[ARVADOS] created: 0702b157b8487d7787be8c84f05e8aba03440866

Git user git at public.curoverse.com
Fri Dec 9 16:23:43 EST 2016

        at  0702b157b8487d7787be8c84f05e8aba03440866 (commit)

commit 0702b157b8487d7787be8c84f05e8aba03440866
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date:   Fri Oct 14 11:04:23 2016 -0400

    10276: Remove data manager (superseded by keep-balance).

diff --git a/build/run-build-packages-one-target.sh b/build/run-build-packages-one-target.sh
index adcb87f..c8f4dea 100755
--- a/build/run-build-packages-one-target.sh
+++ b/build/run-build-packages-one-target.sh
@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ popd
 if test -z "$packages" ; then
-        arvados-data-manager
diff --git a/build/run-build-packages.sh b/build/run-build-packages.sh
index 65c9282..7c2101f 100755
--- a/build/run-build-packages.sh
+++ b/build/run-build-packages.sh
@@ -417,8 +417,6 @@ package_go_binary services/crunch-run crunch-run \
     "Supervise a single Crunch container"
 package_go_binary services/crunchstat crunchstat \
     "Gather cpu/memory/network statistics of running Crunch jobs"
-package_go_binary services/datamanager arvados-data-manager \
-    "Ensure block replication levels, report disk usage, and determine which blocks should be deleted when space is needed"
 package_go_binary services/keep-balance keep-balance \
     "Rebalance and garbage-collect data blocks stored in Arvados Keep"
 package_go_binary services/keepproxy keepproxy \
diff --git a/build/run-tests.sh b/build/run-tests.sh
index 2797ec3..448100a 100755
--- a/build/run-tests.sh
+++ b/build/run-tests.sh
@@ -757,10 +757,6 @@ gostuff=(
-    services/datamanager/summary
-    services/datamanager/collection
-    services/datamanager/keep
-    services/datamanager
diff --git a/sdk/go/logger/logger.go b/sdk/go/logger/logger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dd7fb3..0000000
--- a/sdk/go/logger/logger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-// Logger periodically writes a log to the Arvados SDK.
-// This package is useful for maintaining a log object that is updated
-// over time. This log object will be periodically written to the log,
-// as specified by WriteInterval in the Params.
-// This package is safe for concurrent use as long as:
-// The maps passed to a LogMutator are not accessed outside of the
-// LogMutator
-// Usage:
-// arvLogger := logger.NewLogger(params)
-// arvLogger.Update(func(properties map[string]interface{},
-// 	entry map[string]interface{}) {
-//   // Modifiy properties and entry however you want
-//   // properties is a shortcut for entry["properties"].(map[string]interface{})
-//   // properties can take any (valid) values you want to give it,
-//   // entry will only take the fields listed at
-//   // http://doc.arvados.org/api/schema/Log.html
-//   // Valid values for properties are anything that can be json
-//   // encoded (i.e. will not error if you call json.Marshal() on it.
-// })
-package logger
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvadosclient"
-	"log"
-	"time"
-const (
-	startSuffix              = "-start"
-	partialSuffix            = "-partial"
-	finalSuffix              = "-final"
-	numberNoMoreWorkMessages = 2 // To return from FinalUpdate() & Work().
-type LoggerParams struct {
-	Client          *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient // The client we use to write log entries
-	EventTypePrefix string                       // The prefix we use for the event type in the log entry
-	WriteInterval   time.Duration                // Wait at least this long between log writes
-// A LogMutator is a function which modifies the log entry.
-// It takes two maps as arguments, properties is the first and entry
-// is the second
-// properties is a shortcut for entry["properties"].(map[string]interface{})
-// properties can take any values you want to give it.
-// entry will only take the fields listed at http://doc.arvados.org/api/schema/Log.html
-// properties and entry are only safe to access inside the LogMutator,
-// they should not be stored anywhere, otherwise you'll risk
-// concurrent access.
-type LogMutator func(map[string]interface{}, map[string]interface{})
-// A Logger is used to build up a log entry over time and write every
-// version of it.
-type Logger struct {
-	// The data we write
-	data       map[string]interface{} // The entire map that we give to the api
-	entry      map[string]interface{} // Convenience shortcut into data
-	properties map[string]interface{} // Convenience shortcut into data
-	params LoggerParams // Parameters we were given
-	// Variables to coordinate updating and writing.
-	modified    bool            // Has this data been modified since the last write?
-	workToDo    chan LogMutator // Work to do in the worker thread.
-	writeTicker *time.Ticker    // On each tick we write the log data to arvados, if it has been modified.
-	hasWritten  bool            // Whether we've written at all yet.
-	noMoreWork  chan bool       // Signals that we're done writing.
-	writeHooks []LogMutator // Mutators we call before each write.
-// Create a new logger based on the specified parameters.
-func NewLogger(params LoggerParams) (l *Logger, err error) {
-	// sanity check parameters
-	if &params.Client == nil {
-		err = fmt.Errorf("Nil arvados client in LoggerParams passed in to NewLogger()")
-		return
-	}
-	if params.EventTypePrefix == "" {
-		err = fmt.Errorf("Empty event type prefix in LoggerParams passed in to NewLogger()")
-		return
-	}
-	l = &Logger{
-		data:        make(map[string]interface{}),
-		entry:       make(map[string]interface{}),
-		properties:  make(map[string]interface{}),
-		params:      params,
-		workToDo:    make(chan LogMutator, 10),
-		writeTicker: time.NewTicker(params.WriteInterval),
-		noMoreWork:  make(chan bool, numberNoMoreWorkMessages)}
-	l.data["log"] = l.entry
-	l.entry["properties"] = l.properties
-	// Start the worker goroutine.
-	go l.work()
-	return l, nil
-// Exported functions will be called from other goroutines, therefore
-// all they are allowed to do is enqueue work to be done in the worker
-// goroutine.
-// Enqueues an update. This will happen in another goroutine after
-// this method returns.
-func (l *Logger) Update(mutator LogMutator) {
-	l.workToDo <- mutator
-// Similar to Update(), but writes the log entry as soon as possible
-// (ignoring MinimumWriteInterval) and blocks until the entry has been
-// written. This is useful if you know that you're about to quit
-// (e.g. if you discovered a fatal error, or you're finished), since
-// go will not wait for timers (including the pending write timer) to
-// go off before exiting.
-func (l *Logger) FinalUpdate(mutator LogMutator) {
-	// TODO(misha): Consider not accepting any future updates somehow,
-	// since they won't get written if they come in after this.
-	// Stop the periodic write ticker. We'll perform the final write
-	// before returning from this function.
-	l.workToDo <- func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-		l.writeTicker.Stop()
-	}
-	// Apply the final update
-	l.workToDo <- mutator
-	// Perform the final write and signal that we can return.
-	l.workToDo <- func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-		l.write(true)
-		for i := 0; i < numberNoMoreWorkMessages; {
-			l.noMoreWork <- true
-		}
-	}
-	// Wait until we've performed the write.
-	<-l.noMoreWork
-// Adds a hook which will be called every time this logger writes an entry.
-func (l *Logger) AddWriteHook(hook LogMutator) {
-	// We do the work in a LogMutator so that it happens in the worker
-	// goroutine.
-	l.workToDo <- func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-		l.writeHooks = append(l.writeHooks, hook)
-	}
-// The worker loop
-func (l *Logger) work() {
-	for {
-		select {
-		case <-l.writeTicker.C:
-			if l.modified {
-				l.write(false)
-				l.modified = false
-			}
-		case mutator := <-l.workToDo:
-			mutator(l.properties, l.entry)
-			l.modified = true
-		case <-l.noMoreWork:
-			return
-		}
-	}
-// Actually writes the log entry.
-func (l *Logger) write(isFinal bool) {
-	// Run all our hooks
-	for _, hook := range l.writeHooks {
-		hook(l.properties, l.entry)
-	}
-	// Update the event type.
-	if isFinal {
-		l.entry["event_type"] = l.params.EventTypePrefix + finalSuffix
-	} else if l.hasWritten {
-		l.entry["event_type"] = l.params.EventTypePrefix + partialSuffix
-	} else {
-		l.entry["event_type"] = l.params.EventTypePrefix + startSuffix
-	}
-	l.hasWritten = true
-	// Write the log entry.
-	// This is a network write and will take a while, which is bad
-	// because we're blocking all the other work on this goroutine.
-	//
-	// TODO(misha): Consider rewriting this so that we can encode l.data
-	// into a string, and then perform the actual write in another
-	// routine. This will be tricky and will require support in the
-	// client.
-	err := l.params.Client.Create("logs", l.data, nil)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Printf("Received error writing %v: %v", l.data, err)
-	}
diff --git a/sdk/go/logger/util.go b/sdk/go/logger/util.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 6425aca..0000000
--- a/sdk/go/logger/util.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-// Helper methods for interacting with Logger.
-package logger
-// Retrieves the map[string]interface{} stored at parent[key] if it
-// exists, otherwise it makes it and stores it there.
-// This is useful for logger because you may not know if a map you
-// need has already been created.
-func GetOrCreateMap(
-	parent map[string]interface{},
-	key string) (child map[string]interface{}) {
-	read, exists := parent[key]
-	if exists {
-		child = read.(map[string]interface{})
-	} else {
-		child = make(map[string]interface{})
-		parent[key] = child
-	}
-	return
diff --git a/sdk/go/util/util.go b/sdk/go/util/util.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ac510de..0000000
--- a/sdk/go/util/util.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-/* Helper methods for dealing with responses from API Server. */
-package util
-import (
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvadosclient"
-func UserIsAdmin(arv *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient) (is_admin bool, err error) {
-	type user struct {
-		IsAdmin bool `json:"is_admin"`
-	}
-	var u user
-	err = arv.Call("GET", "users", "", "current", nil, &u)
-	return u.IsAdmin, err
-// Returns the total count of a particular type of resource
-//   resource - the arvados resource to count
-// return
-//   count - the number of items of type resource the api server reports, if no error
-//   err - error accessing the resource, or nil if no error
-func NumberItemsAvailable(client *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient, resource string) (count int, err error) {
-	var response struct {
-		ItemsAvailable int `json:"items_available"`
-	}
-	sdkParams := arvadosclient.Dict{"limit": 0}
-	err = client.List(resource, sdkParams, &response)
-	if err == nil {
-		count = response.ItemsAvailable
-	}
-	return
diff --git a/services/datamanager/collection/collection.go b/services/datamanager/collection/collection.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 05e7a5f..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/collection/collection.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-// Deals with parsing Collection responses from API Server.
-package collection
-import (
-	"flag"
-	"fmt"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvadosclient"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/blockdigest"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/logger"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/manifest"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/util"
-	"log"
-	"os"
-	"runtime/pprof"
-	"time"
-var (
-	HeapProfileFilename string
-// Collection representation
-type Collection struct {
-	UUID              string
-	OwnerUUID         string
-	ReplicationLevel  int
-	BlockDigestToSize map[blockdigest.BlockDigest]int
-	TotalSize         int
-// ReadCollections holds information about collections from API server
-type ReadCollections struct {
-	ReadAllCollections        bool
-	UUIDToCollection          map[string]Collection
-	OwnerToCollectionSize     map[string]int
-	BlockToDesiredReplication map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize]int
-	CollectionUUIDToIndex     map[string]int
-	CollectionIndexToUUID     []string
-	BlockToCollectionIndices  map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize][]int
-// GetCollectionsParams params
-type GetCollectionsParams struct {
-	Client    *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient
-	Logger    *logger.Logger
-	BatchSize int
-// SdkCollectionInfo holds collection info from api
-type SdkCollectionInfo struct {
-	UUID               string    `json:"uuid"`
-	OwnerUUID          string    `json:"owner_uuid"`
-	ReplicationDesired int       `json:"replication_desired"`
-	ModifiedAt         time.Time `json:"modified_at"`
-	ManifestText       string    `json:"manifest_text"`
-// SdkCollectionList lists collections from api
-type SdkCollectionList struct {
-	ItemsAvailable int                 `json:"items_available"`
-	Items          []SdkCollectionInfo `json:"items"`
-func init() {
-	flag.StringVar(&HeapProfileFilename,
-		"heap-profile",
-		"",
-		"File to write the heap profiles to. Leave blank to skip profiling.")
-// WriteHeapProfile writes the heap profile to a file for later review.
-// Since a file is expected to only contain a single heap profile this
-// function overwrites the previously written profile, so it is safe
-// to call multiple times in a single run.
-// Otherwise we would see cumulative numbers as explained here:
-// https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-nuts/ZyHciRglQYc/2nh4Ndu2fZcJ
-func WriteHeapProfile() error {
-	if HeapProfileFilename != "" {
-		heapProfile, err := os.Create(HeapProfileFilename)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		defer heapProfile.Close()
-		err = pprof.WriteHeapProfile(heapProfile)
-		return err
-	}
-	return nil
-// GetCollectionsAndSummarize gets collections from api and summarizes
-func GetCollectionsAndSummarize(params GetCollectionsParams) (results ReadCollections, err error) {
-	results, err = GetCollections(params)
-	if err != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	results.Summarize(params.Logger)
-	log.Printf("Uuid to Size used: %v", results.OwnerToCollectionSize)
-	log.Printf("Read and processed %d collections",
-		len(results.UUIDToCollection))
-	// TODO(misha): Add a "readonly" flag. If we're in readonly mode,
-	// lots of behaviors can become warnings (and obviously we can't
-	// write anything).
-	// if !readCollections.ReadAllCollections {
-	// 	log.Fatalf("Did not read all collections")
-	// }
-	return
-// GetCollections gets collections from api
-func GetCollections(params GetCollectionsParams) (results ReadCollections, err error) {
-	if &params.Client == nil {
-		err = fmt.Errorf("params.Client passed to GetCollections() should " +
-			"contain a valid ArvadosClient, but instead it is nil.")
-		return
-	}
-	fieldsWanted := []string{"manifest_text",
-		"owner_uuid",
-		"uuid",
-		"replication_desired",
-		"modified_at"}
-	sdkParams := arvadosclient.Dict{
-		"select":  fieldsWanted,
-		"order":   []string{"modified_at ASC", "uuid ASC"},
-		"filters": [][]string{{"modified_at", ">=", "1900-01-01T00:00:00Z"}},
-		"offset":  0}
-	if params.BatchSize > 0 {
-		sdkParams["limit"] = params.BatchSize
-	}
-	var defaultReplicationLevel int
-	{
-		var value interface{}
-		value, err = params.Client.Discovery("defaultCollectionReplication")
-		if err != nil {
-			return
-		}
-		defaultReplicationLevel = int(value.(float64))
-		if defaultReplicationLevel <= 0 {
-			err = fmt.Errorf("Default collection replication returned by arvados SDK "+
-				"should be a positive integer but instead it was %d.",
-				defaultReplicationLevel)
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	initialNumberOfCollectionsAvailable, err :=
-		util.NumberItemsAvailable(params.Client, "collections")
-	if err != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	// Include a 1% margin for collections added while we're reading so
-	// that we don't have to grow the map in most cases.
-	maxExpectedCollections := int(
-		float64(initialNumberOfCollectionsAvailable) * 1.01)
-	results.UUIDToCollection = make(map[string]Collection, maxExpectedCollections)
-	if params.Logger != nil {
-		params.Logger.Update(func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-			collectionInfo := logger.GetOrCreateMap(p, "collection_info")
-			collectionInfo["num_collections_at_start"] = initialNumberOfCollectionsAvailable
-			collectionInfo["batch_size"] = params.BatchSize
-			collectionInfo["default_replication_level"] = defaultReplicationLevel
-		})
-	}
-	// These values are just for getting the loop to run the first time,
-	// afterwards they'll be set to real values.
-	remainingCollections := 1
-	var totalCollections int
-	var previousTotalCollections int
-	for remainingCollections > 0 {
-		// We're still finding new collections
-		// Write the heap profile for examining memory usage
-		err = WriteHeapProfile()
-		if err != nil {
-			return
-		}
-		// Get next batch of collections.
-		var collections SdkCollectionList
-		err = params.Client.List("collections", sdkParams, &collections)
-		if err != nil {
-			return
-		}
-		batchCollections := len(collections.Items)
-		// We must always have at least one collection in the batch
-		if batchCollections < 1 {
-			err = fmt.Errorf("API query returned no collections for %+v", sdkParams)
-			return
-		}
-		// Update count of remaining collections
-		remainingCollections = collections.ItemsAvailable - sdkParams["offset"].(int) - batchCollections
-		// Process collection and update our date filter.
-		latestModificationDate, maxManifestSize, totalManifestSize, err := ProcessCollections(params.Logger,
-			collections.Items,
-			defaultReplicationLevel,
-			results.UUIDToCollection)
-		if err != nil {
-			return results, err
-		}
-		if sdkParams["filters"].([][]string)[0][2] != latestModificationDate.Format(time.RFC3339) {
-			sdkParams["filters"].([][]string)[0][2] = latestModificationDate.Format(time.RFC3339)
-			sdkParams["offset"] = 0
-		} else {
-			sdkParams["offset"] = sdkParams["offset"].(int) + batchCollections
-		}
-		// update counts
-		previousTotalCollections = totalCollections
-		totalCollections = len(results.UUIDToCollection)
-		log.Printf("%d collections read, %d (%d new) in last batch, "+
-			"%d remaining, "+
-			"%s latest modified date, %.0f %d %d avg,max,total manifest size",
-			totalCollections,
-			batchCollections,
-			totalCollections-previousTotalCollections,
-			remainingCollections,
-			sdkParams["filters"].([][]string)[0][2],
-			float32(totalManifestSize)/float32(totalCollections),
-			maxManifestSize, totalManifestSize)
-		if params.Logger != nil {
-			params.Logger.Update(func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-				collectionInfo := logger.GetOrCreateMap(p, "collection_info")
-				collectionInfo["collections_read"] = totalCollections
-				collectionInfo["latest_modified_date_seen"] = sdkParams["filters"].([][]string)[0][2]
-				collectionInfo["total_manifest_size"] = totalManifestSize
-				collectionInfo["max_manifest_size"] = maxManifestSize
-			})
-		}
-	}
-	// Make one final API request to verify that we have processed all collections available up to the latest modification date
-	var collections SdkCollectionList
-	sdkParams["filters"].([][]string)[0][1] = "<="
-	sdkParams["limit"] = 0
-	err = params.Client.List("collections", sdkParams, &collections)
-	if err != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	finalNumberOfCollectionsAvailable, err :=
-		util.NumberItemsAvailable(params.Client, "collections")
-	if err != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	if totalCollections < finalNumberOfCollectionsAvailable {
-		err = fmt.Errorf("API server indicates a total of %d collections "+
-			"available up to %v, but we only retrieved %d. "+
-			"Refusing to continue as this could indicate an "+
-			"otherwise undetected failure.",
-			finalNumberOfCollectionsAvailable,
-			sdkParams["filters"].([][]string)[0][2],
-			totalCollections)
-		return
-	}
-	// Write the heap profile for examining memory usage
-	err = WriteHeapProfile()
-	return
-// StrCopy returns a newly allocated string.
-// It is useful to copy slices so that the garbage collector can reuse
-// the memory of the longer strings they came from.
-func StrCopy(s string) string {
-	return string([]byte(s))
-// ProcessCollections read from api server
-func ProcessCollections(arvLogger *logger.Logger,
-	receivedCollections []SdkCollectionInfo,
-	defaultReplicationLevel int,
-	UUIDToCollection map[string]Collection,
-) (
-	latestModificationDate time.Time,
-	maxManifestSize, totalManifestSize uint64,
-	err error,
-) {
-	for _, sdkCollection := range receivedCollections {
-		collection := Collection{UUID: StrCopy(sdkCollection.UUID),
-			OwnerUUID:         StrCopy(sdkCollection.OwnerUUID),
-			ReplicationLevel:  sdkCollection.ReplicationDesired,
-			BlockDigestToSize: make(map[blockdigest.BlockDigest]int)}
-		if sdkCollection.ModifiedAt.IsZero() {
-			err = fmt.Errorf(
-				"Arvados SDK collection returned with unexpected zero "+
-					"modification date. This probably means that either we failed to "+
-					"parse the modification date or the API server has changed how "+
-					"it returns modification dates: %+v",
-				collection)
-			return
-		}
-		if sdkCollection.ModifiedAt.After(latestModificationDate) {
-			latestModificationDate = sdkCollection.ModifiedAt
-		}
-		if collection.ReplicationLevel == 0 {
-			collection.ReplicationLevel = defaultReplicationLevel
-		}
-		manifest := manifest.Manifest{Text: sdkCollection.ManifestText}
-		manifestSize := uint64(len(sdkCollection.ManifestText))
-		if _, alreadySeen := UUIDToCollection[collection.UUID]; !alreadySeen {
-			totalManifestSize += manifestSize
-		}
-		if manifestSize > maxManifestSize {
-			maxManifestSize = manifestSize
-		}
-		blockChannel := manifest.BlockIterWithDuplicates()
-		for block := range blockChannel {
-			if storedSize, stored := collection.BlockDigestToSize[block.Digest]; stored && storedSize != block.Size {
-				log.Printf(
-					"Collection %s contains multiple sizes (%d and %d) for block %s",
-					collection.UUID,
-					storedSize,
-					block.Size,
-					block.Digest)
-			}
-			collection.BlockDigestToSize[block.Digest] = block.Size
-		}
-		if manifest.Err != nil {
-			err = manifest.Err
-			return
-		}
-		collection.TotalSize = 0
-		for _, size := range collection.BlockDigestToSize {
-			collection.TotalSize += size
-		}
-		UUIDToCollection[collection.UUID] = collection
-		// Clear out all the manifest strings that we don't need anymore.
-		// These hopefully form the bulk of our memory usage.
-		manifest.Text = ""
-		sdkCollection.ManifestText = ""
-	}
-	return
-// Summarize the collections read
-func (readCollections *ReadCollections) Summarize(arvLogger *logger.Logger) {
-	readCollections.OwnerToCollectionSize = make(map[string]int)
-	readCollections.BlockToDesiredReplication = make(map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize]int)
-	numCollections := len(readCollections.UUIDToCollection)
-	readCollections.CollectionUUIDToIndex = make(map[string]int, numCollections)
-	readCollections.CollectionIndexToUUID = make([]string, 0, numCollections)
-	readCollections.BlockToCollectionIndices = make(map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize][]int)
-	for _, coll := range readCollections.UUIDToCollection {
-		collectionIndex := len(readCollections.CollectionIndexToUUID)
-		readCollections.CollectionIndexToUUID =
-			append(readCollections.CollectionIndexToUUID, coll.UUID)
-		readCollections.CollectionUUIDToIndex[coll.UUID] = collectionIndex
-		readCollections.OwnerToCollectionSize[coll.OwnerUUID] =
-			readCollections.OwnerToCollectionSize[coll.OwnerUUID] + coll.TotalSize
-		for block, size := range coll.BlockDigestToSize {
-			locator := blockdigest.DigestWithSize{Digest: block, Size: uint32(size)}
-			readCollections.BlockToCollectionIndices[locator] =
-				append(readCollections.BlockToCollectionIndices[locator],
-					collectionIndex)
-			storedReplication := readCollections.BlockToDesiredReplication[locator]
-			if coll.ReplicationLevel > storedReplication {
-				readCollections.BlockToDesiredReplication[locator] =
-					coll.ReplicationLevel
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if arvLogger != nil {
-		arvLogger.Update(func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-			collectionInfo := logger.GetOrCreateMap(p, "collection_info")
-			// Since maps are shallow copied, we run a risk of concurrent
-			// updates here. By copying results.OwnerToCollectionSize into
-			// the log, we're assuming that it won't be updated.
-			collectionInfo["owner_to_collection_size"] =
-				readCollections.OwnerToCollectionSize
-			collectionInfo["distinct_blocks_named"] =
-				len(readCollections.BlockToDesiredReplication)
-		})
-	}
-	return
diff --git a/services/datamanager/collection/collection_test.go b/services/datamanager/collection/collection_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bf6a89..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/collection/collection_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-package collection
-import (
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvadosclient"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvadostest"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/blockdigest"
-	. "gopkg.in/check.v1"
-	"net/http"
-	"net/http/httptest"
-	"testing"
-// Gocheck boilerplate
-func Test(t *testing.T) {
-	TestingT(t)
-type MySuite struct{}
-var _ = Suite(&MySuite{})
-// This captures the result we expect from
-// ReadCollections.Summarize().  Because CollectionUUIDToIndex is
-// indeterminate, we replace BlockToCollectionIndices with
-// BlockToCollectionUuids.
-type ExpectedSummary struct {
-	OwnerToCollectionSize     map[string]int
-	BlockToDesiredReplication map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize]int
-	BlockToCollectionUuids    map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize][]string
-func CompareSummarizedReadCollections(c *C,
-	summarized ReadCollections,
-	expected ExpectedSummary) {
-	c.Assert(summarized.OwnerToCollectionSize, DeepEquals,
-		expected.OwnerToCollectionSize)
-	c.Assert(summarized.BlockToDesiredReplication, DeepEquals,
-		expected.BlockToDesiredReplication)
-	summarizedBlockToCollectionUuids :=
-		make(map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize]map[string]struct{})
-	for digest, indices := range summarized.BlockToCollectionIndices {
-		uuidSet := make(map[string]struct{})
-		summarizedBlockToCollectionUuids[digest] = uuidSet
-		for _, index := range indices {
-			uuidSet[summarized.CollectionIndexToUUID[index]] = struct{}{}
-		}
-	}
-	expectedBlockToCollectionUuids :=
-		make(map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize]map[string]struct{})
-	for digest, uuidSlice := range expected.BlockToCollectionUuids {
-		uuidSet := make(map[string]struct{})
-		expectedBlockToCollectionUuids[digest] = uuidSet
-		for _, uuid := range uuidSlice {
-			uuidSet[uuid] = struct{}{}
-		}
-	}
-	c.Assert(summarizedBlockToCollectionUuids, DeepEquals,
-		expectedBlockToCollectionUuids)
-func (s *MySuite) TestSummarizeSimple(checker *C) {
-	rc := MakeTestReadCollections([]TestCollectionSpec{{
-		ReplicationLevel: 5,
-		Blocks:           []int{1, 2},
-	}})
-	rc.Summarize(nil)
-	c := rc.UUIDToCollection["col0"]
-	blockDigest1 := blockdigest.MakeTestDigestWithSize(1)
-	blockDigest2 := blockdigest.MakeTestDigestWithSize(2)
-	expected := ExpectedSummary{
-		OwnerToCollectionSize:     map[string]int{c.OwnerUUID: c.TotalSize},
-		BlockToDesiredReplication: map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize]int{blockDigest1: 5, blockDigest2: 5},
-		BlockToCollectionUuids:    map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize][]string{blockDigest1: {c.UUID}, blockDigest2: {c.UUID}},
-	}
-	CompareSummarizedReadCollections(checker, rc, expected)
-func (s *MySuite) TestSummarizeOverlapping(checker *C) {
-	rc := MakeTestReadCollections([]TestCollectionSpec{
-		{
-			ReplicationLevel: 5,
-			Blocks:           []int{1, 2},
-		},
-		{
-			ReplicationLevel: 8,
-			Blocks:           []int{2, 3},
-		},
-	})
-	rc.Summarize(nil)
-	c0 := rc.UUIDToCollection["col0"]
-	c1 := rc.UUIDToCollection["col1"]
-	blockDigest1 := blockdigest.MakeTestDigestWithSize(1)
-	blockDigest2 := blockdigest.MakeTestDigestWithSize(2)
-	blockDigest3 := blockdigest.MakeTestDigestWithSize(3)
-	expected := ExpectedSummary{
-		OwnerToCollectionSize: map[string]int{
-			c0.OwnerUUID: c0.TotalSize,
-			c1.OwnerUUID: c1.TotalSize,
-		},
-		BlockToDesiredReplication: map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize]int{
-			blockDigest1: 5,
-			blockDigest2: 8,
-			blockDigest3: 8,
-		},
-		BlockToCollectionUuids: map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize][]string{
-			blockDigest1: {c0.UUID},
-			blockDigest2: {c0.UUID, c1.UUID},
-			blockDigest3: {c1.UUID},
-		},
-	}
-	CompareSummarizedReadCollections(checker, rc, expected)
-type APITestData struct {
-	// path and response map
-	responses map[string]arvadostest.StubResponse
-	// expected error, if any
-	expectedError string
-func (s *MySuite) TestGetCollectionsAndSummarize_DiscoveryError(c *C) {
-	testGetCollectionsAndSummarize(c,
-		APITestData{
-			responses:     make(map[string]arvadostest.StubResponse),
-			expectedError: "arvados API server error: 500.*",
-		})
-func (s *MySuite) TestGetCollectionsAndSummarize_ApiErrorGetCollections(c *C) {
-	respMap := make(map[string]arvadostest.StubResponse)
-	respMap["/discovery/v1/apis/arvados/v1/rest"] = arvadostest.StubResponse{200, `{"defaultCollectionReplication":2}`}
-	respMap["/arvados/v1/collections"] = arvadostest.StubResponse{-1, ``}
-	testGetCollectionsAndSummarize(c,
-		APITestData{
-			responses:     respMap,
-			expectedError: "arvados API server error: 302.*",
-		})
-func (s *MySuite) TestGetCollectionsAndSummarize_GetCollectionsBadStreamName(c *C) {
-	respMap := make(map[string]arvadostest.StubResponse)
-	respMap["/discovery/v1/apis/arvados/v1/rest"] = arvadostest.StubResponse{200, `{"defaultCollectionReplication":2}`}
-	respMap["/arvados/v1/collections"] = arvadostest.StubResponse{200, `{"items_available":1,"items":[{"modified_at":"2015-11-24T15:04:05Z","manifest_text":"badstreamname"}]}`}
-	testGetCollectionsAndSummarize(c,
-		APITestData{
-			responses:     respMap,
-			expectedError: "Invalid stream name: badstreamname",
-		})
-func (s *MySuite) TestGetCollectionsAndSummarize_GetCollectionsBadFileToken(c *C) {
-	respMap := make(map[string]arvadostest.StubResponse)
-	respMap["/discovery/v1/apis/arvados/v1/rest"] = arvadostest.StubResponse{200, `{"defaultCollectionReplication":2}`}
-	respMap["/arvados/v1/collections"] = arvadostest.StubResponse{200, `{"items_available":1,"items":[{"modified_at":"2015-11-24T15:04:05Z","manifest_text":"./goodstream acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8+3 0:1:file1.txt file2.txt"}]}`}
-	testGetCollectionsAndSummarize(c,
-		APITestData{
-			responses:     respMap,
-			expectedError: "Invalid file token: file2.txt",
-		})
-func testGetCollectionsAndSummarize(c *C, testData APITestData) {
-	apiStub := arvadostest.ServerStub{testData.responses}
-	api := httptest.NewServer(&apiStub)
-	defer api.Close()
-	arv := &arvadosclient.ArvadosClient{
-		Scheme:    "http",
-		ApiServer: api.URL[7:],
-		ApiToken:  "abc123",
-		Client:    &http.Client{Transport: &http.Transport{}},
-	}
-	// GetCollectionsAndSummarize
-	_, err := GetCollectionsAndSummarize(GetCollectionsParams{arv, nil, 10})
-	if testData.expectedError == "" {
-		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
-	} else {
-		c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, testData.expectedError)
-	}
diff --git a/services/datamanager/collection/testing.go b/services/datamanager/collection/testing.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 2238433..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/collection/testing.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// Code used for testing only.
-package collection
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/blockdigest"
-// TestCollectionSpec with test blocks and desired replication level
-type TestCollectionSpec struct {
-	// The desired replication level
-	ReplicationLevel int
-	// Blocks this contains, represented by ints. Ints repeated will
-	// still only represent one block
-	Blocks []int
-// MakeTestReadCollections creates a ReadCollections object for testing
-// based on the give specs. Only the ReadAllCollections and UUIDToCollection
-// fields are populated. To populate other fields call rc.Summarize().
-func MakeTestReadCollections(specs []TestCollectionSpec) (rc ReadCollections) {
-	rc = ReadCollections{
-		ReadAllCollections: true,
-		UUIDToCollection:   map[string]Collection{},
-	}
-	for i, spec := range specs {
-		c := Collection{
-			UUID:              fmt.Sprintf("col%d", i),
-			OwnerUUID:         fmt.Sprintf("owner%d", i),
-			ReplicationLevel:  spec.ReplicationLevel,
-			BlockDigestToSize: map[blockdigest.BlockDigest]int{},
-		}
-		rc.UUIDToCollection[c.UUID] = c
-		for _, j := range spec.Blocks {
-			c.BlockDigestToSize[blockdigest.MakeTestBlockDigest(j)] = j
-		}
-		// We compute the size in a separate loop because the value
-		// computed in the above loop would be invalid if c.Blocks
-		// contained duplicates.
-		for _, size := range c.BlockDigestToSize {
-			c.TotalSize += size
-		}
-	}
-	return
-// CollectionIndicesForTesting returns a slice giving the collection
-// index of each collection that was passed in to MakeTestReadCollections.
-// rc.Summarize() must be called before this method, since Summarize()
-// assigns an index to each collection.
-func (rc ReadCollections) CollectionIndicesForTesting() (indices []int) {
-	// TODO(misha): Assert that rc.Summarize() has been called.
-	numCollections := len(rc.CollectionIndexToUUID)
-	indices = make([]int, numCollections)
-	for i := 0; i < numCollections; i++ {
-		indices[i] = rc.CollectionUUIDToIndex[fmt.Sprintf("col%d", i)]
-	}
-	return
diff --git a/services/datamanager/datamanager.go b/services/datamanager/datamanager.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5250d17..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/datamanager.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-/* Keep Datamanager. Responsible for checking on and reporting on Keep Storage */
-package main
-import (
-	"errors"
-	"flag"
-	"fmt"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvadosclient"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/keepclient"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/logger"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/util"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/datamanager/collection"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/datamanager/keep"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/datamanager/loggerutil"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/datamanager/summary"
-	"log"
-	"time"
-var (
-	logEventTypePrefix  string
-	logFrequencySeconds int
-	minutesBetweenRuns  int
-	collectionBatchSize int
-	dryRun              bool
-func init() {
-	flag.StringVar(&logEventTypePrefix,
-		"log-event-type-prefix",
-		"experimental-data-manager",
-		"Prefix to use in the event_type of our arvados log entries. Set to empty to turn off logging")
-	flag.IntVar(&logFrequencySeconds,
-		"log-frequency-seconds",
-		20,
-		"How frequently we'll write log entries in seconds.")
-	flag.IntVar(&minutesBetweenRuns,
-		"minutes-between-runs",
-		0,
-		"How many minutes we wait between data manager runs. 0 means run once and exit.")
-	flag.IntVar(&collectionBatchSize,
-		"collection-batch-size",
-		1000,
-		"How many collections to request in each batch.")
-	flag.BoolVar(&dryRun,
-		"dry-run",
-		false,
-		"Perform a dry run. Log how many blocks would be deleted/moved, but do not issue any changes to keepstore.")
-func main() {
-	flag.Parse()
-	if minutesBetweenRuns == 0 {
-		arv, err := arvadosclient.MakeArvadosClient()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggerutil.FatalWithMessage(arvLogger, fmt.Sprintf("Error making arvados client: %v", err))
-		}
-		err = singlerun(arv)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggerutil.FatalWithMessage(arvLogger, fmt.Sprintf("singlerun: %v", err))
-		}
-	} else {
-		waitTime := time.Minute * time.Duration(minutesBetweenRuns)
-		for {
-			log.Println("Beginning Run")
-			arv, err := arvadosclient.MakeArvadosClient()
-			if err != nil {
-				loggerutil.FatalWithMessage(arvLogger, fmt.Sprintf("Error making arvados client: %v", err))
-			}
-			err = singlerun(arv)
-			if err != nil {
-				log.Printf("singlerun: %v", err)
-			}
-			log.Printf("Sleeping for %d minutes", minutesBetweenRuns)
-			time.Sleep(waitTime)
-		}
-	}
-var arvLogger *logger.Logger
-func singlerun(arv *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient) error {
-	var err error
-	if isAdmin, err := util.UserIsAdmin(arv); err != nil {
-		return errors.New("Error verifying admin token: " + err.Error())
-	} else if !isAdmin {
-		return errors.New("Current user is not an admin. Datamanager requires a privileged token.")
-	}
-	if logEventTypePrefix != "" {
-		arvLogger, err = logger.NewLogger(logger.LoggerParams{
-			Client:          arv,
-			EventTypePrefix: logEventTypePrefix,
-			WriteInterval:   time.Second * time.Duration(logFrequencySeconds)})
-	}
-	loggerutil.LogRunInfo(arvLogger)
-	if arvLogger != nil {
-		arvLogger.AddWriteHook(loggerutil.LogMemoryAlloc)
-	}
-	var (
-		dataFetcher     summary.DataFetcher
-		readCollections collection.ReadCollections
-		keepServerInfo  keep.ReadServers
-	)
-	if summary.ShouldReadData() {
-		dataFetcher = summary.ReadData
-	} else {
-		dataFetcher = BuildDataFetcher(arv)
-	}
-	err = dataFetcher(arvLogger, &readCollections, &keepServerInfo)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = summary.MaybeWriteData(arvLogger, readCollections, keepServerInfo)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	buckets := summary.BucketReplication(readCollections, keepServerInfo)
-	bucketCounts := buckets.Counts()
-	replicationSummary := buckets.SummarizeBuckets(readCollections)
-	replicationCounts := replicationSummary.ComputeCounts()
-	log.Printf("Blocks In Collections: %d, "+
-		"\nBlocks In Keep: %d.",
-		len(readCollections.BlockToDesiredReplication),
-		len(keepServerInfo.BlockToServers))
-	log.Println(replicationCounts.PrettyPrint())
-	log.Printf("Blocks Histogram:")
-	for _, rlbss := range bucketCounts {
-		log.Printf("%+v: %10d",
-			rlbss.Levels,
-			rlbss.Count)
-	}
-	kc, err := keepclient.MakeKeepClient(arv)
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("Error setting up keep client %v", err.Error())
-	}
-	// Log that we're finished. We force the recording, since go will
-	// not wait for the write timer before exiting.
-	if arvLogger != nil {
-		defer arvLogger.FinalUpdate(func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-			summaryInfo := logger.GetOrCreateMap(p, "summary_info")
-			summaryInfo["block_replication_counts"] = bucketCounts
-			summaryInfo["replication_summary"] = replicationCounts
-			p["summary_info"] = summaryInfo
-			p["run_info"].(map[string]interface{})["finished_at"] = time.Now()
-		})
-	}
-	pullServers := summary.ComputePullServers(kc,
-		&keepServerInfo,
-		readCollections.BlockToDesiredReplication,
-		replicationSummary.UnderReplicatedBlocks)
-	pullLists := summary.BuildPullLists(pullServers)
-	trashLists, trashErr := summary.BuildTrashLists(kc,
-		&keepServerInfo,
-		replicationSummary.KeepBlocksNotInCollections)
-	err = summary.WritePullLists(arvLogger, pullLists, dryRun)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	if trashErr != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	keep.SendTrashLists(arvLogger, kc, trashLists, dryRun)
-	return nil
-// BuildDataFetcher returns a data fetcher that fetches data from remote servers.
-func BuildDataFetcher(arv *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient) summary.DataFetcher {
-	return func(
-		arvLogger *logger.Logger,
-		readCollections *collection.ReadCollections,
-		keepServerInfo *keep.ReadServers,
-	) error {
-		collDone := make(chan struct{})
-		var collErr error
-		go func() {
-			*readCollections, collErr = collection.GetCollectionsAndSummarize(
-				collection.GetCollectionsParams{
-					Client:    arv,
-					Logger:    arvLogger,
-					BatchSize: collectionBatchSize})
-			collDone <- struct{}{}
-		}()
-		var keepErr error
-		*keepServerInfo, keepErr = keep.GetKeepServersAndSummarize(
-			keep.GetKeepServersParams{
-				Client: arv,
-				Logger: arvLogger,
-				Limit:  1000})
-		<-collDone
-		// Return a nil error only if both parts succeeded.
-		if collErr != nil {
-			return collErr
-		}
-		return keepErr
-	}
diff --git a/services/datamanager/datamanager_test.go b/services/datamanager/datamanager_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a8fff5..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/datamanager_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,732 +0,0 @@
-package main
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"fmt"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvadosclient"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvadostest"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/keepclient"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/datamanager/collection"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/datamanager/summary"
-	"io/ioutil"
-	"net/http"
-	"os"
-	"os/exec"
-	"path"
-	"regexp"
-	"strings"
-	"testing"
-	"time"
-var arv *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient
-var keepClient *keepclient.KeepClient
-var keepServers []string
-func SetupDataManagerTest(t *testing.T) {
-	os.Setenv("ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE", "true")
-	// start api and keep servers
-	arvadostest.ResetEnv()
-	arvadostest.StartAPI()
-	arvadostest.StartKeep(2, false)
-	var err error
-	arv, err = arvadosclient.MakeArvadosClient()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Error making arvados client: %s", err)
-	}
-	arv.ApiToken = arvadostest.DataManagerToken
-	// keep client
-	keepClient = &keepclient.KeepClient{
-		Arvados:       arv,
-		Want_replicas: 2,
-		Client:        &http.Client{},
-	}
-	// discover keep services
-	if err = keepClient.DiscoverKeepServers(); err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Error discovering keep services: %s", err)
-	}
-	keepServers = []string{}
-	for _, host := range keepClient.LocalRoots() {
-		keepServers = append(keepServers, host)
-	}
-func TearDownDataManagerTest(t *testing.T) {
-	arvadostest.StopKeep(2)
-	arvadostest.StopAPI()
-	summary.WriteDataTo = ""
-	collection.HeapProfileFilename = ""
-func putBlock(t *testing.T, data string) string {
-	locator, _, err := keepClient.PutB([]byte(data))
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Error putting test data for %s %s %v", data, locator, err)
-	}
-	if locator == "" {
-		t.Fatalf("No locator found after putting test data")
-	}
-	splits := strings.Split(locator, "+")
-	return splits[0] + "+" + splits[1]
-func getBlock(t *testing.T, locator string, data string) {
-	reader, blocklen, _, err := keepClient.Get(locator)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Error getting test data in setup for %s %s %v", data, locator, err)
-	}
-	if reader == nil {
-		t.Fatalf("No reader found after putting test data")
-	}
-	if blocklen != int64(len(data)) {
-		t.Fatalf("blocklen %d did not match data len %d", blocklen, len(data))
-	}
-	all, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
-	if string(all) != data {
-		t.Fatalf("Data read %s did not match expected data %s", string(all), data)
-	}
-// Create a collection using arv-put
-func createCollection(t *testing.T, data string) string {
-	tempfile, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), "temp-test-file")
-	defer os.Remove(tempfile.Name())
-	_, err = tempfile.Write([]byte(data))
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Error writing to tempfile %v", err)
-	}
-	// arv-put
-	output, err := exec.Command("arv-put", "--use-filename", "test.txt", tempfile.Name()).Output()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Error running arv-put %s", err)
-	}
-	uuid := string(output[0:27]) // trim terminating char
-	return uuid
-// Get collection locator
-var locatorMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`^([0-9a-f]{32})\+(\d*)(.*)$`)
-func getFirstLocatorFromCollection(t *testing.T, uuid string) string {
-	manifest := getCollection(t, uuid)["manifest_text"].(string)
-	locator := strings.Split(manifest, " ")[1]
-	match := locatorMatcher.FindStringSubmatch(locator)
-	if match == nil {
-		t.Fatalf("No locator found in collection manifest %s", manifest)
-	}
-	return match[1] + "+" + match[2]
-func switchToken(t string) func() {
-	orig := arv.ApiToken
-	restore := func() {
-		arv.ApiToken = orig
-	}
-	arv.ApiToken = t
-	return restore
-func getCollection(t *testing.T, uuid string) Dict {
-	defer switchToken(arvadostest.AdminToken)()
-	getback := make(Dict)
-	err := arv.Get("collections", uuid, nil, &getback)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Error getting collection %s", err)
-	}
-	if getback["uuid"] != uuid {
-		t.Fatalf("Get collection uuid did not match original: $s, result: $s", uuid, getback["uuid"])
-	}
-	return getback
-func updateCollection(t *testing.T, uuid string, paramName string, paramValue string) {
-	defer switchToken(arvadostest.AdminToken)()
-	err := arv.Update("collections", uuid, arvadosclient.Dict{
-		"collection": arvadosclient.Dict{
-			paramName: paramValue,
-		},
-	}, &arvadosclient.Dict{})
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Error updating collection %s", err)
-	}
-type Dict map[string]interface{}
-func deleteCollection(t *testing.T, uuid string) {
-	defer switchToken(arvadostest.AdminToken)()
-	getback := make(Dict)
-	err := arv.Delete("collections", uuid, nil, &getback)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Error deleting collection %s", err)
-	}
-	if getback["uuid"] != uuid {
-		t.Fatalf("Delete collection uuid did not match original: $s, result: $s", uuid, getback["uuid"])
-	}
-func dataManagerSingleRun(t *testing.T) {
-	err := singlerun(arv)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Error during singlerun %s", err)
-	}
-func getBlockIndexesForServer(t *testing.T, i int) []string {
-	var indexes []string
-	path := keepServers[i] + "/index"
-	client := http.Client{}
-	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", path, nil)
-	req.Header.Add("Authorization", "OAuth2 "+arvadostest.DataManagerToken)
-	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
-	resp, err := client.Do(req)
-	defer resp.Body.Close()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Error during %s %s", path, err)
-	}
-	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Error reading response from %s %s", path, err)
-	}
-	lines := strings.Split(string(body), "\n")
-	for _, line := range lines {
-		indexes = append(indexes, strings.Split(line, " ")...)
-	}
-	return indexes
-func getBlockIndexes(t *testing.T) [][]string {
-	var indexes [][]string
-	for i := 0; i < len(keepServers); i++ {
-		indexes = append(indexes, getBlockIndexesForServer(t, i))
-	}
-	return indexes
-func verifyBlocks(t *testing.T, notExpected []string, expected []string, minReplication int) {
-	blocks := getBlockIndexes(t)
-	for _, block := range notExpected {
-		for _, idx := range blocks {
-			if valueInArray(block, idx) {
-				t.Fatalf("Found unexpected block %s", block)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	for _, block := range expected {
-		nFound := 0
-		for _, idx := range blocks {
-			if valueInArray(block, idx) {
-				nFound++
-			}
-		}
-		if nFound < minReplication {
-			t.Fatalf("Found %d replicas of block %s, expected >= %d", nFound, block, minReplication)
-		}
-	}
-func valueInArray(value string, list []string) bool {
-	for _, v := range list {
-		if value == v {
-			return true
-		}
-	}
-	return false
-// Test env uses two keep volumes. The volume names can be found by reading the files
-// ARVADOS_HOME/tmp/keep0.volume and ARVADOS_HOME/tmp/keep1.volume
-// The keep volumes are of the dir structure: volumeN/subdir/locator
-func backdateBlocks(t *testing.T, oldUnusedBlockLocators []string) {
-	// First get rid of any size hints in the locators
-	var trimmedBlockLocators []string
-	for _, block := range oldUnusedBlockLocators {
-		trimmedBlockLocators = append(trimmedBlockLocators, strings.Split(block, "+")[0])
-	}
-	// Get the working dir so that we can read keep{n}.volume files
-	wd, err := os.Getwd()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Error getting working dir %s", err)
-	}
-	// Now cycle through the two keep volumes
-	oldTime := time.Now().AddDate(0, -2, 0)
-	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
-		filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s/../../tmp/keep%d.volume", wd, i)
-		volumeDir, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatalf("Error reading keep volume file %s %s", filename, err)
-		}
-		// Read the keep volume dir structure
-		volumeContents, err := ioutil.ReadDir(string(volumeDir))
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatalf("Error reading keep dir %s %s", string(volumeDir), err)
-		}
-		// Read each subdir for each of the keep volume dir
-		for _, subdir := range volumeContents {
-			subdirName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", volumeDir, subdir.Name())
-			subdirContents, err := ioutil.ReadDir(string(subdirName))
-			if err != nil {
-				t.Fatalf("Error reading keep dir %s %s", string(subdirName), err)
-			}
-			// Now we got to the files. The files are names are the block locators
-			for _, fileInfo := range subdirContents {
-				blockName := fileInfo.Name()
-				myname := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", subdirName, blockName)
-				if valueInArray(blockName, trimmedBlockLocators) {
-					err = os.Chtimes(myname, oldTime, oldTime)
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-func getStatus(t *testing.T, path string) interface{} {
-	client := http.Client{}
-	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", path, nil)
-	req.Header.Add("Authorization", "OAuth2 "+arvadostest.DataManagerToken)
-	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
-	resp, err := client.Do(req)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Error during %s %s", path, err)
-	}
-	defer resp.Body.Close()
-	var s interface{}
-	json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&s)
-	return s
-// Wait until PullQueue and TrashQueue are empty on all keepServers.
-func waitUntilQueuesFinishWork(t *testing.T) {
-	for _, ks := range keepServers {
-		for done := false; !done; {
-			time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
-			s := getStatus(t, ks+"/status.json")
-			for _, qName := range []string{"PullQueue", "TrashQueue"} {
-				qStatus := s.(map[string]interface{})[qName].(map[string]interface{})
-				if qStatus["Queued"].(float64)+qStatus["InProgress"].(float64) == 0 {
-					done = true
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-// Create some blocks and backdate some of them.
-// Also create some collections and delete some of them.
-// Verify block indexes.
-func TestPutAndGetBlocks(t *testing.T) {
-	defer TearDownDataManagerTest(t)
-	SetupDataManagerTest(t)
-	// Put some blocks which will be backdated later on
-	// The first one will also be used in a collection and hence should not be deleted when datamanager runs.
-	// The rest will be old and unreferenced and hence should be deleted when datamanager runs.
-	var oldUnusedBlockLocators []string
-	oldUnusedBlockData := "this block will have older mtime"
-	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
-		oldUnusedBlockLocators = append(oldUnusedBlockLocators, putBlock(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", oldUnusedBlockData, i)))
-	}
-	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
-		getBlock(t, oldUnusedBlockLocators[i], fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", oldUnusedBlockData, i))
-	}
-	// The rest will be old and unreferenced and hence should be deleted when datamanager runs.
-	oldUsedBlockData := "this collection block will have older mtime"
-	oldUsedBlockLocator := putBlock(t, oldUsedBlockData)
-	getBlock(t, oldUsedBlockLocator, oldUsedBlockData)
-	// Put some more blocks which will not be backdated; hence they are still new, but not in any collection.
-	// Hence, even though unreferenced, these should not be deleted when datamanager runs.
-	var newBlockLocators []string
-	newBlockData := "this block is newer"
-	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
-		newBlockLocators = append(newBlockLocators, putBlock(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", newBlockData, i)))
-	}
-	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
-		getBlock(t, newBlockLocators[i], fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", newBlockData, i))
-	}
-	// Create a collection that would be deleted later on
-	toBeDeletedCollectionUUID := createCollection(t, "some data for collection creation")
-	toBeDeletedCollectionLocator := getFirstLocatorFromCollection(t, toBeDeletedCollectionUUID)
-	// Create another collection that has the same data as the one of the old blocks
-	oldUsedBlockCollectionUUID := createCollection(t, oldUsedBlockData)
-	oldUsedBlockCollectionLocator := getFirstLocatorFromCollection(t, oldUsedBlockCollectionUUID)
-	if oldUsedBlockCollectionLocator != oldUsedBlockLocator {
-		t.Fatalf("Locator of the collection with the same data as old block is different %s", oldUsedBlockCollectionLocator)
-	}
-	// Create another collection whose replication level will be changed
-	replicationCollectionUUID := createCollection(t, "replication level on this collection will be reduced")
-	replicationCollectionLocator := getFirstLocatorFromCollection(t, replicationCollectionUUID)
-	// Create two collections with same data; one will be deleted later on
-	dataForTwoCollections := "one of these collections will be deleted"
-	oneOfTwoWithSameDataUUID := createCollection(t, dataForTwoCollections)
-	oneOfTwoWithSameDataLocator := getFirstLocatorFromCollection(t, oneOfTwoWithSameDataUUID)
-	secondOfTwoWithSameDataUUID := createCollection(t, dataForTwoCollections)
-	secondOfTwoWithSameDataLocator := getFirstLocatorFromCollection(t, secondOfTwoWithSameDataUUID)
-	if oneOfTwoWithSameDataLocator != secondOfTwoWithSameDataLocator {
-		t.Fatalf("Locators for both these collections expected to be same: %s %s", oneOfTwoWithSameDataLocator, secondOfTwoWithSameDataLocator)
-	}
-	// create collection with empty manifest text
-	emptyBlockLocator := putBlock(t, "")
-	emptyCollection := createCollection(t, "")
-	// Verify blocks before doing any backdating / deleting.
-	var expected []string
-	expected = append(expected, oldUnusedBlockLocators...)
-	expected = append(expected, newBlockLocators...)
-	expected = append(expected, toBeDeletedCollectionLocator)
-	expected = append(expected, replicationCollectionLocator)
-	expected = append(expected, oneOfTwoWithSameDataLocator)
-	expected = append(expected, secondOfTwoWithSameDataLocator)
-	expected = append(expected, emptyBlockLocator)
-	verifyBlocks(t, nil, expected, 2)
-	// Run datamanager in singlerun mode
-	dataManagerSingleRun(t)
-	waitUntilQueuesFinishWork(t)
-	verifyBlocks(t, nil, expected, 2)
-	// Backdate the to-be old blocks and delete the collections
-	backdateBlocks(t, oldUnusedBlockLocators)
-	deleteCollection(t, toBeDeletedCollectionUUID)
-	deleteCollection(t, secondOfTwoWithSameDataUUID)
-	backdateBlocks(t, []string{emptyBlockLocator})
-	deleteCollection(t, emptyCollection)
-	// Run data manager again
-	dataManagerSingleRun(t)
-	waitUntilQueuesFinishWork(t)
-	// Get block indexes and verify that all backdated blocks except the first one used in collection are not included.
-	expected = expected[:0]
-	expected = append(expected, oldUsedBlockLocator)
-	expected = append(expected, newBlockLocators...)
-	expected = append(expected, toBeDeletedCollectionLocator)
-	expected = append(expected, oneOfTwoWithSameDataLocator)
-	expected = append(expected, secondOfTwoWithSameDataLocator)
-	expected = append(expected, emptyBlockLocator) // even when unreferenced, this remains
-	verifyBlocks(t, oldUnusedBlockLocators, expected, 2)
-	// Reduce desired replication on replicationCollectionUUID
-	// collection, and verify that Data Manager does not reduce
-	// actual replication any further than that. (It might not
-	// reduce actual replication at all; that's OK for this test.)
-	// Reduce desired replication level.
-	updateCollection(t, replicationCollectionUUID, "replication_desired", "1")
-	collection := getCollection(t, replicationCollectionUUID)
-	if collection["replication_desired"].(interface{}) != float64(1) {
-		t.Fatalf("After update replication_desired is not 1; instead it is %v", collection["replication_desired"])
-	}
-	// Verify data is currently overreplicated.
-	verifyBlocks(t, nil, []string{replicationCollectionLocator}, 2)
-	// Run data manager again
-	dataManagerSingleRun(t)
-	waitUntilQueuesFinishWork(t)
-	// Verify data is not underreplicated.
-	verifyBlocks(t, nil, []string{replicationCollectionLocator}, 1)
-	// Verify *other* collections' data is not underreplicated.
-	verifyBlocks(t, oldUnusedBlockLocators, expected, 2)
-func TestDatamanagerSingleRunRepeatedly(t *testing.T) {
-	defer TearDownDataManagerTest(t)
-	SetupDataManagerTest(t)
-	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
-		err := singlerun(arv)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatalf("Got an error during datamanager singlerun: %v", err)
-		}
-	}
-func TestGetStatusRepeatedly(t *testing.T) {
-	defer TearDownDataManagerTest(t)
-	SetupDataManagerTest(t)
-	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
-		for j := 0; j < 2; j++ {
-			s := getStatus(t, keepServers[j]+"/status.json")
-			var pullQueueStatus interface{}
-			pullQueueStatus = s.(map[string]interface{})["PullQueue"]
-			var trashQueueStatus interface{}
-			trashQueueStatus = s.(map[string]interface{})["TrashQueue"]
-			if pullQueueStatus.(map[string]interface{})["Queued"] == nil ||
-				pullQueueStatus.(map[string]interface{})["InProgress"] == nil ||
-				trashQueueStatus.(map[string]interface{})["Queued"] == nil ||
-				trashQueueStatus.(map[string]interface{})["InProgress"] == nil {
-				t.Fatalf("PullQueue and TrashQueue status not found")
-			}
-			time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
-		}
-	}
-func TestRunDatamanagerWithBogusServer(t *testing.T) {
-	defer TearDownDataManagerTest(t)
-	SetupDataManagerTest(t)
-	arv.ApiServer = "bogus-server"
-	err := singlerun(arv)
-	if err == nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Expected error during singlerun with bogus server")
-	}
-func TestRunDatamanagerAsNonAdminUser(t *testing.T) {
-	defer TearDownDataManagerTest(t)
-	SetupDataManagerTest(t)
-	arv.ApiToken = arvadostest.ActiveToken
-	err := singlerun(arv)
-	if err == nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Expected error during singlerun as non-admin user")
-	}
-func TestPutAndGetBlocks_NoErrorDuringSingleRun(t *testing.T) {
-	testOldBlocksNotDeletedOnDataManagerError(t, "", "", false, false)
-func TestPutAndGetBlocks_ErrorDuringGetCollectionsBadWriteTo(t *testing.T) {
-	badpath, err := arvadostest.CreateBadPath()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf(err.Error())
-	}
-	defer func() {
-		err = arvadostest.DestroyBadPath(badpath)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatalf(err.Error())
-		}
-	}()
-	testOldBlocksNotDeletedOnDataManagerError(t, path.Join(badpath, "writetofile"), "", true, true)
-func TestPutAndGetBlocks_ErrorDuringGetCollectionsBadHeapProfileFilename(t *testing.T) {
-	badpath, err := arvadostest.CreateBadPath()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf(err.Error())
-	}
-	defer func() {
-		err = arvadostest.DestroyBadPath(badpath)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatalf(err.Error())
-		}
-	}()
-	testOldBlocksNotDeletedOnDataManagerError(t, "", path.Join(badpath, "heapprofilefile"), true, true)
-// Create some blocks and backdate some of them.
-// Run datamanager while producing an error condition.
-// Verify that the blocks are hence not deleted.
-func testOldBlocksNotDeletedOnDataManagerError(t *testing.T, writeDataTo string, heapProfileFile string, expectError bool, expectOldBlocks bool) {
-	defer TearDownDataManagerTest(t)
-	SetupDataManagerTest(t)
-	// Put some blocks and backdate them.
-	var oldUnusedBlockLocators []string
-	oldUnusedBlockData := "this block will have older mtime"
-	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
-		oldUnusedBlockLocators = append(oldUnusedBlockLocators, putBlock(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", oldUnusedBlockData, i)))
-	}
-	backdateBlocks(t, oldUnusedBlockLocators)
-	// Run data manager
-	summary.WriteDataTo = writeDataTo
-	collection.HeapProfileFilename = heapProfileFile
-	err := singlerun(arv)
-	if !expectError {
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatalf("Got an error during datamanager singlerun: %v", err)
-		}
-	} else {
-		if err == nil {
-			t.Fatalf("Expected error during datamanager singlerun")
-		}
-	}
-	waitUntilQueuesFinishWork(t)
-	// Get block indexes and verify that all backdated blocks are not/deleted as expected
-	if expectOldBlocks {
-		verifyBlocks(t, nil, oldUnusedBlockLocators, 2)
-	} else {
-		verifyBlocks(t, oldUnusedBlockLocators, nil, 2)
-	}
-// Create a collection with multiple streams and blocks
-func createMultiStreamBlockCollection(t *testing.T, data string, numStreams, numBlocks int) (string, []string) {
-	defer switchToken(arvadostest.AdminToken)()
-	manifest := ""
-	locators := make(map[string]bool)
-	for s := 0; s < numStreams; s++ {
-		manifest += fmt.Sprintf("./stream%d ", s)
-		for b := 0; b < numBlocks; b++ {
-			locator, _, err := keepClient.PutB([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s in stream %d and block %d", data, s, b)))
-			if err != nil {
-				t.Fatalf("Error creating block %d in stream %d: %v", b, s, err)
-			}
-			locators[strings.Split(locator, "+A")[0]] = true
-			manifest += locator + " "
-		}
-		manifest += "0:1:dummyfile.txt\n"
-	}
-	collection := make(Dict)
-	err := arv.Create("collections",
-		arvadosclient.Dict{"collection": arvadosclient.Dict{"manifest_text": manifest}},
-		&collection)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Error creating collection %v", err)
-	}
-	var locs []string
-	for k := range locators {
-		locs = append(locs, k)
-	}
-	return collection["uuid"].(string), locs
-// Create collection with multiple streams and blocks; backdate the blocks and but do not delete the collection.
-// Also, create stray block and backdate it.
-// After datamanager run: expect blocks from the collection, but not the stray block.
-func TestManifestWithMultipleStreamsAndBlocks(t *testing.T) {
-	testManifestWithMultipleStreamsAndBlocks(t, 100, 10, "", false)
-// Same test as TestManifestWithMultipleStreamsAndBlocks with an additional
-// keepstore of a service type other than "disk". Only the "disk" type services
-// will be indexed by datamanager and hence should work the same way.
-func TestManifestWithMultipleStreamsAndBlocks_WithOneUnsupportedKeepServer(t *testing.T) {
-	testManifestWithMultipleStreamsAndBlocks(t, 2, 2, "testblobstore", false)
-// Test datamanager with dry-run. Expect no block to be deleted.
-func TestManifestWithMultipleStreamsAndBlocks_DryRun(t *testing.T) {
-	testManifestWithMultipleStreamsAndBlocks(t, 2, 2, "", true)
-func testManifestWithMultipleStreamsAndBlocks(t *testing.T, numStreams, numBlocks int, createExtraKeepServerWithType string, isDryRun bool) {
-	defer TearDownDataManagerTest(t)
-	SetupDataManagerTest(t)
-	// create collection whose blocks will be backdated
-	collectionWithOldBlocks, oldBlocks := createMultiStreamBlockCollection(t, "old block", numStreams, numBlocks)
-	if collectionWithOldBlocks == "" {
-		t.Fatalf("Failed to create collection with %d blocks", numStreams*numBlocks)
-	}
-	if len(oldBlocks) != numStreams*numBlocks {
-		t.Fatalf("Not all blocks are created: expected %v, found %v", 1000, len(oldBlocks))
-	}
-	// create a stray block that will be backdated
-	strayOldBlock := putBlock(t, "this stray block is old")
-	expected := []string{strayOldBlock}
-	expected = append(expected, oldBlocks...)
-	verifyBlocks(t, nil, expected, 2)
-	// Backdate old blocks; but the collection still references these blocks
-	backdateBlocks(t, oldBlocks)
-	// also backdate the stray old block
-	backdateBlocks(t, []string{strayOldBlock})
-	// If requested, create an extra keepserver with the given type
-	// This should be ignored during indexing and hence not change the datamanager outcome
-	var extraKeepServerUUID string
-	if createExtraKeepServerWithType != "" {
-		extraKeepServerUUID = addExtraKeepServer(t, createExtraKeepServerWithType)
-		defer deleteExtraKeepServer(extraKeepServerUUID)
-	}
-	// run datamanager
-	dryRun = isDryRun
-	dataManagerSingleRun(t)
-	if dryRun {
-		// verify that all blocks, including strayOldBlock, are still to be found
-		verifyBlocks(t, nil, expected, 2)
-	} else {
-		// verify that strayOldBlock is not to be found, but the collections blocks are still there
-		verifyBlocks(t, []string{strayOldBlock}, oldBlocks, 2)
-	}
-// Add one more keepstore with the given service type
-func addExtraKeepServer(t *testing.T, serviceType string) string {
-	defer switchToken(arvadostest.AdminToken)()
-	extraKeepService := make(arvadosclient.Dict)
-	err := arv.Create("keep_services",
-		arvadosclient.Dict{"keep_service": arvadosclient.Dict{
-			"service_host":     "localhost",
-			"service_port":     "21321",
-			"service_ssl_flag": false,
-			"service_type":     serviceType}},
-		&extraKeepService)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	return extraKeepService["uuid"].(string)
-func deleteExtraKeepServer(uuid string) {
-	defer switchToken(arvadostest.AdminToken)()
-	arv.Delete("keep_services", uuid, nil, nil)
diff --git a/services/datamanager/experimental/datamanager.py b/services/datamanager/experimental/datamanager.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 8207bdc..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/experimental/datamanager.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,887 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-import arvados
-import argparse
-import cgi
-import csv
-import json
-import logging
-import math
-import pprint
-import re
-import threading
-import urllib2
-from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
-from collections import defaultdict, Counter
-from functools import partial
-from operator import itemgetter
-from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn
-arv = arvados.api('v1')
-# Adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4180980/formatting-data-quantity-capacity-as-string
-byteunits = ('B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB')
-def fileSizeFormat(value):
-  exponent = 0 if value == 0 else int(math.log(value, 1024))
-  return "%7.2f %-3s" % (float(value) / pow(1024, exponent),
-                         byteunits[exponent])
-def percentageFloor(x):
-  """ Returns a float which is the input rounded down to the neared 0.01.
-e.g. precentageFloor(0.941354) = 0.94
-  return math.floor(x*100) / 100.0
-def byteSizeFromValidUuid(valid_uuid):
-  return int(valid_uuid.split('+')[1])
-class maxdict(dict):
-  """A dictionary that holds the largest value entered for each key."""
-  def addValue(self, key, value):
-    dict.__setitem__(self, key, max(dict.get(self, key), value))
-  def addValues(self, kv_pairs):
-    for key,value in kv_pairs:
-      self.addValue(key, value)
-  def addDict(self, d):
-    self.addValues(d.items())
-class CollectionInfo:
-  all_by_uuid = {}
-  def __init__(self, uuid):
-    if CollectionInfo.all_by_uuid.has_key(uuid):
-      raise ValueError('Collection for uuid "%s" already exists.' % uuid)
-    self.uuid = uuid
-    self.block_uuids = set()  # uuids of keep blocks in this collection
-    self.reader_uuids = set()  # uuids of users who can read this collection
-    self.persister_uuids = set()  # uuids of users who want this collection saved
-    # map from user uuid to replication level they desire
-    self.persister_replication = maxdict()
-    # The whole api response in case we need anything else later.
-    self.api_response = []
-    CollectionInfo.all_by_uuid[uuid] = self
-  def byteSize(self):
-    return sum(map(byteSizeFromValidUuid, self.block_uuids))
-  def __str__(self):
-    return ('CollectionInfo uuid: %s\n'
-            '               %d block(s) containing %s\n'
-            '               reader_uuids: %s\n'
-            '               persister_replication: %s' %
-            (self.uuid,
-             len(self.block_uuids),
-             fileSizeFormat(self.byteSize()),
-             pprint.pformat(self.reader_uuids, indent = 15),
-             pprint.pformat(self.persister_replication, indent = 15)))
-  @staticmethod
-  def get(uuid):
-    if not CollectionInfo.all_by_uuid.has_key(uuid):
-      CollectionInfo(uuid)
-    return CollectionInfo.all_by_uuid[uuid]
-def extractUuid(candidate):
-  """ Returns a canonical (hash+size) uuid from a valid uuid, or None if candidate is not a valid uuid."""
-  match = re.match('([0-9a-fA-F]{32}\+[0-9]+)(\+[^+]+)*$', candidate)
-  return match and match.group(1)
-def checkUserIsAdmin():
-  current_user = arv.users().current().execute()
-  if not current_user['is_admin']:
-    log.warning('Current user %s (%s - %s) does not have '
-                'admin access and will not see much of the data.',
-                current_user['full_name'],
-                current_user['email'],
-                current_user['uuid'])
-    if args.require_admin_user:
-      log.critical('Exiting, rerun with --no-require-admin-user '
-                   'if you wish to continue.')
-      exit(1)
-def buildCollectionsList():
-  if args.uuid:
-    return [args.uuid,]
-  else:
-    collections_list_response = arv.collections().list(limit=args.max_api_results).execute()
-    print ('Returned %d of %d collections.' %
-           (len(collections_list_response['items']),
-            collections_list_response['items_available']))
-    return [item['uuid'] for item in collections_list_response['items']]
-def readCollections(collection_uuids):
-  for collection_uuid in collection_uuids:
-    collection_block_uuids = set()
-    collection_response = arv.collections().get(uuid=collection_uuid).execute()
-    collection_info = CollectionInfo.get(collection_uuid)
-    collection_info.api_response = collection_response
-    manifest_lines = collection_response['manifest_text'].split('\n')
-    if args.verbose:
-      print 'Manifest text for %s:' % collection_uuid
-      pprint.pprint(manifest_lines)
-    for manifest_line in manifest_lines:
-      if manifest_line:
-        manifest_tokens = manifest_line.split(' ')
-        if args.verbose:
-          print 'manifest tokens: ' + pprint.pformat(manifest_tokens)
-        stream_name = manifest_tokens[0]
-        line_block_uuids = set(filter(None,
-                                      [extractUuid(candidate)
-                                       for candidate in manifest_tokens[1:]]))
-        collection_info.block_uuids.update(line_block_uuids)
-        # file_tokens = [token
-        #                for token in manifest_tokens[1:]
-        #                if extractUuid(token) is None]
-        # # Sort file tokens by start position in case they aren't already
-        # file_tokens.sort(key=lambda file_token: int(file_token.split(':')[0]))
-        # if args.verbose:
-        #   print 'line_block_uuids: ' + pprint.pformat(line_block_uuids)
-        #   print 'file_tokens: ' + pprint.pformat(file_tokens)
-def readLinks():
-  link_classes = set()
-  for collection_uuid,collection_info in CollectionInfo.all_by_uuid.items():
-    # TODO(misha): We may not be seing all the links, but since items
-    # available does not return an accurate number, I don't knos how
-    # to confirm that we saw all of them.
-    collection_links_response = arv.links().list(where={'head_uuid':collection_uuid}).execute()
-    link_classes.update([link['link_class'] for link in collection_links_response['items']])
-    for link in collection_links_response['items']:
-      if link['link_class'] == 'permission':
-        collection_info.reader_uuids.add(link['tail_uuid'])
-      elif link['link_class'] == 'resources':
-        replication_level = link['properties'].get(
-          'replication',
-        collection_info.persister_replication.addValue(
-          link['tail_uuid'],
-          replication_level)
-        collection_info.persister_uuids.add(link['tail_uuid'])
-  print 'Found the following link classes:'
-  pprint.pprint(link_classes)
-def reportMostPopularCollections():
-  most_popular_collections = sorted(
-    CollectionInfo.all_by_uuid.values(),
-    key=lambda info: len(info.reader_uuids) + 10 * len(info.persister_replication),
-    reverse=True)[:10]
-  print 'Most popular Collections:'
-  for collection_info in most_popular_collections:
-    print collection_info
-def buildMaps():
-  for collection_uuid,collection_info in CollectionInfo.all_by_uuid.items():
-    # Add the block holding the manifest itself for all calculations
-    block_uuids = collection_info.block_uuids.union([collection_uuid,])
-    for block_uuid in block_uuids:
-      block_to_collections[block_uuid].add(collection_uuid)
-      block_to_readers[block_uuid].update(collection_info.reader_uuids)
-      block_to_persisters[block_uuid].update(collection_info.persister_uuids)
-      block_to_persister_replication[block_uuid].addDict(
-        collection_info.persister_replication)
-    for reader_uuid in collection_info.reader_uuids:
-      reader_to_collections[reader_uuid].add(collection_uuid)
-      reader_to_blocks[reader_uuid].update(block_uuids)
-    for persister_uuid in collection_info.persister_uuids:
-      persister_to_collections[persister_uuid].add(collection_uuid)
-      persister_to_blocks[persister_uuid].update(block_uuids)
-def itemsByValueLength(original):
-  return sorted(original.items(),
-                key=lambda item:len(item[1]),
-                reverse=True)
-def reportBusiestUsers():
-  busiest_readers = itemsByValueLength(reader_to_collections)
-  print 'The busiest readers are:'
-  for reader,collections in busiest_readers:
-    print '%s reading %d collections.' % (reader, len(collections))
-  busiest_persisters = itemsByValueLength(persister_to_collections)
-  print 'The busiest persisters are:'
-  for persister,collections in busiest_persisters:
-    print '%s reading %d collections.' % (persister, len(collections))
-def blockDiskUsage(block_uuid):
-  """Returns the disk usage of a block given its uuid.
-  Will return 0 before reading the contents of the keep servers.
-  """
-  return byteSizeFromValidUuid(block_uuid) * block_to_replication[block_uuid]
-def blockPersistedUsage(user_uuid, block_uuid):
-  return (byteSizeFromValidUuid(block_uuid) *
-          block_to_persister_replication[block_uuid].get(user_uuid, 0))
-memo_computeWeightedReplicationCosts = {}
-def computeWeightedReplicationCosts(replication_levels):
-  """Computes the relative cost of varied replication levels.
-  replication_levels: a tuple of integers representing the desired
-  replication level. If n users want a replication level of x then x
-  should appear n times in replication_levels.
-  Returns a dictionary from replication level to cost.
-  The basic thinking is that the cost of replicating at level x should
-  be shared by everyone who wants replication of level x or higher.
-  For example, if we have two users who want 1 copy, one user who
-  wants 3 copies and two users who want 6 copies:
-  the input would be [1, 1, 3, 6, 6] (or any permutation)
-  The cost of the first copy is shared by all 5 users, so they each
-  pay 1 copy / 5 users = 0.2.
-  The cost of the second and third copies shared by 3 users, so they
-  each pay 2 copies / 3 users = 0.67 (plus the above costs)
-  The cost of the fourth, fifth and sixth copies is shared by two
-  users, so they each pay 3 copies / 2 users = 1.5 (plus the above costs)
-  Here are some other examples:
-  computeWeightedReplicationCosts([1,]) -> {1:1.0}
-  computeWeightedReplicationCosts([2,]) -> {2:2.0}
-  computeWeightedReplicationCosts([1,1]) -> {1:0.5}
-  computeWeightedReplicationCosts([2,2]) -> {1:1.0}
-  computeWeightedReplicationCosts([1,2]) -> {1:0.5,2:1.5}
-  computeWeightedReplicationCosts([1,3]) -> {1:0.5,2:2.5}
-  computeWeightedReplicationCosts([1,3,6,6,10]) -> {1:0.2,3:0.7,6:1.7,10:5.7}
-  """
-  replication_level_counts = sorted(Counter(replication_levels).items())
-  memo_key = str(replication_level_counts)
-  if not memo_key in memo_computeWeightedReplicationCosts:
-    last_level = 0
-    current_cost = 0
-    total_interested = float(sum(map(itemgetter(1), replication_level_counts)))
-    cost_for_level = {}
-    for replication_level, count in replication_level_counts:
-      copies_added = replication_level - last_level
-      # compute marginal cost from last level and add it to the last cost
-      current_cost += copies_added / total_interested
-      cost_for_level[replication_level] = current_cost
-      # update invariants
-      last_level = replication_level
-      total_interested -= count
-    memo_computeWeightedReplicationCosts[memo_key] = cost_for_level
-  return memo_computeWeightedReplicationCosts[memo_key]
-def blockPersistedWeightedUsage(user_uuid, block_uuid):
-  persister_replication_for_block = block_to_persister_replication[block_uuid]
-  user_replication = persister_replication_for_block[user_uuid]
-  return (
-    byteSizeFromValidUuid(block_uuid) *
-    computeWeightedReplicationCosts(
-      persister_replication_for_block.values())[user_replication])
-def computeUserStorageUsage():
-  for user, blocks in reader_to_blocks.items():
-    user_to_usage[user][UNWEIGHTED_READ_SIZE_COL] = sum(map(
-        byteSizeFromValidUuid,
-        blocks))
-    user_to_usage[user][WEIGHTED_READ_SIZE_COL] = sum(map(
-        lambda block_uuid:(float(byteSizeFromValidUuid(block_uuid))/
-                                 len(block_to_readers[block_uuid])),
-        blocks))
-  for user, blocks in persister_to_blocks.items():
-    user_to_usage[user][UNWEIGHTED_PERSIST_SIZE_COL] = sum(map(
-        partial(blockPersistedUsage, user),
-        blocks))
-    user_to_usage[user][WEIGHTED_PERSIST_SIZE_COL] = sum(map(
-        partial(blockPersistedWeightedUsage, user),
-        blocks))
-def printUserStorageUsage():
-  print ('user: unweighted readable block size, weighted readable block size, '
-         'unweighted persisted block size, weighted persisted block size:')
-  for user, usage in user_to_usage.items():
-    print ('%s: %s %s %s %s' %
-           (user,
-            fileSizeFormat(usage[UNWEIGHTED_READ_SIZE_COL]),
-            fileSizeFormat(usage[WEIGHTED_READ_SIZE_COL]),
-            fileSizeFormat(usage[UNWEIGHTED_PERSIST_SIZE_COL]),
-            fileSizeFormat(usage[WEIGHTED_PERSIST_SIZE_COL])))
-def logUserStorageUsage():
-  for user, usage in user_to_usage.items():
-    body = {}
-    # user could actually represent a user or a group. We don't set
-    # the object_type field since we don't know which we have.
-    body['object_uuid'] = user
-    body['event_type'] = args.user_storage_log_event_type
-    properties = {}
-    properties['read_collections_total_bytes'] = usage[UNWEIGHTED_READ_SIZE_COL]
-    properties['read_collections_weighted_bytes'] = (
-    properties['persisted_collections_total_bytes'] = (
-    properties['persisted_collections_weighted_bytes'] = (
-    body['properties'] = properties
-    # TODO(misha): Confirm that this will throw an exception if it
-    # fails to create the log entry.
-    arv.logs().create(body=body).execute()
-def getKeepServers():
-  response = arv.keep_disks().list().execute()
-  return [[keep_server['service_host'], keep_server['service_port']]
-          for keep_server in response['items']]
-def getKeepBlocks(keep_servers):
-  blocks = []
-  for host,port in keep_servers:
-    response = urllib2.urlopen('http://%s:%d/index' % (host, port))
-    server_blocks = [line.split(' ')
-                     for line in response.read().split('\n')
-                     if line]
-    server_blocks = [(block_id, int(mtime))
-                     for block_id, mtime in server_blocks]
-    blocks.append(server_blocks)
-  return blocks
-def getKeepStats(keep_servers):
-  stats = []
-  for host,port in keep_servers:
-    response = urllib2.urlopen('http://%s:%d/status.json' % (host, port))
-    parsed_json = json.load(response)
-    df_entries = [line.split()
-                  for line in parsed_json['df'].split('\n')
-                  if line]
-    keep_volumes = [columns
-                    for columns in df_entries
-                    if 'keep' in columns[MOUNT_COLUMN]]
-    total_space = DISK_BLOCK_SIZE*sum(map(int,map(itemgetter(TOTAL_COLUMN),
-                                                  keep_volumes)))
-    free_space =  DISK_BLOCK_SIZE*sum(map(int,map(itemgetter(FREE_COLUMN),
-                                                  keep_volumes)))
-    stats.append([total_space, free_space])
-  return stats
-def computeReplication(keep_blocks):
-  for server_blocks in keep_blocks:
-    for block_uuid, _ in server_blocks:
-      block_to_replication[block_uuid] += 1
-  log.debug('Seeing the following replication levels among blocks: %s',
-            str(set(block_to_replication.values())))
-def computeGarbageCollectionCandidates():
-  for server_blocks in keep_blocks:
-    block_to_latest_mtime.addValues(server_blocks)
-  empty_set = set()
-  garbage_collection_priority = sorted(
-    [(block,mtime)
-     for block,mtime in block_to_latest_mtime.items()
-     if len(block_to_persisters.get(block,empty_set)) == 0],
-    key = itemgetter(1))
-  global garbage_collection_report
-  garbage_collection_report = []
-  cumulative_disk_size = 0
-  for block,mtime in garbage_collection_priority:
-    disk_size = blockDiskUsage(block)
-    cumulative_disk_size += disk_size
-    garbage_collection_report.append(
-      (block,
-       mtime,
-       disk_size,
-       cumulative_disk_size,
-       float(free_keep_space + cumulative_disk_size)/total_keep_space))
-  print 'The oldest Garbage Collection Candidates: '
-  pprint.pprint(garbage_collection_report[:20])
-def outputGarbageCollectionReport(filename):
-  with open(filename, 'wb') as csvfile:
-    gcwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
-    gcwriter.writerow(['block uuid', 'latest mtime', 'disk size',
-                       'cumulative size', 'disk free'])
-    for line in garbage_collection_report:
-      gcwriter.writerow(line)
-def computeGarbageCollectionHistogram():
-  # TODO(misha): Modify this to allow users to specify the number of
-  # histogram buckets through a flag.
-  histogram = []
-  last_percentage = -1
-  for _,mtime,_,_,disk_free in garbage_collection_report:
-    curr_percentage = percentageFloor(disk_free)
-    if curr_percentage > last_percentage:
-      histogram.append( (mtime, curr_percentage) )
-    last_percentage = curr_percentage
-  log.info('Garbage collection histogram is: %s', histogram)
-  return histogram
-def logGarbageCollectionHistogram():
-  body = {}
-  # TODO(misha): Decide whether we should specify an object_uuid in
-  # the body and if so, which uuid to use.
-  body['event_type'] = args.block_age_free_space_histogram_log_event_type
-  properties = {}
-  properties['histogram'] = garbage_collection_histogram
-  body['properties'] = properties
-  # TODO(misha): Confirm that this will throw an exception if it
-  # fails to create the log entry.
-  arv.logs().create(body=body).execute()
-def detectReplicationProblems():
-  blocks_not_in_any_collections.update(
-    set(block_to_replication.keys()).difference(block_to_collections.keys()))
-  underreplicated_persisted_blocks.update(
-    [uuid
-     for uuid, persister_replication in block_to_persister_replication.items()
-     if len(persister_replication) > 0 and
-     block_to_replication[uuid] < max(persister_replication.values())])
-  overreplicated_persisted_blocks.update(
-    [uuid
-     for uuid, persister_replication in block_to_persister_replication.items()
-     if len(persister_replication) > 0 and
-     block_to_replication[uuid] > max(persister_replication.values())])
-  log.info('Found %d blocks not in any collections, e.g. %s...',
-           len(blocks_not_in_any_collections),
-           ','.join(list(blocks_not_in_any_collections)[:5]))
-  log.info('Found %d underreplicated blocks, e.g. %s...',
-           len(underreplicated_persisted_blocks),
-           ','.join(list(underreplicated_persisted_blocks)[:5]))
-  log.info('Found %d overreplicated blocks, e.g. %s...',
-           len(overreplicated_persisted_blocks),
-           ','.join(list(overreplicated_persisted_blocks)[:5]))
-  # TODO:
-  #  Read blocks sorted by mtime
-  #  Cache window vs % free space
-  #  Collections which candidates will appear in
-  #  Youngest underreplicated read blocks that appear in collections.
-  #  Report Collections that have blocks which are missing from (or
-  #   underreplicated in) keep.
-# This is the main flow here
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Report on keep disks.')
-"""The command line argument parser we use.
-We only use it in the __main__ block, but leave it outside the block
-in case another package wants to use it or customize it by specifying
-it as a parent to their commandline parser.
-                    '--max-api-results',
-                    type=int,
-                    default=5000,
-                    help=('The max results to get at once.'))
-                    '--port',
-                    type=int,
-                    default=9090,
-                    help=('The port number to serve on. 0 means no server.'))
-                    '--verbose',
-                    help='increase output verbosity',
-                    action='store_true')
-                    '--uuid',
-                    help='uuid of specific collection to process')
-                    action='store_true',
-                    default=True,
-                    help='Fail if the user is not an admin [default]')
-                    dest='require_admin_user',
-                    action='store_false',
-                    help=('Allow users without admin permissions with '
-                          'only a warning.'))
-                    action='store_true',
-                    default=False,
-                    help='Log findings to workbench')
-                    dest='log_to_workbench',
-                    action='store_false',
-                    help='Don\'t log findings to workbench [default]')
-                    default='user-storage-report',
-                    help=('The event type to set when logging user '
-                          'storage usage to workbench.'))
-                    default='block-age-free-space-histogram',
-                    help=('The event type to set when logging user '
-                          'storage usage to workbench.'))
-                    default='',
-                    help=('The file to write a garbage collection report, or '
-                          'leave empty for no report.'))
-args = None
-# TODO(misha): Think about moving some of this to the __main__ block.
-log = logging.getLogger('arvados.services.datamanager')
-stderr_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
-  logging.Formatter('%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'))
-# Global Data - don't try this at home
-collection_uuids = []
-# These maps all map from uuids to a set of uuids
-block_to_collections = defaultdict(set)  # keep blocks
-reader_to_collections = defaultdict(set)  # collection(s) for which the user has read access
-persister_to_collections = defaultdict(set)  # collection(s) which the user has persisted
-block_to_readers = defaultdict(set)
-block_to_persisters = defaultdict(set)
-block_to_persister_replication = defaultdict(maxdict)
-reader_to_blocks = defaultdict(set)
-persister_to_blocks = defaultdict(set)
-user_to_usage = defaultdict(lambda : [0,]*NUM_COLS)
-keep_servers = []
-keep_blocks = []
-keep_stats = []
-total_keep_space = 0
-free_keep_space =  0
-block_to_replication = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
-block_to_latest_mtime = maxdict()
-garbage_collection_report = []
-"""A list of non-persisted blocks, sorted by increasing mtime
-Each entry is of the form (block uuid, latest mtime, disk size,
-cumulative size)
-* block uuid: The id of the block we want to delete
-* latest mtime: The latest mtime of the block across all keep servers.
-* disk size: The total disk space used by this block (block size
-multiplied by current replication level)
-* cumulative disk size: The sum of this block's disk size and all the
-blocks listed above it
-* disk free: The proportion of our disk space that would be free if we
-deleted this block and all the above. So this is (free disk space +
-cumulative disk size) / total disk capacity
-garbage_collection_histogram = []
-""" Shows the tradeoff of keep block age vs keep disk free space.
-Each entry is of the form (mtime, Disk Proportion).
-An entry of the form (1388747781, 0.52) means that if we deleted the
-oldest non-presisted blocks until we had 52% of the disk free, then
-all blocks with an mtime greater than 1388747781 would be preserved.
-# Stuff to report on
-blocks_not_in_any_collections = set()
-underreplicated_persisted_blocks = set()
-overreplicated_persisted_blocks = set()
-all_data_loaded = False
-def loadAllData():
-  checkUserIsAdmin()
-  log.info('Building Collection List')
-  global collection_uuids
-  collection_uuids = filter(None, [extractUuid(candidate)
-                                   for candidate in buildCollectionsList()])
-  log.info('Reading Collections')
-  readCollections(collection_uuids)
-  if args.verbose:
-    pprint.pprint(CollectionInfo.all_by_uuid)
-  log.info('Reading Links')
-  readLinks()
-  reportMostPopularCollections()
-  log.info('Building Maps')
-  buildMaps()
-  reportBusiestUsers()
-  log.info('Getting Keep Servers')
-  global keep_servers
-  keep_servers = getKeepServers()
-  print keep_servers
-  log.info('Getting Blocks from each Keep Server.')
-  global keep_blocks
-  keep_blocks = getKeepBlocks(keep_servers)
-  log.info('Getting Stats from each Keep Server.')
-  global keep_stats, total_keep_space, free_keep_space
-  keep_stats = getKeepStats(keep_servers)
-  total_keep_space = sum(map(itemgetter(0), keep_stats))
-  free_keep_space = sum(map(itemgetter(1), keep_stats))
-  # TODO(misha): Delete this hack when the keep servers are fixed!
-  # This hack deals with the fact that keep servers report each other's disks.
-  total_keep_space /= len(keep_stats)
-  free_keep_space /= len(keep_stats)
-  log.info('Total disk space: %s, Free disk space: %s (%d%%).' %
-           (fileSizeFormat(total_keep_space),
-            fileSizeFormat(free_keep_space),
-            100*free_keep_space/total_keep_space))
-  computeReplication(keep_blocks)
-  log.info('average replication level is %f',
-           (float(sum(block_to_replication.values())) /
-            len(block_to_replication)))
-  computeGarbageCollectionCandidates()
-  if args.garbage_collection_file:
-    log.info('Writing garbage Collection report to %s',
-             args.garbage_collection_file)
-    outputGarbageCollectionReport(args.garbage_collection_file)
-  global garbage_collection_histogram
-  garbage_collection_histogram = computeGarbageCollectionHistogram()
-  if args.log_to_workbench:
-    logGarbageCollectionHistogram()
-  detectReplicationProblems()
-  computeUserStorageUsage()
-  printUserStorageUsage()
-  if args.log_to_workbench:
-    logUserStorageUsage()
-  global all_data_loaded
-  all_data_loaded = True
-class DataManagerHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
-  USER_PATH = 'user'
-  COLLECTION_PATH = 'collection'
-  BLOCK_PATH = 'block'
-  def userLink(self, uuid):
-    return ('<A HREF="/%(path)s/%(uuid)s">%(uuid)s</A>' %
-            {'uuid': uuid,
-             'path': DataManagerHandler.USER_PATH})
-  def collectionLink(self, uuid):
-    return ('<A HREF="/%(path)s/%(uuid)s">%(uuid)s</A>' %
-            {'uuid': uuid,
-             'path': DataManagerHandler.COLLECTION_PATH})
-  def blockLink(self, uuid):
-    return ('<A HREF="/%(path)s/%(uuid)s">%(uuid)s</A>' %
-            {'uuid': uuid,
-             'path': DataManagerHandler.BLOCK_PATH})
-  def writeTop(self, title):
-    self.wfile.write('<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY>' % title)
-  def writeBottom(self):
-    self.wfile.write('</BODY></HTML>\n')
-  def writeHomePage(self):
-    self.send_response(200)
-    self.end_headers()
-    self.writeTop('Home')
-    self.wfile.write('<TABLE>')
-    self.wfile.write('<TR><TH>user'
-                     '<TH>unweighted readable block size'
-                     '<TH>weighted readable block size'
-                     '<TH>unweighted persisted block size'
-                     '<TH>weighted persisted block size</TR>\n')
-    for user, usage in user_to_usage.items():
-      self.wfile.write('<TR><TD>%s<TD>%s<TD>%s<TD>%s<TD>%s</TR>\n' %
-                       (self.userLink(user),
-                        fileSizeFormat(usage[UNWEIGHTED_READ_SIZE_COL]),
-                        fileSizeFormat(usage[WEIGHTED_READ_SIZE_COL]),
-                        fileSizeFormat(usage[UNWEIGHTED_PERSIST_SIZE_COL]),
-                        fileSizeFormat(usage[WEIGHTED_PERSIST_SIZE_COL])))
-    self.wfile.write('</TABLE>\n')
-    self.writeBottom()
-  def userExists(self, uuid):
-    # Currently this will return false for a user who exists but
-    # doesn't appear on any manifests.
-    # TODO(misha): Figure out if we need to fix this.
-    return user_to_usage.has_key(uuid)
-  def writeUserPage(self, uuid):
-    if not self.userExists(uuid):
-      self.send_error(404,
-                      'User (%s) Not Found.' % cgi.escape(uuid, quote=False))
-    else:
-      # Here we assume that since a user exists, they don't need to be
-      # html escaped.
-      self.send_response(200)
-      self.end_headers()
-      self.writeTop('User %s' % uuid)
-      self.wfile.write('<TABLE>')
-      self.wfile.write('<TR><TH>user'
-                       '<TH>unweighted readable block size'
-                       '<TH>weighted readable block size'
-                       '<TH>unweighted persisted block size'
-                       '<TH>weighted persisted block size</TR>\n')
-      usage = user_to_usage[uuid]
-      self.wfile.write('<TR><TD>%s<TD>%s<TD>%s<TD>%s<TD>%s</TR>\n' %
-                       (self.userLink(uuid),
-                        fileSizeFormat(usage[UNWEIGHTED_READ_SIZE_COL]),
-                        fileSizeFormat(usage[WEIGHTED_READ_SIZE_COL]),
-                        fileSizeFormat(usage[UNWEIGHTED_PERSIST_SIZE_COL]),
-                        fileSizeFormat(usage[WEIGHTED_PERSIST_SIZE_COL])))
-      self.wfile.write('</TABLE>\n')
-      self.wfile.write('<P>Persisting Collections: %s\n' %
-                       ', '.join(map(self.collectionLink,
-                                     persister_to_collections[uuid])))
-      self.wfile.write('<P>Reading Collections: %s\n' %
-                       ', '.join(map(self.collectionLink,
-                                     reader_to_collections[uuid])))
-      self.writeBottom()
-  def collectionExists(self, uuid):
-    return CollectionInfo.all_by_uuid.has_key(uuid)
-  def writeCollectionPage(self, uuid):
-    if not self.collectionExists(uuid):
-      self.send_error(404,
-                      'Collection (%s) Not Found.' % cgi.escape(uuid, quote=False))
-    else:
-      collection = CollectionInfo.get(uuid)
-      # Here we assume that since a collection exists, its id doesn't
-      # need to be html escaped.
-      self.send_response(200)
-      self.end_headers()
-      self.writeTop('Collection %s' % uuid)
-      self.wfile.write('<H1>Collection %s</H1>\n' % uuid)
-      self.wfile.write('<P>Total size %s (not factoring in replication).\n' %
-                       fileSizeFormat(collection.byteSize()))
-      self.wfile.write('<P>Readers: %s\n' %
-                       ', '.join(map(self.userLink, collection.reader_uuids)))
-      if len(collection.persister_replication) == 0:
-        self.wfile.write('<P>No persisters\n')
-      else:
-        replication_to_users = defaultdict(set)
-        for user,replication in collection.persister_replication.items():
-          replication_to_users[replication].add(user)
-        replication_levels = sorted(replication_to_users.keys())
-        self.wfile.write('<P>%d persisters in %d replication level(s) maxing '
-                         'out at %dx replication:\n' %
-                         (len(collection.persister_replication),
-                          len(replication_levels),
-                          replication_levels[-1]))
-        # TODO(misha): This code is used twice, let's move it to a method.
-        self.wfile.write('<TABLE><TR><TH>%s</TR>\n' %
-                         '<TH>'.join(['Replication Level ' + str(x)
-                                      for x in replication_levels]))
-        self.wfile.write('<TR>\n')
-        for replication_level in replication_levels:
-          users = replication_to_users[replication_level]
-          self.wfile.write('<TD valign="top">%s\n' % '<BR>\n'.join(
-              map(self.userLink, users)))
-        self.wfile.write('</TR></TABLE>\n')
-      replication_to_blocks = defaultdict(set)
-      for block in collection.block_uuids:
-        replication_to_blocks[block_to_replication[block]].add(block)
-      replication_levels = sorted(replication_to_blocks.keys())
-      self.wfile.write('<P>%d blocks in %d replication level(s):\n' %
-                       (len(collection.block_uuids), len(replication_levels)))
-      self.wfile.write('<TABLE><TR><TH>%s</TR>\n' %
-                       '<TH>'.join(['Replication Level ' + str(x)
-                                    for x in replication_levels]))
-      self.wfile.write('<TR>\n')
-      for replication_level in replication_levels:
-        blocks = replication_to_blocks[replication_level]
-        self.wfile.write('<TD valign="top">%s\n' % '<BR>\n'.join(blocks))
-      self.wfile.write('</TR></TABLE>\n')
-  def do_GET(self):
-    if not all_data_loaded:
-      self.send_error(503,
-                      'Sorry, but I am still loading all the data I need.')
-    else:
-      # Removing leading '/' and process request path
-      split_path = self.path[1:].split('/')
-      request_type = split_path[0]
-      log.debug('path (%s) split as %s with request_type %s' % (self.path,
-                                                                split_path,
-                                                                request_type))
-      if request_type == '':
-        self.writeHomePage()
-      elif request_type == DataManagerHandler.USER_PATH:
-        self.writeUserPage(split_path[1])
-      elif request_type == DataManagerHandler.COLLECTION_PATH:
-        self.writeCollectionPage(split_path[1])
-      else:
-        self.send_error(404, 'Unrecognized request path.')
-    return
-class ThreadedHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer):
-  """Handle requests in a separate thread."""
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  args = parser.parse_args()
-  if args.port == 0:
-    loadAllData()
-  else:
-    loader = threading.Thread(target = loadAllData, name = 'loader')
-    loader.start()
-    server = ThreadedHTTPServer(('localhost', args.port), DataManagerHandler)
-    server.serve_forever()
diff --git a/services/datamanager/experimental/datamanager_test.py b/services/datamanager/experimental/datamanager_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0842c16..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/experimental/datamanager_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-import datamanager
-import unittest
-class TestComputeWeightedReplicationCosts(unittest.TestCase):
-  def test_obvious(self):
-    self.assertEqual(datamanager.computeWeightedReplicationCosts([1,]),
-                     {1:1.0})
-  def test_simple(self):
-    self.assertEqual(datamanager.computeWeightedReplicationCosts([2,]),
-                     {2:2.0})
-  def test_even_split(self):
-    self.assertEqual(datamanager.computeWeightedReplicationCosts([1,1]),
-                     {1:0.5})
-  def test_even_split_bigger(self):
-    self.assertEqual(datamanager.computeWeightedReplicationCosts([2,2]),
-                     {2:1.0})
-  def test_uneven_split(self):
-    self.assertEqual(datamanager.computeWeightedReplicationCosts([1,2]),
-                     {1:0.5, 2:1.5})
-  def test_uneven_split_bigger(self):
-    self.assertEqual(datamanager.computeWeightedReplicationCosts([1,3]),
-                     {1:0.5, 3:2.5})
-  def test_uneven_split_jumble(self):
-    self.assertEqual(datamanager.computeWeightedReplicationCosts([1,3,6,6,10]),
-                     {1:0.2, 3:0.7, 6:1.7, 10:5.7})
-  def test_documentation_example(self):
-    self.assertEqual(datamanager.computeWeightedReplicationCosts([1,1,3,6,6]),
-                     {1:0.2, 3: 0.2 + 2.0 / 3, 6: 0.2 + 2.0 / 3 + 1.5})
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/services/datamanager/keep/keep.go b/services/datamanager/keep/keep.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 39d2d5b..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/keep/keep.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,551 +0,0 @@
-/* Deals with getting Keep Server blocks from API Server and Keep Servers. */
-package keep
-import (
-	"bufio"
-	"encoding/json"
-	"errors"
-	"flag"
-	"fmt"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvadosclient"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/blockdigest"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/keepclient"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/logger"
-	"io"
-	"io/ioutil"
-	"log"
-	"net/http"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"time"
-// ServerAddress struct
-type ServerAddress struct {
-	SSL         bool   `json:"service_ssl_flag"`
-	Host        string `json:"service_host"`
-	Port        int    `json:"service_port"`
-	UUID        string `json:"uuid"`
-	ServiceType string `json:"service_type"`
-// BlockInfo is info about a particular block returned by the server
-type BlockInfo struct {
-	Digest blockdigest.DigestWithSize
-	Mtime  int64 // TODO(misha): Replace this with a timestamp.
-// BlockServerInfo is info about a specified block given by a server
-type BlockServerInfo struct {
-	ServerIndex int
-	Mtime       int64 // TODO(misha): Replace this with a timestamp.
-// ServerContents struct
-type ServerContents struct {
-	BlockDigestToInfo map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize]BlockInfo
-// ServerResponse struct
-type ServerResponse struct {
-	Address  ServerAddress
-	Contents ServerContents
-	Err      error
-// ReadServers struct
-type ReadServers struct {
-	ReadAllServers           bool
-	KeepServerIndexToAddress []ServerAddress
-	KeepServerAddressToIndex map[ServerAddress]int
-	ServerToContents         map[ServerAddress]ServerContents
-	BlockToServers           map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize][]BlockServerInfo
-	BlockReplicationCounts   map[int]int
-// GetKeepServersParams struct
-type GetKeepServersParams struct {
-	Client *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient
-	Logger *logger.Logger
-	Limit  int
-// ServiceList consists of the addresses of all the available kee servers
-type ServiceList struct {
-	ItemsAvailable int             `json:"items_available"`
-	KeepServers    []ServerAddress `json:"items"`
-var serviceType string
-func init() {
-	flag.StringVar(&serviceType,
-		"service-type",
-		"disk",
-		"Operate only on keep_services with the specified service_type, ignoring all others.")
-// String
-// TODO(misha): Change this to include the UUID as well.
-func (s ServerAddress) String() string {
-	return s.URL()
-// URL of the keep server
-func (s ServerAddress) URL() string {
-	if s.SSL {
-		return fmt.Sprintf("https://%s:%d", s.Host, s.Port)
-	}
-	return fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d", s.Host, s.Port)
-// GetKeepServersAndSummarize gets keep servers from api
-func GetKeepServersAndSummarize(params GetKeepServersParams) (results ReadServers, err error) {
-	results, err = GetKeepServers(params)
-	if err != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	log.Printf("Returned %d keep disks", len(results.ServerToContents))
-	results.Summarize(params.Logger)
-	log.Printf("Replication level distribution: %v",
-		results.BlockReplicationCounts)
-	return
-// GetKeepServers from api server
-func GetKeepServers(params GetKeepServersParams) (results ReadServers, err error) {
-	sdkParams := arvadosclient.Dict{
-		"filters": [][]string{{"service_type", "!=", "proxy"}},
-	}
-	if params.Limit > 0 {
-		sdkParams["limit"] = params.Limit
-	}
-	var sdkResponse ServiceList
-	err = params.Client.List("keep_services", sdkParams, &sdkResponse)
-	if err != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	var keepServers []ServerAddress
-	for _, server := range sdkResponse.KeepServers {
-		if server.ServiceType == serviceType {
-			keepServers = append(keepServers, server)
-		} else {
-			log.Printf("Skipping keep_service %q because its service_type %q does not match -service-type=%q", server, server.ServiceType, serviceType)
-		}
-	}
-	if len(keepServers) == 0 {
-		return results, fmt.Errorf("Found no keepservices with the service type %v", serviceType)
-	}
-	if params.Logger != nil {
-		params.Logger.Update(func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-			keepInfo := logger.GetOrCreateMap(p, "keep_info")
-			keepInfo["num_keep_servers_available"] = sdkResponse.ItemsAvailable
-			keepInfo["num_keep_servers_received"] = len(sdkResponse.KeepServers)
-			keepInfo["keep_servers"] = sdkResponse.KeepServers
-			keepInfo["indexable_keep_servers"] = keepServers
-		})
-	}
-	log.Printf("Received keep services list: %+v", sdkResponse)
-	if len(sdkResponse.KeepServers) < sdkResponse.ItemsAvailable {
-		return results, fmt.Errorf("Did not receive all available keep servers: %+v", sdkResponse)
-	}
-	results.KeepServerIndexToAddress = keepServers
-	results.KeepServerAddressToIndex = make(map[ServerAddress]int)
-	for i, address := range results.KeepServerIndexToAddress {
-		results.KeepServerAddressToIndex[address] = i
-	}
-	log.Printf("Got Server Addresses: %v", results)
-	// Send off all the index requests concurrently
-	responseChan := make(chan ServerResponse)
-	for _, keepServer := range results.KeepServerIndexToAddress {
-		// The above keepsServer variable is reused for each iteration, so
-		// it would be shared across all goroutines. This would result in
-		// us querying one server n times instead of n different servers
-		// as we intended. To avoid this we add it as an explicit
-		// parameter which gets copied. This bug and solution is described
-		// in https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#channels
-		go func(keepServer ServerAddress) {
-			responseChan <- GetServerContents(params.Logger,
-				keepServer,
-				params.Client)
-		}(keepServer)
-	}
-	results.ServerToContents = make(map[ServerAddress]ServerContents)
-	results.BlockToServers = make(map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize][]BlockServerInfo)
-	// Read all the responses
-	for i := range results.KeepServerIndexToAddress {
-		_ = i // Here to prevent go from complaining.
-		response := <-responseChan
-		// Check if there were any errors during GetServerContents
-		if response.Err != nil {
-			return results, response.Err
-		}
-		log.Printf("Received channel response from %v containing %d files",
-			response.Address,
-			len(response.Contents.BlockDigestToInfo))
-		results.ServerToContents[response.Address] = response.Contents
-		serverIndex := results.KeepServerAddressToIndex[response.Address]
-		for _, blockInfo := range response.Contents.BlockDigestToInfo {
-			results.BlockToServers[blockInfo.Digest] = append(
-				results.BlockToServers[blockInfo.Digest],
-				BlockServerInfo{ServerIndex: serverIndex,
-					Mtime: blockInfo.Mtime})
-		}
-	}
-	return
-// GetServerContents of the keep server
-func GetServerContents(arvLogger *logger.Logger,
-	keepServer ServerAddress,
-	arv *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient) (response ServerResponse) {
-	err := GetServerStatus(arvLogger, keepServer, arv)
-	if err != nil {
-		response.Err = err
-		return
-	}
-	req, err := CreateIndexRequest(arvLogger, keepServer, arv)
-	if err != nil {
-		response.Err = err
-		return
-	}
-	resp, err := arv.Client.Do(req)
-	if err != nil {
-		response.Err = err
-		return
-	}
-	response, err = ReadServerResponse(arvLogger, keepServer, resp)
-	if err != nil {
-		response.Err = err
-		return
-	}
-	return
-// GetServerStatus get keep server status by invoking /status.json
-func GetServerStatus(arvLogger *logger.Logger,
-	keepServer ServerAddress,
-	arv *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient) error {
-	url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/status.json",
-		keepServer.Host,
-		keepServer.Port)
-	if arvLogger != nil {
-		now := time.Now()
-		arvLogger.Update(func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-			keepInfo := logger.GetOrCreateMap(p, "keep_info")
-			serverInfo := make(map[string]interface{})
-			serverInfo["status_request_sent_at"] = now
-			serverInfo["host"] = keepServer.Host
-			serverInfo["port"] = keepServer.Port
-			keepInfo[keepServer.UUID] = serverInfo
-		})
-	}
-	resp, err := arv.Client.Get(url)
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("Error getting keep status from %s: %v", url, err)
-	} else if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
-		return fmt.Errorf("Received error code %d in response to request "+
-			"for %s status: %s",
-			resp.StatusCode, url, resp.Status)
-	}
-	var keepStatus map[string]interface{}
-	decoder := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
-	decoder.UseNumber()
-	err = decoder.Decode(&keepStatus)
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("Error decoding keep status from %s: %v", url, err)
-	}
-	if arvLogger != nil {
-		now := time.Now()
-		arvLogger.Update(func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-			keepInfo := logger.GetOrCreateMap(p, "keep_info")
-			serverInfo := keepInfo[keepServer.UUID].(map[string]interface{})
-			serverInfo["status_response_processed_at"] = now
-			serverInfo["status"] = keepStatus
-		})
-	}
-	return nil
-// CreateIndexRequest to the keep server
-func CreateIndexRequest(arvLogger *logger.Logger,
-	keepServer ServerAddress,
-	arv *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient) (req *http.Request, err error) {
-	url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/index", keepServer.Host, keepServer.Port)
-	log.Println("About to fetch keep server contents from " + url)
-	if arvLogger != nil {
-		now := time.Now()
-		arvLogger.Update(func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-			keepInfo := logger.GetOrCreateMap(p, "keep_info")
-			serverInfo := keepInfo[keepServer.UUID].(map[string]interface{})
-			serverInfo["index_request_sent_at"] = now
-		})
-	}
-	req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
-	if err != nil {
-		return req, fmt.Errorf("Error building http request for %s: %v", url, err)
-	}
-	req.Header.Add("Authorization", "OAuth2 "+arv.ApiToken)
-	return req, err
-// ReadServerResponse reads reasponse from keep server
-func ReadServerResponse(arvLogger *logger.Logger,
-	keepServer ServerAddress,
-	resp *http.Response) (response ServerResponse, err error) {
-	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
-		return response, fmt.Errorf("Received error code %d in response to index request for %s: %s",
-			resp.StatusCode, keepServer.String(), resp.Status)
-	}
-	if arvLogger != nil {
-		now := time.Now()
-		arvLogger.Update(func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-			keepInfo := logger.GetOrCreateMap(p, "keep_info")
-			serverInfo := keepInfo[keepServer.UUID].(map[string]interface{})
-			serverInfo["index_response_received_at"] = now
-		})
-	}
-	response.Address = keepServer
-	response.Contents.BlockDigestToInfo =
-		make(map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize]BlockInfo)
-	reader := bufio.NewReader(resp.Body)
-	numLines, numDuplicates, numSizeDisagreements := 0, 0, 0
-	for {
-		numLines++
-		line, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
-		if err == io.EOF {
-			return response, fmt.Errorf("Index from %s truncated at line %d",
-				keepServer.String(), numLines)
-		} else if err != nil {
-			return response, fmt.Errorf("Error reading index response from %s at line %d: %v",
-				keepServer.String(), numLines, err)
-		}
-		if line == "\n" {
-			if _, err := reader.Peek(1); err == nil {
-				extra, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
-				return response, fmt.Errorf("Index from %s had trailing data at line %d after EOF marker: %s",
-					keepServer.String(), numLines+1, extra)
-			} else if err != io.EOF {
-				return response, fmt.Errorf("Index from %s had read error after EOF marker at line %d: %v",
-					keepServer.String(), numLines, err)
-			}
-			numLines--
-			break
-		}
-		blockInfo, err := parseBlockInfoFromIndexLine(line)
-		if err != nil {
-			return response, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing BlockInfo from index line "+
-				"received from %s: %v",
-				keepServer.String(),
-				err)
-		}
-		if storedBlock, ok := response.Contents.BlockDigestToInfo[blockInfo.Digest]; ok {
-			// This server returned multiple lines containing the same block digest.
-			numDuplicates++
-			// Keep the block that's newer.
-			if storedBlock.Mtime < blockInfo.Mtime {
-				response.Contents.BlockDigestToInfo[blockInfo.Digest] = blockInfo
-			}
-		} else {
-			response.Contents.BlockDigestToInfo[blockInfo.Digest] = blockInfo
-		}
-	}
-	log.Printf("%s index contained %d lines with %d duplicates with "+
-		"%d size disagreements",
-		keepServer.String(),
-		numLines,
-		numDuplicates,
-		numSizeDisagreements)
-	if arvLogger != nil {
-		now := time.Now()
-		arvLogger.Update(func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-			keepInfo := logger.GetOrCreateMap(p, "keep_info")
-			serverInfo := keepInfo[keepServer.UUID].(map[string]interface{})
-			serverInfo["processing_finished_at"] = now
-			serverInfo["lines_received"] = numLines
-			serverInfo["duplicates_seen"] = numDuplicates
-			serverInfo["size_disagreements_seen"] = numSizeDisagreements
-		})
-	}
-	resp.Body.Close()
-	return
-func parseBlockInfoFromIndexLine(indexLine string) (blockInfo BlockInfo, err error) {
-	tokens := strings.Fields(indexLine)
-	if len(tokens) != 2 {
-		err = fmt.Errorf("Expected 2 tokens per line but received a "+
-			"line containing %#q instead.",
-			tokens)
-	}
-	var locator blockdigest.BlockLocator
-	if locator, err = blockdigest.ParseBlockLocator(tokens[0]); err != nil {
-		err = fmt.Errorf("%v Received error while parsing line \"%#q\"",
-			err, indexLine)
-		return
-	}
-	if len(locator.Hints) > 0 {
-		err = fmt.Errorf("Block locator in index line should not contain hints "+
-			"but it does: %#q",
-			locator)
-		return
-	}
-	var ns int64
-	ns, err = strconv.ParseInt(tokens[1], 10, 64)
-	if err != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	if ns < 1e12 {
-		// An old version of keepstore is giving us timestamps
-		// in seconds instead of nanoseconds. (This threshold
-		// correctly handles all times between 1970-01-02 and
-		// 33658-09-27.)
-		ns = ns * 1e9
-	}
-	blockInfo.Mtime = ns
-	blockInfo.Digest = blockdigest.DigestWithSize{
-		Digest: locator.Digest,
-		Size:   uint32(locator.Size),
-	}
-	return
-// Summarize results from keep server
-func (readServers *ReadServers) Summarize(arvLogger *logger.Logger) {
-	readServers.BlockReplicationCounts = make(map[int]int)
-	for _, infos := range readServers.BlockToServers {
-		replication := len(infos)
-		readServers.BlockReplicationCounts[replication]++
-	}
-	if arvLogger != nil {
-		arvLogger.Update(func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-			keepInfo := logger.GetOrCreateMap(p, "keep_info")
-			keepInfo["distinct_blocks_stored"] = len(readServers.BlockToServers)
-		})
-	}
-// TrashRequest struct
-type TrashRequest struct {
-	Locator    string `json:"locator"`
-	BlockMtime int64  `json:"block_mtime"`
-// TrashList is an array of TrashRequest objects
-type TrashList []TrashRequest
-// SendTrashLists to trash queue
-func SendTrashLists(arvLogger *logger.Logger, kc *keepclient.KeepClient, spl map[string]TrashList, dryRun bool) (errs []error) {
-	count := 0
-	barrier := make(chan error)
-	client := kc.Client
-	for url, v := range spl {
-		if arvLogger != nil {
-			// We need a local variable because Update doesn't call our mutator func until later,
-			// when our list variable might have been reused by the next loop iteration.
-			url := url
-			trashLen := len(v)
-			arvLogger.Update(func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-				trashListInfo := logger.GetOrCreateMap(p, "trash_list_len")
-				trashListInfo[url] = trashLen
-			})
-		}
-		if dryRun {
-			log.Printf("dry run, not sending trash list to service %s with %d blocks", url, len(v))
-			continue
-		}
-		count++
-		log.Printf("Sending trash list to %v", url)
-		go (func(url string, v TrashList) {
-			pipeReader, pipeWriter := io.Pipe()
-			go (func() {
-				enc := json.NewEncoder(pipeWriter)
-				enc.Encode(v)
-				pipeWriter.Close()
-			})()
-			req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", fmt.Sprintf("%s/trash", url), pipeReader)
-			if err != nil {
-				log.Printf("Error creating trash list request for %v error: %v", url, err.Error())
-				barrier <- err
-				return
-			}
-			req.Header.Add("Authorization", "OAuth2 "+kc.Arvados.ApiToken)
-			// Make the request
-			var resp *http.Response
-			if resp, err = client.Do(req); err != nil {
-				log.Printf("Error sending trash list to %v error: %v", url, err.Error())
-				barrier <- err
-				return
-			}
-			log.Printf("Sent trash list to %v: response was HTTP %v", url, resp.Status)
-			io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, resp.Body)
-			resp.Body.Close()
-			if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
-				barrier <- errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Got HTTP code %v", resp.StatusCode))
-			} else {
-				barrier <- nil
-			}
-		})(url, v)
-	}
-	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
-		b := <-barrier
-		if b != nil {
-			errs = append(errs, b)
-		}
-	}
-	return errs
diff --git a/services/datamanager/keep/keep_test.go b/services/datamanager/keep/keep_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ca8797e..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/keep/keep_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-package keep
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"fmt"
-	"net"
-	"net/http"
-	"net/http/httptest"
-	"net/url"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"testing"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvadosclient"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvadostest"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/blockdigest"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/keepclient"
-	. "gopkg.in/check.v1"
-// Gocheck boilerplate
-func Test(t *testing.T) {
-	TestingT(t)
-type KeepSuite struct{}
-var _ = Suite(&KeepSuite{})
-type TestHandler struct {
-	request TrashList
-func (ts *TestHandler) ServeHTTP(writer http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
-	r := json.NewDecoder(req.Body)
-	r.Decode(&ts.request)
-func (s *KeepSuite) TestSendTrashLists(c *C) {
-	th := TestHandler{}
-	server := httptest.NewServer(&th)
-	defer server.Close()
-	tl := map[string]TrashList{
-		server.URL: {TrashRequest{"000000000000000000000000deadbeef", 99}}}
-	arv := &arvadosclient.ArvadosClient{ApiToken: "abc123"}
-	kc := keepclient.KeepClient{Arvados: arv, Client: &http.Client{}}
-	kc.SetServiceRoots(map[string]string{"xxxx": server.URL},
-		map[string]string{"xxxx": server.URL},
-		map[string]string{})
-	err := SendTrashLists(nil, &kc, tl, false)
-	c.Check(err, IsNil)
-	c.Check(th.request,
-		DeepEquals,
-		tl[server.URL])
-type TestHandlerError struct {
-func (tse *TestHandlerError) ServeHTTP(writer http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
-	http.Error(writer, "I'm a teapot", 418)
-func sendTrashListError(c *C, server *httptest.Server) {
-	tl := map[string]TrashList{
-		server.URL: {TrashRequest{"000000000000000000000000deadbeef", 99}}}
-	arv := &arvadosclient.ArvadosClient{ApiToken: "abc123"}
-	kc := keepclient.KeepClient{Arvados: arv, Client: &http.Client{}}
-	kc.SetServiceRoots(map[string]string{"xxxx": server.URL},
-		map[string]string{"xxxx": server.URL},
-		map[string]string{})
-	err := SendTrashLists(nil, &kc, tl, false)
-	c.Check(err, NotNil)
-	c.Check(err[0], NotNil)
-func (s *KeepSuite) TestSendTrashListErrorResponse(c *C) {
-	server := httptest.NewServer(&TestHandlerError{})
-	sendTrashListError(c, server)
-	defer server.Close()
-func (s *KeepSuite) TestSendTrashListUnreachable(c *C) {
-	sendTrashListError(c, httptest.NewUnstartedServer(&TestHandler{}))
-type APITestData struct {
-	numServers int
-	serverType string
-	statusCode int
-func (s *KeepSuite) TestGetKeepServers_UnsupportedServiceType(c *C) {
-	testGetKeepServersFromAPI(c, APITestData{1, "notadisk", 200}, "Found no keepservices with the service type disk")
-func (s *KeepSuite) TestGetKeepServers_ReceivedTooFewServers(c *C) {
-	testGetKeepServersFromAPI(c, APITestData{2, "disk", 200}, "Did not receive all available keep servers")
-func (s *KeepSuite) TestGetKeepServers_ServerError(c *C) {
-	testGetKeepServersFromAPI(c, APITestData{-1, "disk", -1}, "arvados API server error")
-func testGetKeepServersFromAPI(c *C, testData APITestData, expectedError string) {
-	keepServers := ServiceList{
-		ItemsAvailable: testData.numServers,
-		KeepServers: []ServerAddress{{
-			SSL:         false,
-			Host:        "example.com",
-			Port:        12345,
-			UUID:        "abcdefg",
-			ServiceType: testData.serverType,
-		}},
-	}
-	ksJSON, _ := json.Marshal(keepServers)
-	apiStubResponses := make(map[string]arvadostest.StubResponse)
-	apiStubResponses["/arvados/v1/keep_services"] = arvadostest.StubResponse{testData.statusCode, string(ksJSON)}
-	apiStub := arvadostest.ServerStub{apiStubResponses}
-	api := httptest.NewServer(&apiStub)
-	defer api.Close()
-	arv := &arvadosclient.ArvadosClient{
-		Scheme:    "http",
-		ApiServer: api.URL[7:],
-		ApiToken:  "abc123",
-		Client:    &http.Client{Transport: &http.Transport{}},
-	}
-	kc := keepclient.KeepClient{Arvados: arv, Client: &http.Client{}}
-	kc.SetServiceRoots(map[string]string{"xxxx": "http://example.com:23456"},
-		map[string]string{"xxxx": "http://example.com:23456"},
-		map[string]string{})
-	params := GetKeepServersParams{
-		Client: arv,
-		Logger: nil,
-		Limit:  10,
-	}
-	_, err := GetKeepServersAndSummarize(params)
-	c.Assert(err, NotNil)
-	c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, fmt.Sprintf(".*%s.*", expectedError))
-type KeepServerTestData struct {
-	// handle /status.json
-	statusStatusCode int
-	// handle /index
-	indexStatusCode   int
-	indexResponseBody string
-	// expected error, if any
-	expectedError string
-func (s *KeepSuite) TestGetKeepServers_ErrorGettingKeepServerStatus(c *C) {
-	testGetKeepServersAndSummarize(c, KeepServerTestData{500, 200, "ok",
-		".*http://.* 500 Internal Server Error"})
-func (s *KeepSuite) TestGetKeepServers_GettingIndex(c *C) {
-	testGetKeepServersAndSummarize(c, KeepServerTestData{200, -1, "notok",
-		".*redirect-loop.*"})
-func (s *KeepSuite) TestGetKeepServers_ErrorReadServerResponse(c *C) {
-	testGetKeepServersAndSummarize(c, KeepServerTestData{200, 500, "notok",
-		".*http://.* 500 Internal Server Error"})
-func (s *KeepSuite) TestGetKeepServers_ReadServerResponseTuncatedAtLineOne(c *C) {
-	testGetKeepServersAndSummarize(c, KeepServerTestData{200, 200,
-		"notterminatedwithnewline", "Index from http://.* truncated at line 1"})
-func (s *KeepSuite) TestGetKeepServers_InvalidBlockLocatorPattern(c *C) {
-	testGetKeepServersAndSummarize(c, KeepServerTestData{200, 200, "testing\n",
-		"Error parsing BlockInfo from index line.*"})
-func (s *KeepSuite) TestGetKeepServers_ReadServerResponseEmpty(c *C) {
-	testGetKeepServersAndSummarize(c, KeepServerTestData{200, 200, "\n", ""})
-func (s *KeepSuite) TestGetKeepServers_ReadServerResponseWithTwoBlocks(c *C) {
-	testGetKeepServersAndSummarize(c, KeepServerTestData{200, 200,
-		"51752ba076e461ec9ec1d27400a08548+20 1447526361\na048cc05c02ba1ee43ad071274b9e547+52 1447526362\n\n", ""})
-func testGetKeepServersAndSummarize(c *C, testData KeepServerTestData) {
-	ksStubResponses := make(map[string]arvadostest.StubResponse)
-	ksStubResponses["/status.json"] = arvadostest.StubResponse{testData.statusStatusCode, string(`{}`)}
-	ksStubResponses["/index"] = arvadostest.StubResponse{testData.indexStatusCode, testData.indexResponseBody}
-	ksStub := arvadostest.ServerStub{ksStubResponses}
-	ks := httptest.NewServer(&ksStub)
-	defer ks.Close()
-	ksURL, err := url.Parse(ks.URL)
-	c.Check(err, IsNil)
-	ksHost, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(ksURL.Host)
-	ksPort, err := strconv.Atoi(port)
-	c.Check(err, IsNil)
-	servers_list := ServiceList{
-		ItemsAvailable: 1,
-		KeepServers: []ServerAddress{{
-			SSL:         false,
-			Host:        ksHost,
-			Port:        ksPort,
-			UUID:        "abcdefg",
-			ServiceType: "disk",
-		}},
-	}
-	ksJSON, _ := json.Marshal(servers_list)
-	apiStubResponses := make(map[string]arvadostest.StubResponse)
-	apiStubResponses["/arvados/v1/keep_services"] = arvadostest.StubResponse{200, string(ksJSON)}
-	apiStub := arvadostest.ServerStub{apiStubResponses}
-	api := httptest.NewServer(&apiStub)
-	defer api.Close()
-	arv := &arvadosclient.ArvadosClient{
-		Scheme:    "http",
-		ApiServer: api.URL[7:],
-		ApiToken:  "abc123",
-		Client:    &http.Client{Transport: &http.Transport{}},
-	}
-	kc := keepclient.KeepClient{Arvados: arv, Client: &http.Client{}}
-	kc.SetServiceRoots(map[string]string{"xxxx": ks.URL},
-		map[string]string{"xxxx": ks.URL},
-		map[string]string{})
-	params := GetKeepServersParams{
-		Client: arv,
-		Logger: nil,
-		Limit:  10,
-	}
-	// GetKeepServersAndSummarize
-	results, err := GetKeepServersAndSummarize(params)
-	if testData.expectedError == "" {
-		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
-		c.Assert(results, NotNil)
-		blockToServers := results.BlockToServers
-		blockLocators := strings.Split(testData.indexResponseBody, "\n")
-		for _, loc := range blockLocators {
-			locator := strings.Split(loc, " ")[0]
-			if locator != "" {
-				blockLocator, err := blockdigest.ParseBlockLocator(locator)
-				c.Assert(err, IsNil)
-				blockDigestWithSize := blockdigest.DigestWithSize{blockLocator.Digest, uint32(blockLocator.Size)}
-				blockServerInfo := blockToServers[blockDigestWithSize]
-				c.Assert(blockServerInfo[0].Mtime, NotNil)
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, testData.expectedError)
-	}
diff --git a/services/datamanager/loggerutil/loggerutil.go b/services/datamanager/loggerutil/loggerutil.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8111425..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/loggerutil/loggerutil.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* Datamanager-specific logging methods. */
-package loggerutil
-import (
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/logger"
-	"log"
-	"os"
-	"runtime"
-	"time"
-// Useful to call at the beginning of execution to log info about the
-// current run.
-func LogRunInfo(arvLogger *logger.Logger) {
-	if arvLogger != nil {
-		now := time.Now()
-		arvLogger.Update(func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-			runInfo := logger.GetOrCreateMap(p, "run_info")
-			runInfo["started_at"] = now
-			runInfo["args"] = os.Args
-			hostname, err := os.Hostname()
-			if err != nil {
-				runInfo["hostname_error"] = err.Error()
-			} else {
-				runInfo["hostname"] = hostname
-			}
-			runInfo["pid"] = os.Getpid()
-		})
-	}
-// A LogMutator that records the current memory usage. This is most useful as a logger write hook.
-func LogMemoryAlloc(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-	runInfo := logger.GetOrCreateMap(p, "run_info")
-	var memStats runtime.MemStats
-	runtime.ReadMemStats(&memStats)
-	runInfo["memory_bytes_in_use"] = memStats.Alloc
-	runInfo["memory_bytes_reserved"] = memStats.Sys
-func FatalWithMessage(arvLogger *logger.Logger, message string) {
-	if arvLogger != nil {
-		arvLogger.FinalUpdate(func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-			p["FATAL"] = message
-			runInfo := logger.GetOrCreateMap(p, "run_info")
-			runInfo["finished_at"] = time.Now()
-		})
-	}
-	log.Fatalf(message)
diff --git a/services/datamanager/summary/canonical_string.go b/services/datamanager/summary/canonical_string.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 152314c..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/summary/canonical_string.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-/* Ensures that we only have one copy of each unique string. This is
-/* not designed for concurrent access. */
-package summary
-// This code should probably be moved somewhere more universal.
-// CanonicalString struct
-type CanonicalString struct {
-	m map[string]string
-// Get a CanonicalString
-func (cs *CanonicalString) Get(s string) (r string) {
-	if cs.m == nil {
-		cs.m = make(map[string]string)
-	}
-	value, found := cs.m[s]
-	if found {
-		return value
-	}
-	// s may be a substring of a much larger string.
-	// If we store s, it will prevent that larger string from getting
-	// garbage collected.
-	// If this is something you worry about you should change this code
-	// to make an explict copy of s using a byte array.
-	cs.m[s] = s
-	return s
diff --git a/services/datamanager/summary/file.go b/services/datamanager/summary/file.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e463d7..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/summary/file.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// Handles writing data to and reading data from disk to speed up development.
-package summary
-import (
-	"encoding/gob"
-	"flag"
-	"fmt"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/logger"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/datamanager/collection"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/datamanager/keep"
-	"log"
-	"os"
-// Used to locally cache data read from servers to reduce execution
-// time when developing. Not for use in production.
-type serializedData struct {
-	ReadCollections collection.ReadCollections
-	KeepServerInfo  keep.ReadServers
-var (
-	WriteDataTo  string
-	readDataFrom string
-// DataFetcher to fetch data from keep servers
-type DataFetcher func(arvLogger *logger.Logger,
-	readCollections *collection.ReadCollections,
-	keepServerInfo *keep.ReadServers) error
-func init() {
-	flag.StringVar(&WriteDataTo,
-		"write-data-to",
-		"",
-		"Write summary of data received to this file. Used for development only.")
-	flag.StringVar(&readDataFrom,
-		"read-data-from",
-		"",
-		"Avoid network i/o and read summary data from this file instead. Used for development only.")
-// MaybeWriteData writes data we've read to a file.
-// This is useful for development, so that we don't need to read all
-// our data from the network every time we tweak something.
-// This should not be used outside of development, since you'll be
-// working with stale data.
-func MaybeWriteData(arvLogger *logger.Logger,
-	readCollections collection.ReadCollections,
-	keepServerInfo keep.ReadServers) error {
-	if WriteDataTo == "" {
-		return nil
-	}
-	summaryFile, err := os.Create(WriteDataTo)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	defer summaryFile.Close()
-	enc := gob.NewEncoder(summaryFile)
-	data := serializedData{
-		ReadCollections: readCollections,
-		KeepServerInfo:  keepServerInfo}
-	err = enc.Encode(data)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	log.Printf("Wrote summary data to: %s", WriteDataTo)
-	return nil
-// ShouldReadData should not be used outside of development
-func ShouldReadData() bool {
-	return readDataFrom != ""
-// ReadData reads data that we've written to a file.
-// This is useful for development, so that we don't need to read all
-// our data from the network every time we tweak something.
-// This should not be used outside of development, since you'll be
-// working with stale data.
-func ReadData(arvLogger *logger.Logger,
-	readCollections *collection.ReadCollections,
-	keepServerInfo *keep.ReadServers) error {
-	if readDataFrom == "" {
-		return fmt.Errorf("ReadData() called with empty filename.")
-	}
-	summaryFile, err := os.Open(readDataFrom)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	defer summaryFile.Close()
-	dec := gob.NewDecoder(summaryFile)
-	data := serializedData{}
-	err = dec.Decode(&data)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// re-summarize data, so that we can update our summarizing
-	// functions without needing to do all our network i/o
-	data.ReadCollections.Summarize(arvLogger)
-	data.KeepServerInfo.Summarize(arvLogger)
-	*readCollections = data.ReadCollections
-	*keepServerInfo = data.KeepServerInfo
-	log.Printf("Read summary data from: %s", readDataFrom)
-	return nil
diff --git a/services/datamanager/summary/pull_list.go b/services/datamanager/summary/pull_list.go
deleted file mode 100644
index d7fb3eb..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/summary/pull_list.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-// Code for generating pull lists as described in https://arvados.org/projects/arvados/wiki/Keep_Design_Doc#Pull-List
-package summary
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"fmt"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/blockdigest"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/keepclient"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/logger"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/datamanager/keep"
-	"log"
-	"os"
-	"strings"
-// Locator is a block digest
-type Locator blockdigest.DigestWithSize
-// MarshalJSON encoding
-func (l Locator) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
-	return []byte("\"" + blockdigest.DigestWithSize(l).String() + "\""), nil
-// PullRequest represents one entry in the Pull List
-type PullRequest struct {
-	Locator Locator  `json:"locator"`
-	Servers []string `json:"servers"`
-// PullList for a particular server
-type PullList []PullRequest
-// PullListByLocator implements sort.Interface for PullList based on
-// the Digest.
-type PullListByLocator PullList
-func (a PullListByLocator) Len() int      { return len(a) }
-func (a PullListByLocator) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
-func (a PullListByLocator) Less(i, j int) bool {
-	di, dj := a[i].Locator.Digest, a[j].Locator.Digest
-	if di.H < dj.H {
-		return true
-	} else if di.H == dj.H {
-		if di.L < dj.L {
-			return true
-		} else if di.L == dj.L {
-			return a[i].Locator.Size < a[j].Locator.Size
-		}
-	}
-	return false
-// PullServers struct
-// For a given under-replicated block, this structure represents which
-// servers should pull the specified block and which servers they can
-// pull it from.
-type PullServers struct {
-	To   []string // Servers that should pull the specified block
-	From []string // Servers that already contain the specified block
-// ComputePullServers creates a map from block locator to PullServers
-// with one entry for each under-replicated block.
-// This method ignores zero-replica blocks since there are no servers
-// to pull them from, so callers should feel free to omit them, but
-// this function will ignore them if they are provided.
-func ComputePullServers(kc *keepclient.KeepClient,
-	keepServerInfo *keep.ReadServers,
-	blockToDesiredReplication map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize]int,
-	underReplicated BlockSet) (m map[Locator]PullServers) {
-	m = map[Locator]PullServers{}
-	// We use CanonicalString to avoid filling memory with duplicate
-	// copies of the same string.
-	var cs CanonicalString
-	// Servers that are writeable
-	writableServers := map[string]struct{}{}
-	for _, url := range kc.WritableLocalRoots() {
-		writableServers[cs.Get(url)] = struct{}{}
-	}
-	for block := range underReplicated {
-		serversStoringBlock := keepServerInfo.BlockToServers[block]
-		numCopies := len(serversStoringBlock)
-		numCopiesMissing := blockToDesiredReplication[block] - numCopies
-		if numCopiesMissing > 0 {
-			// We expect this to always be true, since the block was listed
-			// in underReplicated.
-			if numCopies > 0 {
-				// Not much we can do with blocks with no copies.
-				// A server's host-port string appears as a key in this map
-				// iff it contains the block.
-				serverHasBlock := map[string]struct{}{}
-				for _, info := range serversStoringBlock {
-					sa := keepServerInfo.KeepServerIndexToAddress[info.ServerIndex]
-					serverHasBlock[cs.Get(sa.URL())] = struct{}{}
-				}
-				roots := keepclient.NewRootSorter(kc.LocalRoots(),
-					block.String()).GetSortedRoots()
-				l := Locator(block)
-				m[l] = CreatePullServers(cs, serverHasBlock, writableServers,
-					roots, numCopiesMissing)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return m
-// CreatePullServers creates a pull list in which the To and From
-// fields preserve the ordering of sorted servers and the contents
-// are all canonical strings.
-func CreatePullServers(cs CanonicalString,
-	serverHasBlock map[string]struct{},
-	writableServers map[string]struct{},
-	sortedServers []string,
-	maxToFields int) (ps PullServers) {
-	ps = PullServers{
-		To:   make([]string, 0, maxToFields),
-		From: make([]string, 0, len(serverHasBlock)),
-	}
-	for _, host := range sortedServers {
-		// Strip the protocol portion of the url.
-		// Use the canonical copy of the string to avoid memory waste.
-		server := cs.Get(host)
-		_, hasBlock := serverHasBlock[server]
-		if hasBlock {
-			// The from field should include the protocol.
-			ps.From = append(ps.From, cs.Get(host))
-		} else if len(ps.To) < maxToFields {
-			_, writable := writableServers[host]
-			if writable {
-				ps.To = append(ps.To, server)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return
-// RemoveProtocolPrefix strips the protocol prefix from a url.
-func RemoveProtocolPrefix(url string) string {
-	return url[(strings.LastIndex(url, "/") + 1):]
-// BuildPullLists produces a PullList for each keep server.
-func BuildPullLists(lps map[Locator]PullServers) (spl map[string]PullList) {
-	spl = map[string]PullList{}
-	// We don't worry about canonicalizing our strings here, because we
-	// assume lps was created by ComputePullServers() which already
-	// canonicalized the strings for us.
-	for locator, pullServers := range lps {
-		for _, destination := range pullServers.To {
-			pullList, pullListExists := spl[destination]
-			if !pullListExists {
-				pullList = PullList{}
-			}
-			spl[destination] = append(pullList,
-				PullRequest{Locator: locator, Servers: pullServers.From})
-		}
-	}
-	return
-// WritePullLists writes each pull list to a file.
-// The filename is based on the hostname.
-// This is just a hack for prototyping, it is not expected to be used
-// in production.
-func WritePullLists(arvLogger *logger.Logger,
-	pullLists map[string]PullList,
-	dryRun bool) error {
-	r := strings.NewReplacer(":", ".")
-	for host, list := range pullLists {
-		if arvLogger != nil {
-			// We need a local variable because Update doesn't call our mutator func until later,
-			// when our list variable might have been reused by the next loop iteration.
-			host := host
-			listLen := len(list)
-			arvLogger.Update(func(p map[string]interface{}, e map[string]interface{}) {
-				pullListInfo := logger.GetOrCreateMap(p, "pull_list_len")
-				pullListInfo[host] = listLen
-			})
-		}
-		if dryRun {
-			log.Print("dry run, not sending pull list to service %s with %d blocks", host, len(list))
-			continue
-		}
-		filename := fmt.Sprintf("pull_list.%s", r.Replace(RemoveProtocolPrefix(host)))
-		pullListFile, err := os.Create(filename)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		defer pullListFile.Close()
-		enc := json.NewEncoder(pullListFile)
-		err = enc.Encode(list)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		log.Printf("Wrote pull list to %s.", filename)
-	}
-	return nil
diff --git a/services/datamanager/summary/pull_list_test.go b/services/datamanager/summary/pull_list_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 60b495c..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/summary/pull_list_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-package summary
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/blockdigest"
-	. "gopkg.in/check.v1"
-	"sort"
-	"testing"
-// Gocheck boilerplate
-func TestPullLists(t *testing.T) {
-	TestingT(t)
-type PullSuite struct{}
-var _ = Suite(&PullSuite{})
-// Helper method to declare string sets more succinctly
-// Could be placed somewhere more general.
-func stringSet(slice ...string) (m map[string]struct{}) {
-	m = map[string]struct{}{}
-	for _, s := range slice {
-		m[s] = struct{}{}
-	}
-	return
-func (s *PullSuite) TestPullListPrintsJSONCorrectly(c *C) {
-	pl := PullList{PullRequest{
-		Locator: Locator(blockdigest.MakeTestDigestSpecifySize(0xBadBeef, 56789)),
-		Servers: []string{"keep0.qr1hi.arvadosapi.com:25107",
-			"keep1.qr1hi.arvadosapi.com:25108"}}}
-	b, err := json.Marshal(pl)
-	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
-	expectedOutput := `[{"locator":"0000000000000000000000000badbeef+56789",` +
-		`"servers":["keep0.qr1hi.arvadosapi.com:25107",` +
-		`"keep1.qr1hi.arvadosapi.com:25108"]}]`
-	c.Check(string(b), Equals, expectedOutput)
-func (s *PullSuite) TestCreatePullServers(c *C) {
-	var cs CanonicalString
-	c.Check(
-		CreatePullServers(cs,
-			stringSet(),
-			stringSet(),
-			[]string{},
-			5),
-		DeepEquals,
-		PullServers{To: []string{}, From: []string{}})
-	c.Check(
-		CreatePullServers(cs,
-			stringSet("https://keep0:25107", "https://keep1:25108"),
-			stringSet(),
-			[]string{},
-			5),
-		DeepEquals,
-		PullServers{To: []string{}, From: []string{}})
-	c.Check(
-		CreatePullServers(cs,
-			stringSet("https://keep0:25107", "https://keep1:25108"),
-			stringSet("https://keep0:25107"),
-			[]string{"https://keep0:25107"},
-			5),
-		DeepEquals,
-		PullServers{To: []string{}, From: []string{"https://keep0:25107"}})
-	c.Check(
-		CreatePullServers(cs,
-			stringSet("https://keep0:25107", "https://keep1:25108"),
-			stringSet("https://keep3:25110", "https://keep2:25109", "https://keep1:25108", "https://keep0:25107"),
-			[]string{"https://keep3:25110", "https://keep2:25109", "https://keep1:25108", "https://keep0:25107"},
-			5),
-		DeepEquals,
-		PullServers{To: []string{"https://keep3:25110", "https://keep2:25109"},
-			From: []string{"https://keep1:25108", "https://keep0:25107"}})
-	c.Check(
-		CreatePullServers(cs,
-			stringSet("https://keep0:25107", "https://keep1:25108"),
-			stringSet("https://keep3:25110", "https://keep1:25108", "https://keep0:25107"),
-			[]string{"https://keep3:25110", "https://keep2:25109", "https://keep1:25108", "https://keep0:25107"},
-			5),
-		DeepEquals,
-		PullServers{To: []string{"https://keep3:25110"},
-			From: []string{"https://keep1:25108", "https://keep0:25107"}})
-	c.Check(
-		CreatePullServers(cs,
-			stringSet("https://keep0:25107", "https://keep1:25108"),
-			stringSet("https://keep3:25110", "https://keep2:25109", "https://keep1:25108", "https://keep0:25107"),
-			[]string{"https://keep3:25110", "https://keep2:25109", "https://keep1:25108", "https://keep0:25107"},
-			1),
-		DeepEquals,
-		PullServers{To: []string{"https://keep3:25110"},
-			From: []string{"https://keep1:25108", "https://keep0:25107"}})
-	c.Check(
-		CreatePullServers(cs,
-			stringSet("https://keep0:25107", "https://keep1:25108"),
-			stringSet("https://keep3:25110", "https://keep2:25109",
-				"https://keep1:25108", "https://keep0:25107"),
-			[]string{"https://keep3:25110", "https://keep2:25109",
-				"https://keep1:25108", "https://keep0:25107"},
-			1),
-		DeepEquals,
-		PullServers{To: []string{"https://keep3:25110"},
-			From: []string{"https://keep1:25108", "https://keep0:25107"}})
-	c.Check(
-		CreatePullServers(cs,
-			stringSet("https://keep0:25107", "https://keep1:25108"),
-			stringSet("https://keep3:25110", "https://keep2:25109", "https://keep1:25108", "https://keep0:25107"),
-			[]string{"https://keep3:25110", "https://keep2:25109", "https://keep1:25108", "https://keep0:25107"},
-			0),
-		DeepEquals,
-		PullServers{To: []string{},
-			From: []string{"https://keep1:25108", "https://keep0:25107"}})
-// Checks whether two pull list maps are equal. Since pull lists are
-// ordered arbitrarily, we need to sort them by digest before
-// comparing them for deep equality.
-type pullListMapEqualsChecker struct {
-	*CheckerInfo
-func (c *pullListMapEqualsChecker) Check(params []interface{}, names []string) (result bool, error string) {
-	obtained, ok := params[0].(map[string]PullList)
-	if !ok {
-		return false, "First parameter is not a PullList map"
-	}
-	expected, ok := params[1].(map[string]PullList)
-	if !ok {
-		return false, "Second parameter is not a PullList map"
-	}
-	for _, v := range obtained {
-		sort.Sort(PullListByLocator(v))
-	}
-	for _, v := range expected {
-		sort.Sort(PullListByLocator(v))
-	}
-	return DeepEquals.Check(params, names)
-var PullListMapEquals Checker = &pullListMapEqualsChecker{&CheckerInfo{
-	Name:   "PullListMapEquals",
-	Params: []string{"obtained", "expected"},
-func (s *PullSuite) TestBuildPullLists(c *C) {
-	c.Check(
-		BuildPullLists(map[Locator]PullServers{}),
-		PullListMapEquals,
-		map[string]PullList{})
-	locator1 := Locator{Digest: blockdigest.MakeTestBlockDigest(0xBadBeef)}
-	c.Check(
-		BuildPullLists(map[Locator]PullServers{
-			locator1: {To: []string{}, From: []string{}}}),
-		PullListMapEquals,
-		map[string]PullList{})
-	c.Check(
-		BuildPullLists(map[Locator]PullServers{
-			locator1: {To: []string{}, From: []string{"f1", "f2"}}}),
-		PullListMapEquals,
-		map[string]PullList{})
-	c.Check(
-		BuildPullLists(map[Locator]PullServers{
-			locator1: {To: []string{"t1"}, From: []string{"f1", "f2"}}}),
-		PullListMapEquals,
-		map[string]PullList{
-			"t1": {PullRequest{locator1, []string{"f1", "f2"}}}})
-	c.Check(
-		BuildPullLists(map[Locator]PullServers{
-			locator1: {To: []string{"t1"}, From: []string{}}}),
-		PullListMapEquals,
-		map[string]PullList{"t1": {
-			PullRequest{locator1, []string{}}}})
-	c.Check(
-		BuildPullLists(map[Locator]PullServers{
-			locator1: {
-				To:   []string{"t1", "t2"},
-				From: []string{"f1", "f2"},
-			}}),
-		PullListMapEquals,
-		map[string]PullList{
-			"t1": {PullRequest{locator1, []string{"f1", "f2"}}},
-			"t2": {PullRequest{locator1, []string{"f1", "f2"}}},
-		})
-	locator2 := Locator{Digest: blockdigest.MakeTestBlockDigest(0xCabbed)}
-	c.Check(
-		BuildPullLists(map[Locator]PullServers{
-			locator1: {To: []string{"t1"}, From: []string{"f1", "f2"}},
-			locator2: {To: []string{"t2"}, From: []string{"f3", "f4"}}}),
-		PullListMapEquals,
-		map[string]PullList{
-			"t1": {PullRequest{locator1, []string{"f1", "f2"}}},
-			"t2": {PullRequest{locator2, []string{"f3", "f4"}}},
-		})
-	c.Check(
-		BuildPullLists(map[Locator]PullServers{
-			locator1: {
-				To:   []string{"t1"},
-				From: []string{"f1", "f2"}},
-			locator2: {
-				To:   []string{"t2", "t1"},
-				From: []string{"f3", "f4"}},
-		}),
-		PullListMapEquals,
-		map[string]PullList{
-			"t1": {
-				PullRequest{locator1, []string{"f1", "f2"}},
-				PullRequest{locator2, []string{"f3", "f4"}},
-			},
-			"t2": {
-				PullRequest{locator2, []string{"f3", "f4"}},
-			},
-		})
-	locator3 := Locator{Digest: blockdigest.MakeTestBlockDigest(0xDeadBeef)}
-	locator4 := Locator{Digest: blockdigest.MakeTestBlockDigest(0xFedBeef)}
-	c.Check(
-		BuildPullLists(map[Locator]PullServers{
-			locator1: {
-				To:   []string{"t1"},
-				From: []string{"f1", "f2"}},
-			locator2: {
-				To:   []string{"t2", "t1"},
-				From: []string{"f3", "f4"}},
-			locator3: {
-				To:   []string{"t3", "t2", "t1"},
-				From: []string{"f4", "f5"}},
-			locator4: {
-				To:   []string{"t4", "t3", "t2", "t1"},
-				From: []string{"f1", "f5"}},
-		}),
-		PullListMapEquals,
-		map[string]PullList{
-			"t1": {
-				PullRequest{locator1, []string{"f1", "f2"}},
-				PullRequest{locator2, []string{"f3", "f4"}},
-				PullRequest{locator3, []string{"f4", "f5"}},
-				PullRequest{locator4, []string{"f1", "f5"}},
-			},
-			"t2": {
-				PullRequest{locator2, []string{"f3", "f4"}},
-				PullRequest{locator3, []string{"f4", "f5"}},
-				PullRequest{locator4, []string{"f1", "f5"}},
-			},
-			"t3": {
-				PullRequest{locator3, []string{"f4", "f5"}},
-				PullRequest{locator4, []string{"f1", "f5"}},
-			},
-			"t4": {
-				PullRequest{locator4, []string{"f1", "f5"}},
-			},
-		})
diff --git a/services/datamanager/summary/summary.go b/services/datamanager/summary/summary.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fb0316..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/summary/summary.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-// Summarizes Collection Data and Keep Server Contents.
-package summary
-// TODO(misha): Check size of blocks as well as their digest.
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/blockdigest"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/datamanager/collection"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/datamanager/keep"
-	"sort"
-// BlockSet is a map of blocks
-type BlockSet map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize]struct{}
-// Insert adds a single block to the set.
-func (bs BlockSet) Insert(digest blockdigest.DigestWithSize) {
-	bs[digest] = struct{}{}
-// Union adds a set of blocks to the set.
-func (bs BlockSet) Union(obs BlockSet) {
-	for k, v := range obs {
-		bs[k] = v
-	}
-// CollectionIndexSet is used to save space. To convert to and from
-// the uuid, use collection.ReadCollections' fields
-// CollectionIndexToUUID and CollectionUUIDToIndex.
-type CollectionIndexSet map[int]struct{}
-// Insert adds a single collection to the set. The collection is specified by
-// its index.
-func (cis CollectionIndexSet) Insert(collectionIndex int) {
-	cis[collectionIndex] = struct{}{}
-// ToCollectionIndexSet gets block to collection indices
-func (bs BlockSet) ToCollectionIndexSet(
-	readCollections collection.ReadCollections,
-	collectionIndexSet *CollectionIndexSet) {
-	for block := range bs {
-		for _, collectionIndex := range readCollections.BlockToCollectionIndices[block] {
-			collectionIndexSet.Insert(collectionIndex)
-		}
-	}
-// ReplicationLevels struct
-// Keeps track of the requested and actual replication levels.
-// Currently this is only used for blocks but could easily be used for
-// collections as well.
-type ReplicationLevels struct {
-	// The requested replication level.
-	// For Blocks this is the maximum replication level among all the
-	// collections this block belongs to.
-	Requested int
-	// The actual number of keep servers this is on.
-	Actual int
-// ReplicationLevelBlockSetMap maps from replication levels to their blocks.
-type ReplicationLevelBlockSetMap map[ReplicationLevels]BlockSet
-// ReplicationLevelBlockCount is an individual entry from ReplicationLevelBlockSetMap
-// which only reports the number of blocks, not which blocks.
-type ReplicationLevelBlockCount struct {
-	Levels ReplicationLevels
-	Count  int
-// ReplicationLevelBlockSetSlice is an ordered list of ReplicationLevelBlockCount useful for reporting.
-type ReplicationLevelBlockSetSlice []ReplicationLevelBlockCount
-// ReplicationSummary sturct
-type ReplicationSummary struct {
-	CollectionBlocksNotInKeep  BlockSet
-	UnderReplicatedBlocks      BlockSet
-	OverReplicatedBlocks       BlockSet
-	CorrectlyReplicatedBlocks  BlockSet
-	KeepBlocksNotInCollections BlockSet
-	CollectionsNotFullyInKeep      CollectionIndexSet
-	UnderReplicatedCollections     CollectionIndexSet
-	OverReplicatedCollections      CollectionIndexSet
-	CorrectlyReplicatedCollections CollectionIndexSet
-// ReplicationSummaryCounts struct counts the elements in each set in ReplicationSummary.
-type ReplicationSummaryCounts struct {
-	CollectionBlocksNotInKeep      int
-	UnderReplicatedBlocks          int
-	OverReplicatedBlocks           int
-	CorrectlyReplicatedBlocks      int
-	KeepBlocksNotInCollections     int
-	CollectionsNotFullyInKeep      int
-	UnderReplicatedCollections     int
-	OverReplicatedCollections      int
-	CorrectlyReplicatedCollections int
-// GetOrCreate gets the BlockSet for a given set of ReplicationLevels,
-// creating it if it doesn't already exist.
-func (rlbs ReplicationLevelBlockSetMap) GetOrCreate(
-	repLevels ReplicationLevels) (bs BlockSet) {
-	bs, exists := rlbs[repLevels]
-	if !exists {
-		bs = make(BlockSet)
-		rlbs[repLevels] = bs
-	}
-	return
-// Insert adds a block to the set for a given replication level.
-func (rlbs ReplicationLevelBlockSetMap) Insert(
-	repLevels ReplicationLevels,
-	block blockdigest.DigestWithSize) {
-	rlbs.GetOrCreate(repLevels).Insert(block)
-// Union adds a set of blocks to the set for a given replication level.
-func (rlbs ReplicationLevelBlockSetMap) Union(
-	repLevels ReplicationLevels,
-	bs BlockSet) {
-	rlbs.GetOrCreate(repLevels).Union(bs)
-// Counts outputs a sorted list of ReplicationLevelBlockCounts.
-func (rlbs ReplicationLevelBlockSetMap) Counts() (
-	sorted ReplicationLevelBlockSetSlice) {
-	sorted = make(ReplicationLevelBlockSetSlice, len(rlbs))
-	i := 0
-	for levels, set := range rlbs {
-		sorted[i] = ReplicationLevelBlockCount{Levels: levels, Count: len(set)}
-		i++
-	}
-	sort.Sort(sorted)
-	return
-// Implemented to meet sort.Interface
-func (rlbss ReplicationLevelBlockSetSlice) Len() int {
-	return len(rlbss)
-// Implemented to meet sort.Interface
-func (rlbss ReplicationLevelBlockSetSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
-	return rlbss[i].Levels.Requested < rlbss[j].Levels.Requested ||
-		(rlbss[i].Levels.Requested == rlbss[j].Levels.Requested &&
-			rlbss[i].Levels.Actual < rlbss[j].Levels.Actual)
-// Implemented to meet sort.Interface
-func (rlbss ReplicationLevelBlockSetSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
-	rlbss[i], rlbss[j] = rlbss[j], rlbss[i]
-// ComputeCounts returns ReplicationSummaryCounts
-func (rs ReplicationSummary) ComputeCounts() (rsc ReplicationSummaryCounts) {
-	// TODO(misha): Consider rewriting this method to iterate through
-	// the fields using reflection, instead of explictily listing the
-	// fields as we do now.
-	rsc.CollectionBlocksNotInKeep = len(rs.CollectionBlocksNotInKeep)
-	rsc.UnderReplicatedBlocks = len(rs.UnderReplicatedBlocks)
-	rsc.OverReplicatedBlocks = len(rs.OverReplicatedBlocks)
-	rsc.CorrectlyReplicatedBlocks = len(rs.CorrectlyReplicatedBlocks)
-	rsc.KeepBlocksNotInCollections = len(rs.KeepBlocksNotInCollections)
-	rsc.CollectionsNotFullyInKeep = len(rs.CollectionsNotFullyInKeep)
-	rsc.UnderReplicatedCollections = len(rs.UnderReplicatedCollections)
-	rsc.OverReplicatedCollections = len(rs.OverReplicatedCollections)
-	rsc.CorrectlyReplicatedCollections = len(rs.CorrectlyReplicatedCollections)
-	return rsc
-// PrettyPrint ReplicationSummaryCounts
-func (rsc ReplicationSummaryCounts) PrettyPrint() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("Replication Block Counts:"+
-		"\n Missing From Keep: %d, "+
-		"\n Under Replicated: %d, "+
-		"\n Over Replicated: %d, "+
-		"\n Replicated Just Right: %d, "+
-		"\n Not In Any Collection: %d. "+
-		"\nReplication Collection Counts:"+
-		"\n Missing From Keep: %d, "+
-		"\n Under Replicated: %d, "+
-		"\n Over Replicated: %d, "+
-		"\n Replicated Just Right: %d.",
-		rsc.CollectionBlocksNotInKeep,
-		rsc.UnderReplicatedBlocks,
-		rsc.OverReplicatedBlocks,
-		rsc.CorrectlyReplicatedBlocks,
-		rsc.KeepBlocksNotInCollections,
-		rsc.CollectionsNotFullyInKeep,
-		rsc.UnderReplicatedCollections,
-		rsc.OverReplicatedCollections,
-		rsc.CorrectlyReplicatedCollections)
-// BucketReplication returns ReplicationLevelBlockSetMap
-func BucketReplication(readCollections collection.ReadCollections,
-	keepServerInfo keep.ReadServers) (rlbs ReplicationLevelBlockSetMap) {
-	rlbs = make(ReplicationLevelBlockSetMap)
-	for block, requestedReplication := range readCollections.BlockToDesiredReplication {
-		rlbs.Insert(
-			ReplicationLevels{
-				Requested: requestedReplication,
-				Actual:    len(keepServerInfo.BlockToServers[block])},
-			block)
-	}
-	for block, servers := range keepServerInfo.BlockToServers {
-		if 0 == readCollections.BlockToDesiredReplication[block] {
-			rlbs.Insert(
-				ReplicationLevels{Requested: 0, Actual: len(servers)},
-				block)
-		}
-	}
-	return
-// SummarizeBuckets reads collections and summarizes
-func (rlbs ReplicationLevelBlockSetMap) SummarizeBuckets(
-	readCollections collection.ReadCollections) (
-	rs ReplicationSummary) {
-	rs.CollectionBlocksNotInKeep = make(BlockSet)
-	rs.UnderReplicatedBlocks = make(BlockSet)
-	rs.OverReplicatedBlocks = make(BlockSet)
-	rs.CorrectlyReplicatedBlocks = make(BlockSet)
-	rs.KeepBlocksNotInCollections = make(BlockSet)
-	rs.CollectionsNotFullyInKeep = make(CollectionIndexSet)
-	rs.UnderReplicatedCollections = make(CollectionIndexSet)
-	rs.OverReplicatedCollections = make(CollectionIndexSet)
-	rs.CorrectlyReplicatedCollections = make(CollectionIndexSet)
-	for levels, bs := range rlbs {
-		if levels.Actual == 0 {
-			rs.CollectionBlocksNotInKeep.Union(bs)
-		} else if levels.Requested == 0 {
-			rs.KeepBlocksNotInCollections.Union(bs)
-		} else if levels.Actual < levels.Requested {
-			rs.UnderReplicatedBlocks.Union(bs)
-		} else if levels.Actual > levels.Requested {
-			rs.OverReplicatedBlocks.Union(bs)
-		} else {
-			rs.CorrectlyReplicatedBlocks.Union(bs)
-		}
-	}
-	rs.CollectionBlocksNotInKeep.ToCollectionIndexSet(readCollections,
-		&rs.CollectionsNotFullyInKeep)
-	// Since different collections can specify different replication
-	// levels, the fact that a block is under-replicated does not imply
-	// that all collections that it belongs to are under-replicated, but
-	// we'll ignore that for now.
-	// TODO(misha): Fix this and report the correct set of collections.
-	rs.UnderReplicatedBlocks.ToCollectionIndexSet(readCollections,
-		&rs.UnderReplicatedCollections)
-	rs.OverReplicatedBlocks.ToCollectionIndexSet(readCollections,
-		&rs.OverReplicatedCollections)
-	for i := range readCollections.CollectionIndexToUUID {
-		if _, notInKeep := rs.CollectionsNotFullyInKeep[i]; notInKeep {
-		} else if _, underReplicated := rs.UnderReplicatedCollections[i]; underReplicated {
-		} else if _, overReplicated := rs.OverReplicatedCollections[i]; overReplicated {
-		} else {
-			rs.CorrectlyReplicatedCollections.Insert(i)
-		}
-	}
-	return
diff --git a/services/datamanager/summary/summary_test.go b/services/datamanager/summary/summary_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8268404..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/summary/summary_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-package summary
-import (
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/blockdigest"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/datamanager/collection"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/datamanager/keep"
-	"reflect"
-	"sort"
-	"testing"
-func BlockSetFromSlice(digests []int) (bs BlockSet) {
-	bs = make(BlockSet)
-	for _, digest := range digests {
-		bs.Insert(blockdigest.MakeTestDigestWithSize(digest))
-	}
-	return
-func CollectionIndexSetFromSlice(indices []int) (cis CollectionIndexSet) {
-	cis = make(CollectionIndexSet)
-	for _, index := range indices {
-		cis.Insert(index)
-	}
-	return
-func (cis CollectionIndexSet) ToSlice() (ints []int) {
-	ints = make([]int, len(cis))
-	i := 0
-	for collectionIndex := range cis {
-		ints[i] = collectionIndex
-		i++
-	}
-	sort.Ints(ints)
-	return
-// Helper method to meet interface expected by older tests.
-func SummarizeReplication(readCollections collection.ReadCollections,
-	keepServerInfo keep.ReadServers) (rs ReplicationSummary) {
-	return BucketReplication(readCollections, keepServerInfo).
-		SummarizeBuckets(readCollections)
-// Takes a map from block digest to replication level and represents
-// it in a keep.ReadServers structure.
-func SpecifyReplication(digestToReplication map[int]int) (rs keep.ReadServers) {
-	rs.BlockToServers = make(map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize][]keep.BlockServerInfo)
-	for digest, replication := range digestToReplication {
-		rs.BlockToServers[blockdigest.MakeTestDigestWithSize(digest)] =
-			make([]keep.BlockServerInfo, replication)
-	}
-	return
-// Verifies that
-// blocks.ToCollectionIndexSet(rc.BlockToCollectionIndices) returns
-// expectedCollections.
-func VerifyToCollectionIndexSet(
-	t *testing.T,
-	blocks []int,
-	blockToCollectionIndices map[int][]int,
-	expectedCollections []int) {
-	expected := CollectionIndexSetFromSlice(expectedCollections)
-	rc := collection.ReadCollections{
-		BlockToCollectionIndices: map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize][]int{},
-	}
-	for digest, indices := range blockToCollectionIndices {
-		rc.BlockToCollectionIndices[blockdigest.MakeTestDigestWithSize(digest)] = indices
-	}
-	returned := make(CollectionIndexSet)
-	BlockSetFromSlice(blocks).ToCollectionIndexSet(rc, &returned)
-	if !reflect.DeepEqual(returned, expected) {
-		t.Errorf("Expected %v.ToCollectionIndexSet(%v) to return \n %v \n but instead received \n %v",
-			blocks,
-			blockToCollectionIndices,
-			expectedCollections,
-			returned.ToSlice())
-	}
-func TestToCollectionIndexSet(t *testing.T) {
-	VerifyToCollectionIndexSet(t, []int{6}, map[int][]int{6: {0}}, []int{0})
-	VerifyToCollectionIndexSet(t, []int{4}, map[int][]int{4: {1}}, []int{1})
-	VerifyToCollectionIndexSet(t, []int{4}, map[int][]int{4: {1, 9}}, []int{1, 9})
-	VerifyToCollectionIndexSet(t, []int{5, 6},
-		map[int][]int{5: {2, 3}, 6: {3, 4}},
-		[]int{2, 3, 4})
-	VerifyToCollectionIndexSet(t, []int{5, 6},
-		map[int][]int{5: {8}, 6: {4}},
-		[]int{4, 8})
-	VerifyToCollectionIndexSet(t, []int{6}, map[int][]int{5: {0}}, []int{})
-func TestSimpleSummary(t *testing.T) {
-	rc := collection.MakeTestReadCollections([]collection.TestCollectionSpec{
-		{ReplicationLevel: 1, Blocks: []int{1, 2}},
-	})
-	rc.Summarize(nil)
-	cIndex := rc.CollectionIndicesForTesting()
-	keepInfo := SpecifyReplication(map[int]int{1: 1, 2: 1})
-	expectedSummary := ReplicationSummary{
-		CollectionBlocksNotInKeep:  BlockSet{},
-		UnderReplicatedBlocks:      BlockSet{},
-		OverReplicatedBlocks:       BlockSet{},
-		CorrectlyReplicatedBlocks:  BlockSetFromSlice([]int{1, 2}),
-		KeepBlocksNotInCollections: BlockSet{},
-		CollectionsNotFullyInKeep:      CollectionIndexSet{},
-		UnderReplicatedCollections:     CollectionIndexSet{},
-		OverReplicatedCollections:      CollectionIndexSet{},
-		CorrectlyReplicatedCollections: CollectionIndexSetFromSlice([]int{cIndex[0]}),
-	}
-	returnedSummary := SummarizeReplication(rc, keepInfo)
-	if !reflect.DeepEqual(returnedSummary, expectedSummary) {
-		t.Fatalf("Expected returnedSummary to look like %+v but instead it is %+v", expectedSummary, returnedSummary)
-	}
-func TestMissingBlock(t *testing.T) {
-	rc := collection.MakeTestReadCollections([]collection.TestCollectionSpec{
-		{ReplicationLevel: 1, Blocks: []int{1, 2}},
-	})
-	rc.Summarize(nil)
-	cIndex := rc.CollectionIndicesForTesting()
-	keepInfo := SpecifyReplication(map[int]int{1: 1})
-	expectedSummary := ReplicationSummary{
-		CollectionBlocksNotInKeep:  BlockSetFromSlice([]int{2}),
-		UnderReplicatedBlocks:      BlockSet{},
-		OverReplicatedBlocks:       BlockSet{},
-		CorrectlyReplicatedBlocks:  BlockSetFromSlice([]int{1}),
-		KeepBlocksNotInCollections: BlockSet{},
-		CollectionsNotFullyInKeep:      CollectionIndexSetFromSlice([]int{cIndex[0]}),
-		UnderReplicatedCollections:     CollectionIndexSet{},
-		OverReplicatedCollections:      CollectionIndexSet{},
-		CorrectlyReplicatedCollections: CollectionIndexSet{},
-	}
-	returnedSummary := SummarizeReplication(rc, keepInfo)
-	if !reflect.DeepEqual(returnedSummary, expectedSummary) {
-		t.Fatalf("Expected returnedSummary to look like %+v but instead it is %+v",
-			expectedSummary,
-			returnedSummary)
-	}
-func TestUnderAndOverReplicatedBlocks(t *testing.T) {
-	rc := collection.MakeTestReadCollections([]collection.TestCollectionSpec{
-		{ReplicationLevel: 2, Blocks: []int{1, 2}},
-	})
-	rc.Summarize(nil)
-	cIndex := rc.CollectionIndicesForTesting()
-	keepInfo := SpecifyReplication(map[int]int{1: 1, 2: 3})
-	expectedSummary := ReplicationSummary{
-		CollectionBlocksNotInKeep:  BlockSet{},
-		UnderReplicatedBlocks:      BlockSetFromSlice([]int{1}),
-		OverReplicatedBlocks:       BlockSetFromSlice([]int{2}),
-		CorrectlyReplicatedBlocks:  BlockSet{},
-		KeepBlocksNotInCollections: BlockSet{},
-		CollectionsNotFullyInKeep:      CollectionIndexSet{},
-		UnderReplicatedCollections:     CollectionIndexSetFromSlice([]int{cIndex[0]}),
-		OverReplicatedCollections:      CollectionIndexSetFromSlice([]int{cIndex[0]}),
-		CorrectlyReplicatedCollections: CollectionIndexSet{},
-	}
-	returnedSummary := SummarizeReplication(rc, keepInfo)
-	if !reflect.DeepEqual(returnedSummary, expectedSummary) {
-		t.Fatalf("Expected returnedSummary to look like %+v but instead it is %+v",
-			expectedSummary,
-			returnedSummary)
-	}
-func TestMixedReplication(t *testing.T) {
-	rc := collection.MakeTestReadCollections([]collection.TestCollectionSpec{
-		{ReplicationLevel: 1, Blocks: []int{1, 2}},
-		{ReplicationLevel: 1, Blocks: []int{3, 4}},
-		{ReplicationLevel: 2, Blocks: []int{5, 6}},
-	})
-	rc.Summarize(nil)
-	cIndex := rc.CollectionIndicesForTesting()
-	keepInfo := SpecifyReplication(map[int]int{1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 5: 1, 6: 3, 7: 2})
-	expectedSummary := ReplicationSummary{
-		CollectionBlocksNotInKeep:  BlockSetFromSlice([]int{4}),
-		UnderReplicatedBlocks:      BlockSetFromSlice([]int{5}),
-		OverReplicatedBlocks:       BlockSetFromSlice([]int{6}),
-		CorrectlyReplicatedBlocks:  BlockSetFromSlice([]int{1, 2, 3}),
-		KeepBlocksNotInCollections: BlockSetFromSlice([]int{7}),
-		CollectionsNotFullyInKeep:      CollectionIndexSetFromSlice([]int{cIndex[1]}),
-		UnderReplicatedCollections:     CollectionIndexSetFromSlice([]int{cIndex[2]}),
-		OverReplicatedCollections:      CollectionIndexSetFromSlice([]int{cIndex[2]}),
-		CorrectlyReplicatedCollections: CollectionIndexSetFromSlice([]int{cIndex[0]}),
-	}
-	returnedSummary := SummarizeReplication(rc, keepInfo)
-	if !reflect.DeepEqual(returnedSummary, expectedSummary) {
-		t.Fatalf("Expected returnedSummary to look like: \n%+v but instead it is: \n%+v. Index to UUID is %v. BlockToCollectionIndices is %v.", expectedSummary, returnedSummary, rc.CollectionIndexToUUID, rc.BlockToCollectionIndices)
-	}
diff --git a/services/datamanager/summary/trash_list.go b/services/datamanager/summary/trash_list.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e4d387..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/summary/trash_list.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// Code for generating trash lists
-package summary
-import (
-	"errors"
-	"fmt"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/keepclient"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/datamanager/keep"
-	"time"
-// BuildTrashLists builds list of blocks to be sent to trash queue
-func BuildTrashLists(kc *keepclient.KeepClient,
-	keepServerInfo *keep.ReadServers,
-	keepBlocksNotInCollections BlockSet) (m map[string]keep.TrashList, err error) {
-	// Servers that are writeable
-	writableServers := map[string]struct{}{}
-	for _, url := range kc.WritableLocalRoots() {
-		writableServers[url] = struct{}{}
-	}
-	_ttl, err := kc.Arvados.Discovery("blobSignatureTtl")
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get blobSignatureTtl, can't build trash lists: %v", err))
-	}
-	ttl := int64(_ttl.(float64))
-	// expire unreferenced blocks more than "ttl" seconds old.
-	expiry := time.Now().UTC().UnixNano() - ttl*1e9
-	return buildTrashListsInternal(writableServers, keepServerInfo, expiry, keepBlocksNotInCollections), nil
-func buildTrashListsInternal(writableServers map[string]struct{},
-	keepServerInfo *keep.ReadServers,
-	expiry int64,
-	keepBlocksNotInCollections BlockSet) (m map[string]keep.TrashList) {
-	m = make(map[string]keep.TrashList)
-	for block := range keepBlocksNotInCollections {
-		for _, blockOnServer := range keepServerInfo.BlockToServers[block] {
-			if blockOnServer.Mtime >= expiry {
-				continue
-			}
-			// block is older than expire cutoff
-			srv := keepServerInfo.KeepServerIndexToAddress[blockOnServer.ServerIndex].String()
-			if _, writable := writableServers[srv]; !writable {
-				continue
-			}
-			m[srv] = append(m[srv], keep.TrashRequest{Locator: block.Digest.String(), BlockMtime: blockOnServer.Mtime})
-		}
-	}
-	return
diff --git a/services/datamanager/summary/trash_list_test.go b/services/datamanager/summary/trash_list_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3626904..0000000
--- a/services/datamanager/summary/trash_list_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-package summary
-import (
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/blockdigest"
-	"git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/datamanager/keep"
-	. "gopkg.in/check.v1"
-	"testing"
-// Gocheck boilerplate
-func TestTrash(t *testing.T) {
-	TestingT(t)
-type TrashSuite struct{}
-var _ = Suite(&TrashSuite{})
-func (s *TrashSuite) TestBuildTrashLists(c *C) {
-	var sv0 = keep.ServerAddress{Host: "keep0.example.com", Port: 80}
-	var sv1 = keep.ServerAddress{Host: "keep1.example.com", Port: 80}
-	var block0 = blockdigest.MakeTestDigestWithSize(0xdeadbeef)
-	var block1 = blockdigest.MakeTestDigestWithSize(0xfedbeef)
-	var keepServerInfo = keep.ReadServers{
-		KeepServerIndexToAddress: []keep.ServerAddress{sv0, sv1},
-		BlockToServers: map[blockdigest.DigestWithSize][]keep.BlockServerInfo{
-			block0: {
-				{0, 99},
-				{1, 101}},
-			block1: {
-				{0, 99},
-				{1, 101}}}}
-	// only block0 is in delete set
-	var bs = make(BlockSet)
-	bs[block0] = struct{}{}
-	// Test trash list where only sv0 is on writable list.
-	c.Check(buildTrashListsInternal(
-		map[string]struct{}{
-			sv0.URL(): {}},
-		&keepServerInfo,
-		110,
-		bs),
-		DeepEquals,
-		map[string]keep.TrashList{
-			"http://keep0.example.com:80": {keep.TrashRequest{"000000000000000000000000deadbeef", 99}}})
-	// Test trash list where both sv0 and sv1 are on writable list.
-	c.Check(buildTrashListsInternal(
-		map[string]struct{}{
-			sv0.URL(): {},
-			sv1.URL(): {}},
-		&keepServerInfo,
-		110,
-		bs),
-		DeepEquals,
-		map[string]keep.TrashList{
-			"http://keep0.example.com:80": {keep.TrashRequest{"000000000000000000000000deadbeef", 99}},
-			"http://keep1.example.com:80": {keep.TrashRequest{"000000000000000000000000deadbeef", 101}}})
-	// Test trash list where only block on sv0 is expired
-	c.Check(buildTrashListsInternal(
-		map[string]struct{}{
-			sv0.URL(): {},
-			sv1.URL(): {}},
-		&keepServerInfo,
-		100,
-		bs),
-		DeepEquals,
-		map[string]keep.TrashList{
-			"http://keep0.example.com:80": {keep.TrashRequest{"000000000000000000000000deadbeef", 99}}})



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