[ARVADOS] updated: 73ce0cf7675e060d33e75488edfa4f533c177f82

git at public.curoverse.com git at public.curoverse.com
Fri Sep 25 10:46:12 EDT 2015

Summary of changes:
 sdk/cli/bin/crunch-job | 10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

       via  73ce0cf7675e060d33e75488edfa4f533c177f82 (commit)
       via  32a29ee7d171dccdb424990ff9c73e4b893dc3e4 (commit)
      from  5a55113805af906145449be18ec86b1a95a5017b (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit 73ce0cf7675e060d33e75488edfa4f533c177f82
Merge: 5a55113 32a29ee
Author: Brett Smith <brett at curoverse.com>
Date:   Fri Sep 25 10:46:00 2015 -0400

    Merge branch '7227-crunch-job-stricter-unmount-wip'
    Closes #7227, #7376.

commit 32a29ee7d171dccdb424990ff9c73e4b893dc3e4
Author: Brett Smith <brett at curoverse.com>
Date:   Wed Sep 23 13:16:41 2015 -0400

    7227: crunch-job only unmounts Keep mounts under $CRUNCH_TMP.
    This prevents it from trying to unmount other Keep mounts elsewhere on
    the system, and considering the cleanup step failed because of that.

diff --git a/sdk/cli/bin/crunch-job b/sdk/cli/bin/crunch-job
index 5e8edef..423f4cc 100755
--- a/sdk/cli/bin/crunch-job
+++ b/sdk/cli/bin/crunch-job
@@ -390,12 +390,12 @@ if (!defined $no_clear_tmp) {
   my $cleanpid = fork();
   if ($cleanpid == 0)
-    # Find FUSE mounts that look like Keep mounts (the mount path has the
-    # word "keep") and unmount them.  Then clean up work directories.
-    # TODO: When #5036 is done and widely deployed, we can get rid of the
-    # regular expression and just unmount everything with type fuse.keep.
+    # Find FUSE mounts under $CRUNCH_TMP and unmount them.
+    # Then clean up work directories.
+    # TODO: When #5036 is done and widely deployed, we can limit mount's
+    # -t option to simply fuse.keep.
     srun (["srun", "--nodelist=$nodelist", "-D", $ENV{'TMPDIR'}],
-          ['bash', '-ec', '-o', 'pipefail', 'mount -t fuse,fuse.keep | awk \'($3 ~ /\ykeep\y/){print $3}\' | xargs -r -n 1 fusermount -u -z; sleep 1; rm -rf $JOB_WORK $CRUNCH_INSTALL $CRUNCH_TMP/task $CRUNCH_TMP/src* $CRUNCH_TMP/*.cid']);
+          ['bash', '-ec', '-o', 'pipefail', 'mount -t fuse,fuse.keep | awk "(index(\$3, \"$CRUNCH_TMP\") == 1){print \$3}" | xargs -r -n 1 fusermount -u -z; sleep 1; rm -rf $JOB_WORK $CRUNCH_INSTALL $CRUNCH_TMP/task $CRUNCH_TMP/src* $CRUNCH_TMP/*.cid']);
     exit (1);
   while (1)



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