[ARVADOS] created: 1.1.2

Git user git at public.curoverse.com
Fri Dec 22 10:07:41 EST 2017

        at  e7259b5f83e1d03fad05973de472d774715e2a9b (tag)
   tagging  71940143887b6b97ca358cef5a815d0f7a848f49 (commit)
  replaces  1.1.1
 tagged by  Fernando Monserrat
        on  Fri Dec 22 12:07:03 2017 -0300

Release Tag for version 1.1.2

Lucas Di Pentima (34):
      12318: Use libcloud fork 2.2.2.dev3
      12519: Added project search to multisite search
      12318: Updated integration test to correctly raise a RateLimitReachedError
      12318: Merge branch 'master' into 12318-update-libcloud-pin
      12519: Simplified code by nesting an additional MergingLoader
      12519: Updated search box placeholder message
      12519: Moved multisite search to its own URL
      12519: Use icons on 'show' buttons instead of 'C'/'P' labels.
      12519: Make Capybara happy by using a different kind of for loop.
      12519: Activate every search results' tooltip on creation.
      Merge branch '12318-update-libcloud-pin'
      12519: Remove trailing slash when guessing the workbench url.
      12519: Code simplification
      Merge branch '12519-multisite-project-search'
      12018: Added documentation for arv-sync-groups
      12018: Replaced '<' & '>' with their html entities counterparts
      12662: Ignore anonymous user token when getting the current user
      10666: Added version number to go sdk and go tools & services
      10666: Fixed flags issue.
      Merge branch '12662-multisite-add-broken'
      Merge branch '12018-tool-docs'
      10666: Added Crunch-run version to container logs.
      10666: Added Version information to status.json on keep-web,
      10666: Replaced 'version' package with 'version' var
      10666: Added version information to nodemanager's status.json
      10666: Added version information to arv-mount & nodemanager
      10666: Formatting fixes.
      10666: version string format fix.
      10666: Updated build script to pass the version number to go programs.
      12662: Added test proving that User.current won't return the
      10666: Version report formatting fixes on some missing tools
      10666: Merge branch 'master' into 10666-report-version
      Merge branch '10666-report-version'
      Merge branch '12662-current-user-test'

Peter Amstutz (62):
      12377: Arvbox support for Composer
      Set composer config.  Bump SSO script for updated passenger.
      Merge branch '12377-arvbox-composer'  refs #12377
      12616: Fix validate
      Merge branch '12616-acr-validate' closes #12616
      Fix arvbox localdemo problems. refs #12660
      Add jessie-dev to apt.arvados.org.list for jobs image, no issue #
      12614: Detect and report broken node errors.
      12614: Add tests.
      12614: Fix tests
      12614: Restore order set state "Running" before starting the container.
      12614: Restore keepclient error check prior to NewContainerRunner()
      Merge branch '12614-docker-sanity-check' refs #12614
      12574: Propagate changes in container priority to child container requests.
      12574: Use after_save hook to update priority.  Add test.
      12574: Rename update_priority to propagate_priority
      12614: Additional error message triggers "broken node" behavior (refs #12503)
      Merge branch '12574-propagate-priority' closes #12574
      12573: Clamp range of priority to [0,1000] for container & container request.
      12573: Translate Arvados priority to slurm niceness.
      12573: Add test for dynamic priority adjustment.
      12573: Fix scontrol Nice (due of error in scontrol man page).
      12573: Ensure priority is set on container requests created by other containers.
      12573: Priority for container/container request defaults to 0 instead of nil.
      12573: Record absolute priority from squeue in additional to niceness.
      12573: Fix tests.
      12573: Update documentation describing interpretation of priority
      Merge branch '12614-broken-docker' refs #12614
      12573: Clarify docs.
      12573: Test cleanup.
      Merge branch '12573-crunch2-slurm-priority' closes #12573
      12752: Publish keepWebServiceUrl in discovery doc.
      12752: Add keep_web_service_url config to arvbox.
      Merge branch '12752-discover-keep-web-service' refs #12752
      12765: Add test for untrash on 404 page
      12765: Fix untrash button on 404 page.
      Write composer.yml instead of arvados-configuration.yml refs #12353
      12765: Add test case that "trashed" should not propagate over permission links.
      12765: Add explicit flag whether "trashed" propagates across an edge
      Merge branch '12765-permission-graph-trash' refs #12765
      4019: Initial support for queries on jsonb subproperties.
      12511: readable_by filters on is_trashed directly
      4019: Expand testing.  Make behavior consistent for != and "not in"
      Merge branch '12511-is-trashed-query' refs #12511
      4019: Update docs.  Tweak syntax of 'exists' and add alternate form.
      4019: Add URI quoting option for keys.  Update docs.  Fix tests.
      4019: Add index for efficient jsonb query on collection properties
      Merge branch '12765-workbench-404-trashed' refs #12765
      12614: Make node manager aware of "fail" node state.
      12614: Support daemon actor aware of 'fail' node state
      12614: Can shutdown failed nodes.
      Tag arvados/jobs image with $cwl_runner_version instead of git hash refs #12811
      Merge branch '12614-node-states' refs #12614
      4019: Improve error checking, add tests for some error cases
      4019: More tests for error cases
      Merge branch '4019-query-properties' closes #4019
      Add Content-Type to Access-Control-Allow-Headers CORS headers refs #12060
      Fix Access-Control-Allow-Headers CORS header tests refs #12060
      8311: Pass in container token to extractTree
      12377: Add link to composer on workbench
      Add composer_url to arvbox workbench config refs #12377
      Merge branch '12377-workbench-composer-link' refs #12377

Tom Clegg (167):
      11453: Accept salted tokens at /users/current and /groups.
      11453: Refactor token checks. Use base64-looking "/" delimiter.
      11453: Authorize tokens issued by remote servers.
      11453: Rename param from "remote_id" to "remote".
      11453: Add remote authentication test.
      11453: Do not generate local tokens for remote users.
      Merge branch 'master' into 11453-federated-tokens
      11453: Move remote token validation to middleware. Bypass Ruby SDK.
      12483: Rewrite collection filesystem.
      12483: Add basic file writing tests.
      12483: Implement some writable cases.
      12483: Simplify extent packing, reduce type casting.
      12483: Add (File)Truncate().
      12483: Add tests for concurrent writers and random write sequences.
      12483: Remove unnecessary repack.
      12483: Add MarshalManifest().
      12483: Add Mkdir(), Remove().
      12483: Remove unnecessary OpenFile() from inode interface.
      12453: Persist written data to keep.
      12483: Avoid write/marshal race. Remove dead code.
      12483: Return error on impossible manifest.
      12483: Fix missing Rlock() on inode accesses.
      12483: Track memory use. Flush filled blocks while writing.
      12483: Persist empty files.
      12483: Fix makeParentDirs bug when higher levels already exist.
      12483: Support file create/write via webdav.
      12483: Support O_APPEND. Check for invalid/unsupported file modes.
      12483: Compress adjacent segments when writing filetokens.
      12483: Support O_TRUNC flag.
      12483: Add comments.
      12483: Add Rename(old,new) to CollectionFileSystem.
      12483: Enable rename via webdav.
      12483: Add RemoveAll() to CollectionFileSystem.
      12483: Avoid empty segments.
      12483: Allow seek and write beyond EOF.
      12483: Speed up manifest loading.
      12483: More loading speed.
      12483: Make webdav rename/remove work. Tidy up code.
      12483: Delay flushing collection until successful http response.
      12483: Fix receiver type.
      12519: Move multisite search page to /search
      12483: Rename extent->segment, file->filehandle.
      12483: Drop writableSegment interface.
      12483: Update comments.
      12483: Fix multiple WriteHeader(). Skip updates on readonly methods.
      12483: Fix cadaver tests.
      12627: Ensure current_user relates to the token that permits scope.
      12475: Rewrite streamer -> asyncbuf.
      12475: Add TestManyFailedPuts with a short timeout.
      12475: Faster asyncbuf.
      Merge branch '12627-token-scope'
      11453: Remove unused arvados client.
      11453: Only update safe fields from remote user record.
      12627: Set current_user from first valid reader_token
      12627: Any token can permit scope, if acting as the right user.
      Merge branch '12627-token-scope'
      11453: Check HTTP method of token validation request.
      11453: Improve config docs. Disable remote auth by default.
      12167: Propagate X-Request-ID through keepproxy and keepstore.
      12167: Clean up test suite logging.
      12475: Return non-nil error at EOF even if len(p)==0.
      12475: Merge branch 'master' into 12475-asyncbuf
      Merge branch '12475-asyncbuf'
      12167: Merge branch 'master' into 12167-keep-request-id
      12167: Restore timeToStatus + timeWriteBody in keepstore/proxy logs.
      12483: Recover from errant empty dirs where GOPATH symlink goes.
      12483: Fix loading error details from API error response.
      12483: Error 405 if writing to PDH, 403 if lacking write permission.
      11453: Clarify stub server behavior.
      11453: Make local cache of remote token more robust.
      Merge branch 'master' into 11453-federated-tokens
      12483: Remove dead code, update tests.
      12483: Use io.Seek* constants instead of deprecated os.SEEK_*.
      12483: Add webdav COPY method.
      12483: Use real modTimes.
      12483: Don't escape "-", "_", etc. in filenames.
      12483: Return 405 for all write methods when target is PDH.
      12483: Add comments.
      12483: Update docs to acknowledge read/write webdav support.
      11453: Fix remote token checks.
      11453: Merge branch 'master' into 11453-federated-tokens
      12167: Fix tests.
      12167: Test LogRequests() and AddRequestIDs().
      12167: Use pseudo-random IDs instead of timestamps.
      12167: Test request ID size.
      Merge branch '12167-keep-request-id'
      12483: Update install docs to acknowledge read/write webdav support.
      12483: Merge branch 'master' into 12483-writable-fs
      12483: Update arvados.File mocks.
      Merge branch '12483-writable-fs'
      11453: Fix self-signed cert in run-tests, dedup in sdk/python.
      11453: Merge branch 'master' into 11453-federated-tokens
      12683: Adjust max-buffers recommendation.
      12683: Add #max-buffers anchor.
      Merge branch '12683-keepstore-buffers'
      12721: Package build scripts accept --version argument.
      12721: Fix centos7 python-daemon build.
      12721: Fix python pkg iteration overridde.
      12721: Support package iterations via --version 1.2.3-5
      12721: --version => --build-version. Make iteration mandatory.
      11453: Mollify python by giving as the first cert CN.
      12721: Fix python package iteration and rails fpm invocation.
      12721: Handle --build-version 1.2.3-4-5 (v="1.2.3-4", iter="5")
      11453: Fix & test remote token caching.
      11453: Test group membership with regular groups.
      11453: Tests for invalid / future-proof / reanimated tokens.
      12721: Merge branch 'master' into 12721-build-package-version
      12721: Fix ignored iteration numbers in build.list.
      12721: Don't rebuild libcloud if package already exists.
      12721: Fix dev-version build.
      12721: Omit cache dirs for platform A in package for platform B.
      12721: Install bundles in builder images.
      11453: Add IP: alt names to self-signed cert so python accepts it.
      11807: Migrate data from YAML to JSON.
      11908: Migrate collections.properties to jsonb.
      11908: Fix crash if index being deleted is already deleted.
      11908: Add comment about dropping/recreating FT index.
      11453: Merge branch 'master' into 11453-federated-tokens
      11453: "sso_insecure" config applies to remote Arvados auth, too.
      11453: Assign username when creating mirror of remote user.
      11453: Test username is not updated once assigned.
      11453: Restore update of email/prefs/name on subsequent remote auth.
      Merge branch '11453-federated-tokens'
      12167: Send caller-provided or random X-Request-Id in API requests.
      12167: Send caller-provided or random X-Request-Id in Keep requests.
      12167: Use one X-Request-Id per arv-get process; display it if -v.
      12167: Use one X-Request-Id per arv-put; display it if not --silent.
      12167: Test X-Request-Id request headers in Keep get/put/head reqs.
      Merge branch '12721-build-package-version'
      Merge branch '11908-properties-column-json'
      12721: Add missing _version.py, now part of source tree.
      12550: Fix race: read buffered data from stderr after child exits.
      12167: Test arv-get and arv-put X-Request-Id logging.
      12167: Allow --silent to be combined with -*-progress flags.
      Merge branch '12167-python-request-id'
      Merge branch '12550-crunch1-exit-race'
      12803: Accept unescaped colons in filenames.
      Merge branch '12803-unescaped-colon-filename'
      8311: Remove debug printf.
      8311: Fix "read" or "write" mistakenly appended to response data.
      8311: Access git repos by UUID.
      8311: Add auth handler tests.
      8311: Add git_tree mount type.
      8311: Try some git_tree mounts in TestSetupMounts.
      8311: Reject invalid/unsupported git mounts. Default to path="/".
      8311: Update docs to describe current implementation.
      8311: Tidy up integration test services.
      8311: Fix API tests broken in 4343e1f.
      8311: Ensure gitUrl is always a string in the discovery doc.
      8311: Ensure git tree tmpdir is readable by container.
      8311: Remove support for writable git_tree mount.
      8311: Ensure git tree is readable even with umask 077.
      8311: Fix gitUrl discovery doc for config git_repo_https_base: true.
      Merge branch '8311-mount-git'
      12822: Allow reading from keepproxy with collection sharing tokens.
      12715: Fix slow PROPFIND by avoiding content probing.
      12715: Rename flag !reading => alwaysReadEOF.
      12721: Add run-build-test-packages-one-target.sh --build-version arg
      Merge branch '12721-build-test-version'
      12821: Fix race in concurrent calls to submit().
      Merge branch '12821-sbatch-script-race'
      Merge branch '12822-keepproxy-token-scope'
      Merge branch '12715-slow-propfind'
      12377: Update workbench test breaking since 484246ac0.
      12755: Stop building arvados-docker-cleaner for centos7.
      12848: Fix python builder ignoring --build-version.
      Merge branch '12848-python-versions'

Tom Morris (7):
      12018: Documentation review updates
      Fix --on-error formatting
      12731 : Synchronize zoom/pan of all 4 graphs
      12731 : Only synchronize X-axis, not both
      12731: Add copyright notice, MIT license text, and source commit hash.
      12731: Remove webchart.js. Add synchronizer.js.
      Merge branch '12731-synchronized-graphs' closes #12731

Ward Vandewege (7):
      Make build/run-build-packages-all-targets.sh more explicit about which
      Package arv-sync-groups.
      Rename the group sync tool to follow our standard naming scheme.
      Do not hardcode the name of the executable in the sync-groups code.
      Merge branch '12018-rename-sync-groups'
      Small build script fixes.
      Update documentation to the new name of the sync-groups tool.



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