[ARVADOS] deleted: 0c0a0d85245d94b7bd82b8ab96fbbae6c6fb2342

Git user git at public.curoverse.com
Fri May 26 16:00:21 EDT 2017

       was  0c0a0d85245d94b7bd82b8ab96fbbae6c6fb2342

0c0a0d85245d94b7bd82b8ab96fbbae6c6fb2342 11769: HasUuid::UUID_REGEX matches anything that looks like an Arvados uuid. As a result, if crunchv1 and crunchv2 dispatchers are on the same cluster, crunch-dispatch.rb will try to scancel containers thinking they are "orphan jobs".  Tighten the regex to only match job uuids.


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