[ARVADOS] updated: 0c8cf79d48283ecbe376ab958ad2ac90bbb34e59
git at public.curoverse.com
git at public.curoverse.com
Wed Nov 25 10:34:23 EST 2015
Summary of changes:
.../crunch-dispatch.rb => lib/crunch_dispatch.rb} | 159 ++--
services/api/script/crunch-dispatch.rb | 837 +--------------------
services/api/test/unit/crunch_dispatch_test.rb | 116 +++
3 files changed, 200 insertions(+), 912 deletions(-)
copy services/api/{script/crunch-dispatch.rb => lib/crunch_dispatch.rb} (91%)
mode change 100755 => 100644
create mode 100644 services/api/test/unit/crunch_dispatch_test.rb
via 0c8cf79d48283ecbe376ab958ad2ac90bbb34e59 (commit)
via 31d81be98b3065c1032412bc07863aab9b92bc50 (commit)
via 011f79355a338f43089af498f9980a9488d68927 (commit)
via c512f060057f497030df8266f680d55084c0e860 (commit)
via 11a77a2fb67fbae39242f4017737d3c920535b53 (commit)
from a85ea61ef977320a17f8362c4ad5b54b3f206e8c (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
commit 0c8cf79d48283ecbe376ab958ad2ac90bbb34e59
Merge: a85ea61 31d81be
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date: Wed Nov 25 10:43:53 2015 -0500
Merge branch '7676-dispatch-cheaper-nodes' closes #7676
commit 31d81be98b3065c1032412bc07863aab9b92bc50
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date: Tue Nov 24 16:16:13 2015 -0500
7676: Improve comments.
diff --git a/services/api/lib/crunch_dispatch.rb b/services/api/lib/crunch_dispatch.rb
index 15491ad..bd1591d 100644
--- a/services/api/lib/crunch_dispatch.rb
+++ b/services/api/lib/crunch_dispatch.rb
@@ -160,7 +160,8 @@ class CrunchDispatch
# Prefer nodes with no price, then cheap nodes, then expensive nodes
node.properties['cloud_node']['price'].to_f rescue 0
end.each do |node|
- if need_procs.select { |node_test| not node_test.call(node) }.any?
+ if need_procs.select { |need_proc| not need_proc.call(node) }.any?
+ # At least one runtime constraint is not satisfied by this node
usable_nodes << node
diff --git a/services/api/test/unit/crunch_dispatch_test.rb b/services/api/test/unit/crunch_dispatch_test.rb
index 2bdbf7f..9e68db3 100644
--- a/services/api/test/unit/crunch_dispatch_test.rb
+++ b/services/api/test/unit/crunch_dispatch_test.rb
@@ -4,7 +4,10 @@ require 'crunch_dispatch'
class CrunchDispatchTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
test 'choose cheaper nodes first' do
act_as_system_user do
+ # Replace test fixtures with a set suitable for testing dispatch
+ # Idle nodes with different prices
[['compute1', 3.20, 32],
['compute2', 1.60, 16],
['compute3', 0.80, 8]].each do |hostname, price, cores|
@@ -21,6 +24,7 @@ class CrunchDispatchTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
'total_scratch_mb' => cores*10000,
# Node with no price information
Node.create!(hostname: 'compute4',
info: {
@@ -31,6 +35,7 @@ class CrunchDispatchTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
'total_ram_mb' => 8192,
'total_scratch_mb' => 80000,
# Cheap but busy node
Node.create!(hostname: 'compute5',
info: {
commit 011f79355a338f43089af498f9980a9488d68927
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date: Mon Nov 23 13:29:52 2015 -0500
7676: Test choosing cheaper nodes, and basic crunch-dispatch startup/locking.
diff --git a/services/api/test/unit/crunch_dispatch_test.rb b/services/api/test/unit/crunch_dispatch_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bdbf7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/api/test/unit/crunch_dispatch_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+require 'crunch_dispatch'
+class CrunchDispatchTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ test 'choose cheaper nodes first' do
+ act_as_system_user do
+ Node.destroy_all
+ [['compute1', 3.20, 32],
+ ['compute2', 1.60, 16],
+ ['compute3', 0.80, 8]].each do |hostname, price, cores|
+ Node.create!(hostname: hostname,
+ info: {
+ 'slurm_state' => 'idle',
+ },
+ properties: {
+ 'cloud_node' => {
+ 'price' => price,
+ },
+ 'total_cpu_cores' => cores,
+ 'total_ram_mb' => cores*1024,
+ 'total_scratch_mb' => cores*10000,
+ })
+ end
+ # Node with no price information
+ Node.create!(hostname: 'compute4',
+ info: {
+ 'slurm_state' => 'idle',
+ },
+ properties: {
+ 'total_cpu_cores' => 8,
+ 'total_ram_mb' => 8192,
+ 'total_scratch_mb' => 80000,
+ })
+ # Cheap but busy node
+ Node.create!(hostname: 'compute5',
+ info: {
+ 'slurm_state' => 'alloc',
+ },
+ properties: {
+ 'cloud_node' => {
+ 'price' => 0.10,
+ },
+ 'total_cpu_cores' => 32,
+ 'total_ram_mb' => 32768,
+ 'total_scratch_mb' => 320000,
+ })
+ end
+ dispatch = CrunchDispatch.new
+ [[1, 16384, ['compute2']],
+ [2, 16384, ['compute2', 'compute1']],
+ [2, 8000, ['compute4', 'compute3']],
+ ].each do |min_nodes, min_ram, expect_nodes|
+ job = Job.new(runtime_constraints: {
+ 'min_nodes' => min_nodes,
+ 'min_ram_mb_per_node' => min_ram,
+ })
+ nodes = dispatch.nodes_available_for_job_now job
+ assert_equal expect_nodes, nodes
+ end
+ end
+ test 'respond to TERM' do
+ lockfile = Rails.root.join 'tmp', 'dispatch.lock'
+ begin
+ pid = Process.fork do
+ begin
+ # Abandon database connections inherited from parent
+ # process. Credit to
+ # https://github.com/kstephens/rails_is_forked
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.connection_pools.each_value do |pool|
+ pool.instance_eval do
+ @reserved_connections = {}
+ @connections = []
+ end
+ end
+ ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection
+ CrunchDispatch.new.run []
+ ensure
+ Process.exit!
+ end
+ end
+ assert_with_timeout 5, "Dispatch did not lock #{lockfile}" do
+ !can_lock(lockfile)
+ end
+ ensure
+ Process.kill("TERM", pid)
+ end
+ assert_with_timeout 5, "Dispatch did not unlock #{lockfile}" do
+ can_lock(lockfile)
+ end
+ end
+ def assert_with_timeout timeout, message
+ t = 0
+ while (t += 0.1) < timeout
+ if yield
+ return
+ end
+ sleep 0.1
+ end
+ assert false, message + " (waited #{timeout} seconds)"
+ end
+ def can_lock lockfile
+ lockfile.open(File::RDWR|File::CREAT, 0644) do |f|
+ return f.flock(File::LOCK_EX|File::LOCK_NB)
+ end
+ end
commit c512f060057f497030df8266f680d55084c0e860
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date: Mon Nov 23 04:03:40 2015 -0500
7676: Move crunch dispatch code into lib.
diff --git a/services/api/script/crunch-dispatch.rb b/services/api/lib/crunch_dispatch.rb
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 93%
copy from services/api/script/crunch-dispatch.rb
copy to services/api/lib/crunch_dispatch.rb
index 5896391..15491ad
--- a/services/api/script/crunch-dispatch.rb
+++ b/services/api/lib/crunch_dispatch.rb
@@ -1,66 +1,20 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# We want files written by crunch-dispatch to be writable by other processes
-# with the same GID, see bug #7228
-require 'shellwords'
-include Process
-$options = {}
-(ARGV.any? ? ARGV : ['--jobs', '--pipelines']).each do |arg|
- case arg
- when '--jobs'
- $options[:jobs] = true
- when '--pipelines'
- $options[:pipelines] = true
- else
- abort "Unrecognized command line option '#{arg}'"
- end
-if not ($options[:jobs] or $options[:pipelines])
- abort "Nothing to do. Please specify at least one of: --jobs, --pipelines."
-ARGV.reject! { |a| a =~ /--jobs|--pipelines/ }
-$warned = {}
-$signal = {}
-%w{TERM INT}.each do |sig|
- signame = sig
- Signal.trap(sig) do
- $stderr.puts "Received #{signame} signal"
- $signal[:term] = true
- end
- lockfilename = ENV.delete "CRUNCH_DISPATCH_LOCKFILE"
- lockfile = File.open(lockfilename, File::RDWR|File::CREAT, 0644)
- unless lockfile.flock File::LOCK_EX|File::LOCK_NB
- abort "Lock unavailable on #{lockfilename} - exit"
- end
-ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = ARGV[0] || ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || "development"
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/boot'
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/environment'
require 'open3'
+require 'shellwords'
-class LogTime < Time
- def to_s
- self.utc.strftime "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"
- end
-class Dispatcher
+class CrunchDispatch
include ApplicationHelper
+ include Process
+ class LogTime < Time
+ def to_s
+ self.utc.strftime "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"
+ end
+ end
def initialize
@crunch_job_bin = (ENV['CRUNCH_JOB_BIN'] || `which arv-crunch-job`.strip)
if @crunch_job_bin.empty?
@@ -95,10 +49,10 @@ class Dispatcher
def refresh_todo
- if $options[:jobs]
+ if @runoptions[:jobs]
@todo = @todo_job_retries.values + Job.queue.select(&:repository)
- if $options[:pipelines]
+ if @runoptions[:pipelines]
@todo_pipelines = PipelineInstance.queue
@@ -753,13 +707,64 @@ class Dispatcher
- def run
+ def parse_argv argv
+ @runoptions = {}
+ (argv.any? ? argv : ['--jobs', '--pipelines']).each do |arg|
+ case arg
+ when '--jobs'
+ @runoptions[:jobs] = true
+ when '--pipelines'
+ @runoptions[:pipelines] = true
+ else
+ abort "Unrecognized command line option '#{arg}'"
+ end
+ end
+ if not (@runoptions[:jobs] or @runoptions[:pipelines])
+ abort "Nothing to do. Please specify at least one of: --jobs, --pipelines."
+ end
+ end
+ def run argv
+ parse_argv argv
+ # We want files written by crunch-dispatch to be writable by other
+ # processes with the same GID, see bug #7228
+ File.umask(0002)
+ # This is how crunch-job child procs know where the "refresh"
+ # trigger file is
+ ENV["CRUNCH_REFRESH_TRIGGER"] = Rails.configuration.crunch_refresh_trigger
+ # If salloc can't allocate resources immediately, make it use our
+ # temporary failure exit code. This ensures crunch-dispatch won't
+ # mark a job failed because of an issue with node allocation.
+ # This often happens when another dispatcher wins the race to
+ # allocate nodes.
+ lockfilename = ENV.delete "CRUNCH_DISPATCH_LOCKFILE"
+ lockfile = File.open(lockfilename, File::RDWR|File::CREAT, 0644)
+ unless lockfile.flock File::LOCK_EX|File::LOCK_NB
+ abort "Lock unavailable on #{lockfilename} - exit"
+ end
+ end
+ @signal = {}
+ %w{TERM INT}.each do |sig|
+ signame = sig
+ Signal.trap(sig) do
+ $stderr.puts "Received #{signame} signal"
+ @signal[:term] = true
+ end
+ end
$stderr.puts "dispatch: ready"
- while !$signal[:term] or @running.size > 0
+ while !@signal[:term] or @running.size > 0
- if $signal[:term]
+ if @signal[:term]
@running.each do |uuid, j|
if !j[:started] and j[:sent_int] < 2
@@ -774,7 +779,7 @@ class Dispatcher
refresh_todo unless did_recently(:refresh_todo, 1.0)
update_node_status unless did_recently(:update_node_status, 1.0)
- unless @todo.empty? or did_recently(:start_jobs, 1.0) or $signal[:term]
+ unless @todo.empty? or did_recently(:start_jobs, 1.0) or @signal[:term]
unless (@todo_pipelines.empty? and @pipe_auth_tokens.empty?) or did_recently(:update_pipelines, 5.0)
@@ -831,14 +836,3 @@ class Dispatcher
-# This is how crunch-job child procs know where the "refresh" trigger file is
-ENV["CRUNCH_REFRESH_TRIGGER"] = Rails.configuration.crunch_refresh_trigger
-# If salloc can't allocate resources immediately, make it use our temporary
-# failure exit code. This ensures crunch-dispatch won't mark a job failed
-# because of an issue with node allocation. This often happens when
-# another dispatcher wins the race to allocate nodes.
diff --git a/services/api/script/crunch-dispatch.rb b/services/api/script/crunch-dispatch.rb
index 5896391..889e6a4 100755
--- a/services/api/script/crunch-dispatch.rb
+++ b/services/api/script/crunch-dispatch.rb
@@ -1,844 +1,13 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# We want files written by crunch-dispatch to be writable by other processes
-# with the same GID, see bug #7228
-require 'shellwords'
-include Process
-$options = {}
-(ARGV.any? ? ARGV : ['--jobs', '--pipelines']).each do |arg|
- case arg
- when '--jobs'
- $options[:jobs] = true
- when '--pipelines'
- $options[:pipelines] = true
- else
- abort "Unrecognized command line option '#{arg}'"
- end
-if not ($options[:jobs] or $options[:pipelines])
- abort "Nothing to do. Please specify at least one of: --jobs, --pipelines."
-ARGV.reject! { |a| a =~ /--jobs|--pipelines/ }
-$warned = {}
-$signal = {}
-%w{TERM INT}.each do |sig|
- signame = sig
- Signal.trap(sig) do
- $stderr.puts "Received #{signame} signal"
- $signal[:term] = true
- end
- lockfilename = ENV.delete "CRUNCH_DISPATCH_LOCKFILE"
- lockfile = File.open(lockfilename, File::RDWR|File::CREAT, 0644)
- unless lockfile.flock File::LOCK_EX|File::LOCK_NB
- abort "Lock unavailable on #{lockfilename} - exit"
- end
+dispatch_argv = []
+ARGV.reject! do |arg|
+ dispatch_argv.push(arg) if /^--/ =~ arg
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = ARGV[0] || ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || "development"
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/boot'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/environment'
-require 'open3'
-class LogTime < Time
- def to_s
- self.utc.strftime "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"
- end
-class Dispatcher
- include ApplicationHelper
- def initialize
- @crunch_job_bin = (ENV['CRUNCH_JOB_BIN'] || `which arv-crunch-job`.strip)
- if @crunch_job_bin.empty?
- raise "No CRUNCH_JOB_BIN env var, and crunch-job not in path."
- end
- @docker_bin = ENV['CRUNCH_JOB_DOCKER_BIN']
- @arvados_internal = Rails.configuration.git_internal_dir
- if not File.exists? @arvados_internal
- $stderr.puts `mkdir -p #{@arvados_internal.shellescape} && git init --bare #{@arvados_internal.shellescape}`
- raise "No internal git repository available" unless ($? == 0)
- end
- @repo_root = Rails.configuration.git_repositories_dir
- @arvados_repo_path = Repository.where(name: "arvados").first.server_path
- @authorizations = {}
- @did_recently = {}
- @fetched_commits = {}
- @git_tags = {}
- @node_state = {}
- @pipe_auth_tokens = {}
- @running = {}
- @todo = []
- @todo_job_retries = {}
- @job_retry_counts = Hash.new(0)
- @todo_pipelines = []
- end
- def sysuser
- return act_as_system_user
- end
- def refresh_todo
- if $options[:jobs]
- @todo = @todo_job_retries.values + Job.queue.select(&:repository)
- end
- if $options[:pipelines]
- @todo_pipelines = PipelineInstance.queue
- end
- end
- def each_slurm_line(cmd, outfmt, max_fields=nil)
- max_fields ||= outfmt.split(":").size
- max_fields += 1 # To accommodate the node field we add
- @@slurm_version ||= Gem::Version.new(`sinfo --version`.match(/\b[\d\.]+\b/)[0])
- if Gem::Version.new('2.3') <= @@slurm_version
- `#{cmd} --noheader -o '%n:#{outfmt}'`.each_line do |line|
- yield line.chomp.split(":", max_fields)
- end
- else
- # Expand rows with hostname ranges (like "foo[1-3,5,9-12]:idle")
- # into multiple rows with one hostname each.
- `#{cmd} --noheader -o '%N:#{outfmt}'`.each_line do |line|
- tokens = line.chomp.split(":", max_fields)
- if (re = tokens[0].match /^(.*?)\[([-,\d]+)\]$/)
- tokens.shift
- re[2].split(",").each do |range|
- range = range.split("-").collect(&:to_i)
- (range[0]..range[-1]).each do |n|
- yield [re[1] + n.to_s] + tokens
- end
- end
- else
- yield tokens
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def slurm_status
- slurm_nodes = {}
- each_slurm_line("sinfo", "%t") do |hostname, state|
- # Treat nodes in idle* state as down, because the * means that slurm
- # hasn't been able to communicate with it recently.
- state.sub!(/^idle\*/, "down")
- state.sub!(/\W+$/, "")
- state = "down" unless %w(idle alloc down).include?(state)
- slurm_nodes[hostname] = {state: state, job: nil}
- end
- each_slurm_line("squeue", "%j") do |hostname, job_uuid|
- slurm_nodes[hostname][:job] = job_uuid if slurm_nodes[hostname]
- end
- slurm_nodes
- end
- def update_node_status
- return unless Server::Application.config.crunch_job_wrapper.to_s.match /^slurm/
- slurm_status.each_pair do |hostname, slurmdata|
- next if @node_state[hostname] == slurmdata
- begin
- node = Node.where('hostname=?', hostname).order(:last_ping_at).last
- if node
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: update #{hostname} state to #{slurmdata}"
- node.info["slurm_state"] = slurmdata[:state]
- node.job_uuid = slurmdata[:job]
- if node.save
- @node_state[hostname] = slurmdata
- else
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: failed to update #{node.uuid}: #{node.errors.messages}"
- end
- elsif slurmdata[:state] != 'down'
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: SLURM reports '#{hostname}' is not down, but no node has that name"
- end
- rescue => error
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: error updating #{hostname} node status: #{error}"
- end
- end
- end
- def positive_int(raw_value, default=nil)
- value = begin raw_value.to_i rescue 0 end
- if value > 0
- value
- else
- default
- end
- end
- # Map Job runtime_constraints keys to the corresponding Node info key.
- 'min_ram_mb_per_node' => 'total_ram_mb',
- 'min_scratch_mb_per_node' => 'total_scratch_mb',
- 'min_cores_per_node' => 'total_cpu_cores',
- }
- def nodes_available_for_job_now(job)
- # Find Nodes that satisfy a Job's runtime constraints (by building
- # a list of Procs and using them to test each Node). If there
- # enough to run the Job, return an array of their names.
- # Otherwise, return nil.
- need_procs = NODE_CONSTRAINT_MAP.each_pair.map do |job_key, node_key|
- Proc.new do |node|
- positive_int(node.properties[node_key], 0) >=
- positive_int(job.runtime_constraints[job_key], 0)
- end
- end
- min_node_count = positive_int(job.runtime_constraints['min_nodes'], 1)
- usable_nodes = []
- Node.all.select do |node|
- node.info['slurm_state'] == 'idle'
- end.sort_by do |node|
- # Prefer nodes with no price, then cheap nodes, then expensive nodes
- node.properties['cloud_node']['price'].to_f rescue 0
- end.each do |node|
- if need_procs.select { |node_test| not node_test.call(node) }.any?
- next
- end
- usable_nodes << node
- if usable_nodes.count >= min_node_count
- return usable_nodes.map { |node| node.hostname }
- end
- end
- nil
- end
- def nodes_available_for_job(job)
- # Check if there are enough idle nodes with the Job's minimum
- # hardware requirements to run it. If so, return an array of
- # their names. If not, up to once per hour, signal start_jobs to
- # hold off launching Jobs. This delay is meant to give the Node
- # Manager an opportunity to make new resources available for new
- # Jobs.
- #
- # The exact timing parameters here might need to be adjusted for
- # the best balance between helping the longest-waiting Jobs run,
- # and making efficient use of immediately available resources.
- # These are all just first efforts until we have more data to work
- # with.
- nodelist = nodes_available_for_job_now(job)
- if nodelist.nil? and not did_recently(:wait_for_available_nodes, 3600)
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: waiting for nodes for #{job.uuid}"
- @node_wait_deadline = Time.now + 5.minutes
- end
- nodelist
- end
- def fail_job job, message
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: #{job.uuid}: #{message}"
- begin
- Log.new(object_uuid: job.uuid,
- event_type: 'dispatch',
- owner_uuid: job.owner_uuid,
- summary: message,
- properties: {"text" => message}).save!
- rescue
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: log.create failed"
- end
- begin
- job.lock @authorizations[job.uuid].user.uuid
- job.state = "Failed"
- if not job.save
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: save failed setting job #{job.uuid} to failed"
- end
- rescue ArvadosModel::AlreadyLockedError
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: tried to mark job #{job.uuid} as failed but it was already locked by someone else"
- end
- end
- def stdout_s(cmd_a, opts={})
- IO.popen(cmd_a, "r", opts) do |pipe|
- return pipe.read.chomp
- end
- end
- def git_cmd(*cmd_a)
- ["git", "--git-dir=#{@arvados_internal}"] + cmd_a
- end
- def get_authorization(job)
- if @authorizations[job.uuid] and
- @authorizations[job.uuid].user.uuid != job.modified_by_user_uuid
- # We already made a token for this job, but we need a new one
- # because modified_by_user_uuid has changed (the job will run
- # as a different user).
- @authorizations[job.uuid].update_attributes expires_at: Time.now
- @authorizations[job.uuid] = nil
- end
- if not @authorizations[job.uuid]
- auth = ApiClientAuthorization.
- new(user: User.where('uuid=?', job.modified_by_user_uuid).first,
- api_client_id: 0)
- if not auth.save
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: auth.save failed for #{job.uuid}"
- else
- @authorizations[job.uuid] = auth
- end
- end
- @authorizations[job.uuid]
- end
- def internal_repo_has_commit? sha1
- if (not @fetched_commits[sha1] and
- sha1 == stdout_s(git_cmd("rev-list", "-n1", sha1), err: "/dev/null") and
- $? == 0)
- @fetched_commits[sha1] = true
- end
- return @fetched_commits[sha1]
- end
- def get_commit src_repo, sha1
- return true if internal_repo_has_commit? sha1
- # commit does not exist in internal repository, so import the
- # source repository using git fetch-pack
- cmd = git_cmd("fetch-pack", "--no-progress", "--all", src_repo)
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: #{cmd}"
- $stderr.puts(stdout_s(cmd))
- @fetched_commits[sha1] = ($? == 0)
- end
- def tag_commit(commit_hash, tag_name)
- # @git_tags[T]==V if we know commit V has been tagged T in the
- # arvados_internal repository.
- if not @git_tags[tag_name]
- cmd = git_cmd("tag", tag_name, commit_hash)
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: #{cmd}"
- $stderr.puts(stdout_s(cmd, err: "/dev/null"))
- unless $? == 0
- # git tag failed. This may be because the tag already exists, so check for that.
- tag_rev = stdout_s(git_cmd("rev-list", "-n1", tag_name))
- if $? == 0
- # We got a revision back
- if tag_rev != commit_hash
- # Uh oh, the tag doesn't point to the revision we were expecting.
- # Someone has been monkeying with the job record and/or git.
- fail_job job, "Existing tag #{tag_name} points to commit #{tag_rev} but expected commit #{commit_hash}"
- return nil
- end
- # we're okay (fall through to setting @git_tags below)
- else
- # git rev-list failed for some reason.
- fail_job job, "'git tag' for #{tag_name} failed but did not find any existing tag using 'git rev-list'"
- return nil
- end
- end
- # 'git tag' was successful, or there is an existing tag that points to the same revision.
- @git_tags[tag_name] = commit_hash
- elsif @git_tags[tag_name] != commit_hash
- fail_job job, "Existing tag #{tag_name} points to commit #{@git_tags[tag_name]} but this job uses commit #{commit_hash}"
- return nil
- end
- @git_tags[tag_name]
- end
- def start_jobs
- @todo.each do |job|
- next if @running[job.uuid]
- cmd_args = nil
- case Server::Application.config.crunch_job_wrapper
- when :none
- if @running.size > 0
- # Don't run more than one at a time.
- return
- end
- cmd_args = []
- when :slurm_immediate
- nodelist = nodes_available_for_job(job)
- if nodelist.nil?
- if Time.now < @node_wait_deadline
- break
- else
- next
- end
- end
- cmd_args = ["salloc",
- "--chdir=/",
- "--immediate",
- "--exclusive",
- "--no-kill",
- "--job-name=#{job.uuid}",
- "--nodelist=#{nodelist.join(',')}"]
- else
- raise "Unknown crunch_job_wrapper: #{Server::Application.config.crunch_job_wrapper}"
- end
- if Server::Application.config.crunch_job_user
- cmd_args.unshift("sudo", "-E", "-u",
- Server::Application.config.crunch_job_user,
- "PATH=#{ENV['PATH']}",
- end
- next unless get_authorization job
- ready = internal_repo_has_commit? job.script_version
- if not ready
- # Import the commit from the specified repository into the
- # internal repository. This should have been done already when
- # the job was created/updated; this code is obsolete except to
- # avoid deployment races. Failing the job would be a
- # reasonable thing to do at this point.
- repo = Repository.where(name: job.repository).first
- if repo.nil? or repo.server_path.nil?
- fail_job "Repository #{job.repository} not found under #{@repo_root}"
- next
- end
- ready &&= get_commit repo.server_path, job.script_version
- ready &&= tag_commit job.script_version, job.uuid
- end
- # This should be unnecessary, because API server does it during
- # job create/update, but it's still not a bad idea to verify the
- # tag is correct before starting the job:
- ready &&= tag_commit job.script_version, job.uuid
- # The arvados_sdk_version doesn't support use of arbitrary
- # remote URLs, so the requested version isn't necessarily copied
- # into the internal repository yet.
- if job.arvados_sdk_version
- ready &&= get_commit @arvados_repo_path, job.arvados_sdk_version
- ready &&= tag_commit job.arvados_sdk_version, "#{job.uuid}-arvados-sdk"
- end
- if not ready
- fail_job job, "commit not present in internal repository"
- next
- end
- cmd_args += [@crunch_job_bin,
- '--job-api-token', @authorizations[job.uuid].api_token,
- '--job', job.uuid,
- '--git-dir', @arvados_internal]
- if @docker_bin
- cmd_args += ['--docker-bin', @docker_bin]
- end
- if @todo_job_retries.include?(job.uuid)
- cmd_args << "--force-unlock"
- end
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: #{cmd_args.join ' '}"
- begin
- i, o, e, t = Open3.popen3(*cmd_args)
- rescue
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: popen3: #{$!}"
- sleep 1
- next
- end
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: job #{job.uuid}"
- start_banner = "dispatch: child #{t.pid} start #{LogTime.now}"
- $stderr.puts start_banner
- @running[job.uuid] = {
- stdin: i,
- stdout: o,
- stderr: e,
- wait_thr: t,
- job: job,
- buf: {stderr: '', stdout: ''},
- started: false,
- sent_int: 0,
- job_auth: @authorizations[job.uuid],
- stderr_buf_to_flush: '',
- stderr_flushed_at: Time.new(0),
- bytes_logged: 0,
- events_logged: 0,
- log_throttle_is_open: true,
- log_throttle_reset_time: Time.now + Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_period,
- log_throttle_bytes_so_far: 0,
- log_throttle_lines_so_far: 0,
- log_throttle_bytes_skipped: 0,
- }
- i.close
- @todo_job_retries.delete(job.uuid)
- update_node_status
- end
- end
- # Test for hard cap on total output and for log throttling. Returns whether
- # the log line should go to output or not. Modifies "line" in place to
- # replace it with an error if a logging limit is tripped.
- def rate_limit running_job, line
- message = false
- linesize = line.size
- if running_job[:log_throttle_is_open]
- running_job[:log_throttle_lines_so_far] += 1
- running_job[:log_throttle_bytes_so_far] += linesize
- running_job[:bytes_logged] += linesize
- if (running_job[:bytes_logged] >
- Rails.configuration.crunch_limit_log_bytes_per_job)
- message = "Exceeded log limit #{Rails.configuration.crunch_limit_log_bytes_per_job} bytes (crunch_limit_log_bytes_per_job). Log will be truncated."
- running_job[:log_throttle_reset_time] = Time.now + 100.years
- running_job[:log_throttle_is_open] = false
- elsif (running_job[:log_throttle_bytes_so_far] >
- Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_bytes)
- remaining_time = running_job[:log_throttle_reset_time] - Time.now
- message = "Exceeded rate #{Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_bytes} bytes per #{Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_period} seconds (crunch_log_throttle_bytes). Logging will be silenced for the next #{remaining_time.round} seconds.\n"
- running_job[:log_throttle_is_open] = false
- elsif (running_job[:log_throttle_lines_so_far] >
- Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_lines)
- remaining_time = running_job[:log_throttle_reset_time] - Time.now
- message = "Exceeded rate #{Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_lines} lines per #{Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_period} seconds (crunch_log_throttle_lines), logging will be silenced for the next #{remaining_time.round} seconds.\n"
- running_job[:log_throttle_is_open] = false
- end
- end
- if not running_job[:log_throttle_is_open]
- # Don't log anything if any limit has been exceeded. Just count lossage.
- running_job[:log_throttle_bytes_skipped] += linesize
- end
- if message
- # Yes, write to logs, but use our "rate exceeded" message
- # instead of the log message that exceeded the limit.
- line.replace message
- true
- else
- running_job[:log_throttle_is_open]
- end
- end
- def read_pipes
- @running.each do |job_uuid, j|
- job = j[:job]
- now = Time.now
- if now > j[:log_throttle_reset_time]
- # It has been more than throttle_period seconds since the last
- # checkpoint so reset the throttle
- if j[:log_throttle_bytes_skipped] > 0
- message = "#{job_uuid} ! Skipped #{j[:log_throttle_bytes_skipped]} bytes of log"
- $stderr.puts message
- j[:stderr_buf_to_flush] << "#{LogTime.now} #{message}\n"
- end
- j[:log_throttle_reset_time] = now + Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_period
- j[:log_throttle_bytes_so_far] = 0
- j[:log_throttle_lines_so_far] = 0
- j[:log_throttle_bytes_skipped] = 0
- j[:log_throttle_is_open] = true
- end
- j[:buf].each do |stream, streambuf|
- # Read some data from the child stream
- buf = ''
- begin
- # It's important to use a big enough buffer here. When we're
- # being flooded with logs, we must read and discard many
- # bytes at once. Otherwise, we can easily peg a CPU with
- # time-checking and other loop overhead. (Quick tests show a
- # 1MiB buffer working 2.5x as fast as a 64 KiB buffer.)
- #
- # So don't reduce this buffer size!
- buf = j[stream].read_nonblock(2**20)
- rescue Errno::EAGAIN, EOFError
- end
- # Short circuit the counting code if we're just going to throw
- # away the data anyway.
- if not j[:log_throttle_is_open]
- j[:log_throttle_bytes_skipped] += streambuf.size + buf.size
- streambuf.replace ''
- next
- elsif buf == ''
- next
- end
- # Append to incomplete line from previous read, if any
- streambuf << buf
- bufend = ''
- streambuf.each_line do |line|
- if not line.end_with? $/
- if line.size > Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_bytes
- # Without a limit here, we'll use 2x an arbitrary amount
- # of memory, and waste a lot of time copying strings
- # around, all without providing any feedback to anyone
- # about what's going on _or_ hitting any of our throttle
- # limits.
- #
- # Here we leave "line" alone, knowing it will never be
- # sent anywhere: rate_limit() will reach
- # crunch_log_throttle_bytes immediately. However, we'll
- # leave [...] in bufend: if the trailing end of the long
- # line does end up getting sent anywhere, it will have
- # some indication that it is incomplete.
- bufend = "[...]"
- else
- # If line length is sane, we'll wait for the rest of the
- # line to appear in the next read_pipes() call.
- bufend = line
- break
- end
- end
- # rate_limit returns true or false as to whether to actually log
- # the line or not. It also modifies "line" in place to replace
- # it with an error if a logging limit is tripped.
- if rate_limit j, line
- $stderr.print "#{job_uuid} ! " unless line.index(job_uuid)
- $stderr.puts line
- pub_msg = "#{LogTime.now} #{line.strip}\n"
- j[:stderr_buf_to_flush] << pub_msg
- end
- end
- # Leave the trailing incomplete line (if any) in streambuf for
- # next time.
- streambuf.replace bufend
- end
- # Flush buffered logs to the logs table, if appropriate. We have
- # to do this even if we didn't collect any new logs this time:
- # otherwise, buffered data older than seconds_between_events
- # won't get flushed until new data arrives.
- write_log j
- end
- end
- def reap_children
- return if 0 == @running.size
- pid_done = nil
- j_done = nil
- if false
- begin
- pid_done = waitpid(-1, Process::WNOHANG | Process::WUNTRACED)
- if pid_done
- j_done = @running.values.
- select { |j| j[:wait_thr].pid == pid_done }.
- first
- end
- rescue SystemCallError
- # I have @running processes but system reports I have no
- # children. This is likely to happen repeatedly if it happens at
- # all; I will log this no more than once per child process I
- # start.
- if 0 < @running.select { |uuid,j| j[:warned_waitpid_error].nil? }.size
- children = @running.values.collect { |j| j[:wait_thr].pid }.join ' '
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: IPC bug: waitpid() error (#{$!}), but I have children #{children}"
- end
- @running.each do |uuid,j| j[:warned_waitpid_error] = true end
- end
- else
- @running.each do |uuid, j|
- if j[:wait_thr].status == false
- pid_done = j[:wait_thr].pid
- j_done = j
- end
- end
- end
- return if !pid_done
- job_done = j_done[:job]
- # Ensure every last drop of stdout and stderr is consumed.
- read_pipes
- # Reset flush timestamp to make sure log gets written.
- j_done[:stderr_flushed_at] = Time.new(0)
- # Write any remaining logs.
- write_log j_done
- j_done[:buf].each do |stream, streambuf|
- if streambuf != ''
- $stderr.puts streambuf + "\n"
- end
- end
- # Wait the thread (returns a Process::Status)
- exit_status = j_done[:wait_thr].value.exitstatus
- exit_tempfail = exit_status == EXIT_TEMPFAIL
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: child #{pid_done} exit #{exit_status}"
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: job #{job_done.uuid} end"
- jobrecord = Job.find_by_uuid(job_done.uuid)
- if exit_status == EXIT_RETRY_UNLOCKED
- # The job failed because all of the nodes allocated to it
- # failed. Only this crunch-dispatch process can retry the job:
- # it's already locked, and there's no way to put it back in the
- # Queued state. Put it in our internal todo list unless the job
- # has failed this way excessively.
- @job_retry_counts[jobrecord.uuid] += 1
- exit_tempfail = @job_retry_counts[jobrecord.uuid] <= RETRY_UNLOCKED_LIMIT
- if exit_tempfail
- @todo_job_retries[jobrecord.uuid] = jobrecord
- else
- $stderr.puts("dispatch: job #{jobrecord.uuid} exceeded node failure retry limit -- giving up")
- end
- end
- if !exit_tempfail
- @job_retry_counts.delete(jobrecord.uuid)
- if jobrecord.state == "Running"
- # Apparently there was an unhandled error. That could potentially
- # include "all allocated nodes failed" when we don't to retry
- # because the job has already been retried RETRY_UNLOCKED_LIMIT
- # times. Fail the job.
- jobrecord.state = "Failed"
- if not jobrecord.save
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: jobrecord.save failed"
- end
- end
- else
- # If the job failed to run due to an infrastructure
- # issue with crunch-job or slurm, we want the job to stay in the
- # queue. If crunch-job exited after losing a race to another
- # crunch-job process, it exits 75 and we should leave the job
- # record alone so the winner of the race can do its thing.
- # If crunch-job exited after all of its allocated nodes failed,
- # it exits 93, and we want to retry it later (see the
- # EXIT_RETRY_UNLOCKED `if` block).
- #
- # There is still an unhandled race condition: If our crunch-job
- # process is about to lose a race with another crunch-job
- # process, but crashes before getting to its "exit 75" (for
- # example, "cannot fork" or "cannot reach API server") then we
- # will assume incorrectly that it's our process's fault
- # jobrecord.started_at is non-nil, and mark the job as failed
- # even though the winner of the race is probably still doing
- # fine.
- end
- # Invalidate the per-job auth token, unless the job is still queued and we
- # might want to try it again.
- if jobrecord.state != "Queued" and !@todo_job_retries.include?(jobrecord.uuid)
- j_done[:job_auth].update_attributes expires_at: Time.now
- end
- @running.delete job_done.uuid
- end
- def update_pipelines
- expire_tokens = @pipe_auth_tokens.dup
- @todo_pipelines.each do |p|
- pipe_auth = (@pipe_auth_tokens[p.uuid] ||= ApiClientAuthorization.
- create(user: User.where('uuid=?', p.modified_by_user_uuid).first,
- api_client_id: 0))
- puts `export ARVADOS_API_TOKEN=#{pipe_auth.api_token} && arv-run-pipeline-instance --run-pipeline-here --no-wait --instance #{p.uuid}`
- expire_tokens.delete p.uuid
- end
- expire_tokens.each do |k, v|
- v.update_attributes expires_at: Time.now
- @pipe_auth_tokens.delete k
- end
- end
- def run
- act_as_system_user
- User.first.group_permissions
- $stderr.puts "dispatch: ready"
- while !$signal[:term] or @running.size > 0
- read_pipes
- if $signal[:term]
- @running.each do |uuid, j|
- if !j[:started] and j[:sent_int] < 2
- begin
- Process.kill 'INT', j[:wait_thr].pid
- rescue Errno::ESRCH
- # No such pid = race condition + desired result is
- # already achieved
- end
- j[:sent_int] += 1
- end
- end
- else
- refresh_todo unless did_recently(:refresh_todo, 1.0)
- update_node_status unless did_recently(:update_node_status, 1.0)
- unless @todo.empty? or did_recently(:start_jobs, 1.0) or $signal[:term]
- start_jobs
- end
- unless (@todo_pipelines.empty? and @pipe_auth_tokens.empty?) or did_recently(:update_pipelines, 5.0)
- update_pipelines
- end
- end
- reap_children
- select(@running.values.collect { |j| [j[:stdout], j[:stderr]] }.flatten,
- [], [], 1)
- end
- # If there are jobs we wanted to retry, we have to mark them as failed now.
- # Other dispatchers can't pick them up because we hold their lock.
- @todo_job_retries.each_key do |job_uuid|
- job = Job.find_by_uuid(job_uuid)
- if job.state == "Running"
- fail_job(job, "crunch-dispatch was stopped during job's tempfail retry loop")
- end
- end
- end
- protected
- def did_recently(thing, min_interval)
- if !@did_recently[thing] or @did_recently[thing] < Time.now - min_interval
- @did_recently[thing] = Time.now
- false
- else
- true
- end
- end
- # send message to log table. we want these records to be transient
- def write_log running_job
- return if running_job[:stderr_buf_to_flush] == ''
- # Send out to log event if buffer size exceeds the bytes per event or if
- # it has been at least crunch_log_seconds_between_events seconds since
- # the last flush.
- if running_job[:stderr_buf_to_flush].size > Rails.configuration.crunch_log_bytes_per_event or
- (Time.now - running_job[:stderr_flushed_at]) >= Rails.configuration.crunch_log_seconds_between_events
- begin
- log = Log.new(object_uuid: running_job[:job].uuid,
- event_type: 'stderr',
- owner_uuid: running_job[:job].owner_uuid,
- properties: {"text" => running_job[:stderr_buf_to_flush]})
- log.save!
- running_job[:events_logged] += 1
- rescue => exception
- $stderr.puts "Failed to write logs"
- $stderr.puts exception.backtrace
- end
- running_job[:stderr_buf_to_flush] = ''
- running_job[:stderr_flushed_at] = Time.now
- end
- end
-# This is how crunch-job child procs know where the "refresh" trigger file is
-ENV["CRUNCH_REFRESH_TRIGGER"] = Rails.configuration.crunch_refresh_trigger
-# If salloc can't allocate resources immediately, make it use our temporary
-# failure exit code. This ensures crunch-dispatch won't mark a job failed
-# because of an issue with node allocation. This often happens when
-# another dispatcher wins the race to allocate nodes.
+require './lib/crunch_dispatch.rb'
+CrunchDispatch.new.run dispatch_argv
commit 11a77a2fb67fbae39242f4017737d3c920535b53
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date: Mon Nov 23 03:07:40 2015 -0500
7676: Prefer cheaper nodes when allocating nodes to jobs.
diff --git a/services/api/script/crunch-dispatch.rb b/services/api/script/crunch-dispatch.rb
index 9fb2566..5896391 100755
--- a/services/api/script/crunch-dispatch.rb
+++ b/services/api/script/crunch-dispatch.rb
@@ -200,14 +200,18 @@ class Dispatcher
min_node_count = positive_int(job.runtime_constraints['min_nodes'], 1)
usable_nodes = []
- Node.find_each do |node|
- good_node = (node.info['slurm_state'] == 'idle')
- need_procs.each { |node_test| good_node &&= node_test.call(node) }
- if good_node
- usable_nodes << node
- if usable_nodes.count >= min_node_count
- return usable_nodes.map { |node| node.hostname }
- end
+ Node.all.select do |node|
+ node.info['slurm_state'] == 'idle'
+ end.sort_by do |node|
+ # Prefer nodes with no price, then cheap nodes, then expensive nodes
+ node.properties['cloud_node']['price'].to_f rescue 0
+ end.each do |node|
+ if need_procs.select { |node_test| not node_test.call(node) }.any?
+ next
+ end
+ usable_nodes << node
+ if usable_nodes.count >= min_node_count
+ return usable_nodes.map { |node| node.hostname }
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