[ARVADOS] updated: 1.1.2-44-g3d51cb8
Git user
git at public.curoverse.com
Thu Dec 21 08:14:37 EST 2017
Summary of changes:
sdk/R/R/ArvadosFile.R | 67 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
sdk/R/R/Collection.R | 8 +++---
sdk/R/R/HttpRequest.R | 3 +++
sdk/R/R/Subcollection.R | 28 +++++++++++++++------
sdk/R/README | 4 ++-
5 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
via 3d51cb80240a582a901855d7a7e79b70dcf28bab (commit)
via c65dfd0d76b9432b1ca305d2bf39d8bb309124a2 (commit)
from 082df78ff6abc6ecb5fb817649111e7e6ef967a2 (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
commit 3d51cb80240a582a901855d7a7e79b70dcf28bab
Merge: c65dfd0 082df78
Author: Fuad Muhic <fmuhic at capeannenterprises.com>
Date: Thu Dec 21 14:09:47 2017 +0100
Merge branch '11876-r-sdk' of git.curoverse.com:arvados into 11876-r-sdk
Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Fuad Muhic <fmuhic at capeannenterprises.com>
commit c65dfd0d76b9432b1ca305d2bf39d8bb309124a2
Author: Fuad Muhic <fmuhic at capeannenterprises.com>
Date: Thu Dec 21 13:57:51 2017 +0100
Fixed some bugs and improved error handling.
Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Fuad Muhic <fmuhic at capeannenterprises.com>
diff --git a/sdk/R/R/ArvadosFile.R b/sdk/R/R/ArvadosFile.R
index 85d11c7..84e76af 100644
--- a/sdk/R/R/ArvadosFile.R
+++ b/sdk/R/R/ArvadosFile.R
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ ArvadosFile <- R6::R6Class(
initialize = function(name)
- private$name <- name
- private$http <- HttpRequest$new()
- private$httpParser <- HttpParser$new()
+ private$name <- name
+ private$http <- HttpRequest$new()
+ private$httpParser <- HttpParser$new()
getName = function() private$name,
@@ -39,13 +39,14 @@ ArvadosFile <- R6::R6Class(
removeFromCollection = function()
- stop("Subcollection doesn't belong to any collection.")
+ stop("ArvadosFile doesn't belong to any collection.")
- #todo rename this add to a collection
+ "Content removed successfully."
getRelativePath = function()
@@ -53,7 +54,6 @@ ArvadosFile <- R6::R6Class(
relativePath <- c(private$name)
parent <- private$parent
- #Recurse back to root
relativePath <- c(parent$getName(), relativePath)
@@ -66,11 +66,16 @@ ArvadosFile <- R6::R6Class(
getParent = function() private$parent,
- read = function(offset = 0, length = 0)
+ read = function(contentType = "raw", offset = 0, length = 0)
- #todo range is wrong fix it
+ if(is.null(private$collection))
+ stop("ArvadosFile doesn't belong to any collection.")
if(offset < 0 || length < 0)
- stop("Offset and length must be positive values.")
+ stop("Offset and length must be positive values.")
+ if(!(contentType %in% private$http$validContentTypes))
+ stop("Invalid contentType. Please use text or raw.")
range = paste0("bytes=", offset, "-")
@@ -78,20 +83,31 @@ ArvadosFile <- R6::R6Class(
range = paste0(range, offset + length - 1)
fileURL = paste0(private$collection$api$getWebDavHostName(), "c=", private$collection$uuid, "/", self$getRelativePath());
- headers <- list(Authorization = paste("OAuth2", private$collection$api$getToken()),
- Range = range)
+ if(offset == 0 && length == 0)
+ {
+ headers <- list(Authorization = paste("OAuth2", private$collection$api$getToken()))
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ headers <- list(Authorization = paste("OAuth2", private$collection$api$getToken()),
+ Range = range)
+ }
serverResponse <- private$http$GET(fileURL, headers)
- if(serverResponse$status_code != 206)
+ if(serverResponse$status_code < 200 || serverResponse$status_code >= 300)
stop(paste("Server code:", serverResponse$status_code))
- parsedServerResponse <- httr::content(serverResponse, "raw")
+ parsedServerResponse <- httr::content(serverResponse, contentType)
write = function(content, contentType = "text/html")
+ if(is.null(private$collection))
+ stop("ArvadosFile doesn't belong to any collection.")
fileURL = paste0(private$collection$api$getWebDavHostName(), "c=", private$collection$uuid, "/", self$getRelativePath());
headers <- list(Authorization = paste("OAuth2", private$collection$api$getToken()),
"Content-Type" = contentType)
@@ -99,7 +115,7 @@ ArvadosFile <- R6::R6Class(
serverResponse <- private$http$PUT(fileURL, headers, body)
- if(serverResponse$status_code != 201)
+ if(serverResponse$status_code < 200 || serverResponse$status_code >= 300)
stop(paste("Server code:", serverResponse$status_code))
parsedServerResponse <- httr::content(serverResponse, "text")
@@ -108,6 +124,9 @@ ArvadosFile <- R6::R6Class(
move = function(newLocation)
+ if(is.null(private$collection))
+ stop("ArvadosFile doesn't belong to any collection.")
if(endsWith(newLocation, paste0(private$name, "/")))
newLocation <- substr(newLocation, 0, nchar(newLocation) - nchar(paste0(private$name, "/")))
@@ -125,25 +144,25 @@ ArvadosFile <- R6::R6Class(
- stop("Unable to get destination subcollectin")
+ stop("Unable to get destination subcollection.")
- status <- private$collection$.__enclos_env__$private$moveOnRest(self$getRelativePath(), paste0(newParent$getRelativePath(), "/", self$getName()))
+ status <- private$collection$.__enclos_env__$private$moveOnREST(self$getRelativePath(), paste0(newParent$getRelativePath(), "/", self$getName()))
- paste("Status code :", status$status_code)
+ "Content moved successfully."
private = list(
- name = NULL,
- size = NULL,
- parent = NULL,
- collection = NULL,
- http = NULL,
- httpParser = NULL,
+ name = NULL,
+ size = NULL,
+ parent = NULL,
+ collection = NULL,
+ http = NULL,
+ httpParser = NULL,
getChild = function(name)
@@ -157,7 +176,7 @@ ArvadosFile <- R6::R6Class(
addToCollection = function(collection)
- private$collection = collection
+ private$collection <- collection
detachFromParent = function()
diff --git a/sdk/R/R/Collection.R b/sdk/R/R/Collection.R
index ea6f692..ca26082 100644
--- a/sdk/R/R/Collection.R
+++ b/sdk/R/R/Collection.R
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Collection <- R6::R6Class(
serverResponse <- private$http$PUT(fileURL, headers, body)
- if(serverResponse$status_code != 201)
+ if(serverResponse$status_code < 200 || serverResponse$status_code >= 300)
stop(paste("Server code:", serverResponse$status_code))
print(paste("File created:", relativePath))
@@ -173,13 +173,13 @@ Collection <- R6::R6Class(
serverResponse <- private$http$DELETE(fileURL, headers)
- if(serverResponse$status_code != 204)
+ if(serverResponse$status_code < 200 || serverResponse$status_code >= 300)
stop(paste("Server code:", serverResponse$status_code))
- print(paste("File deleted", relativePath))
+ print(paste("File deleted:", relativePath))
- moveOnRest = function(from, to)
+ moveOnREST = function(from, to)
collectionURL <- URLencode(paste0(self$api$getWebDavHostName(), "c=", self$uuid, "/"))
fromURL <- paste0(collectionURL, from)
diff --git a/sdk/R/R/HttpRequest.R b/sdk/R/R/HttpRequest.R
index 7a399a4..8366907 100644
--- a/sdk/R/R/HttpRequest.R
+++ b/sdk/R/R/HttpRequest.R
@@ -4,8 +4,11 @@ HttpRequest <- R6::R6Class(
public = list(
+ validContentTypes = NULL,
initialize = function()
+ self$validContentTypes <- c("text", "raw")
GET = function(url, headers = NULL, queryFilters = NULL, limit = NULL, offset = NULL)
diff --git a/sdk/R/R/Subcollection.R b/sdk/R/R/Subcollection.R
index a1fba1a..76bec2e 100644
--- a/sdk/R/R/Subcollection.R
+++ b/sdk/R/R/Subcollection.R
@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ Subcollection <- R6::R6Class(
stop("ArvadosFile/Subcollection already belongs to a collection.")
+ childWithSameName <- private$getChild(content$getName())
+ if(!is.null(childWithSameName))
+ stop("Subcollection already contains ArvadosFile or Subcollection with same name.")
contentPath <- paste0(self$getRelativePath(), "/", content$getFileList())
@@ -33,10 +37,12 @@ Subcollection <- R6::R6Class(
private$children <- c(private$children, content)
content$.__enclos_env__$private$parent = self
+ "Content added successfully."
- stop("Expected AravodsFile or Subcollection object, got ...")
+ stop(paste("Expected AravodsFile or Subcollection object, got", class(content), "."))
@@ -45,7 +51,7 @@ Subcollection <- R6::R6Class(
stop("Subcollection doesn't belong to any collection.")
- if(self$name == "")
+ if(private$name == "")
stop("Unable to delete root folder.")
collectionList <- paste0(self$getRelativePath(), "/", self$getFileList(fullpath = FALSE))
@@ -56,6 +62,8 @@ Subcollection <- R6::R6Class(
+ "Content removed successfully."
getFileList = function(fullpath = TRUE)
@@ -114,6 +122,9 @@ Subcollection <- R6::R6Class(
move = function(newLocation)
+ if(is.null(private$collection))
+ stop("Subcollection doesn't belong to any collection.")
if(endsWith(newLocation, paste0(private$name, "/")))
newLocation <- substr(newLocation, 0, nchar(newLocation) - nchar(paste0(private$name, "/")))
@@ -131,14 +142,14 @@ Subcollection <- R6::R6Class(
- stop("Unable to get destination subcollectin")
+ stop("Unable to get destination subcollection.")
- status <- private$collection$.__enclos_env__$private$moveOnRest(self$getRelativePath(), paste0(newParent$getRelativePath(), "/", self$getName()))
+ status <- private$collection$.__enclos_env__$private$moveOnREST(self$getRelativePath(), paste0(newParent$getRelativePath(), "/", self$getName()))
- paste("Status code :", status$status_code)
+ "Content moved successfully."
getParent = function() private$parent
@@ -209,8 +220,11 @@ Subcollection <- R6::R6Class(
attachToParent = function(parent)
- parent$.__enclos_env__$private$children <- c(parent$.__enclos_env__$private$children, self)
- private$parent <- parent
+ if(private$name != "")
+ {
+ parent$.__enclos_env__$private$children <- c(parent$.__enclos_env__$private$children, self)
+ private$parent <- parent
+ }
diff --git a/sdk/R/README b/sdk/R/README
index 560be87..14a0c9b 100644
--- a/sdk/R/README
+++ b/sdk/R/README
@@ -73,7 +73,9 @@ arvadosSubcollection <- collection$get("location/to/my/directory/")
#Read whole file or just a portion of it.
-fileContent <- arvadosFile$read(offset = 1024, length = 512)
+fileContent <- arvadosFile$read()
+fileContent <- arvadosFile$read("text")
+fileContent <- arvadosFile$read("raw", offset = 1024, length = 512)
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