[ARVADOS] created: fd75f94f65d11989985bffe8d85fb6da7f75720e

Git user git at public.curoverse.com
Fri May 13 10:11:46 EDT 2016

        at  fd75f94f65d11989985bffe8d85fb6da7f75720e (commit)

commit fd75f94f65d11989985bffe8d85fb6da7f75720e
Author: Peter Amstutz <peter.amstutz at curoverse.com>
Date:   Fri May 13 10:11:39 2016 -0400

    9161: Eliminate 'booted' list and put nodes directly into cloud_nodes list.
    Refactor logic for registering cloud nodes.  Refactor computation of nodes
    wanted; explicitly model 'unpaired' and 'down'.

diff --git a/services/nodemanager/arvnodeman/computenode/dispatch/__init__.py b/services/nodemanager/arvnodeman/computenode/dispatch/__init__.py
index 0d63dc9..b43e8a3 100644
--- a/services/nodemanager/arvnodeman/computenode/dispatch/__init__.py
+++ b/services/nodemanager/arvnodeman/computenode/dispatch/__init__.py
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class ComputeNodeSetupActor(ComputeNodeStateChangeBase):
     Manager to handle).
     def __init__(self, timer_actor, arvados_client, cloud_client,
-                 cloud_size, arvados_node=None,
+                 cloud_size, arvados_node,
                  retry_wait=1, max_retry_wait=180):
         super(ComputeNodeSetupActor, self).__init__(
             cloud_client, arvados_client, timer_actor,
@@ -96,16 +96,7 @@ class ComputeNodeSetupActor(ComputeNodeStateChangeBase):
         self.cloud_size = cloud_size
         self.arvados_node = None
         self.cloud_node = None
-        if arvados_node is None:
-            self._later.create_arvados_node()
-        else:
-            self._later.prepare_arvados_node(arvados_node)
-    @ComputeNodeStateChangeBase._finish_on_exception
-    @RetryMixin._retry(config.ARVADOS_ERRORS)
-    def create_arvados_node(self):
-        self.arvados_node = self._arvados.nodes().create(body={}).execute()
-        self._later.create_cloud_node()
+        self._later.prepare_arvados_node(arvados_node)
@@ -353,13 +344,20 @@ class ComputeNodeMonitorActor(config.actor_class):
         # There's a window between when a node pings for the first time and the
         # value of 'slurm_state' is synchronized by crunch-dispatch.  In this
-        # window, the node will still report as 'down'.  Check first_ping_at
-        # and implement a grace period where the node should will be considered
-        # 'idle'.
-        if state == 'down' and timestamp_fresh(
-                arvados_timestamp(self.arvados_node['first_ping_at']), self.poll_stale_after):
+        # window, the node will still report as 'down'.  Check that
+        # first_ping_at is truthy and consider the node 'idle' during the
+        # initial boot grace period.
+        if (state == 'down' and
+            self.arvados_node['first_ping_at'] and
+            timestamp_fresh(self.cloud_node_start_time,
+                            self.boot_fail_after)):
             state = 'idle'
+        # "missing" means last_ping_at is stale, this should be
+        # considered "down"
+        if arvados_node_missing(self.arvados_node, self.node_stale_after):
+            state = 'down'
         result = state in states
         if state == 'idle':
             result = result and not self.arvados_node['job_uuid']
@@ -384,8 +382,12 @@ class ComputeNodeMonitorActor(config.actor_class):
             crunch_worker_state = 'unpaired'
         elif not timestamp_fresh(arvados_node_mtime(self.arvados_node), self.node_stale_after):
             return (False, "node state is stale")
-        elif self.arvados_node['crunch_worker_state']:
-            crunch_worker_state = self.arvados_node['crunch_worker_state']
+        elif self.in_state('down'):
+            crunch_worker_state = 'down'
+        elif self.in_state('idle'):
+            crunch_worker_state = 'idle'
+        elif self.in_state('busy'):
+            crunch_worker_state = 'busy'
             return (False, "node is paired but crunch_worker_state is '%s'" % self.arvados_node['crunch_worker_state'])
diff --git a/services/nodemanager/arvnodeman/daemon.py b/services/nodemanager/arvnodeman/daemon.py
index 1120440..c4b0f3b 100644
--- a/services/nodemanager/arvnodeman/daemon.py
+++ b/services/nodemanager/arvnodeman/daemon.py
@@ -67,6 +67,10 @@ class _BaseNodeTracker(object):
         return (record for record in self.nodes.itervalues()
                 if getattr(record, self.PAIR_ATTR) is None)
+    def paired(self):
+        return (record for record in self.nodes.itervalues()
+                if getattr(record, self.PAIR_ATTR) is not None)
 class _CloudNodeTracker(_BaseNodeTracker):
     RECORD_ATTR = 'cloud_node'
@@ -139,8 +143,7 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActor(actor_class):
             self.last_polls[poll_name] = -self.poll_stale_after
         self.cloud_nodes = _CloudNodeTracker()
         self.arvados_nodes = _ArvadosNodeTracker()
-        self.booting = {}       # Actor IDs to ComputeNodeSetupActors
-        self.booted = {}        # Cloud node IDs to _ComputeNodeRecords
+        self.booting = {}       # Arvados node UUID to ComputeNodeSetupActors
         self.shutdowns = {}     # Cloud node IDs to ComputeNodeShutdownActors
         self.sizes_booting_shutdown = {} # Actor IDs or Cloud node IDs to node size
@@ -182,19 +185,22 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActor(actor_class):
         record = _ComputeNodeRecord(actor.proxy(), cloud_node)
         return record
+    def _register_cloud_node(self, node):
+        rec = self.cloud_nodes.get(node.id)
+        if rec is None:
+            self._logger.info("Registering new cloud node %s", node.id)
+            record = self._new_node(node)
+            self.cloud_nodes.add(record)
+        else:
+            rec.cloud_node = node
     def update_cloud_nodes(self, nodelist):
-        for key, node in self.cloud_nodes.update_from(nodelist):
-            self._logger.info("Registering new cloud node %s", key)
-            if key in self.booted:
-                record = self.booted.pop(key)
-            else:
-                record = self._new_node(node)
-            self.cloud_nodes.add(record)
-            for arv_rec in self.arvados_nodes.unpaired():
-                if record.actor.offer_arvados_pair(arv_rec.arvados_node).get():
-                    self._pair_nodes(record, arv_rec.arvados_node)
-                    break
+        for _, node in self.cloud_nodes.update_from(nodelist):
+            self._register_cloud_node(node)
+        self.try_pairing()
         for key, record in self.cloud_nodes.orphans.iteritems():
             if key in self.shutdowns:
@@ -206,26 +212,29 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActor(actor_class):
             record.cloud_node = None
+    def _register_arvados_node(self, key, arv_node):
+        self._logger.info("Registering new Arvados node %s", key)
+        record = _ComputeNodeRecord(arvados_node=arv_node)
+        self.arvados_nodes.add(record)
     def update_arvados_nodes(self, nodelist):
         for key, node in self.arvados_nodes.update_from(nodelist):
-            self._logger.info("Registering new Arvados node %s", key)
-            record = _ComputeNodeRecord(arvados_node=node)
-            self.arvados_nodes.add(record)
-        for arv_rec in self.arvados_nodes.unpaired():
-            arv_node = arv_rec.arvados_node
-            for cloud_rec in self.cloud_nodes.unpaired():
-                if cloud_rec.actor.offer_arvados_pair(arv_node).get():
-                    self._pair_nodes(cloud_rec, arv_node)
+            self._register_arvados_node(key, node)
+        self.try_pairing()
+    def try_pairing(self):
+        for record in self.cloud_nodes.unpaired():
+            for arv_rec in self.arvados_nodes.unpaired():
+                if record.actor.offer_arvados_pair(arv_rec.arvados_node).get():
+                    self._pair_nodes(record, arv_rec.arvados_node)
     def _nodes_booting(self, size):
         s = sum(1
                 for c in self.booting.iterkeys()
                 if size is None or self.sizes_booting_shutdown[c].id == size.id)
-        s += sum(1
-                 for c in self.booted.itervalues()
-                 if size is None or c.cloud_node.size.id == size.id)
         return s
     def _nodes_unpaired(self, size):
@@ -233,9 +242,9 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActor(actor_class):
                    for c in self.cloud_nodes.unpaired()
                    if size is None or c.cloud_node.size.id == size.id)
-    def _nodes_booted(self, size):
+    def _nodes_paired(self, size):
         return sum(1
-                  for c in self.cloud_nodes.nodes.itervalues()
+                  for c in self.cloud_nodes.paired()
                   if size is None or c.cloud_node.size.id == size.id)
     def _nodes_down(self, size):
@@ -249,7 +258,7 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActor(actor_class):
                    if down)
     def _nodes_up(self, size):
-        up = (self._nodes_booting(size) + self._nodes_booted(size)) - self._nodes_down(size)
+        up = (self._nodes_booting(size) + self._nodes_unpaired(size) + self._nodes_paired(size)) - self._nodes_down(size)
         return up
     def _total_price(self):
@@ -257,8 +266,7 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActor(actor_class):
         cost += sum(self.server_calculator.find_size(self.sizes_booting_shutdown[c].id).price
                   for c in self.booting.iterkeys())
         cost += sum(self.server_calculator.find_size(c.cloud_node.size.id).price
-                    for i in (self.booted, self.cloud_nodes.nodes)
-                    for c in i.itervalues())
+                    for c in self.cloud_nodes.nodes.itervalues())
         return cost
     def _nodes_busy(self, size):
@@ -268,13 +276,6 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActor(actor_class):
                                  if rec.cloud_node.size.id == size.id)
                    if busy)
-    def _nodes_missing(self, size):
-        return sum(1 for arv_node in
-                   pykka.get_all(rec.actor.arvados_node for rec in
-                                 self.cloud_nodes.nodes.itervalues()
-                                 if rec.cloud_node.size.id == size.id and rec.actor.cloud_node.get().id not in self.shutdowns)
-                   if arv_node and cnode.arvados_node_missing(arv_node, self.node_stale_after))
     def _size_wishlist(self, size):
         return sum(1 for c in self.last_wishlist if c.id == size.id)
@@ -299,20 +300,26 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActor(actor_class):
         elif under_min > 0 and size.id == self.min_cloud_size.id:
             return under_min
-        booting_count = self._nodes_booting(size) + self._nodes_unpaired(size)
-        shutdown_count = self._size_shutdowns(size)
+        up_count = self._nodes_up(size)
+        booting_count = self._nodes_booting(size)
+        unpaired_count = self._nodes_unpaired(size)
+        paired_count = self._nodes_paired(size)
         busy_count = self._nodes_busy(size)
-        idle_count = self._nodes_up(size) - (busy_count + self._nodes_missing(size))
+        down_count = self._nodes_down(size)
+        idle_count = paired_count - (busy_count+down_count)
+        shutdown_count = self._size_shutdowns(size)
-        self._logger.info("%s: wishlist %i, up %i (booting %i, idle %i, busy %i), shutting down %i", size.name,
+        self._logger.info("%s: wishlist %i, up %i (booting %i, unpaired %i, idle %i, busy %i), down %i, shutdown %i", size.name,
-                          idle_count + busy_count,
+                          up_count,
-                          idle_count - booting_count,
+                          unpaired_count,
+                          idle_count,
+                          down_count,
-        wanted = self._size_wishlist(size) - idle_count
+        wanted = self._size_wishlist(size) - (up_count - busy_count)
         if wanted > 0 and self.max_total_price and ((total_price + (size.price*wanted)) > self.max_total_price):
             can_boot = int((self.max_total_price - total_price) / size.price)
             if can_boot == 0:
@@ -323,10 +330,10 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActor(actor_class):
             return wanted
     def _nodes_excess(self, size):
-        up_count = (self._nodes_booting(size) + self._nodes_booted(size)) - self._size_shutdowns(size)
+        up_count = self._nodes_up(size)
         if size.id == self.min_cloud_size.id:
             up_count -= self.min_nodes
-        return up_count - self._nodes_busy(size) - self._size_wishlist(size)
+        return up_count - (self._nodes_busy(size) + self._size_wishlist(size))
     def update_server_wishlist(self, wishlist):
@@ -363,17 +370,23 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActor(actor_class):
         nodes_wanted = self._nodes_wanted(cloud_size)
         if nodes_wanted < 1:
             return None
-        arvados_node = self.arvados_nodes.find_stale_node(self.node_stale_after)
         self._logger.info("Want %i more %s nodes.  Booting a node.",
                           nodes_wanted, cloud_size.name)
+        arvados_client=self._new_arvados()
+        arvados_node = self.arvados_nodes.find_stale_node(self.node_stale_after)
+        if not arvados_node:
+            arvados_node = arvados_client.nodes().create(body={}).execute()
+            self._register_arvados_node(arvados_node["uuid"], arvados_node)
         new_setup = self._node_setup.start(
-            arvados_client=self._new_arvados(),
+            arvados_client=arvados_client,
-        self.booting[new_setup.actor_ref.actor_urn] = new_setup
-        self.sizes_booting_shutdown[new_setup.actor_ref.actor_urn] = cloud_size
+        self.booting[arvados_node['uuid']] = new_setup
+        self.sizes_booting_shutdown[arvados_node['uuid']] = cloud_size
         if arvados_node is not None:
             self.arvados_nodes[arvados_node['uuid']].assignment_time = (
@@ -386,18 +399,20 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActor(actor_class):
         return pykka.get_all([getattr(actor, name) for name in attr_names])
     def node_up(self, setup_proxy):
-        cloud_node = setup_proxy.cloud_node.get()
-        del self.booting[setup_proxy.actor_ref.actor_urn]
-        del self.sizes_booting_shutdown[setup_proxy.actor_ref.actor_urn]
+        # Called when a SetupActor has completed.
+        cloud_node, arvados_node = self._get_actor_attrs(
+            setup_proxy, 'cloud_node', 'arvados_node')
+        # If cloud_node is None then the node create wasn't
+        # successful and so there isn't anything to do.
         if cloud_node is not None:
-            record = self.cloud_nodes.get(cloud_node.id)
-            if record is None:
-                record = self._new_node(cloud_node)
-                self.booted[cloud_node.id] = record
-            self._timer.schedule(time.time() + self.boot_fail_after,
-                                 self._later.shutdown_unpaired_node, cloud_node.id)
+            # Node creation succeeded.  Update cloud node list.
+            self._register_cloud_node(cloud_node)
+            arvuuid = arvados_node["uuid"]
+            if arvuuid in self.booting:
+                del self.booting[arvuuid]
+                del self.sizes_booting_shutdown[arvuuid]
     def stop_booting_node(self, size):
@@ -405,7 +420,7 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActor(actor_class):
         if (nodes_excess < 1) or not self.booting:
             return None
         for key, node in self.booting.iteritems():
-            if node.cloud_size.get().id == size.id and node.stop_if_no_cloud_node().get():
+            if node and node.cloud_size.get().id == size.id and node.stop_if_no_cloud_node().get():
                 del self.booting[key]
                 del self.sizes_booting_shutdown[key]
@@ -430,29 +445,29 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActor(actor_class):
     def node_can_shutdown(self, node_actor):
         if self._nodes_excess(node_actor.cloud_node.get().size) > 0:
             self._begin_node_shutdown(node_actor, cancellable=True)
-    def shutdown_unpaired_node(self, cloud_node_id):
-        for record_dict in [self.cloud_nodes, self.booted]:
-            if cloud_node_id in record_dict:
-                record = record_dict[cloud_node_id]
-                break
-        else:
-            return None
-        if not record.actor.in_state('idle', 'busy').get():
-            self._begin_node_shutdown(record.actor, cancellable=False)
+        elif self.cloud_nodes.nodes.get(node_actor.cloud_node.get().id).arvados_node is None:
+            # Node is unpaired, which means it probably exceeded its booting
+            # grace period without a ping, so shut it down so we can boot a new
+            # node in its place.
+            self._begin_node_shutdown(node_actor, cancellable=False)
+        elif node_actor.in_state('down'):
+            # Node is down and unlikely to come back.
+            self._begin_node_shutdown(node_actor, cancellable=False)
     def node_finished_shutdown(self, shutdown_actor):
         cloud_node, success, cancel_reason = self._get_actor_attrs(
             shutdown_actor, 'cloud_node', 'success', 'cancel_reason')
-        shutdown_actor.stop()
         cloud_node_id = cloud_node.id
+        shutdown_actor.stop()
         if not success:
             if cancel_reason == self._node_shutdown.NODE_BROKEN:
-        elif cloud_node_id in self.booted:
-            self.booted.pop(cloud_node_id).actor.stop()
-        del self.shutdowns[cloud_node_id]
-        del self.sizes_booting_shutdown[cloud_node_id]
+            del self.shutdowns[cloud_node_id]
+            del self.sizes_booting_shutdown[cloud_node_id]
+        # On success, we want to leave the entry in self.shutdowns so that it
+        # won't try to shut down the node again.  It should disappear from the
+        # cloud node list, and the entry in self.shutdowns will get cleaned up
+        # by update_cloud_nodes.
     def shutdown(self):
         self._logger.info("Shutting down after signal.")
diff --git a/services/nodemanager/tests/test_daemon.py b/services/nodemanager/tests/test_daemon.py
index d52cdae..3cc3e78 100644
--- a/services/nodemanager/tests/test_daemon.py
+++ b/services/nodemanager/tests/test_daemon.py
@@ -55,6 +55,11 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActorTestCase(testutil.ActorTestMixin,
         for name in ['cloud_nodes', 'arvados_nodes', 'server_wishlist']:
             setattr(self, name + '_poller', mock.MagicMock(name=name + '_mock'))
         self.arv_factory = mock.MagicMock(name='arvados_mock')
+        api_client = mock.MagicMock(name='api_client')
+        api_client.nodes().create().execute.side_effect = [testutil.arvados_node_mock(1),
+                                                           testutil.arvados_node_mock(2)]
+        self.arv_factory.return_value = api_client
         self.cloud_factory = mock.MagicMock(name='cloud_mock')
         self.cloud_factory().node_start_time.return_value = time.time()
         self.cloud_updates = mock.MagicMock(name='updates_mock')
@@ -76,10 +81,10 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActorTestCase(testutil.ActorTestMixin,
             min_nodes, max_nodes, 600, 1800, 3600,
             self.node_setup, self.node_shutdown,
-        if cloud_nodes is not None:
-            self.daemon.update_cloud_nodes(cloud_nodes).get(self.TIMEOUT)
         if arvados_nodes is not None:
+        if cloud_nodes is not None:
+            self.daemon.update_cloud_nodes(cloud_nodes).get(self.TIMEOUT)
         if want_sizes is not None:
@@ -167,7 +172,8 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActorTestCase(testutil.ActorTestMixin,
-                                      testutil.arvados_node_mock(2, last_ping_at='1970-01-01T01:02:03.04050607Z')],
+                                      testutil.arvados_node_mock(2,
+                                                                 last_ping_at='1970-01-01T01:02:03.04050607Z')],
                          want_sizes=[size, size])
@@ -351,6 +357,7 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActorTestCase(testutil.ActorTestMixin,
         shutdown = self.node_shutdown.start().proxy()
         shutdown.cloud_node.get.return_value = cloud_node
+        self.daemon.update_cloud_nodes([])
                         "shutdown actor not stopped after finishing")
@@ -363,20 +370,25 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActorTestCase(testutil.ActorTestMixin,
     def test_booted_node_shut_down_when_never_listed(self):
         setup = self.start_node_boot()
+        self.cloud_factory().node_start_time.return_value = time.time() - 3601
         self.assertEqual(1, self.alive_monitor_count())
-        self.timer.deliver()
+        now = time.time()
+        self.monitor_list()[0].tell_proxy().consider_shutdown()
+        self.busywait(lambda: self.node_shutdown.start.called)
     def test_booted_node_shut_down_when_never_paired(self):
         cloud_node = testutil.cloud_node_mock(2)
         setup = self.start_node_boot(cloud_node)
+        self.cloud_factory().node_start_time.return_value = time.time() - 3601
         self.assertEqual(1, self.alive_monitor_count())
-        self.timer.deliver()
+        self.monitor_list()[0].tell_proxy().consider_shutdown()
+        self.busywait(lambda: self.node_shutdown.start.called)
@@ -384,11 +396,12 @@ class NodeManagerDaemonActorTestCase(testutil.ActorTestMixin,
         cloud_node = testutil.cloud_node_mock(4)
         arv_node = testutil.arvados_node_mock(4, crunch_worker_state='down')
         setup = self.start_node_boot(cloud_node, arv_node)
+        self.daemon.update_arvados_nodes([arv_node]).get(self.TIMEOUT)
         self.assertEqual(1, self.alive_monitor_count())
+        self.monitor_list()[0].proxy().cloud_node_start_time = time.time()-3601
-        self.daemon.update_arvados_nodes([arv_node]).get(self.TIMEOUT)
-        self.timer.deliver()
+        self.busywait(lambda: self.node_shutdown.start.called)

commit e6b3755e7447ad14026ce79418e1c2c7f0ef62d1
Author: Peter Amstutz <peter.amstutz at curoverse.com>
Date:   Wed May 11 16:55:00 2016 -0400

    9161: There's a window between when a node pings for the first time and the
    value of 'slurm_state' is synchronized by crunch-dispatch.  In this window, the
    node will still report as 'down'.  Check first_ping_at and implement a grace
    period where the node should will be considered 'idle'.

diff --git a/services/nodemanager/arvnodeman/computenode/dispatch/__init__.py b/services/nodemanager/arvnodeman/computenode/dispatch/__init__.py
index 412a5d7..0d63dc9 100644
--- a/services/nodemanager/arvnodeman/computenode/dispatch/__init__.py
+++ b/services/nodemanager/arvnodeman/computenode/dispatch/__init__.py
@@ -350,6 +350,16 @@ class ComputeNodeMonitorActor(config.actor_class):
         state = self.arvados_node['crunch_worker_state']
         if not state:
             return None
+        # There's a window between when a node pings for the first time and the
+        # value of 'slurm_state' is synchronized by crunch-dispatch.  In this
+        # window, the node will still report as 'down'.  Check first_ping_at
+        # and implement a grace period where the node should will be considered
+        # 'idle'.
+        if state == 'down' and timestamp_fresh(
+                arvados_timestamp(self.arvados_node['first_ping_at']), self.poll_stale_after):
+            state = 'idle'
         result = state in states
         if state == 'idle':
             result = result and not self.arvados_node['job_uuid']



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