[ARVADOS] updated: d24103c7dd8b04d6cc0e8d8574e004d5140acefa

git at public.curoverse.com git at public.curoverse.com
Wed Jan 6 11:26:18 EST 2016

Summary of changes:
 apps/workbench/app/views/layouts/body.html.erb     | 12 +--
 apps/workbench/config/application.default.yml      |  3 +
 .../test/integration/application_layout_test.rb    | 92 ++++++++++------------
 .../test/integration/user_profile_test.rb          |  3 +
 doc/_includes/_install_rails_command.liquid        | 41 ++++++++++
 .../install-arv-git-httpd.html.textile.liquid      | 23 +-----
 doc/install/install-keep-web.html.textile.liquid   | 11 +--
 doc/install/install-keepproxy.html.textile.liquid  | 13 +--
 doc/install/install-sso.html.textile.liquid        | 22 +++---
 .../install-workbench-app.html.textile.liquid      | 14 ++--
 sdk/python/setup.py                                |  2 +-
 .../test/fixtures/api_client_authorizations.yml    |  6 ++
 services/api/test/fixtures/users.yml               | 13 +++
 13 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/_includes/_install_rails_command.liquid

  discards  8a043c21eeb1d715ef34ee14233bedc31f49767c (commit)
  discards  b7134f0dd44bb63119787ae3dd8ef837b62995a0 (commit)
  discards  ed0973ff9f12af019025b0c6e100e718f698c37b (commit)
  discards  99bc77234964b8dcfab89605e75bbab917b350a2 (commit)
  discards  dc47b7ad046754ab31613bd264aafcffbdc453dc (commit)
  discards  b608f1d1917b50317840b43f8c7caebddf36dc22 (commit)
       via  d24103c7dd8b04d6cc0e8d8574e004d5140acefa (commit)
       via  fb17e14f2936f99a24f7ff4f40b91c9a4d8e2dbc (commit)
       via  4030cc59167a589adfd526ceb9c8ef3ccbe96aef (commit)
       via  f264257a94da4b672b2816cbda39ee08c8d6aead (commit)
       via  5b952b99d83783e4d902fb4882693cb022cbd9b4 (commit)
       via  b72d97ec56bd712e5aa2d41f120aa3ed31218041 (commit)
       via  e1276d6ebfbf073b747825cfcbfdd0054b95efa4 (commit)
       via  908261de15c98553a4200f01aff1f26ef57c8fb8 (commit)
       via  e6ddeacccea7b82fece9ad40414d949780cfa7f4 (commit)
       via  3b893d17a9499705708da771ceafbd59b1259e70 (commit)
       via  722e147756526579ba32a31f967e9e00d47fd3ed (commit)
       via  64949be4657f7d8fbb5f40edda87592dfa068cb6 (commit)
       via  929fb274e4ab903a1bbfcde16f8b93882dfff883 (commit)
       via  dfbdc1ba1ae2d41aec76f6bd7a7afe538419a3f9 (commit)
       via  735b8c256a6fbaff6b8da48b41b21d9d12f05582 (commit)

This update added new revisions after undoing existing revisions.  That is
to say, the old revision is not a strict subset of the new revision.  This
situation occurs when you --force push a change and generate a repository
containing something like this:

 * -- * -- B -- O -- O -- O (8a043c21eeb1d715ef34ee14233bedc31f49767c)
             N -- N -- N (d24103c7dd8b04d6cc0e8d8574e004d5140acefa)

When this happens we assume that you've already had alert emails for all
of the O revisions, and so we here report only the revisions in the N
branch from the common base, B.

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit d24103c7dd8b04d6cc0e8d8574e004d5140acefa
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date:   Thu Dec 24 13:51:35 2015 -0500

    8123: Add option to include stats from child jobs.

diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/command.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/command.py
index 2c7574c..a5339dd 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/command.py
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/command.py
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
             '--log-file', type=str,
             help='Read log data from a regular file')
+            '--include-child-jobs', action='store_true',
+            help='Include stats from child jobs')
+        self.add_argument(
             '--format', type=str, choices=('html', 'text'), default='text',
             help='Report format')
@@ -40,18 +43,21 @@ class Command(object):
     def run(self):
+        kwargs = {
+            'include_child_jobs': self.args.include_child_jobs,
+        }
         if self.args.pipeline_instance:
-            self.summer = summarizer.PipelineSummarizer(self.args.pipeline_instance)
+            self.summer = summarizer.PipelineSummarizer(self.args.pipeline_instance, **kwargs)
         elif self.args.job:
-            self.summer = summarizer.JobSummarizer(self.args.job)
+            self.summer = summarizer.JobSummarizer(self.args.job, **kwargs)
         elif self.args.log_file:
             if self.args.log_file.endswith('.gz'):
                 fh = gzip.open(self.args.log_file)
                 fh = open(self.args.log_file)
-            self.summer = summarizer.Summarizer(fh)
+            self.summer = summarizer.Summarizer(fh, **kwargs)
-            self.summer = summarizer.Summarizer(sys.stdin)
+            self.summer = summarizer.Summarizer(sys.stdin, **kwargs)
         return self.summer.run()
     def report(self):
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
index ba1919f..ccee1e2 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
@@ -28,15 +28,14 @@ class Task(object):
 class Summarizer(object):
     existing_constraints = {}
-    def __init__(self, logdata, label=None):
+    def __init__(self, logdata, label=None, include_child_jobs=True):
         self._logdata = logdata
         self.label = label
         self.starttime = None
         self.finishtime = None
-        logger.debug("%s: logdata %s", self.label, repr(logdata))
+        self._include_child_jobs = include_child_jobs
-    def run(self):
-        logger.debug("%s: parsing log data", self.label)
         # stats_max: {category: {stat: val}}
         self.stats_max = collections.defaultdict(
@@ -44,19 +43,52 @@ class Summarizer(object):
         # task_stats: {task_id: {category: {stat: val}}}
         self.task_stats = collections.defaultdict(
             functools.partial(collections.defaultdict, dict))
+        self.seq_to_uuid = {}
         self.tasks = collections.defaultdict(Task)
+        logger.debug("%s: logdata %s", self.label, repr(logdata))
+    def run(self):
+        logger.debug("%s: parsing log data", self.label)
         for line in self._logdata:
+            m = re.search(r'^\S+ \S+ \d+ (?P<seq>\d+) job_task (?P<task_uuid>\S+)$', line)
+            if m:
+                seq = int(m.group('seq'))
+                uuid = m.group('task_uuid')
+                self.seq_to_uuid[seq] = uuid
+                logger.debug('%s: seq %d is task %s', self.label, seq, uuid)
+                continue
             m = re.search(r'^\S+ \S+ \d+ (?P<seq>\d+) success in (?P<elapsed>\d+) seconds', line)
             if m:
-                task_id = m.group('seq')
+                task_id = self.seq_to_uuid[int(m.group('seq'))]
                 elapsed = int(m.group('elapsed'))
                 self.task_stats[task_id]['time'] = {'elapsed': elapsed}
                 if elapsed > self.stats_max['time']['elapsed']:
                     self.stats_max['time']['elapsed'] = elapsed
+            m = re.search(r'^\S+ \S+ \d+ (?P<seq>\d+) stderr Queued job (?P<uuid>\S+)$', line)
+            if m:
+                uuid = m.group('uuid')
+                if not self._include_child_jobs:
+                    logger.warning('%s: omitting %s (try --include-child-job)',
+                                   self.label, uuid)
+                    continue
+                logger.debug('%s: follow %s', self.label, uuid)
+                child_summarizer = JobSummarizer(uuid)
+                child_summarizer.stats_max = self.stats_max
+                child_summarizer.task_stats = self.task_stats
+                child_summarizer.tasks = self.tasks
+                child_summarizer.run()
+                logger.debug('%s: done %s', self.label, uuid)
+                continue
             m = re.search(r'^(?P<timestamp>\S+) (?P<job_uuid>\S+) \d+ (?P<seq>\d+) stderr crunchstat: (?P<category>\S+) (?P<current>.*?)( -- interval (?P<interval>.*))?\n', line)
             if not m:
             if self.label is None:
                 self.label = m.group('job_uuid')
                 logger.debug('%s: using job uuid as label', self.label)
@@ -65,7 +97,7 @@ class Summarizer(object):
             elif m.group('category') == 'error':
-            task_id = m.group('seq')
+            task_id = self.seq_to_uuid[int(m.group('seq'))]
             task = self.tasks[task_id]
             # Use the first and last crunchstat timestamps as
@@ -126,6 +158,8 @@ class Summarizer(object):
                         self.task_stats[task_id][category][stat] = val
                     if val > self.stats_max[category][stat]:
                         self.stats_max[category][stat] = val
+        logger.debug('%s: done parsing', self.label)
         self.job_tot = collections.defaultdict(
             functools.partial(collections.defaultdict, int))
         for task_id, task_stat in self.task_stats.iteritems():
@@ -135,6 +169,7 @@ class Summarizer(object):
                         # meaningless stats like 16 cpu cores x 5 tasks = 80
                     self.job_tot[category][stat] += val
+        logger.debug('%s: done totals', self.label)
     def long_label(self):
         label = self.label
@@ -169,6 +204,9 @@ class Summarizer(object):
                 tot = self._format(self.job_tot[category].get(stat, '-'))
                 yield "\t".join([category, stat, str(val), max_rate, tot])
         for args in (
+                ('Number of tasks: {}',
+                 len(self.tasks),
+                 None),
                 ('Max CPU time spent by a single task: {}s',
@@ -249,7 +287,8 @@ class Summarizer(object):
 class CollectionSummarizer(Summarizer):
-    def __init__(self, collection_id):
+    def __init__(self, collection_id, **kwargs):
+        logger.debug('load collection %s', collection_id)
         collection = arvados.collection.CollectionReader(collection_id)
         filenames = [filename for filename in collection]
         if len(filenames) != 1:
@@ -257,12 +296,12 @@ class CollectionSummarizer(Summarizer):
                 "collection {} has {} files; need exactly one".format(
                     collection_id, len(filenames)))
         super(CollectionSummarizer, self).__init__(
-            collection.open(filenames[0]))
+            collection.open(filenames[0]), **kwargs)
         self.label = collection_id
 class JobSummarizer(CollectionSummarizer):
-    def __init__(self, job):
+    def __init__(self, job, **kwargs):
         arv = arvados.api('v1')
         if isinstance(job, str):
             self.job = arv.jobs().get(uuid=job).execute()
@@ -274,12 +313,12 @@ class JobSummarizer(CollectionSummarizer):
             raise ValueError(
                 "job {} has no log; live summary not implemented".format(
-        super(JobSummarizer, self).__init__(self.job['log'])
+        super(JobSummarizer, self).__init__(self.job['log'], **kwargs)
         self.label = self.job['uuid']
 class PipelineSummarizer():
-    def __init__(self, pipeline_instance_uuid):
+    def __init__(self, pipeline_instance_uuid, **kwargs):
         arv = arvados.api('v1', model=OrderedJsonModel())
         instance = arv.pipeline_instances().get(
@@ -295,7 +334,7 @@ class PipelineSummarizer():
                     "%s: logdata %s", cname, component['job']['log'])
-                summarizer = JobSummarizer(component['job'])
+                summarizer = JobSummarizer(component['job'], **kwargs)
                 summarizer.label = cname
                 self.summarizers[cname] = summarizer
         self.label = pipeline_instance_uuid
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151204190335.txt.gz.report b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151204190335.txt.gz.report
index b12e931..0ba0181 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151204190335.txt.gz.report
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151204190335.txt.gz.report
@@ -22,11 +22,12 @@ net:keep0	rx	0	0.00	0
 net:keep0	tx	0	0.00	0
 net:keep0	tx+rx	0	0.00	0
 time	elapsed	80	-	80
+# Number of tasks: 1
 # Max CPU time spent by a single task: 5.75s
 # Max CPU usage in a single interval: 13.00%
 # Overall CPU usage: 7.19%
 # Max memory used by a single task: 0.35GB
 # Max network traffic in a single task: 1.79GB
 # Max network speed in a single interval: 42.58MB/s
-#!! job max CPU usage was 13% -- try runtime_constraints "min_cores_per_node":1
-#!! job max RSS was 334 MiB -- try runtime_constraints "min_ram_mb_per_node":972
+#!! 4xphq-8i9sb-jq0ekny1xou3zoh max CPU usage was 13% -- try runtime_constraints "min_cores_per_node":1
+#!! 4xphq-8i9sb-jq0ekny1xou3zoh max RSS was 334 MiB -- try runtime_constraints "min_ram_mb_per_node":972
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063411.txt.gz.report b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063411.txt.gz.report
index 8e1a2d8..0641bba 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063411.txt.gz.report
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063411.txt.gz.report
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ net:eth0	rx	90	-	90
 net:eth0	tx	90	-	90
 net:eth0	tx+rx	180	-	180
 time	elapsed	2	-	4
+# Number of tasks: 2
 # Max CPU time spent by a single task: 0.00s
 # Overall CPU usage: 0.00%
 # Max memory used by a single task: 0.00GB
 # Max network traffic in a single task: 0.00GB
-#!! job max RSS was 1 MiB -- try runtime_constraints "min_ram_mb_per_node":972
+#!! 4xphq-8i9sb-zvb2ocfycpomrup max RSS was 1 MiB -- try runtime_constraints "min_ram_mb_per_node":972
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063439.txt.gz.report b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063439.txt.gz.report
index dbe9321..19fe0ed 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063439.txt.gz.report
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063439.txt.gz.report
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ net:eth0	rx	90	-	90
 net:eth0	tx	90	-	90
 net:eth0	tx+rx	180	-	180
 time	elapsed	2	-	3
+# Number of tasks: 2
 # Max CPU time spent by a single task: 0.00s
 # Overall CPU usage: 0.00%
 # Max memory used by a single task: 0.00GB
 # Max network traffic in a single task: 0.00GB
-#!! job max RSS was 1 MiB -- try runtime_constraints "min_ram_mb_per_node":972
+#!! 4xphq-8i9sb-v831jm2uq0g2g9x max RSS was 1 MiB -- try runtime_constraints "min_ram_mb_per_node":972
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py
index 09e21a1..d35e81e 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class SummarizeFile(ReportDiff):
 class SummarizeJob(ReportDiff):
-    fake_job_uuid = 'zzzzz-8i9sb-jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj'
+    fake_job_uuid = '4xphq-8i9sb-jq0ekny1xou3zoh'
     fake_log_id = 'fake-log-collection-id'
     fake_job = {
         'uuid': fake_job_uuid,

commit fb17e14f2936f99a24f7ff4f40b91c9a4d8e2dbc
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date:   Wed Dec 23 14:09:37 2015 -0500

    8123: Generate multiple sets of charts when data source is a pipeline instance.

diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/__init__.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/__init__.py
index e69de29..c10988d 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/__init__.py
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/chartjs.js b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/chartjs.js
index 3106e62..72ff7a4 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/chartjs.js
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/chartjs.js
@@ -1,11 +1,27 @@
 window.onload = function() {
-    var options = {};
-    chartData.forEach(function(data, idx) {
-        var div = document.createElement('div');
-        div.setAttribute('id', 'chart-'+idx);
-        div.setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%; height: 150px');
-        document.body.appendChild(div);
-        var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart('chart-'+idx, data);
-        chart.render();
+    var charts = {};
+    sections.forEach(function(section, section_idx) {
+        var h1 = document.createElement('h1');
+        h1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(section.label));
+        document.body.appendChild(h1);
+        section.charts.forEach(function(data, chart_idx) {
+            // Skip chart if every series has zero data points
+            if (0 == data.data.reduce(function(len, series) {
+                return len + series.dataPoints.length;
+            }, 0)) {
+                return;
+            }
+            var id = 'chart-'+section_idx+'-'+chart_idx;
+            var div = document.createElement('div');
+            div.setAttribute('id', id);
+            div.setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%; height: 150px');
+            document.body.appendChild(div);
+            charts[id] = new CanvasJS.Chart(id, data);
+            charts[id].render();
+        });
+    if (typeof window.debug === 'undefined')
+        window.debug = {};
+    window.debug.charts = charts;
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/chartjs.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/chartjs.py
index 85b49b8..590df27 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/chartjs.py
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/chartjs.py
@@ -3,13 +3,15 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 import json
 import pkg_resources
+from crunchstat_summary import logger
 class ChartJS(object):
-    JSLIB = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/canvasjs/1.7.0/canvasjs.js'
+    JSLIB = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/canvasjs/1.7.0/canvasjs.min.js'
-    def __init__(self, label, tasks):
+    def __init__(self, label, summarizers):
         self.label = label
-        self.tasks = tasks
+        self.summarizers = summarizers
     def html(self):
         return '''<!doctype html><html><head>
@@ -20,31 +22,48 @@ class ChartJS(object):
         '''.format(self.label, self.JSLIB, self.js())
     def js(self):
-        return 'var chartData = {};\n{}'.format(
-            json.dumps(self.chartData()),
+        return 'var sections = {};\n{}'.format(
+            json.dumps(self.sections()),
             pkg_resources.resource_string('crunchstat_summary', 'chartjs.js'))
-    def chartData(self):
-        maxpts = 0
-        for task in self.tasks.itervalues():
-            for series in task.series.itervalues():
-                maxpts = max(maxpts, len(series))
+    def sections(self):
         return [
-                'title': {
-                    'text': '{}: {} {}'.format(self.label, stat[0], stat[1]),
+                'label': s.long_label(),
+                'charts': self.charts(s.label, s.tasks),
+            }
+            for s in self.summarizers]
+    def charts(self, label, tasks):
+        return [
+            {
+                'axisY': {
+                    'minimum': 0,
                 'data': [
                         'type': 'line',
-                        'dataPoints': [
-                            {'x': pt[0].total_seconds(), 'y': pt[1]}
-                            for pt in task.series[stat]]
+                        'markerType': 'none',
+                        'dataPoints': self._datapoints(
+                            label=uuid, task=task, series=task.series[stat]),
-                    for label, task in self.tasks.iteritems()
+                    for uuid, task in tasks.iteritems()
+                'title': {
+                    'text': '{}: {} {}'.format(label, stat[0], stat[1]),
+                },
+                'zoomEnabled': True,
             for stat in (('cpu', 'user+sys__rate'),
+                         ('mem', 'rss'),
                          ('net:eth0', 'tx+rx__rate'),
-                         ('mem', 'rss'))
-        ]
+                         ('net:keep0', 'tx+rx__rate'))]
+    def _datapoints(self, label, task, series):
+        points = [
+            {'x': pt[0].total_seconds(), 'y': pt[1]}
+            for pt in series]
+        if len(points) > 0:
+            points[-1]['markerType'] = 'cross'
+            points[-1]['markerSize'] = 12
+        return points
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/command.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/command.py
index c28b00f..2c7574c 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/command.py
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/command.py
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 import argparse
 import gzip
+import logging
 import sys
-from crunchstat_summary import summarizer
+from crunchstat_summary import logger, summarizer
 class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
@@ -22,11 +23,21 @@ class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
             '--format', type=str, choices=('html', 'text'), default='text',
             help='Report format')
+        self.add_argument(
+            '--verbose', action='store_true',
+            help='Write progress messages to stderr')
+        self.add_argument(
+            '--debug', action='store_true',
+            help='Write debug messages to stderr')
 class Command(object):
     def __init__(self, args):
         self.args = args
+        if args.debug:
+            logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+        elif args.verbose:
+            logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
     def run(self):
         if self.args.pipeline_instance:
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
index 8954b90..ba1919f 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
@@ -6,13 +6,12 @@ import crunchstat_summary.chartjs
 import datetime
 import functools
 import itertools
-import logging
 import math
 import re
 import sys
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+from arvados.api import OrderedJsonModel
+from crunchstat_summary import logger
 # Recommend memory constraints that are this multiple of an integral
 # number of GiB. (Actual nodes tend to be sold in sizes like 8 GiB
@@ -29,11 +28,15 @@ class Task(object):
 class Summarizer(object):
     existing_constraints = {}
-    def __init__(self, logdata, label='job'):
+    def __init__(self, logdata, label=None):
         self._logdata = logdata
         self.label = label
+        self.starttime = None
+        self.finishtime = None
+        logger.debug("%s: logdata %s", self.label, repr(logdata))
     def run(self):
+        logger.debug("%s: parsing log data", self.label)
         # stats_max: {category: {stat: val}}
         self.stats_max = collections.defaultdict(
@@ -51,20 +54,34 @@ class Summarizer(object):
                 if elapsed > self.stats_max['time']['elapsed']:
                     self.stats_max['time']['elapsed'] = elapsed
-            m = re.search(r'^(?P<timestamp>\S+) \S+ \d+ (?P<seq>\d+) stderr crunchstat: (?P<category>\S+) (?P<current>.*?)( -- interval (?P<interval>.*))?\n', line)
+            m = re.search(r'^(?P<timestamp>\S+) (?P<job_uuid>\S+) \d+ (?P<seq>\d+) stderr crunchstat: (?P<category>\S+) (?P<current>.*?)( -- interval (?P<interval>.*))?\n', line)
             if not m:
+            if self.label is None:
+                self.label = m.group('job_uuid')
+                logger.debug('%s: using job uuid as label', self.label)
             if m.group('category').endswith(':'):
                 # "notice:" etc.
             elif m.group('category') == 'error':
             task_id = m.group('seq')
+            task = self.tasks[task_id]
+            # Use the first and last crunchstat timestamps as
+            # approximations of starttime and finishtime.
             timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                 m.group('timestamp'), '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')
-            task = self.tasks[task_id]
             if not task.starttime:
                 task.starttime = timestamp
+                logger.debug('%s: task %s starttime %s',
+                             self.label, task_id, timestamp)
+            task.finishtime = timestamp
+            if not self.starttime:
+                self.starttime = timestamp
+            self.finishtime = timestamp
             this_interval_s = None
             for group in ['current', 'interval']:
                 if not m.group(group):
@@ -119,13 +136,27 @@ class Summarizer(object):
                     self.job_tot[category][stat] += val
+    def long_label(self):
+        label = self.label
+        if self.finishtime:
+            label += ' -- elapsed time '
+            s = (self.finishtime - self.starttime).total_seconds()
+            if s > 86400:
+                label += '{}d'.format(int(s/86400))
+            if s > 3600:
+                label += '{}h'.format(int(s/3600) % 24)
+            if s > 60:
+                label += '{}m'.format(int(s/60) % 60)
+            label += '{}s'.format(int(s) % 60)
+        return label
     def text_report(self):
         return "\n".join(itertools.chain(
             self._recommend_gen())) + "\n"
     def html_report(self):
-        return crunchstat_summary.chartjs.ChartJS(self.label, self.tasks).html()
+        return crunchstat_summary.chartjs.ChartJS(self.label, [self]).html()
     def _text_report_gen(self):
         yield "\t".join(['category', 'metric', 'task_max', 'task_max_rate', 'job_total'])
@@ -227,6 +258,7 @@ class CollectionSummarizer(Summarizer):
                     collection_id, len(filenames)))
         super(CollectionSummarizer, self).__init__(
+        self.label = collection_id
 class JobSummarizer(CollectionSummarizer):
@@ -243,11 +275,12 @@ class JobSummarizer(CollectionSummarizer):
                 "job {} has no log; live summary not implemented".format(
         super(JobSummarizer, self).__init__(self.job['log'])
+        self.label = self.job['uuid']
 class PipelineSummarizer():
     def __init__(self, pipeline_instance_uuid):
-        arv = arvados.api('v1')
+        arv = arvados.api('v1', model=OrderedJsonModel())
         instance = arv.pipeline_instances().get(
         self.summarizers = collections.OrderedDict()
@@ -260,11 +293,12 @@ class PipelineSummarizer():
                     "%s: skipping job %s with no log available",
                     cname, component['job'].get('uuid'))
-                logger.debug(
-                    "%s: reading log from %s", cname, component['job']['log'])
+                logger.info(
+                    "%s: logdata %s", cname, component['job']['log'])
                 summarizer = JobSummarizer(component['job'])
                 summarizer.label = cname
                 self.summarizers[cname] = summarizer
+        self.label = pipeline_instance_uuid
     def run(self):
         for summarizer in self.summarizers.itervalues():
@@ -278,3 +312,7 @@ class PipelineSummarizer():
             txt += summarizer.text_report()
             txt += '\n'
         return txt
+    def html_report(self):
+        return crunchstat_summary.chartjs.ChartJS(
+            self.label, self.summarizers.itervalues()).html()

commit 4030cc59167a589adfd526ceb9c8ef3ccbe96aef
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date:   Wed Dec 23 11:39:14 2015 -0500

    8123: Add option (--format html) to generate canvasjs charts.

diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/bin/crunchstat-summary b/tools/crunchstat-summary/bin/crunchstat-summary
index c32b50e..e16bd8e 100755
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/bin/crunchstat-summary
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/bin/crunchstat-summary
@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ import sys
 args = crunchstat_summary.command.ArgumentParser().parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
-s = crunchstat_summary.command.Command(args).summarizer()
-print(s.report(), end='')
+cmd = crunchstat_summary.command.Command(args)
+print(cmd.report(), end='')
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/chartjs.js b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/chartjs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3106e62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/chartjs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+window.onload = function() {
+    var options = {};
+    chartData.forEach(function(data, idx) {
+        var div = document.createElement('div');
+        div.setAttribute('id', 'chart-'+idx);
+        div.setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%; height: 150px');
+        document.body.appendChild(div);
+        var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart('chart-'+idx, data);
+        chart.render();
+    });
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/chartjs.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/chartjs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85b49b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/chartjs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
+import json
+import pkg_resources
+class ChartJS(object):
+    JSLIB = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/canvasjs/1.7.0/canvasjs.js'
+    def __init__(self, label, tasks):
+        self.label = label
+        self.tasks = tasks
+    def html(self):
+        return '''<!doctype html><html><head>
+        <title>{} stats</title>
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="{}"></script>
+        <script type="text/javascript">{}</script>
+        </head><body></body></html>
+        '''.format(self.label, self.JSLIB, self.js())
+    def js(self):
+        return 'var chartData = {};\n{}'.format(
+            json.dumps(self.chartData()),
+            pkg_resources.resource_string('crunchstat_summary', 'chartjs.js'))
+    def chartData(self):
+        maxpts = 0
+        for task in self.tasks.itervalues():
+            for series in task.series.itervalues():
+                maxpts = max(maxpts, len(series))
+        return [
+            {
+                'title': {
+                    'text': '{}: {} {}'.format(self.label, stat[0], stat[1]),
+                },
+                'data': [
+                    {
+                        'type': 'line',
+                        'dataPoints': [
+                            {'x': pt[0].total_seconds(), 'y': pt[1]}
+                            for pt in task.series[stat]]
+                    }
+                    for label, task in self.tasks.iteritems()
+                ],
+            }
+            for stat in (('cpu', 'user+sys__rate'),
+                         ('net:eth0', 'tx+rx__rate'),
+                         ('mem', 'rss'))
+        ]
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/command.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/command.py
index fc37190..c28b00f 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/command.py
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/command.py
@@ -19,22 +19,32 @@ class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
             '--log-file', type=str,
             help='Read log data from a regular file')
+        self.add_argument(
+            '--format', type=str, choices=('html', 'text'), default='text',
+            help='Report format')
 class Command(object):
     def __init__(self, args):
         self.args = args
-    def summarizer(self):
+    def run(self):
         if self.args.pipeline_instance:
-            return summarizer.PipelineSummarizer(self.args.pipeline_instance)
+            self.summer = summarizer.PipelineSummarizer(self.args.pipeline_instance)
         elif self.args.job:
-            return summarizer.JobSummarizer(self.args.job)
+            self.summer = summarizer.JobSummarizer(self.args.job)
         elif self.args.log_file:
             if self.args.log_file.endswith('.gz'):
                 fh = gzip.open(self.args.log_file)
                 fh = open(self.args.log_file)
-            return summarizer.Summarizer(fh)
+            self.summer = summarizer.Summarizer(fh)
-            return summarizer.Summarizer(sys.stdin)
+            self.summer = summarizer.Summarizer(sys.stdin)
+        return self.summer.run()
+    def report(self):
+        if self.args.format == 'html':
+            return self.summer.html_report()
+        elif self.args.format == 'text':
+            return self.summer.text_report()
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
index d221363..8954b90 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 import arvados
 import collections
+import crunchstat_summary.chartjs
+import datetime
 import functools
 import itertools
 import logging
@@ -17,6 +19,13 @@ logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())
 # that have amounts like 7.5 GiB according to the kernel.)
+class Task(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.starttime = None
+        self.series = collections.defaultdict(list)
 class Summarizer(object):
     existing_constraints = {}
@@ -32,6 +41,7 @@ class Summarizer(object):
         # task_stats: {task_id: {category: {stat: val}}}
         self.task_stats = collections.defaultdict(
             functools.partial(collections.defaultdict, dict))
+        self.tasks = collections.defaultdict(Task)
         for line in self._logdata:
             m = re.search(r'^\S+ \S+ \d+ (?P<seq>\d+) success in (?P<elapsed>\d+) seconds', line)
             if m:
@@ -41,7 +51,7 @@ class Summarizer(object):
                 if elapsed > self.stats_max['time']['elapsed']:
                     self.stats_max['time']['elapsed'] = elapsed
-            m = re.search(r'^\S+ \S+ \d+ (?P<seq>\d+) stderr crunchstat: (?P<category>\S+) (?P<current>.*?)( -- interval (?P<interval>.*))?\n', line)
+            m = re.search(r'^(?P<timestamp>\S+) \S+ \d+ (?P<seq>\d+) stderr crunchstat: (?P<category>\S+) (?P<current>.*?)( -- interval (?P<interval>.*))?\n', line)
             if not m:
             if m.group('category').endswith(':'):
@@ -50,6 +60,11 @@ class Summarizer(object):
             elif m.group('category') == 'error':
             task_id = m.group('seq')
+            timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(
+                m.group('timestamp'), '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')
+            task = self.tasks[task_id]
+            if not task.starttime:
+                task.starttime = timestamp
             this_interval_s = None
             for group in ['current', 'interval']:
                 if not m.group(group):
@@ -84,7 +99,13 @@ class Summarizer(object):
                             stat = stat + '__rate'
                             val = val / this_interval_s
+                            if stat in ['user+sys__rate', 'tx+rx__rate']:
+                                task.series[category, stat].append(
+                                    (timestamp - task.starttime, val))
+                        if stat in ['rss']:
+                            task.series[category, stat].append(
+                                (timestamp - task.starttime, val))
                         self.task_stats[task_id][category][stat] = val
                     if val > self.stats_max[category][stat]:
                         self.stats_max[category][stat] = val
@@ -98,12 +119,15 @@ class Summarizer(object):
                     self.job_tot[category][stat] += val
-    def report(self):
+    def text_report(self):
         return "\n".join(itertools.chain(
-            self._report_gen(),
+            self._text_report_gen(),
             self._recommend_gen())) + "\n"
-    def _report_gen(self):
+    def html_report(self):
+        return crunchstat_summary.chartjs.ChartJS(self.label, self.tasks).html()
+    def _text_report_gen(self):
         yield "\t".join(['category', 'metric', 'task_max', 'task_max_rate', 'job_total'])
         for category, stat_max in sorted(self.stats_max.iteritems()):
             for stat, val in sorted(stat_max.iteritems()):
@@ -246,11 +270,11 @@ class PipelineSummarizer():
         for summarizer in self.summarizers.itervalues():
-    def report(self):
+    def text_report(self):
         txt = ''
         for cname, summarizer in self.summarizers.iteritems():
             txt += '### Summary for {} ({})\n'.format(
                 cname, summarizer.job['uuid'])
-            txt += summarizer.report()
+            txt += summarizer.text_report()
             txt += '\n'
         return txt
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py
index cf810ae..09e21a1 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 import arvados
 import collections
 import crunchstat_summary.command
-import crunchstat_summary.summarizer
 import difflib
 import glob
 import gzip
@@ -9,17 +8,17 @@ import mock
 import os
 import unittest
 TESTS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
 class ReportDiff(unittest.TestCase):
-    def diff_known_report(self, logfile, summarizer):
+    def diff_known_report(self, logfile, cmd):
         expectfile = logfile+'.report'
         expect = open(expectfile).readlines()
-        self.diff_report(summarizer, expect, expectfile=expectfile)
+        self.diff_report(cmd, expect, expectfile=expectfile)
-    def diff_report(self, summarizer, expect, expectfile=None):
-        got = [x+"\n" for x in summarizer.report().strip("\n").split("\n")]
+    def diff_report(self, cmd, expect, expectfile=None):
+        got = [x+"\n" for x in cmd.report().strip("\n").split("\n")]
         self.assertEqual(got, expect, "\n"+"".join(difflib.context_diff(
             expect, got, fromfile=expectfile, tofile="(generated)")))
@@ -30,9 +29,9 @@ class SummarizeFile(ReportDiff):
             logfile = os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, fnm)
             args = crunchstat_summary.command.ArgumentParser().parse_args(
                 ['--log-file', logfile])
-            summarizer = crunchstat_summary.command.Command(args).summarizer()
-            summarizer.run()
-            self.diff_known_report(logfile, summarizer)
+            cmd = crunchstat_summary.command.Command(args)
+            cmd.run()
+            self.diff_known_report(logfile, cmd)
 class SummarizeJob(ReportDiff):
@@ -52,9 +51,9 @@ class SummarizeJob(ReportDiff):
         mock_cr().open.return_value = gzip.open(self.logfile)
         args = crunchstat_summary.command.ArgumentParser().parse_args(
             ['--job', self.fake_job_uuid])
-        summarizer = crunchstat_summary.command.Command(args).summarizer()
-        summarizer.run()
-        self.diff_known_report(self.logfile, summarizer)
+        cmd = crunchstat_summary.command.Command(args)
+        cmd.run()
+        self.diff_known_report(self.logfile, cmd)
@@ -113,8 +112,8 @@ class SummarizePipeline(ReportDiff):
         mock_cr().open.side_effect = [gzip.open(logfile) for _ in range(3)]
         args = crunchstat_summary.command.ArgumentParser().parse_args(
             ['--pipeline-instance', self.fake_instance['uuid']])
-        summarizer = crunchstat_summary.command.Command(args).summarizer()
-        summarizer.run()
+        cmd = crunchstat_summary.command.Command(args)
+        cmd.run()
         job_report = [
             line for line in open(logfile+'.report').readlines()
@@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ class SummarizePipeline(ReportDiff):
             job_report + ['\n'] +
             ['### Summary for baz (zzzzz-8i9sb-000000000000002)\n'] +
-        self.diff_report(summarizer, expect)
+        self.diff_report(cmd, expect)

commit f264257a94da4b672b2816cbda39ee08c8d6aead
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date:   Tue Dec 22 16:16:15 2015 -0500

    8123: Aim 5% below GiB memory size boundaries.

diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
index 49b67ff..d221363 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
@@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ import sys
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# Recommend memory constraints that are this multiple of an integral
+# number of GiB. (Actual nodes tend to be sold in sizes like 8 GiB
+# that have amounts like 7.5 GiB according to the kernel.)
 class Summarizer(object):
     existing_constraints = {}
@@ -159,7 +164,7 @@ class Summarizer(object):
     def _recommend_ram(self):
-        """Recommend asking for 2048 MiB RAM if max rss was 1248 MiB"""
+        """Recommend asking for (2048*0.95) MiB RAM if max rss was 1248 MiB"""
         used_ram = self.stats_max['mem']['rss']
         if used_ram == float('-Inf'):
@@ -167,14 +172,16 @@ class Summarizer(object):
         used_ram = math.ceil(float(used_ram) / (1<<20))
         asked_ram = self.existing_constraints.get('min_ram_mb_per_node')
-        if asked_ram is None or math.ceil(used_ram/(1<<10)) < asked_ram/(1<<10):
+        if asked_ram is None or (
+                math.ceil((used_ram/AVAILABLE_RAM_RATIO)/(1<<10)) <
+                (asked_ram/AVAILABLE_RAM_RATIO)/(1<<10)):
             yield (
-                '#!! {} never used more than {} MiB RAM -- '
+                '#!! {} max RSS was {} MiB -- '
                 'try runtime_constraints "min_ram_mb_per_node":{}'
-                int(math.ceil(used_ram/(1<<10))*(1<<10)))
+                int(math.ceil((used_ram/AVAILABLE_RAM_RATIO)/(1<<10))*(1<<10)*AVAILABLE_RAM_RATIO))
     def _format(self, val):
         """Return a string representation of a stat.
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151204190335.txt.gz.report b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151204190335.txt.gz.report
index c94cd24..b12e931 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151204190335.txt.gz.report
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151204190335.txt.gz.report
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ time	elapsed	80	-	80
 # Max network traffic in a single task: 1.79GB
 # Max network speed in a single interval: 42.58MB/s
 #!! job max CPU usage was 13% -- try runtime_constraints "min_cores_per_node":1
-#!! job never used more than 334 MiB RAM -- try runtime_constraints "min_ram_mb_per_node":1024
+#!! job max RSS was 334 MiB -- try runtime_constraints "min_ram_mb_per_node":972
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063411.txt.gz.report b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063411.txt.gz.report
index e711824..8e1a2d8 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063411.txt.gz.report
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063411.txt.gz.report
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ time	elapsed	2	-	4
 # Overall CPU usage: 0.00%
 # Max memory used by a single task: 0.00GB
 # Max network traffic in a single task: 0.00GB
-#!! job never used more than 1 MiB RAM -- try runtime_constraints "min_ram_mb_per_node":1024
+#!! job max RSS was 1 MiB -- try runtime_constraints "min_ram_mb_per_node":972
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063439.txt.gz.report b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063439.txt.gz.report
index 5772cb4..dbe9321 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063439.txt.gz.report
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063439.txt.gz.report
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ time	elapsed	2	-	3
 # Overall CPU usage: 0.00%
 # Max memory used by a single task: 0.00GB
 # Max network traffic in a single task: 0.00GB
-#!! job never used more than 1 MiB RAM -- try runtime_constraints "min_ram_mb_per_node":1024
+#!! job max RSS was 1 MiB -- try runtime_constraints "min_ram_mb_per_node":972
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py
index a19d7ad..cf810ae 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class SummarizePipeline(ReportDiff):
                     'uuid': 'zzzzz-8i9sb-000000000000000',
                     'log': 'fake-log-pdh-0',
                     'runtime_constraints': {
-                        'min_ram_mb_per_node': 1024,
+                        'min_ram_mb_per_node': 900,
                         'min_cores_per_node': 1,
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class SummarizePipeline(ReportDiff):
                     'uuid': 'zzzzz-8i9sb-000000000000001',
                     'log': 'fake-log-pdh-1',
                     'runtime_constraints': {
-                        'min_ram_mb_per_node': 1024,
+                        'min_ram_mb_per_node': 900,
                         'min_cores_per_node': 1,
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class SummarizePipeline(ReportDiff):
                     'uuid': 'zzzzz-8i9sb-000000000000002',
                     'log': 'fake-log-pdh-2',
                     'runtime_constraints': {
-                        'min_ram_mb_per_node': 1024,
+                        'min_ram_mb_per_node': 900,
                         'min_cores_per_node': 1,

commit 5b952b99d83783e4d902fb4882693cb022cbd9b4
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date:   Mon Dec 21 16:53:37 2015 -0500

    8123: Recommend more economical values for resource_constraints.

diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/bin/crunchstat-summary b/tools/crunchstat-summary/bin/crunchstat-summary
index f42d30b..c32b50e 100755
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/bin/crunchstat-summary
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/bin/crunchstat-summary
@@ -4,8 +4,11 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 import crunchstat_summary.command
 import crunchstat_summary.summarizer
+import logging
 import sys
 args = crunchstat_summary.command.ArgumentParser().parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
 s = crunchstat_summary.command.Command(args).summarizer()
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
index 1b7f950..49b67ff 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
@@ -3,13 +3,21 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 import arvados
 import collections
 import functools
+import itertools
+import logging
+import math
 import re
 import sys
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class Summarizer(object):
-    def __init__(self, logdata):
+    existing_constraints = {}
+    def __init__(self, logdata, label='job'):
         self._logdata = logdata
+        self.label = label
     def run(self):
         # stats_max: {category: {stat: val}}
@@ -64,9 +72,9 @@ class Summarizer(object):
                             this_interval_s = val
                         elif not (this_interval_s > 0):
-                            print("BUG? interval stat given with duration {!r}".
-                                  format(this_interval_s),
-                                  file=sys.stderr)
+                            logger.error(
+                                "BUG? interval stat given with duration {!r}".
+                                format(this_interval_s))
                             stat = stat + '__rate'
@@ -75,12 +83,7 @@ class Summarizer(object):
                         self.task_stats[task_id][category][stat] = val
                     if val > self.stats_max[category][stat]:
                         self.stats_max[category][stat] = val
-    def report(self):
-        return "\n".join(self._report_gen()) + "\n"
-    def _report_gen(self):
-        job_tot = collections.defaultdict(
+        self.job_tot = collections.defaultdict(
             functools.partial(collections.defaultdict, int))
         for task_id, task_stat in self.task_stats.iteritems():
             for category, stat_last in task_stat.iteritems():
@@ -88,7 +91,14 @@ class Summarizer(object):
                     if stat in ['cpus', 'cache', 'swap', 'rss']:
                         # meaningless stats like 16 cpu cores x 5 tasks = 80
-                    job_tot[category][stat] += val
+                    self.job_tot[category][stat] += val
+    def report(self):
+        return "\n".join(itertools.chain(
+            self._report_gen(),
+            self._recommend_gen())) + "\n"
+    def _report_gen(self):
         yield "\t".join(['category', 'metric', 'task_max', 'task_max_rate', 'job_total'])
         for category, stat_max in sorted(self.stats_max.iteritems()):
             for stat, val in sorted(stat_max.iteritems()):
@@ -96,7 +106,7 @@ class Summarizer(object):
                 max_rate = self._format(stat_max.get(stat+'__rate', '-'))
                 val = self._format(val)
-                tot = self._format(job_tot[category].get(stat, '-'))
+                tot = self._format(self.job_tot[category].get(stat, '-'))
                 yield "\t".join([category, stat, str(val), max_rate, tot])
         for args in (
                 ('Max CPU time spent by a single task: {}s',
@@ -106,7 +116,8 @@ class Summarizer(object):
                  lambda x: x * 100),
                 ('Overall CPU usage: {}%',
-                 job_tot['cpu']['user+sys'] / job_tot['time']['elapsed'],
+                 self.job_tot['cpu']['user+sys'] /
+                 self.job_tot['time']['elapsed'],
                  lambda x: x * 100),
                 ('Max memory used by a single task: {}GB',
@@ -124,6 +135,47 @@ class Summarizer(object):
                 val = transform(val)
             yield "# "+format_string.format(self._format(val))
+    def _recommend_gen(self):
+        return itertools.chain(
+            self._recommend_cpu(),
+            self._recommend_ram())
+    def _recommend_cpu(self):
+        """Recommend asking for 4 cores if max CPU usage was 333%"""
+        cpu_max_rate = self.stats_max['cpu']['user+sys__rate']
+        if cpu_max_rate == float('-Inf'):
+            logger.warning('%s: no CPU usage data', self.label)
+            return
+        used_cores = int(math.ceil(cpu_max_rate))
+        asked_cores =  self.existing_constraints.get('min_cores_per_node')
+        if asked_cores is None or used_cores < asked_cores:
+            yield (
+                '#!! {} max CPU usage was {}% -- '
+                'try runtime_constraints "min_cores_per_node":{}'
+            ).format(
+                self.label,
+                int(math.ceil(cpu_max_rate*100)),
+                int(used_cores))
+    def _recommend_ram(self):
+        """Recommend asking for 2048 MiB RAM if max rss was 1248 MiB"""
+        used_ram = self.stats_max['mem']['rss']
+        if used_ram == float('-Inf'):
+            logger.warning('%s: no memory usage data', self.label)
+            return
+        used_ram = math.ceil(float(used_ram) / (1<<20))
+        asked_ram = self.existing_constraints.get('min_ram_mb_per_node')
+        if asked_ram is None or math.ceil(used_ram/(1<<10)) < asked_ram/(1<<10):
+            yield (
+                '#!! {} never used more than {} MiB RAM -- '
+                'try runtime_constraints "min_ram_mb_per_node":{}'
+            ).format(
+                self.label,
+                int(used_ram),
+                int(math.ceil(used_ram/(1<<10))*(1<<10)))
     def _format(self, val):
         """Return a string representation of a stat.
@@ -133,6 +185,7 @@ class Summarizer(object):
             return '{}'.format(val)
 class CollectionSummarizer(Summarizer):
     def __init__(self, collection_id):
         collection = arvados.collection.CollectionReader(collection_id)
@@ -141,7 +194,9 @@ class CollectionSummarizer(Summarizer):
             raise ValueError(
                 "collection {} has {} files; need exactly one".format(
                     collection_id, len(filenames)))
-        super(CollectionSummarizer, self).__init__(collection.open(filenames[0]))
+        super(CollectionSummarizer, self).__init__(
+            collection.open(filenames[0]))
 class JobSummarizer(CollectionSummarizer):
     def __init__(self, job):
@@ -150,12 +205,15 @@ class JobSummarizer(CollectionSummarizer):
             self.job = arv.jobs().get(uuid=job).execute()
             self.job = job
+        self.label = self.job['uuid']
+        self.existing_constraints = self.job.get('runtime_constraints', {})
         if not self.job['log']:
             raise ValueError(
                 "job {} has no log; live summary not implemented".format(
         super(JobSummarizer, self).__init__(self.job['log'])
 class PipelineSummarizer():
     def __init__(self, pipeline_instance_uuid):
         arv = arvados.api('v1')
@@ -164,16 +222,17 @@ class PipelineSummarizer():
         self.summarizers = collections.OrderedDict()
         for cname, component in instance['components'].iteritems():
             if 'job' not in component:
-                print("{}: skipping component with no job assigned".format(
-                    cname), file=sys.stderr)
+                logger.warning(
+                    "%s: skipping component with no job assigned", cname)
             elif component['job'].get('log') is None:
-                print("{}: skipping component with no log available".format(
-                    cname), file=sys.stderr)
+                logger.warning(
+                    "%s: skipping job %s with no log available",
+                    cname, component['job'].get('uuid'))
-                print("{}: reading log from {}".format(
-                    cname, component['job']['log']), file=sys.stderr)
-                summarizer = CollectionSummarizer(component['job']['log'])
-                summarizer.job_uuid = component['job']['uuid']
+                logger.debug(
+                    "%s: reading log from %s", cname, component['job']['log'])
+                summarizer = JobSummarizer(component['job'])
+                summarizer.label = cname
                 self.summarizers[cname] = summarizer
     def run(self):
@@ -184,7 +243,7 @@ class PipelineSummarizer():
         txt = ''
         for cname, summarizer in self.summarizers.iteritems():
             txt += '### Summary for {} ({})\n'.format(
-                cname, summarizer.job_uuid)
+                cname, summarizer.job['uuid'])
             txt += summarizer.report()
             txt += '\n'
         return txt
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151204190335.txt.gz.report b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151204190335.txt.gz.report
index ef7beb1..c94cd24 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151204190335.txt.gz.report
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151204190335.txt.gz.report
@@ -28,3 +28,5 @@ time	elapsed	80	-	80
 # Max memory used by a single task: 0.35GB
 # Max network traffic in a single task: 1.79GB
 # Max network speed in a single interval: 42.58MB/s
+#!! job max CPU usage was 13% -- try runtime_constraints "min_cores_per_node":1
+#!! job never used more than 334 MiB RAM -- try runtime_constraints "min_ram_mb_per_node":1024
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063411.txt.gz.report b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063411.txt.gz.report
index 38af3e7..e711824 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063411.txt.gz.report
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063411.txt.gz.report
@@ -15,3 +15,4 @@ time	elapsed	2	-	4
 # Overall CPU usage: 0.00%
 # Max memory used by a single task: 0.00GB
 # Max network traffic in a single task: 0.00GB
+#!! job never used more than 1 MiB RAM -- try runtime_constraints "min_ram_mb_per_node":1024
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063439.txt.gz.report b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063439.txt.gz.report
index 7e42d61..5772cb4 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063439.txt.gz.report
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/logfile_20151210063439.txt.gz.report
@@ -15,3 +15,4 @@ time	elapsed	2	-	3
 # Overall CPU usage: 0.00%
 # Max memory used by a single task: 0.00GB
 # Max network traffic in a single task: 0.00GB
+#!! job never used more than 1 MiB RAM -- try runtime_constraints "min_ram_mb_per_node":1024
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py
index 1bce693..a19d7ad 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class ReportDiff(unittest.TestCase):
             expect, got, fromfile=expectfile, tofile="(generated)")))
-class ExampleLogsTestCase(ReportDiff):
+class SummarizeFile(ReportDiff):
     def test_example_files(self):
         for fnm in glob.glob(os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, '*.txt.gz')):
             logfile = os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, fnm)
@@ -35,22 +35,28 @@ class ExampleLogsTestCase(ReportDiff):
             self.diff_known_report(logfile, summarizer)
-class LookupJobUUID(ReportDiff):
-    fake_uuid = 'zzzzz-8i9sb-jq0ekny1xou3zoh'
+class SummarizeJob(ReportDiff):
+    fake_job_uuid = 'zzzzz-8i9sb-jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj'
+    fake_log_id = 'fake-log-collection-id'
+    fake_job = {
+        'uuid': fake_job_uuid,
+        'log': fake_log_id,
+    }
+    logfile = os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, 'logfile_20151204190335.txt.gz')
-    def test_job_uuid(self, mock_api, mock_cr):
-        logfile = os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, 'logfile_20151204190335.txt.gz')
-        mock_api().jobs().get().execute.return_value = {'log': 'fake-uuid'}
+    def test_job_report(self, mock_api, mock_cr):
+        mock_api().jobs().get().execute.return_value = self.fake_job
         mock_cr().__iter__.return_value = ['fake-logfile.txt']
-        mock_cr().open.return_value = gzip.open(logfile)
+        mock_cr().open.return_value = gzip.open(self.logfile)
         args = crunchstat_summary.command.ArgumentParser().parse_args(
-            ['--job', self.fake_uuid])
+            ['--job', self.fake_job_uuid])
         summarizer = crunchstat_summary.command.Command(args).summarizer()
-        self.diff_known_report(logfile, summarizer)
-        mock_api().jobs().get.assert_called_with(uuid=self.fake_uuid)
+        self.diff_known_report(self.logfile, summarizer)
+        mock_api().jobs().get.assert_called_with(uuid=self.fake_job_uuid)
+        mock_cr.assert_called_with(self.fake_log_id)
@@ -63,12 +69,20 @@ class SummarizePipeline(ReportDiff):
                 'job': {
                     'uuid': 'zzzzz-8i9sb-000000000000000',
                     'log': 'fake-log-pdh-0',
+                    'runtime_constraints': {
+                        'min_ram_mb_per_node': 1024,
+                        'min_cores_per_node': 1,
+                    },
             ['bar', {
                 'job': {
                     'uuid': 'zzzzz-8i9sb-000000000000001',
                     'log': 'fake-log-pdh-1',
+                    'runtime_constraints': {
+                        'min_ram_mb_per_node': 1024,
+                        'min_cores_per_node': 1,
+                    },
             ['no-job-assigned', {}],
@@ -81,6 +95,10 @@ class SummarizePipeline(ReportDiff):
                 'job': {
                     'uuid': 'zzzzz-8i9sb-000000000000002',
                     'log': 'fake-log-pdh-2',
+                    'runtime_constraints': {
+                        'min_ram_mb_per_node': 1024,
+                        'min_cores_per_node': 1,
+                    },
@@ -98,13 +116,16 @@ class SummarizePipeline(ReportDiff):
         summarizer = crunchstat_summary.command.Command(args).summarizer()
+        job_report = [
+            line for line in open(logfile+'.report').readlines()
+            if not line.startswith('#!! ')]
         expect = (
             ['### Summary for foo (zzzzz-8i9sb-000000000000000)\n'] +
-            open(logfile+'.report').readlines() + ['\n'] +
+            job_report + ['\n'] +
             ['### Summary for bar (zzzzz-8i9sb-000000000000001)\n'] +
-            open(logfile+'.report').readlines() + ['\n'] +
+            job_report + ['\n'] +
             ['### Summary for baz (zzzzz-8i9sb-000000000000002)\n'] +
-            open(logfile+'.report').readlines())
+            job_report)
         self.diff_report(summarizer, expect)

commit b72d97ec56bd712e5aa2d41f120aa3ed31218041
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date:   Mon Dec 21 14:42:44 2015 -0500

    8123: Add --pipeline-instance mode: generate a report for each finished component.

diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/bin/crunchstat-summary b/tools/crunchstat-summary/bin/crunchstat-summary
index 662d783..f42d30b 100755
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/bin/crunchstat-summary
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/bin/crunchstat-summary
@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ import crunchstat_summary.summarizer
 import sys
 args = crunchstat_summary.command.ArgumentParser().parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
-s = crunchstat_summary.summarizer.Summarizer(args)
+s = crunchstat_summary.command.Command(args).summarizer()
 print(s.report(), end='')
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/command.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/command.py
index 8186e5d..fc37190 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/command.py
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/command.py
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
 import argparse
+import gzip
+import sys
+from crunchstat_summary import summarizer
 class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
@@ -10,5 +14,27 @@ class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
             '--job', type=str, metavar='UUID',
             help='Look up the specified job and read its log data from Keep')
+            '--pipeline-instance', type=str, metavar='UUID',
+            help='Summarize each component of the given pipeline instance')
+        src.add_argument(
             '--log-file', type=str,
             help='Read log data from a regular file')
+class Command(object):
+    def __init__(self, args):
+        self.args = args
+    def summarizer(self):
+        if self.args.pipeline_instance:
+            return summarizer.PipelineSummarizer(self.args.pipeline_instance)
+        elif self.args.job:
+            return summarizer.JobSummarizer(self.args.job)
+        elif self.args.log_file:
+            if self.args.log_file.endswith('.gz'):
+                fh = gzip.open(self.args.log_file)
+            else:
+                fh = open(self.args.log_file)
+            return summarizer.Summarizer(fh)
+        else:
+            return summarizer.Summarizer(sys.stdin)
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
index ac0964b..1b7f950 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/crunchstat_summary/summarizer.py
@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 import arvados
 import collections
 import functools
-import gzip
 import re
 import sys
 class Summarizer(object):
-    def __init__(self, args):
-        self.args = args
+    def __init__(self, logdata):
+        self._logdata = logdata
     def run(self):
         # stats_max: {category: {stat: val}}
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ class Summarizer(object):
         # task_stats: {task_id: {category: {stat: val}}}
         self.task_stats = collections.defaultdict(
             functools.partial(collections.defaultdict, dict))
-        for line in self._logdata():
+        for line in self._logdata:
             m = re.search(r'^\S+ \S+ \d+ (?P<seq>\d+) success in (?P<elapsed>\d+) seconds', line)
             if m:
                 task_id = m.group('seq')
@@ -35,6 +34,8 @@ class Summarizer(object):
             if m.group('category').endswith(':'):
                 # "notice:" etc.
+            elif m.group('category') == 'error':
+                continue
             task_id = m.group('seq')
             this_interval_s = None
             for group in ['current', 'interval']:
@@ -44,10 +45,15 @@ class Summarizer(object):
                 words = m.group(group).split(' ')
                 stats = {}
                 for val, stat in zip(words[::2], words[1::2]):
-                    if '.' in val:
-                        stats[stat] = float(val)
-                    else:
-                        stats[stat] = int(val)
+                    try:
+                        if '.' in val:
+                            stats[stat] = float(val)
+                        else:
+                            stats[stat] = int(val)
+                    except ValueError as e:
+                        raise ValueError(
+                            'Error parsing {} stat in "{}": {!r}'.format(
+                                stat, line, e))
                 if 'user' in stats or 'sys' in stats:
                     stats['user+sys'] = stats.get('user', 0) + stats.get('sys', 0)
                 if 'tx' in stats or 'rx' in stats:
@@ -127,25 +133,58 @@ class Summarizer(object):
             return '{}'.format(val)
-    def _logdata(self):
-        if self.args.log_file:
-            if self.args.log_file.endswith('.gz'):
-                return gzip.open(self.args.log_file)
-            else:
-                return open(self.args.log_file)
-        elif self.args.job:
-            arv = arvados.api('v1')
-            job = arv.jobs().get(uuid=self.args.job).execute()
-            if not job['log']:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    "job {} has no log; live summary not implemented".format(
-                        self.args.job))
-            collection = arvados.collection.CollectionReader(job['log'])
-            filenames = [filename for filename in collection]
-            if len(filenames) != 1:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    "collection {} has {} files; need exactly one".format(
-                        job.log, len(filenames)))
-            return collection.open(filenames[0])
+class CollectionSummarizer(Summarizer):
+    def __init__(self, collection_id):
+        collection = arvados.collection.CollectionReader(collection_id)
+        filenames = [filename for filename in collection]
+        if len(filenames) != 1:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "collection {} has {} files; need exactly one".format(
+                    collection_id, len(filenames)))
+        super(CollectionSummarizer, self).__init__(collection.open(filenames[0]))
+class JobSummarizer(CollectionSummarizer):
+    def __init__(self, job):
+        arv = arvados.api('v1')
+        if isinstance(job, str):
+            self.job = arv.jobs().get(uuid=job).execute()
-            return sys.stdin
+            self.job = job
+        if not self.job['log']:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "job {} has no log; live summary not implemented".format(
+                    self.job['uuid']))
+        super(JobSummarizer, self).__init__(self.job['log'])
+class PipelineSummarizer():
+    def __init__(self, pipeline_instance_uuid):
+        arv = arvados.api('v1')
+        instance = arv.pipeline_instances().get(
+            uuid=pipeline_instance_uuid).execute()
+        self.summarizers = collections.OrderedDict()
+        for cname, component in instance['components'].iteritems():
+            if 'job' not in component:
+                print("{}: skipping component with no job assigned".format(
+                    cname), file=sys.stderr)
+            elif component['job'].get('log') is None:
+                print("{}: skipping component with no log available".format(
+                    cname), file=sys.stderr)
+            else:
+                print("{}: reading log from {}".format(
+                    cname, component['job']['log']), file=sys.stderr)
+                summarizer = CollectionSummarizer(component['job']['log'])
+                summarizer.job_uuid = component['job']['uuid']
+                self.summarizers[cname] = summarizer
+    def run(self):
+        for summarizer in self.summarizers.itervalues():
+            summarizer.run()
+    def report(self):
+        txt = ''
+        for cname, summarizer in self.summarizers.iteritems():
+            txt += '### Summary for {} ({})\n'.format(
+                cname, summarizer.job_uuid)
+            txt += summarizer.report()
+            txt += '\n'
+        return txt
diff --git a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py
index dbc3843..1bce693 100644
--- a/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py
+++ b/tools/crunchstat-summary/tests/test_examples.py
@@ -1,22 +1,115 @@
+import arvados
+import collections
 import crunchstat_summary.command
 import crunchstat_summary.summarizer
 import difflib
 import glob
+import gzip
+import mock
 import os
 import unittest
-class ExampleLogsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+TESTS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+class ReportDiff(unittest.TestCase):
+    def diff_known_report(self, logfile, summarizer):
+        expectfile = logfile+'.report'
+        expect = open(expectfile).readlines()
+        self.diff_report(summarizer, expect, expectfile=expectfile)
+    def diff_report(self, summarizer, expect, expectfile=None):
+        got = [x+"\n" for x in summarizer.report().strip("\n").split("\n")]
+        self.assertEqual(got, expect, "\n"+"".join(difflib.context_diff(
+            expect, got, fromfile=expectfile, tofile="(generated)")))
+class ExampleLogsTestCase(ReportDiff):
     def test_example_files(self):
-        dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-        for fnm in glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, '*.txt.gz')):
-            logfile = os.path.join(dirname, fnm)
+        for fnm in glob.glob(os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, '*.txt.gz')):
+            logfile = os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, fnm)
             args = crunchstat_summary.command.ArgumentParser().parse_args(
                 ['--log-file', logfile])
-            summarizer = crunchstat_summary.summarizer.Summarizer(args)
+            summarizer = crunchstat_summary.command.Command(args).summarizer()
-            got = [x+"\n" for x in summarizer.report().strip("\n").split("\n")]
-            expectfile = logfile+'.report'
-            expect = open(expectfile).readlines()
-            self.assertEqual(got, expect, "\n"+"".join(difflib.context_diff(
-                expect, got, fromfile=expectfile, tofile="(generated)")))
+            self.diff_known_report(logfile, summarizer)
+class LookupJobUUID(ReportDiff):
+    fake_uuid = 'zzzzz-8i9sb-jq0ekny1xou3zoh'
+    @mock.patch('arvados.collection.CollectionReader')
+    @mock.patch('arvados.api')
+    def test_job_uuid(self, mock_api, mock_cr):
+        logfile = os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, 'logfile_20151204190335.txt.gz')
+        mock_api().jobs().get().execute.return_value = {'log': 'fake-uuid'}
+        mock_cr().__iter__.return_value = ['fake-logfile.txt']
+        mock_cr().open.return_value = gzip.open(logfile)
+        args = crunchstat_summary.command.ArgumentParser().parse_args(
+            ['--job', self.fake_uuid])
+        summarizer = crunchstat_summary.command.Command(args).summarizer()
+        summarizer.run()
+        self.diff_known_report(logfile, summarizer)
+        mock_api().jobs().get.assert_called_with(uuid=self.fake_uuid)
+        mock_cr().open.assert_called_with('fake-logfile.txt')
+class SummarizePipeline(ReportDiff):
+    fake_instance = {
+        'uuid': 'zzzzz-d1hrv-i3e77t9z5y8j9cc',
+        'owner_uuid': 'zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz',
+        'components': collections.OrderedDict([
+            ['foo', {
+                'job': {
+                    'uuid': 'zzzzz-8i9sb-000000000000000',
+                    'log': 'fake-log-pdh-0',
+                },
+            }],
+            ['bar', {
+                'job': {
+                    'uuid': 'zzzzz-8i9sb-000000000000001',
+                    'log': 'fake-log-pdh-1',
+                },
+            }],
+            ['no-job-assigned', {}],
+            ['unfinished-job', {
+                'job': {
+                    'uuid': 'zzzzz-8i9sb-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
+                },
+            }],
+            ['baz', {
+                'job': {
+                    'uuid': 'zzzzz-8i9sb-000000000000002',
+                    'log': 'fake-log-pdh-2',
+                },
+            }]]),
+    }
+    @mock.patch('arvados.collection.CollectionReader')
+    @mock.patch('arvados.api')
+    def test_pipeline(self, mock_api, mock_cr):
+        logfile = os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, 'logfile_20151204190335.txt.gz')
+        mock_api().pipeline_instances().get().execute. \
+            return_value = self.fake_instance
+        mock_cr().__iter__.return_value = ['fake-logfile.txt']
+        mock_cr().open.side_effect = [gzip.open(logfile) for _ in range(3)]
+        args = crunchstat_summary.command.ArgumentParser().parse_args(
+            ['--pipeline-instance', self.fake_instance['uuid']])
+        summarizer = crunchstat_summary.command.Command(args).summarizer()
+        summarizer.run()
+        expect = (
+            ['### Summary for foo (zzzzz-8i9sb-000000000000000)\n'] +
+            open(logfile+'.report').readlines() + ['\n'] +
+            ['### Summary for bar (zzzzz-8i9sb-000000000000001)\n'] +
+            open(logfile+'.report').readlines() + ['\n'] +
+            ['### Summary for baz (zzzzz-8i9sb-000000000000002)\n'] +
+            open(logfile+'.report').readlines())
+        self.diff_report(summarizer, expect)
+        mock_cr.assert_has_calls(
+            [
+                mock.call('fake-log-pdh-0'),
+                mock.call('fake-log-pdh-1'),
+                mock.call('fake-log-pdh-2'),
+            ], any_order=True)
+        mock_cr().open.assert_called_with('fake-logfile.txt')



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