[ARVADOS] created: bd319a6b20d6a6418eefc9047341085177318304

git at public.curoverse.com git at public.curoverse.com
Fri Oct 23 16:34:52 EDT 2015

        at  bd319a6b20d6a6418eefc9047341085177318304 (commit)

commit bd319a6b20d6a6418eefc9047341085177318304
Author: Brett Smith <brett at curoverse.com>
Date:   Fri Oct 23 16:34:38 2015 -0400

    7587: Add test for PySDK API client socket.error retries.

diff --git a/sdk/python/tests/test_api.py b/sdk/python/tests/test_api.py
index 93505e7..3e6f257 100644
--- a/sdk/python/tests/test_api.py
+++ b/sdk/python/tests/test_api.py
@@ -6,13 +6,16 @@ import httplib2
 import json
 import mimetypes
 import os
-import run_test_server
+import socket
 import string
 import unittest
+import mock
+import run_test_server
 from apiclient import errors as apiclient_errors
 from apiclient import http as apiclient_http
 from arvados.api import OrderedJsonModel
 from arvados_testutil import fake_httplib2_response
 if not mimetypes.inited:
@@ -103,6 +106,21 @@ class ArvadosApiTest(run_test_server.TestCaseWithServers):
         result = api.humans().get(uuid='test').execute()
         self.assertEqual(string.hexdigits, ''.join(result.keys()))
+    def test_socket_errors_retried(self):
+        api = arvados.api('v1')
+        self.assertTrue(hasattr(api._http, 'orig_http_request'),
+                        "test doesn't know how to intercept HTTP requests")
+        api._http.orig_http_request = mock.MagicMock()
+        mock_response = {'user': 'person'}
+        api._http.orig_http_request.side_effect = [
+            socket.error("mock error"),
+            (fake_httplib2_response(200), json.dumps(mock_response))
+            ]
+        actual_response = api.users().current().execute()
+        self.assertEqual(mock_response, actual_response)
+        self.assertGreater(api._http.orig_http_request.call_count, 1,
+                           "client got the right response without retrying")
 if __name__ == '__main__':

commit 247d06e72dc82f44ed332cbcb44cc87648f5547d
Author: Brett Smith <brett at curoverse.com>
Date:   Fri Oct 23 15:42:59 2015 -0400

    7587: Refactor PySDK API tests to use TestCaseWithServers.
    History: first this test case used entirely mock responses.  Then we
    started running the API server to provide a discovery document.  Then
    people added tests that expected to talk to a real test server,
    particularly test_empty_list and test_nonempty_list.  These tests
    would talk to the API server configured in the user's environment, and
    fail if that's not a test API server.
    Using TestCaseWithServers fixes the immediate bug in the tests, and
    better reflects the current real state of the test case.

diff --git a/sdk/python/tests/test_api.py b/sdk/python/tests/test_api.py
index 9d438e2..93505e7 100644
--- a/sdk/python/tests/test_api.py
+++ b/sdk/python/tests/test_api.py
@@ -18,48 +18,17 @@ from arvados_testutil import fake_httplib2_response
 if not mimetypes.inited:
-class ArvadosApiClientTest(unittest.TestCase):
+class ArvadosApiTest(run_test_server.TestCaseWithServers):
+    MAIN_SERVER = {}
     ERROR_HEADERS = {'Content-Type': mimetypes.types_map['.json']}
-    @classmethod
     def api_error_response(cls, code, *errors):
         return (fake_httplib2_response(code, **cls.ERROR_HEADERS),
                 json.dumps({'errors': errors,
                             'error_token': '1234567890+12345678'}))
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(cls):
-        # The apiclient library has support for mocking requests for
-        # testing, but it doesn't extend to the discovery document
-        # itself. For now, bring up an API server that will serve
-        # a discovery document.
-        # FIXME: Figure out a better way to stub this out.
-        run_test_server.run()
-        mock_responses = {
-            'arvados.humans.delete': (
-                fake_httplib2_response(500, **cls.ERROR_HEADERS),
-                ""),
-            'arvados.humans.get': cls.api_error_response(
-                422, "Bad UUID format", "Bad output format"),
-            'arvados.humans.list': (None, json.dumps(
-                    {'items_available': 0, 'items': []})),
-            }
-        req_builder = apiclient_http.RequestMockBuilder(mock_responses)
-        cls.api = arvados.api('v1',
-                              host=os.environ['ARVADOS_API_HOST'],
-                              token='discovery-doc-only-no-token-needed',
-                              insecure=True,
-                              requestBuilder=req_builder)
-    def tearDown(cls):
-        run_test_server.reset()
     def test_new_api_objects_with_cache(self):
-        clients = [arvados.api('v1', cache=True,
-                               host=os.environ['ARVADOS_API_HOST'],
-                               token='discovery-doc-only-no-token-needed',
-                               insecure=True)
-                   for index in [0, 1]]
+        clients = [arvados.api('v1', cache=True) for index in [0, 1]]
     def test_empty_list(self):
@@ -92,15 +61,28 @@ class ArvadosApiClientTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_exceptions_include_errors(self):
+        mock_responses = {
+            'arvados.humans.get': self.api_error_response(
+                422, "Bad UUID format", "Bad output format"),
+            }
+        req_builder = apiclient_http.RequestMockBuilder(mock_responses)
+        api = arvados.api('v1', requestBuilder=req_builder)
         with self.assertRaises(apiclient_errors.HttpError) as err_ctx:
-            self.api.humans().get(uuid='xyz-xyz-abcdef').execute()
+            api.humans().get(uuid='xyz-xyz-abcdef').execute()
         err_s = str(err_ctx.exception)
         for msg in ["Bad UUID format", "Bad output format"]:
             self.assertIn(msg, err_s)
     def test_exceptions_without_errors_have_basic_info(self):
+        mock_responses = {
+            'arvados.humans.delete': (
+                fake_httplib2_response(500, **self.ERROR_HEADERS),
+                "")
+            }
+        req_builder = apiclient_http.RequestMockBuilder(mock_responses)
+        api = arvados.api('v1', requestBuilder=req_builder)
         with self.assertRaises(apiclient_errors.HttpError) as err_ctx:
-            self.api.humans().delete(uuid='xyz-xyz-abcdef').execute()
+            api.humans().delete(uuid='xyz-xyz-abcdef').execute()
         self.assertIn("500", str(err_ctx.exception))
     def test_request_too_large(self):
@@ -117,11 +99,7 @@ class ArvadosApiClientTest(unittest.TestCase):
         req_builder = apiclient_http.RequestMockBuilder(mock_responses)
         api = arvados.api('v1',
-                          host=os.environ['ARVADOS_API_HOST'],
-                          token='discovery-doc-only-no-token-needed',
-                          insecure=True,
-                          requestBuilder=req_builder,
-                          model=OrderedJsonModel())
+                          requestBuilder=req_builder, model=OrderedJsonModel())
         result = api.humans().get(uuid='test').execute()
         self.assertEqual(string.hexdigits, ''.join(result.keys()))



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