[ARVADOS] updated: 30c9c2e679fe43d3a7d5e8770496beca4cf87282

Git user git at public.curoverse.com
Wed May 25 10:24:29 EDT 2016

Summary of changes:
 services/keep-balance/balance.go          | 17 +++++++-
 services/keep-balance/example-config.json | 17 --------
 services/keep-balance/main.go             |  9 +++--
 services/keep-balance/usage.go            | 66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 services/keep-balance/example-config.json
 create mode 100644 services/keep-balance/usage.go

       via  30c9c2e679fe43d3a7d5e8770496beca4cf87282 (commit)
      from  6e6a5f4005e7f7c3a41d632ed350f2da918cd01c (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit 30c9c2e679fe43d3a7d5e8770496beca4cf87282
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date:   Wed May 25 10:23:55 2016 -0400

    9162: Move example config to -help message, add more docs/comments

diff --git a/services/keep-balance/balance.go b/services/keep-balance/balance.go
index bbb4509..121dd7a 100644
--- a/services/keep-balance/balance.go
+++ b/services/keep-balance/balance.go
@@ -182,6 +182,8 @@ func (bal *Balancer) GetCurrentState(c *arvados.Client) error {
 	errs := make(chan error, 2+len(bal.KeepServices))
 	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
+	// Start one goroutine for each KeepService: retrieve the
+	// index, and add the returned blocks to BlockStateMap.
 	for _, srv := range bal.KeepServices {
 		go func(srv *KeepService) {
@@ -198,8 +200,16 @@ func (bal *Balancer) GetCurrentState(c *arvados.Client) error {
+	// collQ buffers incoming collections so we can start fetching
+	// the next page without waiting for the current page to
+	// finish processing. (1000 happens to match the page size
+	// used by (*arvados.Client)EachCollection(), but it's OK if
+	// they don't match.)
 	collQ := make(chan arvados.Collection, 1000)
+	// Start a goroutine to process collections. (We could use a
+	// worker pool here, but even with a single worker we already
+	// process collections much faster than we can retrieve them.)
 	go func() {
 		defer wg.Done()
@@ -215,6 +225,8 @@ func (bal *Balancer) GetCurrentState(c *arvados.Client) error {
+	// Start a goroutine to retrieve all collections from the
+	// Arvados database and send them to collQ for processing.
 	go func() {
 		defer wg.Done()
@@ -281,9 +293,10 @@ func (bal *Balancer) ComputeChangeSets() {
 		blkid arvados.SizedDigest
 		blk   *BlockState
-	todo := make(chan balanceTask, 16)
+	nWorkers := 1 + runtime.NumCPU()
+	todo := make(chan balanceTask, nWorkers)
 	var wg sync.WaitGroup
-	for i := 0; i < 1+runtime.NumCPU(); i++ {
+	for i := 0; i < nWorkers; i++ {
 		go func() {
 			for work := range todo {
diff --git a/services/keep-balance/example-config.json b/services/keep-balance/example-config.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f47219..0000000
--- a/services/keep-balance/example-config.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-    "Client": {
-        "APIHost": "4xphq.arvadosapi.com:443",
-        "AuthToken": "zzzzzz",
-        "Insecure": false
-    },
-    "RunPeriod": "600s",
-    "KeepServiceTypes": [
-        "disk"
-    ]
-    "KeepServiceList": {
-        "items": [
-            {"uuid":"zzzzz-bi6l4-0123456789abcdef","service_host":"keep0.zzzzz.arvadosapi.com","service_port":25107},
-            {"uuid":"zzzzz-bi6l4-123456789abcdef0","service_host":"keep1.zzzzz.arvadosapi.com","service_port":25107}
-        ]
-    }
diff --git a/services/keep-balance/main.go b/services/keep-balance/main.go
index c6e92ab..607ba87 100644
--- a/services/keep-balance/main.go
+++ b/services/keep-balance/main.go
@@ -48,22 +48,25 @@ func main() {
 	var config Config
 	var runOptions RunOptions
-	configPath := flag.String("config",
-		os.Getenv("HOME")+"/.config/arvados/keep-balance.json",
+	configPath := flag.String("config", "",
 		"`path` of json configuration file")
 	serviceListPath := flag.String("config.KeepServiceList", "",
 		"`path` of json file with list of keep services to balance, as given by \"arv keep_service list\" "+
 			"(default: config[\"KeepServiceList\"], or if none given, get all available services and filter by config[\"KeepServiceTypes\"])")
 	once := flag.Bool("once", false,
-		"balance once and then exit, instead of balancing on a timer (config[\"RunPeriod\"]) and SIGUSR1")
+		"balance once and then exit")
 	flag.BoolVar(&runOptions.CommitPulls, "commit-pulls", false,
 		"send pull requests (make more replicas of blocks that are underreplicated or are not in optimal rendezvous probe order)")
 	flag.BoolVar(&runOptions.CommitTrash, "commit-trash", false,
 		"send trash requests (delete unreferenced old blocks, and excess replicas of overreplicated blocks)")
 	dumpFlag := flag.Bool("dump", false, "dump details for each block to stdout")
 	debugFlag := flag.Bool("debug", false, "enable debug messages")
+	flag.Usage = usage
+	if *configPath == "" {
+		log.Fatal("You must specify a config file (see `keep-balance -help`)")
+	}
 	mustReadJSON(&config, *configPath)
 	if *serviceListPath != "" {
 		mustReadJSON(&config.KeepServiceList, *serviceListPath)
diff --git a/services/keep-balance/usage.go b/services/keep-balance/usage.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fab7d09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/keep-balance/usage.go
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+package main
+import (
+	"flag"
+	"fmt"
+	"os"
+func usage() {
+	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `
+keep-balance copies blocks to better positions so clients find them
+faster, and deletes excess copies of overreplicated and unreferenced
+Usage: keep-balance -config path/to/config.json [options]
+	flag.PrintDefaults()
+	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `
+Example config file:
+    {
+	"Client": {
+	    "APIHost": "zzzzz.arvadosapi.com:443",
+	    "AuthToken": "xyzzy",
+	    "Insecure": false
+	},
+	"KeepServiceTypes": [
+	    "disk"
+	],
+	"RunPeriod": "600s"
+    }
+    Client.AuthToken must be recognized by Arvados as an admin token,
+    and must be recognized by all Keep services as a "data manager
+    key".
+    Client.Insecure should be true if your Arvados API endpoint uses
+    an unverifiable SSL/TLS certificate.
+Service mode:
+    By default, keep-balance runs in service mode: do a balance
+    operation, sleep, repeat.
+    RunPeriod determines the interval between start times of
+    successive balance operations. If a balance operation takes longer
+    than RunPeriod, the next one will follow it immediately.
+    If SIGUSR1 is received during an idle period between operations,
+    the next operation will start immediately.
+    Use the -once flag to do a single operation and then exit. The
+    exit code will be zero if the operation was successful.
+    By default, keep-service computes and reports changes but does not
+    implement them by sending pull and trash lists to the Keep
+    services.
+    Use the -commit-pull and -commit-trash flags to implement the
+    computed changes.
+`) }



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