[ARVADOS] created: c19ed0b4bef2254cb66f3e5d51b1a960bd183778

git at public.curoverse.com git at public.curoverse.com
Fri May 1 14:07:08 EDT 2015

        at  c19ed0b4bef2254cb66f3e5d51b1a960bd183778 (commit)

commit c19ed0b4bef2254cb66f3e5d51b1a960bd183778
Author: Brett Smith <brett at curoverse.com>
Date:   Fri May 1 14:07:04 2015 -0400

    5752: arv-copy preserves properties of docker_image links.
    The properties include the image_timestamp, which tells Arvados when
    the source image was created, rather than the containing collection.
    The API server uses this information to determine which image is

diff --git a/sdk/python/arvados/commands/arv_copy.py b/sdk/python/arvados/commands/arv_copy.py
index 54d9798..c64b645 100755
--- a/sdk/python/arvados/commands/arv_copy.py
+++ b/sdk/python/arvados/commands/arv_copy.py
@@ -410,12 +410,10 @@ def create_collection_from(c, src, dst, args):
     for link_class in ("docker_image_repo+tag", "docker_image_hash"):
         docker_links = src.links().list(filters=[["head_uuid", "=", collection_uuid], ["link_class", "=", link_class]]).execute(num_retries=args.retries)['items']
-        for d in docker_links:
-            body={
-                'head_uuid': dst_collection['uuid'],
-                'link_class': link_class,
-                'name': d['name'],
-            }
+        for src_link in docker_links:
+            body = {key: src_link[key]
+                    for key in ['link_class', 'name', 'properties']}
+            body['head_uuid'] = dst_collection['uuid']
             body['owner_uuid'] = args.project_uuid
             lk = dst.links().create(body=body).execute(num_retries=args.retries)



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