[ARVADOS] created: 0f6a00174a83252ff1d72ded61289abf5b34a417
git at public.curoverse.com
git at public.curoverse.com
Tue May 19 15:32:27 EDT 2015
at 0f6a00174a83252ff1d72ded61289abf5b34a417 (commit)
commit 0f6a00174a83252ff1d72ded61289abf5b34a417
Author: Radhika Chippada <radhika at curoverse.com>
Date: Tue May 19 15:23:34 2015 -0400
6061: add workbench integration_performance test folder.
diff --git a/apps/workbench/test/integration_performance/collections_perf_test.rb b/apps/workbench/test/integration_performance/collections_perf_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e80cd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/workbench/test/integration_performance/collections_perf_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+require 'integration_helper'
+class CollectionsPerfTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ setup do
+ Capybara.current_driver = :rack_test
+ skip "ENV variable RUN_INTG_PERF_TESTS with value 'y' is not found" if !ENV["RUN_INTG_PERF_TESTS"].andand.start_with? 'y'
+ end
+ def create_large_collection size, file_name_prefix
+ manifest_text = ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0"
+ i = 0
+ until manifest_text.length > size do
+ manifest_text << " 0:0:#{file_name_prefix}#{i.to_s}"
+ i += 1
+ end
+ manifest_text << "\n"
+ Collection.create! ({manifest_text: manifest_text})
+ end
+ [
+ 1000000,
+ 10000000,
+ 20000000,
+ ].each do |size|
+ test "Create and show large collection with manifest text of #{size}" do
+ use_token :active
+ new_collection = create_large_collection size, 'collection_file_name_with_prefix_'
+ visit page_with_token('active', "/collections/#{new_collection.uuid}")
+ assert_text new_collection.uuid
+ assert(page.has_link?('collection_file_name_with_prefix_0'), "Collection page did not include file link")
+ end
+ end
+ # This does not work with larger sizes because of need_javascript.
+ # Just use one test with 100,000 for now.
+ [
+ 100000,
+ ].each do |size|
+ test "Create, show, and update description for large collection with manifest text of #{size}" do
+ need_javascript
+ use_token :active
+ new_collection = create_large_collection size, 'collection_file_name_with_prefix_'
+ visit page_with_token('active', "/collections/#{new_collection.uuid}")
+ assert_text new_collection.uuid
+ assert(page.has_link?('collection_file_name_with_prefix_0'), "Collection page did not include file link")
+ # edit description
+ within('.arv-description-as-subtitle') do
+ find('.fa-pencil').click
+ find('.editable-input textarea').set('description for this large collection')
+ find('.editable-submit').click
+ end
+ assert_text 'description for this large collection'
+ end
+ end
+ [
+ [1000000, 10000],
+ [10000000, 10000],
+ [20000000, 10000],
+ ].each do |size1, size2|
+ test "Create one large collection of #{size1} and one small collection of #{size2} and combine them" do
+ use_token :active
+ first_collection = create_large_collection size1, 'collection_file_name_with_prefix_1_'
+ second_collection = create_large_collection size2, 'collection_file_name_with_prefix_2_'
+ visit page_with_token('active', "/collections")
+ assert_text first_collection.uuid
+ assert_text second_collection.uuid
+ within('tr', text: first_collection['uuid']) do
+ find('input[type=checkbox]').click
+ end
+ within('tr', text: second_collection['uuid']) do
+ find('input[type=checkbox]').click
+ end
+ click_button 'Selection...'
+ within('.selection-action-container') do
+ click_link 'Create new collection with selected collections'
+ end
+ assert(page.has_link?('collection_file_name_with_prefix_1_0'), "Collection page did not include file link")
+ end
+ end
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