection
Apply simple memoization in state mapping function
Extract tree data structure
Add function for tree nodes value manipulation
Fix file size info alignment
Add upload data button
Create colelction-panel-files-reducer tests
Create generic dialog state
Persist dialog data after closing to avoid dialog content blinking
Pass closeDialog action into component wrapped withDialog
Mock collection files removal dialogs
Mock rename dialog
Merge branch 'master'
Fix node_modules imports
Move collection manifest parser and mapper to collection-files-service directory
Init CollectionFilesService
Merge branch 'master'
Fix CR comments
Memoize columns in data-explorer dispatch mapping function
Merge branch '13855-data-collection-files-card'
Add functions for stringifying collection files and keep manifest
Remove unused imports
Implement renameFile and deleteFile [WIP]
Implement RenameFileDialog
Implement file remove dialogs
Reset rename dialog on open
Create ProjectTreePicker
Merge branch '13952-file-context-menu-actions-implementation' of git.curoverse.com:arvados-workbench2 into 13952-file-context-menu-actions-implementation
Connect project tree picker to the form
Merge branch 'master'
Update tests
Merge branch '13952-file-context-menu-actions-implementation'
Implement simple webdav client
Create webdav client tests
Add onProgress callback to PutConfig
Add more tests
Add webdavClient to ServiceRepository
Remvoe static create method, update webdav methods signatures, change Config props name case
Remove typos
Fix config file parsing regression
Merge branch '14024-undefined-config-variables'
Nico Cesar (4):
13544: Makefile massive cleanup, more specialized targets
13544: Package Iteration was missing in the Makefile.
13544: Removing packages-with-versions target in Makefile. Consolidated in packages
13544: RPM and DEB packages have their own target
Pawel Kowalczyk (99):
Added icons to tree
Added scrollability, styles for tree
Added color for active leaf of tree
Merge conflicts
Generic tree issue withStyles
Arrows tree component
project-tree component
export workbenchprops interface
deleted unnecessary divs in project-tree component
tree test
Tree component adjsustments for dynamic contents
Merge branch 'master' of git.curoverse.com:arvados-workbench2 into 13618-Tree-component-adjustments-for-dynamic-contents
expand tree component after click on ARROW
Merge branch '13618-Tree-component-adjustments-for-dynamic-contents'
new flags in side panel
fixed test
Merge branch '13679-Empty-data-table'
Merge branch '13684-Create-functionality-in-project-service'
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into 13694-Data-operations-Project-creation
changing location of context-menu
Merge branch '13694-Data-operations-Project-creation' of git.curoverse.com:arvados-workbench2 into 13694-Data-operations-Project-creation
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into 13694-Data-operations-Project-creation
merge conficts
small refactor
deleted arrow funtion
validation from BE
deleted unnecessary code
deleted unnecesary spaces
Merge branch '13796-Refactoring'
duplicatedName flag renamed on isUniqName
Creation dialog with redux-form validation
merge conflicts
deleted export + added lines on the end of file
deleted unnecessary file
css styles on top
deleted default from export
Merge branch 'master' into 13885-refactor-and-unify-icons-on-tree-component
CR changes
merge master
Merge branch '13781-Data-operations-Creating-a-project-validation'
Merge branch 'master' into 13885-refactor-and-unify-icons-on-tree-component
CR changes
Merge branch '13885-refactor-and-unify-icons-on-tree-component'
refs #test-fix
merge master
Merge branch '13830-change-snakecase-to-upper-case-in-enums'
Merge branch 'master' into 13883-arrow-animation-is-not-working-after-loading
merge master
Merge branch '13883-arrow-animation-is-not-working-after-loading'
refs #test-fix
merge master
added snackbars on creating projects and collections
cr changes
Merge branch '13893-collection-creation'
getting tree path
merge master
Merge branch 'master' into 13905-restoring-correct-tree-state-and-panel-item-highlighting-on-page-refresh-with-given-url
reloaction tooglesidepanelactive from workbench to navigation-panel
deleted unnecessary code
Merge branch 'master' into 13905-restoring-correct-tree-state-and-panel-item-highlighting-on-page-refresh-with-given-url
cr changes
deleted unnecessary code
restoring using currentId
strings for enums
Merge branch '13905-restoring-correct-tree-state-and-panel-item-highlighting-on-page-refresh-with-given-url'
Merge branch 'master' into 13992-creating-a-collection-within-a-project-does-not-refresh-the-list-of-collections
Merge branch '13992-creating-a-collection-within-a-project-does-not-refresh-the-list-of-collections'
Merge branch 'master' into 13979-creating-project-name-of-previously-created-project-is-still-populating-name-field-when-creating-another
Merge branch '13979-creating-project-name-of-previously-created-project-is-still-populating-name-field-when-creating-another'
Ward Vandewege (1):
A few Makefile changes for the CI build pipeline.
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